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Jun 23, '08 2:00 AM

Cara Untuk Menghubungkan Visual Basic Dengan Database MS SQL Server for everyone

Ada beberapa metode untuk menghubungkan Visual Basic dengan Database MS SQL Server
saya akan memberikan penjelasan 2 metode diantaranya yaitu koneksi dengan menggunakan
komponen DataEnvironment dan koneksi dengan menggunakan kode Program. untuk tutorial ini
saya menggunakan Visual Basic 6 dan MS SQL Server 2000.

1. Koneksi menggunakan DataEnvironment

1. Buat Project Standard EXE

2. Klik menu Project | Add Data Environment, maka akan ditampilkan jendela Data
Environment seperti ini :

3. Untuk membangun koneksi dengan Database SQL Server, Klik kanan objek Connection1
kemudian pilih Properties maka akan muncul jendela Data Link Properties.
4. Pada jendela Data Link Properties pilih driver untuk koneksi ke MS SQL Server, yaitu
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server. kemudian klik Next
5. Isi dengan nama server MS SQL Server kamu pada textbox "Select or enter a server
name" (nama server adalah nama komputer kamu)
6. Pilih radio button "use a specific username and password" pada bagian 2.Enter
information to log on to the server.
7. pada textbox username dan password isi dengan username dan password yang terdaftar
di Database SQL Server kamu misalnya "sa" (user sa defaultnya tidak memiliki
password). pada contoh ini saya menggunakan username 'yanadoe' dengan password
8. sebagai tambahan, user sa adalah user yang mempunyai kewenangan penuh terhadap
system di MS SQL Server atau disebut system administrator. user ini dibuat secara
otomatis oleh MS SQL Server ketika proses instalasi.
9. setelah kamu lakukan langkah diatas, centang Checkbox "Allow saving password" agar
kamu tidak perlu menginputkan lagi username dan password setiap kali aplikasi akan
10. Pilih database Northwind pada textbox "Select the database on the server". klik tombol
Test Connection untuk mengetahui apakah koneksi sudah berhasil atau tidak jika sukses
klik tombol OK untuk menutup window dialog Data Link Properties
Setelah tahap diatas, koneksi dari Visual Basic ke Database MS SQL Server sudah terbentuk
selanjutnya untuk mengambil data dari sebuah table di Database pertama kamu harus
menambahkan sebuah Command pada DataEnvironment, Caranya sebagai berikut :

Mengambil Data dari Database

1. Klik kanan pada jendela DataEnvironment, pilih Add Command. maka akan dibuat

sebuah object dengan nama Command1

2. Klik kanan Command1, pilih Properties. setelah muncul jendela Command1 Properties,
pilih Table pada bagian Database Object, dan pilih sebuah table pada bagian Object
Name misalnya table Customers. kemudian klik OK

Menampilkan Data dengan DataGrid

1. Pertama kamu harus menambahkan komponen DataGrid pada ToolBox caranya : klik
menu Project | Components, pada jendela Components pilih Microsoft DataGrid Control
2. Setelah objek DataGrid ditambahkan pada Toolbox, klik komponen DataGrid tersebut
kemudian Click and Drag pada Form1.
3. Set Properties DataSource menjadi DataEnvironment1, dan Properties DataMember
menjadi Command1
4. Klik kanan pada DataGrid, pilih Retrieve Fields klik OK pada Message Dialog yang
5. Data pada table tidak akan langsung ditampilkan pada saat Design, untuk melihat
datanya kamu harus Run Program dengan menekan F5.

2. Koneksi Menggunakan Kode Program

Pada metode yang kedua ini kita tidak akan menggunakan Komponen Visual untuk mengakses
Database SQL Server dari Visual Basic. kita akan menggunakan kode program untuk
melakukannya. inilah langkah-langkahnya :

1. Masuk ke Code Editor

2. Deklarasikan variabel untuk koneksi ke Database SQL Server

Public SQLServerConn As ADODB.Connection

3. Karena koneksi ke Database harus sudah tersedia ketika aplikasi akan dijalankan, maka
kita harus menambahkan kode Program pada event OnLoad Form1. Caranya dobel klik
Form1, kemudian tambahkan kode Program dibawah ini :
o Set variable SQLServerConn sebagai sebuah ADO Database Connection.

Set SQLServerConn = New ADODB.Connection

o Set Parameter String Koneksi variable SQLServerConn agar terhubung dengan

Database SQL Server

SQLServerConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;" & _

"Password=bebas;Persist Security Info=false;" & _

"User ID=yanadoe;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Data


o Buka koneksi


Coba kamu Stop Service Database SQL Server menggunakan SQL Server Service Manager,
dan Run Porgram, maka akan tampil Error message seperti ini :
Kita akan menambahkan kode program untuk memeriksa status Service Database SQL Server
apakah berjalan atau tidak. jika tidak maka akan ditampilkan error message versi kita jika service
Database SQL Server tidak berjalan. untuk melakukannya, gunakan kode program dibawah ini :

On Error Resume Next

'memeriksa status Database

'pesan error yang akan muncul jika Database SQL Server

'dalam keadaan mati (service dalam status stop)

If Err.Number = -2147467259 Then

MsgBox "Tidak dapat menghubungi Database SQL Server." & vbCrLf & _

"Pastikan Service Database SQL Server sudah berjalan", vbCritical ,

"Koneksi Gagal"

End 'Tutup Aplikasi

End If

Tips : Kamu bisa gunakan komponen ADODC untuk mendapatkan parameter ConnectionString
seperti diatas, caranya sebagai berikut:

• tempatkan sebuah komponen ADODC pada form

• Klik kanan, pilih ADODC Properties, Klik Build, akan muncul jendela Property Pages.
• Lakukan langkah 4 s/d langkah 10 pada Koneksi menggunakan DataEnvironment diatas.
setelah itu Copy string koneksi yang ada bagian "Use Connection String" jendela
Property Pages. metode ini bisa juga digunakan untuk mendapatkan parameter
ConnectionString untuk jenis Database yang lain

Itulah Tutorial singkat Pemrograman Visual Basic untuk menghubungkan Visual Basic dengan
Database SQL Server. Semoga bermanfaat.

1. Dim cnCon As ADODB.Connection
2. Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
3. Dim strSQL As String
5. Set cnCon = New ADODB.Connection
6. Set rsProbe = New ADODB.Recordset
8. strSQL = "SELECT blah blah blah"
10. With cnCon
11. .Provider = "SQLOLEDB"
12. .Properties("Data Source") = "your sql server"
13. .Properties("User ID") = "your user id"
14. .Properties("Password") = "your password"
15. .Open
16. .DefaultDatabase = "your default database"
17. End With
19. With rs
20. .ActiveConnection = cnCon
21. .CursorType = adOpenStatic
22. .CursorLocation = adUseServer
23. .LockType = adLockOptimistic
24. .Source = strSQL
25. .Open
26. End With

LESSON 10 - Working with a database ...part 2

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

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of the issues on this page,
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Using multiple tables

Our ProjectMgt application contains an Employee table and a
Department table linked through the employee's department number.
Now, if we create a form for Employee maintenance using the same
technique we used in the previous lesson, we can access all fields in
the Employee table using one data control, Data1. This is what the
basic form will look like, before we get to put in the usual
But suppose I want to select the employee's department from a list rather than
keying in the department number.

For this we need a new control - it's called the DBList control. It's not in the
standard toolbox, we have to get it.

For that: go to the menu bar -->Project -->Components -->Microsoft Data Bound
List Controls 6.0 and put a check in the box then click OK.

Once you've done that two new controls appear in the toolbox.
Now to get the department names to appear in the list.

That means I will have to access the Department table, in addition to the Employee

Remember: you need one data control for every table you want to access.
So first, create a second data control, Data2, on the form. It doesn't matter where
we put it, we're going to make it invisible anyway.

Data2 has to have the same Connect property and the same DatabaseName as
Data1 but, the RecordSource must specify: Department.

Now to get the list right.

First, we delete the department_number TextBox. Then we add a DBList.

Now we specify the DBList1 properties. Careful! This is where most people hit a

The Data properties: these specify where the data entered will be stored. We are in
the Employee table. That's Data1. So, the data entered will go into DataSource:
Data1 and the field into which it is going is DataField: e-Dept.

The List properties: these tell the control where to get the information to show in
the list. Since we want it from the Department table, we specify RowSource:
Data2. What will appear in the list is the Department name so we choose ListField:
d_Name. Finally, there has to be a link between Data2 and Data1. That is always
the field which is the primary key in the list table and that is the BoundColumn:

And once everything is cleaned-up, the Data2 control is hidden, we get the final
For additional resources you might find this site useful: Free Visual Basic 6 tutorials
and sample source code examples .

9 - Working with a database

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

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and special deals
related to any of the
issues on this page,
place your cursor
over the double-
underlined links.
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Creating the database
In the final 2 lessons in this tutorial, we will be
developing a VB Project on "Project Management". The
actual database we will be using has already been
modelled and created in the tutorial on Database
Design and SQL, Lesson 2.

If you haven't read it yet, you should read it now.

If you prefer, you can download the sample database

to do the lessons: Download Project Management

The Project Management example

ezConsulting Inc. is a company doing IT systems
consulting work with a large number of clients. At any
given time there are dozens of projects on the go, each
employing several employees. In a given period (in this
case, weekly) an employee could work on several
different projects. In order to track costs and revenues
for each project, each employee will submit a
timesheet every week showing the number of hours
spent on each project. And, since all employees are
attached to only one department, costs and revenues
can be calculated by department.

It has already been determined that the ProjectMgt

database will consist of the following tables:

• Employees: details on every employee - ID,

name, address, telephone, date hired, salary,
chargeout rate, department

• Projects: details of every project - project

number, title, budget, start date, end date

• Departments: lookup table of departments -

number, name, head

• Timesheets (Master/Detail): tables to store

time spent on projects - date, employee,
project, number of hours

The first task to be developed in the application consists of table maintenance. For
each of the main tables, Employees, Projects and Departments, there have to be
ways to add new records, remove records that are no longer needed and change
records when appropriate. For example, new employees are hired and other
employees leave, the name of a department is changed or a new project is started.
Each of these maintenance operations will require a separate form.

Once the maintenance functions are in place, and they have to be (remember:
referential integrity dictates that you can't accept a timesheet for a non-existant
employee or non-existant project), we can start working on the operational
functions, entering timesheets and producing reports. There will be forms for these
tasks also.

To make it easier to access the different forms, we will create an Application Menu
like we did in the previous lesson. The layout of the Menu form is standard and the
code consists of a series of Load and Show statements for the various forms.


Version problems
VB 6 and Access 2000 have compatibility problems. Because VB 6
was released before Access 2000, it does not normally recognize the
Access 2000 format. In the example that follows, look at the
Connect property of the Data control. If you don't have Access
2000 in the choices when you open "Connect", you have an older
version of VB. If you try to connect to an Access 2000 database, you
will get a message saying that you have an "Unrecognized
database format". If you have an older version of VB6, you will
have to get the fix for it. You may be aware that Microsoft regularly
publish upgrades to their software products (not that they admit that
there are problems with them!). Those upgrades are called Service
Packs. Right now, Visual Studio (which includes Visual Basic) is at
Service Pack 5. By the time you read this that may have changed.
So, to fix your compatibility problem you will have to download the
latest Visual Studio Service Pack from Microsoft.

There is a quick fix to the problem, which is what we've done here to
save you the trouble of having to download. You can convert your
Access 2000 database to Access 97 and use your old VB.

To do that in Access 2000, go to Tools -->Database utilities

-->Convert and that will do the trick until you have the time to
upgrade VB.

This will also come in handy later when we look at a VB Add-in called
Visual Data Manager. Unfortunately, that Add-in does not work at
all with Access 2000, even with the VB Service Pack. If you want to
use it you will have to convert the database.

The Data Control

To begin the application, we will first create a new form for Projects maintenance:

The first control we will place on the form, once we've set the basic form properties
and saved it, is called the Data Control. It is the object which links a form to a
database and allows you to access the fields in the tables making up the database.
It's called Data in the Toolbox.

VB provides other objects that allow you to link to databases. ADO (ActiveX Data
Objects) are certainly more powerful and more efficient than the Data Control.
However, they do require a lot more coding and are more difficult to implement.
Also, they are not available in the Standard Edition of VB, only in the Professional
and Enterprise Editions. In simple applications, the Data Control, slow as it is, gives
you a tool that is easy to implement and will provide most of the functionality you
The arrow buttons on the control are used to navigate through the database

First record and Previous

Next and Last record

The buttons correspond to 4 methods of the DC which you can use when you have
to navigate using code. They are:
Let's look at the important properties of the Data Control:

• Name: the name to use in code - Data1 is default - eventually we'll have
several data controls on the form - we'll call this one dta_proj.

• Connect: the kind of database - in this case it's Access - could be Foxpro,
dBaseIV, etc.

• DatabaseName: the name and path of the database the control is connected

• RecordSource: the name of the database table being used.

• BOFAction and EOFAction: action to take when trying to read before the
beginning of file or past the end of file - we'll look at those later.

• Recordset: this is a run time property, and it's an important one - it

represents the result of the query executed to the database - it contains all
the records required by this Data Control - when you navigate through the
database, you are actually navigating through the recordset, which is then
mapped back to the database - that is why the methods of the Data Control
refer to the Recordset property.

Next we add the controls needed to look at the fields in the records. In many
instances we will need to make changes to the data. Therefore, we'll use a TextBox
for each of the fields so that we can both diaplay and enter data as needed. Each
TextBox will be a bound control, meaning that it is bound or tied to a specific field
from the database. When we navigate through the database using the arrow buttons
the content of each TextBox will always reflect the content of the current field. To
bind the control to the database field we use its Data properties:

• DataSource is the name of the Data Control - remember that the DC

specifies the name of the database to use and the name of the table to access
- tip: enter this one before the DataField.

• DataField is the name of the field to bind - that field is selected from the
content of the table.

Notice that we've also added several buttons to the form. These buttons represent
the most common actions we have to perform on the records.

Important note: when you work with bound controls you have to remember that
every time you move off a record, the record is automatically modified in the
database - every change you make to a TextBox is reflected immediately in the
table. That is why there is no Update button - the function is done automatically.

The Reset button allows you to cancel any changes you may have made to the fields
- if you modified information and then change your mind about updating it, the Reset
will skip the automatic update and return the fields to their original state. This is a
method of the Data Control object and is written as:

There are 2 ways to Add new records to the table:

• in the Data Control, dta_proj, set the EOFAction property = 2 - this will
allow the user to go to Last Record and do a Next, which will add a blank
record to the table;

• use the AddNew method of the Data Control, as in:


To Delete the current record, you must use the Delete method followed by a
MoveNext to move off the deleted record:

Validating data
Before the data you are entering get permanently transfered to the database, you
often want to make sure they are correct. That is called data validation. We look
here at two simple ways of validating data.

Let's say that the specs for the Projects maintenance part of the application call for
three verifications:

• a budget amount must be entered;

• the budget amount must not exceed $1,000,000

• the project end-date cannot be earlier than the start-date.

For the first two we'll use the Validate event of the control. This event is triggered
when the CausesValidation property in the TextBox is set to True. Before losing
focus, the validation is done. The parameter assigned to the event when it is
generated automatically (it's called Cancel) represents the KeepFocus property. If
you set it to true in code when you encounter a validation problem, it keeps focus on
the current control until the problem is corrected.
The second technique is to use the LostFocus event. When focus moves off the
control, you do the validation. If there is an error, you evoke the SetFocus method
to put focus back to the control with the error.


Finding a specific record

When you navigate with the arrow buttons or the Move... methods you are
necessarily moving one record at a time. Very often there is a need to access a
specific record in the database. For example, it might be to change the ending-date
for the project called "XYZ Corp. Payroll System".

In this example we assume that the search will be conducted on Project title. It could
be on Number or End-date if necessary and it would just involve minor changes to
the code. We also assume that the user does not want to enter the full project title
and will only input the first few characters; we will therefore make use of the "Like"
operator to match the recordset to the search string.

First, we create a new TextBox, called txt_findTitle, to enter the search string. We
will give this TextBox the TabIndex 0 because we want it to be the first control read
when we look at a record. As soon as we move off the TextBox, the LostFocus
event is triggered and checks whether the user has entered a search string or not. If
there is no input into the search string, the user can work with the current record in
the form. If there is a search string specified, the appropriate record will be loaded
into the form.

The FindFirst method of the DC will locate the first occurence in the recordset
matching the "content" parameter. If there are more than one records that match,
the user then navigates forward using the arrows. The format of the FindFirst
method is:
DataControl.Recordset.FindFirst "fieldname = 'searchstring'"

If the fieldname contains a string value, you have to use single quotes to name the
searchstring; you can use the other comparison operators in place of the =.

This technique can be adapted to search any field in the recordset for a specific
record. There are also FindNext, FindPrevious and FindLast methods for the Data
Control recordset.
You might also want to visit this site for Free Visual Basic 6 tutorials and sample
source code examples .

Mematikan Komputer dengan VB 6 dan Command

4:33 PM | Author: Sapta

Project kali ini yang kita buat yaitu program untuk shutdown komputer. Program kita ini akan

memanggil program shutdown.exe milik windows XP keatas. Anda bisa modifikasi program ini

sebagai sleep (timer) untuk mematikan komputer sesuai keinginan anda. Untuk itu, ikuti

langkah berikut ini:

1. Bukalah program Visual Basic 6 anda dan buatlah Project baru dengan 1 form

2. Isikan command button dengan name : cmdMatikanKomputer dan captionnya Matikan

Komputer dan width button menyesuaikan panjang captionnya.

3. Isikan coding berikut pada cmdMatikanKomputer dengan menekan F7

Private Sub cmdMati_Click()

Shell "shutdown.exe -s -t 10 -f ", vbHide

End Sub
Lalu simpan project anda dengan menekan ctrl+S, kemudian run dengan menekan F5. Jika

anda mengklik tombol Matikan Komputer, maka program anda akan langsung mengeksekusi

shutdown.exe milik windows.

Berikut penjelasan dan parameter tentang pemakaian shutdown.exe :

- shutdown.exe [spasi] -i artinya menampilkan GUI dan paramter ini harus pertama ditaruh

- shutdown.exe [spasi] -l artinya log off (tidak bisa dengan pilihan -m )

- shutdown.exe [spasi] -s artinya shutdown

- shutdown.exe [spasi] -r artinya shutdown dan restart komputer

- shutdown.exe [spasi] -s artinya gagalkan shutdown

- shutdown.exe [spasi] -m \\namakomputer artinya remote shutdown komputer lainnya

- shutdown.exe [spasi] -t dd artinya shutdown komputer dengan waktu detik

- shutdown.exe [spasi] -c artinya shutdown dengan mengisi komentar maksimum 127 char

- shutdown.exe [spasi] -f artinya shutdown dengan mematikan aplikasi yang lagi jalan

Anda juga bisa memakai shutdown.exe dengan masuk ke command prompt lalu ketikkan

shutdown.exe -s -f -t 10 -c "komputer anda akan mati"

Sekian dan terimakasih.

'Code by Roy Strickland, submitted by Jarret Peterson

'This code can share

and unshare the directory



'start a new project and

add three command buttons

'set forms AutoRedraw property to true





Public Platform As Long 'Platform ID of OS. 1 or 2


for Getversion


dwOSVersionInfoSize As


dwMajorVersion As Long

dwMinorVersion As Long

dwBuildNumber As


dwPlatformId As Long

szCSDVersion As String * 128 ' Maintenance

string for PSS usage

End Type

Public Const STYPE_DISKTREE As Long =

Public Const STYPE_PRINTQ As Long = 1

Public Const STYPE_DEVICE As Long


Public Const STYPE_IPC As Long = 3

'Access types

Public Const


Public Const ACCESS_WRITE As Long =


Public Const ACCESS_CREATE As Long = &H4

Public Const


Public Const ACCESS_DELETE As Long =


Public Const ACCESS_ATRIB As Long = &H20

Public Const

ACCESS_PERM As Long = &H40

Public Const ACCESS_ALL As Long =


Public Const WNTYPE_DRIVE As Long = 1

Public Const


'Info structures for NetShareAdd



shi2_netname As String * 14

shi2_type As Long


As String 'Far pointer to string

shi2_permissions As Long

shi2_max_uses As


shi2_current_uses As Long

shi2_path As String 'Far pointer to


shi2_passwd As String * 10

End Type



shi50_netname As String

shi50_type As String


As Long

shi50_remark As String
shi50_path As String


As String

shi50_ro_password As String

End Type

'ACL for Security


Public Type ACL

AclRevision As Byte

Sbz1 As Byte


As Integer

AceCount As Integer

Sbz2 As Integer



'Security Descriptor for SHARE_INFO_502

Public Type


Revision As Byte

Sbz1 As Byte

Control As


Owner As Long

Group As Long

Sacl As ACL

Dacl As ACL



shi502_netname As String

shi502_type As


shi502_remark As String

shi502_permissions As Long


As Long

shi502_current_uses As Long

shi502_path As String


As String

shi502_reserved As Long

shi502_security_descriptor As


End Type

Public Security As


Public Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32"

Alias "GetVersionExA" _

(lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As


Public Declare Function lstrcpy Lib "kernel32" _

(ByVal lpString1 As

Any, ByVal lpString2 As Any) As Long


Public Declare Function

NetShareDelNT Lib "netapi32.dll" Alias "NetShareDel" _

(ByVal servername As

Any, ByVal netname As String, ByVal reserved As Long) As Long

Public Declare

Function NetShareAddNT
Lib "netapi32.dll" Alias "NetShareAdd"

(ByVal servername As Any, ByVal slevel As Long, _

buf As SHARE_INFO_502,

ByVal cbbuf As Long) As Long


Public Declare Function NetShareDel9x Lib

"svrapi.dll" Alias "NetShareDel" _

(ByVal servername As Any, ByVal netname As

String, ByVal reserved As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function NetShareAdd9x

Lib "svrapi.dll" Alias "NetShareAdd"

(ByVal servername As Any, ByVal slevel As Long, buf As SHARE_INFO_50, ByVal

cbbuf As Long) As Long





Option Explicit

Dim SI2 As


Dim SI502 As SHARE_INFO_502




Dim ShareRemark As String

Dim SharePath As


Dim nerr As Long

Dim nPath As String

Dim pwd As String


ret As Long

Dim OS As Long

Private Sub


OSVERInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(OSVERInfo)

OS =


Command1.Caption = "Create Share


Command2.Caption = "Create Share Win9x"

Command3.Caption = "Delete


End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()


On Error Resume



nerr = NetShareAddNT(0&,

2, SI502, ret)

Print nerr

End Sub

Private Sub



On Error Resume Next


nerr = NetShareAdd9x(0&,

50, SI50, ret)

Print nerr

End Sub

Private Sub


On Error Resume Next

If OSVERInfo.dwPlatformId

= 1 Then

nerr = NetShareDel9x(0&, nPath, 0&)


nerr =

NetShareDelNT(0&, nPath, 0&)

Print nerr

End If



Public Sub SetStrings()

If OSVERInfo.dwPlatformId = 1 Then



nPath = "NewShare"

ShareRemark = "Remark for new share"

SharePath =


pwd = "Share"

SI50.shi50_netname = nPath

SI50.shi50_path =


SI50.shi50_remark = ShareRemark

SI50.shi50_type =


SI50.shi50_ro_password = vbNullChar


= vbNullChar


nPath = StrConv("NewShare",


ShareRemark = StrConv("Remark for new share",


SharePath = StrConv("C:\dos", vbUnicode)

pwd = StrConv("Share",


SI502.shi502_current_uses = 0

SI502.shi502_max_uses =


SI502.shi502_netname = nPath

SI502.shi502_passwd =


SI502.shi502_path = SharePath

SI502.shi502_permissions =


SI502.shi502_remark = ShareRemark

SI502.shi502_reserved =

SI502.shi502_security_descriptor = Security

SI502.shi502_type =

End If
End Sub

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