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Mm: 20

Q1). What does robotics mean to you? And why you want to be in club?

Q2). Design an arm (hand mechanism) for a robot to pick up an object?

Q3).What is DPDT? Explain its mechanism and connection to drive a motor?

Q4). How much time you can dedicate to the club?

Q5).Mention your field of specialization ticks any one:

a). Drawing (designing)…………………………

b). Photography…………………………………..

c). Language (writing notice or newsletters etc)…………………………

d). other then



Please attach any proof of your specialization field.

Q6). Can you spend 2-3 nights in mechanical workshop for completion of your task? And travel
across the country for any competition.


1). anything you say must have proof.

2). Please answer the questions carefully and with your parent’s permission. Club will be not
responsible for any decision of your in case you miss something.

3).on the bases of your answering we will call you for interview session.


Don’t come in club just for name and fame if you have capability to work then fill this form.
Because it’s very costly and hectic field.

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