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F# Cheat Sheet

F# Cheat Sheet 2. Strings Other conversion functions:

This sheet glances over some of the float float32 int int16
common syntax of the F# language. It In F# Code the type string is equivalent
is designed to be kept close for those to System.String 4 Tuples
times when you need to jog your let s = "This is a string"
memory on something like loops or Construction
let hello = "Hello"+" World" let x = (1,"Hello")
object expressions. Everything is
designed to be used with the #light Preserve all characters Deconstruction
syntax directive. If you type any of let share = @"\\share" let a,b = x
these lines directly into the interactive
command shell, be sure to follow them Use escape characters Reconstruction and value reuse
up with two semicolons “;;”. let shareln = "\\\\share\n" let y = (x,(a,b))
If you have any comments, corrections
or suggested additions please send 3 Numbers Reconstruction into a 3 tuple (triple)
let z = (x,y,a)
them to
type is int16 = System.Int16 Partial deconstruction triple
1. Comments let int16num = 10s let ((a',b'),y',a'') = z

There are a few different kinds of type is int32 = System.Int32

let int32num = 10
5 Lists, Arrays, Seqs : Generation
comments in F#. Comment blocks,
which are placed between (* and *) type is int64 = System.Int64 Creates the list [0 ; 2 ; 4]
markers. let int64num = 10L let lsinit = List.init 3
(fun i -> i * 2)
Line by line comments which follow // type is float32, single or System.Single
until the end of a line and xml doc let float32num = 10.0f Creates same list as above
let lsgen = [ 0 ; 2 ; 4]
comments which follow /// and allow
type is float, double or System.Double
the programmer to place comments in let floatnum = 10.0 Creates the list [0;2;4;6;8]
xml tags that can be used to generate let lsgen2 = [0 .. 2 .. 8]
xml documents. convert to int64
let int64frm32 = int64 int32num
F# Cheat Sheet
Can also do above one increment at a Same as above one increment at a time 6 Lists, Arrays, Seqs : Consuming
time to get [0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8] to get [|0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8|]
let lsgen2' = [0..8] let argen2' = [|0..8|] "left" fold starts from the left of the list,
the "right" fold does the opposite
Creates a list [0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5] Create an array [0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5] List.fold_left
let lsgen3 = let argen3 = (fun state a -> state + 1 ) 0
[for i in 0..3 -> 0.5 * float i] [|for i in 0..3 -> 0.5 * float i|] [ for i in 0 .. 9 -> true]

Put other steps into a generator Put other computation steps into the Reduce doesn’t require the starter
let lsgen3' = generator argument
[for i in 0..3 -> let argen3' = List.reduce_left
printf "Adding %d\n" i [|for i in 0..3 -> (fun accum a -> accum + a )
0.5 * float i] printf "Adding %d\n" i [0..9]
0.5 * float i|]
Place -1 at the head of a list Square all of the elements in a list
let inserted = -1 :: lsgen2' Creating a seq -- remember these are (fun x -> x * x) [1..10]
Concatenation let s = Prints all the items of a list
let concat = lsgen2 @ lsgen2' seq { for i in 0 .. 10 do yield i } List.iter
(fun x -> printf "%d" x) [1..10]
Create an array [|0 ; 2 ; 4|] Illustrate laziness – consume the seq
let arinit = Array.init 3 below and note the difference from the Same examples for arrays
(fun i -> i * 2) generated array. Array.fold_left
let s2 = (fun state a -> state + 1 ) 0
Create same array as above seq { for i in 0 .. 10 do [| for i in 0 .. 9 -> true|]
let argen = [| 0 ; 2 ; 4|] printf "Adding %d\n" i
yield i } Array.reduce_left
(fun accum a -> accum + a )

Create the array [|0;2;4;6;8|]

let argen2 = [|0 .. 2 .. 8|]
Squares all the elements in the array
(fun x -> x * x) [| 1 .. 10 |]
F# Cheat Sheet
8 Composition Operators
Prints all the items of an array the |> operator is very helpful for Apply those functions iteratively
Array.iter chaining arguments and functions listOfPrintActions
(fun x -> printf "%d" x) together |> List.iteri (fun i a -> a i)
[|1..10|] let piped = [0..2] |> List.sum
Anonymous function (applied to 2)
Access all elements of an array from 2 the >> operator is very helpful for (fun x -> x * x) 2
on composing functions
let arr = [|for i in 0..3 -> i|] open System Anonymous function (applied to
arr.[2..] let composedWriter = tuple,which is deconstructed inside)
string >> let arg = (3,2)
Access elements between 2 and 4 Console.WriteLine (fun (x,y) -> x * y) arg
let arr = [|for i in 0..3 -> i|] 9 Functions as values 10 Union Types
Create a function of 3 arguments Discriminated Union
Access all elements of an array up to 4 let add x y z = x + y + z type option<'a> =
let arr = [|for i in 0..3 -> i|] | Some of 'a
arr.[..4] | None
Currying example
let addWithFour= add 4
Seq also has iter, fold, map and reduce
(fun accum a -> accum + a)
Augmented Discriminated Union
Apply remaining arguments type BinTree<‟a> =
(seq { for i in 0 .. 9 do
addWithFour 2 10 | Node of
yield i })
BinTree<‟a> * „a *
Take a function as an argument | Leaf
7 Arrays: Manipulating let runFuncTenTimes f a = with member self.Depth() =
[ for 0..9 -> f a] match self with
Array elements can be updated | Leaf -> 0
Return a list of functions as arguments | Node(l,_,r) -> 1 +
let arrayone = [|0..8|]
let listOfPrintActions = l.Depth() +
arrayone.[0] <- 9
[ for 0 .. 10 -> r.Depth()
printf “%s\n”]
F# Cheat Sheet
11 Types: Records Subclass Object Expressions
type MyClass() = let foo =
type Person = {name:string;age:int} inherit BaseClass() {new MyAbsFoo with
let someval = “SomeVal” member o.Foo()=”Bar”}
let paul = {name="Paul";age=35} let mutable myIntValue = 1
member self.SomeMethod(x,y) = Augmenting Existing Objects (note:
let paulstwin = gxy
augmented members only available
{paul with name="jim"} static member StaticMethod(x,y)=
fxy when augmenting module is opened)
member override o.InheritNum() = open System.Xml
do printf "Name %s, Age %d" base.InheritNum()+ type XmlDocument() = paul.age myIntValue member o.GetInnerXml() =
Augmenting Records
Static Upcasting
Interface let strAsObj =
type Person = {name:string;age:int} type MyAbsFoo =
with member o.Tupilize() = let str = “Hello”
abstract Foo:unit->string
(,o.age) str :> obj
type MyFooClass() =
let mutable myfoo =”Foo” Dynamic Downcasting
12 Types: OOP member o.MyFoo let objSub (o:‟a when „a:>object) =
with get () = myfoo o :?> SomeSubType
Classes and set v = myfoo<-v
interface MyAbsFoo with 13 Pattern Matching
member o.Foo() = myfoo
type BaseClass()= end
let mutable myIntValue=1 Basic
member o.Number let f (x:option<int>) =
with get() = myIntValue match x with
and set v = myIntValue<-v | None -> ()
abstract member | Some(i) -> printf “%d” i
default o.InheritNum() = As a function definition
o.Number + 1 let f = function
| None -> ()
| Some(i) -> printf “%d” i
F# Cheat Sheet
Add block that runs whether exception 15 Loops
With when operation is thrown or not for i in 0..10 do
let f = function try printf “%d” i
| None -> () obj.SomeOp() done
| Some(i) when i=0 -> () finally
| Some(i) when i>0 ->printf“%d”i obj.Close() Over an IEnumerable
for x in xs do
Common matches on a literal Raise an exception in code printf “%s\n”(x.ToString())
let f x = done
match x with let f x =
| 0 | 1 as y -> f y if not x.Valid then
| i -> printf “%d” i invalid_arg “f:x is not valid” let mutable mutVal = 0
else x.Process() while mutVal<10 do
mutVal <- mutVal + 1
Wildcard done
let f = function -Full
| 0 | 1 as y -> printf “Nothing” let f x =
| _ -> printf “Something” if not x.SupportsProcess() then
16 Async Computations
raise (Note: FSharp.PowerPack.dll should
14 Exceptions (InvalidOperationException be referenced in your project – as of the
try (“x must support process”)) CTP - to get the augmented async
obj.SomeOp() else x.Process() methods available in existing IO
with | ex -> operations)
printf “%s\n” ex.Message
Create your own Basic computation that returns
With (exception) type test exception InvalidProcess of string
Async<int> that will yield 1 when
obj.SomeOp() try executed
with raise InvalidProcess(“Raising Exn”) let basic = async { return 1 }
| :? ArgumentException as ex -> with
printf “Bad Argument:\n” | InvalidProcess(str) -> Composing expressions and applying to
| exn -> printf “%s\n” exn.Message printf “%s\n” str arguments
let compound num =
async {
let! anum = basic
return num + anum }
F# Cheat Sheet
Making sure I/O threads don’t block
Returning existing expressions (Note the MethodAsync convention in Partial Pattern
let composedReturn = “Expert F#” seems to have changed to let (|Xml|_|) doc =
async { return! compound 2} AsyncMethod) if doc.InnerXml=”” then None
else Some(doc.InnerXml)
let asyncRead file (numBytes:int)=
Creating Primitives with existing async { let getXml = function
let inStr = File.OpenRead(file) | Xml(xml) -> Some(xml) //Xml Matched
Begin/End Async Calls | _ -> None // Xml did not match
let! data = inStr.AsyncRead numBytes
let asyncCall args =
return processData(data) }
((fun (callback,asyncState) ->
myService.BeginMethod(args, Execution Methods (apply the async 18 Compiler Directives and Interop
callback, computation as an argument to these) with other .NET Languages
asyncState)), Async.Run Make indentation significant in parsing
myService.EndMethod) Async.Spawn (i.e. turn on light syntax)
Async.SpawnFuture #light
Make your own primitive from scratch Async.SpawnThenPostBack
let asyncPrimitive args = Reference a DLL from another .NET
Async.Primitive (fun (con,exn) -> 17 Active Patterns
let result = runSomething args
library (interactive F# scripts only – in
Basic compiled code use normal interface for
if good result then con result let (|Xml|) doc = doc.InnerXml
else exn result) reference additions)
#r @“.\src\bin\mylib.dll”
let getXml = function
Other primitives | Xml(xml) -> xml
Async.Parallel Include a directory in the reference
Async.Primitive Multiple Patterns search (also in interactive scripts only)
Async.Catch let (|Xml|NoXml|) doc = #I @“[dir path]”
if doc.InnerXml=”” then NoXml
else Xml(doc.InnerXml) For a C# class Foo in a dll with a
method ToString(), invoke just as you
let getXml = function
would an F# class.
| Xml(xml) -> Some(xml)
let foo = Foo()
| NoXml -> None
let s = foo.ToString()
F# Cheat Sheet
To have code run only in when
working with the compiled version

For example, when writing a windowed

application that you test in script, but
eventually compile to run
let window =
Window(Title=”My Window”)
let app = Application in
app.Run(window) |> ignore
… later in script (.fsx) file …

Version 1.01
You can always get the most recent
updates to this cheat sheet from

A6 Systems, LLC is an Austin, TX

based company that provides
consulting services and F# QuickStart

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