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Future Tense Exercise

Will/be going to

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate

1.   I promise I ______________ (call) you as soon as I have any news.

    2.   This time tomorrow Tom ________________(fly) over the Atlantic on his way
to Boston.
    3.   Those bags look heavy.  I _________________________ (carry) one of them
for you.  
    4.   They are getting married on Saturday.  All the guests _________________
(wear) white.
    5.   The following week they ______________________ (enjoy) the sun in the
West Indies.
    6.   The sky is a bit cloudy.  __________________ (rain) do you think?
    7.   If you look at this map you ____________ (see) where the islands are.
    8.   You should have no problem finding him.  He ___________________ (carry) a

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