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ASPO Herfstsymposium 2010

Social Influence
Oktober 15, Universiteit Leiden

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Lees hier meer over onder het kopje Herfstsymposium 2010

ASPO Herfstsymposium 2010
Social Influence
Prof. Dr. Bob Fennis, RUG Prof. Dr. Bert Pol, HU
Consumer Behavior Public Communication
Tabula Rasa

Prof. Dr. Rick van Baaren, RU

Social Influence Dr. Rob Nelissen, UvT

emotions & evolution in

Dr. Alan Sanfey, Donders Institute decision making, SP
principal investigator
Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging Dr. Esther Papies, UU
self-regulation of health
Dr. Sjoerd Goslinga behavior, S&O, UU
researcher at the Belastingdienst

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