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1. Explain the differences of

a. histology structure (especially for the mucosa layer)
b. function
between esophagus, stomach, duodenum , and colon.

2. Describe the histological structure of filiform papilla for difference it from the three
papillae others.

3. Explain why doesn’t the stomach wall be damaged by its HCl secreted normally.

4. Why does the absorption of the finished products of digestion take place princely in
small intestine? Explain your answer in related with its structure and function.

5. What is the role of the liver in digestive function? Explain!

6. Erythrocyte has no nucleus. Explain the importance of this phenomenon.

7. Explain the differences between erythrocyte and leucocytes concerning to:

a. the structure
b. the function
c. the forming organ
(make the figure of each blood cell)

8. Why doesn’t the large artery will have broken when it received blood with high pressure from
the heart? Explain!

9. What is vasa vasorum? What is the kind of blood vessel containing greater abundance
of vasa vasorum? Why?

10. a. Mention the components of lymphatic vascular system.

b. The direction of the lymph pathway is from ………. to ……….. What does the cause
preventing the lymph to return away? Explain your answer.

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