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1. How often do you drink cold drink(Pepsi,coca Cola,etc)?

a. Daily b. Weekly c. Monthly d. Occasionally

2. Does the celebrity brand endorsers effect on your selection of cold drinks
a. Yes b. No

3. Which size of the bottle would you like to prefer most?

a. 200 ml b. 300 ml c. Can d. Fountain Cold drink

4. I like to consume cold drink when..

a. Eating Fast Food b. Having Hard Drinks c. Thirsty

5. Which media has the largest impact on your perception about cold drinks?
a. Television Commercial b. Print Media c. Internet
d. Friends & Family e. Others

6. Please rate the following statements on the scale of 1 to 5 where-

1-Strongly Disagree (SD), 2-Disagree (D), 3-Can’t Say (CS), 4-Agree(A)

5- Strongly Agree (SA)

S. Statement SD D CS A SA
1 2 3 4 5

1 Price plays an important role in

purchasing decision .

2 Life style plays an important role in

making decision for the cold drinks.

3 More the Advertisement (Brand

Recall) more chances of buying

4 Preference of cold drinks varies

with the convenience.

5 Preference of cold drinks changes

with the availability.

6 Brand value (Image of the

brand)plays a major role in buying.
7 Purchasing of cold drinks depends
on recommendations.

8 Bottling is an important factor.

9 Selection of whisky products highly

depends on visibility.

10 Taste of the cold drinks plays major

role in brand selection.

11 Color plays an important role in

brand selection.

12 Location do not change the

preference of cold drinks.

13 Age is also an important factor in

brand selection.

14 Weather is an important factor.


• Gender

a. Male b. Female

• Monthly Expenditure

a. Less than 2000 Rs. b. 2000 Rs.- 3000 Rs. c. 3000 Rs. – 4000 Rs.

d. 4000 Rs – 5000 Rs e. More than 5000 Rs.

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