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Hot Fuzz This is England

Director- Edgar Wright Director- Shane Meadows

Cast- Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Jim Broadbent, Cast- Cheap & authentic actors, up north
Martin Freeman, Bill Nighy – Stock Actors. (accent) classic 80’s style

Location- London Police Station and Sandford, Location- 1980’s Council estate, working class,
Gloucestershire. near the sea side, vintage, old fashioned villages.

Stereo types- Stereotypes- typical young lads causing trouble,

Policemen in LDN; serious, smart, organised, fashionable; Dr Martens, skinheads (Shaun copies
higher archy. them) younger kids looking up to older kids.

Policemen in Sandford; Laid back, don’t really Humour- swearing, slight racism (black lad called
care, less educated, take their jobs less ‘milky’)
serious/don’t take each other seriously.

Camera work/edition- montage, social realism

Humour- contrast between stereotypes, film- involves humour, sad and disturbing images
playing on existing perceptions of the police, it’s at the same time, long shots, close ups, hand
realistic yet they make a mockery. held- make you feel more involved.

Camera work/edition- lots of close ups, fast Iconography/signification- Margaret Thatcher,

paced editing, they make mundane things seem Princess Diana’s marriage, soldiers going to war
exciting. (faulkland’s war) holding British flag, riots, graffiti
and skinheads.
Iconography/signification- metropolitan
police, underground, taxi.

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