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Question 1.

A manufacturer produces shirts, finds that 0.1% of the shirts are defective. The shirts are
packed in boxes contains 500 shirts. A shopkeeper buys 100 boxes from the producers.
Using Poisson distribution, find how many boxes will contain:-
1. no defective, and
2. At least two defectives.


Given: - N = 100, n = 500, p probability of defective = 0.001,

λ = np = 500 X 0.001 =0.5 and e= 2.7128
let the random variable X denote the number of defective shirts in a box of 500.then by
Poisson probability law, the probability of x defective shirts in a box is given by:

e 0.5 (0.5) x 0.6065 X (0.5) x

P( X  x)   : x  0,1,2,...........
x! x!

Hence in a consignment of 100 boxes, the frequency (number) of boxes containing x

defective shirt is:

100 X 0.6065 X (0.5) x

f ( x )  N .P ( X  x ) 

1. Number of boxes containing no defective shirts

= 100 XP( X  0)  100 X 0.6065  61
2. Number of boxes containing at least two defective shirts
=100[P (X ≥2)] = 100{1-P(X=0) – P (X=1)}
=100(1 – 0.6065 – 0.6065 X 0.5) = 100 X 0.9025 = 9
Question 2.
Fit a least-squares line data by using
a) X as the independent variable
b) X as dependent variable

Length 70 63 72 60 66 70 74 65 62 67 65 68
X (in)
Weight 155 150 180 135 156 168 178 160 132 145 139 152
Y (lb)

a) Considering X as an independent variable, so that the least-square line can be written
 xy  xY
y( )x or y( )
 x2  x2
Where x  X  X and y  Y Y .

Length X Weight Y x X X y  Y Y xy x2 y2
70 155 3.2 0.8 2.56 10.24 0.64
63 150 -3.8 -4.2 15.96 14.44 17.64
72 180 5.2 25.8 134.16 27.04 656.64
60 135 -6.8 -19.2 130.56 46.24 368.64
66 156 -0.8 1.8 -1.44 0.64 3.24
70 168 3.2 13.8 44.16 10.24 190.44
74 178 7.2 23.8 171.36 51.84 566.44
65 160 -1.8 5.8 -10.44 3.24 33.64
62 132 -4.8 -22.2 106.56 23.04 492.84
67 145 0.2 -9.2 -1.84 0.04 84.64
65 139 -1.8 -15.2 27.36 3.24 1
68 152 1.2 -2.2 -2.64 1.44 4.84
 X  802  Y  1850  xy  616.32  x 2  191.68  y 2  2659.68
X  66.8 Y  154.2

802 1850
X   66.8 and Y   154.2
12 12
The required least-square line is
 xy 616.32
y( )x  x  3.22 x
x 2
or Y  154.2  3.22( X  66.8)  Y  3.22 X  60.9 this equation is called the
regression line of y on x and is used for estimating Y from given value of X.
b) if X is the dependent variable, the required line is
 xy 616.32
x( )y  y  0.232 y
y 2
or X  66.8  0.232(Y  154.2)  X  31.0  0.232Y this equation is called the
regression line of X on Y and is used for estimating X from given value of Y.

N  X 'Y '  (  X ' )( Y ' ) N  X 'Y '  ( Y ' )( X ' )
a1  and b1 
N  X '2  ( Y ' ) 2 N  Y '2  ( Y ' ) 2

x '  X '  X '  ( X  A)  ( X  A)  X  X  x

y '  Y '  Y '  (Y  B)  (Y  B)  Y  Y  y

We may reduce suitable constants from X and Y. we choose to subtract 65 from X and
150 from Y. then the result can be as shown in table.

X' Y' X '2 X 'Y ' Y '2

5 5 25 25 25
-2 0 4 0 0
7 30 49 210 900
-5 -15 25 75 225
1 6 1 6 36
5 18 25 90 324
9 28 81 252 784
0 10 0 0 100
-3 -18 9 54 324
2 -5 4 -10 25
0 -11 0 0 121
3 2 9 6 4
 X '  22 Y '  50  X ' 2  232  X 'Y '  708 Y '2  2868

N  X 'Y '  ( X ' )( Y ' ) (12)(708)  (22)(50)

a1    3.22 and
N  X '2  ( Y ' ) 2 (12)(232)  ( 22) 2
N  X 'Y '  (  Y ' )( X ' ) (12)(708)  (50)(22)
b1    0.232
N  Y '2  ( Y ' ) 2 (12)(2868)  (50) 2
22 50
Since X  65   66.8 and Y  150   154.2 , the regression equation are
12 12
Y  154.2  3.22( X  66.8)  Y  3.22 X  60.9 and
X  66.8  0.232(Y  154.2)  X  31.0  0.232Y in agreement with first method.
Question 3:-
In a partially destroyed laboratory, record of an analysis of correlation data, the following
results are legible:
Variance X  9 , Regression equations : 8 X  10Y  66  0,40 X  18Y  214.
What are :
i) the mean value of X and Y,
ii) the correlation coefficient between X and Y, and
iii) the standard deviation of Y ?

Solution :-
i) since both line of regression pass through the point ( X , Y ), we have:
8 X  10Y  66  0, and
40 X  18Y  214.
Solving we get X  13, Y  17

ii) let 8 X  10Y  66  0, and 40 X  18Y  214. be the line of regression of Y

on X and X on Y respectively. these equations can be put in the form :
8 66 18 214
Y  X and X  Y
10 10 14 40
8 4
 bYX  Regression coefficient of Y on X = 
10 5
18 9
And  b XY  Regression coefficient of X on Y = 
40 20
4 9 9 3
Hence r  bYX .b XY  .   r     0 .6

5 20 25 5
Y 4 3 
iii) We have bYX  r.   . Y
X 5 5 3
hence  Y  4.

Question No: 4
The factor that influence the breaking strength of a synthetic fibre are being studied. Four
producyion machine and three operators are chosen and the experiment is run using a
fibre from the same production batch. The results are as follows:
Operator Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3 Machine 4
1 109 110 108 110
2 110 110 111 114
3 116 112 114 120

Analyze the data and draw conclusions. Use   0.05


Since there are two parameter so contingency method will be used.

Operator Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3 Machine 4 Total

1 109 110 108 110 437
2 110 110 111 114 445
3 116 112 114 120 462
Total 335 332 333 344 1344

Assuming the null hypothesis as

H0 : the breaking strength is independent of machine and operator.

Machine/operator f0 fe f 0- f e (f 0- f e)2/ f e
1,1 109 108.92 0.08 0.000058
1,2 110 110.91 -0.91 0.0075
1,3 116 115.16 0.85 0.00627
2,1 110 107.94 2.06 0.0389
2,2 110 109.92 0.08 0.000058
2,3 112 114.12 -2.12 0.0393
3,1 108 108.27 -0.27 0.00067
3,2 111 110.25 0.75 0.0051
3,3 114 114.46 -0.46 0.0018
4,1 110 111.85 -1.85 0.0305
4,2 114 113.89 0.15 0.00019
4.3 120 118.25 1.75 0.0286
Totals 1344 1344.00 0.00 X 0 =0.1589

row total X column total

expected frequency ( f e ) 
grand total
No. of degrees of freedom in contingency table = (no. of rows-1) X (no. of column - 1)
Here   0 . 05
So, the f-table value for f 6, 0.05 = 12.69 ( X value)
Since the calculated value is much lesser than table value. So, null hypothesis is true.

Question no. 5
A process is controlled with a fraction of non-conforming control chart with three sigma
limit, n = 400, UCL = 0.161, CL= 0.080 and LCL = 0.
Find the equivalent control chart for the number of non conforming.


For fraction p chart is used.

So,    p and UCL   
Here, p  0.080 (given)
The equivalent control chart for the number (proportion) of non-conforming np chart is
So,   np  100 X 0.080  8
And   np (1  p ) = 100 X 0.080(1  0.080) = 7.36

Control limit for np chart;   3  8  3 X 7.36  8  22.08

UCL = 8 + 22.08 = 30.08
LCL = 8 – 22.08 = - 14.08

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