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Kingdom of the Son

A Prayer Safari
August 9-13
Dinner at 5:30, VBS 6:00, Dessert Fellowship 8:30
Name _________________________________________
Phone _________________________________________
Email __________________________________________
Have you found your SPOT in VBS?
I would like to help in one or more of the following
Dessert prep and clean- Cookie Brigade (for
Dinner prep and clean-up
up dessert)
QuickTimeª and a

Publicity and Outreach Registration Supplies Shopper

are needed to see this picture.

Drama Music Crafts

Nursery Preschool teacher Preschool helper
Outdoor games Bus ministry Prayer support
Auburn Family Night Out Preview Event Photographer/videograph
(Saturday, June 19) (Sunday, August 1) er

Safari guide (crew leader) Missions project helper

Please turn in form at VBS table in the foyer.

Write your name on a spot and fill our giraffe!
Questions? Contact LeeAnn 889-0840 or

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