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Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 29 May 2008.

Present: 12 attendees

In attendance: 1 secretary

Apologies: 4 individuals

Minutes (Paper SSC 2007/17)

2007.48 The minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2008 were

Promoting Good Campus Relations (Paper SSC 2007/18)

2007.49 The Committee received a report on the College’s response to
the consultation from the Director of Student Services., it was
reported that some of the responses were based on current
policies and practices, with others intended to stimulate further

2007.50 It was noted that the shared values initiative would be addressed
by updating the Code of Practice and more clearly articulating
the ways in which the College promotes Freedom of Speech.

2007.51 It was reported that as part of its governance review the

Students’ Union would be assessing the effectiveness of its
democratic structures in relation to student needs.

2007.52 The Students’ Union had prioritised the scheduling of a

Multicultural week which would seek to promote dialogue and
cohesion between different faith groups within QMSU.

2007.53 The Students’ Union was concerned about whether the Multi-
Faith-Centre could adequately meet the needs of all faith groups
and suggested additional accommodation might be required in
the future.
2007.54 It was reported that the last meeting of the Students’ Union
Services Committee had agreed to monitor the use of the Multi-
Faith Centre closely in 2008/09.

2007.55 It was noted that Library staff should be aware of the opening
hours of the Multi-Faith Centre, especially during periods of
extended opening hours, as Library facilities were frequently
used when the Multi-Faith Centre was closed.

2007.56 It was also considered important to develop a range of informal

communications between students and academic staff outside of
the formal teaching environment.

2007.57 It was considered important to increase feedback on initiatives to

promote good campus relations and it was agreed to extend the
consultation via an all staff and student email.

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