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One of the great things about being a precinct chair is being able to support a candidate

that you believe in.

During the last few days I have received a large volume of phone calls
from precinct chairman and voters complaining about an orange postcard mailed by the
Enlow campaign.

In many cases, if the precinct chairman had not endorsed Paul Enlow, the card
was from another precinct chair in the county that had endorsed him.
These post cards left voters with the false impression that the person whose name was on
the card was their precinct chair.

This mailing has created a lot of ill will amongst precinct chairs. If this occurred in your
precinct do not assume that the person whose name was used had any involvement in the
mailing. I have spoken to many whose names were used and, all denied approval or any
knowledge that these were mailed outside their precincts. Additionally, most felt it was
inappropriate to meddle in someone else’s precinct.

Based on the phone calls I have received this is occurring all over the county.
If this was done in your precinct you were likely not included in the distribution list.
To determine if this occurred in your precinct, I encourage you to ask your Republican
voter’s if they received such a card.

To avoid this in the future insist on approving not only what is sent out by candidates in
your name, but also who it will is distributed to.

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