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Same Sex

What really is sexually arousing, physically seductive,

As two women making out on each other.

Some have asked this question with such passion you’d

Think their last dime was bet on it.

Many a people of diverse race have tried to explain the

Concept; many have even gone out of their way to give

Countless reasons.

Articles upon articles have enumerated the causes of

Masturbation in certain countries, where teenagers and

Adolescents(mostly males) purchase DVDs from music

And video shops containing lesbian porn, viewing them in the

Absence of kin folks, and masturbating 7-8 times per hour.

A survey points out about 95% of young lesbian adults are

Physically ‘faultless’, thus highly enticing and attractive.

With more stories of lesbian news flashing the headlines,

Our world is much unsafe. In Africa, to be precise South Africa,

HIV is rampant; partly due to the legalization of same sex

Relationships. West Africa is gradually plunging into the ocean, as

Some movies depict and portray gay and lesbian lifestyles.

There’s been a shifting of cultures, and an incorporation of bizarre

Theories and ideas. On three occasions, I’ve witnessed ladies quite

Passionately kissing after church service. The systems of the world spin

On their own axis; the rations of each family differs, yet in most ways
Point out to almost the same thing.

Where lies the dignity of man? Where dwells his pride of integrity?

Everybody seems caught up in the rat race we don’t have much time

To deal with the problem……

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