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uz United States Design Patent (o) Patent No.: Von Holzhausen et al. ‘USOODS25391S US D825,391 S 45) Date of Patent: ++ Aug. 14, 2018 6 a a cy oy an @) Gl) (2) 638) 66) SEMI-TRUCK CAB Applicant: Tesla, Ine., Palo Ato, CA (US) Inventors: Franz Von Holzhausen, Malibu, CA (US), David Tadashi mal, Los Angeles, CA (US); Randy Rodrigues, “Torrance, CA (US) Assiance: Tesla, Ine, Palo Alto, CA (US) ‘Verm: 18 Years Appl. Nos 29/619,040 Filed: Sep. 26, 2017 Loc (11) C1 12.08 i296 Fleld of Classification Seureh USPC... D12166, 167, 169, 171, 172, 181, 183, 12/190, 196, 216 crc BOR 1/06; ROD 28/10; BEI 28/16; BID 25/168 Se application file for complete search history. References Cited USS. PATENT DOCUMENTS. DSI3.966 $ 7 LI90L Marlowe 12188 5.991600 A * 41996 Shear Book 1108 1s0.684 5576899 A * 1/1906 Englander BOR 106 “sa7S 5826672 A * 101908 Holler Baxb210 18046021 5947520 A * 911909 Motonse a2) 35,001 134 a2sa9s § + 512000. Damon 19 Dasi806 § + 102000 Damon DI296 6230832 BI °S2001 von Mayeaburg = BOOK 1108 180681 {6454035 BL* 972002, Waskowe 62D 33067 18069.21 6644720 B2* 112003 Long 62D 25 tak 236 1804 DBLES S + 62004 Pere DIDS Dsassor § + 12007 Herel DI2Ast 7198307 B2* 32007 Tasker ied 2910 1622 8226158 BL* 72012 ackson 6m 28 Las 280.160 146 B2* 912013 Johason Barb 2918 180 107608 § + 62014 Smith pinist s00.705 B2* 82014 Miller ead 2910 18069.2 S$ 72016 Petola Dini S$ 112016 Helaneh DIDS S + 122016 Helanch Di2st DiNga8l 8 * $2017 Comey DI2It96 Drow 8 + 42017 saunas DIAS! Sistiiess B2* $2017 Taynes ‘esp 26.168 (Coutinved) Primary Esaminer —Susan Bennett Hattan “Assistant Examiner — Suzanne E. Tisdell (74) Attorney, Agent, o” Firm — Baynes and Boone, LLP 6 claim The omamental design for a semi-truck cab, a shown and described DESCRIPTION FIG. 1 is front perspective view ofa semi-truck cab, FIG. 2 is a front View of the semi-teuck eab of FIG. 1 FFIG. 3 js a rear view of the semi-truck cab of FIG. 1 FIG, 4 js a leftside view of the semicruck cab of FIG. 1 FIG. isa rightside view of the semi-truck eab of FIG. 1; and, FIG. 6 is atop view of the semi-truck eab of FIG. 1 ‘The items shown with broken Tines form no part of the claimed design 1 Claim, 6 Drawing Sheets US D825,391 S Page 2 66) References Cited USS. PATENT DOCUMENTS. DIS8.667 S 62017 Dempsey DwOsos! S * 123017 Conway, DsOvoRs 8 > Milon DBIS3S S Mikon DRIIT? § + Anerson Dsisas7 §. Milo et DBIS76 S + Anderson Dsteoos § ikon aoosorioed AL* 4/2003 Englander 20080146648 AI* 2003 Long 2onsonrs722 AL* 22008 Arne * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Aug. 14, 2018 Sheet 1 of 6 US D825,391 S US 825,391 S Sheet 2 of 6 Aug. 14, 2018 U.S. Patent HG.2 U.S. Patent Aug. 14, 2018 Sheet 3 of 6 US D825,391 S AG.3 US 825,391 S Sheet 4 of 6 Aug. 14, 2018 U.S. Patent US 825,391 S Sheet 5 of 6 Aug. 14, 2018 U.S. Patent U.S. Patent Aug. 14, 2018 Sheet 6 of 6 US D825,391 S

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