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Indonesian-english Dictionary

éditions eBooksFrance

Adapted from :

abad : century, centanary, age, epoch, era, time

abadi : lasting, perennial, abiding, perpetual, enduring

abadi : eternal, everlasting, immortal

abah : direction

abah-abah : caparison, harness

abai : neglectful

abang : elder brother, dear friend (adress)

abar : brake

abaran : inhibition

abdi : servant, slave

abdi dalem : high-ranking court servant in Central Java

abjad : alphabet

ablatif : ablative

abnormal : morbid, abnormal

abnormalitas : abnormality

abnus : ebony

abolisi : abolition

abon : side-dish (seasoning of meat reduced into fibres)

abonemen : subscription

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aborsi : abortion

abortus : abortion

abrak : mica

absah : valid, legal, rightful, legitimate

absen : absent

absenan : roll

absensi : take attendence

abses : abscess

absis : abscissa, abscess

absolusi : absolution

absolut : absolute

absolut-absolutan : in an absolute way

absolutisme : absolutism

absorpsi : absorption

absten : abstain

abstensi : abstention

abstrak : abstract

abstraksi : abstraction

absur : absurd

absurditas : absurdity

abu : dust, ash

abu-abu : gray, ashen

abuh : swollen, swelling

abuk : fine powder

abur : squander@ waste

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abus : smallest portion, of no value, worthless

abyad : white, tranparent, translucent

acak : disordered, random

acak-acakan : dishevelled, in disorder, chaos

acang-acang : confidential agent, shop steward

acap : be under water, be stuck in deeply

acapkali : often, repeatedly, frequently

acar : pickles

acara : procedural, program, agenda, judicial procedure

acara pengadilan : docret

aceuk : elder sister

aci : agreed, valid

aci-aci : pith, example

aci-acian : suppossition, imagination

aci-acinya : supposing, assuming

acu-acuan : mold

acuan : hint, reference

acuh : care, concern

acuh tak acuh : perfunction, plegm, disregard

acungan : raising upward, outward

ada : is, am, exist, are, existing, abide, there is

ada hubungan darah : akin

ada hubungan keluarga : akin

ada kesempatan : get the time

ada menangkap : overhear

ada mendengar-dengar : overhear

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adab : learning, erudition, good manners, knowing proper

adab : courtesy, culture, civilization, refinement

adakah : is there ?, any ....

adalah : is, am, are, namely, that is

adang : intercept, block, ambush

adanya : presence, existence, situation

adaptasi : adaptation

adapun : now, it so happens

adas : aniseed, anise

adat : manner, customary law, decency, tradition, custom

adegan : scene, act

adem : calm, cool, cold, tasteless, flat, shady

adhesi : adhesion, devotion, attachment

adi : superior, splended

adib : respectful

adicita : ideology

adik : younger brother, sister

adikara : dictatorial

adil : honest, impartial, just, fair, right, equitable

adiratna pekaca : lotus jewel

adiwarna : resplendent, excellent

administrasi : administration

administratif : administrative

administrator : manager of an estate

administratur : administration

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administrir : administer

admiral : admiral

adon : knead

adonan : dough, admixture

adpertensi : advertisement

adpisir : adviser

adpokat : advokat

adreng : eager

adu : compete

adu tinju : boxing

aduh : alas, ouch, ow, oh my

aduhai : alack, how beautiful, incredible

aduk : mix, stir

aduk-adukan : continuous, mixing

adukan : the mix, mixture, mix, beater

adun : dress, finery

adverbia : adverb

adzab : chastisement

adzan : summons to prayer

aerodinamika : aerodynamics

aeronotika : aeronautics

af : break off, break up

afal : works, deeds

afal-afal : waste portions of butchered animals

afasi : aphasia

afdal : good, fine, nice, ritually pure

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afdeling : section

afdruk : copy, print

afiat : healthy, good health

afiks : affix

afiksasi : affixation

afiliasi : affiliation

afinitas : afinity

afirmasi : affirmation

afrika : africa

afrikat : affricate

afrit : evil spirit

agak : rather, kind of, approximately

agak-agak : guess, vague idea, careful

agak gelap : darkish

agaknya : presumably, it seems, probably

agam : virile, manly, sturdy, hefty

agama : religion

agama-agamaan : false religious

agamawan : religious person, religionist

agamawi : religous

agamix : religious

agar : in order that

agar-agar : jelly, gelatin (made of seaweed)

agas : sandfly, gnat

agen : agent, agency, branch

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agen polisi : bobby

agenda : agenda

agendaris : secretary or clerk who draws up the agenda

agitasi : agitation

agogo : western dance, rock and roll

agraria : agrarian affair

agregat : electric generator, aggregate

agresi : aggression

agresif : militant, aggressive

agresor : aggressor

agribisnis : agribusiness

agriindustri : agriindustry

agronomi : agronomy

aguk : locket

agung : grand, lofty, august, exalted, high, nobel

agustus : august

ah : alas, ah, yech, exclamation of indecision

aha : aha

ahad : sunday, one

ahadiat : unity

ahala : dynasty

ahli : skilled, highly competent, profession, expert

ahli : connoisseur, authority, specialist, ace

ahli-ahli : members, relatives

ahli anatomi : anatomist

ahli antropologi : anthropologist

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ahli bahasa : linguist

ahli bahasa-bahasa : phologist

ahli bedah : surgeon

ahli bedah tulang : orthopedist

ahli biokimia : biochemist

ahli ceramah : elocutionist

ahli dalam dua bahasa : bilingual

ahli demografi : demographer

ahli ekonomi : economist

ahli fisika bintang : astrophysicist

ahli gambar : drawer

ahli geologi : geologist

ahli hukum : jurist

ahli ilmu bumi : geographer

ahli ilmu falak : astronomer

ahli ilmu fisika : physicst

ahli ilmu tanah : agronomist

ahli ilmu tumbuh-tumbuhan : botanist

ahli jantung : cardiologist

ahli kaca mata : optician

ahli kecantikan : beautician

ahli keindahan : aesthete

ahli kimia : chemist

ahli kimia emas : alchemist

ahli membaca sandi : decoder

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ahli mendidik : pedagogue

ahli mesin : mechanic, machinist, engineer

ahli nujum : astrologer

ahli patologi : pathologist

ahli pencicip makanan : gourmet

ahli penunggang kuda : equetrian

ahli penyakit kulit : dermatologist

ahli pertanian : agriculturist

ahli piano : pianist

ahli purbakala : archaelogist

ahli sinar ronsen : rontgenologist

ahli teknik : technician

ahli urai : analyst

ahli waris : inheritor, heir, beneficiary

ahlulbait : owner of the house, host

ahlulkubur : the deceased

ahlulsuluk : mystics

ahmak : a fool, foolish, stupid

aib : dishonor, mortification, disgrace, scandal, shame

air : water, LIQUID, JUICE

air asin : brine

air bah : deluge

air buah : sap

air daging : boullion

air liur : spit

air ludah : saliva

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air mani : sperm, semen

air mata : tear

air pasang : ebb tide

air pembersih : lotion

air raksa : quick silver, mercury

air rembesan : seepage

air seni : urine

air surut : ebb

air terjun : fall

air terjun : chute, waterfall, cataract

airtanah : groundwater

aisan : carrying cloth

ajab : surprised, astonished

ajaib : miraculous, astonishing, remarkable

ajak-ajak : wild dog

ajakan : invitation, challange, stimulus

ajal : doom

ajam : iran, persia

ajang : site, arena, field

ajar : study

ajaran : teaching, theory, doctrine, lesson, punishment

ajaran agama : dogma

ajaran injil : gospel

ajek : steady, stable, constant

ajektif : adjectiva

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ajengan : community leader

aji : spell, charm, magical formula

ajian : spell, charm, magical formula

ajir : stake, marker

ajojing : rock style dancing

ajrib : respect and fear

ajudan : aide, adjutant, chief petty officer

ajukan : mimicry

ajun : purpose

ajung : adjunct

aka-akal : pretended, feigned

akad : contract, agreement, covenant

akademi : academy

akademik : academic

akademikus : academic, academician, academian

akademis : academic

akaid : dogma

akaid ilmu : dogmatic theology

akal : instruction, deceit, trickiness, cunning

akal : mind, intellect, intelligence, tactics, advice

akal-akalan : machination, tricks, strategy

akal bulus : machination

akalan : fabrication, invention

akali : intelligent

akan : will, ABOUT TO, shall, would, burr

akan-akan : equally true

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akan datang : afoot

akan terjadi : afoot

akanan : horizon

akar : root, source

akar-akaran : several roots, like a root

akar-akarnya : source, origin

akas : clever, handy, skillful

akasia : acacia

akbar : exalted, great, big

akhbar : newspaper, the press

akhir : finish, end

akhir-akhir ini : lately, recently, lately

akhiran : suffix, ending

akhirat : hereafter, after life, the great beyond

akhirnya : at last, finally, eventually

akhirulkalam : in conclusion

akhlak : character, morals, moral

aki : accumulator, storage battery

akibat : consequence, aftermath, result, consequence

akibat dari : attributable

akibat jelek : backwash

akibat wajar : corollary

akibatnya : finally, as a consequence

akidah : believe, faith

akik : carnelian, agate

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akilbalig : of age, grown up, legally responsible

akisir : battery acid

aklamasi : acclamation

aklimatisasi : aclimatization

akomodasi : accommodation

akompanimen : accompaniment

akord : harmonic chords

akordeon : accordion

akrab : devoted, close, intimate, chummy

akreditasi : accreditation

akrobat : acrobat

akrobatik : stunt

akrobatis : acrobatic

akronim : acronym

aksara : letter of the alphabet, script

akselerasi : acceleration

aksen : accent

aksentuasi : accentuating, accent, stress, emphasis

akseptable : acceptable

akseptor : acceptor

aksi : action, lawsuit, boasting, bragging, pretense

aksioma : axiom

aksiomatis : axiomatic

akta : deed, official document, diploma, certificate

akte : lihat: akta

aktentas : briefcase

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aktif : alive, active, energetic, functioning

aktifis : activist

aktifitas : activity

akting : temporarily in charge

aktiva : assets

aktor : actor

aktris : actress

aktual : recent, topical, current

aktualisasi : actualization

aktualisir : lihat: aktualisasi

aktualitas : timeliness, topicality

aku : I

akuaduk : aqueduct

akuan : confession, admission

akuarium : aquarium

akuisme : egocentricity, self-centeredness

akulturasi : acculturation

akumulasi : accumulation

akumulatif : accumulative

akuntan : accountant

akuntansi : accountancy

akunting : accounting

akupungtur : acupuncture

akuran : mutually agree

akurat : accurate, exact

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akusatip : accusative

akustik : acoustical, acoustics

akustis : accoustical, accoustic

akut : acute, critical

al-masih : the Messiah

al qur-an : Al-Qur'an

ala : in the style

ala kadarnya : to a degree

alahan : loss

alam : world, realm, nature, natural

alam baka : hereafter, beyond

alam semesta : universe

alamat : address

alami : natural

alamiah : artless, concerned with nature

alan-alan : comedian, jokester

alang : middle, medium, crosswise, diagonal, crossbeam

alang-alang : tall, coarse grass

alang-alangan : indifferent, halfhearted

alangkah : alack, how !

alap-alap : hawk, thief

alarm : alarm

alas : coaster, base, foundation, layer, covering

alasan : motivation, ground, excuse, reason, dodge

alat : tool, means, device, appliance

alat : instrument, utensil, stuff, organ, utility

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alat ekstra : accessory

alat kecantikan : cosmetic

alat kelamin : genitalia

alat musik : musical instrument

alat pelengkap : attachment

alat pemadam kebakaran : extinguisher

alat pemalsu : adulterant

alat pemanas : heater

alat pemanggang : grid

alat pembaca sandi : decoder

alat pembuangan gas : exhaust

alat pemenggal kepala : guillotine

alat pemercepat : accelerator

alat pemotret : kodak

alat pemukul : club

alat pemutar : capstan

alat penangkis : deterrent

alat pencampur : mixer

alat pencegah : deterrent

alat pencegah kehamilan : contraceptive

alat pengampelas : abrasive

alat pengangkut : carrier

alat pengatur panas : thermostat

alat pengeras suara : megaphone

alat pengeriting : curler

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alat penghubung : coupling

alat penguat : braces

alat pengukur sudut : bevel

alat pengukur tinggi : altimeter

alat pengunci : fastener

alat peniup : blower

alat penyemprot : atomizer

alat penyuram : dimmer

alat perkakas : instrument

alat perlengkapan : device

alat potret : camera

alat untuk memanggang : broiler

album : album

alegori : allegory

alegro : allegro

aleksander : topaz

alem : spoiled, pampered

alergi : allergy, allergic

alergis : allergic

alesduk : scarf

alfa : alpha

alfabet : alphabet

algojo : hangman, executioner, tormentor, bully

algoritme : algorithm

alhamdulillah : Praise be Allah

alhasil : eventually, in the end, consequently, in sum

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ali-ali : man's ring

aliansi : alliance

alias : alias, other wise called

alibi : alibi

alif : aleph, alpha

alih : shift, change position

alih-alih : instead of, on the contrary

alih bahasa : translation

alim : learned, pious, devout

alim-ulama : ecclesiastic

alimentasi : alimony

alinea : paragraph

aling : shelter, protective cover

alingan : shelter

alir : smooth, a line with live hait


aliran : ism, genre, flow, drift, stream, current

aliran deras : rapid

alis : eyebrow, brow

aliterasi : alliteration

aljabar : algebra

aljazair : algeria

alka : pimp, procuree

alkisah : the story, once upon a time

alkitab : the bible

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alkitabiah : biblical

alkohol : alcohol

allah : deity, God

allamah : very learned

allegoris : allegorical

almaktub : the holy book

almanak : almanac, calendar

almarhum : the late, the deceased

almarhumah : lihat: almarhum

almasih : messiah

alofon : allophone

alokasi : allocation

alokir : allocate

alomorf : allomorph

alon-alon : slow, slowly

alpa : neglectful, inattentive

altar : altar

alternasi : alternation

alternatif : alternative

alto : alto

altruis : altruist

altruisme : altruism

altruistis : altruistic

altur : taurus

alu : pounder, rice pestle

alum : faded, wilted, withered

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aluminium : aluminium

alumni : alumnus, alumna

alun : wave, swell

alun-alun : square, plaza, town square

alunan : wave, strains

alur : furrow, gully, channel, plot, slot

aluran : channel

am : general, ordinary, common, universal

amal : alms, deed, work, good deed, charity

amal jariyah : perpetual charity

amalan : good deed, good works

amaliah : charitable

aman : peaceful, calm, save, shockproof, safe, secure

amanah : lihat: amanat

amanat : instruction, commission, speech, trusteeship

amandel : tonsil, almond

amandemen : amendment

amandir : amend

amang : threaten by brandishing

amar : injuction, command

amarah : anger

amat : very, so, exceedingly

amat bagus : bully

amat berbahaya : breaknech

amat besar : bulky

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amat dingin : icy, gelid

amat jenaka : zany

amat kecil : meagre

amat kurang : meagre

amat menyenangkan : heavenly

amat sangat : profound

amat yakin : cocksure

amatir : dabbler, amateur

amatiran : amateur contest

ambah : trade, handicraft

ambah-ambah : plague, pest

ambai : scoop net

ambal : carpet

ambalan : procession, troops

ambang : threshold, railroad tie

ambang pintu : threshold

ambar : ambergris, amber

ambasador : ambassador

ambeien : piles

ambek : pout, be unwilling to move

ambekan : tending to sulk

ambet : diaper, swadding clothes, binding

ambigu : ambiguous

ambiguitas : ambiguity

ambil : take

ambil alih : take over

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ambilan : the take, the receipts

ambin : strap, sling

ambinan : knapsack, pack

ambing : udder

ambisi : ambition

ambisius : ambitious

ambivalen : ambivalent

ambivalensi : ambivalence

amblas : disappear, vanish

ambleg : give way, collapse

ambles : mire, bog down, sink in mud

amblesan : subsidence

amboy : hei !

ambreg : untidy, messy

ambreng-ambrengan : strong smelling

ambrin : sweetheart

ambring-ambringan : indescribable, unheard of

ambrol : collapse, be destroyed

ambruk : collapse

ambulan : ambulance

ambulans : ambulance

ambung : bounce, soar

amburadul : disorder, chaotic, disorganized

ambyar : splatter, fall apart

ambyuk : swarm, gather in large numbers, fall down

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amerika : america

amerikanisasi : americanization

amerikanisme : americanism

amfibi : amphibian

amil : mosque official who collects the tithe

amin : amen

amir : commander, leader

amirul mukminin : caliph

amis : putrid taste, odor of fish

amit-amit : God forbid

amnesti : amnesty

amonia : ammonia

amoniak : ammonia

amor : Goddess of love

amoralitas : amorality

amorf : amorphous

amortisasi : amortization

ampai : slim, slender

ampai-ampai : jellyfish

ampaian : rack, clothes rack, clothesline

ampang : insipid, tasteless

ampas : less, settlings, trash, waste, dregs

ampas biji : slag

ampas tebu : bagasse

ampek : asthma

amper : porch, ampere, electric meter

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ampera : inexpensive

ampiran : stopping off place

ampiteater : amphitheater

amplas : fig tree, sandpaper

amplifayer : amplifier

amplop : envelope

amprok : meet, run into

amprokan : run into

ampuh : endowed with magical power, potent, effective

ampul : ampul

ampun : pardon, forgiveness, mercy

ampunan : forgiveness, amnesty, pardon

amputan : female genitalia

amputasi : amputation

amril : sandpaper, emery board or paper

amsal : proverb, parable, proverb

amsiong : internal injury

amtenar : official

amtenarisme : officialsm, burreaucratism

amuba : amoeba

amuba : amoeba

amubawi : amoebic

amuk : go berserk, run amuck

amukan : fight, uncontrolled raging

amukan : rampage, amuck

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amunisi : ammunition

anak : kid, child

anak-anak : children, brood

anak-anak muda : juvenile

anak angsa : gosling

anak anjing : pup

anak ayam : chicken, chick

anak binatang : whelp

anak biri-biri : lamb

anak bukit : knoll

anak dara : damsel

anak gembel : gutter snipe

anak genta : clapper

anak harimau : cub

anak itik : duckling

anak kalimat : clause

anak kapal : deck-hand

anak kembar satu telur : identical twins

anak kucing : kitten

anak kuda : colt

anak laki-laki : lad, boy

anak lidah : uvula

anak nakal : cub, brat

anak panah : bolt, dart

anak perempuan : lass, girl, daughter

anak remaja : adolescent

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anak sapi : calves, calf

anak sungai : brook, effluent, affluent

anak tiri : stepchild

anak yatim : orphan

anakanda : child, son

anakronisme : anachronism

analis : analyst, analyzer

analis jiwa : psycho-analysis

analisa : analysis

analisis : analysis

analitik : analytic

analitikus : analyst

analitis : analytical

analog : analog

analogi : analogy

anarkhis : anarchic, anarchist

anarki : anarchy

anarkisme : anarchism

anasir : element

anatomi : anatomy, anatomical

ancai : disabled

ancak : rack, shelf

ancak-ancak : indifferent, causal, nonchalant

ancam : threat

ancaman : threat, menace

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ancaman : threat

ancang-ancang : the distance, preparation

ancangan : approach

ancar-ancar : estimate, target...

ancer-ancer : lihat: ancar-ancar

anda : you

andai : if

andai-andai : supposition

andaikata : suppose

andainya : suppose that

andaipun : supposing that

andak : lihat: mengandakkan

andal : rely on, trade on

andalan : mainstay, security pledge, chief seat

andam : lock up

andaman : incarcerated

andang : torch

andang-andang : mole, birthmark

anderak : elephane pit

anderok : slip, perticoat

andewi : andive

andil : share, constribution

anduk : hold

andukan : support, prop, sling

andun : go to

andunan : outsider

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andung : grandmother

aneh : queer, mysterious, unnatural, irregular

aneh : oddly, odd, abnormal, unusual, peculiar, strange

aneh-aneh : exotic

anehnya : the strange this is

aneka : various, diserve, all sort of

anekdot : anecdote

aneksasi : annexation

anemer : building contractor

anemi : anemia

anestesi : anesthesia

anfal : attack, heart attack

angan : phantasy, thought, notion, idea, illusion

angan-angan : dream, delusion, thought, notion, fantasy

anganan : idea, notion

angel : difficult, strange, unsual

angga : tine, branch of antler

anggak : conceited, arrogant

anggal : light, insignificant, slack, light, lighty loaded

anggapan : opinion, belief, judgment, suspicion, impression

anggapan : presumption, contention, supposition, assumption

anggar : fencing

anggaran : calculation, consideration

anggaran belanja : budget

anggaran rumah tangga : bylaw

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angger : fixed

anggitan : draft, composition

anggota : member, limb, part, component

anggota badan : appendage

anggota juri : juror

anggota kedutaan : attache

anggota senat : senator

anggota tertua : doyen

anggrek : orchid

anggrekwan : orchid grower

anggukan : pitching, nod

anggun : graceful, grace, neat, handsome, elegant

anggung : lift, raise

anggur : grape, slip, cutting, wine

angin : wind, air, rumor

angin-anginan : blow hot and cold

angin kencang : bluster, blast

angin musim : monsoon

angin sepoi : zephyr

angin topan : hurricane

angina : tonsillitis

angit : odor of burnt rice or bread

angka : score, point, numeral, scorn, number, digit, rate

angka-angka : notation, number, statistics, figures

angka kematian : death-rate

angka nol : cipher

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angkara : insolent, greedy, egotistical, self centered

angkasawan : space man, astronaut

angkat : lift, raise, take away

angkat-angkatan : play around at lifting

angkatan : lift, branch of, generation, age group

angkatan laut : navy

angker : ghostlike, eerie, terrible

angket : inquiry, poll, questionnaire

angkong-angkong : sit idly

angkuh : priggish, cavalier, vainglorious, arrogant

angkuh : arrogant, form, appearence

angkup : tweezer

angkup-angkup : valve, tweezers

angkut : carry, transport, contain

angkutan : transport, transportation, shipment, load

angle-angleran : calm, content

angler : pleasant, smooth, quiet

anglo : brazier

anglong : terrace

angop : a yawn

angot : become angry or ill again

angsa : goose, barnacle

angsa jantan : gander

angsio : red brasied cooking

angsu : draw water

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angsur : lihat: berangsur-angsur

angsuran : instalment

angut : lihat: mengangut

anian : warp

aniaya : ill treatment, oppression

aniayai : lihat: menganiaya

animis : animist

animisme : animism

animo : zest, energy, interest

anis : anise, anisette

anja-anja : spoiled, pampered

anjak : thrust, push, shove

anjal : bounce, rebound, elastic, resilent

anjangkarya : field trip, study tour

anjar : anchor

anjing : canine, dog, buldog

anjing betina : bitch

anjing hutan : coyote

anjing kampung : cur

anjing laut : seal, otter

anjing pemburu : hound

anjing polisi : bloodhound

anjing terantai : bandog

anjlog : descend rapidly plummet, shift rapidly

anjlok : plummet, descend rapidly, shift rapidly

anju : attempt, running start

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anjung : axtension, annex, ship's bridge, platform

anjung-anjungan : fubome praise, pavilion

anjungan : ship's bridge, extention, pavilion

anjungkan : lihat: menganjung

anjur : stick out, protrude

anjuran : advocacy, proposal, recommendation, advice

anoa : dwarf buffalo

anoda : anode

anominitas : anomymity

anonim : anonymous

anonser : announcer

anotasi : annotation

ansambel : ensemble

antagonis : antagonist

antagonisme : antagonism

antagonistis : antagonistic

antah : rice chaff

antamer : undertake, tackle

antamir : lihat: antamer

antan : rice pestle

antap : calm, quiet

antar : accompany

antar-antar : rotor, piston rod

antar agama : interfaith

antar bangsa : international

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antar benua : intercontinental

antar departemen : interdeparmental

antar instansi : interagency

antar kebudayaan : intercultural

antar kota : intercity

antar pemerintah : intergovernmental

antar vokal : intervocalic

antara : between, in the meanwhile

antara lain : among other

antaran : conductor, an order, thing ordered

antaranya : among, distance

antariksa : space, interplanetary, planetary atmosphere

antariksawan : astronaut, cosmonaut

antartika : antarctic

antedatering : retroactive dating

antek : henchman, lackey

antena : antenna, aerial

anteng : calm, quiet, being quiet

antep : heavy, solid, massive

antero : whole, all, total, entire

anteseden : antecedent

anti : be opposed to, anti

anti kapal selam : antisubmarine

anti kolonialisme : anticolonialism

anti komunis : anticommunist

anti peluru : bulletproof

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anti silau : nonglare

anti sosial : antisocial

antibiotika : antibiotic

antih : spin

antik : antique, ornate, eccentric

antiklimaks : anticlimax

antiklin : anticline

antilop : antelope

antimon : antimony

antimonium : lihat: antimon

anting : locket, pendant, earring, pendulum of clock

anting-anting : drop, earring, drongo bird

antipati : antipathy

antipoda : antipodes, wholly opposite

antipode : lihat: antipoda

antisemit : anti semite

antiseptis : antiseptic

antisipasi : anticipation

antisipir : anticipate

antitesa : antithesis

antitese : lihat: antitesa

antitesis : lihat: antitesa

antologi : anthology

antonim : antonym

antonimi : antonymy

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antrasit : anthracite

antrean-antrean : queuing up

antreana : queue

antropolog : anthropologist

antropologi : anthropology

antuk : come in contact with, touch

antup : sting

antusias : enthusiastic

antusiasme : enthusiasm

anu : whatchumacallit, unknown kuantity

anugerah : a gift from God or a person of higher

anuitet : annuity

anulir : annul, cancel

anumerta : posthumous

anut : attentive, meek, pliant

anutan : adherence, conviction belief, fad

anuti : lihat: menganut

anyal : pervish, resentful, annoyed

anyam : plait

anyam-anyaman : plaited materials

anyaman : cane work, plaited mats, plait

anyelir : carnation

anyep : bland not salty, clammy, damp

anyes : cold and damp

anyir : rancid, rank

apa : what, which

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apa lagi : what else

apa saja : whatever

apabila : when, if

apak : musty, moldy, sweaty

apakah : whether

apakala : when

apalagi : above all, evenless, moreover, besides

apalah : please, what does it amount ?

apanyapun : whichever

apapun : no matter what, anything, any

aparat : apparatus, institution, agency

aparatur : apparatus

aparteid : apartheid

apartemen : apartment

apati : apathy

apatis : apathetic

apatisme : apathy

apek : fusty, fuggy

apel : apple

apersepsi : apperception

apes : be unlucky

api : fire, flame, blaze, spirit

api las : blowtorch

api unggun : bonfire, campfire

apik : tidy, neat, trim, attractive, chic

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apikal : apical

apit : hemmed in, wedged in

apitan : clamp, press, extraxtor, intercalation

apiun : raw opium

apkir : cast off, rejected

apkiran : rejected, castoff

aplikasi : application

aplos : relieve, take turn, redeem

aplosan : turn, shift, swing

aplus : applause

apokat : avocado

apolitik : apolitical

apolo : apollo

apopleksi : apoplexy

aposisi : apposition

apostolik : apostolic

apostrofe : apostrophe

apotek : pharmacy, dispensary

apoteker : pharmacist

apotik : pharmacy, apotheque, dispensary

apresiasi : appreciation

april : april

aprit-apritan : run pell mell, run feverishly

apuh : wrung dry, squeezed out

apung : float, buoyet up

apung-apung : lifebuoy, float

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ara : tropical fig tree

arab : arabian

arah : direction, course, tenor, aim, purpose

arah jalan : course

arah ke timur : eastward

arah melintang : athwart

arahan : directive

arak : rice wine, arrack, liquor, geneva, gin, arrack

arak-arakan : procession, review

aral : hindrance, obstacle

aram : twilight

arang : charcoal, coke, slag, cinder

aransemen : arrangement

aranser : arrange, arranger

aransir : lihat: aranser

ararat : ararat

ararut : arrowrool

aras : border, limit

aras-arasan : feel too lazy to do

arasy : the throne of God

arbei : strawberry, blueberry

arbitrase : arbitration

arca : statue, image

arde : ground

areal : acreage

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arek : child

aren : sugar palm

arena : arena

ares : arrest

arestasi : detention, capture

argumen : argument

argumentasi : argumentation

ari-ari : abdomen, placenta

aria : title of nobality, the aryan race, aria

arif : learned, wise, clever, capable

arifin : intelligent person

arih : hold out, extend

arik : insomnia

aring : trap, snarl, lasso

aris : hem, edge

aristokrasi : aristocracy

aristokrat : aristocrat

arit : sickle, grass knife

arive : established, attained a position

arjuna : playboy, womanizer, handsome man

arkais : archaic

arkaisme : archaism

arkeolog : archaeologist

arkeologi : archaeology

arkeologis : archaeologival

arloji : timepiece, wrist-watch, watch

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armada : fleet

arnab : rabbit, hare

arnal : hairpin, stickpin for the hair

aroma : aroma, odour, odor, smell

aromatik : aromatic

aromatis : aromatic

aron : half cooked rice

arona : sun

arpus : resin

arsen : arsenic

arsenikum : arsenic

arsip : archives, files

arsiparis : archivist, file clerk

arsir : shade in

arsiran : hatching, shaded in area

arsitek : architect

arsitektur : architecture

arsitektural : architectural

artesis : artesian

arti : significance, meaning, sense, signification

arti dua : ambiguity

arti tambahan : connotation

artian : meaning, concept, interpretation

artifisial : artificial

artifisiil : lihat: artifisial

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artika : arctic

artikel : article, clause, column

artikulasi : diction, articulation

artikulator : articulator

artileri : atillery

artinya : that is, meaning

artis : artist

artistik : artistic

aru : buginese title

arum manis : cotton candy

arun : stir, mix in

arung : wade across, cross

arung-arungan : crossing, ford, shipping corridor

arus : flow, current

arus bolak-balik : ac (alternating current)

arwah : soul, departed spirit

as : axle, axis, ace

asa : hope

asabat : nerve, sinew, muscle

asad : leo

asah : grind down

asahan : shavings, dust

asai : mouldered, mildewed

asak : move, budge, cram, jam

asal : origin, geminal, derivation, spring, source

asal : provinience, breed

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asal-asalan : perfunctorily

asal-muasal : lihat: asalnya

asal saja : providing

asal usul : parentage

asali : original, primary, ancient, wellborn

asalkan : provided that

asalnya : originally, initially

asam : acid, sour, tart

asam-asaman : pickled dishes, all sorts of acids

asaman : pickle, acid

asap : smoke, fumes

asas : basis, principle, foundation, base, axiom

asasi : fundamental, basic

asbak : ashtray

asbes : asbestos

asembling : assembling, assembled

asemblir : assemble

asesanti : utter a slogan

asese : approved, agreed

asesori : accessory, accessories

asetat : acetate

asetilen : acetylene

ashar : afternoon

asi : care, attention

asia : asia

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asimetri : asymmetry

asimetris : asymmetrical

asimilasi : assimilation

asimtot : asymptote

asin : salty, briny

asinan : pickle, salted vegetables

asing : strange, exotic, foreign, alien, odd, different

asisten : assistant, adjunct

asli : genuine, autochthnous, authentic, original

asma : asthma

asmara : amour, love passion, romantic love

asmaragama : the art of sexual relations

asoi : passionate, hot, wonderful, super

asonansi : assonance

asongan : peddle

asor : lowly

asosiasi : association

aspal : bitumen, asphalt

aspal dicampur krikil : blacktop

aspalan : pavement

aspek : aspect

aspektual : aspectual

asperges : asparagus

aspiran : aspirant, candidate

aspirasi : aspiration

aspirat : aspirate

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aspirin : aspirin

asprak : appointment

asrakala : ceremonial meal

asrama : dormitory, hostel, barracks

asri : beautiful, harmoniously chic

asset : assets

astaga : gee, heaven forbid, for heaven sake

astaganaga : gee whiz

astakona : octagon, polygon

astrolog : astrologer

astrologi : astrology

astronautika : astronautics

astronomy : astronomy

astronot : astronaut

astronotika : astronautics

asu : dog!, bastard!

asuh : care for, take care of, rear, bring up

asuhan : upbringing, rearing, education, leadership

asumsi : assumption

asung : incite, stir up

asungan : incitement

asuransi : insurance

asusila : immoral

asyik : earnest, passionate, be infatuated, occupied

atap : roof

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atas : on, up, on, on top of, upper, upstair, upon

atas nama : titular, on behalf of

atasan : boss, better, higher, superior

atase : attache

atau : or

ataukah : or, whether

ateis : atheist

ateisme : atheism

atensi : attention

atlantik : atlantic

atlas : atlas

atlet : athlete

atletik : athletics

atma : breath, soul

atmosfer : atmosphere

atom : atom

atomisasi : atomization

atop : burp, belch

atos : hard

atraksi : attraction

atret : back up, go in reverse

atribut : atribute

atributif : attributive

atsiri : volatile

atur : arrange

aturan : arragement, regulation, rule, direction

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aturan : precept, decree, rule, canon

aturannya : according to the regulations

aubade : solemn evening ceremony of taking down the flag

audiensi : audience

audio visual : audiovisual

audisi : audition

aula : hall, auditorium

aulia : sains, pious personages

auntul : bounce, rebound

aurat : genitals

auriol : halo

aus : worn out, threadbare, worndown

aut : out

autarki : economic self sufficiency

autobiografi : autobiography

autopsi : autopsy

aviasi : aviation

avontirir : adventurer

avonturisme : adventurism

awahama : disinfect, sterilize

awahidrat : dehydration

awahutan : deforest

awak : body, self, crewman, crewwoman

awak kapal : crew

awal : first, early, start, beginning, commencement

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awalan : prefix

awali : lihat: mengawal

awam : common, general, lay, nonexpert

awamkan : lihat: mengawam

awan : cloud, avercast

awang-awang : atmosphere, up in the air, far off, dizzi

awangan : impromptu, extemporaneous

awas : careful, watch out, far sighted

awet : durable

awet muda : agless

awetkan : lihat: mengawet

awur : scatter, sow

awur-awuran : randomly

awut : blindly, carelessly

awut-awutan : tangled, tousled, chaotic, haphazard

ayah : daddy, dad, father, begetter

ayah baptis : godfather

ayah tiri : stepfather

ayahanda : lihat: ayah

ayak : sieve, sifter

ayakan : sieve, lihat: ayak

ayal : slow, doubtful

ayal-ayalan : lihat: berayal

ayam : chicken

ayam-ayaman : weather vane, toy chicken

ayam betina : hen

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ayam dara : pullet

ayam dikebiri : capon

ayam goreng : fried chicken

ayam jantan : cock

ayam kate : bantam

ayam panggang : broiler

ayam sabungan : game cock

ayan : epilepsy

ayaran : pickpocket

ayat : verse, article, paragraph

ayem : calm, assured

ayeng : go here and there, go around in the circle

ayo : come on

ayolah : let's go, come on

ayom : protected, sheltered

ayu : pretty, beautiful

ayun : swing, away

ayunan : cradle, swing, sling, swaying

ayut : fornicate

azab : torment, punishment

azal : endless past, eternity without beginning

azam : highly respected, intention

azan : summon to prayer, call to prayer

azimat : amulet, charm, mascot

azimut : azimuth

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azis : enormous, aweinspiring

azmat : extraordinary fantastic

b.h. : bra

ba'da : after

bab : chapter, caption, matter

baba : father, older man

babad : history, chronicle

babak : stage, round, act, stanza

babang : gaping

babar : spread, unfurl

babar pisan : completely

babat : clear away, cut through

babe : boss

babi : pig, swine, hog, pork

babi-babian : toy pig

babi hutan : boar

babil : Babel, quarrelsome

babit : involve

babon : hen, original

babptis : baptism

babu : ayah, mammy, char, servant

babu anak : nurse maid

babut : rug, carpet

baca : read

bacaan : style of recitation, incantation

bacaan : reading, liretarure, reading material

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bacak : moistened, wet, soft from moisture

bacam : impregnate

bacar : garrulous, talkative

bacok : jab

bacokan : grash

bacot : snout, mouth

bacul : spiritless, lacking spunk

bada : beyond word, after (time)

badai : gale, storm, cyclone, hurricane, typhoon

badai pasir : sandstorm

badai salju : blizzard

badak : rhinoceros

badal : representative, substitute

badan : board, body, torso, group, agency, corporation

badan hukum : corporation

badang : large sieve, winnower

badani : physical, bodily

badaniah : lihat: badani

badaniyah : carnal

badek : a guess

badek-badekan : puzzle

badekan : estimate

badge : badge

badi : evil influence, virus

badik : small dagger

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badminton : badminton

badung : gorget

badut : harlequin, clown, jester, buffoon

badut-badutan : be a smart aleck

badutan : laughing stock

bagai : like, kind, as if, equivalent, type

bagai-bagaikan : lihat: membagai

bagaikan : as like, as if, like, similar to

bagaimana : what about, how

bagaimanapun : however, anyway

bagaimanapun juga : at any rate, somehow, anyhow

bagak : dauntless, confident

bagal : mule

bagan : schema, sketch, draft, design, skeleton, program

bagas : robust, strong

bagasi : luggage rack, trunk, baggage

bagi : for, devide

bagian : section, proportion, portion, part, division, lot

bagian : segment, place, offshoot, share, allotment

bagian bawah : underside

bagian belakang : rear

bagian dalam : internal, interior

bagian luar : exterior

bagian selatan : austral

baginda : sire, majesty

bagong : portly, cumbersome, ponderous, wild boar

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bagur : hulking, ponderous, massive

bagus : lovely, fine, nicely, bravo, good

bagus sekali : masterful, magnificent

bagusan : better

bah : inundation, flooding

bahadur : knight, hero, bold, courageous

bahaduri : heroic, chivalrous, knightly

bahagia : happy, mercy, blithe

bahak : white bellied sea eagle, burst of laugher

baham : molar

bahan : matter, material, datum, stuff, data, object

bahan bakar : fuel

bahan campuran : conquer

bahan gizi : nutrient

bahan kimia : chemical

bahan labur : calcimine

bahan pekat : concentrate

bahan peledak : explosive, detonator

bahan pembakar : propellant

bahan pembius : narcotic

bahan pencair : thinner

bahan pengawet : preservative

bahan pengotor : pollutant

bahan perekat : adhesive

bahan perusak : corrosive

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bahana : loud noise, din, echo

bahari : antique, ancient, charming, maritime, nautical

bahariawan : seaman

bahariawati : female sailor

bahas : research, investigation, study, criticism

bahasa : language, argot

bahasa albania : albania

bahasa arab : arabic

bahasa bali : balinese

bahasa birma : burmese

bahasa ceko : czech

bahasa daerah : vernatular

bahasa denmark : danish

bahasa esperanto : esperanto

bahasa gael : gaelic

bahasa jawa : javanese

bahasa khas : cant

bahasa meraban : balderdash

bahasa percakapan : speech

bahasa sansekerta : sanskrit

bahasa sehari-hari : colloquial

bahasa spanyol : spanish

bahasan : criticism, discussion

bahaya : hazard, danger, peril, jeopardy

bahenol : sexy, nicely shaped, voluptuous

baheula : old fashionned, ancient

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bahkan : in fact, even, moreover, on the contrary, indeed

bahna : on account of

bahtera : ark, boat, ship

bahu : shoulder

bahwa : that

bahwasanya : that, truly, indeed

baiat : oath

baid : distant

baiduri : opal

baik : right, fine, okay, nice, kosher, good, well

baik-baik : well, carefully, in good condition, good

baik-baikan : be amicable

baik hati : kind

baik sekali : splendid, excellent

baiklah : roger, bravo

baikut : spare ribs

bait : stanza, abode, distich, verse

bait sajak : couplet

baja : steel, armor

bajaj : bajaj

bajak : plow, bandit

bajak laut : corsair, pirate, buccaneer

bajakan : plowing, loot, illegal profit

bajan : basin

baji : wedge, peg

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bajik : good, wholesome

bajing : chipmunk, squirrel

bajingan : rascal, knave, rogue, crook, tramp, thief

baju : clothes, jacket, blouse, shirt, clothing

bajul : crocodile, scoundrel, pick pocket

bak : like, as, trough, bin

bak mandi : tub

baka : eternal, lasting, everlasting

bakal : intended, forthcoming

bakalan : shall, will

bakar : burn, set on fire, roasted

bakat : talent, aptness, bent, natural ability, omen

bakat : trace, trail, sign, crest

bakat alam : flair

bakau : mangrove

baki : tray, small tray, remainder, residue

bakiak : clog, wooden clog

bakik : betel vine

bakpauder : baking powder

baksi : mizzen sail

bakteri : bacteria

bakteriologi : bacteriology

bakti : homage, service, faith, filial piety, staunch

baku : standard, full fledged, basic, mutual

bakul : basket

bakung : wild lily

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bala : troops, disaster

bala bantuan : auxilaries

balada : ballad

balah : argue, quarrel

balai : public hall, public building, office, house

balairung : royal audience hall, market shed or stall

balam : turtledove

balap : race, racing

balapan : race, race track

balar : albino

balas : reply, response

balas dendam : revenge, vengeance, retaliate

balas jasa : recompense

balasan : answer, reply, response, revenge, reprisal

balatentara : troops

balau : confused, in disorder

balela : rebellion

balet : ballet

balgam : mucus

bali : placenta

balian : shaman

balig : be of age, mature, attain one's majority

baligh : lihat: balig

baliho : billboard

balik : return, the reverse side, the reverse

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baling : propeller

baling-baling : rotor, propeller, vane, weathercock, toy windmill

balingan : revolution, turn

balistik : ballistic

balkon : balcony, platform

balok : briquet, block, beam, chump, balk, cross bar

balon : balloon

balon-balonan : soap bubbles, trial balloon

balonan : made of balloons, similar to balloons

balong : pond, fishpond, puddle

balpen : ballpoint, pen

balsa : balsa

balsem : balsam, balm

balu : widow

baluarti : fortress, bastion

balui : draw, tie

balun : beat, fold

balung : cockscomb, bone

balur : jerky, dried meat, thick skin around

balut : bandage, dressing, wrapping

balutan : handage, dressing, packing, parcel

bam : gun

bambang : vast, extensive

bambu : bamboo-spear, bamboo

ban : tyre, belt, RIBBON, TYRE TREAD

banal : banal, trite

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banat : whip, thrash

bancang : tether

bancar : flow copiously

banci : bisexual, hermaphrodite, effeminate, powerless

bancuh : mixed up, confused

bancuhan : mixture, blend

bancut : protruding

bandar : water course, duct, ditch, croupier

bandar : port, harbour, dock, trading-town

bandar judi : crouppier

bandar taruhan : bookie

bandara : airport

bandaran : channel, draining

bandel : stubborn, dogged, obstinate, undisciplined

bandering : slingshot

banding : appeal, equivalent, consideration

bandingan : comparison, appeal, criticism

bandingkan : comparable

bandit : blackguard, gangster, bandit, scoundrel

banditisme : banditry

bandot : billy-goat, dangler after woman, womaniser

bandrek : ginger-drink

bandul : pendulum, hanger

bandulan : pendulum, hanger, swing, testicles

bandung : pair

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bandut : cord, string

bangai : neglected, given up

bangat : fast, quick, soon

bangau : heron, white egret

banget : very, excessively

bangga : proud, boast, rightfully

bangga-bangga : be proud

bangir : pointed

bangkai : carrion, carcass, corpse, fuselage

bangkang : rebel, resist, oppose

bangkar : tough and stiff, rigid, rigor

bangkit : rise, get up, wake, wake up, get up, come up

bangkitan : attack, production, generation

bangkok : bandy

bangkot : old

bangkotan : old

bangkrut : insolvent, bankrupt

bangku : couch, desk, bench

bangku gereja : pew

bangku tidur : bunk

bangor : insolent, unashamed, naughty

bangpak : unreliable, inferior

bangsa : race, nation, family, class

bangsa mesir : egyptian

bangsai : rotten, fragile, thin

bangsal : lean to, public building, market stalls, ward

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bangsat : knave, cur, SCOUNDREL, BEDBUG, PAUPER

bangsawan : duke, count, nobleman, nobility

bangsawati : noble woman

bangun : rise, get up, emerge, awake, arise, afoot

bangun-bangunan : buildings, mock up model, scaffolding

bangunan : edifice, building, construction, installation

banjang : fishing platform

banjar : line, train of events

banjaran : line

banjir : flood, afloat, deluge

banjur : sprinkle

bank : bank

bankir : banker, money lender

bantah : say in disagreement

bantahan : objection, contadiction, protestation

bantai : butcher, beat up severely

bantaian : butcher's block, slaughterer

bantal : pillow, cushion

banteng : bullock, bull, buff

banter : quick, fast, hastily, loud

banting : stagger, throw down forcefully

banting setir : change direction sharply

bantingan : concussion

bantu : help, assist, auxiliary

bantuan : assist, aid, help

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bantun : weed, extract

bantut : blocked

banyak : numerous, multitude, much, plenty, many

banyak : have a lot of, excessively, in great quantities

banyak-banyak : very much

banyak akal : ingenious, artful

banyak angin : windy

banyak bicara : blab

banyak cakap : gab

banyak hujan : rainy

banyak keturunan : breeder

banyak orang : concourse

banyak sekali : inordinate, innumerable, aplenty, ream

banyak titik : dapple

banyak tulang : boney

banyak udara : airy

banyakan : perhaps

banyaki : increase, raise

banyaknya : deal, quantity, amount, number

banyol : comedian, wag, joker, joke, jester, clown, rascal

banyolan : joke, farce, humorous scene

bapak : father, daddy, papa, dad

bapak angkat : nursing-father

bapakisme : paternalism

baptis : baptise, convert

bara : ember, heat, fire

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bara api : embers, cinder

barah : boil

barak : hut, shed, barracks, quarantine quarters

barakah : blessed

barang : item, commodity, article, object, baggage, ware

barang-barang : belongings, commodities, matter

barang dagangan : merchandise, commodity

barang rampasan : loot, booty, plunder

barangkali : might, probably, possibly, perhaps, who knows

baras : leprosy

barat : west

barat daya : southwest

barat laut : northwest

barbir : barber

barbur : splash, waste

bareng : with, together with

bareng-bareng : together

bares : honest

bares-baresan : honest

baret : berret

bari-bari : fruitfly

barik-barik : grain, vein, spotted

baring : lie down

baringan : rest

baris : row, line, queue, ranks, slide rule, drill, verse

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barisan : ranks, front, defile, row

barisan penolong : rescue party

bariton : baritone

barometer : barometer

baron : baron

barongsai : lion dance us

barter : swap, barter

baru : new, newly, barely, modern

baru : fresh, just, only now, not until

baru lahir : newborn

baru mulai : incipient

baru saja : recent, about

barung-barung : stall, hut

barusan : just now

barut : bandage, diaper

bas : bass

basa-basi : fashion, good manners, courtesy, politeness

basah : moist, dank, wet, damp

basah kuyup : bedraggle

basahan : cloth wrapped, humidity

basal : dropsy, scab

basi : fusty, trivial, spoiled, stale, reduction, bowl

basil : bacilli, bacillus

basiler : bacillary

basis : basis, base

basit : indivisible

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baskom : basin

basmi : exterminate, eradicate, burn off

baso : meatball

bastar : bastard

bastaran : mixed descent

basuh : washing

basuki : prosper

basung : kick high, corklike root

basungan : high kick

bata : briquet, concrete brick, brick

bata-bata : ambivalent

bata jemuran : adobe

batak : hobo, Batak

batal : canceled, in vain, invalid, cancel out

batalyon : battalion

batang : bar, stem, stick, trunk, pole, corpse, log, rod

batang-batang : go stag

batang pohon : stub

batangan : boom, barrier, cross beam, bar, by the bar, trunk

batara : God

batari : Goddess

batas : limit, bound, pale, border, confine

batas air : watershed

batas pemisah : demarcation

batas waktu : term, deadlines

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batasan : border, limitation, cicumscription, definition

baterai : dry cell, battery

batere : dry cell, battery

bati : gain

batik : batik

batil : copper bowl, plate, tray, invalid, false, evil

batin : inner, internal, secret, hidden, mental, moral

batin : mind, arcane

batiniah : spiritual, internal

batok : coconut shell, dry measure

batu : rock, stone, cobble

batu-batuan : rocklike, pebbles, boulders

batu akik : agate

batu bata : brick

batu bertulis : cameo

batu delima : ruby, garnet

batu karang : reef

batu kasar : boulder

batu koral : pebble

batu nilam : sapphire

batu padat : basalt

batu peringatan : milestone

batu permata : cornerstone

batu pualam : alabaster

batu tulis : slate

batuan : rocks

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batubara : coal

batugamping : limestone

batuk : cough

bau : scent, odour, smell, foul, aroma, unpleasant

bau-bauan : odors, perfume

bau busuk : stink

bau harum : aroma

bauk : beard

bauksit : bauxite

baur : mixed

bauran : mixture

baureksa : ghost inhabiting

bausuku : unpaid laborer

baut : bolt, bully

bavian : baboon

bawa : bring

bawaan : load, gift, nature, congenital, result

bawah : below, under

bawah sadar : unconcious, subiconscious

bawah tanah : underground, subversive

bawahan : subordinate

bawang : onion

bawang bakung : leek

bawang merah : shallots

bawang putih : garlic

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bawasir : hemorrhoids

bawel : tedious, carping

baya : old

bayak : corpulent

bayam : spinach

bayan : clear, distinct

bayang : shadow, image, imagination

bayang-bayang : estimate, shadows

bayang-bayangan : estimate, shadows

bayangan : shadow, reflection, imagination, estimation

bayangan hitam : silhoutte

bayangkara : policeman

bayangkari : policewoman

bayar : pay, pay for

bayaran : payment, for pay

bayat : freshman, homage

bayi : baby, infant, babe

bayonet : bayonet

bayu : wind, stale

bayuan : male food

bea pabean : customs

bea siswa : scholarship

beasiswa : scholarship

bebal : dumb, chump, stupid, silly

beban : debit, burden, load, assessment, charge

bebang : stillborn, asphysia

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bebar : scattered

bebas : loose, free

bebas-bebasan : permissive, licentious

bebas kejut : shockproof

bebat : bandage, dressing

bebatan : bandage

bebek : duck

beberan : explanation

beberapa : some, several

bebet : ancestor

becak : spot, pedicab

becek : muddy, sloshy

becus : capable, competent

beda : difference, remainder

bedah : surgical operation

bedah mayat : autopsy

bedahan : surgical incision

bedak : talcum, powder

bedegong : obstinate, stubborn

bedel : surgical operation

bedelan : incision scar

bedeng : shed, barrack, ditch, flowerbed

bedil : gun

bedil-bedilan : play gun

bedilan : shooting match, toy gun

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bediri : lihat: diri

bedolan : drop-out (from school)

bedudak : viper

bedung : swathe

bedungan : swathing

beeng : very, extremely

bega : aim

begadang : stay awake at night

begal : robber

begap : sturdy

begar : confermed

begini : thus, like this, well

begini-begini : just like this

begitu : that, but, like that, so, how very

begitu-begitu : like all that

begitu saja : offhand, casually

begituan : have sex, like that

begitulah : such

begitupun : like wise

bego : stupid

beguk : goiter, mandible

behandel : take care of, manage

behandelan : treatment

behlat : supplement, esp

bejana : cask, barrel, container, vase

bejat : damaged, depraved

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bejo : licky

beka : chat, discuss

bekak : be cruel

bekal : stock, supply, foodstuffs, provisions, victuals

bekam : bruise

bekas : print, formertrace, second hand, remnant, ex

bekas-bekasan : remainder

bekas luka : scar

bekasan : secondhand

bekatul : bran, rice sifting

beken : well known

beker : alarm clock, trophy, cup

bekerja : lihat: kerja

bekerja keras : strive, slog

bekerjasama : collaboration, pull together, cooperate

beking : backing, support

bekingan : collusion

bekles : backless gown

beklit : upholster

beklitan : lihat: beklit

beku : frozen, frost

bekuan : clot

bekuk : bend in two, capture, arrest, swindle

bel : bell

bela : care for, nurture

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belaan : protection

belabas : lathe, ruler

beladiri : martial arts, self-defense

belah : slit, crack, gap, half, cun in half

belahan : cleavage, fission, split, fissure, splinter

belai : caress, flatter

belaian : caress, flattery

belajar : study, learn

belak : black spot, white spot

belaka : mere, simply, just, only, entirely, quite, only

belakang : behind, back, back off, later

belakangan : latter, later, eventually, later on

belalai : trunk, proboscis, tentacle

belalak : stare

belalakan : wide eyed stare

belalang : grasshopper, locust, cricket

belan : bolt

belanda : dutch

belang : stripe, pied, spot, band, skin blemish, blemished

belanga : earthen cooking pot

belangkas : horseshoe crab

belangkin : asphalt, black shoe polish

belanja : expense, expenditure, cost, go shopping

belanjaan : items purchased

belantan : club

belantara : forest, junggle

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belas : mercy, pity, teens

belas kasihan : rue

belasan tahun : teens

belasting : tax, duty

belasungkawa : condolences

belasut : growl, snarl

belasutan : a snarl

belat : bamboo screen, splint

belatuk : woodpecker

belatung : maggot

belau : flitcker, glitter

belau-belauan : lihat: belau

beledang : sea eel

beledu : corduroy

beleid : policy

belek : cut open, conjunctivitis, inflamed

belekan : incision

beleng : turn around

belenggu : shackle, manacle, handcuff, gyvess, trammel

belengket : stick, cling

belengkik : turn

belengkikan : curve, bend

belengkong : arch

belepotan : smeared all over with something

beler : cut into

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belerang : sulphur, brimstone

belerong : market stall

belet : have the need

belgia : Belgium

beli : buy

belia : youth, young

beligo : wax gourd

belimbing : ridged longitudinally, star fruit

beling : porcelain, shards

belingkang : sprawled

belinjo : bullet

belintang : lie across, be athwart

belit : coil, curve

belit-membelit : intertwined

belitan : kink, coil, twist, association

belitung : billiton

beliung : carpenter adze, pickax, hatchet, pick, adze

belodok : protruding

belok : turn, curve, muddy, mud, clayey soil, pulley

belokan : curve, bend

belot : turn coat, be a turn coat, apostate

belu-belai : chatter, gossip

beludak : outburst, viper

beludru : velvet

belukar : grove, copse, scrub, brushwood, copse-wood

belukar : thicket, shruth

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belulang : tough, callus, raw bide, bones

belum : not yet, unsoiled, not

belum-belum : nothing has happened

belum kawin : unmarried

belum lahir : unborn

belum masak : underdone, immature

belum matang : underdone

belum pernah : never before

belum selesai : unfinished, crude

belur : welt up

belut : eel

ben : band

bena : particularly, care

benak : marrow, brain

benalu : parasite, tuft-hunter, sponger

benam : sink out of sight

benang : twine, thread, yarn, string

benar : correct, right, just, true, sincere, valid

benar-benar : real, veritable, actually, seriously

bencah : muddy

bencana : disaster, catastrophe, calamity, plague

bencana alam : cataclysm

benci : hate, dislike, animosity, abhorrent

benci : loathsome, detest, odious, abhor, abhorrence

benda : object, thing, article

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bendahara : treasurer, purse-bearer, exchequer, grand vizier

bendaharawan : chamberlain, treasurer, bursar, office accountant

bendera : banner, flag

benderang : bright, brilliant

bendosa : catafalque

bendung : dike, dam

bendungan : dike, dam

bengah : pedantic, proud

bengal : stubborn

bengal-bengil : bump, bruise

bengang : wide open

bengek : asthma, teat

bengil : have bump

bengis : ruthless, pitiless, currish, violent, cruel, curt

bengkak : tumid, tumescent, tumor, tumefaction, tumefy

bengkak : bulge, swell, bubo, swollen, bloat, protuberant

bengkak bernanah : abscess

bengkak di ujung ibu jari kaki : bunion

bengkal : choke

bengkal-bengkil : bruise

bengkalai : neglect

bengkang : crooked, curve

bengkar : expand, be in bloom

bengkarak : skeleton, bones, carcass

bengkayang : gorged, stuffled (from overeating)

bengkel : machine shop, workshop, garage

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bengkeng : irritable

bengkok : crooked, bent, curving

bengkol : bent, curved

bengkong : crooked

bengkung : bent, crooked

bengok : goiter

bengol : bump

bengong : dazed, crestfallen, expressionless, vacant

bengot : slanting

benguk : angry, sulking, down hearted

benian : strongbox, jewelry box

benih : seed, germ, semen, origin, cause, embryo

bening : clear, transparent

benjol : lump, bruised

benjolan : bruise, lump, bump

bensin : gasoline, benzine

bentakan : bark, bellow, growl

bentan : relapse

bentang : landscape

bentangan : expanse, disquisition, spread

bentar : be running around

bentara : herald

benteng : vallum, citadel, rampart, breastwork, rook

benteng : fortress, fortification, casemate, bulwark

benter : turn, detour

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bentet : cracked open

bentil : nipple

bentok : hit against

bentol : small bump

bentong : large splotch

bentrok : quarrel, clash

bentrokan : lihat: bentrok

bentuk : shape, type, form, bend, figure, configuration

bentuk badan : physique

bentukan : form, derivative

bentur : collide

benturan : impact

benua : continent, country

benum : appoint

benuman : appointment, ordination

benur : shrimp fry

benyek : soft, askew

beo : myna bird

bepergian : travel

bera : dark red, red and swollen

berabad-abad : for centuries

berabe : nuisance, bad luck

berabu : dusty

beracara : sit, be on the agenda, be in litigation

beracuan : having reference

beracun : poisonous, venomous, toxical

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berada : be, well off

berada-ada : have a hidden motive

beradab : cultured, civilized, polite, urbane, civilized

beradaptasi : adapt, assimilate

beradat : customary, traditional, well mannered

beradu : collide, compete

beradun : dress up

beragah-agahan : stare at

beragak-agak : intend

beragam : diverse

beragama : have a religion, be religious

beragan : intend, plan

beragan-agan : tease, annoy

beragitasi : agitate for

berahlak bejat : decadent

berai : be spread, dispersed

berair : water, damply, lush, have water, juicy, aqueous

berair mata : bleary, blear

berajojing : dance this dance

berak : faeces, excrement, defecate, movement, excrete

berak-berak : diarrhea

berakad : settle an agreement or contract

berakal : be intelligent or smart

berakar : have roots in

berakhir : end, become extinct, expire, come to an end

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berakhirkan : end in

berakhlak : have a certain character

berakibat : ensue, have consequences

berakraban : be chummy with, be close to

beraksen : accentual

beraksi : be in action, show off

beralakan : end in a draw

beralamat : have an address

beralasan : have a base or foundation

beraliansi : be allied

beralih : swicth, change, shift move

beraling-aling : be in the shelter

beraliran : have an ideology

beralun-alun : heave, roll, billow up, be in steady movement

beralur : grooved

beramal : charitable, generous, pray silently

beramanat : instruct, issue an order

berambal-ambal : in procession

berambil-ambilan : give and take

berambisi : ambition

berambisi besar : optimism

berambut : hairy

beramplop : within an envelope

beramuk : lihat: amuk

beranak : calve, have children, give birth to, breed

beranda : cloister, veranda, quarterdeck

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berandai : suppose

berandai-andai : suppose that

berandal : rascal, scoundrel, gangster, bandit

berandalan : madcap, hothead, lihat: berandal

berandang : striking

beraneka : mixed, all kinds

beraneka ragam : heterogeneous

beraneka segi : multi-faceted

beraneka warna : multi-colored, colourful

berang : upset, angry, irate, furious, anger

berang-berang : beaver, otter

beranga : be tined

berangan : arsenic

berangan-angan : dream, fantasize, aim, have ideals

berangasan : hot headed

beranggapan : be of the opinion

beranggar : fence

beranggota : have as member

beranggotakan : be composed of

berangguk : nod

beranggul : lihat: anggul

berangin : windy, have wind circulating

berangin-angin : get some fresh air

berangin lemah : breezy

berangin ribut : gusty

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berangkat : go, leave, depart, set out , go off

berangkatnya : departure, leaving

berangsang : be very angry

berangsangan : instigation

berangsur-angsur : gradual, move forward a little, in installments

berangsur hilang : fade away

berangus : muzzle (of dogs)

berani : valiant, game, dauntless, dare, plucky, manful

berani : brave, audacious, stout-hearted, stout

berani berusaha : enteprising

berani mati : daredevil

beranja-anja : lihat: anja-anja

beranjak : move, get up

beranjangkarya : make a field trip

beranjangsana : tour an area

beranotasi : annotated

berantah : fabled, imaginary

berantakan : mussy, in a mess, in a disarray, fall to pieces

berantara-antara : at intervals, be at a distance

berantas : fight (against), combat, wipe out, remove

berantuk : lihat: antuk

berantuk-antukan : collide with

berapa : how much, how many

berapi : have fire, be on fire, fiery, fervent

berapi-ap : furious, glitter, shine, sparkle

berapit : be wedged in, be hemmed in, be close to, jammed

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berarah : have an aim or purpose

berarak : go in a procession

berarakan : go in a procession

berarti : import, denote, infer, mean, be significant

berarti dua : ambiguous

beras : bulled rice

berasah : filed, sharpened, hurnished

berasak : lihat: asak

berasak-asak : cram, jam

berasak-asakan : be jammed into

berasal : spring, originate, wellborn

berasap : smoke, dim, misty

berasas : based upon, have a base

berasaskan : be based on, have principles

berasaskan : based upon

berasimilasi : assimilate

berasing : become different

berasosiasi : associate

berastakona : octagonal

berat : rough, weight, heavy

berat-berat : extremely difficult, strained

beratap : have a roof, roofed

beratapkan : covered with

beratnya : displacement

beratur : be arranged, be in order

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beraturan : uniform

beraudiensi : have an audience

berawal : begin, start, commence

berawalan : prefixed

berawan : overcast, cloudy

berawas-awas : be careful, control, check

berayal : delay, tarry, linger

berayun : rock, swing, lihat: ayun

berayun-ayun : fluctuate, dangle, swing

berbabil : squabble, quarrel

berbadai : accompanied by a gale

berbadan : have a body

berbagai : various, all sorts of

berbagai-bagai : various

berbagi : split up, divisible

berbahagia : happy

berbahana : sound, echo, reverberate

berbahas : confer

berbahaya : noxious, hazardous, harmful, risky, dangerous

berbaik : be on good terms, be kind

berbaik-baik : make peace, be on good terms

berbaikan : be on good terms with

berbait-bait : by the verse

berbaja : armored, armorplated

berbaju : wear cloth, shirt, jacket

berbajukan : dressed as

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berbakat : scarred, talented, gifted

berbaki-baki : by the tray

berbakti : be loyal, serve devotedly

berbalah : lihat: balah

berbalap : compete

berbalas : mutual response, reverberate, have a response

berbalas-balasan : correspond with

berbalasan : reciprocal, exchange replies, gunfire

berbalau : mix

berbalik : turn over, change, turn around, turn back

berbalik-balik : keep turning

berbalikan : be the opposite

berbaling : turn, revolve

berbalut : wrapped, handaged

berbanding : proportionate

berbandingan : match, in accordance

berbangat : hasten

berbangga : be proud

berbangkit : rise, get up, break out

berbangsa : have a nation, be of noble birth, be related to

berbangun : get up

berbanjar-banjar : line up

berbanjaran : line up

berbantah : remonstrate, quarrel, disputant

berbantah-bantahan : dispute, quarrel with each other

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berbantahan : quarrel with

berbantuan : receive aid

berbanyak-banyak : in great numbers

berbareng : together, at the same time, in unison

berbarengan : together with, at the same time, coincide

berbarik-barik : veined

berbaring : lie down, be stretched out, be in bed, recline

berbaring-baring : relax

berbaringan : be lying alongside

berbaris : defile, from a line, march, line up, to drill

berbaris-baris : line up

berbasah-basah : be soaking wet

berbasiskan : have as a base

berbatang-batang : by the bar

berbatas : have a boundary

berbatas kepada : abut

berbatasan : border on, abut

berbataskan : have as a border

berbatin : mull over

berbatu : stony

berbatu-batu : covered with rocks

berbatuk : cough

berbau : smell, give off an odor, be odorous

berbau busuk : reek

berbau harum : aromatic

berbauk : bearded

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berbaur : be mixed

berbauran : be mixed, mix

berbawaan : match

berbayang : be reflected

berbayang-bayang : hover

berbebaran : lihat: bebar

berbecak-becak : spotted

berbeda : be different, diverge, differential, disparate

berbeda-beda : be different

berbedaan : be different

berbedil : armed

berbeka : lihat: beka

berbeka-beka : lihat: beka

berbekak : be cruel

berbekal : have a supply

berbekalkan : supplied with

berbekas : have a print, have result

berbelak : spotted

berbelakang-belakangan : back to back

berbelang : striped

berbelang-belang : striped

berbelanja : shop, buy

berbelasbelasan : ne compassionate toward

berbelaubelauan : lihat: belau

berbeleng : turn around

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berbelibelian : buy for, go shopping

berbelit : wind

berbelit-belit : wind, complicated, convolute, wriggle, twisty

berbelot : be a turncoat, be an apostate

berbelulang : calloused

berbelur : raise up welts

berbelur-belur : lihat: berbelur

berbenak : have brains

berbenam : lihat: benam

berbenang-benang : fibrous

berbenar : be sincere, state frankly

berbenar-benar : lihat: berbenar

berbencah : swampy

berbenda : wealthy

berbendera : fly a flag

berbengil : lihat: bengil

berbenteng : be furtified

berbenter : lihat: benter

berbenter-benter : lihat: benter

berbentok : lihat: bentrok

berbentong-bentong : having splotches

berbentongan : lihat: berbentong-bentong

berbentrokan : quarrel with

berbentuk : have the shape, form of

berbentur : collide

berbenturan : collide, crash

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berberai : lihat: berai

berberak : defecate

berbesar : great, adult, grow up

berbesar-besar : increase

berbetik-betik : spotted

berbetulan : coincide

berbiak : multiply, breed

berbias : reflect

berbibit : have a certain

berbicara : talk, converse, speak, meaningful

berbiku-biku : notched, curve

berbilang : some, a few

berbimbing-bimbing : hold hands, cooporate

berbimbingan : lihat: berbimbing-bimbingan

berbinar-binar : be very bright

berbincang : lihat: bincang

berbincang-bincang : lihat: bincang

berbingkah-bingkah : in bits

berbingkaikan : framed with

berbingkas : bounce, rebound

berbini : have a wife

berbintang : starry, be lucky

berbintang-bintang : starry, starry eyed, see the star, shine through

berbintik-bintik : bead

berbisa : poisonous, venomous, toxious, toxical

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berbisik : whisper, murmur, speak confidentally

berbisik-bisik : lihat: berbisik

berbisikan : whisper

berbising : make noise, be dazed

berbisnis : run business, have a business

berbisuan : not speaking to

berbisul : pustulous, pustular

berbobot : have weight, weight

berbolong-bolong : pierced

berboncengan : ride along with

berbondong : in throng

berbondong-bondong : lihat: berbondong

berbondongan : lihat: berbondong

berbonggol : gnarled, tubercular, tuberous

berbongkol : having a hump

berbopong : drill

berborok : fester

berboyong : move, emigrate

berbuah : successfuly, fructiferous, fructify

berbuah : bear fruit, have result, fruit-bearing

berbuai : swing

berbuai-buai : swing

berbuat salah : err

berbudaya : cultured, have a certain culture

berbudi : wise, well behaved

berbuih : yeasty, spume, spumous, spumy

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berbuka : remove, break the fast

berbukit : downy

berbulang : wind, wear a spur

berbulu : fuzzy, plumy, furred

berbulu lembut : furry

berbunga : flowered, blooming, interest bearing, abloom

berbunga : be in bloom, bear interest

berbunga-bunga : patterned

berbungkal-bungkal : in chunks

berbungkus : wrapped up

berbuntang : stretched, rise, wide

berbuntut-buntut : in succession

berbunuh : kill

berbunuhan : kill

berbunyi : caw

berburai : see: terburai

berburu : hunt, go hunting

bercabang : furcate, branch, fork, have branches, branch off

bercabang-cabang : ramify, have many branches

bercabang dua : bifucate

bercabiran : in tatters, in shreds

bercabul : have illicit sexual relations, rage

bercabut : drawn, blackjack

bercabut-cabutan : lihat: cabut-cabutan

bercacat : disabled, have a defect

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bercadang : ready, prepared

bercagak : forked, branched

bercahaya : radiant, efflugent, luminous, alight, shine

bercak : pimply, tarnish, pock, pockmarked, spotted

bercakap : be able, be capable, speak, talk

bercakap-cakap : gab, gabble, babble, chat, chatter

bercalit : stained, spotted, smeared

bercamping : be in rags, be in tatters

bercamping-camping : lihat: bercamping

bercampur : mix, mixed with, comingle, blend

bercanang : use a cymbal, state a message

bercancut : wear a loincloth

bercanda : caper, joke, act playfully, tease, be capricious

bercangkung : squat, hunker

bercantik-cantik : be dressed up, dress up

bercantum : joined together

bercapai-capai : exhausted

bercarah : lihat: carah

bercari-carian : look for

bercarik-carik : in strips, tears, rags

bercarut : use foul language, utter obscenities

bercat : painted

bercatatan : annotated

bercawat : wear a loincloth

bercecah : a little bit

bercedera : quarrel, bicker

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bercekcok : bicket, squabble, fall out

bercekcokan : squabble with, fall out

bercela : have short comings, have defects

bercelak : lihat: celak

bercelentang : lihat: celentang

berceletuk : lihat: celetuk

berceloteh : tittle-tattle

bercemas : be anxious, on edge

bercemburu : be jelous of, be envious of

bercempung-cempung : splash

bercendawan : moldy

bercengang : lihat: cengang

bercengking : yap, squeal

bercengkrama : chat, talk

bercengkung : squat

bercepat-cepat : race, compete, in a hurry, hastily

bercerai : be disvorced, separated, part, disconnected

berceraikan : separated from

berceramah : give a lecture

bercerangah : lihat: cerangah

bercerita : tell, relate

bercerlangkan : glisten, shine

bercermin : look at the mirror

bercerocok : spout

bercerucup : project, protrude

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bercetak : printed

bercipratan : spray

berciri : have characteristic of

bercirikan : be characterised

bercita-cita : desire, long for, aspire, longing, yearning, idea

bercita-citakan : aspire to

bercium-ciuman : kiss

berciuman : kiss

berciut : screech

bercoblong : lihat: coblong-coblong

bercokol : reside, squat, settle, extant, be in existence

bercomot : be dirty, grimy

berconteng-conteng : be smeared

bercorak : have the design of, striped

bercoreng : screaked, scriped

bercoret : underlined, streaked, smeared

bercucuran : flow, stream, gush

bercuit : screech, squeak

bercuit-cuit : lihat: bercuit

bercukur : shave, get a haircut

bercumbu : flirt

bercumbu-cumbuan : petting, joke flirtatiously

bercura : joke, jest

bercuti : be on leave

berda'wah : see: berdakwah

berdadu : shoot dice

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berdagang : trade, deal in, deal, bargain, barter

berdaging : fat, plump, wealthy

berdahaga : thirst

berdahak : expetorate

berdakwa : litigate

berdakwah : preach

berdalam-dalam : grow worse, worsen

berdalih : equivocate, quibble

berdalih-dalihan : express mutual recrimination

berdalil : valid, well founded

berdalil : valid, well founded

berdamai : make peace

berdamar : collect resin, use resin

berdambun-dambun : repeated booming

berdamping : contiguous, side by side

berdampingan : adjoin, lihat: berdamping

berdana : donate

berdandan : dress up, get dressed, decorated

berdansa : dance

berdansanak : be related

berdapatan : meet

berdarah : bleed, bloody, gory

berdarah-darah : bloody, full of blood, bleeding

berdasar : have a basis, have as a background

berdasarkan : be based on

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berdatangan : arrive

berdaulat : sovereign, independent, become predominant

berdaun : have leaves, be leafy

berdaya : useful

berdaya cipta : inventive

berdayaguna : efficient

berdayung : row, pedal

berdebar : palpitate, throb, aflutter, beat, pulsate

berdebar-debar : beat rapidly, pound

berdebar-debaran : lihat: berdebar-debar

berdebat : debate

berdebat-debat : debate

berdebu : dusty, fuggy

berdehem : hem

berdekap : embrace, hug

berdekat : associate

berdekat-dekat : associate

berdekat-dekatan : side by side

berdekatan : adjacent, contiguous

berdema : give a donation

berdemonstrasi : demonstrate

berdempet : attached

berdencang : lihat: dencang

berdendam : bear a grudge

berdendam-dendaman : have hard feeling toward

berdendang : sing happily

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berdengap : lihat: dengap

berdenging : ring, buzz

berdengkang-dengkang : croak, laugh hard

berdengking : yelp, squeal, scream

berdengkur : lihat: dengkur

berdengkus : whinny, snort, sigh

berdengung : buzz, drone, hum, wail, resound

berdengus : snort

berdentam : resound

berdentaman : beat

berdentang : clang, peal

berdentar : clang, peal

berdenting : jingle, tinkle

berdentum : boom, boom out

berdentur : crackle, pop

berdenyar : flash

berdenyit : screech

berdenyitan : a screech, shriek

berdenyut : beat, throb, pulsate

berdepan-depan : face to face

berderai : drip

berderai-derai : drip

berderak : creak, squeak

berderak-derak : lihat: berderak

berderam : rumble

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berderam-deram : lihat: berderam

berderap : sizzle, trot

berderas : rush

berderet : consecutive, in a row, in rows

berderet-deret : line up

berderetak-deretak : rattle

berdering : ring, ringing, tinkle, clink, chirp

berdesah : wheeze, sigh

berdesahan : make repeated huffing or swishing sound

berdesak : lihat: desak

berdesak : crowd, jostle

berdesak-desak : lihat: desak

berdesak-desak : crowd, jostle

berdesak-desakan : crowd each other aside

berdesak-desakan : jostle

berdesakan : cowded, jostled

berdesik : rustle

berdesing : zip

berdesir : swish, zip

berdesis : hiss, sizzle

berdetak : beat

berdetar : sizzle

berdetup : explode

berdetupan : explode

berdiam : be silent, say nothing, tacit

berdiam-diaman : lihat: berdiaman

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berdiaman : refuse to speak to

berdiet : diet

berdikari : autarchy

berdikit-dikit : little by little, be thrifty

berdindingkan : walled with

berdiplomasi : be diplomatic, engage in diplomacy

berdiri : stand

berdisiplin : disciplined

berdoa : pray, say prayers, supplicate

berdomisili : be domiciled

berdompak : lihat: dompak

berdondang : rock back and forth

berdosa : commit a sin, be sinful

berdua : both, the two

berduduk : be seated

berduit : well to do, wealthy

berduka : be sorrowful, distress

berduka-cita : grieve

berduli : be dusty

berdunia : live in the world

berdurhaka : rebel

berduri : barbed, thorny, brambly, prickly

berduri-duri : very thorny, prickly

berdus : obese

berdusta : tell a lie

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berduyun-duyun : lihat: duyun

berdwibahasa : be billingual

berdzikir : recite (God's Holy Name)

bereaksi : react

berebut : snatch away, take away by force

berebut-rebutan : see: berebutan

berebutan : struggle with each other

beredar : lihat: edar

berekonomi : economize

berekor : have a tail, tailed

berekor-ekor : in single file

bereman : edge

beremas : have gold, wear gold

beremban : cross beam, dam

berembuk : discuss, confer

beremosi : emotional, have emotional feelings

berempat : be four

berempat-empat : four by four

berenak-enak : enjoy

berenang : swim

berencana : have a plan

berendam : submerged

berenga : maggot

berenggil : lihat: enggil

berengko : be in partnership, operate jointly

berengut : surly

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berentang : be stretched

bererak : unwind, uncoil, separate, part

bererot : lihat: erot

beres : tidy, clean, settled, in order, finished

beret : demanding, exacting

berevakuasi : evacuate

berevolusi : evolve

berfaedah : beneficial, useful, advantageous

berfajar : lihat: fajar

berfalsafah : philosophize

berfamili : have a family, be related

berfantasi : fantasize

berfatwa : give instructions, advice on religious matters

berfikir : bethink

berfilsafat : philosophize, philosophic

berfirman : decree, speak

berfitrah : tithe, purify (by paying the tithe)

berfluktuasi : fluctuate

berfokuskan : focus on

berfoya-foya : carouse

berfrustrasi : be frustrated

berfusi : fuse, coalesce

bergabung : coalesce, affiliate

bergabung : gather together, collected together, merge, fose

bergadai : borrow money

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bergadang : stay awake at night

bergading : be of ivory, use ivory

bergadis : no longer a virgin

bergaduh : make a row, squarrel, fight, be confused

bergagah : have strength, influence, act with firmness

bergagah-gagahan : test each other's strength

bergagang : have a handle, stem

bergagap : stammer, stutter, in a hurry, hurriedly

bergairah : passionate, very enthusiastic

bergajih : fatty

bergajul : scoundrel

bergala : punt

bergalak : act fierce

bergalang : use a girder, be on the ways

bergalon-galon : by the gallon

bergalur-galur : furrowed, grooved

bergaman : armed

bergambar : illustrated, pictorial

bergamit : nudge

bergamitan : nudge

berganda : doubled

berganda-ganda : double

bergandar : having an axle

bergandeng : side by side, arm in arm, lock arms, coupled

bergandengan : adjoin, see: gandeng

berganduh : lihat: ganduh

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bergandul : hang, suspend

berganggang : ajar

berganjak : lihat: ganjak

berganti : take turns, change

berganti-ganti : take turns, by turns, keep on changing

berganti-ganti : take turns, by turns, keep on changing

berganti daun : deciduousis

bergantian : alternate, by turns

bergantung : hang, depend

bergantung di atas : overhang

bergantung kepada : depend on, rely on

bergantung pada : depend on

bergantungan : be hanging

bergapaian : lihat: gapai

bergara-gara : make a fuss

bergarah : joke, jest

bergarah-garah : lihat: bergarah

bergaram : salted, be like salt, be effective

bergarit : be scratched

bergaruk : scratch

bergaruk-garuk : scratch

bergas : be filled with gas

bergasak : fight

bergasing : spin a top

bergaul : assort, associate, interact, lihat: gaul

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bergaung : echo, reverberate, dig, escavate

bergaya : strong, energetic, stylish

bergayut : lihat: gayut

bergedoncak : beat

bergeduyut : lihat: geduyut

bergegap : haltingly, falteringly

bergegar : shake, rumble

bergegar-gegaran : thunder

bergegaran : tremble, shake

bergegas : hurry up

bergegas-gegas : hurry up

bergegasan : hurry

bergegeran : make a commotion

bergejala : have symptoms

bergejolak : flare up, fluctuate

bergelabar : flap

bergelagaran : thunder

bergelak-gelak : chuckle

bergelandangan : loaf about, loaf around, loiter

bergelantingan : hang down

bergelap-gelapan : sit in the dark, be less than frank

bergelar : have a title, titled, noble, titular

bergelas-gelasan : kite fighting

bergelebyar : lihat: gelebyar

bergelebyaran : fly all

bergelegak : lihat: gelegak

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bergelembung : be in flated

bergelembung-gelembung : bubble, fizz

bergelemprang : lihat: gelemprang

bergelenggong : lihat: gelenggong

bergelentang : roll over

bergelepar : lihat: menggelepar

bergelepar-gelepar : lihat: menggelepar

bergeletakan : be sprawled, scattered

bergeletar : lihat: geletar

bergeletaran : shiver

bergeletukan : chatter strongly

bergeliang : scriggle, squirm

bergeliat : squirm about

bergelimang : be soiled, smeared

bergelimangan : smeared

bergelimpangan : be sprawled face up all over

bergelinding : roll, revolve, get moving

bergelinding : roll, revolve, get moving

bergelindingan : roll

bergelintin : lihat: gelintin

bergelisah : worry

bergeliut : lihat: geliut

bergelojak : lihat: gelojak

bergelombang : wavy, surge, fluctuate, bumpy, billowy

bergelombangan : wavy

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bergelonjak : go around

bergelonjakan : jumping around

bergelora : fiery, effervesce, rage, seethe, impassioned

bergelosor : slip

bergeluduk : thunder, rumble

bergelumang : be muddied

bergelundungan : roll downward

bergelung : coil

bergelung-gelung : rolled up

bergelut : be involved in, lihat: gelut

bergema : echo, lihat: gema

bergemal-gemal : in bunches

bergemar : enjoy, have a good time

bergembar-gembor : rant, shout, cry out

bergembung : be swollen

bergemercak : splatter, splash

bergemerincing : tinkle

bergemetaran : tremble

bergeming : lihat: geming

bergempa : shake, quake

bergemulung : roll gently

bergemuruh : thunder, bulldoze

bergenggam-genggam : in handfuls

bergenggang : be ajar

bergengsi : prestigious

bergenta : ring out

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bergentar : vibrate, quiver, tremble

bergentayangan : roam

bergeol : lihat: geol

bergepok-gepok : have several bundles, in bundles or wads

bergerak : move, astir, budge, afoot, be in motion

bergerak-gerak : not make any motion at all

bergerak ke belakang : aback

bergerak perlahan : crawl

bergercokan : foam

bergerigi : serrated, toothed, jagged

bergerimis : drizzle

bergerit : screech

bergermelapan : be gleaming, sparkling

bergerobak : in carloads

bergerohok : be hollow, have a cavity

bergerombol : lihat: gerombol

bergerombolan : in assembly

bergeropyak : thump, thud

bergesa : lihat: gesa

bergesa-gesa : lihat: gesa

bergesek : lihat: gesek

bergeser : shift, move, rub

bergeseran : rub against

bergetah : gummy, have sap, sticky

bergetar : shake, tremble, vibrate, quiver

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bergiat : engage in, energetically

bergidig : lihat: gidig

bergigi : have teeth

bergigih : persevere

bergigit-gigit : bite

bergilir : lihat: gilir

bergilir-gilir : take turns

bergiliran : take turns

bergirang : be happy, be cheerful

bergizi : nutritious, nourishing

bergocob : lihat: gocob

bergocob-gocoban : pummel

bergocoban : pummel

bergodek : growing side burn

bergolak : boil, seethe, bubble

bergolek : roll, lie down

bergolek-golek : roll repeatedly, lounge about

bergoler : turn over, roll over, lie down

bergombal : old and turn, poorly made

bergoncang : shake, be unstable

bergonggong : bark

bergonta-ganti : alternate

bergores : lined, be scratched

bergores-gores : lihat: bergores

bergosok : rub, have a shine

bergosokan : rub against

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bergotong-royong : cooperate, share work

bergoyang : rock, wobble, away, swing, fluctuate, oscillate

bergudang-gudang : with several warehouses, by the warehouse

berguguran : fall

bergugus-gugus : in bunches, groups

bergula : contain sugar, sugared, candied

bergulat : fight, struggle, lihat: gulat

berguling : roll over, roll

bergulingan : roll, wallow

bergulir : lihat: gulir

bergulung : roll, be rolled up, coiled

bergulung-gulung : by the roll, keep rolling

bergulut : lihat: gulut

bergulut-gulut : lihat: gulut

bergumam : lihat: gumam

bergumpal : in clumps, wads

bergumpal-gumpal : in many clumps

bergumpal-gumpalan : lihat: bergumpal-gumpal

bergumpalan : lihat: bergumpal-gumpal

bergumul : wrestle, comingle, lihat: gumul

berguna : constructive, useful, conducive, worthy

berguncang : joggle

bergundah : depressed, anxious, restless

bergundul : bald, bare, leafless

bergunjing : gossip with

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berguntak : rattle

bergunung-gunung : mountainous

bergurah : lihat: gurah

bergurau : joke

bergurauan : joke with

berguru : study, learn

berguruh : thunder

berguyon : joking

berguyur : lihat: guyur

berhadap-hadapan : visavis, face to face

berhadapan : face, be faced with, front on, face to face

berhadapan muka : confront

berhak : rightful, justifiably, entitled

berhak mendapat : deserve

berhala : idol, image

berhalangan : be hindered, handicapped

berhaluan : follow a course

berhamburan : straggly, scattered, spread everywhere, trickle

berharga : valuable, worth, precious

berhasil : successful, make good

berhasil baik : prosper

berhasrat : ravenous, EAGER

berhati-hati : conscientious, cautious, carefully, careful

berhati jahat : despiteful

berhawa nafsu : sensual

berhemat : sparing

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berhembus : blow

berhenti : resign, quit, pause, desist, stop, cease

berhianat : treason, deceit, betray

berhubungan : connected

berhutang : indebted, owe, debit

beri : give

beri-beri : beri-beri

beriak : ripple

beribadah : worship, pray

berijasah : accredited

berijtihad : to study and interpret independently

berikut : the following, subsquent, posterior, following

berikutnya : next

beriman : devout

beringas : wild, furious

beringin : banyan tree

beringis : grin

beringus : snotty

berintikan : contain, have as a core

beriringan : at a strecth, in rows, successively

berisi : contain

berisi pujian : complimentary

berisi udara : pneumatic

berisik : noisy, uproar

berisikan : noisy, din

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beristirahat : rest, respite

beristri dua : bigamous

berita : new, announcement

beritahu : inform, report

berjaga-jaga : vigilance

berjajar : in a row or line

berjajaran : side by side, in a rows

berjalan : walk, stroll

berjalan-jalan : take a stroll, take a pleasure trip

berjalan kaki : walking

berjalan santai : amble

berjalar : spread over

berjamaah : in assembly, together with community

berjambang : bewhiskered

berjamur : mildew

berjanggut : bewhiskered, bearded

berjanji : promise, pledge to do something

berjasa : deserving

berjeda : take a rest

berjejer : in a row

berjemaah : congregated

berjemur : bask, sunning

berjerih-payah : make a great effort, exert to the utmost

berjingkrak-jingkrak : prace

berjodoh : be paired, be married

berjongkok : cower, squat

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berjualan : selling

berjuang : battle

berjubel : huddle

berjudi : gamble

berjulukan : have a nickname

berjumlah : aggregate, number

berjumpa : encounter, meet

berkabar : tell, relate, send news about oneself

berkabung : mourn

berkabut : foggy, misty, hazy

berkacak pinggang : akimbo

berkah : blessing

berkaitan : in connection with, be related to

berkaki dua : biped

berkaki telanjang : barefoot

berkala : periodic

berkalang : be supported

berkantor : have an office

berkaos : wear an undershirt

berkapur : calcareous

berkarat : rusted, get rusty, become rusted, rusty

berkarya : work, do work, produce a masterwork

berkas : bundle, bunch, sheaf, dossier

berkasan : bundle

berkat : blessing, thanks to, profitable, dint, boon

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berkawan : have friends (companions), be friends

berkayuh : paddle, pedal

berkebalikan : be the opposite, be the contrary

berkebangsaan : have a nationality

berkeberatan : demure, have objections

berkebolehan : able

berkebun : gardening

berkecambah : germinate

berkecamuk : rage, be in an uproar

berkececeran : scattered, spilled

berkecelaan : have short comings, have defect, suffer ignominy

berkecimpung : plunge into an activity, splash around

berkecipak : splash

berkecukupan : be in moderate circumstances

berkedok : masked, wear a mask

berkedudukan : be located, hold the position

berkeinginan : wishful, desire

berkelahi : quarrel, fight, slog

berkelakar : wisecrack, crack jokes

berkelakuan : behave, have the character of, behaving like

berkelamin : in pairs

berkelana : wander, roam

berkelanjutan : continue, sustainable

berkelap-kelip : blinking, glimmer, twinkling, glittering

berkelebat : flashing

berkelentang : clink

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berkeliaran : prowl, gad

berkeliling : go around

berkelip : flicker, sparkle (of a gem), twinkle (of stars)

berkelok : curve

berkelompok : shoal

berkeluarga : be married, have a family, be related to

berkeluh-kesah : see: keluhan

berkelumun : have a cover, covered with

berkelun : billow (of smoke)

berkelupas : get peeled off

berkeluyuran : gad

berkemah : camping, encamp, bivouac

berkemampuan : see: mampu

berkemauan : have a will

berkembang : effloresce, develop, efflorescent, burgean

berkenaan : about, in connection with, in the matter of

berkenan : deign, pleased, condescend

berkencan : date

berkepanjangan : prolonged, continuous, protracted

berkepentingan : interested, having an interest, be concerned

berkeretak : gnash, grate, creak

berkeringat : perspire, sweaty, transpire

berkerumuk : be crumpled, wrinkled

berkerumun : swarm over, teem, crowd, cluster around, throng

berkerumun : assemble, come together

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berkerut : crinkle, corrugate

berkesempatan : have an opportunity, have a time

berkesimpulan : have a conclusion, conclude

berkesinambungan : uninterruptedly, continuous

berketurunan : for generations, of a certatin ethnic heritage

berkewajiban : have the duty of

berkhayal : figure out, imagine, day-dream

berkhianat : traitorous

berkhitan : be circumcised

berkibar : flaunt, wave, aflutter

berkilah : equivocate, quibble

berkilap : glitter, lucid, orient

berkilau : garish, candied, lucid, glitter, orient

berkilau-kilau : coruscate

berkilauan : glisten, burnish

berkisar : oscillate, about

berkoar : chatter

berkobar : deflagrate, ablaze, flare up, rage

berkobar-kobar : rage, be ablaze, vehement, inflammatory (speech)

berkokok : cackle

berkomentar : give comment, express comment

berkomplot : conspire, connive

berkonco : be cronies, have cronies

berkontak : have a contact

berkorban : make a sacrifice, sacrificial

berkotek : cackle

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berkualitas : qualified

berkuasa : sovereign, dominant, hold the power

berkuasa penuh : plenipotentiary

berkuat : persist, stick in there, stick with it

berkucir : tressy

berkucur : gush or pour forth

berkuda : riding

berkukuh : be firm in, be tenacious

berkumandang : echo, reverberate

berkumis : bewhiskered

berkumpul : gather, cohere, assemble, congregate, agglomerate

berkumur : rinse

berkunjung : visit

berkurang : derogate, decrease

berkutat : busily engaged in, locked tightly

berkutat : maintain a never-say-die attitude

berkutat : struggle to the utmost of something

berkutik : move slightly

berlabuh : berth

berlaga : fight, struggle

berlagak : assumed

berlainan : different, vary, disparate, anomalous

berlaju : speed, move fast

berlaju-laju : speed, move fast

berlakon : perform in a play

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berlaku : valid, behave, act (as), in effect, occur, happen

berlalu : over, be gone, pass by, past, overdue

berlandaskan : based on

berlangganan : subscribe

berlangsung : continue, ongoing

berlapis : plated, flaky, coated

berlari : run

berlarut-larut : protracted, drawn out, drag on

berlatih : tub, exercise, rehearse

berlawak : see: melawak

berlawanan : antipodes

berlayar : sail, sailing, afloat

berlebih : abundant

berlebihan : affluent, excessive, intemperance, copious

berleha-leha : take it easy

berlekuk-lekuk : groved, bumpy

berlemotan : smeared all over with something

berlengket : stick, adhere

berlengket-berlengketan : sticking to each other

berlian : diamond

berlibur : go on vacation

berliburan : take a vacation

berliku : tortuous

berliku-liku : winding, tortuous, zigzag, devious

berlilit : twist, wind, be wound around with

berlimpah : over abundance, abundance, abundant, abound

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berlimpah-limpah : plentiful, abundantly, superabundant, abound-in

berlimpahan : abound, be plentinful, be in abundance

berlindung : seek refuge (protection), take shelter

berlipat : folded, pleated

berliur : drivel, slobbery

berlomba : compete, race each other

berlubang : hollow

berlucu : joke, be amusing

berludah : spit

berlumpur : muddy, bedraggle, sloshy

berlumur : smeared

berlumuran : smeared

berlumuran darah : bloodstained

berlumut : mossy

berluruhan : drop in great quantities

berlutut : kneel, genuflect

bermacam-macam : multi-farious, diverse, assortment, various

bermadah : praise, recite

bermagang : apprentice

bermain : play

bermain mata : coquet

bermakna : meaningful

bermaksiat : engage in immoral acts

bermaksud untuk : mind to, intend

bermalas-malas : lounge around, lounge about

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bermalas-malasan : dawdle, idle

bermanfaat : rewarding, useful

bermartabat : have a grade (rank, status, dignity), prestigious

bermasalah : troublous, troublesome

bermasyarakat : form a group, live in community

bermata : knotty

bermata juling : cockeyed

bermata tajam : eagle-eyed

bermegah-megahan : ostentatious

bermentega : buttered

bermesra : entirely mixed

bermesraan : be very close, intimate with

berminat : have an interest

berminyak : oily, greasy

bermiripan : resemble one another

bermodal : have capital

bermodalkan : have something as capital

bermoral : have high moral standards

bermuara : empty into

bermuhibah : go on a goodwill mission

bermuka dua : insincere

bermulut bisa : acrid

bermurah hati : merciful

bermusuhan : hostile, antagonistic, adverse

bermusyawarah : engage in deliberations

bernada : have a tone, smack of

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bernafas : breathe, sigh

bernafaskan : based on

bernafsu : libidinous, ardent

bernama buruk : infamous

bernanah : abscess, purulent, suppurate

bernas : filled out, full, pithy

bernaung : take shelter, be in the shelter

bernegara : have a country

berniaga : engage in trading

berniat : intend

berniat-niat : wish intensely

bernilai : valuable, precious

bernisbah : be related to

bernyala : aglow, deflagrate, ablaze

bernyawa : alive

berombak : wave

berondongan : volley of gunfire, fusillade, barrage

berongsong : muzzle, gag

berontak : struggle, revolt

berotot : muscular, sinewy

berpadanan : condign

berpadu : haronize

berpakaian : attire

berpakaian bagus : dressy, dandify

berpaling : turn away

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berpamrih : do something with an eye to the reward

berpandangan : view each other, have a certain view

berpandangan tajam : sharp-sighted

berpandangan terbuka : open minded

berpangkas : get a haircut

berpangku-tangan : do nothing

berpanjang-panjang : prolonged, protracted, continuous

berpanjang kalam : relate in elaborate fashion

berpanjang madah : talk a great deal

berpanjangan : in the long run, for a long time

berpantang : abstain

berpantat : bottomed, have a bottom

berpartisipasi : take part, participate

berpasir : sandy

berpatungan : chip in together to pay for something

berpautan : inherent

berpaya-paya : boggy

berpegang : hold on to

berpegangan : hold on to each other, hold on to something

berpelajaran : obtain an education, educated

berpeluh : transpire, sweaty, perspire

berpembawaan : have talent, have a disposition

berpencar : scatter, disperse

berpendapat : opine, contend

berpendidikan : be educated, have an education

berpendirian : have a stand, be of the opinion

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berpenduduk : inhabited

berpengalaman : experienced, versed, worldly-wise

berpengaruh : influential

berpengetahuan : knowledgeable

berpenggal-penggal : in pieces

berpenghuni : inhabited

berpenglihatan tajam : sharp-sighted

berperan : have a role

berperanan : have a role, playing a role

berperangai : behave, have a certain disposition

berperangko : postpaid

berpesta-pora : have a big celebration

berpidato : declaim, recite, orate

berpihak : take sides, side with

berpijak : based on, stand on

berpijar : blazing, incandescent

berpikir : think

berpikiran : have a certain thought

berpindah : move, migrate, devolve

berpindah-pindah : ambulatory

berpingit : be secluded, especially kept in house

berpisah : separate, apart

berpolitik : campaign

berpuasa : conduct fasting

berpulang : die, give back, return, pass on, pass away

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berpulangan : go home (of many people)

berpura-pura : pretend, dissimulate

berpusing : eddy

berputar : cycling, pivot, rotary, gyrate, twirl, twist

berputus asa : despair

bersabar : have a patience

bersahaja : unpretentious, unostentatious

bersaing : compete, emulative

bersaksi : testify

bersalah : guilty, culpable, offending, blunder

bersama : together, simultaneous

bersama-sama : jointly, together, agregate

bersama ini : herewith, hereby

bersamaan : coincide, incidentally, together with, in unison

bersambung : articulate

bersampan : boating

bersandar : recline

bersangkut-paut : relevant

bersangkutan : be concerned with, involved with or in, relevant

bersarang : nestle

bersatu : rally

bersayap : winged

bersebambangan : extended, act big

bersebelah : be split in two

bersebelah-belahan : lihat: bersebelahan

bersebelahan : side by side, contiguous, neighboring

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berseberangan : on both sides, opposite each other

berseburitan : commit, sodomy

bersedekah : give alms, give a religious meal

bersedia : be ready, prepared, disposed (to), willing

bersedih hati : grieve, dumps

bersejarah : historic

bersekedudukan : cohabit

bersekongkol : conspire, abet, collude

bersekutu : ally, allied, federate

berselaju : speed, move fast

berselang : at intervals, ago

berselang-seling : criss cross

berselingkuh : dishonest, corrupt

berseluncur : move with gliding action

bersemak : bushy

bersemangat : courageous, go ahead, glowing

bersemarak : efflugent

bersemayam : reside

bersembunyi : hide, latent, lurk

bersemburit : engage in sodomy

bersemedi : meditate

bersemi : bud

bersenandung : croon

bersenang-senang : relax, disport

bersendawa : belch

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bersendiri : be alone, apart, separated, be aloof

bersenggama : copulate

bersengketa : litigant

bersenjata : armed

bersenjatakan : armed with something

bersentuhan : have contact with, touching each other

bersepakat : have an agreement, agree, deal

bersepeda : cycling, bicycle

berserabut : fibrous

berserabutan : run in confusion

berseragam : in uniform

berserakan : scattered around

berserat : fibrous

berseri : orient, glitter, lucid

berseri-seri : beaming, alight

berseru : exclaim, ejaculate

berseteru : hostile

bersetubuh : copulate

bersiantukan : collide with

bersiap-siap : gird

bersiduga : sink out of sight

bersifat berani : courageous

bersifat buruk : vice

bersifat curiga : distrustful

bersifat dermawan : beneficent

bersifat kedaerahan : countrified

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bersifat kekanak-kanakan : infantile

bersifat kiasan : allegorical

bersifat klasik : classical

bersifat kuno : classical

bersifat melindungi : protective

bersifat membagi : divisive

bersifat membedakan : distinctive

bersifat membujuk : adulatory

bersifat memfitnah : defamatory

bersifat memperhatikan : attentive

bersifat menantang : defiant

bersifat mendidik : educative, didactic

bersifat menekan : repressive

bersifat menentukan : determinative

bersifat mengejek : derisive

bersifat mengelak : evasive

bersifat mengenal : diacritical

bersifat mengesankan : impressive

bersifat menghubungkan : copulative

bersifat menyebar : diffusive

bersifat menyerang : offensive, agressive

bersifat menyerap : absorptive

bersifat menyerap bunyi : acoustical

bersifat merusak : destructive

bersifat otoriter : authoritative

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bersifat perintah : mandatory

bersifat seni : artistic

bersifat seperti wanita : effeminate

bersifat teoritis : doctrinaire

bersifat tuhan : divine

bersigap : be in readiness

bersih : clear, pure, clean

bersikap : have a certain attitude, stand at attention

bersikap bangsawan : aristrocratic

bersikap dingin : plegmatic

bersikap kepala batu : implacable

bersikap toleran : tolerant

bersikeras : bullheaded, absolutely insist on, persist in

bersikukuh : be stubborn, stick to one's policy

bersil : protrude

bersilaju : speed, move fast

bersilang : crossed, piled up in a crisscross way

bersilang-siur : cross back and forth, crisscross

bersilangan : cross each other, pass each other

bersilat : engage in such self-defense

bersimbah : be drenched, bespattered

bersimpati : have a symphatize

bersin : sneeze

bersinar : shine

bersinggung : touch, nudge

bersinggungan : touch, contact

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bersirip : finny

bersisik : scaly, squamous

bersit : a burst of, a little of

bersitatap : look at each other

bersitegang : persevere, be stubborn, insist uncompromisingly

bersiul : whistle, cheep, tweet, twitter

bersodomi : engage in sodomy

bersolek : prink, dress-up, apply one's make up

bersorak gembira : jubilant

berspekulasi : bull

bersuara : have a voice, voiced, produce a sound

bersuci : live a pure life

bersujud : kneel, prostrate

bersukaria : exult

bersuku banyak : multiracial

bersuku dua : disyllable

bersuluh : light with a torch

bersumpah : pledge, swear, abjure

bersumpah palsu : perjure

bersungut-sungut : grouchy

bersusah : bother

bersusah-payah : make every effort

bersusah-susah : make every effort

bersusun : multilevel

bersut : hiss, glare at

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bersyarat : conditional

bersyaratkan : have something as a condition

bersyukur : thank God, be grateful

bertabrakan : collide

bertabur : scattered, spread

bertaburan : scattered, spread

bertaburkan : be spread over with something

bertahan : withstand, coherent

bertahap : in stages, in phases

bertahta : reign

bertalar : think logically, reason, deliberate a problem

bertalian : be connected with, tied to, related, relevant

bertambah : accrue, accretion

bertambah-tambah : step up

bertambah besar : waxin

bertambah luas : broaden

bertambal : patched

bertambal-tambal : be patched all over

bertambalkan : have as a patch

bertampang : have a face, have an appearance

bertanda : marked

bertandang : visit

bertanding : competitive, compete

bertandu : ride in a sedan chair

bertanduk : cornuted, horned

bertanggungjawab : amenable, responsible, account for, accountable

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bertanya : ask

bertara : matching

bertarah : planed

bertarak : abstain

bertaruh : bet, backhorses

bertarung : fight, combat

bertasbih : tell one's beads

bertatah : inlaid, studded

bertatahkan : inlaid

bertatapan : face to face, look at each other

bertaut : fit together, fuse, become one

bertautan : mesh, connected, be linked with, related to

bertawar-tawaran : dicker

bertebaran : strew

berteduh : shade

bertegangan : have a tension (, stress, voltage)

bertekad : determined

bertekanan : accentual

bertekat : bent

bertekuk lutut : on bended knee

bertekun : persevere

bertelur : spawn

bertempat tinggal : reside, dwell

bertempel : stick, be next to

bertemu : converge

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bertengger : be perched on a branch, settle down, stay, roost

bertengkar : contend, quarelling, bicker

bertentangan : discreprant, contradictive, repugnant, against

bertepuk-tangan : applaud, clap

berterbangan : fly every which way

berteriak : yell, hoot, cry, scream, bawl, boohoo

berterima-kasih : grateful, gratitude

berterus-terang : frankly, blunt

bertetangga : have neighbor, live in neighborhood

bertiang : beamed

bertiga : triad

bertikai : dispute, quarrel, fight

bertikarkan : use something as a mat

bertimbang : lihat: bertimbangan

bertimbang-rasa : be sympathetic

bertimbangan : be of equal weight or importance

bertimbun : cumulative

bertindak : act, take steps, measures

bertingkah : capricious, crotchety

bertinju : box

bertitik : drip

bertopeng : masked

bertubi-tubi : insistent

bertujuan : head for, go in certain direction

bertukar : trade, commute

bertukar pikiran : expotulate

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bertulang : bony

bertumpu : rest on, have support, touch upon

bertumpuk : bank

bertunangan : engaged, betrothed

bertunas : effloresce

berturut-turut : successive, succeeding

bertutur : tattle, talk, converse

bertutur-tutur : talk, converse

beruang : bear, have money, possess money

beruang-beruangan : teddy bear

berubah : change, alter

berubah-ubah : fluid, capricious

berubah pikiran : bethink

beruban : hoary, whitethached, grizzled

berudu : tappole

berugi : suffer losses

berujung tajam : sharp-pointed

berukir : engraved, carved

berukir-ukir : pockmarked

berukiran : having a carving in it

berulah : act, demonstrate

berulang : frequent, repeatedly

berulangkali : again and again, many times

berumbung : tubular, cylindrical

berunding : consult, negotiate

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berungut : grumble, gripe

beruntung : benefit, fortunate, lucky, successful

beruntusan : pimple

berunyai-unyai : softly, gently, little by little

berupaya : make serious efforts

berurat : venous

berurte : suffer a stroke

berurusan : get in touch with, contact, be concerned with

berurut : subsequent

berurutan : subsequent

berus : brush

berusaha : undertake, endeavour, try

bervariasi : assorted

berwajah : have a face of a certain kind

berwajib : have the obligation

berwawasan : have a conception

berwenang : have the authority

berwibawa : with authority, having authoritative bearing

berwujud : tangible

berzina : adulterous, adulterate

besar : large, great, huge, broad, fabulous, big, august

besar-besaran : on the large scale

besar kepala : bigheaded

besar sekali : gargantuan, immense, cyclopian

besaran : bigger

besarnya : magnitude, ampleness

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beset : scraped, occupied

besi berani : magnet

besi tua : scrap iron

beskit : cookie

beslah : seizure, confiscation

beslahan : booty

beslit : decree, letter of appointment

besok : to, later on, later, coming, tomorrow

besoknya : the next day

besot : scraped

bestari : expert, bright

bestek : specification

bestel : order, an order

bestelan : an order, package

bestir : administration, board of director

bestral : radiation

besuk : visit

besut : improve

bet : bad, badge

betah : stay, like, feel like home, feel at home

betapa : what a ..., how ...., how very, as

betas : torn, cracked

betawi : batavia

beterbangan : lihat: berterbangan

beternak : continent

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betik : be announced, leaked out

betik-betik : pimple, rash

betina : female, woman, she

beting : shoal

betis : calf, leg

betok : burned by acid

beton : concrete

beton bertulang : reinforced concrete

betot : snatch

betul : right, correct, true, exact, really, fine

betul-betul : truly

betul-betulan : real

betulan : precisely, actually

bh : brassiere

bhineka : diversity

biadab : ill mannered, uneducated

biadab : barbaric, barbarous, barbarian, uncultured

biadi : thread worm

biak : fertile

biang : mother, ringleader

biang-biang : saltwater herring

biang-keladi : taro (main root stock), ringleader, mastermind

biang-keringat : prickly heat

biang-kerok : culprit

bianglala : rainbow

biar : let, permit, so that

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biara : friary, abbey, monastery, convent

biarawan : monk

biarawati : nun

biarlah : that will do, all right

biarpun : although

bias : ray, refraction

biasa : accustomed, adjusted, banal, lay, habitual

biasa : ordinary, conversant, usual, trivial, regular

biasa saja : indifferent

biasan : refraction

biasanya : normally, generally, usually

biaya : cost, outlay, tariff, expense, fee, feal

biaya hidup : maintenance

biaya tambahan : surcharge

bibel : Bible

bibi : aunt, auntie

bibir : lip, genital labia, edge

bibir sumbing : harelip

bibit : seed, seedling, germ, cause, prospective

bibliograf : bibliographer

bibliografi : bibliography

bibliografis : bibliographic

bicara : speak, state opinion, matter, meaningful

bicokok : small crocodile, accomplice, rogue

bidadari : fairy, beautiful woman, nymph, angel, sylph

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bidah : heresy, lie

bidai : bamboo, basket work, splint, base

bidak : pawn

bidal : thimble

bidan : midwife

bidanan : stretch, sector

bidang : scope, stretch, area, sector, plane, broad

bidang tanah : plot

bidara : jujube or date tree

bidas : penetrate, spring back, fly from, attack verbally

bidasan : reaction, attack, spring movement, stretch

bidder : bidder

bidding : bidding

bidik : aim

bidikan : aim, selection

bidston : prayer group

biduan : vocalist

biduanita : female vocalist

bigami : bigamy

bijak : able, wise, witty

bijaksana : discreet, sane, prudence, politic, wise

bijan : sesame

biji : seed, stone, classifier, grade, point, testicles

biji-bijian : cereals

biji mata : eyeball

bijian : digit

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bijih : ore

bikin : make, cause

bikin-bikin : pretend, make up

bikinan : product, fib, artificial

bikini : bikini

biksu : monk

biksuni : nun

biku : lace edging

bikulturalisme : biculturalism

bila : when, if

bilabial : bilabial

bilah : lath, wood chip, knife blade, classifier for long

bilai : hem, addition

bilamana : when

bilang : every, say

bilangan : amount, numeral, calculation, fate, group

bilangan pokok : coefficient

bilas : rinse, wash off

bilasan : flushing, rinse

bilik : room

bilingual : bilingual

bilingualisme : bilingualism

bilion : bouillon

bilur : welt

bilyar : billiard

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bilyet : ticket

bilyun : trillion

bima : Bhima

bimasakti : Milky

bimbang : worried, hesitate, doubt, vacillate, indecisive

bimbing : find guidance

bimbingan : leadership, guidance

bimbit : carry by hand, lead by hand

bimbitan : leadership, foreword

bin : son of

bina : building

binal : rebellious, wild

binar : bright

binaraga : body building

binaragawan : body builder

binasa : destroyed, perish

binatang : animal

binatang buas : beast

binatang buruan : game

binatang kesayangan : pet

binatang melata : reptile

binatang menyusui : mammal

binatang pemakan daging : carnivore

binatang pemamah biak : ruminant

binatang piaraan : pet

binatang raksasa : behemonth

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binatu : laundryman

bincang : discuss, deliberate

bincul : lump, bruise

bindu : lathe

biner : binary

bingit : ill at case, jealous

bingkah : bit, lump

bingkahan : lump, chunk

bingkai : brim, frame

bingkaian : frame

bingkap : legging, putter

bingkas : resilient, elasticity

bingkis : send, gift

bingkisan : gift, souvenir, parcel

bingung : rattled, wool-gathering

bingung : confused, disoriented, panicky, perplexed

bingung : puzzled, perturbed, mixed up, distrait

bini : wife, additional, mistress

bini-binian : keep taking wives, mistress

binnen : elite

binomium : binomial

bintak : stain

bintang : star, asteroid, medal

bintang berekor : comet

bintang jasa : decoration

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bintang pagi : day-star

bintang timur : morning star

bintangan : constellation, artificial star

binti : daughter of

bintik : spot, stain, speckle

bintil : small pimple, nodule

bintil hitam : blackhead

binturung : bear cat

biografi : biography

biokimia : biochemistry

biokimiawi : biochemical

biola : violin, bowl

biologi : biology

biologik : biological

biologiwan : biologist

biopsi : biopsy

bioritme : biorhythm

bioskop : movie, cinema, theater

bipolar : bipolar

bipolarisasi : bipolarisation

bir : beer

bir hitam : stout

birah : lascivious

birahi : sexual desire, passion, passionate, lust

birai : low wall, banister, curb

biri-biri : sheep

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birit : buttocks, bottom

biro : office, bureau

biro perjalanan : travel-agency

birokrasi : bureaucracy, red tape

birokrat : bureaucrat

birokrat : bureaucrat

birokratis : bureaucratic

birokratisasi : bureaucratisation

birokratisme : bureaucratism

birput : cesspool

birsam : pleurisy

biru : blue

biru langit : azure, ultra marine

biru laut : aquamarine, ultra marine

bis : bus, box, tube, pipe

bis penumpang : omnibus

bisa : be able, can, should, poison

bisa-bisa : possible

bisa cair : dissoluble

bisa didapat : getable

bisa dijinakkan : tamable

bisa dipercaya : bonafide, believable

bisa hilang : effaceable

bisa mengapung : buoyant

bisa pecah : breakable

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bisik : whisper, say in whisper

bisikan : whisper, murmur, whispering

bising : noise, noisy, buzzing, clatter

biskop : bishop

biskuit : cracker, Dutch rusk, biscuit

bismillah : in the Name of Allah

bismut : bismuth

bisnis : business

bison : bison

bistik : beefsteak

bisu : mute, dumb

bisu dan tuli : deaf mute

bisul : carbuncle, boil, blotch

bisul : blaim, gall, abscess, protuberance, pustule

bius : drug

bivak : bivouac

biyung : mother, mama

blak-blakan : outspoken, fortright

blandong : lumberjack

blandongan : timber, lumber jacking

blangko : blank

blantika : world, arena

blaster : crossbreed

blasteran : lihat: blaster

blesek : pushed in

bletok : mud

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blok : bolt, block, bloc, obstruct

blok kertas : pad

blokade : blockade

blokir : lihat: blokade

bloknot : note pad

blong : free

bloon : stupid, wacky

blouse : bluse

bludrek : hypertension

blus : blouse

bob : bouffant

bobo : sleep

bobok : pierce, break open

bobokan : hole, aperture

bobol : give way

bobolan : pierced hole

bobos : breach

bobot : heavy, weight, integrity

bobot mati : deadweight

bobrok : ramshackle, tumbledown, dilapidated, rotten

bocah : kid

bocel : chipped

bocor : leak, orinate, bleed

bocoran : leak, leakage

bodoh : wooden-headed

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bodoh : obtuse, idiot, hare-brained, fool, dumb, dull

bohong : lie, deceit

boikot : boycott

boke : broke

bokong : buttocks, hindpart first, back, posterior

bola : ball, globe

bola basket : basketball

bola bumi : globe

bola lampu : bulb

bola pijar : bulb

bola sodok : billiard

bola voli : volleyball

bolak-balik : to and fro

bolang-baling : propeller, weathervane

boleh : may

boleh jadi : may be

bolehlah : all right

boling : bowling

bolong : perforated, precisely

bolos : play-truant, not present, penetrated, truant

bolpen : ballpoint, pen

bom : bomb, fart

bon : check, bill, voucher, chit

bonafit : bonafide

bonceng : ride

bondo : goods

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bondong : group

bondongan : throng

bondot : bundle

boneka : doll, puppet, figurehead

bonggol : wen, tuber, tubercle, tuberosity, bump

bongkah : nugget, clod

bongkahan : hunk

bongkak : proud, insolent

bongkar : take apart

bongkar-bangkir : scattered

bongkaran : unloaded goods

bongkok : crooked, bent (over), humped

bongkol : knob, hump, head, node

bongkot : tree trunk, tree stump, base of plant stem

bongkrek : inedible

bongmeh : note

bongok : tombstone

bongsor : oversized, big

bonjol : lump, projection, protrude

bonjor : furtification

bonyok : flabby, soft, tainted

bool : anus

bopeng : pock-marked

boper : buffer

bor : drill, anger

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bor-bor : drill

bor-boran : drilled

bordil : bordello, embroidery

bordilan : embroidered object

boreg : guarantee, security

borgol : handcuffs

borhan : proof

borjuasi : bourgeoisie

borjuis : bourgeois

borok : ulcer, mangy, bad

borong : the entire stock

borongan : job-work, wholesale, total sale, work contracted

boros : wasteful, open-handed

boros : improvident, prodigal, extravagant, lavish, loose

bosan : blase, be bored, boring, tired of

bosan-bosan : never flagging

boss : boss

bot : boot

botak : baldheaded, bald

botani : botany

botanikus : botanist

botoh : shapely, croupier

botol : bottle, carboy, container

boyongan : moving

bralaskan : be placed

brandal : rascal, gangster

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brandalan : madcap

brangus : muzzle

brankar : hospital cart

bren : kind of light machine gun

brendi : brandy

breng-brengan : pungent

brengsek : useless

brevet : certification

bridge : bridge

brigade : brigade

brigadir : brigadier

brikade : barricade

briket : briquet

bril : eyeglasses

brilyan : brilliant

britania : britain

bromida : bromide

brompit : moped

brondol : featherless

brondong : fusillade

brondongan : barrage

bronhitis : bronchitis

bronsitis : bronchitis

bros : brooch

brosur : folder, brochure

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bruder : friar

bruderan : friary

brutal : brutal, impudent, elfish

bruto : gross

buah : fruit, blackberry, result, focus

buah anggur : grape

buah apel : apple

buah arbei : strawberry

buah beri : berry

buah dada : breast

buah delima : pomegranate

buah hati : ducky

buah nanas : pineapple

buah pelir : testicle

buah pir : pear

buah pohon ek : acorn

buah sukun : breadfruit

buah zakar : testicles

buai : swing

buaian : gab, boast, hammock, swing

bual : bubbling over, boasting

buana : earth, universe

buang : throw

buang air besar : move

buangan : exile, elimination, remunciation

buani : universal

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buas : savage, ferocious, furious, wild, desolate, cruel

buat : do, for, in order to

buat-buatan : artificial

buatan : make, product, artificial, pretense, unnatural

buatan tangan : man-made

buaya : cayman, crocodile, alligator, villain

bubar : disperse, fall out, dissolve

bubaran : dispersal

bubuh : put on

bubuhan : addition

bubuk : powder

bubuk : powder

bubul : sore on palm, reapir, soar

bubun-bubun : fontanel

bubung : top, ridgepole

bubungan : ridge, ridgepole, cam, pitch

bubur : porridge

bubur gandum : oatmeat

bubus : swarm out

bubusan : culvert

bubut : lathe, pull up, stay, coucal

bubutan : lathe, guy

budak : servant, slave, youngster

budak belian : serf, bondman, bondwoman

budaya : culture, practice

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budeg : deafanonymous

budel : inberitance

budi : mind, character, sensibleness, trick

budidaya : cultivation

budidaya bunga : floriculture

budiman : wise, prudent, righteous

buduk : mangy

budur : prominent

bufet : buffet

bugil : naked

buhuk : goiter

buhul : knot

buhulan : knot

bui : jail, prison

buih : froth, suds, foam

bujang : single, bachelor, male servant

bujangan : bachelor

bujangga : sage, poet

bujet : budget

bujuk : coasing, persuasion

bujukan : persuasion, inducement, cajolery, blandishment

bujur : lenghtwise, longitude, oblong

bujur sangkar : square

bujuran : lenght

buka : open

buka-bukaan : run around naked

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bukaan : opener, opening, cut away drawing

bukan : no, not, isn't doesn't, didn't, hasn't, haven't

bukan kepalang : egregios, abysmal

bukan main : excruciatingly, unbelievable, absurdly, stunning

bukan tidak : are-is-am not, ain't

buket : bouquet

buking : booking

bukit : hill, testimony

bukit kecil : knoll, hillock

bukit pasir : dune

bukti : evidence, proof, document

buku : book

buku harian : diary

buku pedoman : manual, key

buku peganggan : handbook

buku pelajaran : textbook

buku petunjuk : manual

buku sebaran : prospectus

buku tabungan : bankbook

bukung : tailess

bukur : grain

bukut : cover up, cover

bulan : month, moon, lunar

bulan agustus : august

bulan desember : december

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bulan madu : honeymoon

bulan muda : crescent

bulanan : monthly

bulang : wrapper, tape

bulat : circle, complete, unanimous, sphere, round

bulat-bulat : round object, flatly

bulat panjang : ellipse

bulat telur : oval

bulatan : , orb, sphere, circle, rotundity

buldoser : bulldozer

bule : albino, white person

bulir : ear, counter for long

bulkpos : bulkpost

bulsak : upholstery, mattress

bulu : body hair, fur, feather, bristle

bulu-bulu : plume

bulu angsa : eiderdown

bulu ayam : quill

bulu binatang : fur

bulu burung : plumage

bulu burung muda : down

bulu hidung : vibrissae

bulu mata : eyelash

bulu roma : fuzz

buluh : bamboo

buluk-bulukan : moldy, stale

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bulur : starving

bulus : totally bald, childless, robbed

bulutangkis : badminton

bumbu : seasoning, spices

bumbun : shady, shelter for hunters, heap, pile

bumerang : boomerang

bumi : globe, earth

bumiawi : earthly

bumiputra : native

buncah : disturbed

buncis : bean

buncit : distended, pregnant, recent

buncitan : latest

bunda : mother

bundar : round, circular

bundaran : circle, traffic, hoop

bundel : bundle, collection

bundelan : bundle, knot

bung : fellow, buddy, brother, mac

bunga : flower, the best part, floral design, interest

bunga : blossom, azalea

bunga-bungaan : flowers, artificial flowers, floral decoration

bunga anyelir : carnation

bunga aster : daisy

bunga bakung : lily, daffodil

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bunga dahlia : dahlia

bunga daisy : daisy

bunga dandelion : dandelion

bunga ganja : poppy

bunga gladiol : gladiolus

bunga kacapiring : gardenia, camellia

bunga karang : sponge

bunga matahari : sunflower

bunga melati : jessamine

bunga narsis : daffodil

bunga rampai : anthology, potpourri

bunga ros : rose

bunga tanah : humus, topsoil

bungalow : bungalow

bungkal : lump, piece, chunk, leaden

bungkalan : piece

bungkam : quiet, silent, speechless, not go off

bungkuk : stoop, bent, crooked, humped

bungkuk-bungkukan : repeatedly bowing

bungkul : cauliflower

bungkus : parcel, pack, wrapper, package, casing, hull

bungkusan : packing, pack, package, parcel, encasement

bunglon : chameleon, vacillator, opportunist

bungsu : youngest, the last in series

bunker : bunker

buntal : swollen, bloated

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buntang : straing, stiff

buntat : gallstone

buntel : wrapping

buntelan : bundle

buntet : clogged, stifled

bunting : pregnant, full

buntingan : gestation

buntu : blocked, deadlocked, stumped, congestion

buntung : blunted, blunt, polled, truncated, lopped off

buntut : tail, rear end, aftermath

buntutan : plow handle

bunuh : kill, assassinate, slay, murder

bunuh diri : suicide

bunyi : sound, noise, contents, blare

bunyi-bunyian : music, musical instruments

bunyi genta : chime

bunyi klakson : honk

bunyi nyaring : clarion

bunyi rangkap : diphthong

bunyi sengau : nasal

bupati : regent

bupet : sideboard, buffet

bur : sound of splashing

bura : spittle, spit

buram : not clear, dark, gloomy, dull

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buram : unregistered, sketch, blueprint, design, plan

buras : chitchat, small talk

burik : pockmarked, dotted, speckled (of feathers, skin)

burikan : see: burik

burit : poterior, rear

buritan : poop, aft, stern, abaft, ship stern

buron : fugitive

buronan : outlaw, fugitive

bursa : stock exchange

buru-buru : hurry

buruan : prey, fugitive from justice

buruh : worker, labourer, cooly, coolie

buruh pelabuhan : docker

buruh tambang : miner

buruh tani : farmworker

buruk : old, worn out, decayed, bad, foul

buruk : nasty, dissonant, corrupt, putrid, ugly, bad

buruk sekali : terrible, abominable

burung : bittern, bird, penis

burung-burung : clay pigeon

burung-burungan : imitation bird

burung bangau : stork

burung beo : parrot

burung elang : hawk, eagle

burung gagak : crow, raven

burung hantu : owl

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burung hitam : blackbird

burung kakatua : cockatoo

burung kenari : canary

burung laut : cormorant

burung layang-layang : swallow

burung merpati : pigeon, dove

burung pelatuk : woodpecker

burung pipit : sparrow

burung puyuh : quail

burung rajawali : eagle

burung undan : pelican

burung unta : ostrich

burut : hernia

busa : lather, foam, scum, suds, gasp, blow

busana : clothing, gown

busi : sparkplug, plug

busuk : putrid, rotten, spoiled, low, bad, putrescent

busung : bloated, distende, edema, bulging, elevated land

busur : arch, archer bow

busut : small mound, anthill

buta : blind, blank, forgetful, sightless

buta ayam : night-blindness

buta huruf : illeterate

buta warna : daltonism

butir : grain, granule, pellet, small object, item

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butir-butiran : grains, cereals

butir padi : grain

butiran : a small object, bead

butuh : need, necesity

butut : bad, ugly, worn-out

buyar : scattered, dispersed, scatterbrained

buyung : narrow necked

cabai : red pepper

cabang : offshoot, furcation, branch, bough, subdivison

cabang : branch, bough, fork, chapter, affiliate

cabang persatuan : local

cabang tambahan : subsidiary

cabe : chili, pepper

cabik : torn, ripped, strip, piece

cabik-cabik : torn, ripped, a piece of

cabikan : tear, snag

cabir : long rip

cabo : prostitute, whore

cabuk : carbuncle

cabul : indecent, obscene, pornographic

cabul : lewd, obscene

cabur : disturbance, commotion

cabut : yank out, take off, leave

cabut-cabutan : mutually yank out

cabutan : an object that in extracted

cacah : number, amount, cut up

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cacah jiwa : census

cacahan : digital

cacak : vertical, upright, pinch, steal, swipe

cacap : flood, imundate

cacar : pustular skin eruption, smallpox

cacar air : chicken pox

cacar sapi : cow-pox

cacat : impair, disability, deficiency, defect, default

cacat : physical defect, flawed, malformation

cacatan : criticism

cacau : fickle, inconstant

caci : abuse verbally

caci-maki : railing

cacian : scornful

cacing : worm, maggot

cacing tanah : earthworm

cadang : spare part

cadangan : alternative, reserve, back up, upare, a vote

cadangan air : cistern

cadar : veil, yashmak

cadik : berboard, outringger

cadong : share, portion

cagak : a forking branch, crossing, pole, life annuity

cagar : security, guarantee, advance payment

cagaran : security, guarantee

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cahaya : radiance, brilliance, light, ray, efflugence

cahaya-cahaya : lihat: bercahaya

cahaya bulan : moonbeam

cahaya kesucian : aureola

cahaya lampu : lamp light

cahaya lilin : candlelight

cahaya matahari : sunshine

cahaya menyilaukan : glare

cair : melt, liquid, fluid, thin, weak

cairan : liquid

cakap : adept, competent


cakap-cakap : chatter, prattle

cakar : paw, claw, paw, scratch

cakar-cakaran : fight, quarrel

cakaran : scratches

cakil : prognathous

cakram : discus, disk, disc

cakrawala : horizon, firmament, heavens, sky

cakrawati : rule, away

cakup : arrest, round up, embrace

cakupan : scope, law quality

calang : bare

calar : laceration, scratch

caling : tusk, canine tooth

calit : smear, stain, spot

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calo : ticket scalper

calon : candidate, applicant, recruit, aspirant

calon : , postulant, designate, prospective

calung : bamboo water scoop, cup for latex

cam : interest, attention

caman : lash, stroke, exhortation

cambang : whiskers, sideburns

cambuk : whip, exhort, spur

cambukan : whip

cambung : large bowl, tureen

campa : coarse

campah : flat, insipid, tasteless

campak : a throw, toss, measles

campin : skillful, handy, clever, adept

camping : in rags, in tatters

campung : lopped off, clipped

campur : mixed, mingled

campur-tangan : interference, intervene

campur aduk : muddle

campur tangan : interference, intervene, intercession

campuran : blend, assortment, amalgam, mixture, alloy

campuran : concoction, mix, composite, mash, admixture

campuran : medley, interference, meddling, intervention

camuk : stab

canai : grind down

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canaian : polished, manner of sharpening, baptism of fire

canang : cymbal, crier cymbal

canangan : summons, description, message

cancut : loincloth

canda : gag, freak, vagary, joke, caprice, whim, tic

candi : enshrine

candit : fluke

candra : moon

candu : opium

cangah : be opened wide, agape

canggih : sophisticated

canggung : clumsy, awkward, gauche, ill mannered, crass

cangkir : cup, small mug, spur

cangkok : shoot, cutting, graft, transplant, false

cangkokan : a transplant, a graft, false

cangkrang : leafless branch, chassis

cangkriman : riddle, conundrum

cangkul : hoe, mattock, hoelike tool

cangkum : embrace, hug, clasp

cangkung : squat

cantel : be hooked on

cantelan : hook, clasp, clip

cantik : lovely, comely, lief, dainty, pretty, beautiful

cantol : hook

cantrik : pupil, disciple

cantum : graft

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cap : stamp, seal, trademark, printed, quality, feature

cap-capan : made with a stamp, not genuine

cap jempol : thumb-print

capai : reach, attain, achieve, tired, exhausted, weary

capak : slight, ignore, take lightly

capcai : hodge-podge

cape : weary, feed up, bore, tire

capik : lame, paralyzed

capit : tweezers

caplok : snatch and swallow

capuk : pockmarked

cara : process, mode, tactical, procedure, ploy

cara : manner, mien, style, fashion, method, way

cara kerja : mechanism, operational

cara pemujaan : cult

cara penyelesaian : solution

cara pikir : workings

cara terbaik : expeditious

cara ucap : elocution

carah : in small lots

caraka : envoy, emissary, messenger

carang : tendril

cari : look for

carik : torn, classifier, stub, remmant

carikan : a scrap torn off

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carter : charter

carteran : chartered

caruk : notch, indent, tap

carut : obscene

cas : charge, cat

casis : chassis

cat : paint, dye, tint, tinge

cat dasar : primer

catat : record, note

catatan : note, notation, datum, data, record, annotation

catu : share, portion

catuan : share, portion, ration

catuk : peck at, rap, rap on, hit, a hammer, aspoonful

catur : chess

caturangga : chessboard

caturisme : political chess

catut : tweezer, forceps, tongs, pincer, black marketer

caung : sunken

cawak : leash

cawang : check mark

cawat : loincloth, waist-cloth

cawet : breechcloth

cawik : handful

cebak : dig, mine

cebakan : mineral deposit

cebol : dwarf

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cebol : dwarf, midget, cretin

cebur : splash, jump, plunge, splash

cecah : a moment, awhile, a little, a touch of

cecak : lizard, dot, spot, fleck, pinch, tweak, nip, pick

cecer : spilled, scattered

cecunguk : cockroach, shady charter, spy

cedera : fickle, disagreement, conflict, bickering

ceding : small, scrubby, understand

cedok : dipper

cegahan : prohibition, prevention

cegat : hail, flag down, waylay, hold up

cegatan : interception, checkpoint, sliding, tackle

cek : cheque, check

cekak : a pinch, short, insufficient, inadequate

cekal : stalwart, gallant

cekam : dibble

cekatan : adroit, deft, adept, deft, handy, adroit, nimble

cekcok : quarrel, squabble

cekel : stingy, miserly

ceker : foot, claw

cekik : quarrel

cekikan : strangulation

cekikikan : chuckle, giggle

ceking : thin, slender, wasted, frugal, economical

cekung : sunken, concave

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cekungan : cavity, basin, be sunken

cela : defect, flaw, blemish, short coming, disgrace

celaan : reproach, depracation, talking-to

celaan : demunciation, censure, shortcoming

celah : gap, crevice, cleft, slit, chink, aperture

celah : space, fissure, rift, slot

celah-celah : cranny

celah suara : glottis

celak : sparkle, shine, glisten

celaka : calamitous, misfortune, baleful, misfortune

celam-celum : unsure, uncertain

celana : trousers, breeches, pants

celana dalam : brief, breechcloth

celana longgar : baggy

celana panjang : trousers, pants

celana pendek : short, trunk

celang : stare

celangap : agape, wide open

celat : jump far, jump high

celekeh : stain, blemish, dirty, soiled

celemek : apron

celeng : wild boar, pig, jerk

celengan : saving, money box, piggy bank

celengkang-celengkok : winding, twisting, bent

celentang : lie face up

celep : dye

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celepan : dye

celetuk : chat, joke, gossip, say something abruptly

celetukan : words said abruptly

celi : keen, sharp eyed, careful precise

celik : open

celomes : ail, suffer chronically, fusy, hard to please

celopar : fussy, finicky, talkative, garrulous

celoreng : gash, cut

celoteh : gibber, empty talk

celung : sunken, hollow

celup : dip, dye

celupan : dyed article, dyeing

cema : accuse

cemar : dirty, soiled, filthe, besmirched, blackened

cemaran : dirt, filth, slander, calumny

cemas : uneasy, worry, considerate, anxious

cemat : pull

cembung : chubby, dome shaped, gibbous, convex

cemburu : envy, jealous

cemburuan : jealousy

cemerlang : brilliant, sparkle, bright, gleaming, dazzling

cemeti : whip, lightning

cemil : a little bit

cemomot : dirty

cemong : dirty, soiled, scratched

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cemoohan : insult, taunt, ridicule, belittling comments

cempaka : frangipani

cempiang : rowdy, roughneck, ruffian

cempleng : cure, instantly

cemplungan : splash, cesspool

cemuh : insult, taunt, ridicule

cemuhan : belittling comments

cemuk : shaft, shake

cenayang : medium, spiritualist

cendala : low, base, mean

cendana : yellow sandalwood

cendawan : mushroom, toadstool, mildew, moth, fungus

cendekia : learned, educated, clever

cendekiawan : intellectual, the educated

cenderung : inclimed, lean, disposed, sloping, prone

cendol : small

cengam : snap at

cengang : surprised, astonished, amazed

cengangan : amasement

cengap : snap at, gape

cengek : pepper

cengeng : pule, whine, tearful

cengenges : jeer at, sneer at

cengengesan : jeering, sneering at, ridiculing

cengir : very smile, grin

cengis : had odor, loathsome, nauseating

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cengkah : quarrel

cengkam : grip, squreze, hold

cengkaman : grip, hold, squeeze

cengkar : fallow, barren

cengkau : middleman, broker

cengkeh : clove, club

cengkeh : clove

cengkeraman : clutch

cengking : yelping, squealing

cengkir : half ripe coconut

cengkok : crooked, twisted, bent

cengkong : deformed, misshapen

cengkram : grip, hold

cengkrama : chat, talk

cengkraman : grip, hold

cengkung : hollow, sunken, yapping, barking, yelping

centang : tick off, hit, slap

centeng : guard, watchman, hired thug, hit man

centet : stunted, shrunken, economical

centil : coquettish

centong : rice ladle, dipper with handle

centung : lock, tuft of hair, tuft, crest

cep : quiet, silent, sudden silence

cepak : smacking

cepat : fast, speedy, quick

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cepat : prompt, express, rapid, dapper, swift, brisk

cepat tanggap : handy

cepeng : half a cent

cepengan : cheap, not worth much

cepit : sandwich, between, jam

ceplas-ceplos : speak out frankly, speak uninhibitedly

ceplok : circle shaped

ceplos : blurt out

ceplosan : unimhibited comment

ceplus : press

cepol : break off, broken, damaged

cepung : splash

cerabut : sproot

cerah : clear, sharp, brilliant, shiny, sunny, bright

cerai : divorce, separate

ceramah : sermon, discourse, causerie

ceramah : speech, talk, extracurricular, talkative

cerancang : prickly, thorny

cerangah : forked, branched, prickly, thorny

cerapan : response, sense, perception

cerat : faucet, spigot, pour through, drain

cerawat : rocket

cerca : derision, scorn, disdain

cercaan : disdain, criticism

cercah : a slight

cercak : slightly pock marked

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cercap : flop about, squirm

cerdas : agile, brainy, bright, brilliant, adroit

cerdas : intelligent, educated, clever, mentally agile

cerdik : smart, cunning, tricky

cerdik : sharp-eyed, sharp, cunning, canny, astute, artful

cerecak : slightly spotted

cerek : kettle, watering can

ceret : kettle

ceret : diarrhea

cerewet : choosy, fussy, catious, fret, fussy, finicky

cergas : enterprising, active, energetic

ceri : cherry

ceria : pure, clean, cleaned, clodless, cheerful

cerita : story, account, narrative

cerita bersambung : serial

cerita lucu : anecdote

cerita nyata : true story, nonfiction

cerita pendek : storyette, storiette

ceritaan : story

cerkau : grab at

cerkauan : a grap, snatch

cerlang : bright, gleaming

cerling : ogle

cermat : scrupulous, accurate, precise, careful, neat

cermin : mirror, shining

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cerminan : reflection

cerna : digested, absorbed, dissolved

ceroboh : bum, reckless, wanton, careless, heady

cerobong : chimmey, smokestack

cerobong asap : chimney, flue

cerocok : funnel, spout

ceropong : muzzle of gun

cerpelai : weasel, mongoose

certa : chert

cerucup : pointed, tapering

ceruk : hole, cranny, compartment, shaft

cerutu : cigar, cheroot

cetak : mold, form, cast, matrix, print

cetak ulang : reprint

cetakan : mould, print, publication, printing, edition

cetek : shallow, superficial

ceti : pimp, procuress

cetit : small pinch

cetusan : spark, flash

cewek : girl

ciamik : handsome, beautiful

ciar : bawling, squalling

cibir : curl

cibiran : scorn

cibuk : dipper

cicik : whistle, flow

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cicil : pay in installment

cicilan : instalment

cicip : taste, sip at, eat

cicipan : sample for tasting

ciduk : arrest

cidukan : detention

cikrak : waste basket, dustpan

cikutan : hiccup

cilap : flicker

cili : chili

cilok : steal, pilfer, pick pocket

cincai : bot important, it doesn't matter

cincang : hack, chop, mince

cincin : ring

cincin : ring, faucets

cincing : rise up

cincong : ado, fuss

cincu : boat owner, ship captain

cindil : baby mouse

cindur mata : sweetheart, souvenir

cingangah : startled, surprised

cinta : amorous, love, affection

cinta mencintai : smite

cinta sejati : adoration

cipoa : cheat, decieve

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ciprat : splash

cipta : creative force, thought, idea

ciptaan : creation, product, composition

circir : small bell

ciri : earmark, sign, feature, characteristic

ciri-ciri : identity

cirit : diarrhea, sediment

cita : feeling, sentiment

cita-cita : ideal, goal, grief, aspiration

citra : image

citraan : imagery

cium : smell, kiss

ciuman : kiss, whiff, sniff, kissing, osculation

ciut : shrunk, shriveled, narrow, tight

claim : claim

clash : conflict, disagreement

coan : gain a profit

coang : protrude, stick out

coba : try, make an attempt, please, just imagine

coba-coba : trial

cobaan : test, trial, ordeal, temptation

cobek : mortar

coblong : small hole

coblong-coblong : heve hole in it

coblongan : a hole made in

coblos : perforate, punch

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coblosan : relections

cocok : agree, tally, jibe, correct, come true, like

cocok : palatable, corespond, apt, suit, appropriate

cocok : acceptable, compatible, befit, suitable, pin

cocok dengan : tally

cocol : extend, thrust out

codet : scar

coel : rebuke

cogan : emblem, standard, ensign

cogok : be erect, vertical, appear, occur

coklat : brown, chocolate, cocoa

cokok : seize, arrest, bring, take, carry

cokol : settle, reside, squat, extant

cokolan : large bite

colak-caling : in disarray

colak-colek : touch lightly

colang-caling : in disorder

colek : dab

coleng : hold up, steal by force, rip off

colet : bit

colok : litte

colong : steal

colongan : booty

colot : spring, leap, jump

comberan : drainage ditch, sewer

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comblang : matcmaker, go between, pimp, procurer

combor : horse feed

comel : grumbling, nagging

comelan : scolding, rebuke, reprimand

comot : grimy, dirty, filthy, seize, nab, snatch off

comotan : stolen goods, whatever one picks up

compang-camping : ragged

compang-camping : in tatters, frayed, ragged

compeng : torn on the edge

compes : chipped, jagged on the edge

condong : leaning, inclining to, inclined, symphatetic, set

conet : upturned

cong : brew tea

congak : dictate mathematics

congek : deaf, inflamed

conggok : erect

congkak : proud, arrogant, snooty

congklang : gallop

congkong : guard house, sentry post

congol : stick out suddently

congor : snout, muzzle

container : container

conteng : smear, stain, blemish

contoh : sample, exponent, exemplification, specimen

contoh : model, pattern, design

copet : pick pocket

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coplok : come loose, break off, detached, apart

copot : dislodged, broken off, gracious

copy : dactylograms, dactylogram

cor : cast, found, pour

cor-coran : concrete

corak : design, motif, pattern, color, type, feature

corak : complexion, hue

corak baru : newness

corak mode : style

corak warna : hue

corat-coret : rough, first draft, scrawded

corek : long line, scratch, streak

coreng : scratch, streak, smear

coreng-moreng : smudgy

corengan : scratch, smear

coret : scratch, streak, smear

coretan : scratch, line, stripe, pen drawing, graffiti

coro : cockroach, creep, bum

corong : quill, funnel, shaft, microphone, mine shaft

corps : corps

cowboy : cowboy, rough, rowdy

cowboy-cowboyan : roughly

cowok : guy, boy friend, boy, man

crocos : rattles on

crossboy : punk, delinquent

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cuaca : weather

cuaca mendung : avercast

cuai : insignificant, unimportant, trivial

cuap : talk

cuar : stick up high, project upward, stick out

cuat : be dipped, spring back

cubit : nip

cubit-cubitan : pinch

cubitan : pinch

cuci : wash

cucian : laundry, wash, manner of washing

cucimaki : verbal abuse

cucu : grandchild

cucuh : kindle, light, switch on

cucuk : bill, beak, front line

cucung : grandchild

cucup : a kiss, shuck, sharp

cucur : a flow, trickle

cucur perahu : bowsprit

cucut : shark, kiss, suck

cuek : ignorant, indifferent

cuil : chunk, chipped

cuitan : nudge

cuka : vinegar, acid

cuka kristal : acetate

cukai : duty, toll, tax, excise duty, tariff

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cukong : boss, well-to-do financier, financial backer

cukong : wholesale distributor

cukup : exactly, well-to-do, complete, quite, rather

cukup : adequately, enough, good-enough, adequate

cukupan : just enough, adequate, mediocre

cukur : razor, shaver

cukuran : shaving, instrument for shaving

culas : lazy, indolent, slow, plodding, clumsy, deceitful

culik : kidnap, abduct

cuma : only, merely, but

cuma-cuma : gratis, in vain, useless, free, free in charge

cuman : only

cumbu : flattery, sweet talk, joke, jest

cumbu-cumbuan : advances, approach

cumbuan : sweet words, flattery, joke, jest, banter

cumbuan : caress

cumi-cumi : squid, evildoer, criminal, traitor, enemy spy

cun : inch, kiss

cunam : pliers, pincers

cundang : defeat

cungkil : rung, crowbar, lever

cupai : neglect, ignore

cupak : bowl

cupar : deride, sneer at

cupat : shortsighted, petty, narrow, bigoted

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cupat : inadequate, short, insufficient, skimpy

cupet : lihat: cupat

cuping : lobe, earlobe

cuplik : sample, pick

cuplikan : citation, quotation

cupu : box for pills, posthole

cupul : too short

cura : joke, jest

curah : fall

curahan : precipitation, outpouring, outflow

curai : loose, detached, apart, clear, evident, real

curaian : explanation, separation

curam : abrupt, steep, fraudulent, deceitful

curang : dishonest, fraudulent, deceitful

curat : spout, nozzle

curi : steal, surreptitious

curi-curi : surreptitiously

curian : stolen goods

curiga : distrustful, doubtful, suspicious

cuti : leave, furlough, day-off

da'i : preacher

da'wah : see: dakwah

dabing : dubbing

dada : chest, breast, bossom, thorax

dadah : medicine

dadak : sudden

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dadakan : all of a sudden

dadar : omelette

dadih : crud

dadu : bones, dice, pink, cube

daerah : zone, territorial, canton, territority, area

daerah belakang : backfield

daerah hutan : backwoods

daerah kekuasaan : domain, bailiwick

daerah otonomi : autonomy

daerah pedalaman : back country

daftar : table, list, register, catalogue, roster, slate

daftar angka : table

daftar buku masalah : bibliography

daftar gaji : payroll

daftar hitam : blacklist

daftar istilah : nomenclature

daftar kata : index, glossary

daftar makanan : menu

daftar orang-orang jahat : blacklist

daftar pekerjaan : agenda

daftar penghargaan : credit

daftar permintaan : requisition

daftar pertanyaan : questionnaire

daftar yang mati : death-roll

daftaran : list

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daga : resistance, civil unrest

dagang : trade, commerce

dagangan : merchandise, wares

dagel : joke, clown about

dagelan : joking, clowning

daging : meat, flesh

daging babi : pork, bacon

daging cincang : hash

daging domba : mutton

daging panggang : roast

daging pinggang : loin, haunch

daging sapi : beef

dagu : chin

dahaga : thirst, opposition, subordination

dahagi : oppose orders

dahak : phlegm, sputum

dahan : limb, bough, branch

dahar : eat

dahi : forehead, brow

dahlia : dahlia

dahsyat : horrifying, terrifying, awe inspiring, imposing

dahsyat : dreadful, dire, awful, awe

dahulu : one time, once upon a time, previous, yore

dahulu kala : anciently

dahyang : guardian spirit

dai : proselytizer, revival mullah

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daidan : battalion

daidanco : battalion commander

daif : weak, powerless, incompetent

daim : eternal, enduring

dajal : irreligious person, liar, deceiver

dak : roof

dakar : stubborn, obstinate, harheaded

dakhil : inner life, intimate

daki : climb, grime, mount, ascend, skin-dirt

dakian : slope, incline

dakron : dacron

daksa : skilled, able, proper

daksina : right side, south

daktiloskopi : dactylography

dakwa : charge, accusation, indictment, delation

dakwaan : accusation

dakwah : preach, religious, proselytizing

dalam : indoors, in, depth, interior, inside, within

dalam-dalam : very deep

dalam angan-angan : airy

dalam batin : inward

dalam mana : wherein

dalang : puppeteer, puppet master, mastermind

dalem : residence of high official, palace or king

dalfin : dolphin

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dalih : excuse, pretext, preter

dalil : argumentation, proposition, postulate, tenet

dalilkan : elucidate, defend an opinion

dalu : ripe

daluwarsa : overdue, expired, expiration date

dam : checkers, dam


damak : blowpipe dart

daman : sheet

damar : resin torch, oil lamp

damas : damask

damast : damask

damba : long, yearn

dampak : impact

dampar : break

damping : close, near

damprat : abuse, scolding

dampratan : telling-off

dampratan : scolding, verbal abuse

dan : and

dan sebagainya : etcetera, cub

dana : donation, fund, grant

danau : lake

danawa : ogre

dandan : grooming

dandanan : clothing, make up, equipment, adornment

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dandang : cormorant

dangau : cabin, loom up

dangkal : shallow, superficial, banal

dangkalan : shoal, shallows

dansa : dance

dansanak : relative, kin

danta : elephant tusk, ivory

dapat : can, be able, may, get, obtain, be obtained

dapat busuk : perishable

dapat diajarkan : teachable

dapat diambil : accessible

dapat dianalisa : analysable

dapat diatasi : superable

dapat dibaca : legible, readable

dapat dibagi : divisible

dapat dibagikan : distributable

dapat dibantah : debatable, arguable

dapat dibayar : payable

dapat dibedakan : distinguishable

dapat dibenarkan : justifiable, certifiable

dapat dibengkokkan : declinable

dapat diberikan : allocable

dapat dibicarakan : discussable

dapat dibuang : disposable

dapat dibuktikan : provable, demonstrable

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dapat dicapai : reachable, accessible

dapat dicernakan : digestible

dapat didatangi : accessible

dapat didengar : andibble

dapat diduga : consectuable

dapat digabung : combinable

dapat diganti : commutable

dapat digerakkan : movable

dapat dihabiskan : expendable

dapat dihapus : effaceable

dapat dihindari : avoidable

dapat dihitung : countable, calculable

dapat dihukum : punishable

dapat dijamin : insurable

dapat dijual : disposable

dapat dikemudikan : guidable

dapat dikenai pajak : taxable, dutiable

dapat dikenal : recognizable, liable

dapat diketahui : detectable, cognizable

dapat dikuasai : governable

dapat dikurangi : deductible

dapat dilawan : resistible

dapat dilepaskan : detachable

dapat dilihat : phenomenal

dapat diluluskan : describable

dapat dimakan : edible, eatable, consumable

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dapat dimasuki : enterable

dapat dimengerti : intelligible, comprehensible, apprehensible

dapat diminum : potable, drinkable

dapat dinilai : appreciable

dapat dipahami : perceivable

dapat dipakai : usable, applicable

dapat dipecahkan : dissolvable

dapat dipecat : depesable

dapat diperbaiki : corrigble, amendable

dapat diperbantahkan : disputable

dapat dipercaya : reliable, dependable, credible

dapat diperhitungkan : computable

dapat diperiksa : analysable

dapat diperluas : expandable

dapat diperoleh : accessible

dapat dipertahankan : defensible

dapat dipikirkan : imaginable

dapat dipindahkan : removable, communicable

dapat dipraktekkan : practicable

dapat dipuji : creditable

dapat dipulihkan : recoverable

dapat diramalkan : predictable

dapat dirangsang : excitable, excitability

dapat direkah : devisable

dapat dirundingkan : discussable

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dapat dirusak : destructible

dapat disamakan : comparable

dapat disangkal : deniable

dapat disebarkan : endurable

dapat diseberangi : passable

dapat disembuhkan : curability

dapat disetel : adjustable

dapat disita : distrainable

dapat ditafsirkan : declinable

dapat ditanami : cultivable

dapat ditegaskan : defineable

dapat ditembus : permeable, penetrable

dapat ditentukan : determinable, definable

dapat diterangkan : declareable

dapat diterima : admissible, acceptable

dapat ditetapkan : ascertainable

dapat ditugaskan : allocable

dapat ditukar : exchangeable

dapat dituntut : claimable

dapat diturunkan : derivable

dapat diulur : ductile

dapat diuraikan : decipherable

dapat larut : soluble

dapat lebur : fusible

dapat meletus : eruptive

dapat mematikan : virulent

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dapat menerima : accessible

dapat mengatur sendiri : self-adjusting

dapat menghibur : entertaining

dapat menyesuaikan diri : adaptive, adaptable

dapur : kitchen, galley, stove, kiln, firebox, cuisine

dara : virgin, young girl

darab : multiplication

darah : blood

darah kental : gore

daras : study, investigate deeply

darat : land, shore, upland, hinterland

daratan : mainland, landing

daratan rendah : lowland

daratan tinggi : plateau

dari : from, of

dari mana : whence

daripada : from, better than, than

darma : duty, obligation, service, good deed

darmabakti : volunteer work

darmasiswa : student scholarship, fellow ship

darmatamu : leadership grant

darmawisata : excursion, outing, field trip

darurat : emergency

darwis : dervish, fakir

dasalomba : decathlon

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dasar : base, foundation, basis, nature, background

dasar : rudiment, principle, elementary, bottom, bed

dasar kebenaran : justification

dasar laut : sea bottom

dasariah : basic

dasasila : the ten commandments

dasawarsa : decade, decennial

dasbor : dashboard

dasi : tie, necktie, cravat, bow

daster : house dress, louging gown

data : data

datang : come, arrive

datang-datang : upon arrival, suddenly, all of a sudden

datang bulan : menstruation, menstruate

datangnya : advent

datar : flat, superficial, plain

datar perjalanan : schedule

dataran : plain, level land

dataran tinggi : table land

datif : dative

datuk : headman

datuk-datuk : grandfather

dauk : gray, roan

daulat : good fortune

daulat-daulatan : passing the buck

daun : leaf, playing card, frond

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daun-daunan : foliage, leaves

daun kemangi : basil

daun semanggi : cloverleaf

daun telinga : auricle

daur : cycle, ratation

daur-ulang : recycle

dawai : fine, wire

dawet : ink

daya : power, energy, capacity, trick, ruse, potency

daya andal : dependability

daya apung : buoyancy

daya dorong : driving force

daya gerak : dynamical

daya khayal : imaginative

daya kuda : horse power

daya lenting : resilience

daya muat : content

daya nalar : rationality

daya paham : perception

daya penyesuaian : adaptability

daya pesona : charm

daya rekat : adhesiveness

daya tahan : stamina, endurance, tenability

daya tarik : traction, glamour, gravity, affinity

daya tipu : artifice

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daya tolak : thrust

daya yakin : cogency

dayah : foster mother, wet nurse

dayang-dayang : waiting-maid

dayung : paddle, oar, dipper, pedal

de fakto : de facto

debar : sensation of pulse beat, beat

debaran : beat throb

debarkasi : debarkation

debat : debate, discussion

debet : debit

debidrasi : dehydration

debirokratisasi : debureucratization

debit : rate of blow, discharge

debitur : debitor

debos : boasting

debu : dust, grit

debur : pounding of heart, plump

dedah : exposed, uncovered

dedak : chaff, bran, pollard

dedaunan : leaves

dedengkot : prominent figure

dedikasi : dedication

deduksi : deduction

deduktif : deductive

defensif : defensive

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definisi : definition

definitif : definitive

defisit : deficit

deflasi : deflation

defleksi : deflection

deformasi : deformation

degap : heartheat

degapan : pounding throb

degenerasi : degeneration, degeneracy

degil : obstinate, headstrong

dehidrasi : dehydration

dek belakang : afterdeck

dekadensi : decadence

dekan : dean

dekap : near, embrace

dekat : nigh, nearby, near, imminent, close, by, at

dekatan : come closer

dekatnya : nearness

dekil : caked with dirt

deking : protection, shelter, cover, patron, protector

deklamasi : declamation

deklarasi : customs declaration, voucher, entry

deklasifikasi : declassification

deklerer : deklerer

dekolonisasi : decolonization

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dekonsentrasi : deconcentration

dekor : decor

dekorasi : decoration

dekrit : decree, edict

delapan : eight

delapan belas : eighteen

delegasi : delegation

delep : sink, go bellow surface

deligir : delegate

delik : offense

delong : sunken

delta : delta

demam : cold, aguish, ague, fever, feverish, fad

demarkasi : demarcation

demek : moist, still wet

demen : like, be front of

demi : sake, for the sake of, by, as soon as, after

demikian : so, such, thus

demiliterisasi : demilitarization, demilitarisation

demit : lihat: setan

demobilisasi : demobilisation, demobilization

demografi : demography

demografis : demographic

demokrasi : democracy

demokrat : democrat

demokratik : democratic

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demokratis : democratic

demokratisasi : democratization

demonstrasi : demonstration, protest

demonstratif : demonstrative

demoralisasi : demoralisation

dempak : low and flat

dempet : stuck together

dempok : bump against

dempul : glazier, putty, boat caulking

denah : sketch, blue print, grond plan

denai : trail, track

denak : decoy

denasionalisasi : denationalization

dencang : rattle, clang

denda : fine, mulct

dendaan : fining

dendam : grudge, dudgeon, animus, animosity, rancour

dendam : revenge, vengeance, grudge, resentment, yearning

dendang : crow

dendeng : jerked meat

dengan : with, by, by mean of, and, in by way of

dengan aman : safely

dengan baik hati : kindly

dengan bangga : proudly

dengan berbelas kasihan : pityingly

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dengan biasa : ordinarily

dengan cakap : capably

dengan cara demikian : at that rate

dengan cemburu : jealously

dengan cepat : precipitate

dengan cermat : accurately

dengan curiga : askance

dengan dada terbuka : topless

dengan demikian : thus

dengan diam-diam : clandestine, quietly

dengan disengaja : intensional

dengan gemulai : elegancy

dengan hangat : warmly

dengan hati-hati sekali : gingerly

dengan hormat : respectful, awe

dengan indah : beautifully

dengan ini : hereto, hereby

dengan itu : therewith

dengan kasar : abruptly

dengan kasih sayang : passionately

dengan kerinduan : yearningly

dengan kesungguhan : in dead earnest

dengan lemah : weakly, faintly

dengan licik : cageily

dengan luas : abroad

dengan maksud tertentu : purposeful

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dengan malas : idly

dengan manis : sweetly

dengan mata melotot : open eyed

dengan mendadak : sharp

dengan mengabaikan : irrespective

dengan mengejutkan : shockingly

dengan menyolok : sharply

dengan mesra : affectionately

dengan mewah : opulently

dengan mudah : readily, easily

dengan otomatis : automaticality

dengan pantas : properly

dengan pasif : passively

dengan pasti : categorical

dengan permohonan : pleadingly

dengan ragu-ragu : halfheardtedly

dengan ramah : amicable

dengan riang gembira : gleeful

dengan sederhana : plainly

dengan segera : straightaway, immediately

dengan sempurna : perfectly

dengan senang hati : gladly

dengan sengaja : wittingly, purposely, knowingly

dengan sesungguhnya : verify

dengan setuju : approvingly

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dengan sia-sia : vainly

dengan sopan : politely

dengan suara keras : allof

dengan tak sabar : eagerly

dengan tangan kosong : empty

dengan teliti : elaborately, accurately

dengan tenang : calmly

dengan tiba-tiba : abruptly

dengan tujuan : designedly

dengan tulus : fairly

dengap : pound, beat, pant, gasp

dengar : hear

dengar-dengaran : hear a rummor

dengki : envy, spite

dengking : a yelp

dengkingan : a yelp

dengkir : chirp

dengklang : lame, limping

dengkul : knee

dengkung : growl

dengkur : snore, grunt, purr

dengkuran : snore

dengkus : whinny, snort

dengu : lihat: dengkus

dengungan : wail, drone, propaganda, hum, buzz, bellow

dengus : snort, deride with a snort

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dengusan : a snort

denok : svelte

denotasi : denotation

densitas : density

dentaman : pounding

dentangan : beat

dentar : clang

dentuman : booming

denyar : flash

denyaran : flash, gleam

denyut : throb, pulse, impulse, beat

deodoran : deodorant

dep : pigeonhole

depa : fathom

depan : front, ahead, coming next

departemen : department

depo : store house, ware house

depok : reside

depolitisasi : depolicisation

deponir : delay, put on ice

deportasi : deportation

deposan : depositor

deposito : fixed deposit

depot : refreshment stand

depresi : depression

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depteri : diphtheria

depus : exhaling air

deputasi : deputation

deputasi : deputation, delegation

deputi : deputy

dera : lash

deraan : whipping

derai : in droves, continuously

deraian : pattering sound, flow of drops

derajat : degree, rank, level, standard

derakan : creaking, squeaking

derap : sound of stamping on flat surface, a trot, clop

derap lari : trot

deras : swift

derau : noise

derek : crane, cargo boom

derep : harvest rice

deresi : passanger car

deret : row, line, series, progression

deretan : row, line, train

derik : creaking, sound

deringan : tinkling, clinking noisy

derita : pain, anguish, affiction, suffering

derma : alms, donation, dole

dermaga : wharf, quay, pier, jetty

dermatalog : dermatologist

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dermatologi : dermatology

dermawan : donor, philanthropist, generous

dermawan : charitable, bounteous, benefactor, bountiful

dermimil : mumble, talk incessantly

deru : storm, thunder, large trucks, planes, roar, howl

derum : kneel

desa : village

desah : wheeze, sound of wheezing or huffing, swishing

desahan : wheez

desak : crowd, jostle, sound of crumpling paper

desak-desakan : shuffle

desakan : push, shove, pressure, request, insistence

desas-desus : canard, rumor, rumour

desau : sound of soft rustling

desegregasi : desegregation

desember : december

desentralisasi : decentralisation, decentralization

desentralisir : decentralise

desersi : desertion

desertir : deserter, defector

desigram : decigramme

desiliter : decilitre

desimal : decimal, decimal fraction

desimeter : decimetre

desinfeksi : disinfection

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desinfektan : disinfectant

desir : rustle, hiss

desiran : hiss

deskripsi : description

deskriptif : descriptive

despot : despot

despotisme : despotism

destruksi : destruction

destruktif : destructive

desuan : rustling

detak jantung : heart-beat

detakan : tapping sound

detasemen : detachment

detasir : detail

deteksi : detection, discovery

detektif : detective

detektor : detector

deterjen : detergent

determinan : determinant

determinasi : determinant

detik : second

detil : detail

detonasi : detonation

detonator : detonator

devaluasi : devaluation

devaluir : devaluate

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deviasi : deviation

deviden : devidend

devisa : devisa, foreign exchange

dewa : god

dewa asmara : cupid

dewa dewi : davit

dewan : congregation, council, board

dewan penyantun : board of trustees

dewan pimpinan : directorate

dewani : council member, council

dewasa : mature, marriageable, grown up, adult, of age

dewasawan : a mature person

dewi : Goddess, darling, be loved

dewi-dewi : davit

dewi asmara : cupid

di : in, at, on

di antara dua : between

di atas : on, aloft, above, upon

di atas kapal : aboard

di atas tanah : above ground

di bawah : downstairs

di bawah permukaan air : submerge

di belakang : astern, abaft

di dalam : inward, in

di depan : ahead

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di luar : outward, outdoor, open air, outer, beyond

di luar acara : nonscheduled

di luar negeri : abroad

di luar rumah : outdoor

di muka : ahead

di puncak : atop

di samping : beside, alongside

di sebelah : nextdoor, beside

di sebelah luar : outward

di sekitar : about

di seluruh negeri : countryurde

di sini : here

di sisi : alongside

di tempat tidur : abed

di tengah-tengah : medial, amid

di tengah kapal : amidship

di udara terbuka : alfresco

dia : it, him, she, he

diabetes : diabetes

diadakan : held, conducted, concocted, arranged, run

diafan : diaphanous

diafragma : diaphragm

diagnosa : diagnosis, diagnosis

diagnostik : diagnostic

diagonal : diagonal

diagram : diagram

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diakon : deacon

diakritik : diacritic

diakritis : diacritical

diakui : avowed

dialek : dialect

dialektik : dialectic

dialektika : dialectic, lihat: dialektik

dialektis : dialectical

dialog : dialogue

diam : silent, quiet, motionless, idle, bunk, abide

diam-diam : quietly, secretly, furtive

diameter : diameter

diametral : diametrical

diametrikal : diametrical

diancuk : dammit!, fuck you!

diangkat : appointed

diangkat sendiri : self-appointed

diantara : amongst, among, between

diare : diarrhea

diasin : salted

diaspor : diaspora

diawetkan : corned

dibagaimanakan : be done to or with

dibagikan : alloted

dibawah : under, beneath, below

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dibawah normal : subnormal

dibawah tanah : subterranean

dibayar kurang : underpaid

dibebaskan : exempt

dibenci : hateful

diberi kuasa : endorsee

dibuat-buat : mannered, airy

dibutuhkan : consuct

didaktik : didactic

didih : boil, rage

didikan : education, upbringing, pupil

dido : frenchman, European

didong : stubborn, obstinate

diesel : diesel

diet : diet

diferensial : differential

diferensiasi : differentiation

difraksi : diffraction

difteri : diphtheria

diftong : diphthong

difusi : diffusion

digabungkan : concuct

diganggu kesusahan : careworn

digerakkan oleh kabel : fungicular

digital : digital

digugat : allegationated

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digunakan untuk perhiasan : ornamental

diharuskan : requisite

dihasilkan : resultant

diijinkan : permissible

diinginkan : desirable

diisi : loaded

diizinkan : allowable

dikenal : known

dikit : little, small

dikotomi : dichotomy

diktator : dictatorship, dictator

diktatoris : dictatorial

dikte : dictation

diktean : dictation

dilarang : off limits

dilema : dilemma

diletan : dilettante

diluar jangkauan : extrasensory

diluar kawin : unwed

diluar sekolah : extramural

dimakan karat : corrode

dimana : where

dimana-mana : everywhere, about

dimanapun : any place, anywhere

dimengapakan : be treated in what way

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dimensi : dimension, dimensional

dimisalkan : for example, let us say, supposing that

dimuat : laden

dinamik : dynamic

dinamika : dynamics

dinamis : dynamic

dinamisasi : dynamicisation

dinamisator : dynamist

dinamisme : dynamism

dinamit : dynamite

dinamo : dynamo

dinamo : dynamo

dinas : official, agency

dinasti : dynasty

dinding : wall, buttress

ding dong : arcade game

dingin : cold, chill, brisk, bleak

dingin sekali : stonecold, ice cold

dingklik : stool

dini : early

dinihari : aurora, dawn

dinosaurus : dinosaur

dinyatakan : allegationated

dioksida : dioxide

diorama : diorama

diosis : diocese

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dipan : divan, couch

dipercepat : accelerated

diploma : diploma, certificate

diplomasi : diplomacy

diplomasi : diplomacy

diplomat : diplomat

diplomatik : diplomatics

diragukan : questionable

direksi : management, administration

direktif : directive

direktorat : directorate

direktorate : directorate, department, division

direktori : directory

direktris : directress, head mistress

direktur : director, headmaster

direktur bank : banker

direktur bersama : codirector

dirgahayu : long life

dirgantara : sky, upper atmosphere

diri : self, stand, exist

diri sendiri : ego

dirigen : musical director, conductor

diris : water plan

dirugikan : aggrieved

dirus : flush with water

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disahkan : authorized

disain : design, pattern

disainer : designer

disamping : aside

disana : there

disana-sini : about

disel : generator

diselenggarakan : held, conducted, concocted, arranged, run

disentri : dysentery

disertasi : thesis, dissertation

disharmoni : disharmony

disiden : dissident

disingkat : abridged

disipasi : dissipation

disipel : disciple

disiplin : discipline

disiplin diri : self-discipline

disipliner : disciplinary

disipliner : disciplinary

disjoki : disc jockey

disket : floppy disk

disko : discothecque

diskon : discount

diskontinuitas : discontinuity

diskotik : lihat: disko

diskotik : discotheque

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diskredit : discredit

diskriminasi : discrimination

diskriminatif : discriminatory

diskualifikasi : disqualification

diskusi : discussion

dislokasi : dislocation, disturbance

disonan : dissonant

disonansi : dissonance

disorganisasi : disorganisation

disparitas : disparity

dispensasi : dispensation, exemption

dispersi : disperse

distorsi : distortion

distribusi : distribution

distrik : district, canton

ditangguhkan : postponed, cancelled

ditinggikan : raised

ditingkat atas : upstairs

dituntut : respondent

diversifikasi : diversification

divisi : division, phylum

doa : supplication, prayer, pray

doang : only, no more than

dobel : double, doubles

dobelan : double, counterpart

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dobi : laundryman

doble : gold plate

dobol : perforated, torn

dobrak : smashed, broken open

dobrakan : breakthrough

dodok : squat

dogma : dogma

dogmatika : dogmatics

dogmatis : dogmatic

dogmatis : dogmatic

dok : dock


dokrin : doctrine

dokter : physician, doctor

dokter ahli kebidanan : gynecologist

dokter ahli mata : ophtalmologist

dokter dalam ilmu bidan : obstetrician

dokter gigi : dentist

dokter hewan : vet

dokter mata : oculist

dokter praktek umum : practitioner

dokter rumah sakit : internist

dokter telinga : aurist

doktoral : doctoral

doktrin : doctrine

doktrin katolik : catholicism

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doktriner : doctrinaire

doku : money

dokumen : papers, document

dokumentalis : documentalist

dokumentasi : documentation

dokumenter : documentary

dol : crazy, mad, damaged

dolan : make a visit for pleasure, play

dolanan : play

dolar : dollar

dolfin : dolphin

dolok : montain

dom : compass

domba : sheep, the congregation

domba jantan : tup, ram

domein : domain

domestik : domestic

dominan : dominant

dominasi : domination

dominion : dominanceion

dominir : dominate

domino : dominoes

domisili : domicile

dompak : leap, jump, prance

dompet : wallet, purse, pocket book, billfold

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dompleng : join, double up

domplengan : doubling up, hitching a ride

dompol : bunch

donasi : donation

donat : doughnut

donatur : donor

doncang : jump, leap

dondang : cradle

dondangan : scolding

dongak : pointed upward, gaze up

dongeng : legend, fairy tale, nonsense

dongengan : myth, false story

dongkak : lead up

dongkel : lever, jack

dongkelan : lever

dongkol : resentful, acrimonious, irked, vexed

dongkrak : jack, screw-jack

dongok : stupid, ponderous, hulking

donor : donor

dor : sound of gunshot

dorong : push, motivate, urge

dorongan : pushing, urging, impetus

dorongan : push, propulsion, instigation, inducement, heave

dos : small box'

dosa : sin, guilty

dosen : lecturer

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dosir : dossier

dosis : dose

dot : nipple, pacifier

doyan : be fond of'

doyong : inclined, not straight

doyongan : inclination

draft : draft

draimolen : carousel

drainase : drainage

drama : drama

dramatis : dramatic

dramatis : dramatic

dramatisasi : dramatise

dramatisir : dramatise

dramaturg : dramatist

dramaturgi : dramaturgy

dramawan : stage actor, performer

drastis : drastic

drat : wire thread, thread of a screw

drive : drive in golf

drop : deliver, drop off

drum : drum, oil drum

drumband : marching band

dua : two

dua : two, duo, deuce

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dua-dua : tandem

dua-duanya : both of them

dua bahasa : bilingualism

dua belas : twelve

dua belas lusin : gross

dua kali : twice

dua kali lipat : two fold

dua kali seminggu : biweekly

duaan : be a pair

dualisme : dualism

dualisme : dualism

dubilah : God forbid

dubun : byena

dubur : rectum, anus

duda : widower

duduga : putative

duduk : sit, state, situation, live, dwell, recide

duet : duet

duga : guess, estimate

duga-duga : apparently, seemingly

duga-duganya : lihat: duga-duga

dugaan : notion, assumption, allegation

dugaan : guess, hunch, assumption

duit : money

duitan : concerning money

duk : kerchief

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duka : grief, sorrow, distress

duka cita : sorrow, heartache, distress

dukacerita : tragedy

dukacita : profound sorrow

duko : spray, paint

dukuh : hamler

dukun : wizard, quack, healear

dukung : pickaback, support

dukungan : support, endorsement

dulang : food tray

duli : dust

dulu : formerly, previously, first, before, prior

dulu-dulu : previous, former, earlier

duluan : first before other

dulunya : formerly

dulur : kin, family

dumel : nag, complain

dungu : gullible, dull witted, mentally slow, idiotic

dunia : world, realm, kingdom

dunia-akhirat : for ever and ever

dunia binatang : fauna, animal kingdom

dunia burung : avifauna

dunia timur : oriental

duniawi : secular, earthy, worldly

dupa : incense

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duplikasi : duplication

duplikat : tally

duplikat : duplicate, carbon copy

duren : durian

durhaka : rebellious, insubordinate, undutiful, transgress

duri : thorn, bur, barb, prickle, spine, fish bone

durjana : evil, wicked

dusin : be awake, be conscious of, realize

dusta : lie, falsehood, tell a lie

dusun : orchard, village

duta : ambassador

duta besar : ambassador, ambassadress

dutawati : ambassadress

duyun : in throngs

duyung : manatee

dwi : two

dwiarti : ambiguous

dwibahasa : bilingual

dwifungsi : dual function

dwiguna : dual purpose

dwitunggal : duumvirate

dzikir : recitation

ebam : porcelain pot with lid

ebek : awning

ebi : dried shrimps

ebonit : ebonite

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ece : make a fool of, kid, make fun of

ecean : kidding, fooling

ecek : apparently, outwardly

ecer : sell retail

eceran : retail

ecerkan : lihat: ecer

eco : delicious

edan : wild, frantic, insane, mad, crazy

edar : turn, revolve, circle, circulate

edaran : orbit, circulated

edisi : edition

edit : edit

editor : editor

edukasi : education

edukatif : educative, instructive

efek : effect

efektif : effective

efektifitas : effectiveness

efisien : efficient

efisiensi : efficiency

egah : glorious

egois : selfish, egoist, egoistic

egoisme : egoism

egoistik : egoistic

egol : pry up

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egos : evade

egosentris : self-centered, egocentric

egosentrisme : egocentricity

egrang : stils

eja : spell

ejaan : spelling, orthography

ejakulasi : ejaculation

ejawantah : visible, manifest

ejek : mock, redicule, make fun of

ejekan : irony, hooting, mockery, derision, ridicule

eka : one

ekabahasa : monolingual

ekabahasawan : monoligual person

ekamarga : one way

ekamatra : unidimensional

ekaristi : Eucharist

ekasuku : monosyllabic

ekawarna : monochromatic

eko : echo

ekologi : ecology

ekologis : ecologycal

ekonom : economist

ekonometri : econometrics

ekonomi : economics, economy

ekonomis : economic, economical

ekor : tail, aftermath

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ekor kuda : pony tail

ekosistem : ecosystem

eksakta : exact sciences

eksamen : examination

eksekusi : execution, carrying out, execute

eksekutif : executive

eksem : eczema

eksemplar : copy, issue, number

eksentrik : eccentric

eksepedisi : expedition

eksepsi : demurrer, exception

ekses : excess

eksibisi : exhibition

eksistensi : existence

eksistensialisme : existentialism

eksit : exit

ekskavasi : excavation

eksklusif : exclusive

eksklusifisme : exclusivism

ekskurai : excursion

eksodus : exodus

eksogami : exogamy

eksogen : exogenous

eksotik : exotic

ekspansi : expansion

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ekspansif : expansive

ekspansionis : expansionist, expansionistic

ekspedisi : shipping, forwarding, mail room

ekspedisi berburu : safari

ekspeditur : shipping agent

eksperimen : experiment

eksperimental : experimental

eksperimentasi : experimentation

eksplisit : explicit

eksploitasi : development, working, exploitation, uperation

eksploitasikan : lihat: mengeksploitasi

eksploitir : work, use, exploit

eksplorasi : exploration

eksplosi : explotion

eksplosif : explosive

eksponen : exponent

ekspor : export

eksportir : exporter

ekspos : expose, reveal, uncover

eksposisi : exposition, fair, explanation

ekspotir : exporter

ekspres : express, fast, special delivery

ekspresi : expressiveness, expression

ekspresif : expressive

ekspresionis : expressionist

ekspresionistis : expressionistic

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ekstase : ecstasy

ekstern : external

ekstra : extra, extraordinary

ekstradisi : extradition

ekstradisikan : lihat: mengekstradisi

ekstrak : extract

ekstrakulikuler : extracurricular

ekstraparlementer : extraparliamantery

ekstrapolasi : extrapolation

ekstrapolasikan : lihat: mengekstrapolasi

ekstrem : extreme

ekstremis : extremist

ekstremisme : extremism

ekstremitas : extremity

ekstrim : extreme

ekstrovert : extrovert

ekuivalen : equivalent

ekuivalensi : equivalency

ekumenis : ecumenical

elaborasi : elaboration

elaborasikan : elaborate

elah : trick, pretext, excuse

elahan : trick, pretext, excuse

elang : buzzard, hawk, eagle

elang laut : albatross

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elastik : elastic

elastis : rubbey

elastisitas : elasticity

elegi : elegy

elektrifikasi : electrification

elektrik : electric

elektrikan : lihat: mengelektrifi

elektris : electrical

elektrisir : electrify

elektro : electro

elektroda : electrode

elektrodinamika : electrodynamics

elektrolisa : electrolysis

elektrolit : electrolyte

elektrolitis : electrolytics

elektromagnit : electromagnet

elektron : electron

elektronik : electronic

elektronika : electronics

elektronis : electronic

elektroteknik : electrical engineering

elemen : element

elementer : elementary

eleng : rock

eliminasi : eliminate

eliminir : lihat: eliminasi

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eling : remember

elips : ellipse

elipsis : ellipsis

elipsoide : ellipsoid

elit : elite

elitis : elitist

elitisme : elitism

elok : beautiful, lovely, good, elegant

elu-elu : acclaim, give applause

elu-eluan : welcome given, acclamation

elus : stroke

elusan : caress, flattery

email : enamel

emam : eat

emansipasi : emancipation

emas : gold

emas lantangan : bullion

emat : checkmate

embalau : shellac

emban : breastband, waistband, sash, bellyband

ember : pail, bucket

embikan : bleat

embun : dew, bead

embusan : puff

emigrasi : emigration

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emisi : emission

emoh : be unwilling

emong : care for, look after, direct an enterprise

emosi : emotion, emotional, be emotional

emosional : emotional

empang : pond, embankment, dam

empangan : fish pond, dam, barrier

empar : drift off, be off course

empas : be tossed, dashed against

empasan : violent crashing

empat : four

empedu : gall, bile

emper : veranda, porch, overhang, awning

emperan : veranda, porch, overhang, awning

empuk : mellow, tender, pulpous, pulpy

emrat : large watering can

emulsi : emulsion

en : and

enak : flavorous, nice, tasty, tasteful, fine, tasty

enak-enakan : relax

enakan : preferably, more pleasant, more confortable

enam : six

enap : ponder, consider deeply

enau : sugar palm

encer : aqueous, washy, liquid, weak, thin, smart, quick

enceran : liquid, solution

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enciritkan : discharge, eliminate

encit : cloth, fabric

encok : rheumatic, rheumatism, gout, gout, arthritic

endal : stuff, cram, elastic, resilient, springy

endap-endapan : lihat: endap

endapan : precipitate, dregs, sediment, deposit

endasan : chopping board

endemi : endemic discase

endemis : endemic

endosemen : endorsement

endosir : endorse

endus : get wond of, smell, whiff, find out

endusan : whiff

endut : throb, beat, pound

endut-endutan : lihat: endut

enek : nauseated, feel sick

energi : energy

enga : be aware, be concious

engah : lihat: enga

engahan : panting, puffing

engak : drowsy, sleepy, conotase, dazed

engap : panting, puffing, tight in the chest

engas : stink, stench, foul odor

enggan : chary, reluctant, boggle, averse

enggan-enggan : somewhat reluctant, hesitate, waver

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enggang : hornbill

engget : hook

enggil : toothed, serrated, notched

enggokan : curve

engkah : wood glue

engkau : thou, you, ye

engkel : single, keep arguing

engko : partner, business associate

engkoan : be partners in business

engkol : crank, wrench

engsel : hinge, switch

enjal : stuff, cram

ensiklik : encyclical

ensiklopedi : encyclopaedia

ensim : enzyme

entah : who knows, don't know, doesn't know

entak : stamp on with force, thrust, pound

entakan : stamping, pounding

entar : later

ente : you

enten : graft, implant

enteng : light, easy, mild, lightly

entengan : lighter, easier

entomolog : entomologist

entomologi : entomology

entomologis : entomological

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entot : fuck, screw

entri : entry

entrog : shake

enyah : go away, get out

enyak : tread on, step on, press, stamp

enzim : enzyme

epidemi : epidemic

epidemiologi : epidemiology

epigrafi : epigraphy

epigram : epigram

epik : epic

epilepsi : epilepsy

episentrum : epicenter

episode : episode

epistemologi : epistemology

epolet : eoaulette

era : era

erak : screeching sound

eram : hatch, brood, crouch on all fours

erang : groaning, moaning from pain

erang-erot : zig-zag, askew, awry

erangan : a groan

erat : taut, tight, firm, close

eratkan : lihat: mengeratkan

ereng : leaning, sloping

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eret : drag, pull, snare, lure

eretan : sleigh, sledge

erik : scream, shut, trumpet

erobik : aerobic, exercise

eropa : Europe

eropanisasi : Europeanisation

erosi : erosion, attrition

erot : distorted, wry, in a row

erotik : eroticism, erotic

erotis : erotic

es : ice

esa : single, one, only

esa-esaan : alone, lonely

esei : essay

eskadron : squadron

eskalasi : escalation

eskas : icebox, refrigerator

eskatologi : eschatology

eskatologis : eschatological

eskimo : eskimo

esok : tomorrow

esoknya : the next morning

estafet : relay race

estetika : aesthetics

etalase : shop window

etatisme : statism

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etek : crave

eter : ether, upper air

eternit : plasterboard

etik : ethical

etika : ethic

etiket : tag, tally, label, etiquette

etimologi : etymology

etiologi : etiology

etis : ethical

etnis : ethnic

etnisitas : ethnicity

etnografi : ethnography

etnolinguistik : ethnolinguistics

etnologi : ethnology

etnologis : ethnological

etnosentris : ethnocentric

etos : ethos

etsa : etch

evakuasi : evacuation

evaluasi : evaluation

evangelis : evangelical

evangelis : evangelist, evangelical

evangelisasi : evangelisation

evolusi : evolution

evolusioner : evolutionary

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ewa : averse, unwilling

ewe : copulate

faal : deep, work, function, action, sign, omen

faali : physiological

fabel : fable

fabrikan : maker, manufacturer

fabrikasi : manufacture, product

fadihat : disgrace, shame, ignominy

fadil : prominent, eminent, famous

fadilat : excellence, prominence

faedah : avail, use, benefit, profit

faham : understand, comprehend

faham pragmatis : pragmatism

fajar : aurora, dawn, daybreak

fakih : expert in canon law

fakir : poor, destitute, indigent

fakir miskin : pauper

faksi : faction

fakta : particular, fact, evidence, datum, data

faktor : factor, element

faktor penentu : determinant

faktor tak tetap : variable

faktual : factual

faktur : invoice

fakultas : registrar, faculty

fakultatif : optional

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falak : celestial sphere

falsafah : philosophy

falsafi : philosophical

famili : kin, relative, family

familial : familylike

familier : accustomed, intimate

fana : fugacious, mortal, transitory, fleeting

fanatik : fanatic, rabid, bigotted

fanatisme : fanaticism

fani : perishable

fantasi : grotesque

fantasi : fantasy, illusion, imagination, fancy

fantastis : fantastic

fardhu : lihat: fardu

fardu : obligatory, religious obligation

faring : pharynx

farji : vagina, vulva

farmakologi : pharmacology

farmakope : pharmacopocia

farmasi : pharmacy, drugstore

fasal : paragraph

fase : phase

faset : facet

fasid : imperfect

fasih : fluent, eloquent, quick writted, glib, correct

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fasihat : eloquence

fasik : godless, atheistic

fasilitas : facility, facilities

fasis : fascist

fasis-fasisan : fake facist, act fascistically

fasisme : fascism

fatal : fatal

fatamorgana : mirage

fatwa : a binding ruling in religious matters

fatwa : instructions, guidance of an older person

favorit : favorite

fayit : bangkrupt

februari : february

federal : federal

federalis : federalist

federalisme : federalism

federalistis : federalistic

federasi : federation

feminin : feminine

feminisme : feminism

fenomena : phenomenon

feodal : feudal

feodalisme : feudalism

feodalistis : feudalistic

feri : ferry

fermentasi : fermentation

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fertilitas : fertility

festival : festival

fiasko : fiasco

figur : figure, shape, personage

figuran : walk on, supernumerary

fiil : behavior, deeds

fikiran : cerebration

fiksi : fiction

fiktif : fictitious

filamen : filament

filantrop : philanthropist

filantropi : philanthropy

filantropis : philanthropical

filateli : philately

filatelis : philatelist

filial : branch

filing : feeling, intuition

film : film, movie

filolog : philologist

filologi : philology

filologis : philological

filosofi : philosophy

filosofis : philosophical

filsafat : philosophy, ideology, philisophical system

filsafat : philosophy

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filsafati : philosophical

filsuf : philosopher

filum : phylum

final : final

finalis : finalist

finansial : financial

finansir : financier

fineer : veneer

finir : lihat: fineer

firasat : presentiment

firasat : ability to prophesy the future, presentiment

firaun : pharaoh, tyrant

firdaus : paradise, elysium

firdausi : heavenly, paradisiacal

firma : firm, company, enterprise

firman : saying, decree, commandment

fisi : fission

fisik : physical

fisika : physics

fisiografi : physiography

fisiografis : physiographic

fisiologis : phisiological

fisioterapi : phisiotherapy

fiskal : fiscal, departure tax

fitnah : obloquy, slander, libel, defamation, calumny

fitnahan : backstabbing, vilification

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fitrah : natural tendency, character, disposition

fitri : pure, natural

fitting : light socket, fixture

flamboyan : poinciana tree

flanel : flannel

flat : apartment

fleksibel : flexible

fleksibilitas : flexibility

flipper : dolphin

floret : foil

floridasi : fluoridation

flu : influenza, a cold

fluktuasi : fluctuation

fluor : fluoride

fluoroskop : fluoroscope

fly over : traffic overpass

fohte : humid

foklor : folklore

fokus : focus

folio : folio, foolscape size paper

fondamen : foundation

fondasi : lihat: fondamen

fonds : fund

fonem : phoneme

fonemik : phonemics

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fonemis : phonemic

fonetik : phonetic, phonetics

fonologi : phonology

fonologis : phonological

forefront : garis depan

forklif : forklift

formal : formal

formalisir : formalize

formalitas : formality

formasi : formation, position

formasi militer : echelon

format : format, form

formika : formica

formula : formula

formulasi : formulation

formulir : form, declaration, blank

forsir : force, compel

forum : forum

fosfat : phosphate

fosfor : phosphor, phosphorus

fosil : fossil

foto : photograph, picture

foto kopi : photocopy

fotografer : photographer

fotografi : photography

fotosintesis : photosynthesis

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fragmen : fragment

fragmentari : fragmentary

framboesia : frambesia, yaws

frambos : raspberry

frambosen : raspberry flavored syrup

frantically : dgn galak (garang)-nya, secara membabi-buta

frase : phrase

frater : friar, brother

frateran : friary, abbey, priory

fraude : fraud, swindle

frekuensi tinggi : hi-fi

frekwensi : frequency

frigat : frigate

frigiditas : sexual frigidity

frikatif : fricative

friksi : friction

friser : freezer

frobel : kindergarten

front : front, cadre

frontal : frontal, head on

fruktosa : fructose

frustrasi : frustration, frustrated

fuli : mace

fulus : filthy lucre

fumigasi : fumigation

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fundamental : fundamental

fungisida : fungicide

fungsi : function

fungsionalisasi : functionalisation

fungsionalisme : functionalism

fungsionari : functionary

fungsionil : functional

furak : difference, dissimilarity

fusi : fusion, coalition

futbal : soccer

futurolog : futurologist

gaang : mole cricket

gabag : German measles

gabah : unhulled paddy separated from the stalks

gabak : cloudy, overcast

gabardine : gabardine

gabari : moderate

gabas : rough, aorse, mot tidy

gabir : clumsy, awkward, maladroit

gabug : lihat: gabuk

gabuk : empty, sterile, childless

gabung : bundle, sheaf, cluster, join

gabungan : combination, alliance, affiliation

gabungan : federation, merger, consolidation

gabus : cork

gacok : the marble, card

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gacokan : preferred marble, card, boyfriend, girlfriend

gada : club, cudgel, bludgeon

gadai : pawning, security

gadaian : pledge, security

gadang : large, big

gadas : bowling pin

gading : tusk (elephant), ivory, ivory color

gading-gading : joist, truss, ribs of ship

gadis : flapper, maiden, maid, damsel, girl, virgin

gadis cantik : doll, cutie

gadis tak sopan : hussy

gado-gado : Indonesian salad, mixed vegetables

gaduh : noise, din, noisy, boistereous, rowdy, tumult

gaduk : arrogant, conceited

gadungan : fake, bogus, imitation

gaek : old

gaet : hook, snare

gaetan : a hook, catch

gagah : strong, brawny, muscular, handsome, dashing

gagah : gutsy, gallant, dashing, bold

gagah-gagahan : for show, showing off

gagah berani : heroic

gagak : raven, slow

gagal : vain, unsuccessful, fail, misfire, abortive

gagang : handle, stem, stalk, spadix

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gagap : stammer, stutter

gagas : have an idea

gagasan : thought, idea, bubble, brainchild, concept

gagau : grope

gagu : mute, dumb, empty minded, void of ideas

gahar : scrub, scour

gaharu : eaglewood

gaib : mysterious, invisible, hidden, incrutable

gaib : unseen, supernatural, occult, magic

gairah : passion, strong desire

gait : pull, hook, pluck, wheedle, swipe, steal, purloin

gajah : elephant, bishop

gaji : pay, wage, salary

gajian : payday, wage laborer

gajul : scoundrel, rascal

gajus : cashew

gala : resin, pitch, caulking, gala

gala-gala : putty

galah : stake, pole, punting pole, spear

galak : surly, snappish, gruff, fierce, frantic, plucky

galak : fierce, vicious, sharp and mean, impudent

galaksi : galaxy

galang : girder, supporting beam

galangan : slip, dry dock, shipyard

galangan kapal : shipyard, dock, graving dock, dock yard

galant : gallant

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galantin : galantine

galar : board

galas : carrying pole

galau : hubbub, confusion

galbani : galvanise

gali : dig, dig up, delve, unearth

gali-galian : plants dug up

galian : entrenchment

galib : normal

galir : fluent, glib, articulate, agile, nimble, spry

galon : gallon

galur : furrow, groove, channel

galvanis : galvanic

galvanisasi : galvanization

gama : gamma

gamak : estimate

gaman : weapon

gamang : nervous, afraid

gambangan : yoke

gambar : illustration, figure, picture, effigy, drawing

gambar gunting : cutout

gambar kartun : cartoon

gambar timbul : relief

gambaran : illustration, picture of, image, representation

gambir : gambier

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gambit : gambit

gamblang : clear, understandable, explicit, palpable

gamblok : be attached to, hold on to, join

gambut : peat moss, turf

gamelan : gamelan

gamis : arab style shirt

gamit : nudge

gamit-gamit : nudging

gamitan : nudging

gampang : easy

gampang-gampangan : easy going

gampang dibohongi : deceivable

gampang dimasuki : easy of acces

gampangan : easier

gampar : strike, slap

gamparan : slap, stroke, wooden clog, flapping slipper

gamping : limestone

ganas : dashing, savage, ferocious, vicious, malignant

gancang : quick, spry, alert

gancaran : prose

ganco : boat hook, packax

ganda : double, fold, handicap

gandal : obstacle, hindrance

gandalan : lihat: gandal

gandar : lever, arm of scales, asle of wheel

gandel : clapper

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gandeng : side by side, arm in arm, coupled

gandengan : connection, truck teller, sidecar

gandes : graceful, charming, elegant

gandik : milling stone

gandin : large mallet

gandrung : infatuate, in love, crazy about

ganduh : barter

gandulan : hanger

gandum : grain, oat, buckwheat, wheat, cereal, wheat flour

gandum hitam : rye

gandung : outrigger

gang : alley, narrow street, corridor, passageway, gang

gang : breezeway, slum, passage, gangway, alleyway

ganggang : algae, seaweed

ganggang laut : seaweed

ganggu : disturb, annoy

gangguan : disturbance, disruption, derangement, nuisance

gangguan : irritation, harassment, interruption, vexation

gangguan : interference, hindrance, nuisance, bother

gangguan syaraf : hysteria

ganggut : pull, tug

gangsa : brass

gangsir : mole cricker

ganja : bemp plant, hasbish, marijuana

ganjak : budge, move a bit

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ganjal : a wedge, aprop, support

ganjalan : a wedge, prop, support, mounting

ganjar : reward

ganjaran : reward, just deserts, punishment, retribution

ganjat : tangled, have a cramp

ganjen : coquettish

ganjil : peculiar, uneven, odd, queer, abnormal

gantar : stake, post

gantel : hang from, stick

ganteng : sharp-looking, bold, good-looking, handsome

ganteng : handsome, dashing, coagulated, congealed

gantet : stick

ganti : substitute, replacement, change, over

ganti rugi : redress, compensation, indemnify, back pay

gantole : hang glader

gantung : hang

gantungan : hanger, hook, gallows

ganyah : polish, strike hard

ganyang : eat raw, devour, smash, crush, eliminate

ganyangan : nlow delivered

ganyar : hard

gapah : skillful, aroit, agile

gapai : reach for, extend the hand for, grasp after

gapit : pincers, tweezers, clamp

gaple : dominoes

gaplek : dried cassava

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gapu : reach, extend to

gapura : gate, gateway, portal

gara-gara : turbulence, just be cause

garah : joking, jesting, frighten away, chase away

garam : salt, a mineral salt, experience, effectiveness

garam alkali : alkali

garan : handle

garandir : guarantee

garang : rampageous, savage, wild

garang : fierce, cruel, ferocious, vivid, very strong

garansi : warranty, warrant, guarantee

garap : work on

garas : thin, cat, gobble up

garasi : garage

garau : hoarse

garba : embryo

garda : guard

gardan : differential gear

gardu : depot, dump, magazine, relay station

gardu : guardhouse, sentry post, bus shelter

gari : handcuffs

garib : strange, percullar, exotic

garing : dry and crispy, crunchy, cool, crisp

garis : line

garis bawah : underline

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garis besar : outline

garis bujur : meridian, longitude

garis dasar : baseline

garis datar : horizontal

garis hiasan : trim

garis keliling : perimeter

garis keturunan : lineage

garis lintang : tranverse, latitude

garis lintang sejajar : parallel

garis luar : contour

garis potong : transverse, secant

garis singgung : tangent

garis tegak lurus : perpendicular

garis tengah : diameter

garisah : instinct

garisan : ruler

garit : scratch, move

garnisun : garrison

garong : robber

garpu : fork, cutlery

garpu tala : tuning fork

garu : barrow

garuda : mythical bird

garuk : scratch, round up, rub

garuk-garuk : scratch

garukan : scratch, scratching

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garung : growl, roar

garut : abrade, chafe

gas : gas, vapor from gasoline

gas karbit : acetylene

gasak : fight, hit

gasakan : blow, drubbing, hitting

gasal : uneven, odd

gasang : lustful, lecherous, lascivious

gasing : whirligig, top

gasket : gasket

gasolin : gasoline

gasung : sandbar

gatal : prurient, itch, cager for

gatra : phrase

gatuk : match, meet, coincide

gatukan : being matched

gaul : associate

gaun : gown, dress

gaung : resonance, echo, reverberation, hole, ravine

gawal : mistakel, error

gawang : hurdle, goal, gate, goal posts, burdles

gawang-gawangan : wicket

gawar : warning sign

gawat : critical, serious, grave, dangerous, bad

gawe : work

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gawir : escarpment

gaya : energy, force, style, form, manner

gaya berat : gravity

gaya berjalan : gait

gaya berkata : diction

gaya busana : mode

gaya pegas : give

gaya punggung : back-stroke

gayal : elastic, tough of meat

gayang : staggering, reeling

gayang-gayang : a rack

gayem : chew the cud

gayeng : pleasant, warm, cheerful, interesting

gayuh : hang low, aspiration, ideal

gayung : bailer, water dipper, scoop, attack

gayut : hang, swing

gayutan : swing

gebah : chase away, chase out

geber : vibrate

gebes : move, be unwilling

geblak : fall backward

geblok : bolt of cloth, wad of money

gebok : bolt of cloth

gebos : scold, snap at

gebrakan : blow, chop, slap

gebres : sneeze

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gebu : flare up, rage

gebuk : beat

gebyak : perform, stage

gebyakan : performance

gebyar : sparkle, shine

gebyuran : water splashed out

gecar : trembling, fright

gecek : crush, smash, catch, seize

gedang : large

gede : big, large

gedebok : trunk of a banana plant

gedebros : talk nonsense

gedempak : tambourine

gedempol : fat

gedeng : sheaf

gedok : weave

gedokan : primitive handloom

gedoncak : beat

gedong : fancy house, mansion

gedongan : having in a large, stone house

gedor : pound on, break into plander

gedoran : loot, plunder

gedruk : stamp

gedrukan : stamping

gedung : building

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gedung bioskop : theatre

gedung olahraga : gymnasium

geduyut : drrop, bend

gegabah : premature, rash, reckless, heady

gegaman : hand weapon

gegaokan : caw

gegap : uproarious, noisy, clamorous

gegar : shaking, swaying

gegares : stuff

gegau : stratled

gegep : pliers

geger : commotion, be in tumult

gegeran : make a commotion

gegetun : surprised, dumbfounded

geguyon : joke

geisa : geisha

gejala : phenomenon, symptom, auspice, tendency

gejolak : flush, flaming, fire, fluctuation

gejuju : build up, pile up

geladak : deck, mongrel dog, criminal

geladak kapal : deck

geladi : rebearsal

geladir : mucus, phlegm, slime

gelagah : wild sugascane

gelagapan : stutter, stammer, confused, flustered

gelagar : thunder

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gelagat : sign, indication, symptom, attitude, habit

gelak : laughter, laugh

gelak tawa : peal, laughter

gelakak : hearty laugh

gelama : mucus, phlegm

gelambir : wattle of fowl, jowls

gelandang : halfback

gelandangan : vagabond, vagrant, bum

gelang : wreath

gelang : bracelet, bangle, circlet, armlet

gelang-gelang : tapeworm

gelang kaki : anklet

gelangan : hoop, bracelet

gelanggang : arena

gelanggang adu ayam : cockpit

gelangsat : slide, slip up

gelantang : bleach, dry in the sun

gelanting : hang down, dangle

gelantung : lihat: gelanting

gelantur : flow forth, come forth

gelap : dark, unclear, secret, black, murky

gelap-gelapan : in a secret, illegal manner

gelap gulita : pitch dark

gelapan : darkness

gelar : title, academic title, alias, degree

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gelar-gelaran : designation, a so-called title

gelar bangsawan : earl, baron

gelar doktor : doctorate

gelaran : carpet, mat to sit on

gelas : glass

gelatak : tickle

gelayangan : meander, roam, ramble

gelayaran : stagger

gelebar : flap

gelebur : plunge, jump into

gelebyar : fly around

gelecek : skid, slip

gelecik : lihat: gelecek

geledah : search, frisk

geledek : thunder, lightning

geleding : twist, warp

gelegak : bubble, effervesee, wheeze

gelegar : beam, girder, thundering, rumbling

gelegata : itchy rash, prickly beat

gelek : rool over, roll, run over, dodge

gelekak : peel

gelekek : giggle, snicker

gelemat : forecastle

gelemberan : wattle of fowl

gelembung : vesicle, bubble, bubble, vesicle, swollen

gelembung paru : alveolus

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gelembungan : bubble

gelembur : ripple

gelemprang : high pitched

gelentang : roll over

gelenyar : tingle

gelepak : sag, collapse

gelepar : fluttering

geleparan : fluttering

gelepok : muddy

gelepot : muddy

gelepur : flapping, fluttering

geleser : begin to turn, flotter

geletak : flounder, flutter

geletar : shiver, tremble, beat

geleting : tinkle

geletis : twitch, squirm

geletuk : chattering

geli : amused, ticklish

geliang : writhe, scriggle

geliat : writhe, wriggle

gelicik : avoid, evade

geligi : teeth

geligis : tremble, quiver, shudder, chatter

geligit : bite repeatedly

gelimangan : mud

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gelimbir : hang loosely, hang in folds

gelimbiran : sagging

gelincir : slip, skid

gelincuh : stumble

gelinding : wheel

gelindingan : hoop, caster

gelinggam : red lead, red dye, red paint

gelinggaman : shudder, get the creeps

gelinjang : jump up and down

gelintang : sprawled

gelintin : sticky, thick, concentrated

gelinting : roll, scrithe, squirm

gelintir : pellet

gelis : lovely, pretty

gelisah : unrestful, nervous, insecure, uneasy, anxious

gelitar : struggle

gelitik : tickle, stimulus, incitement

gelitikan : tickling

geliut : writhe, squirm

gelo : unmannered, foolish

gelodar : lihat: geliut

gelogok : swig, gulp

gelohok : opened wide

gelojak : slap, wash against

gelojoh : gluttomous, greedy

gelombang : wave, surge, phase, facet

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gelombang besar : swell

gelombang dahsyat : breaker

gelombang radio : airway

gelombang surut : backwash

gelompar : leap up

gelondong : roll, bunch

gelondongan : bobbin

geloneng : small gong

gelonggong : nubble at

gelonjak : jumping up and down

gelora : seething, turbulence, enthusiasm

gelora semangat : enthusiasm

gelosang : hurry up

gelosok : rub hard

gelosor : slip

gelotrak : rattle

geluduk : deep, far off thunder

geluga : red lead

geluh : loam

geluk : coconut shell

gelulur : slide down, fall, slip down

gelumang : muddied

gelundung : roll downward

gelung : coil, curve, turn, truss

gelungan : coil, curve

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geluntur : glide, slide

gelup : fall out, drop ot

gelusak : trouble, throw

gelut : screstle, romp, quarrel

gema : reverberation, echo, reverberate

gemak : handle, finger

gemal : bunch, shreaf

gemala : magic stone, probably bezoar

geman : afraid, frightened

gemang : thick, cylinder

gemap : astounded, dumbfounded

gemar : to be keen on, to be fond of, delight in

gemar akan : agog

gemar makan dan minum : epicure

gemar sekali : doting, avid

gemas : annoyed, put out, passionate

gembala : herds, tamer, shepherd, herdsman

gembala sapi : cowboy

gembang : pudgy

gembar-gembor : ranting, bruit about, noise about

gembel : ragamuffin

gembira : rejoice, merry, jolly, glad

gembira : gay, happy, exulant, cheerful, breezy, bouncy

gembleng : united, welded into, forge, harden, train

gemblengan : discipline, training

gemblok : cling to

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gembok : padlock

gembol : carry

gembong : leader, brains, prominent figure, kingpin

gembor : watering can

gembor-gemboran : ballyhooing

gembos : deflated

gembreng : cymbal

gembrot : big bellied, paunchy

gembul : always hungry

gembung : swollen, suffed, filled

gembungan : swelling

gembur : loose, crumble

gemeletak : shiver, chatter

gemelugut : shake, shiver, shudder

gemercak : splatter, splashing

gemericik : crepitate

gemerincing : jingle, rattle

gemerincingan : tinkling, clinking

gemerisik : scratch, scratching

gemerlap : shining, gleaming

gemerlapan : shining, gleaming

gemerusuk : rustle

gemetar : oscillate, quaver, knock, thrill, dodder, tremble

gemetaran : trembling, tremor

gemilang : brilliant, shining, bright

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gemilang : shine, glittering, sparkling, overwhelming

geminasi : gemination

geming : keep quiet, be motionless

gemintang : full of stars

geminte : municipality

gempa : earthquake

gempa bumi : quake, earthquake

gempal : sturdy, plump

gempar : din

gempar : uproar, commotion

gemparan : tumult, stir

gempel : adhere, fuse

gempil : chipped, damaged

gempilan : chip, splinter, sliver

gempita : loud, booming, noisy, thundering

gempul-gempul : panting, out of breath

gempur : attack, destroy, ruin, storm

gempuran : attack, assult, charge

gemuk : stout, fat, corpulent, thick, buxom, plumpy

gemuk : fat, corpulent, grease, rich, fertiliser

gemulai : supple, pliant, swaying, limber

gemulung : rolling

gemuruh : boisterous, peal, din, thundering, cannonading

gena : gene

genah : proper, straightened

genangan : puddle

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genap : exactly enough, even, complete, full, plenary

gencar : unceasing, incessant, unbroken, repeatedly

gencar-gencarnya : incessantly

gencat : stopped, suspended, stunted

gencatan : cessation

gencatan senjata : ceasefire, truce, armistice, disarmament

gencet : squeeze, urge, press, crush, suppress

gencetan : suppression

gendak : mistress, concubine

gendang : drum, beat

gendang telinga : eardrum, tympanum

gendeng : dumb, stupid, oblique, inclined

genderang : large drum

genderuwo : lihat: setan

gendong : carry

gendongan : carrying cloth

genduk : girl

gendut : corpulent, big-bellied, stout, abdominous

gendut : potbellied, very profitable

genealogi : genealogy

genealogis : genealogical

generalisasi : generalisation

generalisir : generalise

generasi : generation

generator : generator

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genetif : genitive

genetika : genetics

genggam : handful

genggaman : grasp, grip, clench

genggang : ajar, slightly open, fissure, split

genggong : harmonica

gengsi : prestige, put on airs, esteem, respect, prestige

genial : genial

genialitas : geniality

genit : prudish, prim, missish, firtatious, vain

genitif : genitive

genjang : askew, rhomboid

genjur : stiff

genta : bell, vibrate

gentar : vibrate, tremble

gentaran : vibration, tresmor

gentas : pinched, finished

gentat : dented

gentayangan : roam about, wander about, walk about

gentel : pill, pellet

genteng : roof tile, pantile

genting : precarious, narrow, thin, frayed, critical, tense

gentus : surly, offensive

genyot : awry, askew

geodesi : geodesy

geofisik : geophysical

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geofisika : geophysics

geofisikawan : geophysicist

geografi : geography

geografis : geographical

geographically : secara kewilayahan

geokimia : geochemistry

geol : away, swing

geologi : geology

geologis : geological

geologiwan : geologist

geometri : geometry

geometris : geometric, geometrical

geopolitik : geopolitics

geopolitis : geopolitical

geotermis : geothermic

gepak : kick

gepeng : flat, flattened

gepok : sheaf, wad, bundle

gepokan : bundle, sheaf, wad

gepuk : fat, obese

gera : frighten, threaten

gerabah : earthenware vessels

gerabak : trickle, flow

gerabang : large rip, gaping hole

geradakan : uneven, rough

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geragas : gluttonous

geragau : claw at

gerah : sultry, hot, feverish, stifling hot sensation

gerah : stiflingly hot, sultry, sick

gerahan : molar, difficulty

gerai : dig, excavate

gerak : movement, motion, move

gerak badan : exercise

gerak hati : intuition, impulse

gerak isyarat : gesture

gerak maju : progression

gerakan : movement, march, motion, beat, move

gerakan cepat : whisk

gerakan mendadak : lurch

gerakan tentara : maneuver

geram : growl, furious, INFURIATED, PASSIONATE

gerang : tooth blackener

gerangan : can it be ?, an expression of wondering or doubt

geranggang : bamboo spear

gerantam : explosion

gerantang : tumult, din, racket, snarl, growl

gerapai : grope

gerasakan : rough

gerat : gnash

geratak : scarch, look for

geratih : canter

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gerayang : crawl, scratch

gerbak : pervade

gerbang : gate

gerbong : wagon, lorry

gerbong barang : boxcar

gerbong ka : daycoach

gerebeg : see: menggerebek

gerebek : see: menggerebek

gerebekan : raid, sudden attack

geregetan : tense from restraining pent-up emotions

gereja : church

gergaji : saw

gerhana : eclipse, in difficulty, obscuration

geriatri : geriatrics

geriatrik : geriatric

geridip : blink

gerigi : serration, cogged, dentate

gerigis : serrated, cogged

gerigit : gnaw at

gerilya : partisan, guerrilla

gerimis : drizzle, drizzling rain

gerinda : grindstone, emery wheel

gering : ill, esp, of animal

gerinjam : car scoop

gerinyau : feel itchy

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gerip : date pencil

geripir : court clerk

germo : pimp, procurer, panderer, brothel keeper

germud : crowd, swarm around

gero-gero : wail

geroak : have a large, gaping tear

gerobak : cart, car, caisson, truck, wagon, van

gerobok : bubble, gurgle

gerogi : dazed, dizzy

gerogoh : grab at, grope

gerogol : palisade

gerogot : gnaw on, undermine, embezzle

gerogotan : gnawing, embezzlement, erosion

gerohok : hollow, empty

gerombol : assemble, collect

gerombolan : group, bunch, cluster, gang, knot, band, troop

gerong : hole

geronggang : cavity, be bollow

gerontologi : gerontology

geronyot : throb with pain, twitch

geropyok : stage a raid, give chase, round up

geropyokan : raid

geros : snore

gerosok : wade

gerosokan : seething, roaring

gersang : arid, dry, barren, coarse

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gertak : threat, snarl, snapping, threaten

gertakan : snarling, snapping, threat, intimidation

gertakan : intimidation, bluff

geru : roar

gerudug : attack en masse

gerugut : grooved, corrugated

geruh : snoore, roar

gerumbul : density

gerumit : perform line, meticulous work

gerumpung : mutilated, deformed

gerumuk : sit hunched up

gerumus : murmur

gerumut : swarm

gerun : overwhelming fear

gerundang : tadpole

gerundel : complain, pout

gerunjal : jolt, appear suddenly

gerupis : tinker at, putter at

gerusan : scraping, rubbing

gerut : scraping, scratching

gerutan : scratch, claw

gerutu : rough, coarse

gerutuan : complaint, gripe

geruyak : shake

gesa : in a hurry

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gesek : rub, scrape

gesekan : rubbing, friction, stringed instrument

gesel : fricative

geser : lihat: gesel

gesit : nimble, adroit, skillful

gesper : clasp, buckle

getah : mucilage, latex, sap, fatex, gland secretion

getah bening : lymph

getap : broken, quick tempered, easily shicked

getar : tremble, trill

getaran : vibration, quiver, trill, pulsation, frequency

getaran : shock, quaver, tremble, gyration, vibration

getas : brittle, easily, clear, distinct, fragile, crisp

getek : small raft

getik : tap lightly, flick

getikan : a pinch, a nip

getil : a pinch of

getir : bitter

getis : brittle, frail

getokan : stick to hit with

getol : diligent, industrious, hardworking

getun : surprise, astonishment

gewang : mother of pearl

geyong : large buttocked

geyong-geyong : dangle

giat : vigorous, pushing, mobile, enterprising

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gida : tempt, plague

gidig : shudder, shiver

gigi : tooth, cog, gear, edge

gigi-gigi : tread, perforation

gigi gingsul : bucktooth

gigi palsu : denture

gigi taring : cuspid

gigih : persistent, persevering

gigil : ague, shiver, tremble

gigir : mountain ridge, range of hills

gigit : bite

gigitan : bite, a bite

gila : insane, frenzy, demented, daft, mad, crazy, luny

gila-gilaan : foolhardy, foolish, frantic, like mad, exessive

gila ketakutan : paranoid

gilang-cemerlang : glitterring and bright

gilang-gemilang : bright and brilliant

gilap : brilliantly shining

gilas : crush, pulverise, run over, overrun, cross over

gili : tickle, incite, egg on

gili-gili : bund, earthen dike, sidewalk

giling : steam roller

giling-giling : lihat: giling

gilingan : mill

gilir : alternate, take turns

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giliran : serve, play, turn, shift, seve

gim : gold thread

gimnastik : gymnastics

gimpal : locket, pendant

gin : gin

gincu : lipstick

ginekolog : gynecologist

ginekologi : gynecology

ginjal : kidney

giok : jade

gips : gypsum, plaster, plaster cast

gir : gear wheel, cogwheel

girang : delightful, elate, merry, glad, cheerful, happy

girik : ID card, chit, title of land ownership

girik-girik : area nut crusher

giring : herd, drive, escort a criminal

giring-giring : bell

giringan : procession

giris : feel fear and horror

giro : clearing, credit transfer

giro pos : postal clearing

giroskop : gyroscope

gisik : beach

gita : hymn, song

gitar : guitar

gitaris : guitarist

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giuk : guy

giur : arouse interest, tempt

giwang : ear stud

gizi : nutrient

gladi : rehearsal

gladiol : gladiolus

glasiasi : glaciation

glaukoma : glaucoma

glazur : glazing, tooth enamel, cake frosting

gletser : glacier

gliserin : glycerine

global : global, overall, broad

glondongan : unprocessed timber

glos : gloss

glosarium : glossary

glotal : glottal

glotalisasi : glottalisation

glotis : glottis

glotokronologi : glottocronology

glukosa : glucose

gobar : somber

gobet : cut very thin, grate

goblek : finished, done

goblok : dumb, dull, stupid

gocan : toss and turn

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gocob : fight, pummel

godaan : temptation, obsession, enticment, seduction

godam : sledgehammer

godek : whisker, side whiskers, sideburns

godog : boil

godokan : boiled food

godot : slice, saw thinly

gohong : hole, cave

gojlok : shake up, haze

gojlokan : hazing

gokart : go cart

gol : goal, score, point

golak : flare up, outburst

golak-galik : up and down, to and for

golakan : seething, violent move, stir

golek : be around, lounge around

golek-golek : lihat: golek

golekan : doll, puppet

goler : lie down

golf : golf

golok : dagger, cleaver, machete, chopping knife

golong : classify, group

golongan : group, faction, class

golongan atas : elite

golongan baik-baik : gentry

golongan borjuis : bourgeoisie

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golongan kecil : minority

golongan masyarakat : caste

gombak : forelock, tuft, crest

gombal : empty, false

gombang : handsome, good looking

gombeng : enlarge

gombol : bunch

gombrong : loose fitting

gombyok : tassel, fringe

gompal : torn down, broken

gompyok : thick, betasseled, bunch

gonada : gonad

goncang : shake, shaky, swaying, onstable

goncangan : wadole, shock, shake, a shake, a jolt, shock

gondang : snail, slug

gondok : goiter

gondol : steal, swipe

gondong : gotter

gondrong : long haired

gong : gong

gonggong : yowl, howl, yap, bark

gonggongan : bark

goni : jute, gunny sack

goniometri : goniometry

gonjang-ganjing : lihat: acak-acakan, amburadul

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gonorea : gonorrhea

gonta-ganti : mutually, reciprocally, take turns

gontai : slow

gontok : quarrel, fist fight

gontok-gontokan : hit with the fists in anger, fight, quarrel

gontokan : lihat: gontok

gonyak : ridicule, deride

gonyok : wipe, scour, make clean

gonyokan : wiping, cleaning, scourge

gopoh : quick

gopoh-gopoh : in a hurry, hurriedly

gorden : curtain

goreng : fried

gorengan : fried

gores : scratch, etch line into

goresan : scratch

gorila : gorilla

gorok : cut

gorong-gorong : water channel

gosip : gossip

gosok : brush

gosok-gosokan : incitement, instagation

gosokan : rub

gosokan : rubbing, polishing, instigation

gosong : dune\overcooked\sandbar

got : gutter, drain

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gotek : matches

gotes : pluck, pick, gather

gotong : carry

gotong-royong : community self help, mutual cooporation

gotongan : heavy burden, share load

gotri : pellet, buckshot

goyah : loose, unsteady

goyak : shake, rock

goyang : shaky, wobbly, unsteady, stagger

goyangan : sway, oscillation, staggering, fluctuation

gradasi : gradation

graduil : gradual

grafik : graph

grafis : graphic

gram : gram, gramme

gramatika : grammar

gramatikal : grammatical

gramofone : phonograph, gramophone

gramopon : phonograph

granat : grenade, shell, projectile

granit : granite

grasi : clemency

gratifikasi : bonus, dividend

gratis : free, gratis

gravir : engraving

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gravitasi : gravitation, gravity

greges : feverish

greget : tense from restraining pent-up emotions

grehon : greyhound

grendel : latch, door bolt

gres : brand new

grojok : gush forth

grojokan : flushing

gros : gross, large

grup : group

gua : den, grotto, cave

gua besar : cavern

gual-gail : loose, wobbly

guam : thrush

gubah : arrange, compose

gubahan : arrangement, composition, literary work

gubal : clump, pile, cambium

gubel : coax, urge

gubernemen : get, residence of the governor

gubernur : governor

gubit : beckon to

gubris : heed, pay attention to

gubrisan : attention

gubuk : hut, cottage, shake

guci : porcelain jug

gudang : storehouse, godown, depot, warehouse, barn

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gudang amunisi : ammunition

gudang bahan : bunker

gudang batu bara : bunker

gudang bawah tanah : cellar

gudang kapal : boathouse

gudang senjata : magazine, arsenal

gudel : water buffalo calf, plaque

gudik : scabies

gudikan : mangy

gugah : waken, arouse, grouse, complain, grumble

gugahan : the moving of

gugat : a shick, jerk, jolt, accuse, charge, critise

gugatan : accusation, suit, claim, criticism

guguh : bear, knock on, very old

guguk : dune

guguk pasir : sand dune

gugup : nervous, panicky, groggy, jittery

gugur : fall, drop out, deciduousis, miscarry, abort

gugus : group, clusser

gugusan : group, cluster

guik : aqueal

gula : sugar

gula-gula : goody, sweets, candy, mistress

gula bakar : caramel

gula batu : lump sugar

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gulai : curry

gulali : taffy

gulat : wrestle

gulden : guilder

guli : marbles

guliga : bezoar

guling : roll, aileron

gulir : move, roll on, go

gulita : dark

gulma : weeds

gulung : roll, coil

gulungan : roll, hank, coil

gulut : in a hurry, hastily, in haste

gumal : wrinkled, creased, rumpled, crumpled

gumam : mumble, suppress

gumaman : a murmur

gumok : knoll

gumpal : gob, clot, chunk, clod, clump, wad, ball, chock

gumpalan : lump, clot, clod, shock, agglomeration, clump

gumpalan awan : cumulus

gumpalan emas : nugget

gumul : wrestle, struggle

gumul-gumulan : playfully wrestle

gumulan : a tangle

guna : use, purpose

guna-guna : witchcraft, magic, magical formulas

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gunawan : virtuous, noble, useful

gundah : depressed, dejected

gundal : notch, knot

gundalan : tally

gundar : coarse brush

gundik : concubine, mistress

gundu : marble

gundukan : heap, pile, rand

gundukan tanah : mound

gundul : bald, bare, leafless

gunggung : sum total

gunggungan : the total

gunjai : tassel, tuft

gunjing : gossip

gunjingan : slanderous gossip

guntak : rattling

gunting : nipper, scissors, shears, clippers, cut, clip

gunting besar : shear

guntingan : clipping

guntung : flat, level, smooth, short, blunt, flat

guntur : thunder

gunung : mountain, mount

gunung-gunungan : imitation mountain, hillock, hill, heap, pile

gunung api : volcano

gunung es : iceberg

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gunungan : imitation mountain

gurah : gargle, rinse

guram : dull, dim, hazy, chicken flea, insignificant

gurame : carp

gurami : gurami

gurat : scratch, line, line in the palm

guratan : sketch, outline, facial scrinkle

gurau : a joke

gurauan : joke, prank

gurdi : drill, auger

gurih : piquant, fat

gurih : deliciously oily

gurita : ink fish, octopus

guru : teacher

guru besar : professor

guru pribadi : tutor

guruh : thunder

gurun : wasteland, desert

gurung : windpipe, esophagus, gullet

gurungan : water channel

gusah : chase away

gusar : angry

gusi : gum

gusti : the lord

gusur : haul, drag, condemn, flatten

gutural : guttural

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guyon : joking

guyonan : joke, object of fun

guyub : friendly, close, mutually helpful

guyur : bathed

guyuran : splash

habis : finished, at en end, nothing left, gone, done

habis-habisan : completely, totally, vehemently

habis perkara : period

hablur : crystalline, crystal

hadapan : front, future, presence

hadiah : prize, bounty, boon, reward, award, bonus

hadiah : donation, present, largess, gift

hadir : present, omnipresent

haid : climacteric, menstruate

haji : pilgrim

hak : authorization, rights

hak cipta : copyright

hak istimewa : privilege, prerogative

hak kekuasaan : legitimacy

hak masuk : admitance

hak penjualan : dealership

hak pilih : suffrage, option

hakiki : intrinsic, true, real, authentic

hakim : judge

hal : matter, case, fact, situation, item, instance

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halal : lawful, kosher, rightful

halaman : yard, page, premises

halaman belakang : backyard

halaman rumput : lawn

halaman tertutup : compound

halangan : bar, hindrance, obstacle

halia : ginger

halilintar : flash of lightning, thunderbolt

halimun : mist

haluan : prow

haluan kapal : bow

halus : fine, delicate, smooth, airy

hama : infection, disease (plant-)

hamba : slave, servant

hambar : insipid, vapid

hambat : checked, blocked

hambatan : hindrance, obstruction

hamil : pregnant, gravid

hampa : nonexistent, empty, vacant, addle

hampa udara : vacuum

hampir : next to, nearly, at the point of, almost, about

hampir mabuk : halfshot

hampir tidak : barely, hardly

hancur : frazzle, disintegrate, asunder, destroyed

handuk : towel

hangat : warm

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hanggar : hangar, sports hall

hangus : scorched, singed

hantam : strike, fight, scuffle, collide, pummel, pound

hantam-kromo : do as one likes without regard to propriety

hantaman : smack, blow, punch

hantu : apparition, fiend, imp, goblin, ghost, genie

hanuman : the white monkey, sacred hero of the Ramayana

hanya : only, just, simply, merely

hanyut : adrift

haram : illicit, illegitimate, unlawful, forbidden

harap : promise, hope

harapan : prospects, hope

harapan baik : auspicious

harfiah : literal

harga : price, value, cost

hari : day

hari besar : holiday

hari ini : today

hari kerja : week day

hari kiamat : doomsday

hari natal : x-mas

hari pantekosta : whitsuntide

hari peringatan : jubilee, anniversary

hari rabu : wednesday

hari ulang tahun : birthday

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harian : daily

harimau : tiger

harimau kumbang : panther

harmonika : harmonica

harmonika tangan : accordion

harmonis : congruence, concord, consonance, compatible

harta karun : treasure

harum : flavorous, odorous, fragrant

harus : must, have to

hasil : revenue, yield, return, result, product, produce

hasil bagi : quotient

hasil penemuan : invention

hasil saringan : distillate

hasil sulingan : distillate

hasil tangkapan : haul

hasrat : eager, ardor, wish, ambition

hasutan : incitement, agitation, sedition

hati : liver, heart

hati-hati : considerate, prudent, mindful, discreet, chary

hati-nurani : one's inner self

hati nurani : dictate

haus darah : bloodthirsty

hawa : air

hawa nafsu : passion, lust

hebat : formidable, swell, super, spectacular, vehement

hebat : severe, killing, intense, excellent, fabulous

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hebat sekali : tremendous

heboh : ado, commotion, uproar, fuss, row, stir

hektar : hectarea

helikopter : helicopter

helm : helmet

hemat : frugal, thrift, economical

hembusan : bellows

hembusan napas : gasp

hendak : will, want, desire, wish

hening : tranquil, hush, quiet

heran : wonder, surprise

hewan : animal

hewan pengerat : rodent

hiasan : garnish, embellishment, decoration, decor

hiburan : entertainment, diversion, recreation, amusement

hidangan : dish

hidrat arang : carbohydrate

hidrodinamik : hydrodynamic

hidrogen : hydrogen

hidrolis : hydraulic

hidrolistrik : hydroelectric

hidung : snout, nose

hidup : vital, live, life, vivid, alive

hidup-hidup : bodily

hidup bersama : cohabitation, coexist

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hidup tak kawin : celibate

hijau : green

hijau laut : glaucous

hikayat : folklore, saga, tale, parable

hilang : miscarry, disappear

hilangnya : disappearance

hilir : downstream

hilir mudik : ply

himbauan : appeal

himpunan : compoilation, complex

hina : villainous, disdainful, despicable, caddish, base

hinaan : offence, opprobrium, insulting

hindu : hindu

hingar-bingar : noisy

hingga : until

hinggap : perch

hipis : beatnik

hipnotis : hypnotic

hipnotisme : hypnotisin

hipotesa : hypothesis

hipotik : mortage

hirarki : hierarchy

hiruk-pikuk : uproar, bediam, tow-row

histeris : hysterical, conniption

hitam : black

hitam legam : jet-black, jetty

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hitung : count, calculate

hitungan : quantification, count

homoseks : queer, homosexual, lesbian

homoseksualitas : homosexuality

hongaria : hungary

hoopoe : burung hud-hud

hormat : deference, respect, regard, compliment

hormon : hormone

hotel : hotel

hubungan : connection, communication, contact, bearing

hubungan : liaison, joint, relation, intercourse

hubungan gelap : affair

hubungan kata : context

hujan : rain, precipitation

hujan batu es : hail

hujan gerimis : drizzle

hujan lebat : drench, downpour

hujan salju dan air : sleet

hujatan : blasphemy

hukum : magistrate, law

hukum warisan : death-duties

hukuman : punishment, sentence, infliction

hukuman gantung : hanging

hukuman mati : death penalty

hukuman penjara : imprisonment

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hulubalang : commander, war chief, district chief (in Aceh)

huru-hara : riot

huruf : letter

huruf awal : initial

huruf besar : caps, capital

huruf hidup : vowel

huruf mati : consonant

huruf miring : italic

huruf rangkap : diagraph

hutan : jungle, woods, forest

hutan belantara : wilderness

hutang : debt, debit

i'tibar : learning, lesson

i'tibar : consideration, view, observation, contemplation

i'tidal : symmetry, proportion

i'tikaf : retirement, retreat, isolation

iba : moved, affected

ibadah : worship

ibarat : parable, symbol, emblem, example, like

iblis : devil, demon

ibrani : hebrew(s)

ibu : mummy, mother, mom, mommy

ibu angkat : nursing-mother

ibu jari : thumb

ibu rumah tangga : housewife

ibu tiri : stepmother

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ibukota : capital

idah : waiting-time

idam : desire, craving, appetite (of a pregnant wpman)

idaman : desire, craving, appetite, ideal

idealisme : idealism

idem : the same, do, ditto

ideologi : ideology

idul fitri : muslim feast day, feast at the end of the fast

iffah : self-discipline, abstinence

iga : rib

ihram : consecration

ihsan : good actions, charity

ijab : supply, offer, affirmation

ijabah : favourable response (to prayer, wish)

ijasah : brevet, diploma, certificate

ijin : permission

ijma : unanimous opinion, general permisson, approval

ijtihad : investigation, interpretation, opinion

ikal : curl, curly, volute

ikan : fish

ikan asin : salted fish

ikan basah : fresh fish

ikan boking : bloater

ikan duyung : seacow

ikan gurami : carp

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ikan hiu : shark

ikan kecil : anchovy

ikan kering : dried fish

ikan lumba-lumba : dolphin, porpoise

ikan paus : whale

ikan todak : swordfish

ikat : bundle, bunch, bind, tie, string, cord to tie

ikat kepala : turban

ikat pinggang : belt, waistband

ikatan : loop, union, society, league, bond, tie, knot

ikatan perkawinan : wedlock, matrimory

ikhlas : aboveboard, with full surrender

ikhlas : sincere, sincerity, ready, prepared

ikhtiar : free will, judgement, initiative, effort, means

ikhtilaf : difference, deviation, variety

ikhtisar : recapitulation, conspectus, digest, compendium

ikhwan : brothers, comrades, brotherly, fraternal

iklan : boost, advertisement, ad

iklim : clime, climate

ikrar : pledge

ikut : follow, go along, participate

ikut berduka cita : condole

ikut serta : participate, partake, go along

ikutan : something to be followed or imitated

ilah : God

ilahi : godly, divine

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ilalang : thatch-grass

ilat : physically handicapped, physical defect

ileran : drool

ilham : inspiration, brainstorm, divine inspiration

ilmiah : scholarly

ilmu agama : theology

ilmu akuntansi : accountancy

ilmu asal kata : etymology

ilmu bahasa : phology

ilmu bakteri : bacteriology

ilmu bangsa : ethnology

ilmu bias cahaya : dioptric

ilmu biokimia : biochemstry

ilmu bumi : geography

ilmu cuaca : meteorology

ilmu ekonomi : economics

ilmu eksakta : physical science

ilmu fa'al tubuh : phisiology

ilmu falak : cosmography, astronomy

ilmu farmasi : pharmacology

ilmu fisika : physics

ilmu fonemik : phonemics

ilmu fonetik : phonetics

ilmu gaib : occult

ilmu gaya : dynamics

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ilmu gempa bumi : seismology

ilmu gizi : nutrition

ilmu hewan : zoology

ilmu hitung : arithmetic

ilmu hukum : jurisprudence

ilmu jamur : mycology

ilmu kalimat : syntax

ilmu kebidanan : gymnecology

ilmu kebudayaan cina : sinology

ilmu kedokteran gigi : dentistry

ilmu kedokteran mata : ophtalmology

ilmu keindahan : aesthetics

ilmu kejahatan : criminology

ilmu kesehatan : hygiene

ilmu kesehatan anak : pediatrics

ilmu keturunan : genetics

ilmu khotbah : allopathy

ilmu kimia : chemistry

ilmu kimia emas : alchemy

ilmu lambang : heraldry

ilmu mantik : logic

ilmu mekanika : mechanics

ilmu mendidik : pedagogy

ilmu meramal : angury

ilmu parasit : parasitology

ilmu pasti : mathematics

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ilmu pemeriksaan keuangan : auditing

ilmu penerbangan : aeronautics

ilmu pengetahuan : science, knowledge

ilmu penyakit : pathology

ilmu penyakit jantung : cardiology

ilmu penyakit jiwa : psychiatry

ilmu penyakit kulit : dermatology

ilmu penyakit syaraf : neurology

ilmu perkebunan : horticulture

ilmu pertanian : agronomy

ilmu pidana : penology

ilmu purbakala : archaelogy

ilmu racun : toxicology

ilmu rancang bangun : architecture

ilmu samudera : oceanography

ilmu sastera : art

ilmu serangga : entomology

ilmu sihir : witchcraft, voodoo

ilmu suara : acoutics

ilmu syaraf : dendrology

ilmu tanaman : botany

ilmu tulang : osteology

ilmu tulisan kuno : paleography

ilmu tulisan tangan : graphology

ilmu ukur : geometry

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ilmu ukur sudut : goniometry

ilmu urai tubuh : anatomy

ilmuwan : scientist

ilustrasi : illustration

imam : priest, head, leader

imam mahdi : messiah

iman : faith, spiritual mainstay, morale, trust, balance

imani : religious, pious

imbalan : wage, repayment

imbas : air current, electrical current

imbasan : current (air-), aura (spiritualism), induction

imbau : appeal

imbuh : supplement

imbuhan : affix

imigrasi : immigration

imla : dictation

imlek : calendar, New Year

impas : paid off, even

imperialisme : imperialism

impor : import

improvisasi : improvisation

imtihan : examination, test

imunisasi : immunization

inayah : assitance, gift

inci : inch

indah : picturesque, gorgeous, chic, scenic, aesthetical

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indah : posh, exquisite, decorative

indah permai : gorgeous

indah sekali : exquisite, gorgeous

indeks : index, concordance

individu : individual

individualis : individualist

indonesia : indonesia

indra : sense, sense-organ

induk semang : female employer, landlady

indung telur : ovary

industri : industry

infak : donation, allowance, endowment

infeksi : infection

infiltrasi : infilteration

inflasi : inflation

influensa : flu, influenza

informal : informal

informan : informant

ingat : remember, recollect

ingatan : recollection, rememberance, recall, memory

inggris : english, british, anglosaxon

ingin : want, desirous

ingin sekali : eager

ingin tahu : inquistive, curious

ingkar : deny, refuse, disavow, denial, negation

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ingus : mucus, snot

ini : this

inisiatif : initiative, gumption

injak : tread or step on

injakan : stirrup, pedal, running board

injeksi : injection

injil : bible, gospel, new testament

inkubasi : incubation

innalillah : All belong to Allah

insaf : realize

insaf : notion, consciousness, be conscious of

insan : man, human

insan kamil : perfect, ideal man

insang : gill

insinyur : engineer

inskripsi : epigraph

inspeksi : inspection, muster, review

inspektur : inspector

instansi : instance, resort

institut : institute

instruksi : instruksi, order

instrumental : instrumental

insulin : insulin

insya allah : godwilling

intan : diamond

intan permata : jewellery

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integral : integral

intensif : intensive

interdimensional : antar dimensi

interlokal : long distance

interpolasi : interpollation

intervensi : intervention

inti : nucleus, pith, core

inti soal : crux

intian : core

intim : intimate, passionately, heartfully

intimidasi : intimidation

intisari : essence, gist, digest, abstract

investasi : investment

ipar : brother (sister) -in-law

iqamat : signal for the beginning of a divine service

iradat : will

irama : cadence, rhytm, beat

iri : begrudge, envy

iri hati : begrudge, envy, enviableous, spite, covet

irigasi : irrigation

iring-iringan : cortege, convoy

iringan : accompaniment

iris : slice

irisan : cut off

irit : economical, saving

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ironis : ironical, ironic

isap : suck

isapan : sip

isbat : affirmation, confirmation, ratification, positive

iseng : difficult, troublesome, talkative, loquacious

isi : lading, volume, content

isi cerita : plot

isi perut : entrails, bowel

isi pokok : substance

isi pulpen : cartrigde

isi tulisan : text

isim : (God's) name(s) (used as a charm)

islam : islam

isolasi : isolation

isotop : isotope

istana : palace, castle

istighfar : apologize, to ask a person's forgiveness

istikharah : persuasion, persuasiveness

istilah : terminology

istimewa : special, especial, eminent

istinja : ritual cleansing, purification

istirahat : rest, relaxation, repose, pause, recess

istri : wife, consort

istri bangsawan : duchess

istri duke : duchess

isya : evening

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isyarat : forerunner, intimation, cue, hint, gesture, sign

isyarat tangan : gesticulation, gesture

itik jantan : drake

itikad : belief, faith, conviction

itil : clitoris

itu : that, it

itulah : that's it

iuran : collection, premium

iuran : contribution

izin : permission, consent, allowance, admission

jabat tangan : handclasp, handshake

jabatan : occupation, incumbency, commission, portfolio

jabatan dekan : deanship

jabatan hakim : judgeship

jabatan laksamana : admiralty

jabatan sekretaris : secretaryship

jackpot : pinball

jadi : so, ergo

jadian : invented, made up, derived

jadwal : timetable, schedule, declination

jaga : watch

jaga malam : nightwatch

jagad : world

jagal : butcher

jagat : world

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jago : ace, magnate, great

jago bertarung : bruiser

jagoan : champion, fighter, fire-eater

jagung : corn

jahanam : dickens

jahat : unrighteous, sinister, devilish, demonic, mean

jahat : maleficent, villainous, wicked, evil

jahe : ginger

jahitan : needlework

jahitan luka : suture

jailangkung : device used in a seance

jajahan : colony, subjugated territory, district

jajak pendapat : polling

jajal : try, test

jajan : a sweet, snack, eat snacks

jajanan : various kinds of snacks

jajar : row, line

jajaran : row, series, line, array

jajaran genjang : paralellogram

jajat : imitation

jaka : bachelor

jakal : jackal

jakas : kind of pandanus tree

jaket : jacket, blazer, sport coat

jakpot : jackpot

jalan : way, street, road, path, manner, course, pass, go

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jalan-jalan : stroll, jog

jalan air : aqueduct, waterway

jalan angin : exhaust pipe

jalan aspal : macadam

jalan besar : boulevard

jalan buntu : deadlock, dead end, blind alley, impasse

jalan cepat : double-time

jalan darah : blood stream

jalan kecil : trail, path, byway

jalan keluar : outlet, out, exit, escape, egress

jalan kendaraan : roadway

jalan kereta-api : railroad, railway

jalan lintas : passage

jalan masuk : access, entrance

jalan melandai : ramp

jalan memotong : cut off

jalan memutar : detour

jalan napas : respiratory tract, trachea

jalan peluru : bullet trajectory

jalan perkencingan : urinary tract

jalan pesawat terbang : airway

jalan pikiran : train of thought

jalan pintas : shortcut

jalan raya : highway, boulevard, avenue, thoroughfare

jalan sempit : gangway, catwalk

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jalan tembus : thoroughfare

jalan tembusan : beeline

jalan tikus : tiny path

jalan utama : main highway

jalan yang diapit pepohonan : lane

jalanan : pathway, road, track

jalang : wild, untamed, undomesticated

jalankan : drive, operate, start, put into operation

jalar : creeping

jalinan : wickerwork, something braided, combination

jalir : violate, break (promise) , see: ingkar

jalur : lane, line

jam : hour, o'clock, clock

jam malam : curfew

jam tangan : watch

jamak : plural

jaman : period, epoch

jaman mutakhir : current

jamban : lavatory, cesspool, latrine, toilet, w.c., closet

jambang : vase, pot, bowl, whisker

jambangan : pot

jambore : jamboree

jambret : one who snatches purses, jewelry, etc.

jambretan : loot gotten by snatching, plagiarism

jambu : fruit (Eugenia)

jambu monyet : cashew

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jambul : top-knot

jaminan : bail, collateral, assurance

jaminan keamanan : security

jampi : magic formula, spell, incantation

jamrud : emerald

jamu : herbal medicine, nostrum, tonic

jamuan : dishes and drinks served to guest

jamur : mushroom, mildew, toadstool, fungus

jamuran : moldy

janda : widow

janda bangsawan : dowager

jangak : dissolute

jangan : no, never

jangan-jangan : who knows, let us hope not, perhaps, maybe

jangankan : let alone

janggal : disprove, clumsy, inept, awkward

janggut : beard, barb

janggut ikan paus : baleen

jangka : compass for describing circles, etc

jangkar : anchor

jangkauan : reach, spread, range

jangkrik : handspring, cricket

janin : foetus

janin : embryo

janji : vow, commitment, promise, appointment

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jantan : macho, masculine, manly, male

jantung : heart

janur : young coconut leaf

jarahan : plunder, booty, spoils

jarak : range, magnitude, distance

jarak dengar : earshot

jarak lintas : across

jarak tembak : gunshot

jarak waktu : interval

jarang : seldom, sporadic, scarce, rare, infrequent

jari : finger

jari-jari : radius

jari kaki : toe

jari manis : ring finger

jari tengah : middle finger

jariah : charity

jaring : net

jaring ikan : coop

jaringan : tissue, network, web, netting

jaringan laba-laba : gossamer

jarum : needle, bodkin

jarum jelujur : darning needle

jarum sepatu : awl

jas : coat

jas hujan : raincoat

jasa : service, kindness, desert

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jasad : body

jasad renik : microorganism

jasmani : carnal, bodily

jasmaniah : physical

jatah : quota, allotment, allocation, entitlement

jatuh : keel over, fall, drop out, spill, drop off

jatuh bertitik : driblle

jatuh harganya : depriciate

jatuh sakit : get ill

jatuh terguling-guling : tumble

jatuh tersungkur : header

jauh : far, distant, away, remote, afar

jawab : answer

jawaban : reply, response, answer, retort

jawaban kasar : back talk, back chat

jawara : champion

jawatan : department

jaya : dignity

jazirah : peninsula

jeblos : give way

jebol : punctuated, perforated, broken down

jebolan : dropout or graduate, ex, former

jeda : rest, respite, take a rest, caesura, juncture

jeda pada sajak : caesura

jegal : stop, intercept, keep an opponent from winning

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jejak : track, trace, trail, sign

jejaka : bachelor

jelaga : soot, smoke-black

jelajah : traverse, tour

jelantah : frying oil (used)

jelas : sharp, unmistakeable, overt, palpable, evident

jelata : see: rakyat jelata

jelek : worse, disreputable, ugly, badly, base, bad

jelita : comely

jelmaan : manifestation, embodiment

jemaah : congregant, congregation

jemaah gereja : parish

jembatan : bridge

jembatan di atas jalan : viaduct

jembatan sementara : accomodation bridge

jembel : dowdy

jembut : pubic hair

jempol : thumb

jemput : pinch, pick up

jemu : bellyful

jenaka : quizzical, funny, jocose, droll, comic, arch

jenasah : lihat: jenazah

jenazah : remains, mortal remains

jendela : window

jendela putar : casement

jendral : general

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jenewer : gin

jenggot : beard

jengkel : peevish, annoyed

jengkol : pithecolobium

jenis : genus, type, brand, kind

jenis kelamin : gender

jenis pistol : colt

jenjang : stage, stair

jentik-jentik : larva

jenuh : saturated

jepang : japan, japanese

jepit rambut : bobbypin

jepitan : clasp, twezers, catch

jepret : sound of clicking or snapping

jepretan : stapler

jera : intimidated, to have a fright

jeram : rapids, cataract, cold compress

jerami : straw, hay

jerapah : giraffe

jerat : noose, lasso, trap, halter

jeratan : noose, trap

jerawat : blotch, pimple, acne

jeri : frightened, afraid, waver, be hesitant

jerih : tired, weary

jerih-payah : exertion, effort

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jeritan : scream

jernih : lucid, clear, transparent, limpid

jeroan : innards, entrails as food

jeruji : trellis

jeruk : orange, lemon

jewawut : millet

jidat : forehead

jihad : holy war

jijik : detesting, detestable, loathing, antipathetic

jijik : contempt, abhorrent, repugnant, loathsome

jika : if

jilatan : lick

jilbab : veil

jilid : volume, cover

jimat : relic, talisman, mascot, amulet

jimat-jimat : talismane

jin : genie, elf, jinn

jinak : tame, docile

jinsom : gingseng

jintan : caraway

jip : jeep

jiplakan : facsimile

jitu : aptly, apropos

jiwa : soul, psyche, esprit

jodo : see: jodoh

jodoh : mate, marriage partner, match, be a match

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joki : jockey

jompo : decrepit

jongkok : squat

jorok : shabby, vulgar

juara : champion

juara bertahan : defending champion

jubah : toga, robe

jubah pendeta : cassock

judes : bully

judi : gamble

judul karangan : caption

juga : also

jujur : truth, kosher, impartial, honest, upright

juling : cross-eyed, squint, lynx

juluk : named, called

julukan : epithet, nickname, sobriquet

jumbai : tassel

jumlah : tally, sum, count, total, amount

jumlah maksimum : optimum

jumlah pemilih : constituency

jumlah penduduk : population

jungkir balik : topsyturvy

junjungan : pole for climbing plants

junjungan : one who is esteemed, adoration, one's husband

juntrung : organized, orderly

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juntrungan : organization, unit, purpose, aim

junub : ritually impure or soiled (after coitus

junun : posessed by a devil

juragan : skipper (of small craft), owner of an enterprise

jurang : gulch, gap, ravine, chasm, abyss

jurang pemisah : gap

juri : panel, jury

jurisdiksi : jurisdiction

jurisprudence : ilmu hukum, yurisprudensi

jurnal : journal

juru : skilled worker

juru arsip : archivist

juru bahasa : interpreter, dragoman

juru bicara : spokesman

juru kampanye : campaigner

juru ketik : typist

juru lelang : auctioneer

juru mudi : helmsman

juru pidato : orator

juru potret : photographer, cameraman

juru selamat : saviour, savior

juru sita : bailiff

juru taksir : evaluator, assessor

jurusan : course, direction

justru : just

juta : million

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jutawan : multi-millionaire

ka'bah : caaba

kabar : dispatch, news, message, tidings, report

kabar angin : hearsay, gossip, ballyhoo

kabarnya : people say, it is reported

kabel : cable, cord

kabel listrik : power cable

kabin : cabin

kabinet : cabinet

kabupaten : county

kabur : elope, fuzzy, elopment, decamp, blurred, bleary

kabur : flee, run off, bolt (of a horse), fading, unclear

kaburan : vagueness

kabus : nebulous

kabut : mist, fog, haze

kabut asap : smog

kabut tipis : gauze

kaca : pane, glass

kaca jendela : window pane, pane

kaca mata : eyeglasses, spectacles, glasses

kaca mata bertangkai satu : lorgnette

kaca mata debu : goggles

kaca mikroskop : slide

kacang : nut

kacang kedele : soybean

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kacang polong : pea

kacang tanah : peanut

kacau : entangled, muddy, muddle, disordered, disorderly

kacau balau : pellmell

kacung pemain golf : caddy, caddie

kadal : lizard

kadaluarsa : expired, statute-barred

kadaluwarsa : expired too old

kadang-kadang : sometimes, ocassionally

kadangkala : sometimes, ocassionally

kadar : power, command, God's will, nature, character

kadar : quality, gauge, degree, level, amalgam, alloy

kadar asam : acidity, acidities

kadas : ringworm

kader : cadre

kado : present, gift

kadung : go too far, overdo

kafan : shroud, winding-sheet

kafein : caffeine

kafilah : caravan

kafir : gentile, infidel, unbeliever, heathen

kaget : upset, surprised, frightened, startled, staggered

kagok : clumsy, awkward

kagum : wonder, astonished, amazed

kaidah : method, rule, axiom, principle

kail : angling, angle

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kain : cloth, textile, stuff, sarong, material

kain batik : batiste

kain batis : cambric

kain bendera : bunting

kain brukat : brocade

kain dril : drill

kain gabardin : gabardine

kain genggang : gingham

kain goni : burlap

kain hijau : baize

kain jas hujan : mackintosh

kain katun halus : cambric

kain kepala : kerchief

kain krep : crepe

kain lap : rag

kain linen : linen

kain mori : calico

kain satin : satin

kain sutera : chiffon

kain tebal : damask

kain tenun : broadcloth

kain untuk menjilid buku : buckram

kain untuk pencuci piring : dishcloth, dishrag

kaisar : emperor, kaiser, czar

kaisar wanita : empress

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kait : hook, brace

kaitan : hook, crook, link, connection

kaitan gigi tiruan : breidgework

kaiwan : Saturn

kaji : inspect, investigate, examine

kakak : brother, sister

kakak tiri : stepbrother

kakap : kind of large fish, gangster, large scale (firm

kakatua : cockatoo, pincers, pliers with pincer shape

kakek : grandfather, granddad

kakerlak : cockroach, someone as vile as cockroach

kaki : paw, leg, foot, base

kaki langit : skyline, horizon

kaki lima : pavement

kaki tangan : accomplice, pander, collaboration, accessory

Kakinya tergores : He suffered abrasion to the leg

kakitangan : accomplice, henchman, stooge

kaktus : cactus

kaku : stiff, stark, rigid, numb, gauche, curt, awkward

kakus : w.c., lavatory

kala : time, epoch, period, era

kalah : lose, lost, defeated, beaten, inferior to

kalajengking : scorpion

kalam : word

kalang : transverse support, prop

kalang-kabut : confused, chaotic

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kalang hulu : pillow, headrest

kalangan : circle, arena, realm, shipyard, drydock

kalangan atas : upper circles of society, business, etc

kalap : perplexed, puzzled

kalap : possessed, enchanted, bewitched, upset

kalas : thole-strap for an oar

kalau : lest, if

kalbu : heart, mind

kaldera : caldera (of a volcano)

kaldu : broth, olla podrida, vichyssoise, potage

kaledoskop : kaleidoscope

kalelep : be submerged, lowered, drowned

kalem : calm, cool, patient, relaxed

kalender : calendar

kaleng : tin, container, can

kaleng kecil : canister

kalengan : canned, in cans

kali mati : back-water

kalian : all of you, you

kaliber : calibre

kalifah : caliph

kaligata : nettle-rash

kalimat : sentence

kalimat keterangan : adjunct

kalipso : calypso

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kalium : potassium

kalkulasi : estimate

kalkun : gobbler, turkey

kalong : bat

kalor : warmth, heat, calor

kalori : calorie

kalung : necklace

kalut : confused, raved, be delirious

kamar : room, chamber

kamar anak : nursery

kamar gelap : darkroom

kamar hias wanita : boudoir

kamar kecil : toilet, closet

kamar mandi : lavatory, bathroom

kamar rahasia : backroom

kamar sepen : pantry

kamar tamu : parlor, parlour, antechamber

kamar tidur : bedroom

kambing : sheep, goat

kambing jantan : he-goat, billygoat

kambuh : to have a relapse

kamera : kodak, camera

kami : we, our

kamis : thursday

kamp : camp

kampanye : campaign

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kamper : camphor

kampiun : champion, advocate

kampret : bat

kampung : village

kampung yahudi : ghetto

kampungan : rube, perfect stranger

kampus : campus

kamu : you

kamus : dictionary, lexicon

kanak-kanak : toddle, child, children

kanal : canal, channel

kanan : right

kancil : mouse deer

kancing : snap, button

kandang : den, corral, stable

kandang anjing : dog house

kandang burung : aviary

kandang burung merpati : dove cot

kandang domba : fold

kandang itik : decoy

kandas : aground

kandel : thick, heavy, rich, well-to-do

kandi : pouch, small bag, sour, acid, tamarind

kandidat : candidate

kandil : candlestick, candelabrum, lamp, chandelier

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kandung : womb, uterus, pouh-like part of the body

kandung kemih : bladder

kandungan : womb, uterus

kangen : long for, longing, nostalgic

kangguru : kangaroo

kangkang : crotch

kangkung : creeping water-plant

kanji : starch, farina

kanker : cancer

kanselir : chancellor

kantin : canteen

kantong : pouch, poke, bag

kantor : office, bureau

kantor berita : press-agency

kantor polisi : police station

kantor telepon : call-office

kantoran : pertaining to an office

kantuk : doze off

kantung buah pelir : scortum

kanvas : canvas

kaos : sock, stocking, singlet, undershirt

kaos kaki : stocking, socks

kapak : axe

kapak besar : adze

kapal : boat, ship, bark

kapal bargas : launch

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kapal induk : mothership

kapal keruk : dredger

kapal layar : yacht

kapal meriam : gunboat

kapal pantai : coaster

kapal penarik : tugboat, tug

kapal penjelajah : cruiser

kapal penyapu ranjau : mineweeper

kapal perang : battleship

kapal perang kecil : corvette

kapal pesiar : yacht

kapal samudera : liner

kapal selam : submarine

kapal tangki : tanker, oiler

kapal terbang : airplane

kapal uap : steamer

kapan : when, sometime

kapan-kapan : someday

kapas : wool, cotton, card

kapas pengisap : absorbent cotton

kapasitas : capacity

kapel : chapel

kapiler : capilarity

kapita : capita

kapital : capital

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kapitalis : capitalist

kapitalisme : capitalism

kapitalistis : capitalistic

kapitulasi : capitulation

kapok : cured of a habit, get a fright, kapok (utk kasur)

kaprah : usual, ordinary

kapsul : capsule

kapten : captain

kapur : lime, chalk

kapur barus : camphor

kapur berwarna : pastel

kapur gambar : crayon

karaben : carbine

karam : wrack, wreck

karang : coral, cliff

karangan : essay, composition, article

karangan bunga : lei, festoon, wreath, garland, bouquet

karantina : quarantine

karat : rust, carat

karatan : corrosion

karateka : one who engages in karate

karavan : camper (auto), caravan

karbit : carbide

karbol : carbolic

karbon : carbon

karbonat : carbonate

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karbonisasi : carbonization

karburator : carburator

karcis : ticket

kardamunggu : cardamom

kardan : cardan, auto differential (gearing, transmission)

kardigraf : cardigraph

kardinal : cardinal

kardiogram : cardiogram

kardus : card board, carton

kare : see: kari

karedok : (sundaneese) cooked vegetable salad

karena : inasmuch, because, reason

karena itu : therefore, thereby, thence

karena jabatan : exofficio

karet : rubber

kari : a dish of meat cooked in spicy sauce, curry

kari ayam : chicken curry

karikatur : caricature

karir : career

karnaval : carnaval

karoket : croquette, rissole

karsa : will, desire

karton : carton, board

kartu : card

kartu as : ace

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kartu domino : domino

kartu pos : postal

kartu tanda lewat : pass

kartun harbor : beaverboard

karuan : known

karuan saja : of course, by all means

karung : sack, bale, bag

karung berisi pasir : sand bag

karunia : favour, gift

karya : work, opus

karya besar : masterpiece

kas : cash, office

kasa : screen

kasak-kusuk : rumour, whispering

kasar : broad, boorish, blunt, artless, abusive, abrupt

kasar : vulgar, curt, crude, crass, brutish, brutal

kasar : unkind, rude, raw, gruff, disrespectful, menial

kasatmata : in plain view

kaset : cassette

kasih : affection

kasih sayang : charity

kasihan : pity

kasino : casino

kasip : late, too late

kasir : cashier

kasmaran : fall in love, crazy for somebody

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kasta : caste

kastrak : castor

kasturi : musk

kasur : mattress, bed

kasur lapangan : camp-bed

kasus keempat : accusative

kasus kelima : ablative

kasus ketiga : dative

kata : word

kata-kata : fustian

kata-kata fitnah : aspersion

kata benda : noun, nominal

kata bohong : cant

kata depan : preposition

kata ganti : pronoun

kata jadian : derivative

kata kerja : verb

kata kerja bantu : auxilary

kata kerja penghubung : copula

kata keteragan : adverb, adjunct, adv

kata kutukan : swearword

kata pendahuluan : prologue, prolog, preface

kata pengantar : preface

kata pengecil : diminutive

kata penghubung : copulative, conjunction

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kata sandang : article

kata sandi : password

kata searti : synonym

kata sebunyi : homonym

kata seru : interjection, explitive

kata sifat : adjective, attributive

katak : frog, toad

katak betung : bullfrog

katalis : catalysis

katalisator : catalyst

katalog : catalogue

katanya : it was said that..., reportedly, allegedly

katapel : catapult, tweaker

katedral : cathedral

katelusmus : catechism

katode : cathode

katolik : catholic

katrol : tackle

katulistiwa : equator

katun : cotton

katup : valve

katup napas : epiglottis

katut : follow

kau : you, ye, thou

kaul : gobbler, affiance

kaum : clan

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kaum miskin : poor

kaum ningrat : aristrocrat

kaum pemilih : electorate

kaum terpelajar : intelligentsia

kaum wanita : woman kind

kaus dalam : singlet

kaus kaki : sock

kavaleri : cavalry

kawah : crater, causal, cauldron, caldron

kawak : old

kawakan : experienced, veteran

kawal : guard, sentry, watchman, watch

kawalan : guard, escort

kawalat : see: kualat

kawan : swarm, pal, companion, mate, friend, comrade

kawan sebaya : peer

kawan sekerja : confrere

kawan sekongkol : accomplice, partner (in crime)

kawan sepermainan : playmate

kawanan : herd, covey, bevy, swarm, flock

kawasan : district, sphere, region

kawat : wire, cord

kawat berduri : barbed-wire

kawin : marry

kaya : well-to-do, rich, moneyed

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kayangan : world of gods, heaven

kayu : wooden, wood, timber, log

kayu bakar : cord wood

kayu cendana : sanwood

kayu karang : ebony

kayu manis : licorice

kayu pemukul : bat

kayu penopang : girder

kayu tripleks : plywood

kayuh : paddle, bicycle pedal

kayuhan : stroke (of oar)

ke : to

ke atas : up

ke barat : westwards

ke belakang : backward

ke dalam : into, in

ke depan : onwards, forward

ke duabelas : twelfth

ke hilir : down the river

ke hulu : upstream

keabadian : durability, permanence, eternity, perpetuity

keabnormalan : abnormality

keabsahan : validity, legality

keabu-abuan : grayish

keacuhan : apatheticy

keadaan : situation, plight, entity, condition

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keadaan : supplying, provisioning, procurement

keadaan awal : default

keadaan berbukit-bukit : hilliness

keadaan darurat : exigency, emergency

keadaan jiwa : mood

keadaan kacau balau : That fine, pretty kettle of fish!

keadaan kasar : rough

keadaan kumat : recurrence

keadaan luas : external

keadaan macet : oclusion

keadaan mendesak : urgency

keadaan merugikan : disadvantage

keadaan pingsan : coma

keadaan sekitar : surroundings

keadaan sesungguhnya : actuality

keadaan sulit : predicament

keadaan tak bersalah : innocent

keadaan tak sadarkan diri : trance

keadaan takut : funk

keadaan tidak terbaca : illegibility

keadaan yang bukan-bukan : absurdity

keadaan yang terputus : discontinuity

keadaban : politenesi, refinement

keademan : felicity, peacefulness

keadikaraan : dictatorialness

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keadilan : justness, justice, equity, judicature

keafiatan : fitness, healthiness

keagamaan : religious, religiouness

keagenan : see: peragenan

keagrariaan : agrarian matters

keagresifan : aggressiveness

keagungan : grandeur, majesty, greatness, mastery

keahlian : skill, competence, know how

keahlian : proficiency, expertise, craft, adeptness

keahlian berdagang : salesmanship

keaiban : humiliation, disgrace, shame

keairan : flooded, imundated

keajaiban : prodigy, oddity, marvel

keajaiban : miracle, mystery, wonder, remarkableness

keajekan : regularity, constancy

keajukan : mimic, imitate, parrot, mock@

keakanan : the future, futurity

keakasan : skill

keakbaran : exaltation, evelation, glorification

keakhiratan : concerning the hereafter

keakhlakan : inorality

keakraban : intimacy, familiarity, solidarity

keaktifan : being active

keaktuilan : topicality

keakuan : egoism

keakuran : conformity, harmony

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keakutan : acuteness, severity

kealahan : defeat, loss

kealaman : quality, nature, character

kealiman : piety

kealpaan : negligence, shortcomming, omission

keamanan : safety, security, peacefulness

keamatiran : amateur standing

keambrukan : collapse

keampuhan : magical power, potency

keampunan : forgiveness, pardon, absolution

keampunan : forgiveness, amnesty

keanehan : oddity, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy

keanehan : oddity, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy

keanekaan : variety

keanekaragaman : variety, diversity

keanekawarnaan : variety, miscellany, assortment

keanggotaan : membership

keanggotaan : membership, affiliation

keanggun-halusan : refinement

keanggunan : elegance, affectation, haughtiness

keangkaraan : greed, covetousness, ruthlessness

keangkaramurkaan : ruthlessness, evilness

keangkeran : eeriness, awesomeness@

keangkuhan : arrogancy

keangkuhan : arrogance, vanity

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keantengan : imperturbability, calm

keapakan : mustiness

keapatisan : apathy

keapian : neatness, tidiness

kearifan : learning, wisdom, ability

kearsipan : archival matters, records

keartistikan : see: artistik

keasam-asaman : sourish, acidic

keasaman : acidity

keasingan : difference, deviation, strangeness

keasistenan : assistantship, estrangement

keaslian : genuineness, originality, authenticity

keasoran : lowliness, defeated

keasrian : beauty

keasyik-asyikan : deeply absorbed, infatuated, sinniten

keasyikan : preoccupation, obsession

keateisan : atheism

keatsirian : volatility

keausan : weathering, wearing out

keawaman : generalness, commonness

keawetan : life, duration, preservation

keawuran : recklessness

keayahan : fatherhood, parental

keayuan : beauty

kebadanian : physical matters

kebadutan : clowning, ridicule, absurdity

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kebagakan : poise

kebagian : be allotted

kebagusan : exaggerated praise, beauty, splendor

kebahagiaan : happiness, blissfulness, bliss, well being, bless

kebaharian : nautical matters

kebahariawan : seaman matters

kebaikan : merit, goodness, good, advantage, benevolence

kebajaan : hardness, resistance

kebajikan : good deeds, virtue, benevolence, worthiness

kebakaan : eternity, durability

kebakaran : fire, conflagaration

kebaktian : vesper, loyality, religious service

kebal : invulnerable, immune

kebal kecelakaan : accident-proof

kebalauan : disorder, confusion

kebaligan : adulthood, puberty

kebalik : up side down

kebalikan : the contrary, the opposite, reverse, inverse

kebancian : effeminacy

kebandelan : obstinacy

kebanditan : bandity, gangsterism

kebangetan : excessively, overly, terribly

kebanggaan : pride

kebangkitan : resurgence, resurrection

kebangkitan kembali : revival

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kebangkrutan : bankruptcy, default

kebangsaan : nationality, nationalism, national

kebangsatan : hooliganism

kebangsawanan : aristocracy

kebangunan : awakening, uprising, renaissance

kebanjiran : flooded, over whelmed

kebanyakan : majority, too much, ordinary, most of, largely

kebarakahan : bliss

kebarat-baratan : be like a westerner

kebaruan : newness. novelty

kebasahan : get soaked, wetness

kebat-kebit : nervous, agitated

kebata-bata : see: terbata-bata

kebatalan : nullification

kebatilan : evil

kebatinan : mysticism, spirit

kebauran : mixture

kebawelan : carping

kebayakan : overly fat, very stout, obesity

kebayi-bayian : babyish

kebayuan : fermented, stale

kebebalan : imbecility

kebebasan : freedom, liberty, emancipation

kebebasan bergerak : elbowroom

kebebasan pribadi : privacy

kebegoan : stupidity, foolishness

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kebejatan : turpitude, depravity, damage

kebekenan : fame, notoriety

kebekuan : rigidity

kebeler : accidentally cut

kebelet : have the need

kebenaran : correctness, truth, righteousness, honesty

kebenaran : rightness, fact

kebencian : hate, dislike, loathing, hostility

kebencian : hatred, detestation, animus, abhorrence, rancour

kebendaan : earthly, materialism, matter, material, physical

kebengahan : pedantry

kebengalan : stubborness

kebengisan : cruelty, severity, trenchancy

kebeningan : clearness, transparency

kebentok : see: bentok

kebentur : collide with, failed

keberadaan : existence

keberadaban : being civilized, polite

keberagaman : variety, see: beragam

keberakhiran : finally

keberandalan : rascally, villainy, wantonness

keberangkatan : take off, departure

keberani-beranian : act brave

keberanian : mettle, gallantry, daring, courage, bravery

keberanian : valour, valor, valiance, pluck, spunk

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keberantakan : disorder

keberartian : significance

keberatan : objection, raise objection, scruple, override

keberatsebelahan : partiality, serious, hard, close, weight, strong

keberbagairagaman : diversity, assortment

keberbedaan : difference

keberesan : order, neatness

keberhalaan : idolatry

keberhasilan : success

keberingasan : wildness

keberkatan : blessing

keberlakuan : validity

keberpihakan : partialness, partiality

kebersamaan : togetherness

kebersihan : sanitation, cleanness, cleanliness, purity

kebersihan jiwa : sanity

keberuntungan : luck

kebesaran : bigness, too big, amount, greatness, pomp

kebetot : accidentally snatched

kebetulan : fit, casual, by accident, by chance, happen to

kebetulan : accidental, ocassional, incidental

kebhinekaan : diversity

kebiadaban : enormity, barbarism, impertinence, rudeness

kebiasaan : usage, wont, natural, habit, fashion, custom

kebidanan : midwifery, obstetrics

kebijakan : wisdom, policy

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kebijaksanaan : wit, wisdom, prudence, policy, discretion

kebijaksanaan pemerintah : autarchy

kebilangan : prominent

kebimbangan : vacillation, worry, in doubt, iffiness

kebinalan : disobedience, wild behavior

kebinasaan : eclipse

kebinatangan : bestiality

kebingungan : perplexity, embarrassment, bewilderment

kebirahan : lasciviousness

kebiri : castrated, emasculated, neutered

kebiru-biruan : bluish

kebiruan : bluish

kebisaan : virulence, poisoned

kebisingan : noise, torpidity, torpor

kebisuan : muteness, silence

kebisubatuan : totally mute, quiet

keblesek : fallen into a hole

keblinger : confused, dizzy, come to think the wrong way

kebluk : sleep soundly, be fond of sleeping

kebobolan : pierced, penetration, cought unawares

kebobrokan : collapse, evil

kebocah-bocahan : childish

kebocoran : leakage, puncture, leak

kebodohan : stupidity, ignorance, mistake, dowdy, boner

kebohongan : untrue, lie, falsehood, untruth, lying

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kebolehan : ability

kebolongan : perforation

kebon jagung : cornfield

kebongkaran : get broken into

keborosan : wastefulness

kebosanan : boredom

kebrandalan : rascally

kebrengsekan : lousiness

kebrutalan : brutality

kebuasan : wildness, cruelty

kebudayaan : culture, cultural

kebugaran : vitality

kebugilan : nakedness

kebujanggaan : literary

kebulatan : roundness, unanimity, determination

kebun : garden, bed

kebun binatang : zoo

kebun firdaus : eden

kebuncahan : frustation

kebungkaman : silence, stillness

kebuntuan : deadlock, impasse

keburaman : vagueness, unclearness

keburu : hurried, in a rush

keburu-buru : hurried, in a rush

keburukan : vice, disrepute, disrepair, deterioration

keburukan rupa : ugliness

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kebusukan : rot, depravation, decay

kebusukan : rottenness, putridness, decomposition, badness

kebutaan : blindness

kebutahurufan : illiteracy

kebutuhan : necessary, need, necessity

kecabulan : lewdness, salaciousness, pornography, obscenity

kecacatan : disablement

kecairan : liquidity

kecakapan : skill, qualification, faculty, facility

kecakapan kerja : workmanship

kecakapan teknik : know how

kecaman : criticism, censure

kecamuk : raging, uproar

kecandak : caught, seized

kecanduan : addiction, addicted

kecanggungan : awkwardness

kecangkokan : transplantation

kecantel : hooked on

kecantikan : pulchritude, charm, sweetness, attractiveness

kecantikan : loveliness, daintiness, beauty

kecantol : caught, snagged

kecap : soya, ketchup

kecapaian : weariness, fatigued, exhausted

kecapi : mandolin, lute

kecarutan : obscenity

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kececer : scattered about, leaked out

kececeran : scattered, spilled about, stolen

kecederaan : treachery, see: percederaan

kecekatan : adroitness, dexterity, brevity

kecekingan : thinness

kecekungan : concaveness

kecelaan : short coming, fault, disgrace, shame

kecelakaan : wreck, calamity, accident, mishap, bad luck

kecelik : realise the truth, disappointed, feel cheated

kecelikhurufan : literacy

kecemasan : anxiety, worry

kecembungan : curvature of the earth

kecemburuan : jealousy

kecemerlangan : glitter, luster, glow, glory, brilliance

kecendalaan : baseness, meaness

kecendekiaan : learnedness, shrewdness

kecendekiawanan : intellectualism

kecenderungan : predisposition, inclination, preference, tendency

kecengengan : bathos, sappy, bathetic

kecengkaran : fallowness, barrenness

kecepatan : velocity, speed, rapidity, enquickness, celerity

kecepit : see: tercepit

kecerahan : brightness, radiance, sharpness

kecerdasan : shrewdness, astuteness, brightness, aptness

kecerdasan : brilliance, intelligence, aptitude, agility

kecerdasan pikiran : genius

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kecerdikan : intelligence, cleverness, cunning, chicanery

kecerewetan : fussiness, fault finding

kecergasan : activity, verve, dash, vim

keceriaan : purity

kecerlangan : beauty

kecermatan : accurateness, neatness, accuracy, frugality

kecermelangan : magnificence

kecewa : chagrin, dissappointed

kecil : tiny, small, minute, miniature, little

kecil dan ramping : petite

kecil mungil : petite

kecintaan : amorousness

kecintaan pada diri sendiri : narcissism

kecipak : sound of splashing water

kecipratan : sprayed, be showered, get a share

kecirian : identifying characteristic

keciutan : narrowness, astringency

kecoa : cockroach

kecocokan : appropriateness, agreement, harmony

kecoklat-coklatan : brownish

kecoklatan : brownish

kecolong : stolen

kecolongan : have something stolen from

kecondongan : leaning, tendency, inclination

kecongkakan : pride, arrogance, baughtiness

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kecuali : except, but

kecuali kalau : unless

kecubung : stramonium

kecukupan : adequacy, sufficiency, adequate amount

keculasan : deceit, fraud

kecundang : defated

kecupan : kissing

kecupatan : narrow mindedness

kecuraman : abruptness

kecurangan : deceit, fraut, corruption, foul

kecurangan : dishonesty, deception, corruption

kecurian : experience a theft, be stolen from, theft

kecurigaan : mistrust, suspicion, distrust

kedaerahan : regional, primordialism

kedahagaan : thirstiness

kedahsyatan : awesomeness

kedahuluan : be the first, preliminaries

kedai : stall, booth, shop

kedai kopi : cafe

kedai minum : bar

kedai tuak : tavern

kedaifan : weakness, comtempt, scorn, bumbleness

kedalaman : depth, profundity

kedamaian : peace, peacefulness, tranquillity

kedampingan : closeness

kedangkalan : banality, shallowness, superficiality

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kedap : watertight, hermetical, impermeable, close-meshed

kedapatan : be found, be uncovered as

kedapuran : see: perdapuran

kedasih : cuckoo

kedatangan : arrival, attacked, invaded

kedataran : being level

kedaulatan : sovereignty

kedayagunaan : efficiency, usefulness

kedayaserapan : absorptiveness, effort

kedegilan : obstinary

kedekatan : closeness, nearness, too close

kedekut : stingy

kedelai : soya

kedendaman : resentment

kedengaran : can be heard, seems

kedengkian : spite, spitefullness, jealousy

kedenokan : svelteness

kederasan : speed, swiftness

kedermawanan : philanthropy, generosity

kedesaan : villagelike, pertaining to villages

kedewasaan : maturity

kediaman : abode

kediktatoran : dictatorship, dictatorialness

kedinamikan : dynamism

kedinginan : dullness, coldness, be very cold

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kedipan : wink

kedirgantaraan : aerospace affair

kedisiplinan : discipline, training

kedodoran : loose and ill-fitting

kedogmatisan : dogmatism

kedok : mask, guise, cover

kedongkolan : anger

kedosaan : sinfulness

kedua : second, two, both

kedua kalinya : secondly

keduanya : both

kedudukan : standing, ranking, position, situation, state

kedudukan tinggi : eminence

kedukaan : sorrow, misery

keduluan : be preceded to

kedunguan : imbecility, stupidity

keduniaan : earthly, affairs of mortal life, worldly, profane

keduniawian : earthly, worldliness, earthliness

kedurhakaan : transgression, rebelliousness

kedustaan : prevarication

kedutaan : legation, embassy

kedwiartian : ambiguity

kedwibahasaan : bilingualism

keedanan : craziness, foolishness

keefektifan : effectiveness

keefisienan : efficiency

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keegoisan : egoism

keekonomian : economy, economics matters

keekonomisan : economy, frugality, thriftiness

keeksklusifan : exclusivity, exclusiveness

keekspresifan : expressiveness

keekstreman : extremism

keelokan : beauty, loveliness

keemas-emasan : golden

keemasan : golden, gilded

keempat : fourth

keenakan : pleasantness

keenam : sixth

keenceran : diluteness

keengganan : reluctance, indisposition, aversion, dislike

keesaan : oneness, unity

keesentrikan : eccentricity

keesokannya : the following day

kefaedaan : utility, usefulness

kefakiran : poverty, destitution

kefanaan : transitorisness, impermanence, fleetingness

kefanatikan : bigotry

kefarmasian : pharmaceutical affairs

kefasihan : fluency, articulateness

kefasikan : godlessness

kefatalan : fatalism

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kefeodalan : feudalism

kefiktifan : fictitiousness

kefilsafatan : pertaining to philosophical matters

keformalan : formality

kefustrasian : frustration

kegadis-gadisan : behave like a girl, girlish

kegadisan : virginity, chastity, continence

kegaduhan : uproar, racket, commotion, ado, tumult, brawl

kegagahan : strength, firmness, handsomeness, conceitedness

kegagahan : boldness, courage, valor

kegagalan : bust, failure, abortive attempt

kegagalan pemakaian : malfunction

kegagalan tugas : defection, delinquency

kegaguan : muteness

kegaiban : mystery, mysteriousness

kegairahan : passion, fervor, enthusiasm

kegalakan : fierceness, ferocity, gruffness, audacity

kegalakan : rampancy, truculence, truculency

kegalau : see: kegalauan

kegalauan : confusion, hubbub, uproar

kegaliban : custom

kegamangan : dizziness, vertigo, nervousness

kegamblangan : explicitness, clarity

kegampangan : easiness, ease

keganasan : ferocity, viciousness

kegandrungan : love, infatuation, craze for

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keganjilan : strangeness, pecullar nature, oddity

kegarangan : rampancy, fierceness, ferocity

kegaringan : crispiness, crunchiness

kegarongan : be robbed from

kegatalan : itchiness, irritation

kegawatan : criticalness, danger, gravity

kegayengan : cordiality, warmth

kegedean : too big

kegegap-gempitaan : clamor, uproar

kegegeran : panic, commotion, clamor

kegelap-gelapan : fairly dark, become furious

kegelapan : darkness, blackness, murk

kegelian : amused, tickled

kegelisahan : perturbation, unrest, nerve, disquiet, discomfort

kegelisahan : nervousness, concern, worry

kegemaran : keeness, indulgence, hobby, avidity

kegemasan : anger, spite, passion

kegembalaan : leadership, being a herder

kegembiraan : joy, happiness, mirth, rhapsody, gladness

kegembiraan : gaiety, exhilaration, excuberance, excitement

kegembrotan : paunchiness

kegemerlapan : luxury shining quality

kegemilangan : brilliance

kegemilapan : glitter

kegempalan : sturdiness

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kegemparan : tumult, dismay, consternation

kegemukan : obesity, too fat, overweight

kegemuruhan : thundering quality

kegenapan : completeness, evenness

kegencaran : too fast, too often, rapidity

kegendutan : corpulence, too fat

kegenitan : coquettishness

kegentaran : vibration, fear

kegentingan : crisis, critical junction

kegerahan : mugginess

kegeraman : furious anger

kegersangan : dryness, barreness

kegesitan : nimbleness, agility

kegetiran : bitterness, acerbity

kegetolan : industry, industriousness, diligency

kegetunan : see: getun

kegiatan : energy, ardor, activity

kegiatan : zeal, liveliness, enterprise, drive

kegigihan : persistence, perseverance

kegigitan : bitten

kegila-gilaan : rather insane, appear crazy

kegilaan : psychosis, lunacy

kegilaan : madness, insanity, folly, stupidity, mania

kegiliran : in turn

kegirang-girangan : overjoyed

kegirangan : gaiety, elation, gladness, happiness

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kegoblokan : stupidity, folly

kegojlok-gojlok : shaken up, jolted

kegombrongan : too large, too loose

kegoncangan : jolt, jarring, shock

kegopohan : haste, hurry

kegoresan : be scratched

kegotongroyongan : cooperativeness

kegoyangan : unsteadiness

kegugupan : nervousness, jumpiness

keguguran : have a miscarriage, miscarriage, abortion, abort

kegunaan : use, purpose, pertinence, expediency

keguncangan : jolt, jarring, shock

kegundahan : depression, dejection, despondency

kegundulan : being denuded, baldness

kegusaran : anger, ire

keguyuban : communality

kehabisan : depletion, run out of, no more left

kehabisan nafas : winded

kehadiran : presence, attendance

kehalusan : delicacy, daintiness

kehambaran : vapidity

kehamilan : pregnancy

kehampaan : emptiness

kehancuran : destruction, disintegration, cropper

kehangatan : warmth

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keharusan : must, obligation

kehausan : thirst

kehebatan : intensity (of excitement, violence

kehebohan : furor, fuss, ado, stir

kehendak : will

keheranan : wonderment

kehewanan : zoological

kehidupan kecil : microcosm

kehilangan : lose, deprivation

kehilangan kekuatan : fading

kehilangan kepercayaan : discredit

kehilangan semangat : discouragement

kehilangan warna : fading

kehilapan : lapse

kehinaan : depravation, abjection

kehormatan : honor

keibuan : motherhood, motherly, maternity

keikhlasan : sincerity

keikutsertaan : participation

keilahan : divinity, godliness

keilahian : godliness

keilmuan : scientific, scholarly

keindahan : beautification

keindraan : celestial

keinginan : wish, urge, pretension, eagerness

keingintahuan : curiousity

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keingkaran : disavowal

keistimewaan : something better than the normal

keistimewaan : peculiarity, peculiar feature, special treatment

kejadian : occurence, event, case

kejadian terdahulu : antecedent

kejahatan : harm, evil, criminality, crime, banditry

kejalangan : wildness

kejam : ruthless, inhuman, harsh, hard hearted, ferocious

kejam : diabolical, grim, demonic, demoniac, callous

kejang : spasm, crick, cramp, convulsion, convulse

kejang-kejang : see: kejang

kejang jantung : anginapectoris

kejanggalan : gaffe, clumsiness

kejantanan : mandom

kejapan : blink

kejatuhan : ruin, drop

kejauhan : afar, too far

kejeblos : step or drive into a hole or ditch, cheated

kejejakaan : bachelorhood

kejelasan : clarity

kejengkelan : exasperation, tantrum

kejenuhan : saturation

kejerihan : weariness, fatigue, overly fatigued

kejernihan : clarity, purity

keji : abject, villainous

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kejijikan : disgust

kejinakan : tameness

kejituan : accuracy

kejiwaan : psychological

keju : cheese

kejuaraan : championship

kejujuran : integrity, honesty, candour

kejur : inflexible

kejut : frightened, scared, startled

kejutan : shock, impulse, surprise, jolt

kekabur-kaburan : rather hazy or clouded

kekaburan : haziness, vagueness, fuzziness

kekacauan : disorganazation, disruption, disorder

kekacauan : disarrangement, disarray, clutter, chaos, anarchy

kekafiran : infidelity, impiety

kekagetan : dismay, shock, state of being startled

kekaguman : astonishment, amazement, admiration

kekakuan : angularity

kekal : lifelong, undying, imperishable, everlasting

kekalahan : discomfiture, defeat

kekalang-kabutan : chaos, confusion

kekalapan : confusion, bewilderment

kekalutan : confusion

kekanak-kanakan : second childhood, childish

kekang : trammel, bridle, reins

kekangan : bridle

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kekar : joint (geology term), muscular, huge, solid, firm

kekariban : intimacy, chumnuness

kekasaran : discourtesy, coarseness, brutity, brushqueness

kekasih : sweetheart, lovely, darling, beloved, babe, mash

kekayaan : wealth, means, assets, affluence

kekebalan : immunity

kekecewaan : disillusionment, disillusion, disenchantment

kekecilan : small

kekecualian : exception

kekedapan : impermeability

kekejaman : enormity, cruelty, brutality, ferocity

kekejangan : jerky

kekejangan otot : tetanus

kekejian : infamy

kekejutan : disconcertment

kekekalan : perpetuality, immortalilty, constancy, durability

kekelaman : darkness, obscurity

kekeliruan : mistake, error

kekeluargaan : kinship

kekenduran : slack

kekentalan : viscosity, thickness (liquid)

kekenyalan : plasticity

kekenyangan : satiated

keker : spyglass, binoculars, telescope

kekeran : binoculars, teleskop

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kekerasan : violence

kekerempengan : thinness

kekeruhan : muddiness, turbidity, cloudiness, unrest

kekesalan : annoyance, being fed up, vexation, tantrum

kekhasan : uniqueness

kekhawatiran : worry, anxiety

kekhilafan : defect

keki : annoyed, irritated, resentful, ill at ease

kekikiran : avarice

kekinian : the present

kekisruhan : chaos, confusion, muddle

kekokohan : soundness, sturdiness, firmness, tenacity

kekompakan : solidarity

kekonyolan : foolishness, tendency to have bad luck

kekosongan : blankness, blank, vacuum, gap, vacuity, emptiness

kekotoran : dirtiness

kekristenan : christianity

kekuasaan : sway, power, dominance, clout, authorization

kekuasaan : domination, control, hegemony

kekuasaan mutlak : autocracy

kekuatan : vigour, strength, might, erg, energy, efficacy

kekuatan angkatan udara : airpower

kekuatan otak : brainpower

kekuatan otot : brawn

kekufuran : atheism, heathenism

kekukuhan : soundness, sturdiness, firmness, tenacity

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kekumuhan : dirtiness

kekuningan : yellowish

kekunoan : obsolescence

kekurangajaran : boldness, atrocity, brashness, abruptness

kekurangan : shortage, short of, lack, demerit, famine

kekurangan : deficiency, default, dearth, dearth of, absence

kekurangan gizi : malnutration

kelabakan : flounder about

kelabang : centipede

kelabu : ashen

kelahapan : voracity

kelahiran : birth, be born of, spring from

kelainan : anomaly, abnormality, difference, deviation

kelak : ere, coming, next, later, cuckoo dove

kelakar : drollery, antics, joke, wisecrack, jest

kelaki-lakian : boyish

kelakuan : conduct, behavior, deed, act

kelakuan kurang ajar : effrontery

kelakuan tak senonoh : misdeed

kelakuan yang buruk : misbehaviour

kelalaian : neglect, omission, indifference, dereliction

kelaliman : tyranny, despotism, cruelty, oppression

kelam : dull, overcast, dark, obscure, dim (of eyesight)

kelamaan : too long

kelambanan : tardiness

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kelambatan : tardiness, delay

kelambit : flying fox

kelambu : mosquito net

kelamin : sex, pair, couple (male and female), gender

kelan : kind of vegetable, Chinese broccoli

kelana : nomad, wanderer, adventurer, rover

kelancangan : brass, brashness, boldness, sauciness

kelancaran : continuity, smoothness, fluency

kelanggengan : perpetuity, eternity

kelangkaan : scarcity, rarity

kelangkang : crotch, groin

kelangsungan hidup : survival

kelanjutan : continuance, continuation

kelantang : bleach, whiten, dry in the sun

kelantang-kelanting : sound of knocking, rattling, chattering

kelantangan : volume, loudness, BLEACHED

kelap-kelip : blinking, flickering

kelapa : coconut

kelapangan : vacuity, emptiness, leisure, ease, feel relieved

kelaparan : hunger, famine

kelar : ready, done, finished, settled, in order

kelarah : kind of fruit worm

kelas : grade, class

kelas berat : avoirdupois

kelas menengah : middle class

kelasi : jack

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kelayakan : expediency, advisability, worthiness, properness

kelaziman : custom, usage, fad, the fashion

kelebihan : overbalance, surplus, excess

kelebihan berat : overweight

keleburan : dissolution

keledai : donkey, burro, ass

kelegaan : relief, space

kelekatan : adhesiveness

kelelahan : exhaustion

kelelahan mata : eyestain

kelelakian : mandom

kelelawar : bat

kelelep : see: kalelep

keleluasaan : latitude, discretion

kelemahan : weakness, infirmity, debility, shortcoming

kelembaban : indolence, humidity, dampness, clamminess

kelembagaan : institution

kelembaman : inertia, languidness

kelembutan hati : tenderness

kelenaan : somnolent, soporific

kelengangan : quietness, loneliness, deserted

kelengar : in a stupor

kelengasan : clamminess, humidity

kelenger : in a stupor

kelengkapan : completeness, comprehensiveness

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kelengketan : adhesiveness

kelenjar : gland

kelenjar di bawah otak : pituitary gland

kelenjar getah bening : pancreas

kelenteng : pagoda

kelentit : clitoris

kelenturan : malleability, flexibility

kelepasan : escape, the way out, freedom, release, separation

kelestarian : preservation, conservation, perpetuity

kelesuan : languor, apatheticy

kelewat : too, above, over, passed by, surpassed, excessive

kelewatan : excessive, abusive, overload, overdo, over

kelezatan : delicacy, delectation, daintiness

kelicikan : ruse, cunning, cageiness, artifice

kelicinan : oiliness

kelihaian : cageinessm

kelihatan : appearance, appear

kelihatan muda : youthful

kelihatan tua : elderly

kelihatannya : seem

keliling : circumference, area around, periphery

kelilip : speck in the eye

kelilipan : get something in the eye

kelilling : circular

kelimpahan : excuberance, abundance, affluence

kelimun : group, crowd

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kelincahan : alarity

kelinci : rabbit, bunny

kelingking : little finger

kelinglungan : absentmindedness

kelipatan : multiple

keliru : goof, erroneous, wrong, be mistaken

kelok : curve, bend, turn

kelola : manage, carry out, execute

kelolosan : breakout (from jail), permeability

kelom : wooden clogs

kelompok : shock, group, clique, category, bevy, batch

kelompok teman : coterie

kelonggaran : concession, looseness

kelontong : peddler, sundries, five-and-dime goods

kelopak : calyx

kelopak mata : eyelid

keluar : quit, go out, out, get out, exit

keluar kapal : overboard

keluaran : breakout, output

keluarga : family, cognate

keluarga sapi : bovin

keluarga terdekat : next of kin

keluasan : broadness, breakthrough, breadth, width, extent

kelucuan : humor, joking, cuteness

kelugasan : matter-of-factness, efficiency, simplicity

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keluguan : see: lugu

keluh-kesah : jeremiad

keluhan : lamentation, kick, palint, gripe, grievance

keluhungan : nobleness, stateliness, magnificence

keluhuran : see: keagungan, ketinggian

kelumpuhan : paralysis, consternation

kelumpuhan syaraf : palsy

kelumun : cover, coverlet, wrapping

keluna : kind of woody vine

kelupaan : forget something, forgetfulness, miss

kelurahan : political district administered by a village chief

kemabukan : intoxication

kemacetan : stoppage, shutdown

kemacetan : logjam, breakdown, bottleneck, jamming

kemacetan lalu lintas : jam

kemah : camp

kemahasiswaan : university student affairs

kemahiran : adeptness, acquision, accomplishment

kemajemukan : pluralism

kemajuan : headway, progress, betterment, advancement

kemakmuran : prosperity, affluence

kemaksiatan : sin, wickedness

kemalaman : benighted

kemalangan : misfortune, affiction

kemalasan : idleness

kemaluan : genital

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kemaluan laki-laki : penis

kemaluan wanita : vulva, pudendum, vagina

kemampuan : faculty, competence, capability, ability

kemampuan didengar : andibility

kemana : where are you going ?

kemana saja : whereever

kemandegan : see: kemandekan

kemandekan : a halt, standstill, stagnation, inertia

kemandirian : autonomy

kemandulan : barrenness, infertility

kemangkiran : absence

kemanja-manjaan : pampered

kemanjaan : comforting familiarity

kemanjuran : efficacy

kemanunggalan : unity

kemanusiaan : humanism, humanity

kemapanan : state of being established

kemarahan : wrath, rebuke, rage, fury, dander, acerbity

kemari : hither

kemarin : yesterday

kemarin dulu : the day before yesterday

kemaruk : ravenous, greedy, covetous

kemas : pack, wrap

kemasan : sachet

kemasan kecil : sachet

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kemashuran : notoriety, fame, renown

kemaslahatan : use, benefit, profit

kemasukakalan : possibility

kemasukan : possessed, entered accidentally

kemasyarakatan : social

kemasygulan : anxiety, concern

kematangan : overripe, ripennes, maturity

kematian : demise, dying, decease, death, bereavement

kemauan : will, volition

kemayaan : illusion

kembali : return, go back, back

kembali ke : revert

kembalinya : return

kembang : assuraster, flower

kembang api : fireworks, pyrotechnic

kembang gula : caramel, bonbon

kembar : twin, double, binary

kembar empat : quadruplet

kembar lima : quint

kembung : flatulent, gibbous

kemegahan : splendor, glitter, eclat

kemeja : shirt, blouse

kemeja dari wol : sweater

kemelaratan : poverty

kemelekan : literacy

kemelut : crisis, critical stage

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kemenakan : cousin

kemenakan laki-laki : nephew

kemenakan perempuan : niece

kemenangan : victory, winning, triumph, conquest

kemencengan : slant

kemencongan : declivity, going off in a skewed direction

kemendaman : drunkness

kemendesakan : urgency

kemendesakkan : urgency

kemenduaan : indecisiveness

kemenerusan : continuation

kementahan : rawness, unripeness

kementrian : ministry

kemenyan : incense, benzoin

kemerah-merahan : red disk, aflame

kemerdekaan : liberty, independence

kemerosotan : slump, decadence

kemesraan : absorption, love, feeling of being intimate

kemesuman : bawdiness

kemewahan : luxury, galore

kemilau : sheen

kemiri : candlenut

kemiringan : steepness, declivity, slope

kemiripan : resemblance, similarity

kemiskinan : destitution, beggary, poverty

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kemitraan : partnership

kemoleng : staggering

kempes : deflated

kempis : deflated

kemuakan : abhorrence

kemudahan : ease, rashness, facility

kemudi : helm, aileron

kemudian : then, afterwards, after

kemudian hari : coming

kemuhalan : impossibility

kemuliaan : dignity, glory, eclat, grandeur, magnificence

kemunafikan : hypocrisy

kemunculan : appearance

kemunduran : retrogradation, slowdown, regression

kemunduran : degeneration, decline, declension, decadence

kemungkaran : denial, disavowal

kemungkinan : prospect, probability, possibility, likelihood

kemungkiran : denial, disavowal

kemurahan hati : bounty, beneficence

kemuraman : gloom, dejection

kemurkaan : wrath, fury, rage, anger, greed

kemurnian : purity

kemurtadan : apostasy

kemurungan : melancholy, despondency

kemuskilan : crux, abstruseness

kemustahilan : impossibility, absurdity

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kemusykilan : abstruseness

kemusyrikan : polytheism

kena : apt

kenabian : prophecy

kenaikan : sector, rise, preferment, ascent, ascension

kenaikan harga : market up, boom

kenaikan pangkat : promotion

kenaikkan gaji : raise

kenakalan : mischief

kenal : know, recognize

kenal terhadap : acquainted

kenalan : acquaintance

kenampakan : feature

kenang-kenangan : keepsake

kenapa : why

kencan : date

kencang : stiff, tight, strained, tightened, fast, quick

kencing : piss, urinate

kencing nanah : gonorrhoea

kendala : constraint, obstacle, barrier

kendaraan : vehicle

kendaraan bermotor : motor vehicle

kendi : pitcher, jar, jug

kendor : loose, slack, weak

kenegaraan : matters pertaining to the state

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kenetralan : neutrality

kengerian : terror, horror

kengiluan : smarting pain, hurting feeling

kengototan : obstinacy

keniagaan : trade, marketing

kenikmatan : enjoyment, bliss, comfort, amenity

kening : forehead

keningrat-ningratan : aristocratlike, with aristocratic airs

keningratan : aristrocracy

kenisbian : relativity

keniscayaan : certainty

keniskalaan : abstraction

kenistaan : insult, feeling of indignity

kenop : knob

kenormalan : normality

kental : thick (liquid), congealed, coagulated, viscous

kentang : potato

kentara : visible, clear, obvious, striking, conspicuous

kentut : fart, fitus

kenyal : elastic

kenyamanan : freshness, fit feeling

kenyang : satiated

kenyataan : reality, fact

keok : defeated, beaten

keonaran : riot, rampage

keong : snail

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keotomatisan : automation

kepada : to, for

kepadatan : density, consistency

kepaduan : cohesion

kepahitan : bitterness

kepahlawanan : heroism

kepailitan : bankruptcy

kepala : pate, heading, head, curator, crest, chief, boss

kepala angin : rattle brained

kepala besar : vainglorious

kepala biara : abbot

kepala biara wanita : abbes

kepala botak : bald-head

kepala kelasi : coxwain

kepala keluarga : patriarch

kepala mangkuk : bowl

kepala sekolah : principal, headmaster

kepala susu : cream

kepala universitas : rector

kepalang : insufficient, inadequate

kepalang-tanggung : inadequate, halfway done

kepalsuan : artificiality

kepanasan : get heated

kepandaiaan berpidato : rhetoric

kepandaian : cleverness, acquirement, ability

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kepandaian berbicara : eloquence

kepandaian khusus : knack

kepangan rambut : braid

kepangkatan : stratification according to rank

kepanglimaan : position of commander

kepanglingan : failure to recognize

kepanikan : panic, be in a panic

kepanitiaan : secretariate

kepanjangan : too long, length, dutation, continuation

kepantasan : decency, appropriateness, properness, fairness

kepapaan : destitution, poverty

keparat : damned, cursed, son of bitch!, mother-fucker

kepariwisataan : tourism

kepastian : sureness, certainty

kepatahan hati : dejection

kepatuhan : loyalty, obedience

kepatutan : fairness, appropriateness, consideration

kepausan : papacy

kepayahan : weariness, fatigue, difficulty, exhausted

kepedihan : mordacity, poignancy, smarting, pain

kepekaan : allergy, sensitivity

kepekatan : density

kepelet : be made to fall in love by magical means

kepemilikan : ownership

kepemimpinan : leadership

kepenasaranan : embitterment

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kepenatan : fatigue, weariness, tired

kependetaan : clergy

kependiaman : taciturnity

kependudukan : demography

kepengacaraan : matters dealing with lawyers

kepengawasan : monitoring

kepengurusan : management, leadership

kepenjilatan : state of being a bootlicker

kepentingan : behalf, importance, interest

kepepet : cornered, trapped

keperawanan : virginity

kepercayaan : reliance, trust, credo, credibility, credence

kepergian : going

kepergian banyak orang : exodus

keperintisan : pioneering work

keperjakaan : bachelorhood

keperluan : utility, requisite, need, necessity

kepermaian : beauty

kepesatan : momentum, speed

kepetualangan : adventurousness, adventurous, adventuresome

kepiawaian : skill, expertise

kepicikan : narrow mindedness

kepikiran : happen to think about something

kepikunan : senility

kepiluan : sadness, emotion, being moved

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kepincangan : disharmony

keping : piece

kepingan : piece

kepintaran : cleverness, skill

kepiting : crab

kepolosan : colorlessness, see: lugu

kepompong : pupa, cocoon, chrysalis, nymph

keponakan : cousin

kepongahan : arrogance

kepraktisan : practicability

kepresidenan : presidency

kepribadian : personality, individuality

keprihatinan : thoughtfulness, concern

kepuasan : satisfaction, gratification, contentment

kepuasan diri : complagency

kepucatan : paleness

kepulan : puff

kepulangan : action of going back

kepulasan : being fast asleep

kepulauan : islands, archipelago

kepung : siege

kepunyaan : belong

kepunyaannya : its, his, hers

kepura-puraan : dissimilation, pretense

kepusingan : grogginess, dizziness

kepustakaan : dictum

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keputus-asaan : discouragement, desperation

keputusan : judgment, decision

keputusan hakim : adjudication

keputusasaan : hopelessness

kera : monkey, chimpanzee, ape

kerabat : kith

keragaman : variety, diversity

keragu-raguan : irresolution, hesitation, hesitancy, dubitation

keraguan : hesitation, iffiness

kerah : collar, tucker

kerahiman : mercy, clemency

kerajaan : monarchy, kingdom, empire, realm

kerajinan : diligence

kerajinan tangan : handmade

kerak : crust

kerakusan : voracity

kerakyatan : democracy, rule by the people, populist

keramah-tamahan : geniaity, backslapping, affability

keramahan : aminess, amiability, amenity

keramat : sacred

keramik : china, ceramics

keran : gin

kerancuan : confusion

keranda : bier

kerang : shell

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kerang-kerangan : crustacean

kerang laut : abalone

kerangka : skeleton, carcass, frame

kerangkeng : iron cage

keranjang : hamper, basket, creel

keranjang ayam : coop

keranjang roti : breadbasket

keranjang sampah : waste basket, scrapbasket

keranjingan : mania

kerapatan : density

kerapian : efficiency, tidiness, see: rapi

kerapuhan : brittleness

keras : wicked, stringent, tang, severe, rigorous, strict

keras : killing, loud, heady, keen, hard, crusty

keras hati : dour

keras kepala : opinionative, opinionated

keras kepala : stubborn, recalcitrant, obstinate, bullheaded

kerasan : feel at home

kerasulan : apostolic

keraton : royal palace

keraton : court

kerbau : buffalo

kerdil : dwarfish, cretin

kerdipan : squint

kere : blind

kerecokan : excitement, fuss, noise

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keredaan : calmness

kerekan : winch, hoist

kerelaan : alarity

keremajaan : adolescence

kerempang : emaciated, thin

kerempeng : emaciated, thin

kerendah-hatian : modesty

kerendahan : baseness, too short, lowness

kerendahan hati : modesty, lowliness

kerenggangan : estrangement

kerenjanaan : emotionally

kerentanan : vulnerability

kerepotan : stir, bustle, very busy

keresahan : anxiety, unrest, uneasiness, restlessness

kereta : coach, cart, carriage, car

kereta anak-anak : pram

kereta api : train

kereta beroda dua : curricle

kereta makan : dineer

kereta pembawa grup ben : bandwagon

kereta penarik apel : applecart

kereta roda dua : buggy

kereta roda empat : chaise

kereta salju : bobsleigh

kereta sampah : dust cart

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keretakan : break, fracture, crack

kerewelan : choosiness, fussiness

kerezekian : prosperity

keriangan : joy, merriment, hilarity, gaiety

keributan : stir, commotion, hubbub, cain

keributan : brawl, boisteriousness, blatancy, affray, ado

kerikil : gravel

kerinduan : yearning, longing

kering : dry, droughty, arid

keringat : sweat, perspiration

keripik : chip

keriput : wrinkled

keris : kris, creese

kerisauan : see: keresahan, kegelisahan

keriting : curl, crimp, mucky, kinky

kerja : work, labour, job, occupation

kerja keras : toil

kerja lembur : overwork

kerjasama : collaborate, cooperation

kerkop : christian cemetery

kerlingan : leer

kerlip : twinkle

kerobohan : collapse

kerongkongan : gullet, throat, oesophagus

kerongsengan : discontent

keropos : porous, spongy, hollow, rotten, rarefied

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keroyalan : extravagance

keroyokan : attack by overwhelming numbers

kertak kertuk : rattle

kertas : paper

kertas hisap : blotter

kertas kaca : cellophane

kertas kalkir : tracing-paper

kertas koran : newsprint

kertas minyak : onionskin

kertas perkamen : parchment

kertas suara pemilihan umum : ballot

kertas timah : tinfoil

kertas tulis : note paper

kerucut : cone

kerudung : hood, veil

kerugian : loss, harm, financial loss, detriment

keruh : feculence, feculent, turbid, muddy, clouded

keruk : scratching, scraping sound, dredging

kerukut : curled up or over, warped (of wood)

kerul : curl (in the hair, etc)

keruma : kind of itching mite

kerumit : gnaw, nibble

kerumitan : see: keruwetan, rumit

kerumuk : see: berkerumuk

kerumunan : throng, crowd, mob

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keruntuhan : downfall, debacle

keruntuhan semangat : demoralization

kerusakan : ravage, detriment, defect, decay, damage

kerusakan moral : depravity

kerusuhan : distress, riot, disturbance, unrest, turbulence

kerut : furrow, wrinkler, crimp, wreath

kerutan : contraction, wrinkling, creasing

keruwetan : complication, complexity

kesabaran : tolerance, patience, endurance, forbearance

kesadaran : consciousness, awareness, realization

kesahan : legality

kesakitan : be ill, in pain, illness, sickness, hardship

kesaksian : testimony, evidence, professing faith

kesaktian : supernatural power

kesal : peevish, fed up, dejected, piqued, cross, annoyed

kesalahan : mistake, trespass, guilt, gaffe, error, flaw

kesalahan tulis : erratum

kesalahpahaman : miscomprehension, misunderstanding

kesalehan : piety

kesalutan : see: salut

kesamaan : similiarity, sameness, analogue

kesamaran : vagueness

kesan : impression, image

kesana-sini : about

kesandung : stumble

kesanggupan : potential, capacity, ability

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kesangsian : doubt

kesantunan : good manners, modesty

kesarangan : permeability, porosity

kesarjanaan : bachelorship

kesasar : go astray

kesat : abrasive

kesatriaan : knighthood

kesatuan : unit, erg, corps, conglomerate

kesayangan : pet, pity, sorrow, love, affection, darling

kesebalan : resentment

kesebelasan : soccer team

kesederajatan : equity

kesederhanaan : plainness, modesty, austerity, simplicity

kesediaan : readiness, availability, willingness

kesedihan : sadness, despondency, anguish

keseduan : hicough

keseganan : awe, aversion

keseharian : daily

kesehatan : sanitary, health

keseimbangan : parity, equilibrium, balance

kesejagatan : globalization

kesejahteraan : welfare

kesejajaran : parallelism

kesejalanan : being of one mind

kesejukan : cool

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keseksamaan : accuracy, precision

keselamatan : safety, salvation

keselarasan : harmony, congruence, concordance

keselek : choked

keselektifan : selectiveness

keseleo : sprained

keseluruhan : altogether, whole, gamut, totality, overall

kesembronoan : carelessness, recklessness

kesembuhan : recovery

kesempatan : opportunity, ocassion, facility, chance

kesempitan : narrowness, tightness

kesempurnaan : perfection

kesemrawutan : chaos, lack of organization

kesenangan : convenience, coziness, contenment, comfort

kesenangan bersama : ploy

kesenangan hati : heartness

kesendatan : clogged up, stagnation

kesendirian : aloneness, solitude

kesenduan : sadness

kesengajaan : deliberateness, doing something on purpose

kesengitan : acrimony

kesengsaraan : distress, agony, adversity, misery, suffering

kesengsem : highly attracted to something, engrossed in

kesenian : artistry

kesenjangan : gap

kesenjataan : weaponry, matters pertaining to weapons

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kesepakatan : agreement

kesepelean : triviality

kesepian : lonesome, loneliness

kesepihakan : one-sidedness

keseragaman : uniformity

keserakahan : avarice

keserasian : accord

keseriusan : seriousness

keseruduk : rammed into

kesetanan : possessed

kesetaraan : equality

kesetiaan : devotion, loyalty, constancy, allegiance

kesetimbangan : harmony, balane, equilibrium

kesewajaran : genuineness, naturalness

kesewenangan : despotism, arbitrariness

kesia-siaan : futility, vanity

kesiagaan : awareness, readiness

kesialan : mischance, misadventure

kesiangan : oversleep

kesiapan : immediacy

kesiapsiagaan : alertness

kesibukan : rushing, rush, bustle, business

kesibukan sendiri : busywork

kesigapan : efficiency, energy

kesilapan : mistake, slip, error

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kesimpangsiuran : uncertainty

kesimpulan : inference, consecutive, consecution, conclusion

kesintingan : eccentricity

kesohor : famous

kesombongan : vanity, haughtiness, conceit, arrogance

kesopanan : propriety, decency, culture, courtesy, politeness

kesta : cyst

kesuburan : richness

kesucian : sanctity, holiness, chastity

kesudahan : termination

kesudian : alarity

kesukaan : predilection, like, fondness, fad

kesukaran : distress, difficulty

kesukuan : ethnic

kesulitan : difficulty, hardness, quandary, complication

kesumpekan : confusion of thought, feeling of being troubled

kesungguhan : earnestness

kesunyian : solitude, silence, desolation

kesurupan : trance

kesusahan : worry, trouble (be in), bother, affiction

kesusasteraan : literature

kesusilaan : morality

kesyukuran : gratitude to God

ketaatan : obedience, devotion, adherence

ketabahan : grit, tenacity

ketagihan : addiction

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ketagihan minuman keras : bibulous

ketahanan : hardness, endurance, tenacity

ketahuan : be found out, detected

ketajaman : acumen, discernment, acrimony, acuity, acidity

ketakberdayaan : helplessness

ketakutan : scare, dread, cower, apprehension, alarm

ketam : crab

ketamakan : greed, cupidity, rapacity

ketandusan : desolation, barrenness

ketangguhan : strength, tenacy, integrity, honesty

ketangkasan : dexterity, knack, brevity, agility, adroitness

ketat : tight

ketatalaksanaan : management

ketaton : get injured

ketauhidan : oneness, unity

keteduhan : calm, quietness, shelter, shade

ketegangan : tension, suspense, stress, strain

ketegaran : obstinacy, tenacity, fortitude

ketegasan : firmness, resoluteness, clearness, explicitness

keteguhan : fortitude

keteknikan : engineering

ketekunan : persistence, willpower, perseverance, diligence

ketel : kettle, cauldron, caldron

ketel uap : boiler

keteladanan : making something as an example, providing a model

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ketelanjangan : nudity, nakedness

ketelatenan : patience

keteledoran : negligence, carelessness, default (payment, etc)

ketelitian : precision, elaborateness, accurateness, accuracy

ketenagakerjaan : manpowership

ketenangan : quiet, clarity, appeasement

ketenaran : popularity, noise, fame

ketentraman : appeasemnet

ketentuan : provision, definition, clause, certitude

ketepatan : pertinence, accurateness, accuracy

keterampilan : skill

keterangan : information, elucidation, data, annotation

keterangan hati : equanimity

keterarahan : directedness, state of having guidance

keterasingan : isolation, exclution, alienation

keteraturan : orderliness, regularity

keterbatasan : limitedness

keterbelahan : half heartedness

keterbelakangan : backwardness

keterbukaan : openness

keterceceran : backwardness, lagging behind

ketercerabutan : rootlessness

keterdapatan : occurrence

keterdesakan : urgency, forcedness

ketergantungan : dependence

keterjalan : abruptness, steepness

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keterkaitan : connection, interrelatedness

keterkejutan : being startled

keterlaluan : unreasonable, execrable, excessive, far too much

keterlanjuran : excess, excessively

keterlibatan : complicity, involvement

keterpaksaan : the fact of being forced

keterpojokan : being forced into a corner

keterrembesan : permeability

ketersediaan : availability

ketersendatan : clogged up, stagnation

ketersendirian : solitude, isolation

ketersinggungan : touchiness, state of having been offended

ketersumbatan : pluggedness, cloggedness

ketertegunan : startled amazement

ketertiban : discipline, decency, decencics

ketertinggalan : fact of having fallen behind

keterusan : inadvertently go straight ahead, transmissivity

ketetapan : constancy, consistency, decision

ketetapan hati : resolve, determination

ketiadaan : devoid, absence

ketiak : armpit

ketidakadaan : absence

ketidakadilan : injustice, inequity

ketidakberdayaan : hopelessness, helplessness

ketidakberesan : amiss

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ketidakberhasilan : unsuccessfulness

ketidakbertanggungjawaban : irresponsibility

ketidakcocokan : dissonance, discrepancy, incompatibility

ketidakdatangan : nonarrival

ketidakdewasaan : immaturity

ketidakefisienan : inefficiency

ketidakgiatan : inaction

ketidakhadiran : absenteeism, absence

ketidakikhlasan : insincerity

ketidakinginan : unwillingness, reluctancy

ketidakjelasan : vagueness, obscurity

ketidakjujuran : dishonesty

ketidakkekalan : mortality

ketidakmampuan : impotence, disability

ketidakmasukalan : impossibility, absurdity

ketidakmatangan : immaturity, unripeness

ketidakmauan : unwillingness, reluctancy

ketidakmengertian : see: kebingungan

ketidaknormalan : abnormality

ketidaknyamanan : uncomfortableness

ketidakpastian : uncertainty, iffiness

ketidakpatuhan : disobedience

ketidakpedulian : heedlessness

ketidakpekaan : insensitivity

ketidakpercayaan : disbelief

ketidakpuasan : dissatisfaction, discontent

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ketidaksahan : illegality

ketidaksamaan : inequality, imprecision

ketidakseimbangan : imbalance, disproportion

ketidakselarasan : discordance

ketidaksenangan : discomfort, disaffection

ketidaksengajaan : undeliberateness

ketidaksepakatan : inagreement

ketidaksesuaian : disharmony

ketidaksetiaan : disloyalty

ketidaksetujuan : unagreement

ketidaksiapan : unreadiness

ketidaksopanan : rudeness, immodesty, discourtesy, boorishness

ketidaktahuan : ignorance

ketidaktelitian : inaccuracy

ketidaktentuan : dubiety

ketidakteraturan : capriciousness

ketidaktoleranan : intolerance

ketidakwajaran : improperness

ketiga : third, tertiary

ketika : as, when, moment, time

ketimpangan : imbalance, partiality, lameness, one-sidedness

ketimun : gherkin

ketinggalan : lag, left behind

ketinggalan mode : old-fashioned

ketinggian : high, altitude

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ketitipan : have something left with one

ketokan : rap, pounding, knock, dab

ketololan : idiocy, foolishness, silliness

ketombe : dandruff

ketoprak : salad consisting of beans sprout, tofu

ketua : moderator, dean, chief, chairman

ketuhanan : godness, divinity, deity

ketularan : infected, contaminated

ketulusan : candour, veracity, sincerity

ketumbar : coriander

ketumpahan : have something spill on it

ketumpukan : accidentally piled on

ketumpulan : bluntness, dullness

ketuntasan : thoroughness, completeness, exhaustiveness

keturunan : offspring, generation, herediraryty, extraction

keturunan raja : dynasty

ketus : sharp (in reply), speaking in an angry tone

keuletan : impetus, bounce

keunggulan : supremacy, primacy, superiority, predominance

keunikan : uniqueness

keuntungan : net, luck, gain, advantage, vantage

keuntungan besar : killing (on the stock market)

keusangan : obsolescence

keusilan : annoyance, naughtiness

keuskupan : episcopate, diocese, bishopric

keuskupan agung : archdiocese, archbishopic

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kewajaran : fittingness

kewajiban : duty, conscript, obligation

kewalahan : excess

kewanitaan : womanhood, effeminacy

kewarganegaraan : citizenship

kewarisan : matters pertaining to inheritance

kewartawanan : journalism

kewaskitaan : clairvoyance

kewaspadaan : alertness, vigilance

kewaswasan : anxiety, uneasiness

kewenangan : competence, authority

kewibawaan : authority

kezaliman : see: kelaliman

khadam : servant

khalifah : caliph

kharisma : charisma

khas : unique, typical

khasanah : see: khazanah

khasiat : property

khatib : mosque official, preacher at the mosque

khawatir : worrying, apprehensive

khawatir akan : alarm

khayal : imaginary, image, hallucination

khayalan : imagination, illusion, delusion

khazanah : treasury

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khianat : perfidy

khidmat : solemn

khilafiah : uncertain, wrong

khitan : circumcision

khitanan : feast celebrating a circumcision

khittah : basic

khlorida : chloride

khotbah : allaution

khuluk : nature, character

khurafat : myth, superstition

khusus : specific, distinctive, unique, special

kiamat : doomsday, downfall, destruction

kias : analogy

kiasan : metaphor, allusion, allegory

kibaran : counterattraction

kiblat : direction to Mecca

kidang : deer

kidung : song, melody

kijang afrika : antelope

kijang betina : doe

kikir : avarice, skinny, closefisted, avaricious, file

kikisan : abrasion

kikuk : clumsy

kilas-balik : flashback

kilat : bolt

kilatan : glint

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kilau : sparkle

kilauan : shine

kimcha : damask

kimia : chemical, chemistry

kimono : kimono

kina : quinine

kincir : paddlewheel

kincir angin : windwill

kinerja : performance

kipas : fan

kipas angin : fan

kira-kira : thereabouts, around, approximately, about

kiri : left

kiriman : shipment

kisah : story, narration, episode

kisi-kisi : lattice, grille

kismis : raisin, currant

kisruh : chaotic, anarchic, confused, disorganized

kitab injil : bible

kitab suci : scripture

klasifikasi : classification

klasik : classic

klausal : clause

klenger : see: kelengar

klep : valve

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klerus : cleric

klik : clique

klimaks : climax

klinis : clinical

klise : stereotype, cliche

kobar : flaming, in flames (forest, etc)

kobaran : the raging

kocek : purse, wallet

kode : code

kode morse : morse

kohesi : cohesion

kok : shuttlecock

kokain : cocaine

koki : cook, chef

kokoh : substantial, sturdy, steady

kokok ayam : crow

kokpit : cockpit

kolaborasi : collaboration

kolam : pool, pond

kolega : colleage

kolera : cholera

kolestrol : cholestrol

kolom : columm

kolonel : colonel

kolonial : colonial

kolosal : colossal

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kolot : orthodox, conservative

kolumnis : colummist

koma : comma

komandan : commander

komat-kamit : mumble, mumbling

kombinasi : combination

komentar : comment

komersialisasi : comercialization

komidi musik : musical

komisariat : commissariat

komisaris : commissioner

komisi : commission, board

komite : committee

kompartemen : compartment

kompas : compass

kompas di kapal : binnacle

kompilasi : compoilation

kompleks : complex

komplikasi : ravel, complication

komplotan : ring, conspiracy

komplotan rahasia : cabal

komponen : component

kompor : oven

kompor gas : gas cooker

kompos : compost

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komposisi : compostion

kompres : compress

kompromi : compromise

komputer : computer

komunal : communal

komuni suci : communion

komunikasi : communication

komunis : communist

komunisme : communism

komunitas : community

konco : friend, mate, buddy, crony

konco-koncoan : crony system, cronies with each other

kondang : famous, well-known

kondom : condom

konfederasi : confederacy

konfrontasi : confrontation

kongkrit : concrete

konglomerasi : conglomeration

kongres : congress, compoundence

kongsi : syndicate, chain

konkuren : competitor

konkurensi : competition

konperensi : compoundence

konperensi pers : news conference

konsekuen : consistent

konsentrasi : concentration

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konsep : draft, concept

konsepsi : construct

konser : concert

konsesi : concession

konsletting : short

konsolidasi : consolidation

konsonan : consonant

konstan : constant

konstruksi : construction

konsul : consul

konsumen : consumer

kontak : contiguity

konteks : context

kontinuitas : continuity

kontol : penis

kontra spionase : counterespionage

kontradiksi : contradiction

kontrak : contract, bond

kontrasepsi : contraception

kontroversial : controversial

kontur : contour

konveksi : convection

konyol : half mad, foolish, constant bad luck, incompetent

koordinasi : coordination

koordinat : coordinate

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kop tilpon : earphone

kopeling : coupling, clutch

koper : suitcase, coffer

koperasi : cooperation

kopi : coffee

kopiah : cap

kopra : copra

kopral : corporal

koran : newspaper

korban : victim

korban kecelakaan : casualty

korden : curtain

korek : matches, cigarette lighter

korek api : match

korek kuping : earpick

korek telinga : earpick

korelan : correlation

korelasi : correlation

koreng : sore, ulceration, scab

korengan : suffer from skin infections

korepondensi : corespondence

korosi : corrosion

korps : corps

korsel : carrousel

korset : girdle, corset

korting : discount

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kortison : cortison

korup : corrupt

korupsi : corruption

koruptor : corruptor

kosakata : lexicon, vocabulary

kosekan : cosecant

kosinus : cosine

kosmis : cosmic

kosmos : cosmos

kosong : vacuous, vacant, nonexistent, empty, blank, bare

kota : town, city

kota besar : metropolis

kota kecil : borough

kota satelit : suburb

kotak : kit, basket, box

kotak benih : boll

kotak surat : mail box

kotangen : cotangent

kotor : unclean, grubby, grimy, dirty, dingy, mucky

kotoran : dirt, dinginess

kotoran badan : excrement

koyak : torn, ripped, lacerated (of the hand)

koyak-koyak : in rags or tatters

koyakan : tear, rip, rent

kram : cramp

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kran : tap

kreditor : creditor

kristal : crystal

kristalisasi : crystallization

kristen : christian

kristus : christ

kroco : small nail, of little value

kronologis : chronological

kuadran : quadrant

kuadrat : square, quadratic

kuah : sauce

kualat : accursed, damned, struck down by a calamity

kuali : casserole

kualitas terbaik : choiceness, choice quality

kuantitatif : quantitative

kuantum : quota

kuarsa : quarts

kuartir : quarters

kuarto : quarto

kuas : brush (shaving), applicator

kuasa : delegate, authority, power, might, capable, able

kuat : strong, potent, mighty, dashing, powerful, sturdy

kuat-kuatan : test each other's strength

kuatir : uneasy, worry

kubah : dome, cupola

kubangan : puddle

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kubik : cubic

kubis : cabbage

kubu : rampart, bulwark, vallum, fort

kuburan : tomb, grave, entombment, cemetery

kubus : cube

kucel : crumpled, creased

kucing : pussy, puss, cat

kucing-kucingan : hide and seek (children playing)

kucir : tress

kucur : gushing, pouring forth

kucuran : stream of something gushed out, pouring out

kuda : horse

kuda-kuda : stillage, easel

kuda-kudaan : horsie

kuda betina : mare

kuda jantan : stallion

kuda penarik : dobbin

kuda yang masih muda : pony

kudeta : coup d'etat

kudis : mange, scabies, rash, tetter

kudisan : suffer from scabies

kue : cake

kue-kue : dessert

kue coklat : brownie

kue kroket : croquette

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kue pastel : pie

kue tarcis : tart

kuek : ado, commotion, noise

kufur : infidel, atheist, unbeliever

kuil : fane, temple

kuitansi : receipt

kuku : nail, claw

kuku binatang : hoof

kukuh : tenacious, firm, strong, hefty, see: kokoh

kulakan : wholesale

kuli : cooly, coolie

kuliah : lecture

kulit : skin, peel, leather, hide, hull

kulit ari : epidemis, cuticle

kulit buah : rind

kulit bulu : pelt

kulit jangat : cuticle

kulit kambing : buff

kulit kepala : scalp

kulit kerbau : buff

kulit luar : cortex

kulit otak : cortex

kulit padi : bran

kulit pohon : bark

kulit sapi : cow-hide

kulit sekam : shuck

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kulit telur : eggshell

kulkas : refrigerator

kultus : cult

kultus individu : the cult of the individual

kumal : dingy

kuman : microbe, maggot, germ, bacillus

kumandang : echo, reverberation

kumat : recur, have a relapse

kumbang : beetle

kumbang besar : bumblebee

kumis : whisker, moustache

kumparan : spool, coil

kumpul : copulation

kumpulan : set, pack, jumble, gathering, corpus

kumpulan orang ramai : crush

kumpulan produsen : cartel

kumuh : dirty

kumulatip : cumulative

kumulus : cumulus

kunang-kunang : firefly

kunci : lock, key

kunci inggris : wrench, monkey wrench

kunci musik : clef

kuncup : knob, button, bud

kuncup bunga : catkin

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kungkung : shackles, locks (for prisoner)

kungkungan : shackles, something that imprisons

kuning : yellow

kuning sawo : drab

kuning telur : yolk

kuning tua : tawny

kuningan : brass

kunjungan : visit

kunjungan resmi : visitation

kuno : outdated, classic, archaic, antiquated

kuno : antique, orthodox

kunyahan kembali : cud

kunyit : tumeric

kuorum : quorum

kuota : quota

kupasan : critique, analysis, peels

kupel : cupola

kuping : ear

kupon : coupon

kupu-kupu : butterfly

kura-kura : turtle, tortoise

kurang : minus, less, deficient

kurang ahli : amateurish

kurang ajar : ill-bred, disrespectful, brazen, brash, bold

kurang baik : badly

kurang darah : anemiac, anemia, anaemia

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kurang hati-hati : inadvertent, imprudence

kurang hormat : disrespect

kurang lebih : more or less

kurang makan : underfed

kurang matang : underdone

kurang menarik : unattractive

kurang sopan : irreverent

kurap : ringworm

kurator : curator, keeper (of manuscripts)

kurban : offering, pious gift

kurir : messenger, courier

kurma : date

kursi : chair

kursi goyang : rocking chair

kursi lipat : camp-chair

kursi roda : bathchair

kursif : cursive

kurung kurawal : brace

kurungan : cage

kurus : withered, thin, skinny, meagre, lean, gaunt

kurus-kering : scrawny

kurus kering : raw-boned, emaciate, beanpole, tabes

kusam : bleak, dingy

kusir : cabman, whip, teamster

kuskus : polecat

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kusuma : flower

kusuma bangsa : a nation's herose

kusut : knot, knotty, disordered, tousled, tously

kutang : bra, bodice

kutil : wart

kutipan : quote, quotation, extract, excerpt, citation

kutu : louse, lice

kutu busuk : bug, bedbug

kutub : pole

kutub positip : anode

kutub selatan : antartic

kutub utara : arctic

kutuk : anathema

kutukan : depracation, damnation, curse, bane

kuyup : damp

laba-laba : spider, tarantula

label : tag

labil : labile

laboratorium : laboratory

labu : pumpkin

laci : drawer

lada : pepper, ginger-nut

ladu : lava

lafal : pronounciation

lagak : airs

lagi : encore, another, anew, more, again

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lagi-lagi timbul : recur

lagian : moreover

lagipula : furthermore, moreover, beside

lagu : song, melody, brogue, tune, aria

lagu gembira : carol

lagu gereja : anthem

lagu kebangsaan : anthem

lagu sedih : dirge

lahan : field, land

lahap : voracious, ravenous, gluttonous

lahar : lava

lahir kembali : rebirth

lahiriah : external, extrinsic, physical, material

laik : worth, proper, suitable, reasonable, fair, like

laik terbang : airworthy

lain : other, else

lainnya : another

lajang : remain unmarried

lajnah : committee

laju : fast, quick, rapid, rate

lajur : row, strip, column, lane, line

lajuran : neck (of land)

lak : sealing wax, lacquer

laki-laki : masculine, man, male

lakon : drama, play, act, story

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laksa : 10000 (ten thousands)

laksamana : admiral

laksana : as, like, resemble

laku : salable, IN DEMAND, SELL WELL


lakum : kind of vine

lalai : absent-minded, indifferent

lalai : neglectful, remiss, dilatory, untidy, careless

lalap : dish of raw vegetables and a spicy sauce

lalapan : dish of raw vegetables and a spicy sauce, slaw

lalat : fly

lalat hijau : bluebottle

lalat kerbau : hornet

lalat kuda : hornet

lalat ternak : gad-fly

lalim : tyrannical, despotic, cruel

lalu : then, afterwards, pass, past, last

lalu-lalang : passing by

lalu-lintas : traffic

lama : old, long-lasting

lamanya : duration, last

lamaran : application

lambaian : wave (of the hand, etc.)

lamban : slowgoing

lambang : symbol, sign, exponent

lambat : slow, dilatory, tardy

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lambau : farming

lambo : kind of single-masted cargo boat

lambung : bilge

lambung kapal : hull

lampam : kind of fish

lampau : ago

lampias : flowing rapidly

lampin : diaper, pot holder

lamping : a slope

lampion : paper lantern

lampiran : appendix, inset, appendage

lampu : lamp

lampu besar : headlight

lampu dim : dimmer

lampu lalu-lintas : blinker

lampu neon : neon

lampu senter : electritorch

lampu sorot : spotlight, searchlight

lamunan : day-dream

lamur : myopic

lancang : underbred, impolite, rude, brash, bold

lancar : fluent, swimmingly

lancung : spurious

landa : attack, knock down

landai : slope slightly (of hillocks, etc)

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landaian : hilt of a kris

landak : porcupine

landak : hedgehog

landasan : anvil

langau : hornet

langgam : way, custom, style, melody, tune

langgam suara : idiom

langganan : customer, subscription, client, regular

langgar : mosque, trespass, violate, break

langgeng : eternal, imperishable

langit : heaven, sky, divine

langit-langit : ceiling, canopy

langit-langit mulut : palate

langitan : palate

langka : scarce, rare

langkah : step, pace, stride, move

langkah kecil : canter

langkan : balustrade

langsing : slight, slender, slim

langsiran : yard

langsung : lineal, direct, straightway

lanjai : slim, slender

lanjur : protracted, stretched, dragged out

lanjutan : intermediate, advanced

lantai : floor

lantang : shrill, piercing, clear, distinct

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lantaran : because, cause

lantas : then, afterwards

lantik : install, inaugurate someone

lantunan : rebound, reflection

laos : galingale

lap piring : dishtowel

lapangan : scope, airdrome

lapangan kerja : vocation

lapangan terbang : airport, airfield

lapangan terbuka : esplanade

lapar : hungry

lapiran : ply

lapisan : precipitate, mantle, lining, layer, slick, glaze

lapisan lemak : blubber

lapisan luar : facing

laporan : report, minutes, brief, breakdown, advisory

laporan berkala : newsletter

lara : ill, sick, painful

larangan : prohibition, interdiction, embargo, debarment

larap : in demand, selling

lari : canter, run, bolt, abscond

lari cepat : sprint, bolt

larik : row, line

larikan : row, line

laring : larynx

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laris : popular, in demand, selling well

laron : ant-fly, flying white ant

lars : boot, especially military boots

latah : madly in love, imitation of speech, etc

latar belakang : backdrop, background

latihan : rehearsal, practice, training, exercise

latihan militer : drill

lauk-pauk : side dish

laut : sea, marine

lautan teduh : the pacific ocean

lawak : jest, joke, gag, buffoon, feeding trough

lawakan : joke, jest

lawan : opposite, opponent, versus, converse

lawan asas : paradox

lawan kata : antonym

lawan utama : archrival

layak : reasonable, fit, suitable, worthy

layak pilih : eligible

layaknya : as if

layanan : service

layang-layang : kite

layar : sail, monitor, screen, dawn

laymen : orang awam

layu : swift, fade, withered, wilt, sear

lebah : bee

lebah jantan : drone

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lebam : sound made a falling object, small edible fish

lebar : broad, breadth, wide, amplitude

lebih : plus

lebih baik : preferable, better

lebih dari biasanya : above-average

lebih dulu : earlier, before, anticipatory, prior, anterior

lebih jauh : further

lebih rendah : lower

lebih suka : prefer

lebih tua : senior, elder

lebihan : leftover

lebur : smelted, dissolved, melted

leburan : smelting

lecah : muddy, glutinous

lecek : worn (of latches, locks, etc), disheveled

lecet : abrasion, chafed, blister (on foot, etc)

ledakan : explosion, burst, outburst, blowup

lega : relief, commodious, capacious

legas : canter

legislatif : legislative, law making

legiun : legion

legowo : humble

leher : neck

leher botol : bottleneck

lekas berlalu : ephemeral

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lekas marah : choleric, irascible, bilious

lekas mengerti : perceptive

lekuk : dent, crook, groove, concave

lekukan : dint, curvature, indentation

lelah : tire

lelang : auction

lelehan : a trickle

leluasa : free and easy

lelucon : gag, joke, buffoonery

leluhur : ancestry

lem : paste, glue, goo

lemah : thin, puny, enervate, weak, effete, foible

lemah-lembut : gentle, docile, mansuetude

lemah-lembut : sweet-tempered

lemah syahwat : impotent

lemak : fat

lemak babi : bacon, lard

lemak susu : butterfat

lemari : cupboard, locker, cabinet

lemari berlaci : commode

lemari buku : bookcase

lemari es : ice box

lemari pakaian : bureau

lemas : elastic

lembab : indolent, humid, dank, damply, damp, moist

lembaga pemasyarakatan : correctional institution

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lembah : valley, vale, hollow, gap, dale, glen, dell

lembam : inert

lembar : gemination

lembaran : sheet

lembek : soft, enervate

lembing : javelin, dart, spear

lembu : cow, cattle

lembu jantan : ox

lembur : overtime

lembut : soft, mellow, pliable, balmy, lithesome

lempang : straight

lemparan : toss, throw

lempeng : plate, slab, something broad and flat

lempengan jam : dial

lempok : kind of candied fruit (often durian)

lempung : loam, clay

lencana : badge, emblem, pin, insignia

lendir : mucilage, plegm, mucus

lengan : arm

lengan atas : upper arm

lengan depan : fore arm

lengan kursi : armchair

lengang : lonely, deserted, quiet, slack, vacant

lengar : dazed, drowsy, dizzy

lengas : clammy, moist, damp, humid, moisture

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lengkap : intact, complete

lengket : sticky, adhering

lengkungan : bend

lengser : slide down, grease something, baking pan

lensa : lens

lensa mata : eyepiece

lentera : lantern, beacon

lentur : malleable

lentur : ductile, sag, limber, flexible

lenyap : vanish

lepas : disconnected, missing, loose

lepasan : graduate, alumna, alumnus, former, ex

lepuh : blister

lereng : declivity, cant

lereng bukit : hillside

lereng siku-siku : bevel

lerengan : slope

lestari : abiding, eternal, everlasting, long-lasting

lesu : languid, lack adaisical

lesung pipit : dimple

letak : situation, lie

letih : weary

letnan : lieutenant

letupan : explosion

letusan : outburst, gushing, eruption, blast, bang

lewat : pass, via, by

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lezat : palatable, delicious

liang : den

liang peranakan : vagina

liar : wild

liat : pliant, tough, gristly

liburan : holiday, vacation, pastime

licik : cagey, artful

lidah : tongue

lift : elevator

lihai : sly, cagey, adroit

lihat : peek, see, look

liku : curve

lilin : parrafin, glim, candle, wax, beeswax

lilit : convolution, turn, twist

lilitan : winding, coil, twist

lilitnya : circumference

limas : pyramid

limau : lime

limbah : waste, cesspool

limbung : unsteady because top heavy, bewildered, confused

limbung : inner harbor, dry dock, fenced-in bathing place

limpah : abundant, affluent, overflow, plentiful, profuse

limpah-ruah : crammed full, chockfull

limpahan : overflow, gift

limun : lemonade

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lincah : lively, unsteady

lingga : phallus

linggis : crowbar, handspike

lingkar : convolution

lingkaran : sphere, rim, circle

lingkaran penjagaan : cordon

lingkaran setan : vicious circle

lingkaran sinar : corona

lingkungan : neighborhood, environment

lingkungan pergaulan : millieu

linglung : absent-minded

lintah : leech

lintah darat : usurer, money lender, bloodsucker

lintang-pukang : topsyturvy, tumble

lintas : pass, move (quickly) across

lintasan : track, path, way, line, trajectory

lipan : centipede, millepede

lipas : cockroach

lipat tiga : threefold

lipatan : fold, flounce, pleat, crease, quill

lipen : lipstick

lipenstip : lipstick

lipur : comfort, consolation, solace

lipuran : mitigation

liputan : cover, coverage

lirik : sharp glance, a glance to left or right, lyrics

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lirikan : sidelong glance, look

lisan : verbal, oral

listrik : electricity

liter : litre

loba : avaricious, greedy

lobak : radish, turnip

lobang : hole, slot, aperture

lofty : mulia

logam : metal, calamine

logam barium : barium

logaritma : logarithm

logat : brogue, dialect, accent

logika : logic

logis : logical

logistik : logistic

lokomotip : locomotive

lolos : slip off, slip away, bolt (from jail)

lompat : bolt

lompat galah : pole-jumping

lompatan : hop, leap, bridgehead

loncat : capriole

loncatan : jump, plunge, bound

lonceng : bell

longgar : loose

longsor : sag

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lonjong : oval

lonte : lihat: pelacur

loper koran : newsboy

lori : lorry

lorong : alleyway, alley

lorong sempit : corridor

losmen : inn

loteng : loft, garret, attic, story

lowong : vacant

lowongan : vacancy, gap

loyo : weak, faint, exhausted

luang : spare, empty, vacant, free

luar : out, open

luar biasa : preternatural

luar biasa : formidable

luar biasa : unbelievable, incredible, extraordinary, colossal

luar biasa : remarkable, phenomenal, immensely, exceptional

luar kota : countryside

luar negeri : abroad

luas : far-ranging (discussion), amplitude

luas : extensive, extent, dimensional, commodious

luas : wide, vast, expansive, comprehensive, capacious

luasnya : immensity, ampleness, width, area, extent, scope

lubang : cavity, bore

lubang jalan : pothole

lubang kancing : buttonhole

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lubang kunci : keyhole

lubang palka : hatch

lubang perangkap : pitfall

lubang perlindungan : bunker

lubang terowongan : pit

lubuk hati : subconsciousness

lucu : funny, comic, gaga, burlesque, arch, jocular

lucu-lucuan : not seriously

ludah : saliva, spittle

ludes : finished, all gone (of money, etc)

lugas : simple, unadorned, businesslike

lugu : rube, simple, plain, unadorned

luhung : noble, supreme, superb, exquisite

luhur : high, glorious, supreme, lofty (ideals), upright

luka : sore, wound, hurt

luka-luka : injury

luka bakar : burn, scald

luka berat : trauma

luka bernanah : ulcer

luka goresan : abrasion

luka memar : contusion, bruise

luka perasaan : offense

lukisan : drawing, painting

lukisan huruf : monogram

lulusan : graduate, alumnus, alumni

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lumas : grease

lumat : fine, pulverized

lumatan : something crushed into bits

lumayan : goodly, tolerable, appreciable, moderate

lumbung : granary

lumpuh : paralyze, game

lumpur : mud, ooze, mire, slush, slosh, slime, sludge

lumrah : normal, customary, usual, commonplace, ordinary

lumrahnya : usually, ordinarily

lumur : a smear

lumuran : something smeared

lumut : moss

lunak : soft, lenient, bland

lunas : paid, settled, keel

luntang-lantung : dangle, bop up and down, drift about

luntur : discolor

lupa : forget

lupa daratan : unbridled

luput : overshoot, slipped away, not on target

lurah : village chief

luruh : drop, be touching to the heart

lurus : straight

lusa : the day after tomorrow

lusin : dozen

lusinan : by the dozen

lutut : knee

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maaf : pardon, mercy, sorry

mabuk : trance, drunker, drunk, tipsy

mabuk udara : airsick

macam : kind, sort, variety

macan : tiger

macan tutul : leopard

macet : interference, disturbance, stuck, out of order

macet : traffic delay, asleep, misfire

maciok : mahjong

macok : mahjong

mada : stupid, feebleminded, dull

madah : eulogy, praise, stanza

madahan : songs

madan : mine

madan mas : gold mine

madang : eat rice

madani : civic

madap : face

maddi : material rather than spiritual

madikipe : swear word, mother-fucker

madipantat : swear word, mother-fucker

madon : chase after women

madona : madonna

madu : honey

madzhab : school

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magang : apprentice

magnit : magnetic

magnit listrik : electromagnit

maha besar : enormous, gigantic, fury

maha kuasa : omnipotent, almighty

maha pengampun : oft-forgiving

maha raja : kaiser

maha tahu : omniscient, all-knowing

mahal : expensive, dear

maharaja : king of king

mahasiswa : student

mahir : adept, accomplished

mahkota : diadem, crown

mahkota bangsawan : coronet

mahluk : creature

mahluk yang bergerak sendiri : automaton

mahoni : mahogany

main : play, perform

main-main : dawdle, act

mainan : toy

majalah : magazine

majalah bergambar : pictorial

majelis : assembly

majemuk : composite, compound

majikan : boss, employer

maju : onwards, advanced, forward

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maju dengan pesat : thrive

maju terus : onward

maka : then, accordingly

makam : tomb

makam besar ? : mausoleum

makan : meal, eat

makan daging : carnivorous

makan dengan rakus : guzzle

makan malam : supper, sup, dinner

makan pagi : breakfast

makan seadanya : potluck

makan siang : lunch

makan sumpah : to forswear oneself

makanan : nourishment, meal, food, edibles, board

makanan-makanan : victuals

makanan anjing : dog food

makanan burung : birdseed

makanan dewa : ambrosia

makanan enak : goody

makanan hewan : fodder

makanan kecil : snack, canape

makanan laut : seafood

makanan pencuci mulut : dessert

makanan pokok : staple food

makar : attack, assault, trick, tactics

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makara : capricorn

makbul : granted, fulfilled, answered, accepted

makelar : broker

makhluk hidup : mortal

makian : shit, invective, abuse

makin : more and more, increasingly

makin baik : better

maklum : well-known, understand, know

makmur : affluent, prosper

makna : mean

maksiat : immoral, in violation of God's law

maksimal : maximal

maksimum : maximum

maksud : purpose, mean, intent, intension, game, device

maktab : Quranic elementary school

maktub : recorded

mala : disaster, misfortune, accident, spot, stain, flaw

malah : in fact, instead, on the contrary

malahan : instead

malaikat : cherubim, angel, cherub

malaikat utama : archangle

malam : parrafin, night, evening, eve

malam ini : tonight

malang : unlucky, poor, down, baleful, hapless

malangnya : unfortunately, alas

malapetaka : havoc, doom, disaster

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malas : lazy, indolent, sluggish, slack

malu : bashful, disgrace, mortification, shy, shame

malu-malu : timid, shy

malu-malu kucing : pussy foot

mampet : stopped up (of nose)

mampir : look in, drop in, come by, call at

mampu : able, adequate, apt, proper, good, fit, efficient

mampus : die

mana saja : whichever

mancanegara : abroad

mandar : kind of waterfowl, ethnic group in Sulawesi

mandataris : one entrusted with a mandate

mandau : kind of sword made in Borneo

mandeg : see: mandek

mandek : stop, get stuck, stall, stagnate

mandeng : knowing one's proper position

mandi : bath, bathe, bathing, dip, tub, lave

mandiri : self-supporting, be autonomous, stand alone

mandor kapal : boatswain

mandul : sterile, infertile

manfaat : utility, benefit

mangap : gape, yawn

mangga : mango

manggut : nod

manggut-manggut : nod the head

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mangkal : have as one's base of operations

mangkir : absent, truant

mangkok : bowl, cup

mangkuk : porringer

mangsa : prey, kill

maniak : maniac

manik-manik : bead

manis : engageing, cute, adorable, dulcet, kind, sweet

manisan : candied, confection, bonbon

manja : spoiled, attached, friendly, intimate

manjur : efficacious

manset : cuff

mantan : ex, erstwhile, former

mantap : unshaken, unshakeable, firm, strong

mantel : cloak, mantle, overcoat, cope

mantel mandi : bathrobe

mantel tanpa lengan : cape

mantera : incantation, charm, magic sentence

manusia : human

manusia luar biasa : superhuman, superman

manusia pemakan manusia : anthropophagus

manut : obedient, tending to follow orders from above

manutan : of an obedient type

map : folder

mapan : established

marabahaya : disasters, calamities of all sorts, perils

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marah : shirty, chafe, angry, anger, crusty, crabbed

marah : wroth, wrathful, mad, irate, indignant

marah kepada : enraged

marak : glow, luster

maraton : marathon

marcapada : the earth

marga satwa : wildlife

margarin : margarine

mari : let, please

marilah : let's....

maritim : maritime

markas besar : headquarters

marmer : marble

marsekal : marshal

martabat : dignity, grade, rank, status, prestige, value

martir : martyr

mas kawin : dower

masa : term, tense, season, period, era, epoch

masa bayi : babyhood

masa belajar pertukangan : apprenticeskip

masa depan : future

masa dewasa : adulthood

masa gawat : crisis

masa kanak-kanak : boyhood

masa kecil : childhood

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masa kini : present, current

masa lalu : past

masa lima tahun : lustrum

masa muda : youth

masa penting : climacteric

masa percobaan : probation

masa pubertas : puberty

masa remaja : girlhood, bloom, adolescence

masa sesudah masehi : ad

masak : cook, mature, ripe

masakan : dish, cuisine, brew

masalah : problem, trouble, complication, question

masam : wry, sour

masdar : infinitive

masgul : see: masygul

mashur : renowned, famous, well-known

masih : yet, still

masih ada : extant

masing-masing : every, each

masinis : machinist, enginedriver

maskapai : company, enterprise

maskara : mascara

maslahat : use, benefit

massa : mass, community

masturbasi : masturbation

masuk : go in, enter

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masuk akal : reasonable, rational, plausible, coherent

masuk rumah sakit : hospitalize

masukan : input

masya allah : God Heavens!, My God!

masyarakat : society, public

masygul : sad, downhearted

masyrik : the Orient

masyuk : beloved, sweetheart

mata : eye

mata-keranjang : heartbreaker

mata-mata : spy, emissary, detective

mata air : spring

mata air panas belerang : spa

mata biasa : naked eye

mata dadu : die

mata gelap : delirium

mata kail : barb

mata kaki : ankle

mata keranjang : heart-breaker, amorous

mata kucing : opal

mata pelajaran : course

mata pencaharian : living, livelyhood

mata pisau : blade

mata rantai : link

mata senapan : back sight

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mata terbelalak : wildeyed

mata uang : currency, coin

mata ujian : credit

matahari : sun, sol, solar

matahari terbenam : sunset

matahari terbit : sunrise

matang : ripe, mature

materialistis : materialistic

materiaslisme : materialism

materil : material

mati : off, fade away, die, death, dead

mati haid : menoupause

mati kelaparan : starve

mati rasa : numb

mati tenggelam : drowned

mau : want, willing

mau dihadapkan : game

mau mendengarkan : responsive

mau tak mau : willy nilly

maujud : concrete, real, tangible

maujudat : all that has existence, the universe

maulana : our Lord

maulid : Prophet Muhammad's Birthday

maulud : see: maulid

maung : stinking, disgusting, roar of a tiger, tiger

maunya : would like

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maupun : although, inspite of the fact, as well as

maupun tidak : nor

maut : death, hour of death for humans, tremendeous

mawar : rose

mawas diri : introspective, introspection

maya : illusion, hallucination, transparent

mayang : spadix, palm blossom

mayapada : world of the heavens

mayat : stiff, corpse, carcass, body

mayat hidup : zombie

mayor : major

mayoritas : majority

mazhab : school of thought (concerning Muslim Law), sect

mazmur : psalm

mbak : term of address to a Javanese woman contemporary

mbeling : naughty, antiestablishment

mbengok : yell, shout

mblekek : oversatiated, overfull

mbok : coaxing particle

meangsui : see: angsu

mebel : furniture

mececah : see: cecah

medali : medal

medan pertempuran : battlefield

medis : medic

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medit : stingy

meditasi : meditation

medok : speaking with a heavy accent

meja : table, desk

meja tulis : bureau

meja tulis kecil : davenport

mejeng : hanging around

mekar : blossom

melabakan : profit, benefit something

melabur : calcimine

melacak : track

melacur : carry on or perform prostitution

meladeni : cater, attend, wait on, serve, take care of

melafalkan : pronounce

melahap : gobble

melahirkan : give birth to, childbirth, calve, beget

melaifkan : attenuate, weaken, enfeeble

melainkan : but (rather), only, except for

melajang : remain unmarried

melaju : move quickly

melajukan : accelerate, speed up

melak : seal, seal with wax

melakonkan : act out, present a play

melaksanakan : actualize

melakukan : make, bring about, undertake

melakukan : conduct, perpetrate, perform, commit, carry out

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melakur : mix iron with other metals

melalaikan : forsake, neglect, ignore, be indifferent to

melalap : eat raw vegetables, eat voraciously

melalui : via, experience, pass through, by means of

melalukan : take through, cause to pass through

melamar : apply

melambai-lambai : wave repeatedly

melambai-lambaikan : repeatedly wave something

melambaikan : wave

melambangkan : epitomize, symbolize

melambung : bounce

melambungkan : bounce

melampaui : overshoot, outstep

melampaui batas : abuse, overshoot the mark

melampiaskan : release, give full rein to

melampirkan : attach, append

melamun : vacant, quixotic, attach, day-dream

melancarkan : expedite

melancong : trapes, travel, make journey, make a trip

melanda : attack violently, knock down

melanggar : violate, encroachupon, offend, violate, infringe

melanggar masuk : poach

melanggar peraturan : disorder

melanggar sopan santun : scandalize

melanggengkan : perpetuate, preserve

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melangit : soar skyward, sky high

melangkah : stride, step

melangkahi : stride

melanjutkan : continue

melantang : become loud

melantik : install, induct, inaugurate

melantun : rebound, reflect, ricochet

melantunkan : make something ricochet

melantur : stray (from a path), digress

melantur-lantur : digressive

melapis dengan baja : mail

melapisi : overlay

melaporkan : denounce, declare, report

melapuk : weather

melarang : prohibit, interdict, forbid, embargo, ban

melarang masuk : exclude

melarapkan : slacken, pay out (a rope)

melarat : ratty, vile, impecunious

melarik : arrange in rows, scan

melarikan diri : run away, escape, decamp, flee

melariskan : stimulate the sell of, sell, popularize

melarutkan : melt, dissolve

melas : miserable, inspiring pity

melata : creep, crawl, slither

melatih : train, exercise

melawak : joke, jest, banter

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melawan : resist, oppose, militate, contra, battle

melawan angin : upwind

melayakkan : make proper, bring something up to standard

melayang : waft, glide

melayani : cater, attend, wait on, serve, take care of

melayani sendiri : self-service

melayat : make a visit of condolence

melayukan : shrivel

melebar : widen, grow wider

melebarkan : ream

melebih-lebihkan : exaggerate

melebihi : weather, surpass, overbear, go above, excel

melebihi yang biasa : exorbitant

melebihkan : overdo

melebur : melt, fuse, destroy, wipe out, merge

meleburkan : fuse, smelt, join, affiliate something with

melecehkan : harass

melecet : chafed, become blistered, scratched (a paint job

melecetkan : chafe, rub (the skin, etc), scuff (one's shoes

meledak : burst

meledakkan : explode, detonate, burst

meledakkan bom : bomb

melego : sell

melek : literate, be awake, be aware of the world

melek huruf : literacy

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melekat : glutinous, cling, adhere

melekatkan : affix

melelang : sell at auction, auction off

melelangkan : put out to contract

melelangkan : sell at auction

meleleh : thaw

melemahkan : enfeeble, enervate, debilitate, weaken

melembutkan : dulcify

melempar : throw, extrude

melempari : pelt

melemparkan : hurl, fling, dash away, dart, cast

melempem : soggy, not properly dry and crisp, lack hardness

melenceng : veer, swerve, turn

melengangkan : empty, vacate, clear out

melengas : become moist

melengaskan : moisten, dampen

melengkapi : furnish, equip, endue, complementary, adjust

melengkapkan : complete, fulfil

melengket : cohere, stick, adhere

melengketi : adhere to

melengketkan : make something adhere

melengking : sharp

melengkung : buckle

melengos : turn one's head to the side

melengser : slide down, grease something

melenguh : exhale, sigh

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melensa : lenticular

melenyap : fade away, vanish, disappear

melepas : dismiss, untie, loose

melepaskan : waive, unscrew, undo, unbend, relinquish

melepaskan : dislocate, disentangle, disengage, disembarrass

melepaskan diri : secede

melerai : break up fight, separate (fighters)

meleset : overshoot

melestarikan : continue, perpetuate, conserve, preserve

meletakkan : resign, lay, put

meletus : erupt

meletuskan : blast

melewati : go by, by way of, pass

melewati batas : intemperate

melibas : wipe out, clean out, defeat completely

melibatkan : involve, incriminate

meliburkan : send someone on vacation

melicinkan : sleek

melihat : view, spy, see, look, discern, behold, apprehend

melihat-lihat : look about, browse

melilit : entwine, enlace, wreathe, coil around

meliliti : twist, wind around

melilitkan : wind (thread, etc)

melimpah : abundant

melimpahi : flood, deluge, inundate

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melimpahkan : cause something ti spill over

melimpahkan : bestow, shower, give something generously

melindungi : save, protect, preserve

melingkari : encompass, encircle, belt

melingkungi : embosom

melintang : across, transversal, transverse

melintas : pass by, rush by, pass quickly, take a shortcut

melintasi : transit, go over

melipat : plait, pleat, fold, enfold

melipatduakan : redouble

melipit : hem something

meliput : cover

meliputi : include, pervade, involve, engulf, cover

melirik : steal a glance at, pierce, perforate

melokalisasi : localize

melolong : waul, yelp

meloloskan : slip off, release, allow something to get through

melompat : leap, spring, hop

melompat-lompat : cavort

melompatkan : caracole

melon : melon

meloncat-loncat : caper

meloncati : overleap

melonggarkan : loosen

melongo : gawk

melongok : take a peek

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melonjak : jump up

melonjak-lonjak : capriole

melontarkan : THROW, BROACH, BRING UP

melorot : dwindle, derogate, decadent

melotot : goggle

meluangkan : spare, vacate, make room for, make time for

meluap : overflow, ebullient, brim, overbrim

meluas : spread, extend, dilate, accrue

meluaskan : expand, broaden, widen

melubangi : perforate

melubangi dengan bor : bore

melucu : joke, be amusing

melucuti senjata : disarm

meludah : spit, expectorate

meludahi : spit on

meludahkan : spit something out

melugaskan : simplify

meluhurkan : exalt, glorify, ennoble

melukai : hurt, wound, injure, chafe, scathe

melukis : paint, draw

melukiskan : portray, describe

melukiskan kembali : recreate

melulu : exclusively, only

melumas : lubricate

melumasi : smear, grease, embrocate

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melumaskan : lubricate (with something)

melumat : pulverize, destroy, smash, crush

melumpuhkan : paralyze, kill, hamstring, demolish

melumuri : smear something with, soil, stain

melumurkan : daub, smear, soil, stain

melunakkan : attemper

melunasi : pay, settle (a debt), expiate (a sin)

melunaskan : amortization

meluncur : slide, skim

meluncur dengan cepat : hurtle

meluncurkan : launch

melupakan : forget, overlook, bury

meluputkan : free, release, cause to be off target

melur : jasmine

meluruh : disintegrate, become emotionally affected, drop

meluruhkan : cause something to fall

meluruskan : straighten, align

memaafkan : overlook, condone, forgive

memabukkan : intoxicate, hocus

memacetkan : clog or jam up

memacu : spur

memadahkan : express, pronounce, relate

memadai : adequate, enough

memadamkan : quell, put down, extinguish

memadatkan : compress, stow , solidify, tamp

memadukan : integrate

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memagari : palisade, rail

memahami : understand, comprehend, apprehend

memahat : sculpt, grave, emboss, carve

memainkan : play, manipulate

memainkan kembali : playback

memainkan lagi : replay

memajak : get taxes from

memajaki : pay taxes for

memajang : dress windows, display

memajangi : decorate

memajukan : modernize

memajukan pendidikan : edify

memakai : use, consume, apply, vesture

memakamkan : bury

memakan : eat, consume

memakan orang : man-eating

memaki : abuse, berate

memaki-maki : abuse, berate

memaklumi : be understanding of

memaksa : force, enforce, constrain, coerce

memaksakan : assert, force, compel

memaktubkan : write down

memalingkan : swing round, alter the course of, divert

memalsukan : debase, adulterate, counterfeit

memalukan : shameful, scandalize, embarrassing, disgraceful

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memamah : crunch

memamerkan : exhibit, show, demonstrate

memanah : shoot

memanas : getting warm, heating

memanasi : heat

memancang : ram, drive piles

memancangkan : embed, stick in, fasten

memancar : jet, emanate, spout, spray, gush, sprout

memancarkan : radiate, exude, effuse, spout, spray, broadcast

memancing : fishing, sniggle, fish, provoke, start something

memancung : prune

memandang : view, gaze, envisage, contemplate

memandang dengan marah : glower

memandang ke bawah : overlook

memandang rendah : despise

memandikan : tub, bathe

memandu : guide

memanfaatkan : exploit, take advantage, utilize

memang : indeed, certainly, absolutely, admittedly

memanggang : parch, broil, bake, toast

memanggil : summon, page, calling, call, beckon, address

memanggil rapat : convene

memanggul : carry on one's shoulder

memangkalkan : unload, discharge, put ashore

memangkas : trim, prune

memangkasi : mow, trim (the plants in an area)

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memangku : assume, manage, administer, run

memangsa : prey, eat, kill

memanipulasi : manipulate

memaniskan : dulcify

memanjakan : spoil, pamper, indulge, cosher, molly-coddle

memanjang : elongated, strect along a length, go along

memanjangkan : make something long

memanjat : climb, clamber, shin

memanjati : climb something, mount for copulation

memanjatkan : cause to climb, send up (to the heavens)

memantapkan : solidify, place on a solid footing

memantas : dress oneself up

memantaskan : make something compatible (of clothes)

memantau : monitor

memantul : bounce, rebound

memapah : bolster

memapakkan : smoothen, flatten

memapan : install boards

memaparkan : roll out, flatten, explain, relate

memar : bruise

memarahi : dress down, scold, chide, anger, tonk

memarahkan : infuriate

memarak : glow, flare up

memarakkan : light, brighten up

memarut : grate, rasp

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memasak : cook

memasak daging : braise

memasang : turn on, set, install, lay, assemble

memasang benang : tread

memasang lagi : reset

memasarkan : market

memashurkan : make someone famous, make something well-known

memasok : supply

memastikan : enactive

memasuki : enter, meddle in

memasukkan : slip, infuse, indent, incorporate, include

memasung : repress, muzzle

memasyarakat : conform to society's norm, be socialized

memasyarakatkan : socialize, rehabilitate (a criminal)

memasygulkan : arouse concern

mematahkan : break, discourage, discouraging

mematangkan : cook, let ripen

mematikan : off, switch off, turn off, mortal, kill

mematri : braze

mematuhi : obey

mematuk : peck

membabar : see: babar

membabarkan : spread, lay out, set out, explain, extend

membabat : see: babat

membabatkan : give a blow

membabi : storm, rage, act blindly, swine, a car suit

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membabitkan : see: babit

membabuti : carpet

membaca : read

membaca-baca : read repeatedly, pronounce, recite

membaca kode : decode

membaca naskah : edit

membaca sandi : decode

membacai : read over and over, pronounce, recite

membacakan : read aloud, recite

membacam : see: bacam

membacok : hack, stab, hit with a sharp edge

membadai : become a strong strom, rage, strom about

membadek : guess, devine

membadut : act like a clown

membagai : ridicule

membagan : design

membagasikan : check baggage

membagi : divide, share, dissever, dismember, deal

membagi-bagi : divide into separate parts

membagi-bagikan : see: membagikan

membagi dua : halve, bisect

membagi rata : apportion

membagikan : distribute, dispense, give away, share, allot

membagiratakan : devide equally

membagus-baguskan : flatter, play up to

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membagusi : improve

membaguskan : embellish, beautify

membahagiakan : make happy, bring happiness

membaham : chew with mouth closed

membahana : see: berbahana

membahas : talk over, discuss, critise, investigate, examine

membahayakan : endanger, jeopardize, imperil, threatent

membahkan : overflow, flood

membahu : shoulder to shoulder, shoulder

membaik : improve, become better, amend

membaiki : improve, repair, treat nicely

membaikkan : improve, treat well, do well by

membaja : become steel, become hard, become strong

membajai : blacken

membajak : plow, hijack, plunder, pirate

membajak pesawat : hijack

membajak sawah : plough

membajakan : stell, harden

membaji : wedge out

membajui : cast, put a dress on

membajul : womanise, chase women

membakakan : immortalise

membakar : burn, set on fire, inflame, bake

membakar mayat : cremate

membakari : burn up

membakat : indicate, imprending

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membakikan : reserve, set aside

membaktikan : dedicate

membakukan : standardise

membalah : oppose

membalap : race, compete, speed

membalapkan : at high speed

membalas : answer, reply, repay, reward, avenge, requite

membalas dendam : avenge

membalasi : reply to, reward

membalaskan : avenge

membalela : rebel, resist authority

membalik : turn around, ricochet, turn over, reverse, turn

membalik-balik : turn over and over, turn repeatedly

membalik-balikkan : keep turning

membaliki : return to, repeat

membalikkan : place upside, return, misrepresent, reserve

membaliknamakan : transfer ownership

membalsem : apply balsam

membalun : see: balun

membalurkan : spread, smear, coat

membalut : swaddle, bandage, first aid

membaluti : wrap, dress

membalutkan : wrap for

membambang : elope

membanat : see: banat

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membancikan : render powerless

membancuhkan : mix, blend

membandar : trade, serve as a croupier

membandari : be a croupier to

membandarkan : irrigate, flood water

membandel : stubborn, be naughty

membanding : compare with, appeal, compare

membandingi : balance, equal

membandingkan : compare

membandul : swing, hang

membanduli : counter balance

membandut : tie together, patch up

membangatkan : quicken

membangga : be proud

membanggakan : boast

membangkai : become a carcass

membangkang : see: bangkang

membangkangi : rebel against

membangkar : become rigid

membangkit : arouse, rise up

membangkit-bangkitkan : dig up

membangkitkan : generate, evore, raise, arouse, provoke

membangkitkan gairah : excite

membangkrutkan : cause someone or something to become bankrupt

membangun : build, construct, develop, rise, constructive

membangun kembali : rebuild

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membanguni : repeatedly build, awaken

membangunkan : erect, build up, shape, constitute, arouse

membanjarkan : line up

membanjir : in floods, rush en masse

membanjiri : inundate, flood, overrun, inundate, drown

membanjuri : pour on

membantah : refute, disagree, dispute with

membantahi : argue with, oppose

membantahkan : dispute, debate

membantai : slaughter, finish up

membanting-tulang : plod, scrabble, drudge, plug

membanting pintu : bang

membantingkan : slam

membantu : help, support, assist

membantukan : assign, detail

membantun : see: bantun

membantuni : weed thoroughly

membantut : hinder

membanyak : increase

membanyakkan : multiply, in crease, reproduce

membanyol : to crack jokes, tell joke, joke, play the clown

membaptis : baptize, baptise, convert

membara : smoulder, byrn

membarah : fester

membarak : segregare

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membarakan : set ablase, illuminate, inflame

membarat : go west

membaratkan : westernise

membarengi : accompany, be close to

membarengkan : synchronise

membaring : take a bearing

membaringi : lie on

membaringkan : put to bed

membaris : from a line

membariskan : arrange in rows, drill a group

membarui : renew, modernise, refurbish, regenerate, reform

membarukan : make new

membarut : dress, swathe

membasah : become moist, wet, freshen

membasahi : moisten, dampen, damp

membasahkan : moisten

membasahkuyupi : soak, damp, fresh, remunerative

membasi : take a commission

membasikan : let spoil

membasmi : exterminate, eradicate, deracinate, annihilate

membasmi hama : disinfect

membasmi sampai akarnya : stub

membastar : interbreed

membasuh : wash, rinse, slop

membasung : see: basung

membata-bata : ambivalent

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membatak : rob, wander

membatalkan : postpone, revoke, cancel, delay, avoid, annul

membatalkan : rescind, quash, nullify, disqualify, countermand

membatang : erect

membatasi : limit, curb, form the border of, restrict

membatasi : define, curtail, bound, border, abridge

membataskan : limit

membatik : do batik work

membatiki : apply a batik pattern on

membatikkan : transform into batik

membatinkan : keep secret

membatu : petrify, mile stone, artificial diamond

membatui : pave, stone, arrange stones

membatukkan : cough up

membau : smell a rat

membaui : smell

membaur : diffuse, assimilate

membauri : blend into

membaurkan : mix, confound

membaut : bolt

membawa : carry, bring, take along, transport, bring about

membawa-bawa : involve

membawa kabar : word to bring

membawa maut : lethal, fatal, deadly

membawa perbaikan : edify

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membawahi : be under, supervise

membawahkan : be in charge of

membawakan : bring, present, portray, recite

membayang : cloud over, be reflected, appear

membayang-bayangi : keep watch over

membayang-bayangkan : dangle, try to imagine

membayangi : shade, shadow

membayangkan : reflect an image, show, imagine, adumbrate

membayangkiaskan : imply

membayankan : explain

membayar : pay, disburse, see: bayar

membayar kembali : repay

membayar lebih dulu : prepay

membayari : pay for

membayarkan : pay out

membayat : initiate, honor

membeban : burdening

membebang : strangulate

membebangkan : asphysiate

membebani : burden, assess

membebani tanggungjawab : overlay

membebankan : put upon, burden with

membebaskan : divest, acquitted, acquit, absolve

membebaskan : free, emancipate, enfranchise, set free, absolve

membebaskan diri : defecate

membebat : bandage

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membebati : bandage

membebek : parrot, quack, imitate

membeber : spread, open up, unfurl, reveal

membeberkan : spread out, expand, unfold, proclaim, explain

membecaki : pock

membeda-bedakan : differentiate between

membedah : dissect, operate, cut open

membedakan : inflict, distinguish, discriminate, differentiate

membedel : operate on

membedil : fire, use a rifle

membedili : shoot at

membedol : uproot

membedung : swathe

membega : aim

membegal : rob, hijack

membegari : circle around

membejati : damage, harm

membejatkan : see: membejati

membekalkan : supply

membekap : muffle

membekas : see: berbekas

membekasi : leave a print on

membekaskan : leave behind

membeking : support

membekingi : support

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membeklit : see: beklit

membeku : rigid, inflexible, unbending, freeze, over, clot

membeku : dry, congealed, congeal, become immobile

membekuk : see: bekuk

membekukan : freeze, put on ice, congeal, coagulate

membel : ring a bell

membela : look after, help, defend, defend, protect, plead

membelah : slit, rive, rend, cleave

membelah : split, cleave, rip apart, cut a cross

membelah-hancurkan : rip apart, destroy

membelai : fondle

membelai-belai : repeatedly caress

membelakangi : back to back

membelakangkan : postpone, neglect, pass over

membelalak : open wide

membelalaki : out stare, stare down

membelalakkan : look at, open wide

membelalang : stare

membelalangi : stare at

membelandang : run fast

membelangi : create spots on

membelanjai : finance, bear the expense of

membelanjakan : spend, expend

membelaskasihani : pity

membelasut : growl, snarl

membelasuti : snarl at

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membelat : put in splints

membelek : operate on

membelenggu : handcuff, shackle, enchain

membelengket : see: belengket

membelengkik : curve

membelerang : fumigate

membeli : buy, purchase, obtain with

membeli sandang : clothe

membelikan : buy for

membelintangkan : place across

membelit : wind around, bind, involve

membeliti : wind

membelitkan : wreathe

membelok : bank, fetter, turn

membeloki : turn at the a place

membelokkan : put about, turn, divert, distort, deflect

membelot : desert, see: berbelot

membeludak : explode, rage

membelukari : overgrow

membelulang : calloused

membenahi : fix, get ready

membenahkan : put in order

membenakan : like, care about

membenalu : be a parasite

membenalui : mooch off

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membenam : sink out, envelop

membenamkan : immerse, drown, suppress, sink, scuttle

membenang : stringy, be interminable

membenar : adjust

membenar-benar : adjust

membenar-benari : take seriously, do seriously

membenari : advise, persude

membenarkan : correct, straighten, approve of, permit

membenarkan : corroborate, compensate, confirm, justify

membencanai : disturb, deceive

membencanakan : endanger, imperil

membenci : hate, see: benci

membencikan : abominate, hate, odious

membendakan : make into money

membendel : bundle

membenderai : decoration with flag

membendung : dam, dam up, stem, repress

membendungi : damm up

membengang : see: bengang

membengis : be angry with

membengisi : see: membengis

membengkak : swell, increase, bloat

membengkakkan : bulge, bloat

membengkar : see: bengkar

membengkengi : anger, nag

membengkok : turn, bend

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membengkok-bengkok : corrugate

membengkokkan : warp, clamp, decline, bow, bend

membengong : act dazed

membenguk : be angry

membenih : be at the root

membenihkan : germinate, conceive

membeningkan : purify, clear

membentak : snap at, bark out

membentang : spread out, reach

membentangkan : explain, span, outspan

membentar : see: bentar

membentari : run around

membentengi : embattle, fortify

membenteri : circle

membentrokkan : bring into conflict

membentuk : form, compose, fashion, curve

membentur : bend, bow, collide, crash

membenum : see: benum

membeo : parrot, imitate

membera : become dark red

memberai-beraikan : spread

memberak : defecate

memberaki : defecate on, disgrace, dishonor

memberandal : be a gangster or bandit

memberang : become angry, furious

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memberangkatkan : dispatch, send

memberangsang : see: berangsang

memberangsangkan : make angry, instigate

memberangus : censor, muzzle

memberanikan : infatuate, encourage, foster

memberanikan diri : embolden, dare, brave

memberantas : see: berantas

memberat : become heavy

memberati : weigh down, weigh on, saddle

memberatkan : load with hallast, strengthen, stress

memberatkan : burdensome, aggravate, make things difficult for

memberdayakan : empower

memberengut : mutter

memberentang : see: berentang

memberesi : put in order, take good care of

membereskan : clear up, tidy, put in order, order, arrange

memberhalakan : worship

memberi : vest, impart, give, afford, offer, let, put on

memberi ampun : absolve

memberi contoh : exemplify

memberi gelar : entitle, dub

memberi isyarat : beckon

memberi kesaksian : testify

memberi kesan : suggest

memberi keterangan : annotate

memberi kuasa : endorse, empower

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memberi makan : nourish, feed

memberi malu : abash

memberi mentega : butter

memberi nasehat : tip

memberi panas : calorfic

memberi petunjuk : lead

memberi puas : gratify

memberi reaksi : behave

memberi simpanan : bailor

memberi tanda : earmark

memberi tekanan : accent, pressurize

memberi tempat : shelter

memberi umpan : bait

memberikan : lay, supply, give, hand over, cede, attach

memberikan komentar : comment

memberitahu : inform, see: beritahu

memberitahukan : notify, inform about

memberitakan : report about

memberkas : bind, concentrate

memberkati : bless, endow

memberlakukan : put into effect, cause to be effective

membernaskan : give shape to

memberondong : fire a volley, shell, bombard

memberondongkan : fire a volley, shell, bombard

memberongsong : see: berongsong

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memberontak : break loss, rebel

memberontaki : rebel against, resist

membersihkan : clean up, rid, purify, purification, purgative

membersihsucikan : purify, innocent, pure, net

membersil : see: bersil

membersit : burst out, protrude, be prominent

membersitkan : whip, exude

membersut : see: bersut

memberungut : see: berungut

memberunguti : grumble about

memberus : brush

membesar : dilate, expand, grow up, increase

membesar-besarkan : exaggerate, dramatize

membesarkan : enlarge, zoom, ream, raise, magnify, revere

membesarkan hati : hearten

membeset : skin, occupy

membeslah : seize

membestel : order

membesut : improve

membetah-betahkan : see: membetahkan

membetahi : like

membetahkan : put at case

membetas : rip, crack

membeting : like a shoal

membeton : enclose in concrete

membetot : remove forcibly

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membetul : straighten

membetuli : repair, correct

membetulkan : repair, rectify, straighten, revise

membhinekakan : diversify

membiak : flourish

membiakkan : breed, cultivate

membiangkeladikan : origin

membiangselisihkan : confuse, essence

membiarkan : forgo, let, desert, connive, permit, neglect

membias : drift off

membiasa-biasakan : cause to be natural

membiasakan : habituate, accustom, inure

membiaskan : refract

membiayai : defray, finance

membiayakan : spend

membicarakan : discuss, talk about

membidangkan : classify, enlarge

membidas : see: bidas

membidik : aim, peer, take aim, engage in sharpbooting

membidikkan : shoot at, point the gun at

membiji : grade

membikin : make, fix, cast a spell

membikin-bikin : fabricate

membikinkan : make on behalf of

membilai : lengthen, fill teeth, add

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membilang : count, take into account

membilangi : say to

membilangkan : say, tell

membilas : rinse, see: bilas

membilasi : wash off

membimbangkan : cause, hesitation

membimbing : lead by hand, lead, conduct

membimbit : see: bimbit

membina : build, develop

membinar : radiate

membinasakan : destroy, exterminate, kill of, devastate

membinatangkan : degrade

membincangkan : discuss, talk about

membincul : bruise

membingkah : smash to bits

membingkai : frame

membingkaikan : frame

membingkas : bounce, jump up

membingungkan : perplexing, perplex, embarrassing, distract

membingungkan : confuse, disconcert, bewildering, bewilder

membintangi : star in

membirahikan : erotic

membiru : turn blue

membisik : whisper

membisiki : whisper to, whisper at, prompt

membisikkan : whisper, suggest

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membisingkan : daze, ear-deafening

membiskan : send by bus

membisu : keep quiet

membisukan : eliminate

membisul : ulcerate

membius : anaesthetize, anesthetise

membiusi : drug, captivate

membiuskan : see: membiusi

memblaster : see: blaster

memble : pout, be sullen, ugly, lousy, no good

membleseki : cram into

memblok : obstruct

memblokade : to blockade

memblokir : blockade

membobok : see: bobok

membobol : break into

membobolkan : pierce, penetrate, ruin

membobrokkan : collapse

membocorkan : divulge, cause leak

membodohi : fool

membodohkan : keep ignorant

membohongi : rook

memboikot : boycott, ostracize

memboking : program, book

membokingkan : reserve a space

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membokong : secretly, attack from the rear

membokongi : turn the buttocks to

membolehkan : let, permit, allow

membolongi : put a hole in

membolos : desert, escape, play-truant

membom : bombard, bomb, see: bom

membomi : see: bom

membonceng : get a ride, hitch hike, bum

membongkar : force open, break in, disclose, open up

membongkar : unpack, unload, pry, dismantle, demolish, burglar

membongkar-bangkir : spread

membongkar kemah : decamp

membongkar muatan : unload

membongkari : take apart

membor : drill

membordil : embroider

memborgolkan : see: borgol

memborok : fester

memborong : buy wholesale, take over, cumulate

memborongkan : sell wholesale

memboros : be wasteful

memboroskan : be liberal with, waste, squander, fritter

membosankan : tedious, monotonous, drab, bore, boring, arid

membotak : become bald

membotaki : shave off all hair, strip

memboyong : move, capture

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membrondong : fire a volley, shell

membuahi : impregnate

membuahkan : bear fruit, produce

membuai : stroke

membual : lie, brag, bubble up

membual-bual : bubble up, brag

membualkan : spout, brag about

membuang : throw, outcast, cast, reject, dump, banish

membuang-buang : misspend

membuang-buang waktu : timewasting

membuang air besar : defecate

membuang suku kata : elide

membuang waktu : dilly dally, dawdle

membuas : be cruel

membuaskan : make wild

membuat : manufacture, make, lay, establish, contrive, do

membuat-buat : pretend

membuat aturan : decree

membuat berbintik-bintik : speckle

membuat catatan : keep

membuat celah : slit

membuat galur : tread

membuat gelap : darken

membuat heran : nonplus

membuat kabur : blur

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membuat lagi : remake

membuat malu : mortify

membuat persamaan : depict

membuat putih : whiten

membuat rangkap : duplicate

membuat terang : brighten

membuat tuli : deafen

membuat undang-undang : legislate

membuat variasi : diversify

membuaya : creep on the belly, chase women

membuayai : heat, scare

membubarkan : disperse, dismiss, disembody, disband, disolve

membubuhi : affix, add to

membubuhkan : attach, affix, add, append

membubung : soar, rise, skyrocket

membubungkan : raise

membubur : make porridge

membubus : see: bubus

membubut : operate a lathe

membubuti : pluck hair

membudak : become a slave

membudakkan : see: memperbudak

membudaya : be entrenched

membudayakan : cultivate, civilize

membudidayakan : cultivate

membuhul : tie, conclude

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membuhulkan : make into a knot

membui : jail, lock up

membujang : be single, work as servant

membujuk : endlong, coax, canvass, candied, cajole, gloze

membujuk : persuade, wile, talk a person into

membujukkan : persuade

membujur : sweep, oval, stretch, lie alongside, run

membujurkan : lay out lengthwise

membuka : open, clear, remove, disclose

membuka : untie, unfold, unfasten, take down, prelude, bare

membuka-buka : leaf through, runmage through

membuka dengan lebar : gape

membuka kunci : unlock

membuka peniti : unpin

membuka rahasia : divulge

membuka segel : unseal

membukai : open repeatedly, open for

membukakan : open, open for, divulge

membukankan : deny, disclaim

membuktikan : prove, manifest, attest, argue

membukuhitamkan : black list, blackball

membukukan : book

membukut : see: bukut

membulang : wear, tie on

membulat : become around, be unanimous

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membulati : draw circle around, take all

membulatkan : round off, complete

membulu-bulu : dust, wipe off

membului : feather

membumbui : season, spice

membumbun : pile, store

membumbung : boom, soaring

membumi : return to earth, grounded

membumihanguskan : reduce to rubble

membumikan : ground, cause something to return to earth

membuncah : upset

membuncahkan : disturb

membuncitkan : distend, expand

membundar : be rounded, form a circle

membundel : collect, bind

membundelkan : see: membundel

membunga : become like a flower, earn interest

membungai : decorate with flower, pay interest, embellish

membungkam : remain silent, gag

membungkamkan : gag, stiffle, silence

membungkuk : stoop

membungkuk : dip, crouch

membungkuk-bungkuk : bow repectfully, lower, bend

membungkuki : stoop in direction of

membungkukkan : bend

membungkus : envelop, enfold, encase, bundle, wrap up, conceal

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membungkusi : warp up, repeatedly warp

membuntang : see: berbuntang

membuntangkan : stretch, strain, raise, pull up

membuntel : wrap, bundle

membunting : fill up

membuntingi : impregnate, knock up

membuntingkan : see: membuntingi

membuntukan : block, cause impasse

membuntungkan : imputate, lop off, maim

membuntut : imitate, follow what

membuntuti : follow, trail, follow at rear

membunuh : slay, murder, butcher, assassinate

membunuh : kill, put out, remove, plug, erase, delete

membunuh beramai-ramai : lynch

membunuh besar-besaran : decimate

membunuhi : kill many victims

membunyikan : ring, toot

membunyikan bel : bell

membunyikan lonceng : peal

membura : spit, spew out

memburai : see: terburai

memburakan : spray, spout, spew forth (water, fire, etc)

memburamkan : darken, becloud

memburas : discuss, coax, talk about

memburaskan : talk about

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memburit : commit, sodomy

memburu : hunt, chase after, pursue

memburui : hunt, pursue

memburuk : worsen, deteriorate

memburuk-burukkan : defame, evil, badness

memburukkan : see: memperburuk

membusa : see: busa

membusakan : blow up, blow out

membusuk : decompose, rot, decay, putrefy

membusukkan : cause to rot, slander, denigrate, defame

membusung : be distended, bloated, puff up

membusungkan : pump up, puff up

membusungkan dada : perk

membusur : be curved, cotton gin

membutakan : daze

membutir : granulate

membutuhkan : need, require

membuyarkan : scatter, disperse, interrupt

memecah belah : disunite

memecah kode : decode

memecahkan : solve, decipher, break

memecahkan rahasia : decipher

memecat : dismiss, depese, bounce, fire

memegalkan : causing painful feeling in muscles after overuse

memegang : hold

memegang erat : grapple

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memegangi : take hold of, hold on to

memek : vagina, vulva

memekakkan : untune

memekik : shriek, yelp, whine

memelaratkan : improverish

memelas : live miserably, moving one to pity

memelet : lick, stick out tongue, flatter

memelihara : tend, take care, maintain, look after, keep, grow

memelopori : crusade, pioneer, fight for, be at the forefront

memeluk : hug, embrace, embosom

memenangi : defeat

memenangkan : win, cause to win, pronounce someone a winner

memencilkan : seclude

memendam : bury

memendekkan : shorten, curtail, abridge

memenggal : cut off, cut to pieces

memenggal kepala : decapitate, behead

memenjarakan : imprison, dungeon

memensiunkan : pension

mementahkan : do all over again, go back to the drawing board

mementingkan : accentuate

mementingkan diri sendiri : egoist

mementingkan orang lain : altruism

mementung : club

mementungi : club repeatedly

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memenuhi : meet, fill, supply, saturate, gratify

memenuhi kebutuhan badan : corporeal

memenuhi syarat : qualify

memenuhi tuntutan : appease

memerah : squeeze, milk, redden (color:)

memerahi pipi : rouge

memerahtuakan : bronze

memeram : aging

memerangi : oppugn, war on, fight against

memeras : blackmail, extort, exploit, blackmail

memerciki : dapple, dabble, bespatter, splash, slop

memercikkan : splash

memerdekakan : liberate, emancipate, enfranchise, absolve

memeriahkan : make something merry

memeriksa : search, review, look into, inspect, examine

memeriksa secara teliti : overhaul

memerintah : order, governing, govern, boss

memerintahkan : command, govern

memerlukan : need, require

memesan : order, book, bespeale

memesan tempat : book, engage

memesrakan : assimilate, fuse

memetakan : map

memetik : cull, pluck, pick

memetik hasil : reap

memetiki : pick many things

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memfaalkan : prophesy

memfadihatkan : disgrace, humiliate

memfaedahkan : make use of

memfaktakan : make factual

memfasidkan : render, imperfect

memfatwakan : advice, give instructions, instruct

memfinasir : finance

memfirmankan : decree

memfitnah : malign, defame, calumniate, backbite, asperse

memfitrahkan : give away as a tithe

memformalkan : formalize

memformulasikan : formulate

memformulirkan : put in a form

memforsir : see: forsir

memfoto : take a picture

memfumigasi : fumigate

memfungsionalisasikan : functionalise

memgosip : gossip, chat

memicingkan : squint, close one's eyes

memicu : trigger

memijak : step on

memikat : lure, enamour, captivate, attract, absorb

memikiri : think about, worry over, be aware, mindful of

memikirkan : think about, meditate over

memikirkan diri sendiri : self-seeking, egoistic

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memikul : carry on the shoulder, shoulder, bear

memilah : sort

memilih : pick, pick out, elect, coopt, choose, opt

memilih dengan teliti : choose and pick

memiliki : possess, own, have

memilin : twist

memilukan : touch one's heart, touching, moving

memimpikan : envision

memimpin : lead

meminang : offer, pamper, engage

memindahkan : displace

memingit : seclude, keep in house, keep animal in cage

meminjam : borrow

meminjamkan : lend

meminta : bid, befriend beg

memintas : aslant

meminyaki : lubricate, anoint

memiring : become slanted

memiringkan : decline, make aslant, put an angle

memisah : dissever, decompose

memisah-misahkan : decompose

memisahkan : separate, dissociate, disrupt, disjoint, detach

memisahkan dengan listrik : electrolyse

memisahkan diri : drop off

memisalkan : represent, be an example of, assume

memiskinkan : impoverish

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memo : memo

memodifikasi : modify

memohon : pray, entreat, beseech, appeal, implore

memojok : go to the corner

memojokkan : force into a corner

memoles : burnish

memompa : pump out

memompakan : pump

memonopoli : monopolize

memotong : lop, intersect, prune

memotong : hamstring, dock, dissect, deduct, cut, butcher

memotong-motong : dismember

memotong rumput : mow

mempan : sensitive, vulnerable, effective

mempatenkan : patent something

mempedulikan : care, consider, take into account

mempelai : bridegroom, bride, groom

mempelajari : study, read, learn, acquaint

mempelajari kembali : brushup

mempelajarkan : teach, offer as instruction

mempengaruhi : influence, affect

memperabadikan : immortalize, record for posterity, perpetuate

memperabdikan : make subservient

memperabukan : see: mengabukan

memperadabkan : civilize

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memperagakan : show, demonstrate, flaunt, expose, exhibit

memperalat : utilize, see: mengalatkan

memperamatkan : intensify, heighten

memperanaktirikan : treat like a stepchild

memperanginkan : air, aerate

memperangkakan : treat as numbers

memperapitkan : move close together

memperasingkan : isolate, quarantine

memperatasnamakan : see: mengatasnamakan

memperbadani : organise into a group

memperbagus : embellish, beautify, touch up

memperbaguskan : embellish, touch up

memperbaharui : update

memperbaiki : repair, correct, improve upon, break

memperbaiki : restore, recondition, redo, revise

memperbaiki : improve, emend, corrective, amend, ameliorate

memperbaiki naskah : edit

memperbaiki pendidikan : edify

memperbandingkan : compare

memperbantahkan : dispute, argue

memperbanyak : increase, raise

memperbanyaki : raise, increase

memperbanyakkan : see: membanyakkan

memperbarui : see: membarui

memperbataskan : limit

memperbaurkan : unite

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memperbedakan : see: membedakan

memperberat : make heavier

memperbesar : increase, maximize, augment, magnify, enlarge

memperbicarakan : see: membicarakan

memperbincangkan : discuss, talk about

memperbinikan : marry off

memperbolehkan : permit, allow

memperbuat : build, do, make into

memperbudak : creat a slave, enslave, enthrall

memperbudikan : trick

memperburuk : aggravate, make worse

mempercabangkan : bifurcate

mempercakap : enable, empower

mempercakapkan : comment, see: mempercakap

mempercandikan : enshrine

mempercantik : prettify, make pretty, beautify

mempercaruti : revile, berate

mempercayai : trust, beguiling, beguile

mempercayakan : rely, entrust

mempercekcokkan : bicker about

mempercekikkan : squabble, squarrel, dispute over

mempercengangkan : amaze, astonish, baffle, perplex, confound

mempercepat : hasten, accelerate

memperceraikan : separate

mempercirikan : type, characterise

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memperciut : narrow, tighten

memperciutkan : see: memperciut

mempercumakan : waste ...

memperdagangkan : trade in

memperdahsyat : embitter

memperdahsyatkan : terrify

memperdakwakan : see: mendakwakan

memperdalam : deepen

memperdamaikan : resolve peacefully, reconcile

memperdangkal : make shallow

memperdapatkan : obtain, get

memperdaya : trick, delude, cozen, see: mendaya

memperdayai : bamboozle

memperdayakan : hoax, see: mendaya

memperdebatkan : argue about, debate

memperdekapkan : bring near, reconcile

memperdekatkan : bring things near to

memperdengarkan : perform, present

memperdewa : see: mendewakan

memperdewakan : see: mendewakan

memperdiamkan : see: mendiamkan

memperdua : halve, devide to haves

memperduakan : see: memperdua

memperebutkan : seize, take by force, fight for

memperedarkan : see: mengedarkan

memperelok : beautify

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memperempat : divide into four parts

memperenakan : make more pleasent, more confortable

mempererat : tighten, see: mengeratkan

mempergalak : see: menggalakkan

mempergampang : alleviate, make easy

memperganda-gandakan : multiply

memperganti-gantikan : keep changing

mempergantungi : depend on

mempergantungkan : make dependent

mempergauli : associate with, go around with

mempergelarkan : stage, present (a play, etc)

mempergentar : frighten

mempergesek-gesekkan : rub things together

mempergiat : see: menggiatkan

mempergiatkan : see: menggiatkan

mempergilirkan : rotate a position

mempergunakan : see: menggunakan

memperguraukan : see: mengguraukan

memperhamba : enslave

memperhatikan : watch, rertire

memperhebat : embitter

memperhitungkan : reckon, compute, calculate, calculate upon

memperindah : adorn

memperingan : extenuate

memperingati : commemorate, point out, bring to the front

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memperingatkan : warn, admonish

memperistri : marry

memperjelas : clarify

memperjodohkan : marry two people to each other, see: menjodohkan

memperjuangkan : struggle for, fight for

memperkalang : use as a prop or support

memperkarakan : bring a case (or someone) to court

memperkawan : treat someone as a friend

memperkaya : enrich

memperkecil : belittle, scant

memperkembangkan : evolve

memperkenalkan : introduce, acquaint

memperkerkeruh : see: mengeruhkan

memperkeruh : make something muddy, disturb

memperkerumunkan : see: mengerumunkan

memperkokoh : strengthen

memperkosa : rape, deflower

memperkuat : support, confirm

memperkuat : fortify, strengthen, brace, reinforce, approve

memperlakukan : treat, handle

memperlalaikan : neglect, delay, postpone something, comfort

memperlambat : retard

memperlancar : speed up, accelerate, launch, expedite

memperlebar : widen

memperlemah : debilitation

memperlihatkan : disclose, bespeale, bare, attest, show

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memperluas : expand, escalade, extend, widen, broaden

memperluas kekuasaan : aggrandize

mempermainkan : make a fool of someone, hocus, quiz

mempermak : alter

mempermaklumkan : announce, notify, declare, proclame

mempermalukan : shame, disgrace, discredit

mempermandikan : baptize

mempermanis : sweeten

mempermasalahkan : make a problem out of something

mempermatang : allow to become more mature

mempermudah : facilitate, to consider light (easy, slight)

mempermuliakan : honor deeply, esteem greatly

memperniagakan : trade something

memperogol : rape

memperoleh : procure, obtain, get, gain, attain, acquire

memperoleh kembali : reclaim

memperoleh keuntungan : gainer, gain

memperolok : gibe, boo

memperpanjang : prolong, lengthen, extend, elongate

memperparah : worsen, aggravate

memperpendek : abridge, shorten

mempersaksikan : witness, watch, testify

mempersatukan : unite, syndicate

mempersaudarakan : make brothers (sisters), make friends

mempersediakan : prepare, set aside (foods, funds), equip, supply

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mempersekutukan : connect, make something or someone an ally

mempersembahkan : present, devote, dedicate

mempersenjatai : arm something

mempersiapkan : prepare

mempersilakan : invite, ask

mempersilangkan : see: menyilang

mempersingkat : abridge

mempersoalkan : question something, discuss, deal with

mempersulit : complicate, render something difficult

mempersusah : render something difficult

mempersyaratkan : see: mensyaratkan

mempertahankan : defend, keep

mempertanggungjawabkan : account for, justify

mempertanyakan : question

mempertaruhkan : venture

mempertautkan : combine, sew up a wound, attach

mempertemukan : bridge

mempertimbangkan : ponder, envisage, balance, consider, mull over

mempertinggi : heighten

mempertontonkan : demonstrate

mempertuhankan : deify

mempertunangi : engage, betroth

mempertunjukan : parade

mempertunjukkan : show, exhibit, demonstrate

memperumit : complicate

memperuncing : nib, sharpen, aggravate, exacerbate

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mempesatkan : speed up

mempesona : bewitch, breathtaking

mempesonakan : bewitching

memplak : extremely white

mempopulerkan : popularize

memporak-porandakan : bring disorder to

memprakarsai : initiate

memprakarsakan : initiate

mempreteli onderdil : cannibalize

memprihatinkan : be apprehensive about

mempropagandakan : propagandize

memprotes : protest, deprecate

memprotes dengan suara seru : declaim

mempunyai : have, own, possess

mempunyai koneksi : connected

mempurukkan : hide something inside

memuakkan : abhor

memuaskan : satisfy, satisfactory

memuat : load, accomodate, lade

memuati : freight

memucat : fade away

memudahkan : facilitate

memudarkan : fade

memuja : idolize, glorify, exalt, adore, revere

memuji : adulate, praise, extol

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memuji-muji : make much of

memuji amat : cense

memujut : strangle

memujutkan : strangle

memukang : tear apart

memukat : trawl

memukau : entrance, mesmerize, drug

memukul : smite, kick, hit, beat, belabor

memukuli : drub, dash, thrash, beat, trounce

memulai : wring, commence, begin, start

memulai pembicaraan : broach

memulangi : return to a place

memulangkan : give back, return, bring back

memulas : paint, varnish, smear

memulasi : smear on

memulaskan : apply something to, put something on to

memulaukan : isolate, insulate, boycott

memuliakan : eulogize, honor deeply, improve a breed

memulihkan : recover, restore

memuluskan : smoothen

memuncrat : spurt

memuncratkan : spray, squirt something out

memunculkan : bring up, show, bring out into view, appear

memundurkan : make something back up

memungkari : deny, ignore

memungkinkan : enable

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memungkiri : deny, ignore

memungkirkan : deny, ignore

memungut : glean, pick, pick up, collect, harvest, quote

memunguti : pick up, collect many things

memuntahkan : vomit, disgorge, belch, puke, spue

memuntungkan : maim

memupuk : fertilize, manure, foster, cultivate

memupuskan : omit, obliterate, liquidate, efface, blot out

memuramkan : depressing

memurtadkan : apostatize

memusingkan : daze, hassle, queasy

memusnahkan : kill of, destroy, annihilate

memusuhi : hostile

memusyawarahkan : discuss, deliberate over

memutar : whirl, slue

memutar-balik : contort, garble

memutar-ulang : rerun

memutarkan : rotate, revolve

memutihkan : whiten, bleach

memutuskan : break, discontinue, decide

menabrak : hit against, strike

menabuh : strike (a gong, ect)

menabulasikan : tabulate

menabung : save, bank

menabungkan : save, deposit

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menabur : broadcast (seed), sow, scatter something about

menabur bunga : strew flowers

menaburi : strew, sow, spread over something

menaburkan : strew, sow, disseminate, broadcast, scatter

menaburkan benih : sow

menafasi : resuscitate, revive

menafaskan : exhale

menafkahkan : spend something for maintenance

menafsirkan : interprete, construe, conjugate

menagih : demand

menagih hutang : dun

menahan : keep, keep back, endure, detain, bridle, bate

menahan : withstand, withhold, weather, retain, curb

menahan dengan tanggul : embank

menahan diri : refrain

menahan nafsu : restrain

menahan tekanan : withstand pressure

menahun : chronic

menaiki : ride, escalade

menaikkan : promote

menajamkan : sharpen, point

menajiskan : desecrate

menakik : jag

menakjubkan : fantastic, exciting, incredible, stagger

menaklukkan : conquer, vanquish

menaksir : evaluate, estimate, assess, appraise

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menakut-nakuti : cow

menakutkan : dreadful, horrible, chiller, awful

menakutkan : terrify, horrify, ghastly, ercy, daunt, alarm

menalang : lend money as a profession

menalangi : advance someone money

menalarkan : reason or think something out

menamai : denominate

menamai menurut : name after

menambah : augment, gain, enhance, add

menambah kapital : capitalize

menambahkan : affix

menambak : apply a poultice, obstruct movement

menambal : mend, patch, trowel

menambali : apply a patch to something

menambalkan : patch with something, patch on behalf of someone

menambatkan : moor, berth

menampakkan : see: menampilkan

menampar : slap, knock, box, bash

menampik : see: menolak

menampilkan : exhibit, demonstrate, show, display, present

menampung : accomodate, absorb, store

menanam : grow, plant

menanami : cultivate

menanamkan : impart, implant, invest

menandai : sign, presage, designnate, certify, band

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menandai * : asterisk

menandakan : signify

menandaskan : spend everything, completely finish something

menandingi : emulate

menandu : carry in a litter, carry on shoulder

menanduk : gore, butt

menang : win, conquer

menang atas : outdo

menang karena lebih cantik : outwit

menangani : handle

menanggalkan : see: mencopot

menanggalkan pakaian : disrobe

menanggapi : receive, perceive, respond

menangguhkan : postpone, cancel, table, defer

menanggulangi : overcome, cope

menanggung : assure, bear, guarantee, responsible for

menangis : weep, cry, blubber, bawl, boohoo

menangisi : bewail, bemoan, moan

menangkal : avoid, ward off (a catastrophe)

menangkap : grab, detain, catch, capture, arrest, absorb, cop

menangkap kembali : recapture

menangkis : rebut, ward off, parry, repulse, repel

menanjak : zooming, escalating, increasing

menantang : against, versus, defy, brave

menanti : wait for

menanti-nanti : wait a long time, wait on and on, look forward to

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menantikan : abide, wait for, watch for

menantu perempuan : daughter in law

menanyai : poll, interrogate

menanyakan : inquire, ask

menapis : pecolate, filter

menara : tower

menara komando : conningtower

menara lonceng : carillon, campanile, belfry

menarah : plane something smooth

menari : dance

menarik : catchy, attractive, attract, appealing, appeal

menarik : withdraw, pull, personable, haul, draw, engageing

menarik hati : enchant, captivate

menarik kembali : redraw, retreat, retract, abrogate

menarik kesimpulan : deduce

menaruh : foster, set, lay, put, nurture

menasehati : advise, exhort, counsel

menasehatkan : recommend

menata : inlay, arrange, put in order, organize

menatah : inlay

menatap dengan tercengang : agaze

menaungi : shade, protect, shelter

menawan : bid, elegant, capture

menawan hati : prepossesing

menawar : bid, bargain, offer

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menawarkan : offer

menayang : carry, waft

menayangkan : present

mencabangkan : set up a branch

mencabik : rip, lacerate, unrip

mencabik-cabik : repeatedly tear at

mencabikkan : see: mencabik

mencabuli : ravish, rape, violate

mencabut : draw, pull, pull out, revoke, rescind, unsheathe

mencabut : depriviate, abrogate, jiggle, pluck

mencabutkan : extract, pull, draw

mencacah : chop up

mencacak : be upright

mencacakkan : erect

mencacap : vaccinate

mencacar : vaccinate

mencacat : criticize, find fault with

mencacati : damage, injure, impair

mencacatkan : disable, cause damage

mencacau : rave, be fickle, be nervous

mencaci : scorn, jeer at, curse out, swear at, berate

mencaci-maki : berate

mencadangkan : reserve, set aside, plan, propose, suggest

mencagak : support, prop up

mencagakkan : implant, place on a post

mencagarkan : offer as security

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mencahayai : illuminate, pour rays on, expose

mencahayakan : radiate

mencair : liquefy, melting, melt, deliquesce

mencairkan : dilute, liquefy, water down, thaw out, release

mencak-mencak : be out of sorts, move convulsively

mencakapkan : discuss

mencakar : claw, scratch

mencakarkan : scratch

mencakup : include, cover, cope

mencakupi : embrace, include

mencalonkan : nominate

mencam : bear in mind

mencambuk : cane, flagellate

mencamkan : note, observe carefully, criticize, review

mencampak : throw carelessly, toss

mencampakkan : throw, toss, toss out

mencampung : chop off, lop off

mencampungi : chop off, lop off

mencampur : amalgamate

mencampur : mash

mencampuradukan : mix up, confuse

mencampuradukkan : mix up, confuse

mencampurbaurkan : mix up

mencampuri : meddle, interfere

mencampurkan : fuse

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mencamuk : stab, strike

mencanai : sharpen, make even, smooth

mencanangkan : proclaim, announce with, propagandize, tout

mencandikan : enshrine

mencandu : smoke opium, be addicted to

mencandukan : habit forming, additictive

mencang-mencong : not in a straight line, contorted

mencanggungkan : cause awkwardness, handicap

mencangkok : engraft

mencangkokkan : transplant, graft

mencangkul : dig up, cultivate ground

mencangkuli : hoe at

mencangkum : see: cangkum

mencangkung : see: bercangkung

mencanteli : put a hook on

mencantol : get hooked, attached to

mencantum : fuse, close, bring together, pin

mencantumi : add on to

mencantumkan : include, stitch, attach, pin on

mencap : stamp, place a seal on, brand, stigmatize

mencapai : realize, reach, gain, attain, achieve, see: capai

mencapai puncak : culminate

mencapi : affix seal, label

mencapit : snap at, bite

mencapkan : stamp for

mencaplok : snatch, swallow, gulp down, seize, annex, carry

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mencarah : cut into small lots, sell piecemeal

mencarahkan : sell by the piece

mencari : seek, search, look for, hunt for, go after, quest

mencari-cari : look for thoroughly, pretend to look for

mencari kutu : louse

mencarik : tear, rip to pieces

mencarikan : lok for or seek something

mencarter : charter

mencat : dye, paint, color

mencatat : note, tally, annotate, make a note of, record

mencatati : note down

mencatatkan nama : enroll

mencatatpinggiri : comment on

mencatu : ration, distribute

mencatukan : dole out

mencatut : extract, pull, swindle, cheat

mencatutkan : scalp

mencebak : see: cebak

mencebur : plop

menceburkan : plunge, dabble

mencecah : touch lightly, hit slightly, pinch

mencecahkan : dip, cause to much lightly

mencecak : see: cecak

mencecerkan : spill, scatter about, sow scatter

mencederakan : injure

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mencedok : dip up

mencegah : restrain, prevent, prohibited, combat

mencegat : waylay, intercept, see: cegat

mencegati : repeatedly stop

mencekal : hold firmly, seize, arrest, capture

mencekam : dibble

mencekik : strangle, garotte, choke

mencekiki : repeatedly smother, choke

mencekikkan : strangle

mencekoki : indoctrinate

mencekung : sink in ward

mencela : denounce, decry, carp, blame, knock

mencela : taunt, disapprove, disapprove of, condemn

mencelak : see: celak

mencelakakan : ruin, bring misfortune on

mencelang : stare

mencelat : see: celat

mencelentang : see: celentang

mencelep : dye

menceletuk : interrupt, break in

mencelik : see

mencelikan : open

mencelup : immerse

mencelupkan : whelm, dip, dunk

mencema : make a charge

mencemari : soil, stain, defile, outrage, desecrate

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mencemarkan : soil, be amirch, defile, pollute, contaminate

mencemarkan nama : dishonor, backbite, denigrate

mencemas : become anxious

mencemaskan : worry, alarm, disturb, worry about

mencembung : curve

mencembungkan : curve

mencemburui : be jealous of, enviableer

mencemburukan : be jealous of or about

mencemerlangkan : brighten, dazzle

mencemiti : whip, lash

mencemooh : hiss, deride, jeer at, ridicule

mencemoohkan : deride, ridicule

mencempung : plunge, splash

mencempungi : jump into, plunge into

mencempungkan : dunk

mencemuh : jeer at

mencemuhkan : ridicule, devide

mencendawan : mushroom up, appear suddenly

mencenderungkan : tend

menceng : slanted, skewed

mencengam : see: cengam

mencengangi : be amazed at

mencengangkan : flabbergast

mencengap : see: cengap

mencengkamkan : fasten, grip

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mencengkram : seize, grasp, ingrown, gripping

mencentang : see: centang

mencentong : ladle out, scoop out

mencepit : see: cepit

menceplok : fry

menceploskan : blurt out

menceplus : press

mencepol : strike, hit

mencepret : squash flat, snap a photograph

mencerah : brighten up

mencerahkan : enlighten, brighten, illuminate

mencerai : separate, part

menceraiberaikan : disperse, scatter

menceraikan : divorce, separate, separate from, parse, analyze

menceramahi : give a lecture to

menceramahkan : lecture on

mencerangah : see: cerangah

mencerap : note, observe, show interest in, sense, apprehend

mencerapkan : respond to

mencerat : squirt

mencerca : deride, censure, revile, objurgate, objurgatory

mencercakan : criticize mockingly

mencercap : see: cercap

mencereweti : criticize, find fault with, order about

mencergaskan : activate, enliven

menceriakan : purify, cleanse

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menceritai : narrate to

menceritakan : narrate, relate, tell, recite, recount

mencerkau : see: cerkau

mencermati : pay close attention to

mencermatkan : be accurate in, economise

mencerminkan : reflect

mencerna : become dissolved

mencerucup : see: bercerucup

menceruk : enter a hole

mencetak : print, cast, produce, achieve

mencetus : scratch, scrape, flash

mencetuskan : ignite, spark, kindle

menciap : cheep

menciar-ciar : see: ciar

mencibir : curl one's lips

mencibiri : scorn, look down at

mencicik : see: cicik

mencicil : see: cicil

mencicip : taste, sip at, eat, chirp, twitter

mencicipi : taste

mencicit : peep

menciduk : arrest

mencilok : see: cilok

mencincang : chop up, cut into small pieces

mencincing : see: cincing

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mencincingkan : see: cincing

mencintai : love, cherish, adore

menciprat : spray

menciprati : spray on repeatedly

mencipta : create, compose

menciptakan : create, make, produce

mencirikan : see: mempercirikan

menciritkan : have diarrhea

mencit : mouse

mencita-cita : desire, want, wish for

mencita-citakan : see: mencita-cita

mencitrakan : project an image

mencium : kiss, buss, osculate, smack, smell, sense

mencium bau : sniff

menciumi : kiss repeatedly, sniff out

menciut : become narrow, tighten, be narrow minded, screak

menciutkan : narrow, reduce

mencla-mencle : inconsistent, unreliable

menclok : perch (of birds)

mencoaching : give pointer, coach

mencoba : try, attempt, test

mencoba-coba : dabble, try repeatedly

mencobai : try on, test, put to the test

mencobakan : try out, try

mencoblong : make a hole

mencoblongi : make a hole in

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mencoblos : see: coblos

mencocok : stick, prick, pin, fasten, puncture, string

mencocoki : be suitable with

mencocokkan : compare, check, adjust, correct, set right, pin

mencocokkan : match, calibrate

mencokok : see: cokok

mencokoli : dominate

mencolek : take a small piece of, remove, squeeze, scratch

mencoleng : see: coleng

mencolok : striking, glaring, flashy

mencolong : steal

mencolot : see: colot

mencomel : grumble, grouse

mencomeli : scold, rebuke, reprimand

mencomot : seize, nab, grab and hold, snatch off, pick

mencomoti : snatch, steal

mencondongkan : bend, cause to incline

menconet : turn, upward

mencong : askew, aslant

mencongak : see: congak

mencongklang : gallop

mencontek : cheat

menconteng-conteng : see: menconteng

mencontengkan : smear, stain

mencontoh : copy, imitate

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mencoplok : detach, take off

mencopot : take off, pull out, extract, untie, remove, shear

mencopoti : take off, repeatedly

mencor : see: cor

mencorek : underline, scratch out

mencoreng : cross out, draw lines over, daub

mencorengi : scratch repeatedly

mencorengkan : streak

mencoret : scratch, streak, rule, do a pen drawing, write

mencoret-coret : scribble down, jot down

mencoreti : streak repeatedly, scribble on

mencorong : shine, glare, radiate

mencorongkan : broadcast

mencos : miss a target, fail, not be in a straight line

mencoteng : smear, stain

mencret : diarrhoea

mencuaikan : neglect, look down on, ignore

mencuat : see: cuat

mencuatkan : spring back, flip, push away with a spring motion

mencubit : nip, tweak

mencubiti : pinch repeatedly

mencuci : wash, launder, lave

mencuci dengan mendidih : scald

mencuci tanpa air : dry clean

mencucuri : pour on, drip on

mencucurkan : shed

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mencucut : see: cucut

mencuil : mudge, poke

mencuit : poke, nudge, tap

mencukai : impose a duty

mencukongi : finance (underwrite) the cost

mencukupi : make up a lack, fulfill, be sufficient, suffice

mencukupkan : make suffice, make adequate

mencukur : shear

mencukurkan : shave with

menculik : kidnap, abduct, see: culik

mencumbu : flatter, sweet talk

mencundangi : see: cundang

mencungkil : pry up, pry off, dig, gouge out, pick, pluck

mencungkili : pick repeatedly, pry off repeatedly

mencungkilkan : pry off on behalf of

mencuplik : cite, name, quote, borrow

mencupliki : see: mencuplik

mencurah : fall

mencurahi : pour on, bestow upon, expend, lavish

mencurahkan : disgorge, devote, outpour

mencurahkan isi hati : effusive

mencuraikan : explain, clarify, separate, isolate

mencurangi : deceive, defraud, commit a foul

mencurat : gush out

mencuri : filch, thieve, steal, sneak, bone, nab, pilfer

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mencuri-curi : do on the sly

mencuri uang : defalcate

mencurigai : suspect, distrust

mencurigakan : arouse suspecion

mendadak : sudden, abrupt

mendaftarhitamkan : black list

mendaftarkan : register, enroll, enlist, book

mendagangkan : trade in

mendagel : see: dagel

mendaging : become flesh, become meat

mendahaga : be in opposition, be imsubordinate

mendahagakan : thirst for

mendahak : expectorate

mendahsyat : get worse

mendahsyatkan : terrify

mendahulu : try to surpass

mendahului : precede, out distance, go before, antedate

mendahulukan : give precedence to

mendaifkan : weaken, consider

mendak : sink down, bow down, approach bowing

mendaki : mount, ascend, see: daki

mendakikan : cause to climb

mendakwa : accuse, charge, sue, subpoena

mendakwahkan : missionise, proselytizer, missionary

mendakwai : claim, lay claim to

mendakwakan : indict, bring to court

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mendalam : become deep, going deep, sink in, deepen

mendalam : visceral, exhaustive, abstruse

mendalami : obtain a deep understanding of

mendalamkan : deepen

mendalangi : mastermind

mendalangkan : mastermind

mendam : drunk

mendamaikan : reconcile, propitiate, conciliate, bring together

mendamar : collect resin

mendamari : apply resin to, illuminate

mendambakan : long for, crave, yearn

mendampak : bump into, collide with

mendampar : see: dampar

mendamparkan : wash ashore, beach

mendampingi : accompanying, accompany, flank, closely assist

mendamprat : scold, tell off, verbally abuse

mendanai : fund, finance

mendanakan : donate

mendandani : smarten, dress, equip, repair

mendangkalkan : make shallow, consider superficial

mendapat : get, receive, find, need, reap, realize, gain

mendapat celaka : perish

mendapat gaji : earn

mendapat ijin : licentiate

mendapati : find, discover, unexpectedly meet up with

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mendapatkan : procure, obtain, visit, meet, discover, invent

mendapatkan : recruit, gain, find out

mendarab : multiply

mendarah : be like blood

mendarah-daging : ingrained

mendarahdagingkan : make part and parcel of

mendaras : see: daras

mendarat : disembark, land, reach the shore, go in land

mendarati : land on

mendaratkan : put ashore

mendasar : be basic, display, spread out

mendasari : serve as a basis, underlying, underlie

mendasarkan : base

mendata : encode for processing

mendatakan : collect data about

mendatang : coming, impending, approaching

mendatang : arrive, come, upcoming, occur, happen

mendatangi : visit

mendatangkan : incur, import, bring about

mendatangkan bencana : disastrous

mendatar : be level, horizontal, across

mendaulat : force

mendaulati : become predominant over

mendaulatkan : appropriate

mendaun : be like a leaf

mendaur-ulang : recycle

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mendaya : deceive, trick

mendayai : provide power

mendayakan : see: mendaya

mendayaupayakan : endeavor

mendayu : rumble like distant thunder

mendayu-dayu : rumble like distant thunder

mendayung : row, pedal

mendebat : argue, contradict

mendedahkan : open, expose

mendefinisikan : define

mendehem : humph

mendekap : nestle, see: berdekap

mendekat : draw near

mendekati : approtimate, approach, resemble

mendekatkan : bring something close

mendeking : protect, detain, cut off

mendeklamasikan : declaim

mendelegasikan : delegate

mendelep : see: delep

mendelik : glare at

mendeliki : glare at

mendemiliterisasikan : demilitarize

mendemobilisasikan : demobilize

mendempul : calk

mendenda : fine, asses, forfeit, mulct

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mendendam : rancorous, resent

mendendami : resent

mendendang : sing

mendendangkan : sing

mendengar : , listen, hear, noted

mendengarkan : listen to, hearken, hark, heeg, pay attention to

mendenging : see: berdenging

mendengking : see: berdengking

mendengkir : chirp

mendengklangkan : cripple, hobble

mendengkul : kneel, knee

mendengkur : snore, purr, see: dengkur

mendengkus : see: dengkus

mendengung : bellow, see: berdengung

mendengungkan : sound, tout, propagandize

mendengus : snort

mendentamkan : pound with

mendenting : see: berdenting

mendentingkan : cause a ringing

mendentum : see: berdentum

mendenyar : flash

mendenyut : see: berdenyut

mendep : see: dep

mendepok : reside

mendeponir : see: deponir

mendeportasikan : deport

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mendeputasikan : delegate

mendera : whip, lash, whack, welt, thrash

menderai-deraikan : drip

menderaikan : drip

menderak : rattle

menderam : rumble

menderas : flow rapidly, energetic

menderaskan : increase speed of

menderek : lift by crane, lift by boom

menderep : see: derep

mendering : ring, chirr, see: berdering

menderita : suffer

menderitakan : donate

mendermakan : donate, allocate

menderu : drone, roar, howl

menderum : boom, kneel

mendesah : see: berdesah

mendesak : urgent, exhort, badger, supplant, push, shove

mendesak : urge, adjure

mendesaki : press in on, make crowded

mendesakkan : press something against, force something on

mendesentralisasikan : decentralise

mendesentralisir : decentralise

mendesik : rustle

mendesir : whizz

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mendesis : whizz

mendesiskan : hiss, sizzle

mendeskripsikan : describe

mendestruksi : destroy

mendetak : beat

mendetar : sizzle

mendetasir : detail

mendetek : detect

mendeterminasikan : determine, decide

mendevaluasi : devaluate

mendevaluasikan : devaluate, see: mendevaluasi

mendevaluir : see: devaluir

mendewa-dewakan : see: mendewakan

mendewakan : deify, idolise

mendewasakan : mature

mendiagnosa : diagnose

mendiam : be silent

mendiami : dwell, populate, inhabit, keep silent toward

mendiamkan : keep quiet, ignore, disregard

mendiangkan : warm, heat, roast

mendidih : seethe, ebullient, boiling, boil

mendidihkan : boil

mendidik : educate, bring up, raise

mendidikkan : teach, practice

mendiferensiasikan : diferentiate

mendiktatori : ride over

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mendikte : dictate, command

mendiktekan : dictate, determine

mendinamisasikan : dynamicise

mendinamiskan : dynamicise

mendinding : constitute a wall, wall in, shut off

mendindingi : block, shut off

mendindingkan : use as a wall

mendingan : mild, better than

mendinginkan : refrigerate

mendirikan : cause to stand up, build, erect, found, establish

mendirikan kemah : camping

mendirikan kembali : reestablish

mendiris : water plan

mendirus : see: dirus

mendisain : design

mendisiplin : discipline, punish

mendisiplinkan : see: mendisiplin

mendiskreditkan : see: diskredit

mendiskusikan : discuss

mendiversifikasikan : diversify

mendoa : see: berdoa

mendoakan : pray for

mendobel : double

mendobelkan : double, duplicate

mendobolkan : pierce, puncture

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mendobrak : batter down, penetrate

mendokumentasi : document

mendokumentasikan : document

mendominasi : dominate

mendominir : dominate

mendompak : leap up, rear

mendompleng : see: dompleng

mendomplengi : join on to

mendoncang : see: doncang

mendondang : rock

mendondangkan : rock

mendongak : see: dongak

mendongakkan : cock one's head

mendongeng : tell a tale, tell a false hood

mendongengi : tell tales to

mendongengkan : narrate

mendongkel : lift up, remove by force, reval, pry loose

mendongkol : be resentful

mendongkolkan : irksome, aggravating

mendongkrak : jack up

mendongong : stare open-mouthed

mendonorkan : DONATE

mendorong : push, propel, prompt, drive, boost, see: dorong

mendoyani : be fond of

mendoyong : inclined, silting

mendramakan : dramatise

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mendramatisasikan : dramatise

mendramatisirkan : dramatise

mendramatiskan : dramatise

mendrat : thread

mendrop : see: drop

menduakan : double, duplicate

menduda : becoming a widower

menduduki : occupy, see: mengeduduki

mendudukkan : sit, seat, marry off, betroth

menduga : take depth bearings, understand, fathom, presume

menduga : assume, consectue

menduga-duga : repeadtedly, estimate

mendugakan : guess at

mendukacitakan : mourn grieve over, cause sorrow

mendukakan : distress, distressing

menduko : apply spray paint to

mendukung : support, espouse, back

mendulang : pan for gold

mendulukan : give precedence to, give priority to

mendung : cloudy, clouded, overcast

mendunia : being the world, worldwide

menduniakan : secularise, make profane

mendurhaka : be rebellious

mendurhakai : rebel against

menduri : sharp, stinging

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mendusin : see: dusin

mendusta : see: berdusta

mendustakan : deny, denounce as a lie

menebalkan : thicken

menebang : cut, hew

menebangi semak-semak : mow

menebarkan : diffuse

menebus : redeem, compensate for some wrong

menebus dosa : expiate

meneduhkan : embower

menegakkan : raise, uphold, erection

menegarkan : stiffen something

menegaskan : confirm, assert, affirm

meneguk : sup, sip

menegur : admonish, address

menekan : press, depress, compress, quash

menekankan : emphasize, accent, accentuate

menelaah : review, study carefully, analyze

meneladani : set an example for

meneladankan : make something as an example, provide a model

menelan : swallow, engorge, devour

menelanjangi : denude

menelantarkan : neglect, abandon

meneliti : canvass

menelorkan : lay, produce, yield

menelpon : dial, phone, call

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menelungkup : lie face downward

menelungkupi : lie face downward on something

menelungkupkan : place something face downward

menelurkan : lay

menelusur : unravel, explore, investigate

menelusuri : go along, follow, trace, research, investigate

menemani : accompany

menembak : shoot, fire

menembak dengan meriam : canonade

menembok : wall in, cover

menemboki : brick

menembus : through, pierce, penetrate

menempa : concoct, make metal objects, manufacture knives

menempatkan : stand, locate, lay, collocate, put

menempatkan kembali : reseat

menempel : adhere, stick, glue, cling, patch

menempelak : reproach someone

menempeleng : cuff

menempelengi : slap someone on the face or side of the head

menempeli : stick to, make something stick to, sponge

menempeli : upholster, cover something by sticking materials

menempelkan : glue, stick something on

menempuh : thread

menemui musibah : baleful

menemukan : find, invent, discover, devise, detect

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menenangkan : comfort, assuage, allay, abate, tranquillize

menendang : kick

menengadah : upturn

menengah : moderate, intermediate

menengahi : mediate

menengangkan otot : braces

menenggelamkan : sink

menentang : dare, averse, argue, antagonize

menentramkan : appease

menentukan : enactive, destine, definitive, decide, decisive

menentukan diagnosa : diagnose

menenun : weave

menepuk : clap, pat

menerangi : illumine, illuminate

menerangkan : settle, explain, elucidate, declarative, construe

menerapkan : apply

menerawang : make holes in something, muse, be lose in thought

menerawangi : cause someone to be lose in thought

menerbitkan : publish

meneriakkan : yell out, show off

menerima : swallow, receive, keep, assume, accept

menerjemahkan : translate, interpret

menerka : consectue

menerkam : pounce

menerobos : breach, trespass

meneruskan : continue, forward, pass (on)

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menetapkan : enactive, enact, ascertain

menetaskan : incubate

menetek : breastfeed

meneteki : breastfeed

menewaskan : kill, slay, murder, assassinate

mengaba-abakan : give order

mengababi : blow on

mengabad : last for centuries

mengabadikan : perpetuate, eternalize, see: memperabadikan

mengabah : head for

mengabaikan : void, overlook, neglect, ignore, disregard

mengabar : brake, impede, hinder, remove

mengabari : inform, let someone know

mengabarkan : inform, to let know, proclaim, announce

mengabdi : serve

mengabdikan : subjugate

mengabenkan : cremate

mengabruk : strike with a lang

mengabsahkan : endorse, approve, legalize

mengabsen : call roll

mengabsolutkan : make absolute

mengabsorpsi : absorb

mengabu : turn to dust, resemble dust

mengabui : put dust in

mengabukan : cremate

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mengabulkan : grant, accept, accede

mengabungkan kembali : rejoin

mengabur : become hazy or blurred, fade away, see: abur

mengaburkan : make something hazy or foggy, blur, obscure

mengabut : become a haze

mengabuti : make something foggy, confuse, darken

mengaca : become glassy, look in the mirror

mengacak-acak : mess up, put in disorder, disturb, upset

mengacapi : flood, imundate, soak

mengacara : hand down

mengacarai : begin the conversation

mengacarakan : place on the agenda

mengacau : bother

mengacaukan : disorganize, disconcert, disarrange, derange

mengacaukan : tangle, embroil, entangle, disrupt, ravel

mengaci-acikan : assume, suppose, imagine

mengacu : point, refer

mengacu-acu : shape, mold

mengacuhkan : care, concern, heed, care about

mengacukan : point at with, threaten, refer

mengacum : to incite, instigate, provoke

mengacung : point upward

mengacungi : point out

mengacungkan : brandish, hold up, point

mengada-ngada : invent, fabricate, concoct

mengadabi : respect, esteem

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mengadakan : organize, arrange, create, make

mengadang : see: adang

mengadaptasi : adapt

mengadatkan : institute

mengadem : cool off

mengadili : hear, administer justice, bring to justice

mengadministrasikan : administer

mengadministrir : manage

mengadonan : batter, dough

mengadu : pit, bump, contest

mengadu-adu : complain about, sue, inform, squeal, tell on

mengadu-adukan : complain about

mengadu-domba : play one against another

mengadu-dombakan : play one against another

mengadu dengan terang-terangan : denunciate

mengaduh : lament, moan, groan, whine, wail

mengaduk : stir, beat, mix, scramble, interfere, stir up

mengaduk-aduk : stir up

mengadukan : denounce, tell, report, give a report

mengafiatkan : make healthy

mengafirmasikan : affirm

mengagah : stare fixedly, stare at, put

mengagahkan : consider strong and heroic

mengagak-agak : suspect, guess correctly, consider, ponder

mengagak-agakkan : guess, figure

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mengagakkan : determine carefully

mengagani : see: beragan

mengagas : see: gagas

mengagendir : enter on an agenda

mengageni : distribute, handle, manage

mengagetkan : surprising, shocking, startling

mengagihkan : explain. be critical of

mengagitasi : see: beragitasi

mengagresi : be aggressive

mengagul-agulkan : boast off, make a show off, display show off

mengagumi : admire

mengagumkan : baffling, astonishing, astonish, amaze, amazing

mengagung-agungkan : indulge in glorification

mengagungkan : glorify, exalt, elevate, praise

mengahadkan : unite in marriage

mengahlibahasakan : translate

mengaibkan : humiliate, bring disgrace on, blame, reprimand

mengail : angle

mengair : turn into water, like water

mengairi : irrigate, dilute with water, give to drink

mengais : carry on the back

mengais-ngais : scratch, scrape for food

mengait : crochet

mengaitkan : link, buckle

mengajaibkan : amazing, miraculous

mengajak : invite, ask

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mengajaksertakan : invite along

mengajar : teach, give, train, coach, instruct

mengajari : see: mengajar

mengajarkan : preach, teach, lecture

mengaju : institute, put, file, submit

mengajuk : observe, estimate, test, sound out, surable

mengajukan : send, present, set forward, venture, tender

mengajukan : propose, put a motion, indict, remand, lodge

mengajukan dakwaan : indict

mengajun : intend to, plan to

mengakadkan : enter into an agreement, fix contractually

mengakali : seek a way, deceive, double cross, bamboozle

mengakalkan : endeavor, seek a way

mengakan : aim, strive for

mengakankan : suppose

mengakar : take root

mengakarkan : calculate the square root

mengakhiri : end, close, conclude, assuage, abolish, terminate

mengakhirkan : place last, set back

mengakibatkan : result, cause, yield

mengakomodasikan : accommodate, lodge, house

mengakrabkan : bring close, strengthen

mengakselerasikan : accelerate

mengaksentuasikan : accentuate, stress

mengakses : access

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mengaksiomakan : make axiomatic

mengaktifitaskan : activate

mengaktifkan : activate

mengaktualisasikan : bring up to date, actualize

mengaku : confess, admit

mengakui : recognize, concere, avow, acknowledge, admit

mengakumulasikan : accumulate

mengakuri : agree with

mengakurkan : reconcile, check, harmonize

mengalah : concede, admit, yield, give in, succumb

mengalahi : give in to

mengalahkan : outbid, outdo, discomfit, defeat, beat, excred

mengalamati : put address on

mengalamatkan : address, indicate, foretell

mengalami : undergo, see: pengalaman

mengalang : be athwart or cross, rally

mengalangkan : prop up, support

mengalap : pick, abduct

mengalasi : cover

mengalati : equip

mengalatkan : manipulate, treat or use as an instrument

mengalem : excessively

mengali-ali : sling, hurl

mengalihkan : divert, distract, dislocate

mengalikan : multiply

mengalingi : shelter

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mengalingkan : hide

mengalir : flow, pour, stream, stream down, empty

mengaliri : flow through

mengalirkan : channel, siphon, aim, shed, drain, sluice

mengalokasikan : allocate

mengalokir : see: alokir

mengalpakan : neglect

mengalum : fade, wither, wilt

mengalun : pitch, be in steady, rhythm

mengalur : groove, flute

mengalur-alur : be so thin the bones stick out

mengamalbaktikan : put to charitable use

mengamalkan : put into practise, carry out with devotion

mengamanati : deliver a speech, give advice

mengamanatkan : entrust, commit, instruct, order, dedicate

mengamang-amangkan : see: amang

mengamankan : hand over for shafekeeping, reassure

mengamankan : pacify, render, safe, place inprotective custody

mengamat-amat : watch closely, inspect, monitor

mengamati : observe

mengambah : fish with a scoop net

mengambang : float, floating

mengambangkan : see: mengambang

mengambek : sulk, mope

mengambil : take over, take, pick up, attach, assume

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mengambil alih : expropriate

mengambil hati : propitiate, adulate

mengambil kesimpulan : deduce

mengambili : keep taking

mengambilkan : bring, get or fetch for

mengambin : carry on

mengambul : bounce, rebound, ricochet

mengambulkan : bounce

mengambung-ambungkan : lift up, raise, toss about

mengambungkan : toss up, throw upward

mengamendir : see: amen

mengamerikakan : americanize

mengamkan : announce, proclaim

mengampai : hang on, hang out, hit, strike

mengampaikan : hang out in

mengampitir : amputate

mengamplas : sandpaper

mengamplasi : scour, sandpaper

mengampu : support, prop up

mengampuhkan : flood, imundate

mengampukan : rule, reign over

mengampul : swell, expand

mengampuni : forgive, pardon, commute

mengampunkan : forgive, condone

mengamput : have sexual intercourse

mengamputasi : amputate

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mengamril : sand, file

mengamuk : see: amuk, rampage, berserk, furious

menganakbuahi : man, staff

menganakemaskan : treat as favorite

menganaksewakan : sublet

menganaktirikan : see: memperanaktirikan

menganalisa : analyse

mengancaikan : wreck, damage

mengancam : threaten, endanger

mengancamkan : threaten with, threatening

mengancang-ancang : make preparations, take a run

mengancar-ancarkan : estimate at, target

mengancingkan : button

mengancuk : copulate

mengandaikan : suppose, assume

mengandakkan : reef, take in, limit, decrease

mengandalkan : see: andal

mengandam : tie, fasten, lock up, incarcerate

mengandukkan : see: anduk

mengandung : contain, pregnant

menganeh-anehan : oddity

menganehkan : be surprising

menganekakan : vary, make diverse

menganeksasi : annex, appropriate, take prossession of

menganga : gape

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mengangan-angankan : recall, ponder, contemplate, imagine, fantasize

menganggali : lighten

menganggalkan : lighten

menganggap : regard as, look upon, deem, consider, categorize

menganggar : calculate, compute

menganggarkan : draw up a budget, budget out

menganggit : lace, thread, compose, draft

menganggu : discomfort, bother

mengangguk : nod

mengangguk-angguk : keep nodding

mengangguki : assent

menganggukkan : rood, agree to

menganggul : see: anggul

menganggung : see: anggung

menganggur : be unemployed, lie idle

menganggut : move erractically, pitch, nod due to drowsiness

mengangin : become wind, disappear, blow

mengangin-anginkan : air, aerate, expose to the air, hint

mengangini : air

menganginkan : blast, aerate

mengangkakan : mark, grade, mark, number

mengangkang : straddle, astride, strideways

mengangkasa : be airbone, soar, take off, come to the fore

mengangkasakan : develop to the fullest

mengangkat : lift, raise, appoint, designate, promote

mengangkat : remove, take up, adopt, nab, pick up

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mengangkat : raise, heave, elevate, doff, carry, assign

mengangkat-angkat : praise

mengangkat wakil : accredit

mengangkatkan : lift up, raise, roll up

mengangkup : hold with tweezers

mengangkut : see: angkut

mengangkut dengan bis : bus

mengangkuti : pick up, collect

mengangop : to yawn

mengangsur : pay in installment

mengangsurkan : move forward

mengangut : nap, doze

menganiaya : agonize, molest, maltreat, torture

menganjak : transplant, reset

menganjakkan : take steps

menganjung : jut out, protrude

menganjur : see: anjur

menganjuri : lead, head, pioneer

menganjurkan : suggest, propose, recommend, extend, project

mengantamer : see: antamer

mengantapkan : calm, soothe, appease

mengantar : deliver, carry, transmit

mengantarai : be between, intercede, mediate

mengantari : bring to, send to

mengantarkan : accompany, see off, introduce, escort

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mengantep : trust, believe in, be faithful to, let

mengantih : see: antih

menganting : dangle, sway, swing

mengantisipasi : anticipate

mengantisipir : see: antisipir

mengantri : queue

mengantuk : sleepy, drowse, doze, noddy, collide against

mengantukkan : bump, strike

mengantul : see: antul

mengantup : see: antup

menganugerahi : bestow on

menganugerahkan : bestow, confer, award

menganulir : see: anulir

menganut : follow, submit, practice

menganyam : plait, pleat

mengapa : why, what for

mengapakan : do what to

mengapalkan : ship

mengapasiapakan : write up, freature

mengapi : fan, rouse, incite, stir up, warm up

mengapikan : tidy up

mengapit : flank, press between, hold by pressing between

mengapkir : reject, condemn, prohibit, ban

mengaplikasikan : apply

mengaplos : relieve

mengaplus : applaud

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mengapresiasi : appreciate

mengapung : float, float upward, soar

mengapungi : hover about, float about

mengapungkan : set afloat, keep afloat

mengapur : calcimine, calcify, whitewash

mengapuri : whitewash

mengarah : aim, direct, aim at, direct

mengarah-arah : resemble, favor, note, observe

mengarah-arahi : give direction to, resemble

mengarah-arahkan : repeatedly direct, intend, mean

mengarah ke jurusan yang salah : misdirect

mengarahi : give directions to

mengarahkan : direct, aim, point, instructions, maneuver

mengarak : accompany in a procession

mengarang : author, become charcoal

mengarang syair : versify

mengarangkan : make into charcoal

mengaras : reach a limit, checkmate

mengarasi : define, delimit

mengarbosi : abort

mengarcakan : cast into a statue

mengarifi : understand, see

mengarifkan : realize, understand

mengarihkan : see: arih

mengarit : cut grass

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mengartikan : interpret, construe, bear a meaning for

mengartikulasikan : articulate

mengarun : see: arun

mengarung : see: arung

mengarungi : cross, sail through, wade through, wade, ford

mengaruniai : favour, bestow

mengarut : botch

mengarwahkan : hold a momerial service in honor of the deceased

mengasah : whet, hone, sharpen

mengasak : cram, jam urge, press, insist, replace, supplant

mengasaki : cram, urge, insist, press

mengasalkan : trace origin

mengasam : turn into acid

mengasami : add acid

mengasamkan : pickle, preserve

mengasap : become, smoke, cure, scent

mengasapi : smoke, cure, fumigate, scent

mengasapkemenyani : praise, smoked

mengasaskan : found, base, establish

mengasembling : assemble

mengasemblir : see: asemblir

mengasesekan : approve

mengasi : pay attention to

mengasihi : love

mengasimilasikan : assimilate

mengasingkan : isolate, exile, segregate, intern, alienate

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mengasingkan diri : alienate

mengasini : salt, pickle

mengasinkan : see: mengasini

mengaso : rest, take a break

mengasosiasikan : associate

mengaspal : asphalt

mengasuh : educate, take care of, look after, nurture

mengasung : stir up

mengasuransikan : underwrite, insure

mengasyiki : cat up, devour

mengasyikkan : preoccupy, absorbing, engross, absorb, fascinate

mengata-ngatai : tell off

mengatakan : term, say, breathe, assert, tell

mengatas : go up and up

mengatasi : superintend, overcome, eclipse, cope, contend

mengataskan : lift up, bike up, place higher

mengatasnamai : put in the name of

mengatasnamakan : act on behalf of, do in the name

mengatur : put in order, straighten up, manage, dispose

mengatur : regulate, oversee, organize, modulate, arrange

mengatur ulang : resettle

mengaturkan : put in order for

mengaturtepatkan : adjust, regulate

mengaum : roar

mengauskan : cause something to wear out

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mengautopsi : perform an autopsy

mengawahamakan : see: awahama

mengawahutankan : see: awahutan

mengawakkan : house in barracks or dormitory, billet

mengawal : head, be first, precede, guard, escort, oversee

mengawali : begin, startup, commence

mengawam : promulgate, announce

mengawan : into the sky

mengawang-awangkan : brandish

mengawani : accompany, keep someone company

mengawasi : supervise, control, administer, oversee

mengawaskan : observe, note

mengawet : preserve, stuff

mengawetkan : preserved, conserved

mengawetkan mayat : emblam

mengawini : wed, marry

mengawur : see: awur

mengawuri : see: awur

mengawurkan : spread

mengayak : sift

mengayomi : guard

mengayuh : cycle, row, swing, paddle, pedal

mengayuhkan : use something as an oar or pedal

mengayun : swing, wield

mengayunkan : swing, dangle

mengayut : see: ayut

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mengazab : torment, persecute, harass

mengazamkan : intend, propose

mengebel : ring a bell

mengebelakangkan : turn back, neglect

mengebiri : geld, emasculate, castrate

mengebom : see: bom

mengebomi : see: bom

mengebon : borrow

mengebor : drill

mengecam : inveigh, cavil

mengecap : smack, see: mencap

mengecat : tint, paint, color

mengece : see: ece

mengecer : see: ecer

mengecewakan : disenchant, disappoint

mengecil : become small

mengecilkan : disparage, turn down, make something small

mengecilkan hati : dishearten, discourage

mengecoh : flam

mengecong : see: cong

mengecundangkan : see: cundang

mengecup : kiss, smack

mengedari : circle around, encircle, explore, roam

mengedarkan : emit, circulate, issue, pass around, cadge

mengedepankan : put in the front, put forward, propose

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mengedipkan mata : blink

mengedisikan : issue, publish

mengedit : edit

mengedrop : see: drop

mengeduduki : sit on, occupy a territory

mengefisienkan : render efficient

mengegah : shuffle, stagger

mengegol : see: egol

mengegoli : pry

mengegos : evade

mengeja : spell

mengejar : pursue, overtake, mob, give chase to

mengejar kembali : recover

mengejar perempuan : dangle

mengejawantah : materialize, become visible

mengejawantahkan : manifest, materialize

mengejek : mocking, mock, ridicule, deride, hoot

mengejutkan : startle, shocking, shock, appalling

mengekang : curb, bridle, trammel, pull in the reins

mengeker : look through binoculars or a telescope

mengekor : dangle like a tail, tail, trail, follow

mengekori : follow, walk behind, tail

mengeksamen : examine

mengeksitkan : expell, dismiss

mengekspedisikan : expedite

mengeksploitasi : exploit, use, work

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mengeksploitir : see: eksploitir

mengeksplorasi : explore

mengeksport : export

mengekspos : see: ekspos

mengekspresikan : express

mengekstradisi : extradite

mengekstrapolasi : extrapolate

mengekstrimkan : make extreme

mengelaborasi : elaborate

mengelabui : blear

mengelak : get out of the way, move to evade

mengelak : avoid, eschew, elusory, elusive, elude, dodge

mengelak-elak : evasive

mengelakari : make fun of, ridicule

mengelakkan : dodge, shunt to the side, deflect, shirk

mengelam : see: kelam, clamp

mengelamin : marry someone

mengelamkan : darken

mengelamun : daydream, muse

mengelana : roam, wander

mengelantang : see: kelantang

mengelas : braze, weld

mengelektrifikasi : electrify

mengelektrisir : see: elektrisir

mengelektriskan : electrify

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mengelembung : billow

mengelilingi : surround, round, gird, environ, engirdle

mengeliminasikan : eliminate

mengelirukan : mislead someone

mengelmusi : emulsify

mengelokkan : beautify

mengelola : run, manage

mengelompokkan : agglomerate

mengelon : side with, expose the cause of, defend

mengelu-elu : applaud

mengelu-elukan : welcome, meet

mengeluarkan : spend, secrete, expel, excrete, elicit, educe

mengeluh : complain

mengelumuni : cover, envelop

mengelupas : get peeled off, peel something off

mengelupaskan : peel, skin something, peel on behalf of someone

mengelus : stroke

mengelus-elus : caress, stroke, coas

mengeluyur : wander

mengemail : to enamel

mengemas : pack, wrap

mengemasi : gild, bribe

mengemaskan : resemble gold, become golden

mengemat : checkmate

mengembalikan : return, give back, deport

mengemban : carry out, execute, perform, support

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mengembang : bloom

mengembangkan : develop

mengembani : assign to carry out

mengembankan : carry out

mengembara : rove, roam, gad, wander, vagabondize, vagabond

mengembarai : wander over, roam in

mengembik : bleat, baa

mengembungkan : distend

mengemis : cadge, befriend beg

mengemong : cuddle

mengempang : dam, block, lie athwart, block

mengempar : see: empar

mengempaskan : throw, dasb, slam

mengempeskan : deflate

mengempiskan : deflate

mengemudi : drive

mengemudikan : navigate

mengemukakan : utter, express, profound, adduce, offer

mengena : struck, hit, come into contact with

mengena : be subject to, be the right thing, be on the mark

mengenai : respecting, concern, about

mengenakan : don, reassure, put at case, enrobe, wear

mengenakan pakaian : enrobe

mengenal : recognize, know, conversant, ken

mengenali : know, identify

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mengenalkan : introduce

mengenaskan : heartbreaking

mengencangkan : speed up, accelerate, tighten

mengencerkan : dilute

mengendap : settle, precipitate, be present

mengendapi : settle at

mengendarai : ride

mengendep : see: dep

mengendor : become looser or slack, relax

mengendosir : endorse

mengendus : see: endus

mengengah-engah : see: terengah-engah

mengenggani : reject

mengenggankan : dislike, have no use for, not permit, not allow

mengengget : hook

mengengkol : crank

mengenjal : see: enjal

mengentak : see: entak

mengentengkan : lighten, ease, alleviate, take for granted

mengentrog-entrog : see: entrog

mengenyahkan : chase away, evict

mengenyam : taste, experience, undergo

mengenyangkan : satiate

mengeong : mew

mengepal : clench, hold in one's fist, knead

mengepang rambut : braid

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mengepel : swab

mengepit : strangulate

mengeposkan : mail

mengepulkan : puff

mengepung : surround, restrain, meb, besiege, beset

mengerahkan : rally, mobilize

mengerak : make a screeching

mengerakkan : unwind, untie, separate

mengeram : see: eram

mengerami : brood

mengeramkan : hatch eggs

mengerang : groan, moan

mengeraskan : amplify

mengeratkan : tighten, firm up

mengerek : hoist

mengerem : brake, skid

mengereng : slope, lean, slant

mengeret : see: eret

mengerik : chirp, see: erik

mengerikan : grisly, excruciating, bloodcurdling, appall

mengerikan : horrid, horrible, harrowing, gruesome, macabre

mengeringkan : drain

mengerjakan : do, work, undertake, effectuate, deal with

mengerling kepada : ogle

mengerogoti : gnaw on, chew at, undermine, embezzle

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mengerotkan : distort, twist

mengeroyok : overrun

mengerti : understand, explanation, interpretation, absorb

mengeruhi : render turbid

mengeruhkan : muddy, make something muddy, disturb

mengeruk : scrape, dredge, stick one's hand into

mengerukut : curll up, become warped or deformed

mengerukutkan : causes something to curl up

mengerul : curl the hair

mengerumit : gnaw, nibble (of rabbits, mice)

mengerumiti : nibble on

mengerumuk : see: berkerumuk

mengerumukkan : crumple (paper), wrinkle something

mengerumuni : crowd around something, overrun

mengerumunkan : cause something to swarm around

mengerut : shrivel, contract, shrink, wrinkle, crease

mengerutkan : shrink, contract

menges : become ice, freeze

mengesahkan : ratification, affirm

mengesakan : acknowledge the oneness of God

mengesalkan : annoy, peeve, annoying, make someone fed up

mengesampingkan : set aside, override

mengesankan : impress, imposing

mengetahui : know, detect, ken

mengetahui sebelumnya : foreknow

mengetahui tentang : know about

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mengetam : reap

mengetatkan : tighten

mengetengahkan : set forth, subpoena, summon

mengetik : type, typewrite

mengetimologikan : etymologize

mengetok : knock

mengetsa : etch

mengetuai : preside

mengetus : speak sharply

mengevaluasi : evaluate

mengewe : see: ewe

menggabahkan : leave as unhulled rice

menggabak : gloomy, dark

menggabar : see: gabar

menggabung : merge, join together with

menggabungkan : consolidate, conquer, bunch, band, integrate

menggabungkan : bundle, bale, fuse, unite

menggabus : polish with cork

menggada : bludgeon, club

menggadai : take in pawn

menggadaikan : pawn, pledge, hypothecate

menggadang : be arrogant, swagger, large sieve

menggading : resemble ivory, puncture with a tusk

menggadis : remain single

menggaduh : disturb

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menggaduhkan : disturb, be in commotion over

menggaet : snatch, hook, rake in

menggaeti : hook, grab several thing

menggagah : act with firmness

menggagahi : overpower, subjugate, rape, molest sexually

menggagalkan : foil, cause to fail, defeat, baffle, abort, wreck

menggagap : stutter

menggagau : grope

menggairahkan : enrapture, ravishing

menggairahkan : stir, arouse, stimulate, delight, stimulate

menggait : see: gait

menggaitkan : pluck, wheedle

menggaji : hire, employ, pay a salary

menggalak : become fierce, rage

menggalakkan : incite, stir up, encourage

menggalang : give something a firm footing

menggalang : lie athwart, block, support, place on the ways

menggalangi : support

menggalangkan : use as a support

menggalau : become confused

menggalaukan : make confused, be confused about

menggalbani : galvanise

menggali : dig, exhume, excavate, disinter, see: gali

menggali lubang : burrow

menggalibkan : accustom, habituatic

menggamak : estimate

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menggamak-gamak : estimate

menggamang : be nervous

menggamangkan : dizzying

menggambar : draw, illustrate

menggambar sketsa : etch

menggambarkan : reflect, figure, depict, describe

menggamit : twitch, nudge, pluck

menggampangkan : facilitate, smooth, take lightly

menggampari : see: gampar

mengganas : rage, rampage, storm, be ferocious, be vicious

mengganasi : attack viciously

menggandakan : clone

menggandeng : pull, tow, hold

menggandengi : accompany, go hand in hand with

menggandengkan : link, hook together, join, couple

menggandrung : be crazy about

menggandrungi : enamored of, infatuated with

menggandrungkan : be crazy over

mengganduh : see: ganduh

menggandul : see: gandul

menggandulkan : hang, suspend

mengganggu : offend, molest, mob, irritate, vex, vexatious

mengganggu : harry, disturb, chicane, annoying, annoyance

mengganggu-gugat : jolt, shock, jerk, accuse, charge

mengganggut : see: ganggut

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menggangsir : undermine, dig a tunel, furrow

mengganjak : move

mengganjakkan : move

mengganjal : wedge in, wedge tight, prop up, shore up, support

mengganjali : see: mengganjal

mengganjar : repay, reward, compensate

mengganteli : hang from

mengganti : change, replace, repay, displace, commute

mengganti kerugian : compensate

menggantikan : replace, substitute for, succeed, discontinue

menggantung : hang, hang up, adjurn, be suspended

menggantungi : hanging, be hanging on to

menggantungkan : hang, suspend, adjourn

mengganyang : devour, see: ganyang

menggaok : caw

menggapai : reach

menggapai-gapai : see: gapai

menggapit : pick up, hold

menggaram : become salty, lick at salt

menggarami : make worse

menggarandir : guarantee

menggarang : rage, storm

menggarap : work on

menggaras : see: garas

menggari : handcuff, shackle, manacle

menggaris : scratch, draw line, rule, be a thin line

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menggarisbawahi : underscore, underline

menggariskan : underline, underscore, trace the line of, outline

menggarit : see: garit

menggarong : rob, plunder, loot, pillage

menggaru : barrow

menggarudai : give wings to

menggaruk : scratch, round up people, rob, clean out, rake

menggaruk-garuk : keep scratching

menggaruki : scratch repeatedly

menggarukkan : scratch with, barrow

menggarung : see: garung

menggarut : see: garut

menggas : evaporate, accelerate

menggasak : rub hard, attack, assault, take by force, pilfer

menggasak : trounce

menggatalkan : cause to itch, irritating

menggaul : mix, stir

menggauli : have intercourse with

menggaung : see: bergaung

menggawat : be critical, be grave

menggawatkan : endanger, render critical, dangerous, precarious

menggaya : inspire, put on airs

menggayabarukan : bring a new style to

menggayakan : lend beauty, strenght to

menggayem : see: gayem

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menggayemi : see: gayem

menggayuh : achieve

menggayung : strike, alash, stab

menggayut : be hanging

menggayuti : hang on to, be present in a place

menggebah : see: gebah

menggeber : vibrate

menggebos : see: gebos

menggebrak : thump, crash, hit, instigate

menggebu : see: gebu

menggebu-gebu : see: gebu

menggebuk : beat

menggebuki : pummel, beat up

menggebukkan : beat with

menggebyak : see: gebyak

menggecar : shudder, tremble

menggecek : see: gecek

menggedangkan : enlarge, increase

menggedekan : enlarge

menggedok : weave

menggedor : see: gedor

menggedorkan : slam

menggedruk : stamp

menggedrukkan : stamp

menggegap : make a huge noise

menggegapkan : ear shattering

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menggegar : see: bergegar

menggegar-gegar : rumble and thunder

menggegarkan : shake

menggegas : hurry up

menggegaskan : hurry up

menggegerkan : stir, cause a commotion

menggejala : become, be indicated

menggelagar : thunder, rumble

menggelandang : take in, be a vagrant

menggelangsat : see: gelangsat

menggelantang : see: gelantang

menggelantar : see: gelantar

menggelanting : dangle, swing

menggelantung : overhang

menggelap : turn dark, disapper in dark, run amuck

menggelapi : darken

menggelapkan : darken, obscure, embezzle

menggelapkan uang : embezzle, defalcate

menggelar : to name, give a title to, spread out, roll out

menggelari : see: menggelar

menggelatak : tickle

menggelebur : see: gelebur

menggelebyar : fly about

menggelecek : see: gelecek

menggeledah : raid, search, see: geledah

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menggeledahi : ransack repeatedly

menggeledek : thunder, rumble

menggeledeki : thunder at

menggeleding : see: geleding

menggelegak : see: gelegak

menggelegakkan : bring to a boil

menggelegar : booming, blazing

menggelek : see: gelek

menggelekak : peel

menggelekek : see: gelekek

menggelekkan : avoid

menggelembung : bubble, be in flated

menggelembungkan : inflate, distend, mark up

menggelembur : be wrinkled

menggelemburkan : wrinkle

menggeleng : shake (of the head)

menggelengkan : shake (one's head)

menggelenyar : tingle

menggelepar : flutter, wallop, hover, twitch, flap

menggelepar-gelepar : see: menggelepar

menggelepur : flounder, flutter

menggeleser : see: geleser

menggeletak : sprawl

menggeletar : see: geletar

menggeleting : tinkle

menggeletuk : chatter

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menggeliat : distort, twist

menggelicikkan : see: gelicik

menggeligit : see: geligit

menggelikan : encourage, ridiculous, tickle, laughable

menggelimang : be smeared

menggelimbir : dangle, be penduluous

menggelincir : glide, see: gelincir

menggelincirkan : sidetrack, derail

menggelinding : see: bergelinding

menggelindingkan : roll something

menggelinjang : see: gelinjang

menggelinting : see: gelinting

menggelintingi : roll into little pellets

menggelintir : roll into a pellet

menggelisah : worry about, perturb, upset

menggelisahi : disturb, bother

menggelisahkan : alarming, alarm, fidget

menggelitar : struggle

menggelitik : tickle, prod, beat of

menggelitiki : tickle

menggelodar : see: gelodar

menggelogok : gulp down, seethe

menggelojoh : be gluttonous

menggelombang : wave, surge

menggelompar : leap up

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menggelonjak : arise

menggelora : fervent, see: bergelora

menggelorakan : inflame, stir up, whip up

menggelosang : hurry up

menggelosok : rub hard

menggelosor : slide down

menggelotrak : rattle

menggelumangi : spread on, smear with

menggelundung : see: gelundung

menggeluntur : see: geluntur

menggelusak : see: gelusak

menggeluti : embrace, wrestle with, seize

menggema : see: gema

menggemak : see: gemak

menggemak-gemak : see: gemak

menggemal : hold, gasp

menggemani : be afraid of

menggemari : be fond of delight in, like very much

menggemarkan : make happy, give pleasure to

menggemaskan : annoy

menggembala : tend, look after

menggembalai : see: menggembala

menggembalakan : herd, tend, pasture, graze

menggembar-gemborkan : ballyhoo, propagandise, tout, shout about

menggembirakan : cheer up, make happy, gladden, enliven

menggembleng : unite

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menggemblok : cling to

menggembok : to padlock

menggembol : carry

menggembongi : be the brains of, be the ring leader of

menggemborkan : bruit about, noisy about

menggembos : deflate

menggembosi : deflate

menggemboskan : deflate (a tyre)

menggembungkan : puff

menggemburkan : loosen

menggempagelorakan : shake turbelently

menggempakan : shake, jolt

menggemparkan : appalling, appall

menggempita : be noisy, loud

menggempur : attack, batter, destroy, ruin, storm

menggemuki : grease, lubricate

menggemukkan : fatten up, fattening, fertilise

menggemuruh : thunder

menggenahkan : straughten out

menggenangi : inundate

menggenapi : fulfill, make complete, complement

menggenapkan : round

menggencarkan : accelerate

menggencat : cease, stop

menggendangi : agree with

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menggendong : carry

menggendongkan : hang in a sling, carry for

menggendutkan : fatten

menggeneralisasikan : generalise

menggeneralisir : generalise

menggenggam : clutch, hold, keep

menggenjot : operate a pedal or treadle

menggenjot : do something all at once

menggentar : see: bergentar

menggentari : frighten

menggentarkan : pluck, shake

menggentas : pinch off, break off

menggenting : become critical

menggeol : see: geol

menggepuk : beat, pound, crack

menggera : see: gera

menggerabak : see: gerabak

menggeragau : claw at

menggerai : see: gerai

menggerakkan : move, budge, actuate, activate, motivate

menggerakkan tangan : gesticulate

menggeram : be furious, growl

menggeramkan : infuriate, stir up passion

menggerang : blacken the teeth

menggerantang : intimidate

menggerapai : grope

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menggeratak : see: geratak

menggeratkan : gnash

menggerayang : see: gerayang

menggerbak : see: gerbak

menggerebeg : see: menggerebek

menggerebek : come up on someone unawares, raid something

menggerendel : bolt

menggeridip : see: geridip

menggerigit : gnaw at

menggerimis : drizzle

menggerinda : hone

menggerinyau : feel itchy

menggerisik : rustle

menggerit : screech, nibble, gnaw

menggerobok : see: gerobok

menggerodak : rumble, clatter about, break into, enter

menggerogoh : see: gerogoh

menggerogohi : see: gerogoh

menggerogoti : gnaw, see: gerogot

menggerombol : see: gerombol

menggeronggangi : make a large hole in

menggeros : snore

menggerosok-gerosok : wade

menggersang : be dry and barren

menggertak : snap at, threaten, spur, goash

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menggertak : bully, buffalo, browbeat, bluster, bluff, snarl

menggertakkan : intimidate, spur, gnash

menggeru : roar

menggerudug : see: gerudug

menggeruh : see: geruh

menggerumit : see: gerumit

menggerumuk : see: gerumuk

menggerumus : see: gerumus

menggerumut : see: gerumut

menggerumuti : swarm over, crowd

menggerundel : see: gerundel

menggerunjal : see: gerunjal

menggerupis : see: gerupis

menggerus : crush, grind, bray

menggerutu : murmur, grumble, complain

menggerutui : grumble about

menggesek : rub

menggeser : rub against, shift, replace, transfer

menggeserkan : rub against, shift, move

menggesperkan : buckle

menggetah : tap

menggetap : grate, crunch

menggetar : see: bergetar

menggetik : see: getik

menggetil : pinch

menggetok : hit, strike, knock on

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menggiatkan : activate, encourage, bestir, activate

menggigil : tremble, aquiver, wince, benumb, shiver, shudder

menggigit : nibble, bite, scathing

menggigiti : keep biting, bite all over

menggila : go mad, become crazy

menggilai : look after, take care

menggilakan : see: menggilai

menggilap : lustrous, shinning

menggilas : crush, break up, see: gilas

menggilaskan : run over

menggili : see: gili

menggili-gili : see: gili

menggiling : roll, mill, grind, flatten

menggiling : grind, blend, mill

menggilirkan : rotate a position

menggirangkan : gladden

menggiring : seize, see: giring

menggiringkan : herd on behalf of

menggiurkan : entrance, bewitch, whet, rapturous, ravish

menggletser : glacial

menggobet : see: gobet

menggoblokkan : insult

menggocob : pummel severely

menggoda : see: goda

menggoda : tempt, tease, tantalize, seduce, hazily, entice

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menggodai : tempt, seduce

menggodam : strike, pound

menggodok : train intensively, discuss

menggodot : see: godot

menggojlok : see: gojlok

menggolak : brew, boil

menggolkan : achieve, make a goal

menggolongkan : classify, categorize, see: golong

menggombeng : see: gombeng

menggoncang : agitate

menggoncangkan : shake, jar, jolt

menggondol : see: gondol

menggonggong : bark

menggonggongi : yap

menggongkan : second a motion, idea

menggonyakkan : see: gonyak

menggonyok : see: gonyok

menggorek : scratch

menggoreng : fry

menggoreng-goreng : stir fry

menggorengkan : fry on behalf of

menggores : scratch, write, draw, streak

menggoresi : scratch lines into

menggoreskan : scratch with, write with, draw with

menggorok : cut, slit

menggosipkan : gossip about

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menggosok : incite, instigate, shine, iron

menggosok : polish, rub, scour, grind, furbish, embrocate

menggosok-gosok : repeatedly rub, incite, rub the wrong way

menggotes : see: gotes

menggotong : carry

menggotongroyongkan : cooperate in

menggoyahkan : shake

menggoyak : see: goyak

menggoyang : shake, rock

menggoyangkan : concuss

menggremeti : crawl on

menggrendel : secure a latch

menggrojok : see: grojok

menggubah : arrange, compose, see: gubah

menggubit : see: gubit

menggubris : see: gubris

menggudangkan : store, place in a storeroom

menggugah : see: gugah

menggugahkan : see: gugah

menggugat : claim, accuse, sue, shake, rock

mengguguh : see: guguh

menggugurkan : abort, topple

mengguik : squeal

menggula : flatter, butter up

menggulai : sugar, sweeten

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menggulati : wrestle with

mengguling : roll

menggulingkan : roll, topple, defeat, overthrow

menggulir : roll

menggulirkan : make something roll

menggulung : convolve, wreathe, scroll

menggulung : come in rolls, waves, roll, defeat

menggulungkan : wind for, roll up for, furl, reef

menggulut : accelerate

menggumalkan : wrinkle, rumple, crumple

menggumam : matter, suppress

menggumpal : agglomerate, lump up

menggumul : wrestle with

mengguna-guna : use magic on

menggunakan : use, utilise, utilize, make use of, resort to

mengguncang : shake, rock

menggundahkan : depress, deeply sudden

menggunduk : pile up

menggunduli : shave someone bald, clean something out

menggundulkan : denude

menggunggungkan : total up

menggunjing : gossip

menggunting : scissor, clipper, clip, deceive, swindle

mengguntung : top

menggunung : pile up, resemble a mountain

menggurat : scratch, make lines, scratch out, remove

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menggurati : sketch

mengguraukan : joke about, ridicule

menggurdi : drill, bore

menggurit : poetise, versify, write poetry

mengguruh : thunder

menggurui : teach

menggusah : chase away

menggusari : be angry at

menggusarkan : provoke

menggusur : drag

mengguyur : spray, splash

menghabisi : end, finish, finish off, wipe out, spend

menghabiskan : waste, deplete, deplenish, use, spend, consume

menghabiskan tenaga : bush

menghabiskan waktu : dally, waste time

menghablur : crystalize

menghadang : waylay

menghadapkan : arraign

menghadiahi : endue

menghadiahkan : endow

menghadiri : attend

menghadirkan : present

menghafalkan : memorize

menghakimi : judge

menghalalkan : allow, permit, authorize

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menghalang-halangi : debar, balk, vex, trammel

menghalangi : thwart, obstruct, counteract, deter, block

menghalau : dispel, banish, chase away, drive away, drive

menghaluskan : sublimate

menghamba : serve

menghambakan : treat as a servant, domineer

menghambat : obstruct, hinder, impede, hamper, obstruct

menghamburkan : scatter, dissipate

menghamili : impregnate, fertilize

menghamparkan : outspread

menghampiri : approach, come close to

menghancurkan : pulverize, destroy, disintegrate, dash

menghanguskan : scorch, singe

menghantam : smite, smack, blow, punch, strike, pound, pummel

menghantui : obsess

menghapus : expunge, erase, delete

menghapuskan : omit, obliterate, liquidate, efface, blot out

mengharamkan : proscribe, forbid, prohibit, abjure, abstain from

mengharapkan : hope, expect, count on, anticipate

menghargai : commend, value, appreciative, appreciate

mengharukan : heart-warming, emotive, affectionate, touching

mengharuskan : oblige

menghasilkan : generate, afford, yield, produce, productive

menghasut : instigate, incite, demagogical, agitate

menghaturkan : offer, give, say

menghebat : increase in intensity

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menghebohi : see: menghebohkan

menghebohkan : horrendous, cause a commotion, sensational

menghemat : cut corner, economize

menghembus : blow

menghembuskan : exhale

menghempaskan : throw, hurl something against, dash, slam

menghentakkan : thrust, stab, pound

menghentikan : waylay

mengherankan : baffle, be astonishing, cause amazement

menghianati : betray

menghias : decorate, embellish, adorn, ornament

menghiasi : illustrate, emblazon, embellish, adorn

menghibur : entertain, console

menghidupkan : activate

menghilang : fade out, fade away, disappear

menghilangkan : omit, kill, fade, delete, deaden, allay

menghilangkan air : dehydrate

menghilangkan bau : deodorize

menghilangkan bulu : depilate

menghilangkan semangat : demoralize, deject

menghilangkan warna : decolorize

menghilangnya : dissipation

menghimbau : call, make a call, beckon, name, summon

menghimpit : close up, press

menghina : opprobrious, deride, misprize, insult, contempt

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menghina : taunt, humiliate, derogatory, debase, askew

menghina tuhan : blasphemous, blaspheme

menghinakan : abase

menghindari : shun, avoid, avert, attend

menghindarkan : evade

menghipnotis : hypnotize

menghiraukan : care for, mind

menghirup : lap, inhale, breathe

menghisap : absorp

menghitamkan : blacken

menghitung : count, compute, calculate, account

menghormati : deferential, defer, honor, respect, revere

menghubungi : refer

menghubungkan : mesh, join, consugate, consoin, connect

menghujat : blaspheme

menghukum : sentence, punish, damn, condemn, castigate

menghunjam : pierce something so it is fixed, penetrate, dive

menghunjamkan : thrust in, insert (by stabbing), shower on

mengiang : continually whine, hum, buzz

mengiau : caterwaul

mengibaratkan : allegorize

mengibarkan : uncase

mengibaskan : wag

mengibuli : lie to someone, cheat, deceive

mengidam : to have an appetite

mengidamkan : to be keen on, to long for

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mengidap : suffer from

mengigau : delirious, ramble, to dream aloud, to rave

mengihtisarkan : recapitulate

mengijinkan : allow, permit, consent, concessive, brook

mengikat : tie, knot, furl, bind

mengikat kaki : hobble

mengikhtisarkan : abridge

mengikis : scrape

mengikis : erosive

mengiklankan : boost, advertise

mengikrarkan : pledge, promise something

mengikuti : follow

mengikutsertakan : bring everyone to take part

mengilahkan : deify

mengiler : slobber, drool

mengilerkan : cause someone to drool

mengilham : receive or try to find inspiration

mengilhami : inspire

mengilhamkan : inspire with something

mengilukan : set one on edge

mengimani : believe in, have faith in

mengimbangi : counterbalance, compensate, set against, answer

mengimbas : induce

mengiming-imingi : tempt, entice

menginap : to stay (to pass) the night, to stay

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menginfus : infuse

mengingat : remember, whereas

mengingat kembali : recollect

mengingatkan : remind, remember

mengingini : desire

menginginkan : wish, want, desire

mengingkari : deny, negate, disown, disavow, disaffirm

mengingkari peraturan : disobey

mengingsut : move up slowly, move, shift

menginjak : trample down, tread (crush) under foot, tread

menginjak-injak : disobey, disregard, ignore, be disrespectful of

menginjakkan : step

mengintai : leering, prying, lying in wait for, leer, pry

mengintil : follow on someone's heels

mengintip : spy, peep, watch stealthily, pry, peep

mengintisarikan : abstract

mengipasi : fan

mengira : take for, suppose, presume

mengirim : send, deliver

mengirim kawat : telegraph

mengirimkan : consign

mengiringi : follow, accompany, escort, shadow, convoy

mengiris : mince

mengirit : economical, saving, save

mengisap : absorb

mengisi : fill, charge

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mengisi angin : aerate

mengisi ulang : refill, recharge

mengislamkan : islamize

mengisolasi : insulate

mengistimewakan : regard or treat as special

mengisutkan : crumple

mengisyaratkan : beckon, signal

mengiyakan : assent, affirm

mengizinkan : allow, acquiesce, consent

mengkaitkan : relate, connect, hook, attach, dock, tie, peg to

mengkaji : assess

mengkalang-kabutkan : confuse

mengkambinghitamkan : scapegoat

mengkampanyekan : campaign

mengkandaskan : wreck

mengkerut : shrink

mengkhawatirkan : cause apprehension, alarm, be worried about

mengkhayalkan : figure

mengkhianati : abuse, betray, be traitorous

mengkhitan : circumcise

mengkhitani : circumcise several people

mengkhitankan : circumcise

mengkhususkan : specialize

mengkiaskan : allegorize

mengkilap : glossy, burnish, vitreous

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mengkilapkan : burnish, buff

mengkisruhkan : upset, disrupt

mengklaim : make a claim

mengkoordinir : coordinate

mengkristal : crystalize

mengkristenkan : christianise, christianize

mengkritik : excoriate, criticize

mengkudeta : carry coup d'etat

mengkufurkan : excommunicate, consider someone as an infidel

mengkultuskan : make a cult of

mengobar-ngobarkan : stir up, arouse

mengobarkan : animate, inspire, fire something up, fan flames

mengobati : treat, cure, attend

mengobral : sale

mengobrol : yack, gab, chat, tittle-tattle, chit-chat

mengoceh : bable

mengocok : shake, beat, jiggle

mengocok kartu : shuffle

mengocok kembali : reshuffle

mengocok perut : convulse

mengodratkan : preditermine

mengokang : cock a rifle for firing

mengolah : process, turn something into something better

mengoles : dab

mengolok-olok : flout

mengomel : mumble, beef

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mengomentari : comment

mengorbankan : victimize, sacrifice, set as a pious gift

mengorek : dig up secrets, investigate

mengorek-ngorek : scrape, get something by scraping

mengoreki : scrape something out

mengorganisasikan : organize

mengosongkan : vacate, empty, deplenish

mengotori : pollute, mess, grime, defile, dash off, slobber

mengotorkan : discolor, defile, contaminate

mengoyak : rend

mengoyak-koyakkan : rip, tear into tatters

mengoyakkan : rip, tear into tatters

menguak : moo, croak, see: menyingkap

menguap : yawn, evaporate

menguapkan : vapourize

menguasai : govern, dominate, command, take charge, master

menguasai dua bahasa : bilingual

menguasakan : accredit, authorize, empower someone

menguat : become stronger

menguati : support (a proposal, etc)

menguati : take by force, violate (a female), coerce

menguatkan : evaporate, corroborate, consolidate, aneal

menguatkan : reinforce, strengthen, empower

mengubah : sway, modify, distort, compose, amend, change

mengubah bentuk : transform, remodel

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mengubah sifat benda : denature

mengubur : bury

menguburkan : inter, entomb

mengucapkan : say, tell, speak, utter, express

mengucapkan selamat : congratulate

mengucilkan : excommunicate

mengucur : gush or pour forth, pour liquid on something

mengucuri : pour liquid on something

mengucurkan : pour out, gush forth, contribute

mengugus : see: bergugus-gugus

menguji : test, verify, assay

mengukir : cut out, engrave, carve, chisel

mengukirkan : carve into or on something

mengukuhi : make something firm or strong, hold to

mengukuhkan : strengthen, solidify, brace, fortify, install

mengukup : cense

mengukur : quantify, measure, fathom, engrave

mengulah : prepare

mengulak : buy goods for resale

mengulangi : redo, repeat

mengulas : review, explain

menguliti : remove the skin, skin something, peel

menguliti kayu : bark

menguliti kepala : scalp

mengulur : pay out, extend, make concessions

mengulur-ulur : repeatedly extend something

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menguluri : hand over to someone

mengulurkan : pay out, pass out, stick out, extend, stretch

mengumandang : echo, reverberate

mengumandangkan : make something reverberate

mengumbar : free something, let loose

mengumpat : blaspheme, decry, traduce

mengumpulkan : gather, annunciate, amass, aggregate, agglomerate

mengumumkan : divulge, declare, announce

mengunci : lock

mengundang : invite, convoke

mengundi : lot

mengundurkan : defoliate, defer

mengungguli : excel

mengungkap : see: menyingkap

mengungkapkan : cast, express, utter

mengungkung : shackle, restrain, impede movement, dominate

mengungkungi : put shackles on, enslave

mengungsikan : evacuate

mengunjuk : extend the hand

mengunjukkan : present, handover, pass

mengunjungi : call at

menguntungkan : profitable, gainful, benefit, advantageous

menguntur : thunder, boom out

mengunyah : munch, chew

mengunyai : do something slowly

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mengupah : engage

mengupam : polish, burnish

mengupas : pare, peel, hull

mengupayakan : strive for, seek, endeavor, try

menguping : overhear, listen secretly

mengurai : decompose

menguraikan : enlighten, disentangle, descriptive, decompose

menguraikan jiwa : psycho analyze

mengurangi : substract, relieve, diminish, deduct, detract

mengurangi : decrease, deaden, curtail, attenuate, abridge

mengurangi kecepatan : decelarate

mengurangi tenaga : debilitate

mengurangkan rasa sakit : emollient

menguras : deplete

mengurug : bury

mengurung : cage

mengurungkan : postpone, cancel, encage, call off

mengurus : enclose, administer

mengurusi : take care of

menguruskan : attenuate

mengusahakan : go about, exert, cultivate

mengusik : badger

mengusir : frighten away

mengusir : expell, chase, extrude, eveict, eject, dispel

mengusir setan : exorcise

mengusulkan : propose

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mengusung : carry on the shoulders

mengusut : ferret out, trace

mengusutkan : rumple, tousle

mengutamakan : extrude, accentuate, prioritize

mengutik-utik : touch with a finger

mengutil : shoplift

mengutip : quote

mengutuk : damn, curse, condemn

meniadakan : nullify, negate, eliminate, counteract, abolish

meniagakan : trade something

meniat-niatkan : wish intensely to do something

meniati : intend to get something

meniatkan : make something one's intention

menidurkan : lull

menikah : wed, MARRY

menikahi : marry

menikahkan : marry

menikam : stab, knife, prod

menikmati : enjoy, benefit from

menikmatkan : relish something, enjoy to the fullest

menilai : appreciate, value, assess, appraise, evaluate

menilaikan : appreciate, value, assess, appraise, evaluate

menilang : to ticket

menilep : take something on the sly, see: menggelapkan

menilik : tell the future, observe carefully, watch

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menimang : dandle

menimba : bail out

menimbang : review, weigh, consider, take into account

menimbang-nimbang : play with the idea of

menimbangi : repay, counterbalance, be in proportion to

menimbangkan : weigh out on behalf of someone

menimbangterimakan : hand over, transfer

menimbrungi : interrupt a conversation

menimbulkan : cause something to appear (to occur

menimbulkan cinta : endear

menimbulkan iri hati : enviable

menimbulkan marah : enrage

menimbun : cumulate, bond, amass, accumulate

menimpa : befall, affict

menimpakan : blame, cause something to fall upon

menimpali : counterbalance, counter something

menimpuk : throw at

menimpuki : throw at

menimpukkan : throw something at

menindak : take action against

menindakkan : carry out something

menindaklanjuti : follow up

menindas : repress, oppress, quash

menindik : pierce

meninggal : pass away, decease, death

meninggal dunia : die

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meninggali : live in, stay at, leave behind to, bequeath

meninggalkan : leave, desert, absent, abandon, forsake

meninggikan : raise, highten, increase, enhance

meningkat : increase, zoom

meningkatkan : upgrade

meningratkan : treat someone as a noble

meninjau : objective

meninjau kembali : revise, review

meninju : pummel

menipis : become thin, diminish, become less and less

menipiskan : rarefy

menipu : trick, outfox, hoodwink, dupe, double-cross

menipu : delude, defraud, deceptive, deceive, cozen, cheat

menipulasi : manipulation

meniru : imitate, copy

meniru-niru : mime

menirukan : simulate, mimic

menisbahkan : relate something to

menisbikan : make something relative

menisik : darn

meniskalakan : abstract something

menista : insult

menistai : insult someone

menistakan : insult someone

menit : minute

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menitikberatkan : stress, emphasize

menitikkan air mata : blear

menitip : see: menitipkan

menitipi : entrust to someone

menitipkan : deposit, entrust, to place in safe-keeping

menitir : sound an alarm in such a way

meniup : breathe, blow, toot

menjabarkan : verify, enlighten

menjabat : officiate

menjadi : become

menjadi-jadi : increase, worsen

menjadi buruk : putrefy

menjadi gelap : darken

menjadi gemuk : batten

menjadi kabur : fade away

menjadi kapur : calcine

menjadi keras : harden

menjadi kering : dehydrate

menjadi keruh : darken

menjadi mabuk : get drunk

menjadi sehat : convalesce

menjadi sengketa : controversial

menjadi terang : brighten

menjadikan : bring into being, make into something, conclude

menjaga : watch over, take care, oversee, keep

menjaga anak : babysit

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menjagal : slaughter

menjahit : sew

menjajah : colonize, takeo ver (a country), traverse, tour

menjajaki : probe, sound out, fathom, take soundings, plumb

menjajal : try, test

menjajari : come to the side of

menjajarkan : place in a row, align, make parallel

menjajat : imitate

menjalani : walk on, undergo, endure, go through

menjalankan : undertake, operate, actuate, run

menjalin : wreathe, twine

menjambret : snatch, seize (purse, etc)

menjamin : vouch, undertaken, ensure, certify

menjamu : entertain, serve

menjamur : mushroom

menjanda : becoming a widow

menjangan : chamois

menjangkau : reach

menjanjikan : promise, pledge

menjarah : plunder

menjarangkan : rarefy

menjatuhkan : overthrow, impose

menjatuhkan barang-barang : butterfingered

menjauh : stay away, keep distance

menjauhkan : estrange

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menjauhkan diri : abstain

menjawab : respond, answer

menjebak : trap

menjebloskan : throw into

menjebol : break down, penetrate, break through

menjebolkan : make something break down or through, score

menjegal : see: jegal

menjegali : interfere with, interrupt

menjejalkan : cram

menjelajah : search

menjelajahi : rove, roam, explore, traverse, tour

menjelang : by

menjelaskan : explain, punctuate, illustrative, illustrate

menjelek-jelekkan : disfigure

menjelekkan : disfigure

menjelma : embody, incarnate, personify, transfigure

menjembatani : bridge

menjemput : take

menjemput : fetch

menjemukan : fulsome

menjemur daging : braise

menjemur diri : sunbathe

menjengkelkan : irksome, exasperate, annoyed, annoy, aggravate

menjenguk : visit

menjepit : wring, clip

menjepret : hit with a slingshot, take a snapshot of

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menjepretkan : snap (a photograph)

menjerat : entrap, ensnare, enmesh, bagged

menjerikan : fearsome

menjernihkan : clarify, rarefy

menjernihkan : disincline, defecate

menjerumuskan : outmanoeuvre, drop something on one's face

menjewer : pull one's ear

menjijikkan : shock, offend, loathing, odious, insulting

menjijikkan : execrable, displease, disgusting, disgust

menjijikkan : detest, abominate, abominable, abhor, detestable

menjijikkan : scandalize, satiate, repugnant, reprehensible

menjilat : lick

menjilid buku : bookbinder

menjilid kembali : rebind

menjinakkan : dosmeticate

menjodohi : pair off

menjodohkan : marry off, give in marriage, pair

menjorokkan : indent

menjual : sell, deal

menjulang : soar

menjuluki : dub, give someone a nickname

menjulukkan : give the name of

menjulur : jut

menjulurkan : stick something out

menjumlah : tot

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menjumlahkan : sum, add

menjumpai : meet, find out, discover

menjungkirkan : turn upside down

menjunjung : respect, hold in the high esteem

menjunjung tinggi : idolize, revere

menjurus : turn to, direct to, heading for

menobatkan : enthrone, install, crown

menodai : tarnish, taint, disfigure, blot, blemis, besmirch

menohok : stab downward

menohokkan : use something in a downward piercing motion

menolak : decry, reject, refuse, override, dissent

menoleh : turn one's head, look toward by turning head

menolehkan : cause one's head or attention to turn somewhat

menolong : aid, help

menombok : pay extra, pay an additional fee

menomboki : add a sum of money to

menomorsatukan : prioritize

menonaktifkan : inactiativate, decommision, deactivate

menongkrongi : squat on something, hang out around at

menonjok : hit with the fist

menonjol : protrude, protuberant

menonjolkan : accentuate

menonjolkan diri : obtrude

menonton : watch

menopang : underset, upbear

menopang : buffer, sustain, buttress, uphold, underlay

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menoreh : make a shallow cut, slit open

menorehkan : slit open, make a shallow cut

mensejahterakan : bring welfare to

mensejajari : equal, parallel something

mensejajarkan : make something parallel, equate, place on a par

mensikapi : behave, attitude

mensucihamakan : sterilize, make germ-free

mensucikan : purify, disinfect, clean, sanctify

mensyaratkan : presuppose, set something as condition

mensyukuri : be grateful to God about something, thank someone

mentabukan : taboo

mentah : unripe, raw

mentahbiskan : consecrate

mentalitas : mentallity

mentarafkan : evaluate, grade something, give the rank of

mentari : sun, solar

mentasbihkan : extol God

mentautkan : sew up a wound, combine, attach

mentega : butter

mentenarkan : make someone well-known

mentera : consuration

mentercatatkan : register

menteri : ministre, chancellor, bishop

menterlantarkan : neglect, abandon

menternakkan : breed

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mentertawakan : laugh at

mentimun : cucumber

mentok : breast of chicken, duck, get stumbled

mentrenyuhkan : move to pity

menuai : dilatable

menuang : found

menuangkan : pour, empty, decant, unbottle

menuangkan kembali : recast

menubruk : strike

menuding : point at something, see: menuduh

menudingi : point at repeatedly

menudingkan : point with something

menuduh : impeach, arraign, accuse

menugaskan : assign

menuhankan : deify, consider as a God

menuju : towards

menukar : swap

menukar sesuatu dengan sesuatu : to swap something for something

menukik : dive, make a notch

menulangi : bone

menular : contigious, infect, contaminate, spread

menulari : spread to someone or something, contaminate

menularkan : cause something to spread

menulikan : deafen

menulis : write

menulis kembali : rewrite

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menulis resep obat : prescribe

menulisi : write on something

menuliskan : transcribe, inscribe

menumbalkan : see: tumbal

menumbangkan : overthrow, topple

menumbuhkan : grow

menumbuk : beetle, batter, ram, thresh

menumpahkan : spill

menumpang : hitch-hike

menumpangsarikan : intercrop

menumpas : quell

menumpu : become concentrated, sustain, support

menumpuk : pile up, accumulate

menumpukan : cause something to rest, concentrate

menumpukan : lean with something, lean something on to

menumpuki : pile up on top of something, hoard, accumulate

menumpul : become blunt, become stupid

menumpulkan : blunt

menumpurkan : destroy

menunaikan : fulfill, carry out, accomplish one's task, cash

menunda : cancel, postpone, delay, defer, adjourn

menunda-nunda : postpone, delay, adjourn

menunduk : droop

menundukkan : subdue

menunggang : ride, mount

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menunggangi : get a free ride out

menunggangi : ride

menunggu : wait, harass, bide, await

menunjam : see: menghunjam

menunjamkan : see: menghunjamkan

menunjang : prop, support

menunjuk : with reference to, raise one's hand

menunjuk : appoint, point toward, indicate, show, designate

menunjukan dengan jelas : evince

menunjuki : advise someone, train someone

menunjukkan : show, refer, point, keep, indicate, exhibit

menuntaskan : treat exhaustively, complete, finish, fulfil

menuntun : lead, by the hand (to lead)

menuntut : prosecute, insist, assert

menuntut di pengadilan : sue

menurunkan : demote, degrade, deflate, decrease, bate

menurunkan pangkat : bust

menurut : ala, according, according to, accordance

menuruti : comply

menurutkan : indulge

menusuk : prickle, prick, puncture, prod

menusuk hati : barbed

menutup : turn off, shut, lay, conclude, close, bridge

menutupi : overrun, drape

menuturkan : relate, narrate, tell about, inform, announce

menyaba : frequent a place

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menyabak : wail, lament

menyabarkan hati : daunt

menyabet : whip, snatch, grab

menyabit : reap

menyabot : sabot

menyabuki : begird

menyadap : tap, bug, sample blood

menyadari : realize, be aware of

menyadarkan : revive, make someone realize

menyadur : adapt

menyahut : reply

menyaingi : compete with

menyajikan : serve

menyakinkan : sweeping

menyakiti : hurt, infect, agonizing

menyakiti hati : offend

menyakitkan : painful, pain

menyakitkan hati : gall, aggrieve

menyakralkan : sanctify, make holy

menyaksikan : witness, watch, testify

menyala : burning, blaze, aflame, afire, ablaze

menyalahgunakan : abuse

menyalahi : infringe

menyalahkan : arraign, blame

menyalak : yap, bark

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menyalakan : ignite, enkindle, boot

menyalib : crucify

menyalin : plagiarize, copy

menyalurkan : drain, dispense, distribute

menyamai : equal, match

menyamak kulit : taw, curry

menyamakan : equate, equalize

menyamankan : make fit, freshen up

menyamar : undercover, disguise

menyamaratakan : lump, generalize

menyamarkan : gloze

menyambar : swoop down and seize, strike, attack, steal, rob

menyambarkan : grab with a forceful swoop on behalf of someone

menyambung : correlate, connect

menyambut : welcome, greet

menyambut dengan gembira : acclaim

menyambut dengan tepuk tangan : applaud

menyampaikan : supply, relay, deliver, convey

menyamping : sideways

menyandang : sling

menyandarkan : recline

menyangga : buttress, buffer, absorb, prop, support

menyanggah : disprove, protest, oppose, contradict

menyanggupi : pledge

menyangka : suppose, assume, surmise

menyangkal : gainsay, disprove, controvert

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menyangkal : disclaim, negate, deny, contradict, confute

menyangkut : relate to, concern, involve

menyanjung : flatter, laud

menyanterkan : spread (news, etc)

menyantet : practice black magic

menyantuni : sympathize with, help, assist

menyanyi : sing

menyanyikan : sing

menyapa : accost

menyapih : wean

menyapu : wipe, sweep

menyarankan : suggest, recommend, propose

menyaring : refine, filter, sift

menyatakan : utter, reveal, profess, proclaim, formulate

menyatakan : enunciate, enounce, acknowledge, acclaim

menyate : broil

menyatukan : unify, consoin, collate, bunch

menyatut : see: mencatut

menyawah : work the rice fields

menyayangi : pity, be attached to, love

menyayangkan : regret, deplore, consider something to be a pity

menyayangkan : spare from something bad

menyayat : slice, slash into, touch profoundly

menyayat hati : heartrending

menyayati : cut in multiple slashes

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menyearahkan : direct or point in the same direction

menyebabkan : motivate, induce, engender, cause, trigger

menyebal : deviate (from a principle)

menyebali : make someone resentful

menyebalkan : resent something, cause resentment

menyebar : spread

menyebarkan : deploy, scatter, spread, strew, distribute

menyebarluaskan : spread widely

menyebelahi : be on the side on

menyebelahkan : shunt a side, put, separate

menyeberang : cross, facing, opposite each other

menyeberangi : cross, ford

menyeberangkan : take across

menyeburit : sodomize

menyebut : mention

menyebutkan : comment, cite

menyedekahkan : give something as alms

menyederhanakan : simplify

menyediai : provide someone with

menyediakan : provide, prepare, set aside (foods, funds), equip

menyediakan : make available

menyedihkan : sadden, pitiable, grievous, forlorn, tragic

menyegarkan : braces

menyegel : seal

menyejahterakan : bring welfare to

menyejalankan : make someone be in compliance or accordance

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menyeka : wipe

menyekat : wainscot, bar

menyekolahkan : send to school

menyela : interrupt

menyelam : dive, submerge, immerse, duck, diving

menyelamati : congratulate

menyelamatkan : attach, save

menyelamatkan nyawa : survive

menyelarkan : cauterize

menyelenggarakan : concoct, found, hold

menyelesaikan : accomplish, finish, complete

menyeletuk : see: menceletuk

menyeleweng : afield, deviate, digress

menyelewengkan : manipulate, divert, deflect

menyelidiki : probe, investigate, delve

menyelimuti : blanket

menyelinap : slink

menyelipkan : slide

menyelisik : delouse

menyelubungi : enshourd

menyelundupkan : smuggle

menyeluruh : spread all over, comprehensive, thorough

menyemai : raise seedlings, make seedlings germinate

menyemaikan : see: menyemai

menyemarakkan : animate

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menyematkan : pinned

menyembah : adore

menyembelih : slaughter

menyembuhkan : heal, curative, allay, vulnerary

menyembunyikan : withhold, hide, ensconce, dissemble, conceal

menyembur : flush, jet

menyemburiti : sodomize

menyemburkan : sprout, spray

menyemedikan : meditate over something

menyemen : cement

menyemir : polish

menyempatkan : make use of, give one time

menyempit : tighten, narrow, constrict

menyempitkan : tighten, narrow, constrict

menyemprotkan : atomize

menyempurnakan : perfect, complete, be given a proper ceremony

menyenangkan : entertaining, pleasant, groovy, fine, enjoyable

menyenangkan : cozy, congenial, comfortable, amusing, agreeable

menyenangkan orang : amuse

menyendat-nyendat : be choked off

menyendatkan : cause something to be choked up or stagnant

menyendiri : be alone, apart, separated, be aloof

menyendirikan : isolate someone or something

menyendok : ladle up, ladle out, spoon, scoop up, scoop out

menyendoki : skim, spoon-feed

menyendokkan : spoon out on behalf on someone

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menyendratarikan : perform something as a dance-drama

menyengaja : do on purpose

menyengajakan : do on purpose

menyengat : sting

menyengau : nasalize, make a sound come through the nose

menyengsarakan : torment

menyentak : flounce

menyentuh : touch

menyepak : kick

menyepelekan : belittle, consider insignificant

menyepi : grow still, become desolate

menyepuh : gild

menyeragamkan : make uniform, make homogeneous

menyerah : surrender, give up, capitulate

menyerahkan : refer, extradict, concere, assign

menyerang : zap, besiege, beset, attack, assail, oppugn

menyerang dengan kata tajam : blister

menyerang diri sendiri : boomerang

menyerangkumkan : gather together

menyerap : porous, permeate, absorb

menyerap bunyi : acoustic

menyerbu : attack, pierce, overrun, invade

menyerderhanakan : simplify

menyerempet : graze

menyeret : drag, lug

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menyergap : ambush

menyeringai : sneer, grimace

menyerobot : pilfer, bull, annex

menyertai : accompany, escort

menyeruak : waft out through narrow spaces

menyeruduk : go with the head lowered, ram into

menyeruduki : ram into someone again and again

menyerukan : hail

menyerupai : like, similar, simulant

menyesakkan : suffocating

menyesakkan napas : oppressive, breathtaking

menyesal : sorry, regret

menyesali : repent, begrudge, rue

menyesalkan : resent, deplore

menyesatkan : mislead, debauch

menyesuaikan : adjust, adapt, accomplish, accomodate

menyesuaikan diri : attune, conform, adapt, acculturate

menyesuaikan diri dengan cuaca : acclimate, acclimatize

menyetarafkan : make equal, make equivalent

menyetel : adjust

menyetel kembali : realign

menyetem : key

menyetimbangkan : harmonize, balance

menyetir : steer, drive

menyetorkan : deposit, pay back, defecate, put in storage

menyetujui : approving, assent, approve, adopt, accord

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menyetujui : agree, accept, accede, acquiescent

menyewa : lease

menyewakan : rent

menyia-nyiakan : thwart

menyiangi : mow, grub

menyiapkan : concoct, prepare

menyiarkan : broadcast

menyiasati : to arrange tactics (strategy)

menyicil : pay in installments

menyikapi : behave, attitude

menyikat : brush

menyiksa : torture, persecute, excruciate, castigate

menyilang : lay something in the form of a cross

menyilangi : intersect or cross something

menyilangkan : see: menyilang

menyilaukan : glaring, dazzle, flashy

menyimak : scrutinize, observe attentively

menyimbah : splash, bespatter, break out, appear

menyimpan : store, stow, put to away, keep, keep back, garner

menyimpang : irrelevant, diverge, discursive, deviate, afield

menyimpulkan : conclude, infer

menyinari : irradiate, aglow

menyindir : allude, to make allusion, insinuate, satirize

menyinggung : pertain, allude, touch, contact, offend, insult

menyingkap : uncover, disclose

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menyingkapkan : expose, unveil

menyingkat : abridge

menyingkir : step aside, yieldevacuate, move to

menyingkiri : avoid something, evade something

menyingkirkan : obviate, evacuate, remove, put away, lay aside

menyingsing : break, rise, emerge, appear

menyingsingkan : tuck

menyirami : water, douse, dabble, hose

menyisih : give way, get out of the way, be separate

menyisihkan : set aside, separate out, reject, ignore

menyisipkan : insert

menyita : distrain, confiscate, alienate, forfeit

menyitir : cite

menyiut : see: menciut

menyobek : tear, detach

menyodorkan : submit, release

menyogok : buy, bribe

menyokong : support

menyolok : see: mencolok

menyolok mata : conspicuous

menyombongkan : brag about, boast

menyomot : seize, nab, snatch off, pick

menyomoti : snatch, steal

menyongsong : breast

menyontek : cheat

menyoraki : acclaim

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menyorongkan : slide something forward, shove, push forward

menyorot : light

menyorotkan : radiate something, illuminate with something

menyuap : bribe, suborn

menyuarakan : express, give voice to something, utter

menyuburkan : fertilize, enrich

menyucikan : purify, sanctify, hallow, consecrate, chasten

menyudutkan : put something into a corner

menyuguhkan : serve (a guest, etc) with something

menyukai : fond

menyukarkan : aggravate

menyulam : quilt

menyulap : juggle

menyuling : distill

menyulitkan : complicate

menyuluh : see: menyuluhi

menyuluhi : light something with a torch

menyuluhi : instruct, investigate

menyulut : trigger, kindle, ignite, become heatedly angry

menyumbang : give, contribute

menyumbangkan : contribute, offer something as contribution

menyumbat : wad

menyumbat mulut : gag

menyumirkan : shorten a matter

menyumpahi : curse someone

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menyumpal : plug something, fill a gap, feed

menyumpalkan : plug up with something

menyumpit : shoot with a blowpipe

menyumpitkan : use as a blowpipe

menyunati : circumcise

menyungkur : nuzzle

menyuntik : inject

menyuruh : enjoin

menyurutkan : withdraw, lessen, decrease

menyusahi : make someone sad, become a burden to

menyusahkan : troublesome, inconvenience, discomfort

menyusui : breastfeed, suckle

menyusukan : breastfeed

menyusul : overtake

menyusun : configure, conceive, compilate, assort, arrange

menyusun : contrive, constitute, run along

menyusun juri : empanel

menyusup : tread, move (below something)

menyusup : penetrate, infiltrate

menyusupi : enter into something stealthily

menyusupkan : place something below something else, smuggle

menyusutkan : shrink

mepet : dead end, no way out, tight (of circumstances)

meraba : grope

meracuni : envenom

meradang : get excited, become inflamed

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meragam : vary, give a tinge to, be capricious

meragamkan : render something heterogeneous

meragukan : confuse, hesitate, doubt, incredulous, equivocal

merah : red, bloodshot

merah muda : pink, damask

merah terang : vermillion

merah tua : scarlet, crimson, carmine

meraih : seize

merajah : tattoo, lines in the palm

merajahi : tattoo someone

merajalela : infest, rampant

merajam : stone to death

merajang : cut into small pieces, mince (vegetables, etc)

merajut : knit

merak : peacock

meralat : rectify

meramaikan : enliven

meramalkan : forecast, predict, portend, angur, presage

merambah : clear away, cut down

merambat : creep, spread

merampas : seize, despoil, deprive, defraud, bereave

merampingkan : slim

merampok : ransack, raven, rifle, rob

merampungkan : finish, complete, accomplish

merana : wilt

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merancang : draft

merancangkan : delineate

merancukan : confuse

merangkak : creep, cringe, crawl

merangkap : wear double layers, serve concurrently, double as

merangkul : embrace

merangkum : embrace, enclose, include, encompass

merangkumi : cover something or someone in an embrace

merangkumkan : wrap up (argument, thesis, etc)

merangsang : stimulate, goad

merangsek : attack

merapat pantai : debark

merapatkan : draw something close, make something proximate

merapikan : tidy, arrange, order, put in order

merasa : taste, perceive

merasa sakit : ache

merasa tak enak : uncomfortable

merasakan : sensibility, feel

merata : prevalent, smooth, be spread evenly

meratap : wail, wailful, whine

meratapi : bewail

meraup : scoop up something with the hands

merawat : nurse, take care of, resume one's original form

merayakan : celebrate, commemorate

merayap : crawl

merayu : persuade, seduce, tease

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merdeka : independent

merdu : melodious, dulcet, tunable, tuneful

merebah : fall down, lie down, rest

merebahkan : knock over, crash into, cause to collapse

merebak : spread, deeply cut, have a bad cut

merebung : sprout (of bamboo)

merebus : poach, decoct, boil

merebut : compete for and win something

merebut : poach, wrest, arrogate, usurp, seize

merebut kembali : reseize

merebutkan : see: merebut

merecok : be excited, noisy

merecoki : fuss over something

merecokkan : cause an uproar (excite)

merecup : burgeon

meredakan : abate, assuage, alleviate

meredam : muffle, hush something up

meredamkan : deaden, muffle

meregang : twitch

merehabilitasi : rehabilitate

merek : mark

merek dagang : trademark

mereka : they, them, their

merekam : record

merekat : glue

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merekatkan : paste

merekayasa : engineer

meremas : knead, squeeze (out)

merembes : infiltrate, squish, ooze out, leak, permeate

merembesi : ooze out, leak, filter through something

merembeskan : cause something to leak into something

merembet : creep, climb up, hang down, spread

merembugkan : discuss, confer about

meremehkan : underrate, underestimate, disparage, misprize

meremukkan : crunch, crumble

meremukkan ke dalam : shear

merencanakan : meditate, devise, design, concoct, blueprint

merenda : crochet

merendah : descend, be modest

merendahkan : debase, blacken, attemper, lower, humiliate

merendahkan diri : demean

merendam : submerge, soak, steep

merendamkan : soak something

merendang : make 'RENDANG' (see: rendang)

merengek : whimper

merengek-rengek : dally

merenggangkan : unstring

merenggut : tug, snatch, tweak

merengkuh : attain, gain, obtain, get, reach

merengut : yank

merenung : gaze, contemplate

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merenungkan : muse over, dwell, cogitate, meditate upon

merepotkan : cause a fuss, make difficulties for

meresahkan : cause uneasiness and nervousness

meresap : become absorbed, dissipate

meresap : encroach, penetrate, infiltrate, ooze out

meresapi : penetrate into, be absorbed, mentally digest

meresapkan : engrain

merestui : approving, approve

meretakkan : crack

merevisi : revise

meriah : merry, gay

meriam : cannon, ordnance

meriam kecil : howitzer

merinding : feel suddenly frightened, feel eerie

merindingkan : cause one to feel eerie

merindukan : yearn, covet

meringankan : soften, demoicent, alleviate, lighten

meringis : grin, show one's teeth

meringkas : abridge

meringkaskan : summarize, abstract

meringkik : neigh, bray, whinny

merintangi : incommode, impede, encumber, embarrass, debar

merintangi : hamper, obstruct, hinder

merintih : groaning

merintis : clear a way, path, do pioneering work

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merisaukan : worry about, make restless, cause worry

meriwayatkan : relate

merobek : frazzle

merobohkan : overthrow

merogoh : grope after something, search (in pocket, bag

merogohi : repeatedly grope in something

merogol : rape

merokok : smoking

merombak : change

merongrong : gnaw at something, undermine, damage

merongseng : grumble, gripe, discontented, unhappy

merongsengkan : cause someone to feel upset and to grumble

meronta : struggle to get loose

meronta-ronta : keep struggling to get free

merontakan : cause to struggle to get loose

merontok : drop off, shed

merontokkan : cause to shed, fall off

meronyeh : grumble

merosot : dwindle, decadent

merubah : vary, revise, alter

merubah bentuk : contort

merugi : suffer losses

merugikan : adverse, inflict a financial loss, damage, harm

merujah : stab, poke at a fire

merujuk : refer

merumahkan : lay someone off (from work)

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merumuskan : formulate

meruncing : taper

meruncingi : sharpen, aggravate, exacerbate

meruncingkan : sharpen

merundingkan : negotiate

merundung : afflict

meruntuhkan : overthrow

merunut : trail, track, follow, trace

merunyamkan : make difficult, damage, cause to fail

merupakan : constitute

merusak : deprave, deflower, corrode, botch, blight

merusak : impair, dilapidate, detrimental, wreck

merusak bentuk : deform

merusakkan : destroy, desolate, deleterious, deface, damage

merusakkan : foozie, wreck, queer

merusuh : become unsafe

merusuhi : render unsafe

merusuhkan : cause a commotion, cause someone to worry

meruyak : spread, worsen

mesin : munition, machinery, machine, engine

mesin bubut : lathe

mesin cetak : multigraph

mesin derek : derrick

mesin hitung : calculator

mesin penjual : dispenser

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mesin potong : harvester

mesin tenun : jenny

mesin tik : typewriter

mesiu : ammunition

mesjid : mosque

meskipun : though, notwithstanding, but

mesra : intimate, hearty, fervent

mesti : must, have to, ought to, should

mesum : obscene, indecent, immoral, bawdy, dirty

metabolisme : metabolism

metafisika : metaphysics

metafora : metaphor

metalurgi : metallurgy

meteor : meteor

meter : meter

meterai : postage, cachet

meteran : gauge

metodik : methodical

metodologis : methodology

mewabah : become an epidemic

mewah : plush, patial, luxurious, lavish, deluxe, posh

mewajibkan : make something compulsory

mewakili : represent, depute

mewakilkan : deputize

mewarisi : inherit

mewariskan : bequeath

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mewarnai : embelish, tinge

mewasiti : umpire

mewaspadai : keep on guard against

mewujudkan : personify, manifest, embody, actualize

meyakini : be convinced about, believe

meyakinkan : ensure, persuasive, convince, cogent

meyatakan suci : canonize

mie : noddle

migran : migraine

mika : mica

mikropon : mike, microphone

mil : mile

mil laut : knot

milik : property, possession

milik bersama : joint-tenancy

miliknya : hers, his

milimeter : milimeter

milisi : militia

militer : military

mimbar : tub, tribune, pulpit, podium, dais

mimpi : dream

mimpi buruk : nightmare

minat : interest

mineral : mineral

mineralogi : mineralogy

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minggat : flee, run away, get out of here!

minggir : set aside

minggu : week

mingguan : weekly

miniatur : miniature

minimum : minimum

minta maaf : apologize, apology , excuse

minum : drink

minum seteguk : nip

minuman : potion, drinking, drink, beverage

minuman keras : liquor, intoxicant, cocktail, brandy, booze

minyak : petroleum, oil

minyak pelumas : lubricant

minyak rambut : pomade, hair oil, brilliantime

minyak tanah : petroleum, kerosene

minyakbumi : petroleum

miring : slanting, sloping, wry, bias, awry, askew, aslant

miring : oblique, crazy, careen, cant

mirip : similiar, resemble

misal : example, instance

misalkan : for example, let us say, supposing that

misalnya : say, for example, for instance, e.g.

misan : first cousin

misbah : lamp, lantern, light

misil : missile

miskin : poor, indigent, destitute, beggarly, needy

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misteri : mystery

mistik : mystic

mobil : motor car, mobile, car, automobile, auto

mobil gerbong : van

mobil polisi : policevan, cruiser

modal : asset

mode : vogue, mode, fad

model : specimen

model kuno : out of date

model pola : paradigm

moderat : middle of the road

modern : modern

modin : muezzin, one who calls to prayer

modul : module

modulasi : modulation

mogok : strike

mogok makan : hunger strike

mohon maaf : apologize

molek : comely

molek : bonny

molekul : molekulare

molor : become longer and longer in time or space

molos : penetrate, go away without paying

momok : bugbear, bugaboo

moncong : snout

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mondar-mandir : to and fro

mondok : board, fat, aquat

moneter : monetary

monogami : monogamy

monoteisme : monotheism

montok : plump, curvaceous, chubby, buxom

monyet : monkey, jocko

moral : morale

mortir : mortar

mosaik : mosaic

mosi : motion

mosi tak percaya : no-confidence-vote, motion of no-confidence

mostar : mustard

motel : motel

motor : motor

motor listrik : electromotor

motorisasi : motorization

mu : your

muai : effervesce

muak : loathsome, fed up, disgust

mual : bellyful, queasy

mualaf : new convert, proselyte, neophyte

muara : estuary, firth

muatan : load, charge, cargo, freight

muatan kapal : boatload

muballigh : preacher, one who expounds a certain idea

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mubazir : superfluous

mucikari : procuress, pimp

muda : junior, young

mudah : easy, ease

mudah-mudahan : may, if possible, so be it, who knows, perhaps

mudah-mudahan : hopefully

mudah busuk : perishable

mudah celaka : accident-prone

mudah dibawa : portable

mudah diingat : catchy

mudah diserang : vulnerable

mudah ditipu : guillible, deceivable

mudah menyala : combustible

mudah pecah : fragile

mudah percaya : credulity

mudah terbakar : inflammable

mudah terharu : emotional

mudah tersinggung : touchiness, gushy

mudarat : disadvantage, injury, harm, to miscarry, to fail

mudik : upstream, upcountry, inland (away from the sea)

mufakat : agreement

mufasir : commentator (on the Quran)

mufrad : single, simplex

mufti : adviser on religious law for a region

muhal : impossible, out of the question

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muhammadiyah : a muslim movement

muharram : first month of the Muslim year

muhibah : goodwill

mujahid : defender of the faith

mujahidin : defenders of the Faith

mujarab : efficacious, abstract

mujur : lucky

muka : diginify, face, front

mukadimah : preamble

mukimin : residents

mukmin : the faithful, believer

muktamar gereja : synod

mula-mula : early

mulai : begin, commence

mulai botak : balding

mulai lagi : resume, afresh

mules : gripes, colic

mulia : noble, glorious, elevated, august, skyey

muliawan : person worthy of deep esteem

multi : multi

multilateral : multilateral

muluk : high-sounding, bombastic, pompous

muluk-muluk : elevated, in a pompous or high-sounding way

mulur : elastic, flexible

mulus : stainless, immaculate, pure, flawless, sincere

mulut : mouth

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mulut besar : bravado

mulut rahim : cervix

mumbang : young coconut

mumbul : rise, bounce

mumet : headache, dizzy, confused

mumi : mummy

munafik : hypocrite, smooth-faced, smooth-tongued

muncrat : spurt

muncul : emergent, appear, emerge

mundur : wince, retreat, keep back, dwindle, derogate

mungil : cute

mungkar : deny, ignored

mungkin : probable, possibly, perhaps, might, maybe

mungkir : deny, disavow, renege

mungkiran : denial

muntah : vomit, puke

muntahan : vomit

mur : nut

murah : inexpensive, cheap

murah hati : magnanimous, clement, charitable, benevolent

murahan : of a cheap sort

muram : bilious, gloomy, depressed

murid : pupil, disciple

murid pertukangan : apprentice

murka : wrath

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murni : pure

murtad : backslide

murung : morose, morbid, melancholic, lugubrious, glum

murung : mopish, mopy, querulous

musang : marten, civet

musibah : calamity, disaster

musik : music

musik blus : blues

musikus : musician

musim : spell, season

musim dingin : winter

musim gugur : fall, autumn

musim hujan : wet

musim panas : summer

musim rontok : fall, autumn

musim semi : spring

musin kurang hujan : drought

musium : museum

muskil : abstruse

muslihat : trick, stratagem

muslim : muslim

musnah : disappear, perish, vanish, gone

mustahil : inept, preposterous, impossible, improbable

mustajab : see: ampuh

musuh : opponent, foe, enemy, antagonist, adversary

musuh utama : archenemy

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musyarakah : partnership

musyawarah : meeting, conference, discussion, deliberation

musyawarah besar : convention

musykil : difficult to know or to prove

musyrik : polytheist

musytari : the planet Jupiter

mutasi : mutation

mutiara : pearl

mutlak : absolute

mutu : quality, carat

nabi : prophet

nabi isa : jesus, christ

nada : tone, chord

nada datar : monotone

nada suara : intonation

nada tinggi : alto

nadi : vein, carotid, pulse

nadir : nadir

nafkah : basic necessities of life

nafsu : passion, lust, itch

nafsu makan : appetite

naga : dragon

nagasari : rice-flour cake stuffed with banana bits

naif : ingenuous, naive

naik : up, rising, increasing, ascend, accede, aboard

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naik banding : appellate, appeal

naik di udara : airborne

naik kapal : embark

naik mobil : motor

naik pesawat terbang : emplane

naik turun : gradient

najis : profane

nakal : puckish, pucklike

nakal : mischievous, wicked, naughty, impish, elfish

nakhoda : captain

nalar : ratio, mind, logical reasoning, reasonable

naluri : instinct

nama : name, denomination

nama keluarga : surname

nama kitab suci : eclectic

nama lain : alias

nama panggilan : nickname

nampak : tangible, perceptible

nampak tua : elderly

nampaknya : seem, outwardly

nampan : tray

namun : nonetheless, nevertheless

nanah : pus

nangka : jack-fruit

nanti : ere, wait, later, presently, next

nantinya : later on, eventually

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napas : breath

narapidana : convict

narasumber : resource person, informant

nasehat : tip, counsel, advice

nasi : rice

nasi goreng : fried rice

nasi kare : curry

nasib : fortune

nasib : fate, destiny

nasib malang : bad luck

naskah : script, manuscript

naskah kuno : codex

nasrani : christian

naung : shadow, shade, shelter, protection

naungan : shade, shelter, protection

nautik : nautical

nautika : nautical science

nautis : nautical

navigasi : navigation

navigator : navigator

nayaga : performers in gamelan orchestra

nazar : vow

negara : state

negara idaman : utopia

negarawan : statesman

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negatif : negative

negeri : country

negeri barat : occident

negeri belanda : netherlands, holland

negeri inggris : england, britain

negeri jerman : germany

negeri turki : turk

negeri yunani : greece

nekat : drastic

nenas : fir-cone, pineapple

nenek : grandmother

nenek moyang : forefather

nenek moyang : ancestor

nenek moyang : forbear

neraca : balance

neraka : inferno, hell

nestapa : lihat: duka

netral : neutral

ngacir : disarray, helter

ngadang-adangi : hold up, waylay, intercept, mooch

ngambek : see: marah, murka

ngambok : arrogant, haughty

ngambreng : have a pervasive odor

ngamper : show reaction

ngamuk : run amock

ngangglap : embezzle, steal, default, welsh

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ngangsu : draw water, absorb, gain knowledge

ngantek : be a lackey

ngapain : do what

ngarai : canyon

ngarti : understand, comprehend

ngawur : do something haphazardly or without basis

ngebanyol : clown around

ngebis : go by bus

ngebom : pass gas

ngebon : borrow

ngebut : speeding

ngelantur : see: melantur

ngembara : roam, rove, wander

ngenes : deeply saddened

ngengat : moth

ngengkel : lihat: engkel

ngentot : lihat: entot

ngeri : thrill, ercy, dire, cringe

ngetek : lihat: etek

ngewe : lihat: ewe

ngiler : slobber, spittle

ngilu : pain, smart

ngomong-ngomong : by the way

ngotot : persevere, persist, stubborn, be obstinate

niaga : commerce, trade

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niagawan : trader

nian : very, really

niat : intention, plan, aim

niatan : something that is intended

nihil : naught

nikel : nickel

nikmat : enjoyful, enjoyable, comfortable, comfort, luxury

nikmat : sensuous, delicious, grace, pleasant

nikotin : nicotine

nil : Nile

nila : indigo, blue dye

nilai : score, value, mark, account, price, percentage

nilai beli : purchase price

nilai gizi : nutritive value

nilai hidup : values of life, the worth of life

nilai kalori : calorie percentage

nilai kecakapan : perfomance rate

nilai nominal : face value

nilai sastra : quality of literature

nilai uang : the value of money

nilaian : estimate, valuation

nilakandi : sapphire, sapphire blue, azure

nilam : kind of shrub yielding fragrant oil, patchouli

nilon : nylon

nimbrung : butt into discussion, join on in conversation

nimpukin : throw at

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ninabobo : lullaby

ningrat : nobility, aristocracy

ningrat-ningratan : feudal

ningratisme : feudalism, feudal way of thinking and behaving

ninik-mamak : village elders

nipah : thatch palm, nipa palm

nipon : Japan

nir : kidney, NOT, NON

nisan : tombstone

nisbah : family name

nisbi : relative, proportionate

niscaya : undoubtedly, certainly, surely

niskala : abstract, immaterial

nista : affront, insult, abuse, stigma, insulted

nitrogliserin : nitroglycerin

nobat : royal drum used at installation ceremonies

noda : macula

noda : tarnish, taint, stain, spot, ignominy, blot

noda bintik : blot

noda tinta : ink block

noktah : dot

nol : zero, ought, nil

nomer urut : ordinal

nominal : nominal

nomor : number

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nomor dua : second, runner up

nomplok : be sopmewhere in large quantities

nona : miss, missy

nonaktif : inactiative

nongkrong : squat, sit around doing nothing, hang out, idle

nongol : see: muncul

norma : norm

normal : normal

norwegia : norway

notaris : notary

novel : novel

nuansa : nuance

nuklir : nuclear

nun disana : yonder

nurani : lustrous, illuminated, pure, inner

nusantara : archipelago

nya : its

nyala api : flame, blaze

nyali : gall, guts

nyaman : pleasurable, pleasant, tasteful, comfortable

nyamuk : mosquito, gnat

nyantel : lihat: cantel

nyanyian : lay, canto, canticle, aria

nyanyian gereja : chant

nyanyian koor : cantata

nyanyian sedih : elegy

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nyanyian yang bercorak epis : ballad

nyaring : voiceful

nyaris : almost, the point of, hairbreadth

nyata : real, distinct, clear, visible, noticeable

nyatanya : in point of fact

nyawa : soul, spirit

nyeletuk : interrupt, break in

nyengir : grimace, smile sheepishly

nyeni : arty

nyerocos : talk glibly and fast

nyiru : winnow, winnowing-basket

nyomot : lihat: mencomot

nyomotan : stolen goods

nyomoti : lihat: mencomoti

nyonya : mistress, miss, madam, ma'am

nyonya rumah : mistress, hostess, good-wife, dame

obat : remedy, potion, medicine, medicament, drug, cure

obat asah : abrasive

obat bius : anaesthetic, drug, dope, chloroform

obat cacing : vermicide, vermifuge

obat gosok : liniment

obat kumur : gargle

obat luka : mercurochrome

obat menghilangkan rasa sakit : anodyne

obat muntah : emetic

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obat pelawan alergi : antihistamine

obat pembasami kuman : germicide

obat pembasmi hama : disinfectant

obat pembasmi jamur : fungicide

obat pembersih : detergent

obat pembunuh hama : pesticide

obat pemutih kain : bleach

obat pencakar : cathartic

obat pencegah kehamilan : contraceptive

obat penenang : phenobarbital, sedative

obat pengering : desiccaut

obat penghilang bau busuk : deodorant

obat penghilang rambut : depilate

obat penguat : corroborant, tonic

obat pengurang rasa sakit : emollient

obat perangsang : dope

obat salep : ointment

obat tidur : phenobarbital

obat tidur : barbiturat

obat untuk mati tenang : euthanasia

obat urus-urus : calomel, physic

obat usus : laxative

obeng : screwdriver

obligasi : debenture, bond

obor : torch

obral : sale, clearance sale

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obrolan ramai-ramai : yackety-yack

observatorium : observatory

ocehan : jabber

odol : tooth-paste

ogah : reluctant

ogah-ogahan : reluctant, ignorant

oke : okay

oksidasi : oxidation

oktaf : octave

oktan : octane

olahraga : sport

olahraga senam : gymnastics

olahragawan : athlete, sportsman

olahragawati : female athlete

olakan : swirl

oleh : by

oleh karena itu : ergo

oleng : shaky, having a strong roll (of ship)

olok-olok : badinage, hoax, quip, quirk, raillery

olok-olokan : jest

ombak : billow

ombak besar : beachcomber

omelan : grumble

omomg tak keruan : chit chat

omong-kosong : nonsense, flim-flam, bosh, balony, tosh

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omong besar tetapi kosong : bombast

omongan : chatter

ompong : toothless

omset : turnover (in commercial enterprise)

onani : masturbate, masturbation

onderdil : sparepart

ongkos : outgoings, charge, expense, cost

ongkos bis : carfare

ongkos ka : carfare

ons : ounce

opera : opera

operasi : operation

opium : poppy

opsir : officer

optimis : optimism

orang : guy, person, man, people

orang-orang : people

Orang-orang bergerombol : People stood in knots

orang-orang berkumpul : assemblage

orang-orang yang menderita : the afficted

orang afrika : african

orang albania : albania

orang amerika : american, yankee

orang arab : arab

orang asia : asian

orang asing : alien, foreigner, stranger

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orang australia : australian

orang awam : layman

orang badui : bedouin

orang baik : brick

orang bali : balinese

orang bangsawan : noble

orang banyak : plurality, crowd

orang baru : new comer

orang bebal : dunce, zombie, zombi

orang belanda : dutchman

orang belgia : belgian

orang biadab : barbarian, cad

orang bijak : wit

orang birma : burmese

orang bisu : mute

orang bodoh : blockhead, duffer, gaby, goofy

orang bule : albino

orang bulgaria : bulgar

orang bungkuk : hunch back

orang cantik : beauty

orang dalam : insider

orang denmark : dane

orang dewasa : adult

orang dungu : dolt, fathead, dullard

orang dusun : backwoodsman

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orang dusun : hick, lout

orang eropa : european

orang etiopia : ethiopian

orang fanatik : bigot, zealot

orang gemuk : butterball

orang gila : maniac

orang gipsi : gypsy

orang hina-dina : dregs, untouchable

orang hutan : gibbon

orang indekos : lodger

orang indo : eurasian

orang introvert : introvert

orang irlandia : irish

orang islam : muslim

orang jahat : evildoer

orang jawa : javanese

orang jerman : german

orang Kanada : canadian

orang kaya : plutocrat

orang kerdil : gnome

orang kos : boarder

orang lain : anyone else, other

orang laki-laki : man

orang luar : outsider

orang mempelajari dunia timur : orientalist

orang munafik : hypocrite

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orang negro : negro

orang negro-amerika : afro-american

orang pandai : intellect

orang pandir : gaby, imbecile

orang pelarian : escapee

orang pelit : miser

orang pelucu : humorist

orang pendatang : late comer

orang petualang : tramp

orang pintar dalam hal dunia : sophisticate

orang rakus : glutton

orang senegeri : countryman

orang sewaan : hireling

orang sial : underdog

orang sida-sida : eunuch

orang spanyol : dago

orang suci : hallow, saint

orang swedia : swedish

orang telanjang : nude

orang terkemuka : diginitary, notable

orang tionghoa : chinese

orang tolol : ass, dimwit, booby

orang tua : parent

orang yahudi : jew

orang yang amat kaya : billionaire

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orang yang ambisius : pusher

orang yang bangkrut : bankrupt

orang yang bekerja keras : drudge

orang yang belum berpengalaman : greenhorn

orang yang belum dewasa : minor

orang yang berambut pirang : blonde

orang yang bercerai : divorcee

orang yang berdoa : prayer

orang yang berhutang : debtor

orang yang berkasih-kasihan : love bird

orang yang berkembang : bloomer

orang yang berkomplot : conspirator

orang yang berkuasa mutlak : autocrat

orang yang berlibur : vacationist

orang yang berpindah-pindah : migrant

orang yang bersifat kasar : roughneck

orang yang bersifat tak wajar : pervert

orang yang bersifat terbuka : extrovert

orang yang bersumpah palsu : perjurer

orang yang bertobat : convert, penitence

orang yang berzina : adulterer

orang yang buta huruf : illeterate

orang yang cerewet : scold

orang yang diceraikan : divorcee

orang yang dicurangi : deceivablee

orang yang dinasehati : advisee

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orang yang ditipu : dupe

orang yang ditunjuk : appointee

orang yang egois : egoist

orang yang gemar membaca buku : bookworm

orang yang gila hormat : bluenose

orang yang hanya makan sayuran : vegetarian

orang yang ingkar : dissenter

orang yang kalah : loser

orang yang kapalnya karam : castaway

orang yang kesurupan : demoniac

orang yang kurang ajar : boor

orang yang kurang cakap : incompetent

orang yang lewat : passer by

orang yang memanggil : caller

orang yang membalas dendam : avenger

orang yang memberitahukan : annunciator

orang yang menaksir : appraiser

orang yang mendidik : educator

orang yang menggertak : bluffer

orang yang meninggal : decedent

orang yang meniru : imitator

orang yang menjemukan : gad-fly

orang yang menyimpan : depositary

orang yang menyimpang : deviant

orang yang merosot akhlaknya : degenerate

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orang yang mulai : beginner

orang yang pesimis : pessimist

orang yang ragu : sceptic

orang yang sangat lucu : zany

orang yang sinis : cynic

orang yang suka bertaruh : betton

orang yang suka berteman : gregarious

orang yang suka menguasai : possessive

orang yang suka merayu : skeptic

orang yang tahu diri : cad

orang yang tak dikenal : stranger

orang yang tak disukai : persona non grata

orang yang tak setuju : dissident

orang yang tak sopan : boor

orang yang terlambat : laggard

orang yang ujian : examinee

orang yunani : greek

orbit : orbit

ordinat : ordinate

organisasi : organization

orientasi : orientation

orkes : band, orchestra

orok : baby

orphan : yatim

ortodoks : orthodox

ortopedi : orthopedics

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osmosa : osmosis

otak : brain

otak besar : cerebrum

otak kecil : cerebellum

otomatis : automat, automatic

otot : muscle, sinew

otot lengan yang menonjol : biceps

ozon : ozone

pabrik : mill, factory

pabrik gas : gasworks

pabrik makanan kaleng : cannery

pabrik susu : dairy

pacar : boy-(girl-)friend

pacaran : go out with members of opposite sex

pacet : leech

pada : in, on, at

pada akhirnya : eventual

pada malam hari : noctural

pada mulanya : at the onset

pada pokoknya : essentially

pada saat ini : nowadays

padahal : whereas

padam : extinct

padanan : parable, comparison

padang : moor, moorland

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padang pasir : desert

padang rumput : pasture, meadow, grassland, alp, prairie, steppe

padat : thicky, dense, congest

padepokan : residence

padi : paddy, rice

padu : solid, integrated, consolidated

paduan suara : chorus, choir

paduan suara gereja : choral

pagar : fence, bullfinch, palisade

pagi : morning

pagu : quota

paha : haunch, thigh, ham

paha babi : ham

pahala : desert

paham : credo, concept

pahat : chisel

pahatan : embossment, basrelief

pahit : bitter

pahlawan : hero

pajak : tax, levy, excis, taxation, duty

pajangan : display, window-dressing

pak : pack, dad

pakaian : vestment, vesture, vestiture

pakaian : dress, costume, garment, garb, attire, wear

pakaian bersusun : bureau

pakaian dalam : underwear, underclothes, underclothing

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pakaian konfeksi : confection

pakaian kuda : harness

pakaian lengkap : dress full

pakaian preman : mufti

pakar : expert, specialist

paket : packet

paksaan : duress, compulsion

paku : peg, nail, spike

paku : brad

pala : nutmeg

palang : cross, bar

paling : the most

paling atas : topmost

paling bagus : optimal

paling banter : at the utmost

paling belakang : hind

paling buruk : worst

paling jauh : outmost

paling pintar : outshine

paling rendah : minimal

paling sedikit : minimal

paling tidak : at least

paling tinggi : optimal

palka : hold

palsu : deceptive, deceitful, bogus, fake, pseudo

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palu : hammer, gavel

palung : trough, gasket

palungang : manger

paman : uncle

pameran : exposition, exhibition, fair, display

pampasan : spoil

pampasan perang : spoils in war

pamrih : purpose, what one is after, profit, reward

panah : arrow

panakawan : servants of royalty in Wayang

panas : temperature, hot, heat, warm, blisteringly

panas hati : edgy

panas membara : broiling

panas terik : red hot, torrid

panasnya : heat

pancaindra : faculty, the five senses

pancaka : crematorium

pancalomba : pentathlon

pancamuka : multifaced

pancang : stake, pole, pile, boundary pole

pancangan : a stake, marker, place to dig something in

pancaragam : various, motley, all kind of, heterogene

pancaran : gush, effluence, emmission, flow, ejaculation

pancaran cahaya : gleam

pancaroba : upheaval, transition period

pancasila : the five basic principles of Republic of Indonesia

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pancasona : invulnerability to death

pancawarna : multicolored

pancawarsa : five-year period

pancawindu : a period of 40 years

panci : pan

pancing : fishing rod, fishhook

pancingan : elicitation, provocation, inducement

panco : arm wrestling

pancuran : douche, fountain

panda : panda

pandai : clear-headed, clever, accomplished

pandai bersolek : dainty

pandai besi : blacksmith

pandai bicara : articulate, eloquent

pandang : gaze

pandangan : look, view, opinion

pandangan marah : scowl

pandangan sekilas : glimpse, glance, once over

pandir : gaga, silly, stupid

pandu : pilot, scout, pathfinder

panel : panel

panen : harvest, crop

pangeran : prince, archduke

panggangan : grill

panggilan seseorang : appellation

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panggung : stage, platform, staging, bandstand, stillage

pangkal : base, starting point, beginning, cause

pangkal tenggorokan : larynx

pangkalan : base

pangkalan kapal : boatyard

pangkasan : haircut or other trim given

pangkat : preferment, rank, exponent, degree, power

pangkat raja : kingship

pangku : lap

pangkuan : lap

panglima : commander

panglima besar : general for life

panglima mandala : theater army commander

panglima tertinggi : commander in chief

pangling : overlook, fail to recognize

panglong : lumber mill

pangon : shepherd

pangonan : pasture

pangsa : segment, section

panik : panic

panitia : committee

panjang : long, length

panjang akal : witty, clever

panjang bibir : talkative

panjang bulat : cylindrical

panjang gelombang : wavelength

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panjang kili-kili : full of excuses

panjang kira-kira : intelligent, wise, cautious

panjang langkah : in a roundabout way

panjang lanjut : wordy, verbose

panjang lebar : elaborate, at great length

panjang lidah : backbiting, slandering

panjang mata : immoral

panjang napas : with stamina

panjang sayap : wing spread

panjang tangan : light-fingered, prone to thievery

panjang umur : have a long life

panjang usus : patient

panjangan : extension

panjangnya : length

panjar : cash advance

panjaran : down payment

panjat : climb

panji : ensign, banner

panji-panji : standard, banner, pennant

panorama : panorama

panser : armored vehicle (military)

pantai : shore, ocean front, coast, strand, beach

pantalon : long trousers

pantang : abstinence, forbidden by taboo, prohibition

pantang mundur : barefisted

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pantangan : prohibition

pantas : decent, befit, suitable, becoming, appropriate

pantas : reasonable, proper, opportune, meet, fit, ethical

pantasan : no wonder!, of course!

pantat : buttock, butt, rear, backside, posterior, behind

pantomim : pantomime

pantulan : bounce, reflection

pantun : traditional poetry

panu : skin fungus causing white blotches

panuan : having white blotches from skin fungus

panutan : leader, something to folllow, guide

papa : father, daddy, destitute, poor

papak : flat, level, smooth

papan : plank, board, shelf, sign (road), housing

papan atap : breadboard

papan instrumen : dashboard

papan jungkit : seesaw

papan kecil : batten

papan ski air : aquaplane

papan tipis : pane

papan tong : barrel stave

papan tulis : blackboard

papar : flat, level

paparan : shelf, explanation

para-para : rack

para baron : baronage

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para pegawai : staff

para pendengar : audience

para pengacara : bar

parabola : parabola

parah : acute

paramedis : paramedic

parang : cleaver, choper

parasut : parachute

parau : hoarse

paripurna : perfect

parit : rabbet, sap, ditch, entrenchment, trench, fosse

parlemen : parliament

parlementer : parliamentary

paroki : parish

partai : party

partisip : participle

partisipasi : participation

paru-paru : lung

paruh : bill, beak

parut : grater, rasp, scratch, scar

parutan : rasp

pas jalan : pass

pasak : peg

pasak kayu : dowel

pasak uji : probe

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pasal : article

pasang : tide, brace

pasangan : partner, pair, mate, duo, couple, counterpart

pasar : market

pasar amal : bazaar

pasar loak : flea-market

pasien : patient

pasif : passive

pasir : sand, grit

paskah : easter

pasokan : supply

paspor : passport

pasrah : submit to one's fate

pasta gigi : dentifrice

pasti : resolute, certainly, certain, assuredly, sure

pasti : indubitable, definitive, definite, decisive

pasukan : squad, forces, troop, brigade

pasukan gerak cepat : shock-troops

pasukan meriam : artillery

pasukan payung : paratroops

pasukan pemadam kebakaran : brigade

pasukan penggempur : shock-troops

pasungan : stocks

pat gulipat : shady deal, affair (love)

patah : break, broken

patah hati : heartbroken

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patah semangat : mental break down, down

paten : patent

patokan : standard

patriot : solder

patriotisme : patriotism

patroli : round, patrol

patuh : obedient, obey, dutiful

patuh : disciplinable

patung : statue

patung sebatas dada : bust

patungan : joint venture

patut : desirable, equitable, apposite

patut dicontoh : exemplary

patut dihargai : estimable

patut dikecam : censuable

patut disayang : deplorable

patut ditolong : deserving

patut mendapat : earn

paus : pope, pontiff

paviliun : pavillion

pawai : parade, procession, cavalcade

pawang : druid, expert, guide, steersman, hunter

paya : quagmire, swamp, bog

payah : tired, difficult, troublesome

payau : brakish, bod

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payudara : breast

payung : umbrella

pebatuan : rocky place

pebukitan : range of hill

pecah : broken, spring, split, flaw

pecah-belah : glassware

pecahan : fission

pecandu : enthusiast, addict, habitue, opium addict, fan

peci : cap

peci baret : berret

pecinta : lover

pecundang : loser

pedagang : trader, merchant, dealer

pedagang asongan : peddler

pedagang keliling : huckster

pedagang pakaian : clother

pedal : pedal

pedal gas : accelerator

pedalaman : hinterland, inland, interior, back country

pedalangan : puppetry

pedampingan : assistance

pedang : sword, sabre, cutlass

pedas : pungent, poignant, hot, caustic, seasoned, acrid

pedesaan : rural

pedih : grieve, smart, sharp

pedoman : compass, guidance

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pedukuhan : cluster of hamlets, pertaining to the hamlet

peduli : care

pedupaan : censer

pedusunan : cluster of villages

pedusunan : rural, bucolic

peduta : envoy, emissary

pegadaian : pawn shop

pegal : stiff, painful, weary, weariness, annoyed, fed up

pegalangan : dock

pegangan : hold, handle, grip, clutch, knob, catch, banister

pegas : spring

pegawai : crew, employee, clerk

pegelaran : presentation, staging, perfomance

pegentingan : isthmus

pegiriman : emission

pegolf : golfer

pegulat : wrestler

pegunungan : mountain range

pejabat : functionary, official

pejal : massive

pejalan kaki : pedestrian, hiker

pejuang : crusader

pejudi : gambler

peka : sensitive

pekabaran : spreading the news, evangelism, news, news report

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pekak : deaf

pekamus : lexicographer

pekapuran : limekiln

pekarangan : yard

pekat : thick (liquid), stiff, tough, strong

pekerja : worker, employee

pekerjaan : occupation, job, employment, work, berth

pekerjaan kayu : joinery

pekerjaan rumah : schoolwork

pekerti : character, nature

pekik : shriek

pekikan : scream, yell, cry

pekuburan : graveyard, cemetery

pelabuhan : harbour, port, anchorage

pelabuhan laut : seaport

pelabuhan udara : airdrome

pelacur : whore, prostitute, harlot, drab, courtesan

pelacuran : prostitution

pelafalan : pronunciation

pelahap : wolverine, wolverene, trencher-man

pelaifan : attenuation

pelajar : scholar, student, learner

pelajaran : subject, study, lesson, course, training

pelajaran tambahan : minor

pelak : kind of evil spirit, there's no mistake

pelakon : actor, actress, performer, doer

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pelaksana : practitioner

pelaksanaan : execution, compliance, implementation

pelaku : doer, subject, performer, agent, cast, actor

pelalai : sluggard

pelamar : postulant, applicant

pelampiasan : release

pelampung : buoy, quill

pelamun : dreamer, dawdler

pelan : slow

pelana : saddle

pelancong : vacationist

pelanduk : chevrotain

pelanggar : offender

pelanggar hukum : law breaker

pelanggaran : infringement, encroachment, offence

pelanggaran : contravention, breach, violation, abridgement

pelanggaran susila : immorality

pelanggengan : perpetuation, make something perpetual

pelangi : rainbow

pelantikan : inauguration, induction, enthronement

pelapukan : weathering

pelarangan : banning, prohibiting

pelari : runner

pelarian : get away, escape

pelarik : lathe, potter's wheel

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pelarikan : lathe, potter's wheel

pelaris : something that sells well, best seller

pelaris : the first item sold in a work day

pelataran : backyard, quad

pelatih : coach

pelatuk : trigger

pelaut : sailor, mariner

pelawak : jester, joker, mime, comic

pelawan beku : antifreeze

pelawan infeksi : antiseptic

pelawan racun : antitoxin, antidote

pelayan : usher, steward, servant, flunky, chamberlain maid

pelayan bar : bartender, barkeeper

pelayan rumah : domestic

pelayan wanita : maid

pelayanan : service, attendance

pelayaran : voyage, cruise

peleburan : fusion, merger, melting, dissolving, iron works

peleburan : fusing together, coalescence

pelecehan : harassment

peledakan : detonation

pelekatan : adhesion

pelelang : auctioneer

pelelangan : auction, public sale

pelemah : weakener

pelempar : passer

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pelempar bola : pitcher

pelengkap : complement

pelenyapan : vanishing, elimination, disappearing, removal

pelesit : locust

peletakan jabatan : demission

pelibatan : involvement

pelibur : vacationer

pelik : mysterious, tough, complicated

pelimpah : spillway

pelimpahan : act of spilling over

pelindung : patron

pelipis : temple

pelipit : a hem

pelipur : comforter, soother, consoler

pelipur-lara : consoler, something which soothes distress

pelipur-lara : tale told for amusement

pelirikan : glancing, looking

pelit : penurious, miserly, stingy

pelitur : polish

pelolos : escapee

pelolosan : escape

pelopor : forerunner, pioneer

pelopor seni : avantgarde

pelor : cartrigde

pelosok : outlying place, remote spot, corner

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peluang : chance, opportunity

peluasan : see: perluasan

pelucu : wag, wit, jokester

pelucutan senjata : disarmament

peludah : cuspidor, spittoon

peluh : sweat, perspiration

peluit : whistle

peluit nyaring : catcall

pelukan : screak, caress

pelukis : illustrator, painter, designer

pelumas : lubricant, embrocation

pelumat : pulverizer

pelumuran : staining, smearing, pollution

pelunasan : paying of of a debt, amortization

peluncur : launcher, one who slides

peluncuran : blast off, launching, slide, chute

pelupa : absent-minded, oblivious

peluru : bullet, missile, buckshot, ball-cartridge

peluru dumdum : dumdum

peluru gotri : slug

peluruh : something which causes something to drop

peluruhan : process of shedding, disintegration

pelurusan : correct, straighting of something

pemabuk : inebriate, drunkard, toss-pot

pemadah : religious person

pemadaman : extinction

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pemahaman : understanding, comprehension

pemahat : chiseler, carver

pemahat kayu : woodcarver

pemain : player

pemain gitar : guitarist

pemain kartu : cardplayer

pemain musik : bandsman

pemain organ : organist

pemain piano : organist

pemajangan : nuptial chamber, place for displaying something

pemajuan : furtherance, advancement

pemakaian : consumption

pemakaman : burial

pemaksaaan : enforcement

pemaksaan : forcing, applying pressure to do something

pemalas : idler, loon, sluggard

pemalsu : adulterator

pemalsuan : fabrication, adulteration

pemalu : diffident, shy

pemanah : bowman, archer

pemanasan : geyser, warming, heating

pemancangan : marking with a stake, pegging something down

pemancar : fountain, transmitter, radiator

pemancaran : emission, emanation, radiation, broadcasting

pemancing : something used to elicit a further reaction

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pemandangan : vista, view, scene, landscape, aspect, outlook

pemandi : bather

pemandian : bathing place

pemandu : guide, scout

pemanfaatan : utilization, usage

pemanggangan : torrefaction

pemangkas : barber, cutter

pemangkasan : barbering, barbershop, cutting

pemangkir : truant

pemangku : manager, functionary

pemangkuan : administration

pemanjaan : action of pampering

pemanjangan : lengthening, extending

pemanjat : climber

pemanjatan : ascent, action of climbing

pemantang : abstainer

pemantangan : abstinence

pemantauan : monitoring

pemaparan : explanation, exposition

pemarah : petulant

pemasak bir : brewer

pemasang iklan : advertiser

pemasangan : installation, assembly

pemasar : marketer

pemasaran : marketing

pemasok : supplier

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pemasokan : supply

pemasukan : entry, registration, entering, import

pemasung : repressor, shackler

pemasungan : placing in stocks, repressing in general

pemasyarakatan : socialization

pematang : dike

pematangan : maturation

pematokan : putting pole, setting pole

pemautan : mortality

pembabaran : spread, development, account, statement, expose

pembabatan : clearing away

pembaca : reader

pembacaan : perusal

pembacaman : impregnation

pembacokan : gashing, knifing

pembadutan : clowning, buffoonery

pembagan : designer

pembagi : divider, dispenser, divisor, distributor, dealer

pembagian : distribution, division, allotment, sharing

pembaharu : reformer

pembaharuan : innovation, renewal

pembahas : discussant, panelist

pembahasan : discussion, criticism, study

pembaiatan : outh taking

pembaikan : construction

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pembajaan : obdurancy, steeling

pembajak : pirate, hijacker, skyjacker

pembajakan : plowing, hijacking, plundering

pembakar : burner, arsonist, agitator, fomenter

pembakaran : burning, ignition, lighting, roasting, combustion

pembakaran kapur : kiln

pembakaran mayat : cremation

pembakaran rumah : incendiary

pembaktian : devotion, loyality, service

pembakuan : standardisation

pembalahan : disputation, arguing

pembalap : racer

pembalas : avenger, responder, response, reply

pembalasan : reply, recompense, revenge, requital, reprisal

pembalasan dendam : revenge

pembalik : commutator

pembalikan : reversal, inversion, sudden

pembalseman : embalming

pembalut : band, handage, wrapping

pembalutan : handaging, covering

pembandel : recalcitrant

pembanding : standard of comparison

pembandut : strap, band, string

pembangkang : rebel, intractable

pembangkangan : insubordinate, protest, insubordination

pembangkit : generator, instigator

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pembangkit selera makan : appetizer

pembangkit tenaga listrik : power plant, power station

pembangun : builder

pembangunan : erection, development, construction, foundation

pembanjiran : flooding

pembantah : debater, disputant

pembantahan : rebuttal, disqualification

pembantai : butcher

pembantaian : slaughter, abbatoir, shambles, slaughter-house

pembantaian : butchering, carnage

pembantu : auxiliary, aide, servant, adjunct, assistant

pembantu : helper, accessory, stringer

pembantu pendeta : deacon, aolyte

pembantu rumah tangga : house-maid

pembaraan : the burning of

pembaratan : westernisation

pembarengan : synchronisation

pembaringan : bed

pembaru : renewer, innovator

pembaruan : renewal, renovation, reform, modernisation

pembaruan jiwa : refeneration

pembarutan : handaging

pembasahan : moistening, wetting

pembasmi : eradicator

pembasmian : eradication, removal, extermination, annihilation

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pembastaran : cross breeding, bastardisation

pembasuh : cleaning material, washer

pembasuhan : washing

pembatak : planderer

pembatalan : postponement, nullification, defeasance

pembatalan : cancellation, annulment, abolition

pembatalan hukuman : cassation

pembatas : divider, restraint

pembatasan : curtailment, delimitation, restriction

pembatik : worker in batik

pembatikan : batik work, batik workshop

pembatinan : interior meditations

pembatuan : fossilisation

pembauran : mixing, association, assimilation

pembautan : bolting

pembawa : porter

pembawa kuman : germ carrier

pembawa perdamaian : pacifier

pembawa surat : bearer

pembawaan : nature, talent, transporting, result

pembawaan lahir : innate, inborn

pembayar : payer

pembayaran : paying, remittance, disbursement, payment

pembayaran gaji : payoff

pembayaran kembali : refund

pembayaran masuk : admission

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pembayatan : hazing

pembebanan : imposition, load

pembebas : liberator

pembebasan : exemption, deliverance, release, liberation

pembebasan bersyarat : parole

pembebat : bandager

pembebatan : bandaging

pembebek : imitator

pembeberan : explaining

pembedaan : differentiation, discrimination, classification

pembedahan : surgery, dissection, surgical operation

pembedelan : operation

pembegal : robber, hijacker

pembegalan : robbery, hijacking, misappropriation

pembejatan : damaging, barming

pembekalan : provisioning, supply

pembekaman : bloodletting

pembeklitan : upholstering

pembekuan : coagulation, freezing, congealing

pembekuk : cacher

pembekukan : capture

pembela : protector, defender, advocate

pembelaan : protection, defence, plea, pleading, advocacy

pembelahan : fission

pembelajaran : learning

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pembelanja : shopper

pembelanjaan : financing

pembelengguan : handcuffing

pembeli : buyer

pembelian : purchase, dicker, buying, purchasing, buy

pembelokan : prison, turning, distortion

pembelot : deserter, turn coat

pembelotan : desertion

pembenahan : repairing, mending

pembenaluan : sponging

pembenar : justifier, corrector

pembenaran : correction, justification, confirmation, approval

pembenaran : emendantion, endorsement

pembenci : hater

pembendaan : objectification

pembendung : hedge

pembendungan : damming up, impounding, stemming

pembengkakan : swelling, expansion

pembengkokan : bending, discharge, declension

pembenihan : germination, seedbed

pembeningan : purification

pembentangan : unfurling, exposition

pembentrokan : struggle, contention

pembentuk : framer, shaper

pembentukan : formation, establishment

pembeoan : parroting, imitating

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pemberang : hothead, hotheaded, bad-tempered

pemberangkatan : sendding off, dispatch, sendoff, departure

pemberangsang : hothead

pemberangus : destroyer, killer

pemberangusan : censorship

pemberani : courageous person, intrepid, daredevil

pemberantas : exterminator

pemberantasan : effort to eliminate

pemberat : ballast

pemberat pada kaki : dead-weight

pemberatan : aggravation, weighing down

pemberdayaan : endeavoring, providing power, empowerment

pemberesan : settlement, resolution

pemberhalaan : idolisation

pemberhentian : layoff, discharge

pemberi : giver, donor

pemberi pekerjaan : taskmaster

pemberi suara : voter

pemberian : gift, conferral, distribution, issue, giving

pemberian : endowment, presentation, allocation

pemberian hormat : salute

pemberian minyak : lubrication

pemberita : reporter

pemberitaan : news release, communication, notification

pemberitahuan : premonition, announcement, notice, communicate

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pemberkatan : bestowal of blessing

pemberlakuan : prevailing, obtaining, validation

pemberondongan : bombardment

pemberontak : rebel, mutineer, revolt, insurrection

pemberontakan : rebellion, mutiny

pembersih : janitor, cleaner

pembersihan : cleaning, purification, purge, mopping up

pembersihan : clearance, cleanup, cleansing, cleaning, riddance

pembersihan : removal, purification, purging, purgation, purge

pembesar : an official, high ranking, brass

pembesaran : expansion, enlargement, enlargement

pembeslahan : seizure

pembetulan : repair, improvement, emendantion, rectification

pembiakan : breeding

pembiasa : accustomed

pembiasan : refraction

pembiaya : financier

pembiayaan : funding, outlay, budgeting

pembibiran : palatization

pembicara : speaker, adviser, lawyer, discussant

pembicaraan : discussion, conversation

pembidangan : tenter, clasification

pembidas : device

pembidasan : release

pembidik : sight

pembidikan : aiming

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pembijian : grading, taking care of seeds

pembikin : maker

pembikinan : fabrication, manufacture

pembilang : numerator, counter, quantifier

pembilangan : counting

pembilasan : rinsing, ablution

pembimbang : worrywart

pembimbing : guide, leader, adviser

pembimbingan : leading

pembina : builder, elder, coach, highest, maker

pembinaan : founding, creation

pembinasa : destroyer

pembinasaan : total destruction, extermination, depredation

pembisik : prompter

pembius : anesthetist

pembiusan : narcosis, anaesthesia, anesthetisation

pemblokiran : blockading, blockage

pembobolan : piercing, making a score

pembocoran : leaking, divulging

pembodohan : duping, tricking

pembohong : fib, liar, rook, pretender

pemboikotan : boycott

pembolos : truant, deserter

pembolosan : absenteeism

pemboman : bombing

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pembongkar : demolisher

pembongkaran : disclosure, dismantling, demolition

pembopong : supporter

pemboran : drilling

pemborgolan : handcuffing

pemborokan : festering

pemborong : contractor, supplier

pemborongan : contracting, chartering

pemboros : waster, wastrel, spend-thrift, squanderer

pemborosan : wasting, extravagance, dissipation

pembotolan : bottling

pemboyongan : emigration, removal

pembuahan : conception

pembual : braggart, swash-buckler, loudmouth

pembuangan : disposal, banishment

pembuasan : activation

pembuat : maker, bouncer, producer

pembuat bir : brewer

pembuat pakaian : clother

pembuat peta : cargographer

pembuat pisau : cutler

pembuat roti : breadborad, baker

pembuatan : fabrication, construction, production

pembuatan kapal : boatbuilding

pembubaran : dissolution, dispersion, liquidation, dismissal

pembubaran : dispersal, dissolution, abrogation

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pembubuhan : placing

pembubukan : pulverisation

pembudakan : enslaving

pembudayaan : cultivation

pembudidayaan : cultivation

pembuian : jailing

pembujangan : celibacy

pembujuk : flatterer, cajoler, adulator

pembujukan : persuasion, wooing

pembuka : opener

pembuka jalan : pace maker

pembukaan : inauguration, exposure, opening, dismantling

pembukaan hutan : clearing

pembukaan lagi : resumption

pembuktian : verification, argumentation

pembukuan : accountancy, booking

pembulatan : rounding off, integration

pembuluh : duct, confection, artery

pembuluh nadi : artery

pembumihangusan : total destuction

pembundaran : rounding

pembunga : money lender

pembungaan : flowering, acquiring

pembungkam : silencer, gag, muzzle

pembungkaman : gagging, silencing

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pembungkukan : bending, stooping

pembungkus : wrapping, wrapping apper, wrapper, packer

pembungkusan : packing

pembuntalan : coating

pembuntingan : insemination, impregnation

pembuntut : follower

pembunuh : killer, cuttroath, butcher, murderer, assassin

pembunuhan : killing, homicide, murder, assassination, slaying

pembunuhan massal : massacre, desimation

pembunyian : phonation

pemburas : chatterer, chatterbox

pemburu : chaseer, hunter

pemburuan : hunting

pemburukan : deterioration, decay

pembusa : blower

pembusukan : decaying, putrefaction, disintegration

pemecatan : dismissal, boot

pemegang : haft, holder

pemegang lisensi : licensee

pemegang saham : stockholder

pemelihara : keeper

pemeliharaan : maintenance, keeping, preservation, conservation

pemeliharaan bunga : floriculture

pemenang : victor, gainer, winner, conqueror, vanquisher

pemenangan : winning

pemendaman : burying (act of)

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pemendekan : abridgement

pemenggalan : hold over

pemenggalan leher : decapitation

pementasan : showing, play, staging, presentation

pemenuhan : fulfillment

pemerah : milker

pemerah muka : rouge

pemerahan : squeezing

pemeran : actor, player in a film or stage show

pemeras : racketeer, blackmailer

pemerasan : extortion, blackmail, exploitation

pemerataan : even distribution

pemercepat : accelerator

pemeriksa : inquest

pemeriksa mayat : coroner

pemeriksaan : review, interrogation, inspection, examination

pemeriksaan naskah : editing

pemerintah : government

pemerintah peralihan : interregnum

pemerintahan : administration, reign

pemerkosa : rapist, assailant

pemersatu : unifier, integrationist

pemesanan : ordering

pemetaan : mapping, cargography

pemetik : cuil

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pemetikan : picking, gathering

pemfitnah : detractor, slanderer, backstabber

pemfitnahan : blasphemy, calumniation, aspersion

pemfitnahan : libeling, slandering, defamation

pemfokusan : focusing

pemicu : trigger

pemihakan : one-sidedness

pemijak : pedal, stirrup

pemikat : captivator, enchanter, allure

pemikat hati : captivator

pemikiran : thinking, consideration

pemilih : elect, constituent

pemilihan : election

pemilik : owner, master

pemilikan : occupancy

pemimpi : dreamer

pemimpin : leader, manager, dean

pemimpin ben : bandmaster

pemimpin gerombolan : ringleader

pemimpin musik : bandmaster

pemimpin nyanyi : cantor

pemimpin regu : captain

pemindahan : displacement, transfer, abstraction, conveyance

peminjam : borrower

peminum : dipsomaniac

pemisahan : separation, segregation, abstraction

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pemisahan diri : dissocaition

pemisalan : assumption, premise, taking an example

pemiskinan : pauperization

pemodelan : modelling

pemogokan : walk out, strike

pemohon : appelant

pemompaan : inflation, pumping up

pemotong : cutter

pemotongan : excision, dissection, dismemberment, mutilation

pemotretan : photography

pemrakarsa : initiator

pemuatan : loading

pemudi : girl

pemuja : devotee

pemujaan : veneration, glorification

pemuka : leader, promoter

pemukat : fisherman, trawler

pemukauan : something that stuns, holds one entranced

pemukul : beater

pemukul gendang : drummer

pemukulan : blow, hit, strike, stroke

pemula : beginner, novice, new comer

pemulangan : return, restitution, repatriation

pemulasan : acquittal

pemuliaan : breeding to improve the stock

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pemulihan : recovery, restoration, repair

pemunculan : appearance, emergence

pemungut : picker, collector

pemungutan : adoption, picking, collection, harvest

pemungutan suara : voting, balloting, referendum

pemupuk : enricher, cultivator

pemupukan : fertilizing, cultivating, fertilization

pemurah : open hearted, bounteous

pemurtadan : process of making someone apostate

pemusatan : concentration, centralization

pemusnahan : annihilation, cancel

pemutarbalikan : distortion, twisting

pemutih : bleach

pemutihan : bleaching, whitening

pemutus : break

pemutusan : discontinuance

pemutusan aliran listrik : cutout

pena : pen, ballpoint

penabuh : one who strike (a drum, gong, etc)

penabulasian : process of tabulation

penabung : depositor

penabungan : savings, process of saving money

penabur : sower, spreader

penaburan : dissemination, diffusion, strewing

penafsir : interpreter

penafsiran : interpretation, exegesis, declension

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penahan : detention

penahanan : apprehension

penahanan nafsu : abstinence

penaikan : accession

penaikan pangkat : aggrandizement

penajisan : descration

penaksiran : computation

penakut : coward, dastard, chicken, funk

penalang : moneylender

penalaran : reasoning, intellectual activity

penambahan : embankment, anghmentation

penambal : one who patches, something to patch with

penambalan : act of patching

penambangan : mining, mine workings

penampakan : vision, appearance

penampang : section, profile

penampilan : perfomance, display, show, appearance

penampung : something or someone who intercepts

penampungan : relocation, storage

penampungan sementara : camp

penanam : cultivator

penanam modal : investor

penanaman : planting

penanaman hutan : afforestation

penandasan : emphasizing

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penandatangan : the signer, signatory

penandatanganan : the signing

penanganan : handling

penanggalan : calendar

penangguhan : suspension, deferment

penanggulangan : tackling

penanggung : underwriter

penangkapan : arrest, caption

penangkisan : rebuttal, demurrer

penantang : challenger

penanti : one who waits

penantian : waiting (process of), waiting room

penapis : pecolator

penarafan : ranking, grading in ranks

penarah : a plane

penari : dancer

penarikan : draw, drawing, draught

penarikan kembali : recall

penasaran : embittered, be anxious, angered (but suppressed)

penasehat : counsellor, mentor, adviser

penasehat ahli : consultant

penat : tired, weary, exhausted

penata buku : bookkeeper

penata praja : administrator

penata rambut : hair dresser

penata tertib : moderator (of discussion), leader (of meeting)

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penataan : ordering, structuring

penatagunaan : use

penatahan : carving, inlaying something

penatar : trainer, upgrader

penataran : upgrading, refresher course

penatu : laundry

penatua : church elder

penaungan : act of providing shelter

penawar : bidder

penawar rasa sakit : painkiller

penawaran : tender, offering

penayangan : presentation

pencabangan : ramifaction, bifucation, grafting

pencabikan : laceration

pencabulan : violation, outrage

pencabut : rescinder

pencabutan : revocation, retraction, deprivation, extraction

pencabutan hak pilih : disfranchisement

pencabutan hak waris : disinheritance

pencacah : census taker

pencacahan : census taking

pencacar : vaccinator

pencacaran : vaccination, vaccinating

pencacat : fault finder, critic

pencacatan : deformation, disfigurement, defacement

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pencadang : proposer

pencadangan : nomination

pencaharian : see: pencarian

pencahayaan : illumination, exposure

pencair : solvent

pencairan : liquefaction, smoothing out, dilution

pencak : system of self-defense

pencakar : scrapper, rasp, purgavit

pencalonan : candidature, nomination, candidacy, nomination

pencampuradukkan : mixing up, confussion

pencampuran : amalgamation

pencampurbauran : mixing up, get involved

pencanang : crier

pencanangan : issuing, proclamation

pencangkokan : transplanting, transplantation

pencangkulan : ground-breaking, hoeing

pencantuman : inclusion, incorporation

pencapaian : accomplishment, attainment, accession

pencapaian kekuasaan : accession to power

pencapan : labeling

pencaplokan : annexation

pencari : seeker

pencari jejak : pathfinder, tracker, trailer

pencari nafkah : breadwinner

pencarian : search, livelihood, income, quest

pencarian nafkah : keep

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pencatan : see: pengecatan

pencatat : recorder, annotator, registrar, recorder

pencatatan : entry, registration, quotation

pencatuan : rationing, allocation

pencatuman : inclusion, incorporation

pencatutan : black marketer, profiteer, scalper

penceburan : splash down

pencecak : pickpocket

pencedok : ladle, scoop, dipper

pencegah : preventative, preventive

pencegahan : prevention, deterrence, combating

pencekik : strangler

pencekikan : strangling, throttling

pencela : critic, fault finder, detractor

pencelaan : disapprobation, disapproval, faultfinding

pencelah : detractor

pencelupan : immersion, dip, dyeing

pencemaran : pollution, vilification

pencemas : pessimist, coward

pencemooh : taunter, jeerer

pencemuh : jeerer, taunter

pencendekiaan : intualisation

pencerahan : brightening agent, enlightenment

penceraian : separation, divorce

penceramah : speaker, lecturer, preacher

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pencerapan : perception, observation

pencerca : critic, fault finder, caviler

pencerita : narrator, story teller

pencernaan : digestion, assimilation, absorption

pencetak : printer

pencetakan : process of printing

pencetus : spark, impetus, founder of an idea, trigger

pencetusan : initiation, kindling

pencicilan : paying in installments

pencicip : taster

pencidukan : arrestation

pencilok : thief, pick pocket

pencinta : lover

pencipta : creator, maker, authot, composer

pencipta tarian : coreographer

penciptaan : creating, composition

pencitraan : image projection

penciuman : sense of smell, kissing, sniffing

penciutan : shrinkage, narrowing down, thinning out

pencoba : tempter

pencobaan : effort, attempt, testing, temptation

pencoblos : voter

pencoblosan : punching, perforating, voting

pencocok : adapter

pencocokan : verification, skewer

pencoleng : thief

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pencolengan : theft

pencomber : sewer

pencomel : grumbler, complainer

pencopet : pickpocket

pencopotan : removal, dismissal, firing

pencoran : casting

pencoretan : removal, eradication, scratching out

pencoretan : deletion

pencubit : nipper

pencuci : laundress, laundryman

pencuci rambut : shampoo

pencucian : washing of, catharsis, ablution

pencukuran : shaving, trimming down

penculik : kidnapper, abductor

penculikan : kidnapping, abduction, hijacking

pencurahan : outpouring, bestowal, outflow

pencuri : thief, burglar

pencurian : rubbing, looting, scam, theft, larceny

pendadakan : surprise attack

pendaftar : registrar, recorder, registrant

pendaftaran : process of registration, registry, registration

pendahulu : predecessor, former, pioneer, first corner

pendahuluan : preface, introduction

pendaki : climber

pendaki gunung : mountaineer

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pendakian : incline, ascent, pass, defile, climbing

pendakwa : , accuser, plainiff, complainant, accuser

pendakwaan : indictment, charge, accusation, complaint

pendalaman : deepening of

pendamai : peace maker

pendamar : resin collector

pendamaran : resin collecting

pendambaan : desire

pendamping : associate, colleague, company

pendanaan : funding, financing, budgeting

pendangir : hoeing equipment

pendangkalan : silting up, trivialisation

pendapat : opinion, judgment

pendapatan : income, emolument, earnings, acquision

pendapatan : yeld, output, product, result, solution

pendapuran : furnance

pendarab : multiplier

pendarahan : bleeding, hemorrhaging

pendarahdagingan : piecess of inculcation

pendarasan : study, reading from the koran

pendaratan : landing, dock, pier

pendaratan : land fall, disembarkation, descent, debarkation

pendasar : thing that stands as base

pendasaran : action of basing on

pendataan : data collection, encoding for processing

pendatang : outsider, stranger, immigrant

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pendatang baru : novice, newcomer

pendataran : leveling, smoothing

pendaulatan : ousting, firing, dismissal

pendayaan : deceit, trick, way out, expedient

pendayagunaan : making efficient use of

pendayung : oarsman, rower, oar, oar man, boatman

pendebat : debater

pendek : laconic, short, curt

pendek bulat : dumpy

pendek dan gendut : pudgy

pendekar jaman romawi : gladiator

pendekatan : approach, rapproachement

pendendaan : finning

pendendam : someone who bears a grudge

pendengar : listener, hearing, telephone, receiver, audience

pendengaran : hearing

pendengkur : snorer

pendengungan : buzzer

pendepan : shelving

pendepokan : camp, dormitory

penderas : accelerator, hired worker

penderasan : rapids, cataract

penderita : accusative, sufferer, victim, object

penderita ayan : epileptic

penderita cacat : invalid

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penderita penyakit kusta : leper

penderita penyakit tbc : consumptive

penderita sakit : psychopath

penderita sakit pencernaan : dyspeptic

penderita sakit syaraf : neurotic

penderitaan : pain, infliction, bout, suffering, affiction

penderma : philanthropist, giver, donor

pendermaan : act of donating

pendesak : one who presses

pendesakan : act of ousting

pendeta : pastor, parson, reverend, clergyman

pendeta pembantu : curate

pendeta tentara : chaplain

pendeta yahudi : rabbi

pendewa : idolater, admirer

pendewaan : deification, apotheosis, idolasition

pendewasaan : maturation, raising the age

pendiam : uncommunicative

pendiangan : hearth, fire place, temporary

pendidihan : effervescence

pendidik : educator

pendidikan : education

pendidikan sendiri : autodidact

pendiktean : dictation

pendinamis : dynamist

pendinding : partition, screen, cover, hindrance, restraint

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pendindingan : brickwork

pendingin : cooler

pendinginan : refrigeration, cooling off

pendiri : founder, organiser

pendirian : building, founding, stand point, convictions

pendirian : establishment, stand, contention, opinion

pendirian lembaga : institution

pendisain : designer

pendisainan : designing

pendisiplinan : disciplining

pendiskusian : discussing

pendobrak : batterer, wrecker, demolisher

pendobrakan : battering, break through

pendokumenan : documentation

pendongeng : story teller, narrator

pendongkel : lever

pendongkelan : removing by force

pendorong : booster, stemulation, promoter, impetus

pendorongan : instigation, stimulus

pendosa : sinner

pendramaan : dramatisation

pendropan : dropping

penduaan : share scropping on

penduduk : occupation, inhabitting, bottom, backside

penduduk : resident, denizen, inhabitant

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penduduk asli : aborigines, native, aborigine

penduduk britania raya : briton

penduduk gunung : mountaineer

penduduk istambul : byzantine

penduduk perbatasan : borderer

penduga : gauge, depth finder

pendugaan : fathoming, sounding

pendukung : supporter, proponent

pendukungan : supporting, endorsing

pendulang : prospector

pendulangan : panning

penduniaan : secularisation

pendurhaka : traitor, rebel, insurgent

pendurhakaan : treachery, rebellion, insurgency

pendusta : liar

pendustaan : lying

penduta : see: peduta

penebang kayu : woodman

penebaran : diffusion

penebus : ransom

penebusan : redemption, ransom

penebusan dosa : penance

penegakan : maintenance

penegasan : affirmation, confirmation

penekan : pressurer, emphasizer, stressor

penekanan : accentuation, pressing, stressing, pressuring

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penelaah : researcher

penelaahan : research

penelantaran : neglect, abandonment

peneliti : researcher

penelitian : survey, research

penelitian naskah : editing

penembak : shooter, sniper

penembusan : placement, disposition, collocation, posting

penempa : smith

penempaan : forging, concoction

penempel : instrument or person that sticks something up

penempelan : attachment, sticking

penemu : discoverer

penemuan : detection, discovery, contrivance

penenang : someone or something that soothes and calms

penenang saraf : sedative

penengah : mediator, arbiter

penentang : opposer

penentu kebijaksanaan : policy maker

penentuan : determination, act of determining

penerangan : illumination

penerapan : application

penerbang : flyer

penerbangan : flight, aviation

penerbit : publisher, editor

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penerbitan : publication, edition

peneriak : screamer

penerima : receiver, monitor, donee, recipient, acceptor

penerima bea siswa : grantee

penerimaan : agregation, acquision, assumption, acceptance

penerimaan cek-cek antara bank : clearing

penerjunan makanan : airdrop

penetapan : ascertainment, enactment, arrangement

penetasan : incubation

penetrasi : penetration

pengaba-aba : drill leader

pengabadian : perpetuation

pengabai : carelessness, neglect, disobedience

pengabaian : careless, nonchalant

pengabar : reporter

pengabar injil : missionary, evangelist

pengabaran : spreading the news, evangelism, braking

pengabdi : official

pengabdian : service, subservience, servitude, devotion

pengabenan : cremation

pengabsahan : endorsement, approval, legalization

pengabsenan : taking of the roll

pengabsolutan : making absolute

pengabuan : camouflage

pengabulan : approbation

pengabungan : coalescence

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pengaburan : blurring of

pengabut : sprayer, atomizer, carburetor

pengabutan : spraying (from the air)

pengacakan : randomization, messing up, beating

pengacara : attorney, lawyer, advocate

pengacau : anarchist, insurgent

pengadaan : stock, supplying, provisioning, provisions

pengadang : robber, highwayman, hold up man

pengadangan : ambush

pengadem : apparatus for cooling

pengadilan : trial, courthouse, jurisdiction, judiciary

pengadu : informer

pengaduan : accusation, complaint, demunciation, information

pengaduh : chronic complainer, grouch

pengaduk : stirring spoon or rod

pengadukan : mixing, stirring

pengagak : estimate, guess, conjecture

pengagas : designer

pengagum : admirer

pengagungan : exalting, glorification

pengail : angler

pengairan : irrigation, watering

pengait : hook, crook, linking

pengaitan : connecting

pengajak : inducement

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pengajar : instructor, teacher

pengajaran : instruction, chivy, teaching

pengajian : recitation of the Quran

pengajuan : submission, offer, tender, ignition

pengakhiran : ending, concluding

pengaktifan : activation

pengakuan : confession, acknowledgement, avowal, admission

pengakuan : recognization, accreditation

pengakuran : harmonization

pengalahan : defeat, inflicted, concession, admission

pengalaman : experience

pengalap : abductor

pengalapan : abduction

pengalas : base

pengali-ali : slingshot, catapult, sling

pengalihan : transfer of, diversion

pengaliran : flow, trend, drift

pengalokasian : allocating of

pengamalan : doing of good deed

pengaman : safe guard, pacifier, peacemaker

pengamanan : pacification, efforts to achieve security

pengamat : observer

pengamat-amatan : surveillance

pengamatan : cognizance, cognition, supervision, monitoring

pengambangan : floating

pengambil : taker

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pengambil-alihan : expropriation

pengambilan : removal, withdrawal, interpretation

pengamen : singing beggar

pengamerikaan : americanization

pengampu : support

pengampuan : guardianship

pengampun : forgiver

pengampunan : condonation, mercy, clemency, amnesty, remission

pengamuk : who runs amuck

pengamukan : running amuck, fury, raging

penganakmasan : see: menganakemaskan

penganan : dainty

pengancaman : posing a threat

pengandaian : supposition, assumption

pengandaikataan : assumption

penganduk : splint

penganggaran : budgeting

penganggarbelanjaan : budgeting

penganggrekan : orchid growing

penganggur : unemployed person

pengangguran : unemployment, joblessness

pengangin-anginan : seration, airing

penganginan : aeration

pengangkaan : numbering, marking

pengangkat : support, lift, lifter

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pengangkatan : appointment, elevation, adoption

pengangkut : transport, carrier, transporter

pengangkutan : conveyance, transportation, transport

pengangkutan lewat udara : airlift

pengangsuran : process of paying installments

pengangut : indolent person

pengani : spool rack

penganiaya : tyrant, maltreater

penganiayaan : molestation, maltreatment

penganiayaan : mistreatment, cruel treatment, oppression

penganjur : proponent

penganjuran : proponent, advocate, promoter, propagandist

pengantar : companion, porter, bellboy

pengantar : escort

pengantara : see: perantara

pengantaraan : intercession, mediation

pengantaran : delivery

pengantian : replacement

pengantihan : spinning mill

pengantin : bridegroom, bride, groom

pengantin perempuan : bride

pengantin pria : groom, bridegroom

penganugerahan : bestowal, conferral

penganut : believer, follower, adherent

penganut gereja inggris : anglican

penganutan : taking up

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penganyaman : plaiting

pengap : musty, stuffy

pengapalan : shipping

pengapian : ignition

pengapit : clamp, paperclip, flanker

pengapit pengantin : bridesmaid

pengapkiran : condemnation

pengapung : buoy, float, raft

pengapungan : floating

pengarah : manager, director

pengarahan : briefing, instruction, guidelines

pengarakan : arrack distillery

pengarang : author

pengarang esei : essaist

pengarang syair : bard

pengarang wanita : authorress

pengarangan : charcoal making, carbonization

pengarsipan : filing, system for keeping archives

pengartian : understanding, meaning, sense

pengaruh : influence, effect, interact, ascendancy

pengarungan : action of crossing

pengasah : sharpener, grinder, whetstone

pengasahan : honing, sharpening, scraping

pengasapan : fumigation, curing

pengasas : founder

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pengasinan : pickling, salting

pengasingan : isolation, exile, deportation, proscription

pengasoan : rest house, spot for resting

pengaspalan : asphalting

pengasuh : nurse, nursemaid

pengasuh anak : babysitter

pengasuhan : nurture, care

pengatapan : roofing

pengatasnamaan : acting on behalf of, doing something on behalf of

pengatur : regulator, controller, arranger

pengaturan : arrangement, disposition

pengaturtepatan : adjustment

pengawahama : sterilization

pengawahidratan : see: awahidrat

pengawahutanan : deforeszation

pengawakan : figure, shape, crew

pengawal : pioneer, the first, guard, bodyguard

pengawal renang : life guard

pengawalan : guarding, escorting

pengawam : advocate, promoter

pengawas : supervisor, superintendent, keeper, caretaker

pengawasan : supervision, control, checking, surveillance

pengawasan keuangan : comptroller

pengawet : preservative

pengawetan : preserving, conservation

pengayak : see: ayak

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pengayaman kernajang : basketry

pengayom : protector

pengayoman : protection, guardianship

pengayuh : paddle, oar, rower, oarsman

pengayun : pendulum

pengayunan : action of swinging

pengebirian : castration, emasculation

pengeboman : bombing

pengebor : driller

pengeboran : drilling

pengebumian : burial

pengecam : tally, critic

pengecambahan : germination

pengecapan : labeling

pengecatan : dying, painting, paint job

pengecekan : checking

pengecekan keuangan : audit

pengecer : retailer

pengecongan : brewing of tea

pengecoran : foundry

pengecualian : exception

pengecut : faint, faint-hearted, poltroon, unmanly

pengecut : dastard, coward, sneak, abject, white-livered

pengedar : circulator, dealer

pengedit : editor

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pengeditan : editing

pengedropan : dropping

pengejaan : spelling

pengejaran : pursuit

pengejawantahan : manifestation, embodiment, materialization

pengejek : cynic

pengejut : shy, skittish

pengekangan : restraint, curbing

pengekor : follower, hanger on

pengekspedisian : forwarding, shipping

pengeksploitasian : using, exploiting

pengekspor : exporter

pengeksporan : exportation, exporting

pengelak : dodger, avoider

pengelakan : avoidance, evasion, deflection

pengelaman : darkening, blackout (during air raid)

pengelamun : daydreamer, dreamer

pengelamunan : daydreaming, musing

pengelana : one who roves

pengelanaan : roving, roaming, wandering

pengelembungan : inflation

pengelihatan : perception

pengelolaan : management

pengelompokan : grouping, agglomeration

pengeluaran : secretion, spending, outgo, outgoings

pengeluaran : expenditure, excretion, exclusion, excision

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pengelupasan kulit : exfoliation

pengeluyur : dawdler

pengemasan : packing

pengembalian uang : debenture

pengemban : guardian, caretaker of culture

pengembanan : carrying out, execution

pengembang : developer

pengembangan : development, developing of

pengembara : nomad, gadabout, errant, wanderer, carpetbagger

pengembara : vagabond, vagrant, ramble, voyager

pengembaraan : vagabondism, vagabondage

pengembaraan : wandering, roaming, roving, adventure, vagrancy

pengembunan : condensation

pengemis : cadger, beggar

pengempang : dam

pengempangan : damming up, blocking

pengemudi kereta : carman

pengemudi perahu balap : yachtsman

pengemudi trem : carman

pengenalan : identification

pengencer : thinning agent, thinner

pengenceran : dilution, thinning

pengendalian diri : self-control

pengendalian nafsu : continence

pengendapan : process of sedimentation

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pengendara sepeda : cyclist, bicyclist

pengentak : pounder, pestle

pengentalan : coagulation

pengentasan : taking or pulling something out

pengenyahan : fleeing, expulsion, abolition

pengenyangan : satiation

pengepakan : packing

pengepungan : siege

pengerahan : mobilization

pengeram : incubator

pengeraman : hatch, hatching

pengeras : amplifier

pengeras suara : loud speaker

pengerasan : amplification

pengerat : rodent

pengeret : puller, dragger

pengeretan : baggage cart

pengeringan : drainage, dehydration

pengeritik : critic

pengerogotan : embezzling, plundering

pengeroposan : rottenning

pengeroyokan : attacking, overwhelming of

pengertian : sense, insight, comprehension, understanding

pengeruk : scraper, dredger, exploiter

pengerukan : dredging, exploition

pengerumunan : clustering, grouping

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pengesahan : ratification, validation, legalization

pengesek biola : bow

pengetahuan : knowledge, knowing, learning, erudition

pengetatan : tightening

penggabah : huller

penggabungan : fusion, merging, annexation

penggabungan : integration, incorporation, merger, consolidation

penggabus : abrasive, polisher

penggada : truncheon

penggadai : pawner

penggadaian : pawning

penggagahan : rape, suppression of one's rights

penggagalan : discomfiture

penggagasan : thinking out of

penggairahan : stimulate, encouragement

penggajian : payment of wages

penggal : piece, lump, fragment

penggalakan : encouragement

penggalan : piece, bit

penggalan pada untai sajak : caesura

penggalangan : rally

penggalas : peddler, hawker

penggalasan : peddling, hawking

penggali : digger, excavator, shovel, scoop, spade

penggalian : excavation, disinterment, dig, quarying

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penggambar : draftsman

penggambaran : drafting, description, depiction

pengganas : terrorist

penggandaan : multiply, doubling, reduplication, multiplexing

penggandal : see: gandal

penggandung : see: gandung

pengganggu : intruder, disturber, molester, gadfly, disturber

penggangguan : teasing, annoying, interfering

pengganja : drug addict

pengganjalan : wedging, propping

pengganjaran : rewarding

pengganti : lieu, substitute, alternate, surogate

pengganti kerugian : restitution, offset

penggantian : change, substitution, replacement, compensation

pengganyang : destroyer, demolisher, annibilator

pengganyangan : crushing, destroying of

penggapaian : waving of hand

penggaris : ruler, liner

penggarisan : drawing lines

penggarisbawahan : underlining, underscoring, emphasizing, contour

penggarong : robber, plunderer, pillager, looter

penggarongan : robbery, banditry, looting, pillaging

penggaru : a barrow

penggaruk : rake, curry, comb, scraper, harrow

penggarukan : scraping, scratching

penggasakan : hitting, breaking

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penggebuk : drum

penggede : big shot

penggedor : burglar, looter

penggedoran : looting, bulglary

penggelap : embezzler

penggelapan : fraud, embezzlement, blackout, scam, malversation

penggelapan : black out, darkenong, embezling, cover up

penggelapan uang : defalcation

penggelaran : bestowal a degree or title, spreading out

penggeledah : raider

penggeledahan : raid, ransacking

penggelembungan : bubbling

penggelinting : roller

penggelisah : stimulus, alarmist, scaremonger

penggeloraan : stirring

penggelunturan : along

penggeman : caward

penggemar : enthusiast, fans, devotee, lover, habitue

penggemar buku : bibliophile, bibliomaniac

penggembira : cheerful type

penggembleng : trainer, forger

penggemblengan : unification

penggembosan : deflation

penggempur : attacker, aggressor

penggempuran : destruction, crushing

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penggemukan : fattening up, greasing, lubricating

penggenangan : over flowing, flonding

penggenap : complement

penggenapan : fulfilling, fulfillment

penggencetan : crush

penggentar : coward

penggentaran : terrorism, vibrating

penggerak : moving spirit, booster, activator

penggerakan : activation

penggerakkan : activation, movement, cause crusade

penggerebegan : raiding

penggerebekan : raiding

penggerek : gimlet

penggergajian : sawmill

penggering : sickly

penggerogotan : embezzling, plundering

penggeropyokan : rounding up

penggertak : intimidator

penggerutu : grumbler, grouch

penggeseran : shifting, moving, rubbing

penggiat : activator, motivating force

penggiatan : intensification, activation

penggilas : crusher, pulveriser

penggiling : grinder

penggilingan : milling, mill

penggiliran : rotating

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penggirang : cheerful person

penggiringan : driving, herding, escorting a criminal

penggoda : perverter, gadfly

penggodaan : seduction, tempting

penggodam : mace, club

penggodogan : intensive training, intensive processing

penggodokan : intensive training

penggojlokan : hazing

penggolongan : diverification, classification, grouping

penggondol : winner, champion

penggontagantian : constant changing

penggorekan : scratching, scraping

penggoreng : frier

penggorengan : wok

penggoresan : scratching

penggorokan : slaughtering

penggosok : abrasive, polisher, instigator, provoker

penggosokan : rubbing, polishing, incitement

penggoyang : swayer of hips

penggrendelan : latching

penggubah : arranger, composer, author

penggubahan : arranging

penggudangan : storing, storage

penggugah : arouser, awakener

penggugahan : arousing, awakening

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penggugat : plaintiff, litigant

penggugatan : accusing, claiming, criticism

penggugupan : a nervous person

pengguguran : abortion, discharging

penggulat : see: pegulat

pengguling : overthrower

penggulingan : overthrow

penggulung : roller

penggulungan : rolling up of

penggumpalan : clotting, agglutination, agglomeration

pengguna : user

penggunaan : employing, using, utilising, use, utilization

penggundulan : denudation

penggunjing : a gossip

pengguntingan : cutting, snipping

pengguratan : inscribing, relief making

penggurdian : drilling, boring

penggusuran : condemnation

penghabisan : last, end, conclusion

penghabluran : crystallization

penghadiran : attending, act of causing someone to be present

penghakiman : judgement

penghalang : barricade, backstop

penghalang jalan : roadblock

penghalau : herder, driver, drover

penghalauan : driving, chase, expelling, herding

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penghalusan : smoothing

penghamburan : diffusion, sprinkle

penghamilan : impregnation, fertilization

penghancur : destroyer, crusher

penghancuran : desolation, devastation, demolition, destruction

penghapus : eraser

penghapusan : abrogation, abolition, purging, abolishment

penghapusan : erasion, erasure, cancel

pengharaman : act of proscribing something

pengharapan : expectancy, accolade, anticipation

penghargaan : esteem, appreciatoin, acknowledgement

penghasilan tambahan : perquisite, emoluments

penghasut : demagogue, agitator, instigator

penghasutan : provocation, abetment

penghayatan : full and total comprehension

penghematan : saving, thrift

penghentian : discontinuance

penghianat : betrayer

penghianatan : treason, betrayal

penghibur : attraction

penghidupan : livelihood, one's way of living

penghilangan : erasion, cancel

penghina : offender

penghinaan : indignity, abjection, blasphemy, sebasement

penghinaan : insult, humiliation, disparagement, disdain

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penghindaran : elusion, evasion, debarment

penghitung : numerator

penghitungan : computation

penghormatan : homage, reverence, accolade

penghujatan : act of blasphemy, blaspheme

penghujung : end, edge

penghuni : occupant, inmate

penghunjam : plowshare

pengibaran bendera : bunting

pengikat : binding agent, fastener

pengikatan : binding, tying (of), connection, relationship

pengikisan : attrition

pengikut : adherent

pengikut mode : faddist

pengilham : inspirer

pengilusan : erasure

pengingkaran diri : abnegation

penginjak : one who is entering a certain status or age

penginjakan : treading, trampling

penginjil : evangelist

pengintai : snoop, scout, watcher, looker

pengintaian : espionage

pengintip : peeper

pengirim : forwarder, sender

pengiriman : transit, emission, dispatch, transmission

pengiring : escort, follower, adherent, satellite

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pengisap : absorbent

pengisap darah : bloodsucker

pengisian angin : aeration

pengisian kembali : refill

pengkajian : assesment

pengkhayalan : halucination

pengkhianat : traitor

pengkhitanan : circumcising

pengkotak-kotakan : segregation, sorting, separation

pengkotakan : compartmentalizing

pengkultusan : making a cult

penglaris : see:pelaris

penglibatan : involvement

penglihatan : sight, vision, eyesight

penglipur : see:pelipur

pengluasan : see: perluasan

pengobatan : therapy, treatment, attendance, medication

pengokohan : strengthening, affirmation, inauguration

pengolah : processor

pengolahan : processing, cultivation, manufacture, preparation

pengolahan-ulang : recycling

pengorbanan : sacrifice

pengotoran : pollution, discoloration

pengoyak : one who tears or violates

pengoyakan : lacerating

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pengrusakan : disfigurement, desolation

penguapan : exhalation, evaporation, vaporization

penguasa : ruler, manager, administrator, one in authority

penguasaan : authority, command, control, mastery

penguat : strengthener, tonic, intensifier, reinforcement

penguat : something that reinforces

penguatan : affirmation, reinforcement, reinforcing

penguburan : funeral, interment, burial

pengucapan : articulation, utterance

pengucilan : excommunication

penguji : probe, assay

pengujian : calibration, testing

pengukir : engraver, carver

pengukiran : act of carving

pengukuhan : strengthening, affirmation, inauguration

pengukur : surveyor

pengukur angin : anemometer

pengukur kecepatan : speedometer

pengukuran tanah : surveying, cadaster

pengulangan : repetition

pengulas : reviewer

pengulur : engraver

pengumpat : detractor, telltale, traducer

pengumpil : crowbar

pengumpul perangko : philatelist

pengumpulan : aggregate, aggregation, accumulation

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pengumpulan pendapat : poll

pengumuman : bulletin, declaration, notification, announcement

pengundang : invitor

pengunduran : temporization

pengunduran : backdown, deferment, cancellation, postponement

pengunduran diri : retirement, resignation

pengungkit : lever

pengungsi : refugee, evacuee

pengungsian : evacuation

pengunjukrasa : demonstrator, protester

pengunjung : visitor, guest

pengurangan : decrease, decrement, cut, diminution

pengurangan : declension, cutback, deduction, attenuation

pengurungan : enclosure

pengurus : keeper, caretaker

pengurusan : MANAGING, attenuation, emaciation

pengusaha : keeper, businessman

pengusahaan : cultivation

pengusiran : eviction, expulsion, dispersal

pengusutan : investigation

pengutamaan : act of giving priority to something

pengutukan : act of cursing, condemnation

peniadaan : negation

peniaga : trader

penikmat : lover, devotee

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penilai : appraiser, assessor, grader, judge

penilaian : marking, rating, estimation, assessment

penilangan : ticketing

penilikan : supervision, control, observation

penimbang : pair of scales, counselor

penimbangan : weighing (act of), balancing, considering

penimpukan : throwing

penindakan : taking measures

penindas : oppressor

penindasan : oppression, depression

pening : dizzy

peninggalan : debris, estate, inheritance, relic, remainder

peningkatan : escalation

peninjauan : retrospect

penipu : pretender, mountebank, liar, two timer, duper

penipuan : put-upon, scam

penipuan : deception, dissimulation, embezzlement, deceit

peniru : imitator, copy cat, impersonator, copier

penisilin : penicillin

peniskalaan : process of making something abstract

penistaan : defamation, insulting (act of), stigmatization

peniti : pin, brooch, broach

penitikberatan : accentuation

penitipan : depositing, storage place

peniup terompet : bugler

penjadwalan : scheduling

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penjaga : guard, guardian, custodian, coster, keeper

penjaga gawang : goalkeeper

penjaga hutan : ranger

penjaga pantai : coastguard

penjaga pintu : porter, usher, gate keeper

penjaga rumah : caretaker

penjagaan : custody, surveillance, guarding, security

penjagalan : butchery, abbatoir

penjahat : tough, gangster, delinquent, criminal, desperado

penjahat : felon, scum, villain, bandit

penjahit : couturier, tailor, costumer

penjaja : peddle, vendor, canvasser, packman, hawker

penjajagan : sounding out, plumbing

penjajah : colonialist

penjajahan : colonization, colonial domination

penjajak : something which probes, sounds out

penjajakan : sounding out, plumbing

penjajaran : alignment, juxtaposition, making parallel

penjambret : snatcher

penjambretan : snatching

penjamin : guarantor, bailsman

penjaminan : guaranty

penjamuran : mushrooming

penjangkaan : planning out

penjara : jail, prison, dungeon, brig, quod

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penjarah : plunder, pillager

penjarahan : pillage, plundering, looting

penjaringan : action of snaring

penjatahan : alloting, allocating, distributing

penjatuhan : airdrop

penjebolan : breaking down or through of, inroads, incursion

penjegal : one who interferes with

penjegalan : interfering, stopping

penjelajah : rover, explorer, voyager

penjelajahan : exploration

penjelas : clarifier

penjelasan : exegesis, explanation, clarification, exposition

penjelmaan : incarnate, personification, embodiment

penjemputan : picking up (of), pick-up service (at airport

penjengkelan : aggravation

penjenuhan : saturation

penjepit : clipper, picers, brace, tweezer

penjeratan : garroting, strangulation

penjernihan : clearance

penjilat : creep, hang-dog, flunkey, tuft-hunter, bootlicker

penjilatan : apple polishing

penjilidan : bookbindery

penjina : see:pezinah

penjinah : see:pezinah

penjinak : tamer (animal)

penjiplak : plagiarist

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penjiplakan : plagiarism

penjual : seller

penjual lilin : chandler

penjual obat : drugist

penjual pakaian : costumer

penjualan : disposal, sale

penjudi : gambler

penjumlahan : addition

penjunjung : respecter, worshiper

penjunjungan : respecting, worshipping of

penjuru : corner

penobatan : enthronement, coronation, installation

penodaan : disfigurement, descration

penolak : deterrence, rejector

penolakan : refusal, disclaimer, denial, declination

penolong : standby, abetter, rescuer, helper

penonjolan : assertion

penonton : onlooker, spectator, bystander, watcher

penopang : crutch

pensil : pencil

pensiun : superanuated, pension

pensiunan : pensioner

pentahbisan : consecration

pentas : bandstand, stage

pentasbihan : praising God

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pentautan : act of linking up

pentekosta : pentecost

pentil : ventil

penting : momentous, important, note worthy, bulk

penting sekali : crucial

pentingnya : importance

pentol : knob

pentolan : prominent figure, leader of a gang, leader, bulb

pentul : knob

pentung : cudgel, club

pentung polisi : blackjack

pentungan : club, cudgel

penuaan : aging

penuduhan : delation

penugasan : assignment

penuh : full, rapt, absolute

penuh arti : meaningful

penuh dengan : abound with

penuh dosa : sinful

penuh energi : alive

penuh gairah : passionate

penuh harapan : hopeful

penuh hiasan : decorative

penuh kasih sayang : amatory, affectionate

penuh keagungan : majestic

penuh kebencian : catty

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penuh kejadian : eventful

penuh ketenangan : restful

penuh lubang : perforated

penuh pertentangan : discordant

penuh segerobak : carload

penuh semangat : vehement, steamedup

penuh sesak : packed

penuh sesal : contrite

penuh upacara : ceremonious

penukar uang : money changer

penukaran : exchange

penular : infector, infecting agent

penularan : contagion, spreading

penulis : writer

penulis sejarah : annalist

penumbuk : martingale, pounder

penumpahan : act of spilling or shedding, concentration

penumpang : passenger, daycoach

penumpang gelap : stowaway

penumpu : support

penumpukan : accumulation, hoarding

penunaian : payment, settlement, fulfillment

penundaan : adjournment, break, cessation, delay, abeyance

penundaan : pause, interregnum, interlude, postponement

penunggak : delinquent

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penunggang : rider, passenger

penunggang kuda : horseman

penunggangan : mounting, riding

penunggu : waiter

penunjang : something supporting

penunjangan : the act of supporting

penunjuk : indicator, something which indicates

penunjuk jalan : guidepost

penunjukan : indication, reference, pointing to something

penunjukkan : designation, denotation

penuntut : claimant

penuntutan : prosecution

penurunan : deflation, descent, airdrop

penurunan harga : sebasement

penurunan pangkat : demotion

penurut : amenable, follower, obedient

penutup : lid

penutup mata : blinker, blindfold

penutur : speaker, narrator, pronouncer

penuturan : talk, speech, discussion, narrative, announcement

penyabot : saboteur

penyadap : tapper

penyadap suara : wiretap

penyadapan : tapping, bugging

penyadaran : awareness, process of making aware

penyadur : adapter

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penyaing : competitor

penyair : versemonger, poet, versifier

penyakit : disease, bout, malady, ailment

penyakit anjing gila : rabies

penyakit ayan : epilepsy, apoplexy

penyakit binatang : distemper

penyakit bronkhitis : bronchitis

penyakit gatal : itch

penyakit ginjal : bright's disease

penyakit influensa : grippe

penyakit jantung : cardiac

penyakit jiwa : derangement, alienation

penyakit kanker : cancer

penyakit kencing manis : diabetes

penyakit ketakutan : phobia

penyakit kudis : itch

penyakit kulit : eczema

penyakit kuning : jaundice

penyakit kusta : leprosy

penyakit mata : astigmatism

penyakit otak : encephalitis

penyakit paratifus : paratyphoid

penyakit paru-paru : phthisis

penyakit pembuluh darah : embolish

penyakit pes : bubonicplague

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penyakit radang perut : enteritis

penyakit sariawan : canker

penyakit tanaman : blight

penyakit tbc : consumption

penyakit tipus : typhus, typhoid

penyakit tulang : gout

penyakit urat nadi : arteriosclerosis

penyakitan : morbid

penyaksi : witness

penyaksian : giving of evidence

penyalahgunaan : misapropriation, abuse

penyalak : barker

penyaliban : crucifixion

penyalur : distributor

penyaluran : distribution

penyaman : something which makes something comfortable

penyamaran : disguise

penyamarataan : generalization

penyambungan : scarf

penyampai : one who conveys

penyampaian : delivery

penyamun : bandit

penyangga : buttress, support, buffer

penyanggaan : propping, supporting

penyanggah : opponent, discussant, one who protest

penyanggahan : act of opposing

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penyangkalan : disclaimer, negation

penyangkulan : hoeing

penyantet : practitioner of black magic

penyantetan : practicing black magic

penyantun : inclined to help, one who is benevolent

penyantunan : giving help, compensation payment (in insurance)

penyanyi : singer

penyanyi bariton : baritone

penyanyi bas : bass

penyapihan : weaning

penyapu : wiper

penyapu debu : duster

penyaring : winnow

penyaringan : filtering, sifting, screening, selection

penyatuan : union

penyatuan aliran : synccretism

penyawah : see: pesawah

penyayang : charitable, merciful, loving, lover, amateur

penyebab : cause, agent

penyebar : disseminator, one who spreads something

penyebaran : dissemination, spread, dispersion

penyeberang : someone who goes across something

penyeberangan : crossing

penyebutan : addressing, mentioning

penyederhanaan : simplification

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penyediaan : supplying, equipping, act of preparing

penyegaran : refreshing (act of)

penyehatan : sanitation

penyeka : wiper

penyekat : insulator, wainscot

penyekatan : insulation

penyekolahan : schooling, sending someone to school

penyelam : diver

penyelaman : dive

penyelamatan : save

penyelarasan : adjustment, adaption

penyeleksian : selection system

penyelenggara : operator

penyelenggaraan : exertion, concoction

penyelesaian : solution, completion, settlement, accomplishment

penyeleweng : crook, deviationist

penyelewengan : deviation, aberration, corruption, irregularity

penyelia : supervisor

penyelidik : searcher

penyelidikan : polling, quest, inquiry

penyelundup : smuggler

penyemaian : seeding, process of raising seedlings

penyembah berhala : pagan

penyembahan : adoration

penyembelihan : slaughter

penyembuhan : recuperation, convalescence

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penyembunyian : concealment

penyemburan : ejaculation

penyemedian : meditating

penyemprot : sprayer

penyemprotan : spraying

penyempurnaan : consummation

penyendiri : solitary, liking to be alone, loner

penyendirian : isolation

penyengat : wasp

penyengauan : nasalization

penyensoran : censorship

penyeragaman : standardizing, act of making something uniform

penyerahan : rendition

penyerahan : devolution, cession, extrradiction, surrender

penyerang : assailer, assailant, attacker, agressor

penyerangan : attack, agression

penyerapan : absorption

penyerbu : invader

penyerbuan : raid

penyerbukan : pollenation

penyergap : ambush

penyergapan : ambush

penyerobotan : annexation

penyertaan : accompaniment

penyesalan : regret, remorse

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penyesatan : deviation, digression

penyesuaian : adjustment, adaptation

penyesuaian diri : accomodation, acculturation, readjusment

penyetor : depositor, supplier, purveyor

penyetoran : depositing, payment

penyewa : tenant

penyiar : announcer

penyiar radio : broadcaster

penyiaran : broadcasting

penyicilan : paying in installments

penyicip : taster

penyiksaan : persecution

penyilangan : crossing, crossbreeding

penyimpan : storage, depositor

penyimpanan : storage, laying away

penyimpangan : deviation, digression, deflection

penyinaran : irradiation

penyinggungan : act of offending

penyingkapan : disclosure

penyingkatan : abridgement

penyingkiran : evacuation, elimination, purge, exclusion

penyisihan : isolation, elimination

penyisipan : interpolation

penyitaan : confiscation, forfeiture, alienation

penyogok : briber

penyokong : patron, booster, advocate

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penyorot : reflector, projector, commentator, reviewer

penyuapan : bribery

penyucian : sanctification, purification

penyucian : purging, purgation, cleansing, gushing, catharsis

penyulam : embroider

penyuling : distiller

penyulingan : distillation

penyuluh : one who provides elucidation, investigator, spy

penyuluhan : illumination, information, elucidation

penyumbang : contributor

penyumbat : gag

penyumbatan : blockage, clogging, obstruction

penyunatan : circumcision

penyuntik : injector

penyusuan : suckling

penyusunan uu : codification

penyusup : infiltrator

penyusupan : penetration, infiltration

penyusutan : diminnution, cutback

pepatah : aphorism, adage, proverb

pepaya : papaya

peperangan : warfare, battle

perabaran : see: pengabaran

perabuan : crematorium

peracun : poisoner

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peradaban : culture, civilization

peradangan : inflammation, infection

peradilan : judicature

peraduan : contest

peragawan : model

peragawati : model

peragenan : agency

perahan : milch cow, something squeezed out

perahu : barge, ark, boat, galley, canoe, pram, sailboat

perahu penolong : life boat

perairan : water, waterworks

perak : tin, bullion, silver

perakitan : assembly

peralahan : conquest, pillaging, plundering, booty

peralatan : instrumentation, equipment, utility, implement

peralihan : gradation, devolution, transition, transfer

peramah : humane, companionable, backslapper, warm-hearted

peramatan : radiosonde

perampas : depridator

perampasan : despoliment, bereavement, usurpation

perampingan : slenderizing

perampok : marauder, hijacker, robber, brigand, plunderer

perampokan : robbery, banditry

peramukan : fury, conflict

peran : role

peranakan : cross-bred

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peranan : role

perancang : designer

perancuan : contamination

perandaian : assumption

perang : war, campaign

perang salib : crusade

perang syaraf : psycho war

perang tanding : duel

perang tulisan : polemic

perangai : nature, disposition, behavior, attitude

peranggrekan : orchid matters, orchidology

peranginan : ventilation

perangkaan : statistics

perangkap : snare, pitfall, gin, decoy, trap, ambush

perangkat : sets of equipment, forces, ware

perangkat keras : hardware

perangko : stamp, postage

perangsang : kick, stimulus

peranjak : transfer, removal

perantara : intermediary, medium, mediator, go between, agent

perantaraan : intercession, mediation, intermediary

perapian : fireplace, brazier, ignition, oven, range

perarakan : procession

perarangan : place for charcoal making

perasa : sensible, sensitive

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perasaan : sentiment, sense, feeling

perasaan benci : antipathy

perasaan bertentangan : ambivalence

perasaan bingung : whirl

perasaan haus : catharsis

perasaan kuatir : misgiving

perasaan lega : relief

perasaan malu : bashfulness

perasaan pusing : giddiness

perasaan sakit : pain

perasaan senang : after glow, euphoria

perasaan tak senang : displeasure

perasaan tak suka : antipathetic, antipathy

perasaan takut jatuh : acrophobia

perasapan : incense burner, furnigator

perasingan : exile, isolation, alienation, estrangement

perasramaan : billeting

perasuransian : insurance system

peraturan : ordinance, regulation, adjustment

peraturan adat : ceremonial

perawakan : figure, shape, physsque, stature

perawan : maid, virgin, damsel, flapper

perawan tua : spinster

perawat : nurse

perawat tentara : corpsman

perawatan : care, treatment, nursing, maintenance

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perawian : exposition

perayaan : celebration

perbabilan : row, ruckus

perbagai : see: membagai

perbagian : quotient

perbahasan : discussion, debate

perbaikan : repair, upgrading, improvement, emendation

perbaikan : restoration, reform, revision, betterment

perbaikan jalan : roadwork

perbalahan : dispute, argument

perban : bandage, swathe

perbandaran : system of docks

perbandingan : ratio, collation, example, appeal, comparison

perbankan : banking

perbantahan : quarrel, conflict, discord, disputation

perbantuan : assignment

perbanyakan : multiplication, increase

perbanyaki : increase, raise

perbaraan : brasier, furnance

perbatasan : confine, limit, border

perbatuan : rocky place

perbauran : diffusion

perbedaan : diverification, contradiction, contrast, dissent

perbedaan : difference, distinction

perbedaan : differentiation, contrariety, variation, chasm

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perbedaan : divergence, disparity, dissidence, discrimination

perbegu : heathenish

perbekalan : supply, supplies, talents, viaticum, victuals

perbelanjaan : expenses, financing, shopping

perbelokan : shift, change

perbendaan : stock

perbendaharaan : treasury, riches, repertory, thesaurus

perbendaharaan kata : vocabulary

perbenihan : culture medium

perbentangan : extension

perbentengan : fortification

perbentrokan : conflict, dispute, collision, crash

perbenturan : clash, difference

perbesaran : endargement

perbincangan : discussion, conference

perbintangan : astronomy, astrology, horoscope, constelation

perbuatan : deed, action, performance, conduct, act

perbuatan berani : exploit

perbuatan jahat : devilment

perbuatan memalukan : scandal

perbuatan merugikan : disservice

perbuatan salah : misstep, wrong doing

perbuatan tak wajar : perversion

perbudakan : enslavement, bondage, slavery

perbukitan : see: pebukitan

perbukuan : book matters

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perbungaan : budding, blossoming

perburuan : the hunt, prey, persecution, shoot

perburuhan : chase, labor

perbusukan : decayed

percabangan : branching, forking, bifurcation

percabulan : indecent, activitier

percadangan : reserves, preserves

percakapan : conversation, dialogue, colloquial, discussion

percaloan : matters pertaining to ticket scalper

percampuran : interference, meddling, social intercourse

percandian : enshrinement, monument matters

percaturan : chessboard, constellation

percatutan : black marketing

percaya : believe

percaya diri : self-confident

percederaan : conflict, quarrel, feud

percekcokan : fuss, brawl, argument, quarrel

percepatan : acceleration

perceraian : divorce, separation, dissociation, breakup

percetakan : printing office, press

percik : spatter

percikan : spark

percintaan : romance

percobaan : trial, afflication, ordeal, specimen, attempt

percobaan : experiment, tryout, audittion

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percukongan : matters regarding big financiers

percuma : vain, gratuitous, see: cuma-cuma

percumbuan : flirtation, courtship

perdagangan : trade, commerce

perdalilan : proof

perdamaian : peace, reconciliation, conciliation

perdambaan : desire

perdana : first

perdapuran : culinary matters

perdaraan : virginity

perdata : civil

perdayaan : ruse, strategem

perdebaran : pulsating, palpitating

perdebatan : argue, controversy, debate, discussion

perdekatan : approach

perdesaan : rural

perdewaan : see: pendewaan

perdramaan : dramatisation

perduaan : over two

perdupaan : censer

perdutaan : delegation, mission

perebutan : scramble, usurpation, struggle, fight

perebutan kuasa : power struggle

perecok : a fussy person

peredam : device to reduce noise or light

peredaman : damping (noises)

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peredaran : currency, circulation

perekam : recorder

perekam suara : recorder

perekat : gluten, goo, glue

perekat cair : mucilage

perekayasaan : engineering

perekonomian : economics matters, economy

perekrutan : recruitment

peremajaan : rejuvenation

peremasan : gilding

perembes : permeating agent

perembesan : leakage, oozing, infiltration

perembugan : discussion, conference, deliberation

perempat : quarter, one fourth

perempatan : crossroad, intersection, a fourth

perempuan : she, dame, girl, woman, lady

perempuan jalang : bitch

perenang : bather

perencana : draftsman

perencanaan : planning

perendahan : lowering

perendam : soaking agent or device

perendaman : soaking, submersion of something

perendangan : frying pan

perengek : one who nags

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perenungan : contemplation

perfamilian : family affairs

perforasi : perforation

perfusian : coalescence, state of having merged

pergabungan : federation

pergaduhan : commotion, tumult

pergandaan : multiplication, reduplication

pergandengan : parralelism

pergantian : commutation, turn over, alternation, change

pergaulan : interaction

pergaulan : association, social intercourse, society

pergelandangan : vagrancy

pergelangan : circle

pergelangan tangan : wrist

pergelaran : see: pegelaran

pergelutan : wresting, wrestling match

pergentengan : imbracation, ovelapping

pergerakan : movement, activation

pergesekan : friction

pergeseran : mutation, reshuffle, shift, transfer

pergi : away, pass, depart, venture, betake

pergigian : dentition, dentistry

pergiliran : rotation

pergolakan : turbulence, upheaval

pergolongan : classification

pergoncangan : shaking, shock

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pergoresan : striation

pergosip : gossip, chat

pergudangan : warehousing

pergulaan : sugar industry

pergulatan : wrestling, struggle, encounter, contract

pergumulan : wrestling, struggle

pergunaan : use, utilisation, application

pergundikan : concubinage

pergunjingan : gossiping

pergurauan : joking, jesting

perguruan : institution, school, instruction

perhatian : lime light, heed, concern, note, attention

perhentian : halt, stop, cessation

perhiasan : embellishment, decoration, array, ornament

perhiasan : ornamentation

perhitungan : calculation, account

perhotelan : hotel affaors, hotel management

perhubungan : association, affiliation, coherence

peri : faery, faerie, nymph

periang : vivacious, cheery

peribahasa : proverb, vernacularism, adage, byword, maxim

perih : poignant

perikanan : fishery

perikemanusiaan : humanity

periksa : check, examine

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perilaku : behavior

perimbangan : balance, proportion, ratio

perincian : detail, specification, breakdown

perindustrian : industry, industrial affairs

peringanan : alleviation

peringatan : expotulation, exhortion, warning, admonition

peringatan : anniversary, celebration

perintah : command, precept, mandate, decree

perintis : pioneer

perintisan : pioneering

perisai : shield, escutcheon

periskop : periscope

peristiwa : event, incident, affair

periuk : crock

periwayatan : narration

perjajakan : measuring, investigation

perjaka : bachelor

perjaka tingting : young man who has never had sex

perjalanan : trip, travel, tour, peregnation, journey, voyage

perjamuan : banquet

perjanjian : pact, engagement, deal, covenant, treaty

perjodohan : marriage, wedlock, mating, pairing

perjuangan : struggle, fight

perjumpaan : encounter

perkabaran : news, news report

perkabelan : cabling

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perkaitan : state of being docked

perkakas : tool, utility, gadget

perkalian : multiple

perkampungan : settlement, gathering place, group of villages

perkampungan kumuh : slum

perkamusan : lexicography

perkapalan : shipping

perkara : matter, case

perkasa : powerful, super, sturdy, strong

perkataan : words, dictum

perkawanan : comradeship, friendship

perkawinan : wedding

perkawinan campur : exogamy

perkebunan : plantantion, estate

perkecualian : exception

perkelahian : duel, melee, tug, fight, affray, broil, slog

perkelaminan : sexual, sexual affair

perkemahan : encampment

perkembangan : evolution, development

perkenalan : introduction, acquaintanceship

perkenan : permit, permission, approval

perkiraan : presupposition, supposition, estimate

perkoncoan : cronyism

perkongsian : partnership, consortium

perkosaan : outrage, rape

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perkuatan : reinforcement given, cultivation

perkulakan : wholesale, grocery

perkumpulan : league, club

perlahan : slow, slowly

perlahan-lahan : adagio

perlajuan : acceleration

perlakuan : treatment, way of treating something or someone

perlakuan kejam : abuse, hazing

perlalu-lintasan : matters pertaining to traffic

perlambang : omen, symbol

perlambatan : retardation, decelaration

perlawanan : opposition, resistance, oppugnance, oppugnancy

perlengkapan : outfit, gadget, equipment, appurtenance

perlengketan : adhesion

perlente : chic

perlindungan : patronage, protection, aegis, armature

perlombaan : race, emulation, event, competition

perlop : be on leave, leave, furlough

perlu : necessary

perluasan : expansion, extension, broadening

perluasan kekuasaan : aggrandizement

permadani : rug, carpet

permagangan : apprenticeship

permai : ornate, scenic, pretty, beautiful

permainan : game, play

permaisuri : princess, queen, royal consort

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permak : altered (clothes)

permandian : bathing place, bath, baptism

permanen : array

permasalahan : set of problems

permata : jewel, gem

permen : peppermint, mint, confection, sweets, candy

permen karet : gum

permintaan : demand, request

permintaan maaf : excuse, apology

permisi : permission

permohonan : request, plea, entreaty, consuration

permukaan : surface, level

permulaan : onset, nucleus, start

permuliaan : magnificence, pomp, glory

permusuhan : enmity, hostility, antagonism

permusyawarahan : discussion, conference, deliberation

pernafasan : breathing, respiration

pernah : ever, once, be related in a certain way

pernak-pernik : needless complications, needless complexities

pernapasan : inhalation, respiration, breathing

pernaungan : shelter

perniagaan : trade, commerce

pernikahan : marriage

pernilaian : judgement, evaluation, appraisal

pernis : varnish, lacquer

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pernyataan : protestation, enunciation, statement, declaration

perogoh : one who gropes

perokok : smoker

peroksida : perioxide

perolehan : gain, earnings

perombakan : reformation, change

peron : platform

peronda : patrolman

perongrong : gadfly, one who undermines or pesters

perongrongan : action of undermining

perontok : something that causes things to fall off

perpaduan : synthesis, agglutination

perpanjangan : prolongation, extension

perparkiran : matters pertaining to parking system

perpecahan : break, disunity, disunion, schism, cleavage

perpeloncoan : hazing

perpindahan tempat : migration

perpisahan : disunity, breakup

perpolitikan : matters pertaining to politic

perpustakaan : library

perputaran : rotation, change

pers : press

persada : homeland

persahabatan : association, amity

persaingan : rivalry, competition

persaksian : evidence, testimony

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persamaan : parallel, equation, equality, analogy

persangkaan : suspicion, presupposition, expectation, estimate

persangkutan : conection, relation, involvement

persatuan : coalescence, unity, association

persaudaraan : brotherly, brotherhood, fraternity

persawahan : rice cultivation (fields for)

persebadanan : copulation

persediaan : glut, supply, stock

persegi : square

persejajaran : parallelization

persekawanan : alliance

persekolahan : school system

persekongkolan : machinate, conspiracy, collusion

persekot : cash advance

persekutuan : communion, camaraderie, partnership, alliance

persekutuan : construction, confederation, confederacy

perselingkuhan : dishonesty

perselisihan : discord, discordance, quarrel, clash, conflict

perselisihan : words, dissension, dissidence, dispute, odds

persemaian : nursery, seedbed

persemakmuran : commonwealth

persembunyian : hide away, hiding place, blind

persen : gratuity

persengauan : nasalization

persenggamaan : coition, copulation

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persenjataan : weaponry, armament, arms

persentasi : percentage

persentuhan : contiguity

persenyawaan : coalescence

persepuluhan : desimal

perseroan : associate

persesuaian : consonance

persetan : Damn it!, To hell!

perseteruan : enmity, hostility

persetubuhan : copulation, coition

persetujuan : bargain, assent, approval, agreement, deal

persetujuan : concordance, consensus, concert

persiapan : preparation, preliminary

persilangan : crossing, contradiction, conflict

persilatan : matters pertaining to systems of self-defense

persimpangan : intersection, crossroad, junction

persinggahan : port of call, sojourn, stopoff, stopover

persinggungan : point of contact

persis : exactly

persneling : gear

persoalan : problem, trouble, subject, issue

personil : personnel

perspektif : perspective

persyaratan : requirement, rules and regulations

pertahanan : defence, bulwark

pertajam : sharpen

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pertalian : correlation, coherence

pertama : early, first

pertambahan : increase

pertambangan : mining

pertanda : omen

pertandingan : match, game, event, contest, tournament, bout

pertanggungjawaban : liability, accountability, responsibility

pertanian : agriculture, husbandry, farming

pertanyaan : question

pertapa : eremite, hermit

pertapaan : hermitage, ascetic

pertarakan : abstinence

pertaruhan : gambling

pertarungan : fight, struggle, combat

pertautan : contact, bond, joining, uniting, linkage

pertempuran : combat, conflict, battle, fight

pertemuan : confluence, assembly, convoke, affair

pertengahan : middle, mean, midway

pertengkaran : fracas, bickering, contest, bustup, wrangle

pertengkaran : fray, tow-row, quarrel, contention

pertentangan : disagreement

pertiga : third

pertikaian : dispute, quarrel

pertimbangan : consideration, reasoning, advisement, opinion

pertokoan : shopping complex, shop matters

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pertolongan : assistance, help, aid, accomodation

pertukangan : handicraft

pertukaran : exchange

pertumbuhan : growth, accretion

pertumpahan : spillage

pertumpahan darah : bloodshed

pertunaian : matters pertaining to cash

pertunangan : betrothal, engagement, affiance

pertunjukan : reciprocate, performance, exposition, recital

pertuturan : conversation, word, phrase, pronunciation

perubahan : swicth, shift, modification, conversion, change

perubahan bentuk : transformation, metamorphosis, deformation

perubahan besar : cataclysmic

perubahan pelan : evolution

perubahan susunan : reshuffle

perubahan warna : discoloration

perumahan : housing

perumpamaan : imagery, parable

perumus : formulator

perumusan : formulation

perundang-undangan : legislation

perundingan : negotiation, palaver, deliberation

perunggu : bronze

peruntungan : fortune, luck

perunut : tracer

perusahaan : enterprise, company

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perusak : depridator, destroyer, botcher, vandal

perusakan : destruction, impairment, attrition, defacement

perusuh : terrorist, rioter

perusuhan : riot, disturbance

perut : breadbasket, belly, paunch, abdomen, maw

perutusan : delegation

perwakilan : agency, delegation, representation, liaison unit

perwalian : trusteeship

perwarisan : matters pertaining to inheritance

perwasitan : arbitration

perwatakan : characterization

perwujudan : phenomenon, manifestation

perzinahan : adultery, sexual acts outside of marriage

pesaing : rival, contender, competitor

pesakitan : prisoner, convict

pesan : message

pesanan : reservation, order, errand

pesanggrahan : guest house, small official hotel

pesangon : separation pay

pesat : quick, speedy, rapid

pesawah : rice grower, farmer of wet rice fields

pesawat : instrument, machine, plane, telephone instrument

pesawat pembom : bomber

pesawat pemburu : jet fighter

pesawat terbang : plane, aircraft, aeroplane, airliner

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pesejajaran : parallelization

pesek : pug-nose, flat-nose

pesenam : gymnat

peserta : participant

pesimistis : pessimistic

pesisir : coast

pesolek : dandy, dude, beau, fop, nutty, nut

pesona : dazzle, enchantment, captivation

pesta : debauch, gala, orgy, carousal, party, fete

pesta-pora : orgy, orgie

pesta dansa : ball

pesulap : prestidigitator

pesuruh : emissary, messenger, courier

peta : chart, map, atlas

petak : slot, terrace

petaka : disaster, catastrophe, calamity, plague

petani : hind, farmer, peasant, cultivator

petapa : anchorret, ascetic

petasan : petard, squib

petatar : trainee

peternak : cattleman, breeder

peternakan : ranch, husbandry, livestock

peti : kit, chest, case, trunk, box, quod, hutch

peti besi : save

peti es : ice box

peti kayu : crate

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peti kecil : casket

peti mati : coffin

peti roti : breadbox

peti uang : cashbox

petik : pick, pluck

petikan : playing, plucking (of guitar), quotation, excerpt

petinju : boxer

petir : thunderbolt

petis : jelly

petisi : petition

petualang : gadabout, adventurer, wanderer, voyager, vagabond

petualangan : adventure

petunjuk : guideline, advice, guidance, instruction

petunjuk : directive, indication, hint, directory, direction

peubah : variable

pewajib : someone who is liable

pewarganegaraan : naturalization

pewarna : dye

pewarnaan : coloration

pewarta : herald

pewawancara : interviewer

pewayangan : things pertaining to the 'wayang' (puppet)

peziarah : pilgrim

pezina : see: pezinah

pezinah : fornicator, adulterer

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piagam : enrollment, rescript, charter

piala : cup, goblet, chalice, trophy

pialang : broker

piaraan : mistress

piawai : skilled, expert, sophisticated

picik : petty, hide bound

picu : trigger, cock, hammer (of gun)

pidato : harangue, discourse, diatribe, declamation

pihak : side

pijar : incandescent, blazing, red-hot, glowing

pijat : massage

pikatan : lure

pikir : opinion, idea, thought

pikiran : mind, thought, intelligence, idea, opinion

pikun : senile, senility

pil : pill

pilihan : elective, dilemma, selection, alternative, dibs

pilihan : preference, option, choice

pilin : spiral

pilot : flyer, aviator, pilot, airman

pilu : moved, touched, affected, sympathetic

pilus : kind of snack made of fried grated sweet potatoes

pimpinan : superintendent, superior, director

pinang : areca

pincang : game, lame, cripple

pindah : swicth, immigrate, go about

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pinggang : side, middle, waist, loin

pinggir : side, verge, border

pinggiran : margin, brim, suburb

pinggul : hip

pingit : secluded (of marriageable girl)

pingitan : one who has been kept secluded

pingsan : unconscious, keel, swoon, insensible

pinjaman : loan

pintar : clever, smart, sharp

pintu : door

pintu gerbang : portal, gate

pintu rahasia : jib-door

pion : pawn

pipa : tube, pipe, nozzle

pipa air : main, hydrant

pipet : pipette

pipi : cheek

piramid : pyramid

pirang : blond, brown, anburn

piring : plate

piringan : discus

piringan hitam : record, disc

pisang : banana

pisau : knife, cutlery

pisau bedah : scalpel

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pisau belati : dirk, dagger

pisau cukur : razor

pisau lipat : penknife

pistol : pistol, revelover

pita : ribbon, bow, tape, band

piutang : credit

plakat : placard

planet : planet

plasma : plasma

plastik : plastic

platina : platinum

pleno : plenary

pleonastis : pleonastic

plester : plaster

plesteran : plastering

plight : menggadaikan

plin-plan : fickle

plus : plus

podium : dais

pohon : buckeye, beech, tree, aspen

pohon asam : tamarind

pohon cedar : cedar

pohon cemara : cyprese

pohon ek : oak

pohon gaharu : aloe

pohon jati : teak

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pohon kina : cinchona, barktree

pohon palem : palm

pojokan : street corner

pokok : subject, main, essence, underlying, centre

pokrol : attorney, lawyer

pokrol-pokrolan : pettifoggery

pokrol bambu : unlicensed lawyer, able debater, cheater

pola : pattern

pola dasar : archetype

polandia : poland

polemik : polemics

poliandri : polyandry

poligami : polygamy

poliklinik : polyclinic

polip : polyp

polis : policy

polisi : cop, police, constable

politeknik : polytechnic

politik : politics, political

polos : colorless

pompa : pump, inflator

pon : pound

pondasi : foundation

pondok : hut, hovel, hostel, cottage, cot, lodge, cabin

pondokan : lodging

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popok : diaper

populer : popular

pori-pori : pore

poros : pivot, axis

porselen : porcelain

porsi : portion

pos polisi : police station

posisi : position

positif : positive, determinate

pot bunga : pot, vase

potlot : pencil

potong : cut, patch, piece, bar

potongan : decrease, cut, cutlet, allowance

potongan harga : discount, abatement

potret : portrait, photo

pragmatis : pragmatic

prahara : catastrophe

prajurit : warrior, soldier, man-at-arms

prakarsa : initiative

praktek : practice

praktis : practical

pramuka : scout, pathfinder

pramuniaga : clerk

pramuniagawan : salesman

pramuniagawati : salesgirl

prasangka : preconception, hunch, prejudice, bias

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prasasti : inscription

prasejarah : prehistory

prasyarat : precondition

premi : premium, bounty

presiden : president

presidium : presidium

prestasi : achievement, accomplishment

prevalensi : prevalence

pribadi : private, personal

pribumi : aboriginal

prihatin : concerned, apprehensive

primbon : almanac

primitif : primitive

prioritas : priority

prisma : prism

produksi : production

produktif : productive

program : program

progresif : progressive

proklamasi : proclamation

proletar : proletarian

propaganda : propaganda

propinsi : province

prosa : prose

proses : process, degeneration

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prostat : prostate

protein : protein, albumen

protektorat : protectorate

protes : protest, demurrer

protes keras : declaim

protokol : protocol

protoplasma : protoplasm

proyek : project

proyek percobaan : pilot project

proyeksi : projection

proyektor : projector

psikiater : psychiatirst

psikolog : psychologist

psikologi : psychological

pualam : marble

puas : pleased, satisfy, complagent

puasa : fast

publisitas : publicity

pucat : pale, pallid, wan

puding : pudding

puing : rubble, debris

puing-puing : debris

puisi : poetry

puitis : poetic

pujaan : adoration

pujian : praise, credit, recommendation, accolade

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pujur : profligate, dissolute

pujut : strangulation

pukal : lump, block

pukang : crotch, thigh of animal

pukat : sweep-net, trawl, dredge, trail-net, seine

pukat harimau : large trawling net

pukau : drug to make one sleep

pukauan : charm

puki : vagina

pukimai : motherfucker

pukimak : motherfucker

pukis : kind of butter cake

pukta : excellent

pukul : hit, strike

pukulan : smack, punch, knock, chop, beating

pulan : smooth and mellow

pulang : homeward, return home, be left up to

pulang-balik : vice versa, to and fro, round trip

pulang hari : returning the same day

pulang kampung : upcountry, see: mudik

pulang kerja : come home from work

pulang maklum : left to the audience or reader

pulang pergi : round trip

pulang pokok : make no profit, come out even

pulang pulih : full recovery

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pulas : daub, fast asleep

pulasan : outward appearance, something smeared on

pulasari : liana with yellow flowers

pulau : island

pulau karang : atoll

pulauisme : insularity

pulen : see: pulan

puli : rice cracker

pulih : recovered from an illness, restored, repaired

pulover : pullover

pulpen : ball-point

pulsa : pulse

pulung : pellet

pun : also, as well

punah : entirely disappeared, wiped out, gone, destroyed

punakawan : servant, disciple

puncak : peak, high, cusp, crest, capstone, apex, zenith

puncak : top, pitch, mount, culmination

pundi : sachet

punggawa : court official in Javaneese shadow play

pungguk : kind of owl

punggung : back

pungut : adopted

pungutan : pickings, harvest, quotation, tax levied

puntung : stub, butt

punuk : hump

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punya : own, possess, have, whose, of

punyaku : mine

pupuk : manure, fertilizer, compost

pura : ostensible

pura-pura : pretend, mock, illusive, quasi, affection, affect

pura-pura : pretended, ostensible

purba : primordial

puri : castle

purnabakti : retired

purnawirawan : superanuated, emeritus, retired (Ret.)

pusaka : heirloom, heritage, relic

pusar : navel, umbilicus

pusaran air : whirlpool, eddy

pusat : core, centre, navel, central

pusat gempa : epicentre

pusat perhatian : focus, cynosure

pusing : headache, groggy, giddy, dizzy, light-headed

putaran : rotation, rotary, cycle, spin, capstan, twirl

puteri : daughter

putih : white

putih telur : glair

puting : nipple

puting susu : nipple

putra : son

putra mahkota : crown prince

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putri : princess, daughter

putri duyung : mermaid

putus asa : desperate, hopeless, dispirited, disconsolate

putus harapan : despond

putusan : verdict

quran : koran

qurban : lihat: kurban

rabuk : dung

rabun : myopia

racun : poison, venom, bane, toxicant

rada : see: agak

radang : inflamed

radang gusi : gingivitis

radang kulit : dermatitis

radang paru-paru : pneumonia

radang perut : gastrictis

radang selaput lendir : rhinitis

radang selaput otak : meningitis

radang selaput perut : peritonitis

radang sendi : arthritics

radang urat darah : phlebitis

radang urat syaraf : neuritis

radang usus buntu : appendictis

radar : radar

radiator : radiator

radikal : radical, drastic

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radio : radio

radioaktif : radioactive

radiogram : radiogram

radiolog : radiologist

radiologi : radiology

radium : radium

radius : radius

ragam : motif

ragi : yeast, barm, baking-powder, leaven

ragu : hesitate

ragu-ragu : irresolute, hesitate, dubious, doubt, undecided

rahang : jaw

rahasia : secret, covert, undercover, confidential, privy

rahib : uterus, clement, womb, monk

rahim : womb

rahmat : grace

raja : monarch, lord, king, royal, czar

raja lalim : despot

rajah : tattoo, lines in the palm

rajahan : tattoo

rajam : stone to death

rajaman : stoning

rajangan : cut tobacco

rajin : diligent, industrious, active

raket : racket

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rakit : raft

raksasa : monster, giant, ogre

rakus : edacious, greedy

rakyat : people, populace

rakyat jelata : rabble, mob

ralat : rectification, erratum

ramah : kind, neighborly, gentle, genial, debonair

ramah-tamah : amile, convivial, conversable, effusive, affable

ramai : clamorous, busy

ramalan : forecast, horoscope, oracle, prediction

rambut : hair

rambut palsu : wig

rame : see: ramai

rami : hemp

ramping : slim, slender

rampung : complete, finish, fulfilled

ramuan : concoction, ingredient

rancangan : design, delineation, cadre

rancangan rok : bustle

rancangan undang-undang : draft bill, bill

rancu : confused

rangangan : mongoose

rangka : frame

rangka pesawat terbang : fuselage

rangkai : bunch

rangkaian : succession, sequence

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rangkap : double, geminate, geminate, dual

rangkap lima : quintuplicate

rangkul : hug, embrace

rangkulan : hug

rangkuman : embrace, armful, summary

rangsangan : stimulation, prickling

ranjang : bed, iron bed

ranjang pengantin : nuptial bed

ranjang tidur : bedstad

ranjau : mine

ransel : rucksack, kit, knapsack, backpack, duffle bag

ransum : ration

rantai : chain

rantang : set of containers for transporting food

ranting : withy, withe, twig

ranum : flaccid, appetizing

rapat : assembly, gathering, convocation, meeting

rapat-rapat : hemetically

rapat umum : rally

rapi : prim, snug, presentable, orderly, efficient

rapuh : fragile, brittle

ras : race

rasa : favor, feel

rasa benci : disinclination

rasa bosan : tedium

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rasa cemas : qualm

rasa enak : deliciousness

rasa harga diri : self-esteem

rasa hormat : respect, deference

rasa kecut : acerbity, acerbities

rasa malu : shame

rasa manis : aniseed, anise

rasa pahit : tartness

rasa pusing : vertigo

rasa rindu : nostalgia

rasa sesal : penitence

rasa syukur : thankfulness

rasa tajam : tartness, tang

rasa tak berterimakasih : ingratitude

rasa tak percaya : distrust

rasa tak suka : distaste

rasa terpesona : rapture

rasanya : seem

rasial : racial

rasialisme : racialism

rasionalisasi : rationalization, rationality

rassul : apostle

rata-rata : par, mean, average

ratapan : lament

ratna : gem, jewel

ratna cempaka : topaz

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ratna mutu manikam : gems of all kinds

ratna wilis : emerald

ratu : queen

raung : yowl

raupan : handful

raut muka : profile

raut wajah : complexion, aspect

rawa : marshy, quagmire, marsh, swamp

rawa : bog

rayap : termit

rayon : rayon

rayuan : seduction, temptation, persuasion, see: bujukan

rayuan musik : serenade

reaksi : reaction

reaktor : reactor

realisasi : realization

realisme : realism

realistis : realistic

rebah : topple

rebahan : a place to lie down, things that are overturned

reboiler : mesin pendidih ulang

rebon : kind of small shrimp

rebung : bamboo shoot

rebusan : decoction

rebutan : fight, struggle, object of the struggle

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recet : cry, protest

recok : noise, uproar, excitement

reda : calm

redam : vague, dim, faint, muffled, hushed

redaman : attenuation

refleks : reflex

refleksi : reflection

reflektor : reflector

reformasi : reformation

regu : squad, team, gang

rehabilitasi : rehabilitation

rehat : rest

rejeki : lihat: rezeki

rekahan : crack, fracture

rekaman : recording

rekan : copartner, counterpart, companion

rekanan : partner, friend, partnership, steady customer

rekayasa : engineering

rekening : tally, bill, account, acc

rekening di bank : acc

rekening koran : ac (account current)

rekening penjualan : account sales

rekontruksi : reconstruction

rekor : record

rekrut : recruit

rektor : rector

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rel : tract, rail

relung : niche

rem : brake

remah-remah : crumb

remang : dusky

rematik : rheumatic

rembes : kind of eye disease in which the eyes are watery

rembesan : seepage, oozing liquid

rembugan : duscussion, conference, consultation

remeh : petty

remis : barnacle

rempah-rempah : allspice

renang : swim, bathing

rencana : blueprint, concept, device, draught, plan

rencana pelajaran : schedule, curriculum

renda : lace

rendah : low, menial

rendah hati : modest, unobtrusive

rendah mutunya : second rate, inferior

rendahan : subordinate, of lower rank

rendam : submerge, soak

rendang : meat simmered in spices and coconut milk

rendefu : rendezvous

rengekan : whimper, nagging

renggang : gap

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renggutan : wrench, yank, pull

renjana : emotion, in love, longing

rentan : vulnerable

rentangan : elongation

rentenir : usurer

rentetan : series

renungan : cogitation, afterthought, contemplation

renyah : concentration, careful (or requiring) attention

repot : busy

reproduksi : facsimile

republik : republic

reputasi : reputation

rerumputan : grass

reruntuhan : debris

resah : anxious

resapan : absorption

resek : cluttered, investigate

resep : recipe, prescription

resepsi : reception

resepsionis : receptionist

resiko : risk, peril

resimen : regiment

resleting : zipper

resmi : official

resolusi : resolution

restoran kecil : cafe

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restu : approval

retak : crevice, crack, cracked, flaw, fissure

retakan : fracture, crack

reuni : reunion

revisi : revision

revolusi : revolution

rewel : unreasonable, fret, persnickety, hard to please

rezeki : livelihood, luck, fortune, blessing (of God)

rezim : regime

riak : ripple

riak gelombang : waveband

riam : cascade

riang : hilarious, glee, debonair, carefree, boon, jocund

riba : usury

ribu : thousand

ribuan : thousands

ribut : din, brawl, boisterious, blatant, hectic, ado

riil : substantive

rikuh : clumsy, awkward

rim : ream

rimba : forest, jungle

rimba raya : back-woods

rimbun : bowery

rindu : longing, homesick, nostalgic, hanker

ringan : light, buoyant, mild, bright, airy

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ringkas : compendious, laconic, brief, pithy

ringkasan : summary, precis, epitome, synopsis, compendium

ringkikan : bray

rintangan : obstacle, impediment, handicap, encumberrance

rintihan : moan, groan

rintik : droplet, spot, fine spot

rintik-rintik : small spots, dots

rintisan : pioneering effort, path

risalah : discourse, treatise

risau : licentious, dissolute

risih : taboo, feel uncomfortable about something risque

rit : sound of creacking, trip made by a public vehicle

ritme : rhythm

ritmis : rhythmic

riuh : noise

riung : range of maountains, gathering, gather

rivalitas : rivalry, competition

river : sungai

riwayat : chronicle, story, tale, history, sermon

riwayat hidup : curriculvitae, memoir, biography, autobiography

robek : split, rive

roboh : fall, down

robot : robot

roda : wheel

roda gaya : flywheel

roda gigi : gearwheel, cog

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roda penggerak : driving wheel

roh jiwa : spirit

rohani : spiritual, mentally

rohaniawan : churchman

rohaniwan : churchman

rohaniwati : churchwoman

rok : skirt

rok dalam : pettcoat

roket : rocket

rokok : cigarette

rol : roll

roma : rome

romantis : romantic

romawi : roman

rombakan : result of reorganization

rombongan : contingent, caboodle, team, batch

rompi : vest

ronde : round

rongga : cavity

rongseng : sullen, upset, grumbling

rongsok : damaged, worn-out

rongsokan : worn-out articles, wreckage

ronsel : crimp

rontaan : struggle

rontok : deciduousis, drop off, fall off, shed

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rontokan : something fallen off

rorompok : house

rosario : rosary

rotan : rattan, cane

roti : loaf, bread

roti kismis : bun

royal : open-handed, prodigal, extravagant

ruang bawah tanah : basement, crypt

ruang dansa : ballroom

ruang kosong : drivel

ruang makan : mess

ruang masuk : lobby

ruang tidur : cubicle

ruangan : room, hall

ruangan kecil : cubby hole, alcove

ruangan kelas : classroom

ruas jari : phalanx

rubrik : rubric

rudin : impoverished

rugi : loss (suffer a financial), lose out

rugos : lettering sheet (rubbed with pencil)

ruhak : embers

ruhban : monk, hermit

ruhbanat : nun

ruit : bent, hook-shaped barb, diamond (suit)

rujak : spicy mixture of vegetables and fruits

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ruku' : bow

rukun : harmonious

rumah : home, house

rumah besar : mansion

rumah burung : birdhouse

rumah gadai : pawnshop

rumah kanselir : chancellery

rumah makan : cafetaria

rumah mayat : mortuary

rumah miskin : almshouse

rumah pedoman : binnacle

rumah pelacuran : bawdyhouse

rumah penginapan : tavern

rumah sakit : hospital, clinic, infirmary, asylum

rumah sakit lepra : leprosarium

rumah tangga : household, domestic

rumah yatim : orphanage

rumbai : tassel

rumit : knotty, elaborate, intricate, complicated

rumpun : clump

rumput : grass

rumput-rumputan : herb

rumput biru : bluegrass

rumput liar : weed

rumus : formula, abbreviation

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rumusan : formulation

runcing : sharp, sharp-pointed, fine

runtuh : decay, collapse

runtuhan : decay

runut : furrow, groove, trace

runutan : trace

runyam : be in difficulties

rupa : figure, build

rupanya : , seemapperently

rupawan : personable, good-looking

rusa : deer

rusa afrika : gnu

rusa besar : elk

rusa betina : hind, gazelle, roe

rusa jantan : hart, buck

rusak : disrepair, bruise, frazzle, destroyed

rusuh : restless, disturbed

rusuk : rafter

rute : route

rutin : routine

ruwet : knotty, intricate, complex, complicated

s-0 : nonuniversity degree or program

s-1 : undergraduate program

s-2 : master's program

s-3 : doctorate program

sa : three (chinese)

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saat : occasion, moment, instant

saat terakhir : deadline

saba : frequent a place

sabak : sulking, pouting, dull, slate for school

saban : every

sabar : patient, endure, resignedly

sabit : sickle, hook

sabotase : sabotage

sabtu : saturday

sabuk : rim, belt

sabun : soap

sabung ayam : game-cock

sadap : tap, bug

sadapan : sap tapped

sadar : mindful, conscious

sadar diri : self-conscious

sadis : sadistic

sadisme : sadism

saf : row

sagu : sago

sah : valid, legitimate, legal, lawful, rightful

sahabat : friend, pal, mate, companion

sahabat karib : crony

saham : stock, share

sahih : Authentic

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saingan : competitor, rival

saja : just

sajadah : prayer mat

sajak : rhyme, verse

sajen : offering of flowers or food (to spirits, etc)

sakaratul maut : agony

sakarin : glucose

saking : on account of

sakit : sick, painful, ill, diseased, ailment, ail, ache

sakit-sakitan : aching, ailing

sakit gigi : tooothache

sakit gila : paranoia

sakit hati : embittered

sakit jiwa : psychoneurotic

sakit kepala : migraine, headache, hassle

sakit perut : bellyache

sakit pinggang : lumbago

sakit punggung : backache

sakit syaraf : neurosis, neuralgia

saklek : by word only, according to what is written

sakral : sacred

sakramen : sacrament

saksi : witness, deponent, testimony

saksi mata : eyewitness

saksofon : saxophone

sakti : supernatural (divine) power

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saku : pocket, bag, sack

sakura : cherry tree, other trees bearing pink blossoms

sakwasangka : lihat: syak

salah : off, wrong, incorrect, false, demerit, wrongful

salah atur : misrule

salah cerna : indigestion

salah hitung : miscount, miscalculation

salah jalan : misguided

salah ketik : mistype

salah meletakkan : mislay

salah membaca : misread

salah menaruh : misplace

salah mendengar : mishear

salah mengadili : misjudge

salah mengeja : misspell

salah mengerti : misunderstand, misconstrue

salah menggunakan : misspend

salah mengobati : malpractice

salah mengutip : misquote

salah paham : cross-purpose, misunderstand, misconception

salah pakai : abuse

salah pengertian : misapprehension

salah pilih : miscast

salah tafsir : misinterpretation

salah ucap : mispronounciation

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salah urus : mismanagement

salahsatu : either

salam : salutation, cherio, greeting

saleh : pious, virtuous, religious, devotional

salep : salve

salib : cross

salinan : copy, transcript

saling : reciprocal, mutual

saling bersama : mutual

saling mempengaruhi : interaction

salju : snow

salju terjun : avalanche

salmander : eft

salon : salon

saluran : duct, dike, channel, shoot, canal

saluran keluar : outlet

saluran kencing : ureter

salut : salute, greetings, respect, admire

salut perut : colic

sama : analogous, analogical, similiar, alike

sama : same, identical, even, equal, ditto

sama besar : coextensive

sama jauhnya : equidistant

sama sebangun : congruent

sama sekali : totally, roundly, utter, absolutely, at all

sama sekali baru : brand new

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sama sekali tidak : not at all

sama sisi : equilateral

samar : vogue

samar-samar : vague, cryptic, blurry, vaguely, blur

samaran : guise, camouflage

samarata : distributed evenly

samawi : divinely, heavenly

sambal : crushed red pepper

sambaran : swoop, strike, stroke

sambil : while, avocation

sambil berteriak : clamant

sambil lalu : circumstantial

sambilan : side line, part-time, pretext

sambungan : connection

sambut : greet, welcome

sambutan : nibble, greeting, acclamation, welcome

sambutan dengan tepuk tangan : acclamation

sambutan gembira : acclamation, acclaim

sambutan hangat : rave

samenleven : living together wihout matrimony

sampah : rubbish, litter, garbage, trash, carrion

sampai : until, to, unto, till

sampai datang : come

sampai dengan : inclusive

sampai sini : hither to

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sampan : gondola, boat, kayak, dinghy

sampanye : champagne

sampar : pestilence

sampo : shampoo

sampul : cover

samudera : ocean

samurai : samurai, Japanese sword

sana : there

sanak : kin

sanatorium : sanatorium

sandal : sandal

sandang : cordon

sandaran : backrest

sandera : hostage

sandi : code

sanding kata : collocation

sandiwara : play, speakies

sandiwara lucu : comedy

sandiwara sedih : melodrama

sandungan : stumbling block

sangar : ill-fated, bringing misfortune, spooky

sangat : shockingly, transcend, immensely, very, too

sangat bagus : wonderful, deluxe

sangat baik : fine, kind-hearted

sangat banyak : muchly

sangat besar : huge

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sangat cepat : shock-wave

sangat dingin : arctic

sangat diperlukan : indispensable

sangat gembira : excuberant

sangat ingin : agog

sangat kecil : microscopic

sangat kuat : powerful

sangat licin : ultra smooth

sangat lihai : ultra smooth

sangat lucu : zany

sangat mabuk : madly

sangat marah : furious

sangat meletihkan : grueling

sangat memikat : absorbing

sangat mempesona : glamorous

sangat memprihatinkan : heard rending

sangat menarik : irresistible

sangat mengagumkan : astound

sangat panas : blistering

sangat peka : allergic

sangat penting : vital

sangat pucat : cadaverous

sangat rajin : ardent

sangat ramah : gracious

sangat ringan : ethereal

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sangat sabar : indulgent

sangat sedih : despondent

sangat tangkas : ambidexterous

sangat terharu : compassionate

sangat waspada matanya : arguseyed

sangga : prop, support

sanggah : house-shrine (Bali), see: menyanggah

sanggahan : rebuttal, joinder, protest

sanggama : lihat: senggama

sanggar : small house temple, studio

sanggup : proof, afford

sanggurdi : stirrup

sangka : guess, think

sangkaan : putative, surmise, supposition, idea

sangkakala : valveless trumpet used in ceremonies

sangkalan : guff, denial

sangkar : cage

sangkur : bayonet

sangkutan : relation, connection, involvement, peg, hook

sangsi : doubtful

sangu : provisions, travelling funds

sanksi : sanction

santan : coconut milk

santer : strong, heavy, lively, hot news

santet : black magic

santo : saint (male)

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santri : religious pupil, strict adherent of Islam

santun : polite, decent, genteel, gentlemanly

santunan : help, sympathetic care

sanubari : inner person, one's inner self

saos : ketchup

sapi : cow

sapi jantan : bull

sapi perahan : dairy cow

sapihan : child that has been weaned

sapta : seven

saptamarga : The Seven Articles, Armed Forces Oath

sapu : broom

sapu tangan : kerchief, handkerchief

saraf : nerve

saran : hint, suggestion, advice

sarang : nest, lair

sarang laba-laba : cobweb

sarang lebah : beehive, honeycomb

sarang madu : honeycomb

sarang semut : ant-hill

sarang untuk lebah : hive

sarapan pagi : breakfast

sarasehan : informal meeting, informal discussion

sarat : crowded, full

sari : extract, concentrate

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sari buah : juice

sariawan : sprue

saringan : winnow, muffler

saripati : quintessence, pith

sarjana : academician, scholar, academic

sarjana muda : bachelor of art, baccalaureate

sarkastis : sarcastic

sarung : encasement

sarung bantal : pillow wease, bedclothes

sarung guling : bedclothes

sarung pistol : holster

sarung tangan : glove, gauntlet

sasak : bouffant

sasaran : target, prey

sate : roasted meat

satelit : satelite

satin : sateen

satria : knight

satu : single, one

satu-satunya : lone

satu jurusan : one way

satu milyar : billion

satu setel : gang

satu warna : monochrome

satuan : denomination

saturnus : saturn

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saudagar kecil : bagman

saudara : brother, sister

saudara laki-laki : brother

saudara perempuan : sister

saudara tiri : halfbrother

saudara tiri perempuan : halfsister

sauh : anchor

saus : sauce

saus apel : applesauce

sawah : paddy field, rice field

sawan : fit

sawan : convulsion

sawo matang : dun

saya : i, me

saya adalah : i'm

sayang : kind, pity, dear, baby, babe, sweetie, darling

sayangnya : alas, unfortunately

sayap : wing

sayatan : cutlet, slice, slicing

sayembara : prize contest

sayup-sayup : blurred, indistinct, faintly heard, scarcely

sayur : vegetable

sayur hijau : kale

sayuran : vegetable

sayuran mentah : rabbit food

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scotch : scotch

seacu-acu : from the same mold

seada-adanya : whatever there is

seadanya : sober, potluck

seakan-akan : as if, as though

sealam : of the same geography or enviromental type

seandainya : supposing

seangkatan : same generation (class, age group)

seantara : all around, entirely

seanteronya : everything, entirely

searah : in the same direction, having the same aim

searti : of the same opinion or meaning

seasal : connate, related

seasalnya : perfunctorily

sebab : cause, because

sebab akibat : causity

sebab sakit : bloodshot

sebagai : as

sebagai akibat : consequently, consequent

sebagai cerita lucu : anecdotal

sebagai dasar : basal

sebagai kemungkinan lain : alternatively

sebagai peringatan : dedicatory

sebagaimana : in the same manner as

sebagian : partly, a part

sebagian besar : largely, mostly

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sebagian memihak : partial

sebagian terbesar : most

sebagian waktu : part time

sebaik : as good as, as soon as

sebaik-baiknya : however good, as well as possible

sebaiknya : might as well, better, best, preferable

sebal : resentful

sebalik : the opposite

sebaliknya : on the other hand, vice versa, on the contrary

sebaliknya : the other way, ought, otherwise, opposite

sebaliknya dari : instead of

sebambang : elope

sebanding : comparable, proportional

sebandung : twin

sebangsa : a type of, a kind of, sort of

sebangsa jamur : fungous

sebanjar : series

sebanyak : as many as, as much as

sebanyak-banyaknya : as many as posible, as much as posible

sebatang : a single stick

sebatang kara : lorn

sebatas : to the point

sebau : be of an odor, be in harmony with

sebaya : of the same age, contemporaneous, coeval

sebegitu : like that

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sebelah : one half, beside, in the direction of

sebelah-menyebelah : side by side, on both side

sebelah barat : western

sebelah dalam : inside, inner

sebelah kiri : left

sebelah luar : outside

sebelah selatan : southern

sebelah timur : eastern

sebelah utara : northern

sebelas : eleven

sebelum : before

sebelum masehi : b.c

sebelum melahirkan : prenatal

sebelum waktunya : premature

sebelumnya : previous, previously, formerly, beforehand

sebenar : so true as

sebenarnya : actual, actually, truly, in fact, proper

sebentar : momentary, awhile

seberang : across, opposite, foreign

seberang lautan : overseas

seberapa : as much as, so and so many

sebersit : lihat: bersit

sebesar : as big as, in the amount of

sebesar-besarnya : profuse, as great as possible

sebet : fast, quick

sebetulnya : actually, absolute

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sebiasa-biasanya : as ordinary as possible

sebisa-bisanya : as much as possible, to the fullest extent

sebisanya : where possible

sebotol penuh : bottleful

sebuah : a, an, one

sebulat-bulatnya : completely

seburit : sodomy

seburuk-buruknya : at the worst

sebutan predikat : predicate

sebutir : a, one

secara : ala

secara besar-besaran : massive

secara diam-diam : covert

secara ensiklopedi : encyclopedic

secara gelap : illegally

secara ilmiah : scientific

secara kebetulan : perchance, accidentally

secara kejam : savagely

secara ksatria : chivalrous

secara luas : broadly

secara membabi buta : blindly

secara menyamar : incognito

secara pedas : sharply

secara spontan : spontaneous

secara tak sengaja : accidentally

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secara tak wajar : unfair

secara teliti : keenly

secara tetap : regularly

secekak : lihat: cekak

secepat : as far as

secepatnya : as soon as possible

secercah : lihat: cercah

secolek : a pinch, gab, pat, bit

secubit : a pinch, a bit, a little

secuil : a little bit, jot

secukupnya : sufficient, adequate

sedakan : hiccup

sedamping-dampingnya : most closely related

sedang : intermediate, temperate

sedang-sedang : mediocre, adequate

sedang berlangsung : on

sedang dikerjakan : afoot

sedang melarikan diri : on the run

sedang membumbung : ascending

sedang menanti : waiting

sedangkan : whereas, meanwhile, while

sedap : delicious, nice

sedapat : upon receiving

sedayaupaya : most

sedekah : appropriation, dole, alms

sedemikian : of this sort

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sederajat : equivalent, coordinate

sederet : abreast, a line of

sederetan : suite, a series of

sederhana : temperate, frugal, unostentatious, unpretentious

sederhana : plain, humble, homely, austere, simple, artless

sedetik : a moment

sedia : ready, willing, available

sediakala : former, of old

sedianya : actually, as a matter of fact, properly speaking

sedih : distressed

sedih : sad, dispirited, dismal, disconsolate, soleful

sedikit : exiguous, little, dribblet, dash, breath, bit

sedikit-dikitnya : at least

sedikit banyak : to a degree

sedikit demi sedikit : piece meal

sedikit sekali : pitance, mite

sedini-dininya : as early as possible

sedu-sedan : sob

sedukuh : the whole hamler

sedunia : the whole world

seenak : as delicious

seenaknya : as one wishes, as one likes

segagah : as (brave, heroic, dauntless, courageous

segala : all

segalanya : everything

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segampang : as easy as, as simple as

segan : unwilling, loath, grudgingly, disinclined

segar : fresh

segar-bugar : plethoric

segel : seal, signet

segelas penuh : glassful

segelintir : a few, a little amount of

segenahnya : properly

segenap : all, entire

segenggam : handful

segepok : a sheaf or bundle, a numeral marker

segera : presently, prompt, instant, immediate, ere, apace

segera : straightway, right away

segerobak : carload

segerombolan : a group or (bunch, cluster, gang, band)

segetar : just a light movement, a small tremble

segetil : lihat: getil

segi : aspect, angle

segi 10 : decagon

segi banyak : polygon

segi delapan : octagon

segi empat : quadrangle

segi lima : pentagon

segi pendapat : viewpoint

segigit : a bite

segini : this much

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segitiga : triangle

segugus : a cluster, a group

segulungan : a spool

segumpal : a lump of something

sehabis : after

sehabis-habisnya : to the utmost, to the bitter end

sehari-hari : knock about, routine, daily

seharusnya : ought

sehat : sane, healthy, healthful, hale, well, bouncing

sehat wal afiat : able-bodied

sehelai papan : panel

seher : piston

sehingga : so

sehubungan : due to, in connection with

seikat : shock

seimbang : well-balanced, proportional, in equilibrim

seingat : as far as someone rememberr

seiring : unanimously, in agreement

seiring : side by side, in a row, in a line, in harmony

seiring dengan : together with, hand in hand

sejagad : universal, world-wide

sejagat : world-wide, universal

sejajar : parallel, in a row, equal at the same level

sejak : since

sejak itu : thenceforth, since

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sejalan : be in accordance, parallel, in compliance

sejaman : contemporary

sejarah : history, annals

sejarawan : historian

sejati : real, true, genuine

sejawat : counterpart, colleague

sejengkal : span (of the hand, about nine inches)

sejenis : of a kind

sejodoh : twosome, a pair, couple

sejuk : cool, mild, balmy

sejuta : a (one) million

sekali : once

sekali-kali : occasional

sekali lagi : again, once more, afresh

sekaligus : simultaneously, altogether, off-hand

sekalipun : although, eventhough, albeit

sekam : glume, husk

sekantong penuh : bagful

sekar : flower

sekarang : now, present, currenly

sekarat : dying, agonize

sekat : partition

sekat rongga badan : midriff

sekawan : flock, herd, school (of fish)

sekawanan : flock, herd

sekedar : merely, only, just

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sekehendak hati : discretionary

sekejap : transient, a second

sekejap mata : jiffy, trice

sekelamin : man and wife or male and female pair

sekeliling : peripheral

sekelompok : cluster

sekeluarga : germane, and family, the whole family

sekelumit : a bit

sekenanya : at random, whatever happens to hit

sekering : fuse

seketika : instant

sekitar : around, vicinity, about

sekitar sini : hereabout

sekoci : motor boat

sekolah : school

sekolah musik : conservatory

sekolah tehnik : polytechnic

sekolahan : schooling, school (building)

sekongkol : cabal, intrigue, plot, scheme

sekonyong-konyong : abrupt, sudden, suddenly

sekop : spade, scoop, trowel

sekretaris : secretary

sekrup : screw, nut

seksama : accurate, exact, thorough

seksi : section, sexy

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sekuat : as strong or loud as

sekuat-kuatnya : as strong or loud as possible

sekuler : secular

sekumpulan : horde, cabal, batch

sekumpulan bunga : bloom

sekutu : cabal, confederate, ally, copartner

sel : cell

sel darah : corpulse

sel telur : ovum

sela : interspace

sela-sela : cranny

selada : salad, rabbit food, lettuce

selagi : while, during, as long as

selai : jelly, jam

selain : save, but, except, besides

selain itu : besides, in addition, additionally

selaku : AS IF, like, as, in the capacity of

selakunya : whatever sells

selalu : continual, always, ever

selama : during

selama-lamanya : forever and ever

selama hamil : gestation

selamanya : forever

selamat : safe, save, blessed

selamat jalan : bye

selamatan : offering, offertory

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selang karet : hose

selangit : like the sky, extraordinary

selangkang : groin

selangkangan : groin

selanjutnya : further, hereafter

selaput : membrane

selaput dara : hymen

selaput jala : retina

selaput mata : cornea

selaput perut : peritoneum

selaras : concord

selasa : tuesday

selat : strait, bay

selatan : south

selayaknya : proper, as much as is proper

selayang-pandang : touch-and-go, at a glance

selebaran : leaflet, bulletin, broadside

seledri : celery

selektif : selective

selemah : as weak as

selendang : shawl, scarf, muffler

selengkap-lengkapnya : as complete as possible

selengkapnya : implicit, in its entirety, properly complete

selentingan : rumours, gossip

selera : appetite

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selesai : over, thorough, finish, completed, done

selesma : mucus, cold

selilit : tab, around, one twist

selimut : blanket

selingan : variation

selingan musik : interlude

selingkuh : dishonest, unfair

selip : skid

selir : concubine

selirik : at a glance

selokan : fosse, gully, gutter, brook

seloroh : gag, freak, vagary, joke, caprice, whim, tic

seluas-luasnya : as widespread as possible

selubung : wrap, vagina

seluk-beluk : details, complication

seluk beluk : detail

seluloid : celluloid

seluruh : all, global, entire

seluruhnya : entirely, throughout

semacam : a certain kind

semacam batu akik : onix

semacam batu permata : cameo

semacam buah prambos : goose berry

semacam burung tekukur : cuckoo

semacam cat kapur : calcimine

semacam jaket : cutaway

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semacam kain tebal : denim

semacam kendi : decanter

semacam penyakit jiwa : schizophrenia

semacam podeng : custard

semacam sutera : georgette

semacam tumbuhan : cassia

semaian : seedling

semak : brush, bush

semak-semak : bush, brush

semak belukar : underbrush

semakin : more and more, increasingly

semangat : zeal, verve, gusto, pep, mercury, genie, flush

semangat : elan, spirit, courage, esprit, zest

semangat baja : militant

semangat bertanding : hustle

semangat yang menggelora : enthusiastic

semanggi : clover

semangka : watermelon, cantaloupe

semarak : efflugence, animation, bright, lively, lustrous

semasa : during, while

semata-mata : merely, exclusively

semata-mata : simply

sembah : reverence

sembahyang : worship, prayer

sembarang : nay old, random, bungling

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sembarangan : just any, heady, reckless, careless

sembari : see: sambil

sembelih : slaughter

sembilan : nine

sembilan belas : nineteen

sembilan puluh : ninety

semboyan : motto, slogan, catchword

sembrono : reckless, careless

sembuh : recover

semburan : gusher

semburat : tinge, disperse

semburit : sodomy

semedi : meditation, meditate

semen : cement

semena-mena : see: sewenang-wenang, seenaknya

sementara : some, provisional, interim, temporary, awhile

sementara itu : meanwhile

semerbak : flavorous

semesta : universe

semester : semester

semi : semi, half

semilyar : a (one) billion

seminar : seminar

seminari : seminary

semir : polish

semir sepatu : blacking

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semisal : be like

semobil penuh : carful

semoga : hopefully

sempalan : sect

sempat : opportunity, have sufficient time

sempit : muggy, tight, narrow, poky, pokey

sempoyongan : totter

semprong : chimney

semprot : spray

semprotan : spray

sempurna : infallible, consummate, perfect, complete

semrawut : chaotic, disorganized

semu : illusion, hallucination, transparent

semua : all, whole

semua sisi : broadside

semuanya : entirely, everybody, altogether

semula : originally

semuluk : as pompous as, as bombastic as

semulur : engraving

semut : ant

semutan : asleep

sen : cent

senada : the same tone, same idea

senam : gymnastic

senama : name sake

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senan : gymnastics

senang : delight, please, glad, snug, agreeable

senang akan : affect

senang bertengkar : cantankerous

senantiasa : always

senapan : rifle, gun

senar : string

senat : senate

senda-gurau : banter

senda-gurau : waggery

sendang : spring, source

sendat : stagnant, not flowing freely

sendawa : nitre, saltpeter, belch, burp, gunpowder

sendel : lean on

sendi : mandrel, mandril, joint, hinge, socket

sendiri : self, alone, own

sendirian : lone, alone, lonely, singly

sendok : spoon, ladle

sendratari : dance-drama, ballet

sendu : sad

senewen : nervous, have a nervous fit

seng : zinc, spelter

sengaja : deliberate, purposed, intentional, expressly

sengak : pungent, piercing in smell, obnoxious

sengal : painful joints

sengal-sengal : out of breath, having difficulty breathing

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sengat : the sting (organ) of certain insects

sengatan : sting

sengau : talk through the nose, nasal

sengauan : nasalized sound

senggama : copulation, coition

senggang : spare

sengit : keen, acrimonious, violent, acrid

sengketa : lawsuit

sengsara : misery, suffering, suffer, be miserable

seni : art

seni memanah : archery

seni pahat : sculpture

seniman : craftman, artist

senja : twilight, eventide, gloaming, dusk

senja kala : twilight, nightfall

senjata : weapon, rifle, gun

senjata angin : air rifle

senjata api : firearms

senjata berat : heavy artillery

senjata lantak : a barrel-loaded gun

senjata lengkung : mortar

senjata makan tuan : evil done to others comes back to the perpetrator

senjata makan tuan : something that backfires or turns against one

senjata perang : armament

senjata ringan : small arms

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senonoh : proper, polite

sensasi : sensation

sensor : censor

sentak : hitch

sentakan : tug, kick, jolt, jog, yank, jerk

sentilan : scolding, criticism

sentimen : sentiment, enmity

sentimentil : sentimental

sentimeter gram : dyne

sentosa : peaceful

sentuh : touch

sentuhan : touch

senyum : smile

sepadat : as dense as

sepaham : like-minded, agree with

sepak : kick

sepak bola : football

sepakat : agree

sepakbola : soccer, football

sepanjang : along, as long as, all along, as far as

sepanjang hari : daylong

sepanjang tahun : year long

sepanjang tahun : year around

sepanjang umur : livelong

sepantasnya : fitting, proper

separuh : half, part

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separuh jalan : halfway

sepasang : pair, binary

sepatu : shoe

sepatu bot : boot

sepatu luar : galosh

sepatu luncur : skate

sepatutnya : duly

sepeda : bicycle

sepeda motor : motor coach

sepele : trivial, unimportant, insignificant

sepembawa : can carry

sependapat : like minded, at one, agree

sepengetahuan : as far as one knows

sepenglihatan : opinion

sepeninggal : after one's death, upon or after the departure of

sepenuhnya : thoroughly, perfect, utmost, absolute, full tale

seperai : bedspread, sheet, bedclothes

seperdua : half

seperempat : one fourth

seperempat final : quarter final

sepersepuluh dollar : dime

seperseratus : centesimal

seperti : as, like

seperti alat musik tiup : brassy

seperti anak laki-laki : boyish

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seperti anak muda : boyish

seperti bayi : babyish

seperti benih : capsular

seperti binatang : bestial

seperti butir : granular

seperti itu : such

seperti kaca : glazy

seperti kambing : goaty

seperti kehidupan : life like

seperti kucing : cattish

seperti logam : metalic

seperti manusia : anthropoid

seperti perempuan : womanlike, girlish

seperti ramalan : prophetical

seperti rambut : capillary

seperti setan : diabolical

seperti ubi : bulbous

sepetak : a piece of land

sepi : quiet, lonely

sepihak : unilateral

sepikiran : be of the same opinion

sepincuk : a bit, a little amount

sepintas : at a glance, touch-and-go

sepintas lalu : cursory

sepintas lalu : cursorily, surficial

sepiring penuh : dishful

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sepoa : abacus

sepotong : apiece, slice

septik tank : cesspool

sepuh : old, aged

sepuhan : gilded

sepulang : upon returning

sepulau : the entire island

sepuluh : ten

sepuluh orang : decemvir

sepuluh tahun : decade, decennary

seputar : around, about

serabutan : fibrous, coarse, chaotic, mixed, run in confusion

seragam : uniform

serak : hoarse

serakah : greedy, gluttonous, avaricious

seram : lurid, hideous

serambi : porch, veranda, gallery

serambi atas : balcony

serampangan : haphazard, heady

serang : attack

serangan : attack, onrush, offence, inroad, bout, onset

serangan balasan : counterattack, backlash

serangan gencar : onslaught

serangan hebat : paroxysm

serangan kilat : blitz

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serangga : insect

serangkaian : a series of

serangkulan : armful

serangkum : an armful

serapah : curse

serasi : convenient

serat manila : abaca

serat sutra : floss

seratus : hundred

seraya : awhile

serba bebas : liberal

serba guna : versatile, multipurpose

serba salah : awry

serba sama : homogenuous

serban : turban

serbet : napkin

serbuan : invasion, incursion, assault, onset, agression

serbuan penyakit : fit

serbuk : powder

serdadu : army, soldier, military, see: tentara

serentak : simultaneous, contemporaneous, coeval, in unison

sergapan : lunge

seri : gleam, draw

seri dolar : penny

serigala : jackal, wolf

serikat kerja : guild

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sering : frequent, often

seringai : grin, grimace, mop

serius : serious

serografi : xerography

serok : ladle

serong : aslant, askew

seronok : agreeable, pleasant

serpihan : crumb

serpihan roti : breadcrumb

sersan : sergeant

sertifikat : certificate

seru : sharp, violent, utter a shout, yell something

seruan : exclamation, ejaculation, cry

serudukan : attack, ramming

seruit : harpoon

serunai : a wind instrument with a reed

serundeng : relish of grated coconut and spices

serunding : relish of grated coconut and spices

serunting : kind of vine

serupa : similar, identical, alike

servis makan : dinner ware

sesaat : momentary, awhile, amoment

sesaat : a moment

sesaat-sesaat : from time to time

sesaat-sesaat : from time to time

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sesak : muggy, stuffy, crowded

sesak napas : breathless

sesal : distress

sesalan : regret, remorse, reproach

sesama : peer, fellow

sesar : fault

sesat : misguided, mislead

sesederhana : as simple as

sesedikit-dikitnya : as little as possible

sesenggukan : in gasps, choking

seseorang : somebody

sesepuh : old

sesibuk-sibuknya : as busy as possible

sesingkat-singkatnya : as (soon, quick, concise, brief) as possible

sesuai : fit, congruent, befit, agreeable, agree

sesuap : morsel, mouthful

sesuap nasi : hand to mouth

sesuatu : something

sesudah : after

sesudah itu : thereafter, after

sesudah masehi : anno domini

sesumbar : boast, show off

sesungguhnya : truly, factual, ever, virtual, absolute, actually

setahu : as far as one knows

setahun : a year, one year

setahun dua kali : biennial, biannual

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setan : devil, imp, demon, satan, fiend

setara : be equal, equivalent, suited

setaraf : equal, equivalent, on a par

setegas : as (pronounced, assertive, explicit) as

setelah : after

setelah kelahiran : postnatal

setelan : suit

setemeng : cachet

setempat : local

setempel : cachet

setengah : half

setengah dewa : demi god

setengah gaji : halfpay

setengah jalan : halfway

setengah tahunan : semiannual

setengah tua : middle age

seterika : flatiron

setia : affectionately, loyal, faithful

setiap : per, every, each

setiap hari : everyday

setidak-tidaknya : at the least, in any case

setidaknya : at least

setimbang : in balance, in proportion

setimpal : in kind

setindak : one step

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setinggi lutut : knee-deep

setinggi muka air : awash

setingkat : one level, of the same level

setitik : driblet

setoran : deposit, rental fee, stored commodity

setrika : flatiron

setrikaan : flatiron

setuju : deal, concur, bargain, aye, agree, pro, acc

setulus-tulusnya : with full sincerity, as sincerely as possible

setulusnya : honestly, sincerely

setuntas-tuntasnya : as thoroughly as possible

seumpama : like, equal, supposing

seumur : contemporary, coeval

seumur hidup : livelong

seunggul : as excellent as

seuntung-untungnya : as profitable as possible

seutas : wisp

seutuhnya : entirely, completely, thoroughly

sewa : hire

sewajarnya : fittingly, properly

sewaktu-waktu : whenever

sewenang-wenang : despot, arbitrary

seyogianya : properly, obviously

seyogyanya : properly, obviously

shalat : prayer

si alamat : the addresses

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sia-sia : in vain, unavailling, useless, futile

siaga : ready

sial : ominous, misfortune, inopportune, unlucky

sialan : asshole!, shit!, damn it!, fuck!

siang : day

siang hari : daytime, daylight, diurnal, day-time

sianida : cyanide

siap : standby, ready

siap campur : ready mix

siap pakai : instant

siapa : whom, who

siapa lagi : who else

siapa saja : whomso

siapapun : whoever, anyone, whomever, anybody

siaran berita : newscast

siaran radio : broadcast, broadcasting, airwaver

siaran televisi : telecast, airwaver

siaran ulang : rerun

siasat : tactical, strategy

sibernetika : cybernetics

sibuk : busy, dither

sidang : session

sidik jari : dactyloscopy, dactylogram, fingerprint

sifat : property, nature, character, trait, attribute

sifat-sifat cat : The properties of paint

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sifat baru : newness

sifat berlawanan : polarity

sifat getir : acerbity

sifat malu : diffidence

sifat menyerap : porosity

sifat rahasia : secrecy

sigap : efficient, always ready

sihir : magic, sorcery

sikap : bearing, effrontery, attitude, demeanor, posture

sikap badan : posture, pose

sikap berlebihan : overact

sikap bertahan : defensive

sikap diri : carriage

sikap kalah : defeatism

sikap memihak : partiality

sikap menyerah : defeatism

sikap sombong : contempt

sikap tenang : poise

sikat : brush

sikat gigi : toothbrush

sikatan : torment, abuse, torture, sweep

sikut : elbow

sila : base, basic

silahkan : go ahead

silakan : please

silam : ago

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silang : crosswise, intersecting

silang-menyilang : crisscross

silang datar : level crossing

silang empat : crossroads

silang selimpat : complicated, crumpled, rumpled

silang sengketa : conflict, dispute

silang siur : crisscrossing

silangan : crossing (of legs or hands)

silap : wrong, flase, mistaken, error

silap-silap : be in error

silat : self-defense arts

silaturahmi : goodwill

silau : dazzle

silinder : cylinder

silsilah : pedigree, genealogy

siluman : monster, ghost

simak : lihat: menyimak

simbolis : symbolic

simpang : furcation

simpang datar : declination

simpang siur : maze, criss cross

simpati : sympathy

simpatik : sympathetic

simpatisan : symphatizer

simposium : symposium

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simpul : knot, node

simpul syaraf : ganglion

sinar : radiance, light, glow, ray, beam

sinar-x : x-ray

sinar bulan : moonlight

sinar gamma : gamma ray

sinar laser : laser, laser beam

sinar matahari : sunbeam

sinar ultra violet : ultra violet

sindiran : quibble, crank, backhanded, satire, allusion

sindiran tajam : sarcasm

sindrom : syndrome

sinergi : synergy

singa : lion

singgah : to call somewhere, call at, drop in, transit

singgasana : throne

singgung : touch, nudge, contact

singgungan : something touched upo, mutually acquainted

singkat : brief, elliptic, concise

singkatan : abridgement, abbreviation

singkong : cassava

sinis : cynical

sinisme : cynicism

sinkronis : synchronic

sintal : plump, chubby

sinting : crazy

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sinyal : signal, alert

sipil : civil

sipit : slant

siput : crustacean, slug, snail

siraman : a splash of water

sirene : siren

sirih : betel

sirik : jealous, envious

sirine : siren

sirip : fin (of fish), crest (of crocodile-tail)

sirkus : circus

sirna : destroyed, disappeared, vanished, gone, lost

sirsak : soursop

sirup : syrup

sisa : rump, residue, residual, remainder, scrap, remain

sisa rasa : aftertaste

sisi : side, flake

sisi tepi : hem

sisihan : insertion, insert, inset, cuil, spouse

sisik : scales of fish, reptile, etc, turtle shell

sisipan : insertion

sisir : comb

sistem : system

sistem senjata : weapons system

sistim : system

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siswa : student

sitiran : citation, quotation

siul : tweet, twitter

siulan : tweet, twitter

skenario : scenario

sketsa : diagram

skuadron : squadron

slebor : fender

slof : carton

slogan : catchword

slompret : trumpet (made of paper), horn

slta : secondary school

sludgy : berlumpur

soal : case

soal-jawab : questioning

soal kecil : bagatelle

soal remeh : bagatelle

sobek : tear

sobekan : tear

soda kue : bicarbonate

sodokan : poke

sogokan : bribe

sok : assumed

sok raja : bossy

sokoguru : central pillar (of house), principal factor

sokongan : support

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soleh : lihat: saleh

solek : well-dressed, stylish

solusi : solution

somah : household

sombong : proud, haughty, vain, egotistic, plume, uppish

sombong : boastful, bigheaded, assertive, vainglorious

soneta : sonnet

sop : soup

sopan : polite, genteel, gentlemanly, decent, urbane

sopan-santun : courtesy, politeness, courteousness, civility

sopan santun : polite, good-breeding, courteous, pudicity

sopi : gin

sopir : driver, chauffeur

sopir taksi : cabman

sorak kegirangan : jubilation

sorak sorai : cheer

sorban : turban

sore : verper, afternoon

sorotan : beam

sosok : figure, form, shape, body, buttonhole, eye, noose

sovinisme : chauvinism

spanduk : banner

spektrum : spectrum

spekulasi : speculation, venture, gamble

spionase : espionage

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spiral : spiral

spon : sponge

sst! : whist

stabilisasi : stabilization

stadion : stadium

stadion baseball : ballpark

staf : staff

stagnasi : stagnation

stasiun : terminal

stater : starter

statistik : statistic

steker : plug

steno : shorthand

stenografi : stenography

stensil : stencil

stir : driving wheel

stop kontak : socket

studio : studio, atelier

suaka : asylum

suam-suam kuku : lukewarm

suami : husband, consort

suami beristri dua : bigamist

suapan : bribe

suara : voice, vote, burr

suara bibir : bilabial

suara blangko : abstention

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suara bulat : acclamation

suara hati : conscience

suara pemilihan : ballot

suara ramai : clamour

suara riuh rendah : cocophony

suara wanita terendah : alto

suasana : blaze, atmosphere

suasana hati : mood

suatu : something

subkontraktor : subcontractor

subuh : dawn

subur : fertile, luxuriant, affluent

subur makmur : palmy

subversi : subversive, subversion

suci : holy, chaste, candid, pure, purified

suci hama : sterile, germ free

sucihama : sterile, aseptic

sudah : already, done

sudah jadi : ready made

sudah lama : immemorial

sudah umum : bromide

sudi : condescend

sudut : corner, angle

sudut pandang : point of view

suhu : temperature

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sujud : prostration

suka : like, enjoy

suka berbicara : loquacious

suka bercakap-cakap : talkative

suka berperang : militant

suka berpilih-pilih : dainty

suka bertengkar : quarrelsome, contentious

suka damai : peaceable

suka makan enak : lickerish

suka membenci : cattiness

suka menderma : philanthropic

suka menentang : perverse, argumentative

suka mengijinkan : permissive

suka meniru : imitative

suka menolong : helpful, accomodating

suka menyindir : satirical

suka perang : warlike, bellicose

sukar : hard, difficult, hardly, ardous

sukar buang air : constipate

sukar difahami : abstruse

sukar dirobah : ironclad

sukar mencerna : dyspeptic

sukarela : voluntary

sukarelawan : volunteer

suku : tribe

suku cadang : spare parts

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suku dua : disyllabable

suku kata : syllable

sulaman : embroidy

sulap : prestidigitation, juggling, conjuring

suling : violin, flute

sulit : precarious, convolute, uphill, ardous

sulit dimengerti : abstruse

suluh : torch, scout, spy

sulut : lit

sumbang : incestuous, illicit, out of tune, discordant

sumbangan : contribution

sumbangsih : contribution

sumbar : boast, brag, West Sumatera

sumbat : gag, stopper, cork, pledget, tampion, wadding

sumbat botol : cap

sumbatan : something to plug or close up with

sumber : source, spring

sumber hidup : life blood

sumber penghasilan : resource

sumber rejeki : bonanza

sumbing : chip

sumbu : wick, fuse

sumir : short, brief, succinct

sumirat : beam, glowing

sumpah : pledge, oath, cuss, swear, curse

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sumpah palsu : perjury, to forswear oneself

sumpal : stopper

sumpalan : something obstructing a passage

sumpek : crowded, feel stifled

sumpit : chopstick

sumpitan : blowpipe

sumringah : joyous, happy, glad

sumsum : marrow

sumur : well

sumur bor : artesian well

sunat : voluntary, supererogatory

sungai : stream, river

sungai es : glacier

sungai kecil : creek

sungguh : heartily, quite, gad

sungguh-sungguh : indeed, sincerely, earnest

sungguh sial : unfortunate

sungkan : reluctant

sungkan-sungkan : embarrassed before one's betters

sungut : tentacle, antenna, feeler, moustache

suntik : inject

suntikan : injection

suntuk : too late, be overtaken by events of time

sunyi : desert

sup : soup

supermaket : drug store

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supir bis : busman

surah : chapter

surai : mane

suram : gloom, dreary, dismal, dim, grim, bleak

surat : letter, epistle

surat bukti : voucher

surat edaran : encyclic, handbull, circular

surat hutang obligasi : debenture

surat ijin : permit, license

surat kabar : gazette, journal

surat kepercayaan : credentials

surat keterangan : reference

surat muatan : manifest

surat pemilihan : ballot-paper

surat penagihan : dunning letter

surat peringatan : memorandum

surat perintah : writ

surat permohonan : petition

surat saham : sharetificate

surat sebaran : pamphlet, handbull

surat sumpah : affidavit

surat tanda terima : acknowledgement

surat tempelan : poster

surat wasiat : testament

suratan : fate, destiny

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surau : mosque

surga : heaven, celestial, paradise

suri teladan : paragon

suruhan : errand

suryakanta : magnifier

susah : hard, doleful, difficult

susah-payah : great difficulty, much effort, pains

susu : milk

susulan : apposition

susun : lihat: menyusun

susunan : system, structure, pattern, lay out

susuran tangga : balustrade, bannisters, balusters

susut : shrink, decrease

sutera : silk, crape

sutera tipis : crepe

syafa'at : intercession, mediation (of the Prophet with God)

syafaat : see: pengampunan, ampunan

syah : prince, sovereign

syahadat : confession of faith, creed, evidence

syahbandar : harbour master

syahdan : further, next, then, thereupon

syahdu : excellent, first-rate

syahid : martyr

syahwat : lust

syair : lyric, poem, lay

syair bercorak epis : ballad

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syair kepahlawanan : epic

syair pendek : eclogue

syak : suspicion, doubt, distrust

syal : cravat, scarf, tab, muffler

syaraf : nerve

syarat : provise, requirement, condition, requisite

syariah : Islamic Law

syirik : associate something with Allah the Almighty

syuhada : martyr

syukur : thank God, thanks be to God, happily, fortunately

syukuran : expression of gratitude to God

syur : absorbing, exciting, sexually arousing

ta'wil : explanation, interpretation

taat : obey, obedient

tabah : persistent, perseverant, steadfast

tabel : table

tabiat : temperament

tabir : curtain, screen, baize

tablet : tablet

tabrakan : smash

tabu : taboo, touch-me-not

tabuan : kind of wasp

tabuh-tabuhan : music to accompany dance

tabuhan : instrument, kind of percussion

tabulasi : tabulation

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tabung : tube, kind of bamboo tube used for storage

tabung gambar : TV picture tube

tabung kimia : test tube, retort

tabung madat : opium pipe

tabung oksigen : aqualung

tabung pemilihan : ballot box

tabung perak : savings box

tabung surat : mail box

tabungan : savings, money box

tabur bunga : ceremony of placing flowers on a grave

taburan : sowing

tadi : ago

tadinya : originally

tafakur : contemplative, meditation

tafsiran : interpretation, conjugation

tahajud : midnight prayer

tahan : hardy

tahan air : waterproof

tahan api : noncombustible

tahan cuaca : weatherproff

tahan goncang : shock-resistant

tahan kejut : shockproof

tahan lama : abiding

tahan udara : airproof

tahan uji : time tested

tahanan : durance, detainee, custody, prisoner, captivity

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tahap : phase

tahapan : stage

tahi : dung, muck

tahi lalat : mole, birthmark

tahiyat : prayer greeting God, greetings

tahlilan : repeated recitation of the confession of the faith

tahu : know

tahu adat : decorous

tahun : year

tahun kabisat : leap year

tahun kuliah : academic year

tahun sial : off year

tahunan : annual

tajak : hoe

tajam : brisk, acute, acrimonious, sharp, acrid

tajam : nippy, poignant, keen, incisive, fine, edgy

tajam penglihatan : sharp-eyed

tajam pikiran : sharp-witted, perspicacious

taji : fleam, gaff, spur, cockspur

tajuk : crown, ornamental aigrette

tajuk rencana : editorial

tak acuh : apathetic

tak adil : unjust

tak aman : unsafe

tak beracun : nontoxic

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tak berakhir : interminable

tak beralasan : ungrounded, baseless

tak berangin : breathless

tak berarti : trivial, insignificant

tak beraturan : irregular

tak berawak : unmanned

tak berawan : cloudless

tak berbahagia : unhappy

tak berbahaya : harmless

tak berbentuk : amorphous

tak berbulu : callow

tak berbumbu : unseasoned

tak berdasar : unfounded, bottomless, ungrounded

tak berdaya : helpless, powerless, defenseless

tak berdiana : bareback

tak bergerak : quiescent

tak bergigi : edentate

tak berguna : needless, useless, castaway

tak berhama : aseptic

tak berharga : paltry, drossy

tak berhasil : miscarry

tak berhubungan : disconnected, discursive

tak beriman : impious

tak berkelamin : asexual

tak berlaku : invalid, out of action

tak berlengan : armless

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tak bermoral : amoral

tak bernegara : stateless

tak bernoda : spotless, stainless, immaculate

tak berpemerintah : anarchical

tak berpengalaman : inexperienced

tak berpengetahuan : ignorant

tak berpenghuni : unhabited

tak berperasaan : impassive, callosity

tak berpihak : unprejudice, nonaligned

tak bersalah : blameless

tak bersarung tangan : barehanded, barefisted

tak bersemangat : lack luster

tak berseni : artless

tak bersuara : noiseless

tak bersungguh-sungguh : jokingly

tak bersyarat : unconditional

tak bertenaga : impotent

tak bertepi : brimless

tak berterima kasih : ungrateul

tak bertuhan : godless

tak beruang : broke, penniless

tak berubah : unchanged, immobile

tak berujung : edgeless

tak berusaha : effortless

tak berwarna : achromatic

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tak berwujud : abstract

tak biasa : unfamiliar

tak bijaksana : unwise

tak bisa dibongkar : burglarproof

tak bisa tidur : insomnia

tak cakap : unfit

tak campur tangan : nonintervention

tak dapat : unable, can not

tak dapat diampuni : unforgivable

tak dapat diatur : unmanageable

tak dapat dibagi : indivisible

tak dapat dibantah : indisputable, axiomatic

tak dapat dibatalkan : irrevocable

tak dapat dibayangkan : inconceivable

tak dapat dicernakan : indigestible

tak dapat diganggu : imperturbable

tak dapat dihancurkan : indestructible

tak dapat dihindarkan : inevitable

tak dapat dikendalikan : unmanageable

tak dapat dilaksanakan : impracticable

tak dapat dilupakan : unforgettable

tak dapat dimaafkan : inexcusable

tak dapat dimakan : inedible

tak dapat dimasuki : impenetrable

tak dapat dimasuki udara : airtight

tak dapat dimengerti : inscrutable

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tak dapat dinyalakan : nonflamable

tak dapat dipahami : unintelligibel, inexplicable

tak dapat dipecahkan : insoluble

tak dapat diperbaiki : irreparable

tak dapat dipercayai : unreliable

tak dapat disentuh : untouchable

tak dapat diterima : unacceptable, inadmissible, undaptable

tak dapat ditiru : inimitable

tak dapat ditukar : irredeemable

tak dapat menyesuaikan diri : maladjusted

tak dibayar : unpaid

tak diberitahu : uninformed

tak dibuat-buat : naive

tak dicintai : unbeloved

tak diduga-duga : unexpected

tak dijaga : unguarded

tak dikenal : unrecognized, unacquainted, unknown, nameless

tak diketahui : unaccountable

tak dilindungi : unprotected

tak dipersiapkan : unprepared

tak diragukan lagi : unquestionable

tak dirintangi : unhindered

tak disengaja : unintentional

tak disentuh : untouched

tak disukai : distasteful, unpopular, disfavor

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tak ditanda tangani : unsigned

tak ditentukan : unspecified, irregular

tak enak : unkind, disagreeable

tak enak badan : unwell

tak formil : casualness

tak goncang : unshaken

tak habis-habis : inexhaustible

tak hadir : default, absent

tak henti-henti : uninteruptedly

tak ilmiah : unscientific

tak jantan : unmanly

tak jelas : indistrict

tak jujur : double-faced

tak kawin : unwed

tak kelihatan : invisible, unseen, imperceptible

tak kenal ampun : merciless

tak kenal malu : barefaced

tak kunjung padam : unconquerable

tak lagi : nevermore

tak langsung : indirect

tak layak : unworthy

tak mahir : unskilled

tak masuk akal : unreasonable

tak mau bekerja sama : uncooperative

tak mau mengampuni : unforgivabling

tak mau menyerah : adamant

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tak membayar : nonpayment

tak membedakan : impartial

tak memberi suara : abstain

tak memenuhi janji : belie

tak memenuhi kewajiban : default

tak memihak : eveness, disinterested

tak memuaskan : dissatisfactory

tak mencukupi : deficient

tak menentu : erratic, touch and go, chancy

tak menentukan : indeterminate

tak mengenal kasihan : calous

tak mengerti kata-kata : aphasia

tak menghasilkan : unproductive

tak mengkhayal : matter of fact

tak menguntungkan : unprofitable

tak menyenangkan : undesirable, unpleasant, displease

tak menyetujui : disapprove

tak merasa malu : unashamedly

tak mungkin : unthinkable, impossible

tak normal : atypical

tak nyata : airy

tak pandang bulu : indiscriminate

tak pantas : incongruous

tak patriot : unpatriotic

tak penting : nonessential, unimportant, immaterial

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tak percaya : unsure

tak perlu : unnecessary, nonessential

tak perlu dipersoalkan : undisputed

tak pernah : never

tak pernah puas : insatiable

tak praktis : impractical

tak puas : unsatisfied, disgruntled

tak putus-putus : incenssant

tak rapi : untidy

tak rata : uneven, bumpy

tak sabar : impetuous, impatient

tak sadar : daze, asleep, unaware

tak sah : unlawful

tak sama : unlike, unequal

tak sanggup : unable

tak sehat : unhealthy

tak seimbang : disproportionate

tak sempurna : deficeint, imperfect, defective

tak senang : displeased, disaffect

tak senonoh : indecent

tak seorangpun : none, nobody

tak seperti sarjana : unscholarly

tak serasi : unsuitable

tak sesuai musim : unseasonable

tak setia : disaffect, unfaithful, belie

tak setuju : dissent

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tak sopan : indelicate, impolite, immodest, discourteous

tak tahu aturan : churlish

tak tahu diri : cad

tak tahu malu : shameless, brassy

tak takut : dauntless

tak tanggung jawab : unsparing

tak tentu : indefinite, contingent, desultory

tak terasa : imperceptible

tak teratur : uncoordinate

tak terbatas : infinite, unlimited, boundless

tak terbayangkan : unimaginable

tak terbukti : unproved

tak tercapai : beyond

tak terdamaikan : irreconcilable

tak terduga : unforeseen

tak terelakkan : unavoidable

tak terhingga : immeasurable

tak terhingga nilainya : invaluable

tak terhitung : incalculable, unnoticed, counless

tak terhitung jumlahnya : uncounted

tak terjual : unsold

tak terkatakan : inexpressible

tak terkendalikan : uncontrolled

tak terlatih : untraine

tak terlukiskan : indescribable

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tak ternilai : priceless, invaluable

tak terpadamkan : inextinguishable

tak terpahami : incomprehensible

tak terpakai : unused, out of date

tak terpisahkan : inseparable

tak tersangka : abrupt

tak tersembuhkan : incurable

tak tertahan : irrepressible, insupportable

tak tertahankan : intolerable, unbearable

tak tertarik : uninterested, indifferent

tak tertundukkan : unconquerable

tak terurus : derelict

tak tetap : off and on

takar : peck

takaran inggris : pint

takaran obat : dose

takdir : fore-ordination, destiny, fate, predestination

takik : nock

takjub : wonder, surprise

taklid buta : follow someone blindly

takluk : liege

takrir : evidence, proof

taksi : taxi, taxicab, cab

taksiran : assessment, estimate, appraisement, appraisal

takut : dastard, scary, apprehensive, afraid, dread

takwim : almanac, calendar

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takziah : condolence

talak : divorce

talam : tray

talang : middleman, eaves trough, gutter

talang kuda : horse trader

talas : taro

talek : talcum

talen : 25 cents'a quarter (of a rupiah)

talenan : taffrail, chopping block, cutting board

tali : rope, lasso, lace, string, chord

tali ari : afterbirth

tali bahu : baldric

tali busur : bowstring

tali pelana : cinch

tali penangkap ikan : trawl

tali pinggang : cincture

tali selempang : suspender

tali sepatu : bootlace

tamak : avarice, rapacious, grasping, greedy, acquisitive

taman : garden, park, esplanade

taman kanak-kanak : kindergarten

tamasya : excursion, picnic, sightseeing, outing

tambahan : plus, gain, counterattraction, supplement

tambahan : mend, extra, complement, boost, apposition

tambahan buku : acquision

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tambak : embankment, fishpond, earthen dam, banking

tambal : a patch or mend

tambal-sulam : repair by patching

tambalan : patch, darn, repairs

tambang : mine, bonanza

tambang aluminium : bauxite

tambang emas : goldnune

tambur : tambourine, tymbal

tameng : shield

tampak : visible

tampaknya : seem, presumably

tampan : handsome, good-looking, sharp-looking, dashing

tampang : appearance of a person, put on, show off

tampar : whack

tamparan : slap, clap, bash

tampik : reject, refuse

tampuk : central leadership, calyx (bilogy:)

tamu : guest, visitor, comer

tanah : land, ground, soil, earth

tanah air : motherland, homeland

tanah kapling : lot

tanah liat : clay

tanah longsor : avalanche

tanah lumpur : bod

tanah milik : property

tanah pertanian : farmland

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tanah perumahan : homesite

tanah tinggi : plateau, upland, highlands

tanam : plant

tanaman : plant

tanaman anggur : grapevine, vine

tanaman kemangi : basil

tanda : tally, sign, mark, hallmark, auspice, apostrophe

tanda : signal, seal, indication, token, alert

tanda-tangan : signature, autograph

tanda-tanya : question mark

tanda bahaya : alarm

tanda bahaya udara : anti-alarm, anti-aircraft

tanda hadir : call-over

tanda kasih : valentine

tanda kehormatan : decoration

tanda kurung : bracket, braces, parentheses

tanda kutip : quotation mark

tanda mata : keepsake

tanda pangkat : designation, badge

tanda pengenal : diacritic

tanda penghargaan : testimonial

tanda penghubung : hyphen

tanda peringatan : memorial

tanda pundak : epaulette

tanda salib : dagger

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tanda sambung : hyphen

tanda sasaran : mark

tanda seru : exclamation point

tanda silang : sign of crossing

tanda sisipan : caret

tandan : raceme, bunch, cluster

tandas : absolutely wiped out, denotation, firm

tandas-tandas : completely finished off

tanding : match, equal, counterpart

tandingan : comparison, control, counterpart

tandu : bier, litter

tanduk : horn

tanduk rusa : anther

tandus : waste, barren

tang : tweezer

tangan : hand

tangga : stair, ladder

tangga berjalan : escalator

tangga nada : gamut

tangga rahasia : backstairs

tanggal : date

tanggap : responsive

tanggapan : response

tangguh : tough, strong, hard to defeat, firm, sturdy

tanggul : mound, levee, dam, causeway

tanggung : by gad, guaranteed, bear, halfway done

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tanggung-jawab : responsibility

tanggungan : bail, dependent, assurance, burden, load

tangis : cry

tangisan : bawling

tangkai : stalk, rod, handle, stem, culm

tangkai sapu : broomstick

tangkas : dexterous, deft, dapper, cute, agile, prompt

tangsi : barracks

tanjak : lap

tanjung : cape, ness

tanki : tank

tanpa : devoid, without

tanpa angka : scoreless

tanpa ayah : fatherless

tanpa bantuan : unaided

tanpa biji : stoneed

tanpa dasar : grondless

tanpa digaji : unsalaried

tanpa disadari : unwitting

tanpa fantasi : unimaginative

tanpa guna : unnecessarily

tanpa hukuman : unounished, scotfree

tanpa ijin : unlicensed

tanpa kawat : wireless

tanpa kecuali : invariably

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tanpa luka : uninjured

tanpa luka-luka : unharmed

tanpa memperhatikan : regardless

tanpa nada : atonal

tanpa nama : anonymous

tanpa pertahanan : defenceless

tanpa pertumpahan darah : bloodless

tanpa punggung : backless

tanpa rasa sakit : painless

tanpa sengaja : unpurposedly, involuntary, armless

tanpa sim : unlicensed

tanpa tekanan : unaccented

tanpa tekanan suara : atonic

tanpa tujuan : aimless

tanpa tutup kepala : bareheaded

tanpa ujung : pointless

tantangan : dare, challenge

tante : auntie, aunt

taoge : sprout

tapak : thread

tapal : paste, poultice, plaster

tapal batas : frontier, boundary

tapal kuda : calk

tapi : but

tapis : filter

taplak : tablecloth

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tara : equal, matching, counterpart

taraf : stadium, standard, degree, level

tarah : planed smooth

tarahan : something that has been planed smooth

tarak : abstinence, abstain from, avoid (eating, etc)

taram : dim

tarbiah : education

tarbiyah : education

tarbus : Turkish style fez

tarekat : path for mystics to follow, especially sufism

tari-tarian : balled

tari balet : ballet

tarian : dance

tarian telanjang : striptease

tarif : rate

tarik-tambang : tug of war

tarikan : attraction, drawing, pulling

taring : fang, eye tooth, tusk, caninetooth

taruhan : wager, bet

taruna : cadet

tas : bag

tas kosmetik : compact

tas surat : portfolio

tas tangan : handbag

tasbih : rosary, a formula extolling God's perfection

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tata : order, arrangement, system

tata acara : agenda

tata adab : good manners, politeness

tata bahasa : grammar

tata bentuk : morphology

tata boga : food science

tata buku : bookkeeping, accounting

tata bumi : land use or utilization

tata bunyi : phonetics

tata busana : dressmaking

tata cara : etiquette, customs and manners

tata desa : structure of rural regions

tata gereja : church ritual

tata graha : homemaking

tata guna : the method of making use of something

tata hukum : legal structure

tata istilah : terminology

tata kaca : stained glass

tata kalimat : syntax

tata karya : organization

tata kata : morphology

tata kebaktian : liturgy

tata laksana : managing

tata letak : layout

tata masyarakat : social structure

tata nama : nomenclature

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tata negara : form of government, state structure

tata niaga : business administration

tata personalia : personnel management

tata pimpinan : management

tata puspa : flower arrangement

tata rias : art of cosmetics

tata ruang : lay out

tata rupa : makeup, format

tata suara : sound system

tata surya : solar system

tata susila : ethics, good manners, good conduct

tata susunan : organization, structure, hierarchy

tata syarat : requirements

tata tenteram : discipline, order, regulations (for conduct)

tata tentrem kerta raharja : orderly, peaceful with complete well being

tata tertib : discipline, order, regulations (for conduct)

tata tingkat : hierarchy

tata usaha : administration, management

tata warna : technicolor

tataan : arrangement, planning

tatah : inlaid work

tatahan : inlaid work

tatakan : base of a tray, something underneath, underlayer

tatakan gelas : coaster for glasses

tatakan kaki tiga : trivet

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tatakrama : etiquette

tatanan : order, arrangement

tatanegara : matters pertaining to government or constitution

tatapraja : public administration

tataran : rank, level

tato : tattoo

taufan : cyclone, typhoon, tempest, gale

tauladan : lihat: teladan

tautan : link

tawanan : internee, captive

tawar : tasteless

tawar hati : downhearted

tawar menawar : chaffer, bargain, haggle, bargaining

tawaran : bid, offering, bargain

tawas : alum

tawon : wasp

tawuran : engage in a gang fight

tayang : present

tayangan : presentation

tbc : phthisis, tuberculosis

tebal : bold, thick, dense

tebal telinga : callosity

tebing terjal : crag

tebing yang curam : escarpment

tebu : cane

tebus : redeem, compensate for some wrong

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tebusan : bail, ransom, compensation

tedeng aling-aling : facade

teduh : bowery, shaddy

tedun : hernia

tega : to have the heart (nerve) to, dare, venture

tegak : endways, erect, endwise

tegak bulu roma : goose bump

tegak lurus : perpendicular, vertical

tegang : tense

tegangan listrik : voltage

tegap : burly, wiry, robust

tegar : tough, stiff, rigid

tegas : explicit, assertive, express, emphatic

teguh : consistent, unmoved, firmed

teguh hati : adamant

teguk : sup, suck, gulp, draught, swallow

tegukan : gulp

tegunan : astonishment

teguran : admonition

teh : tea

teka-teki : enigma, puzzle, charade

teka-teki perkataan : conundrum

teka-teki silang : crossword puzzle

tekak : uvula

tekanan : pressure, sqeeze, compulsion

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tekanan kata : accent

tekanan rendah : low pressure

tekanan udara : pressuration

tekanan udara yang tinggi : high

teknik : technique

teknis : technical

teknologi : technology

tekor : deficit

teks : text

tekstil : textile

tekuk lutut : genuflection

tekun : diligent, assiduous, keen

telaah : study, research

telaahan : explanation, comment, interpretation

telabang : kind of shield

teladan : model, example

telaga : lake, pond, stagnant pit, well

telah : have, already

telah diterima oleh umum : accepted

telah mendalam : engrained

telanjang : nude, naked, buff, bare, undress

telanjur : lihat: terlanjur

telapak tangan : palm

telat : late

telaten : patient, persevering, painstaking

teledor : untidy, careless, reckless, negligent

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telegram : cable, telegram

telegrap : telegraph

telekomunikasi : telecomunication

telepati : telepathy

telepon umum : call office

televisi : television

telinga : ear

teliti : particular, minutely, accurate, thorough

telpon : phone, telephone

teluk : firth, bight, gulf

teluk kecil : cove, inlet

telungkup : face downward

telunjuk : point finger

telur : egg

telur dadar : omelette

telur ikan : roe, spawn

telur kodok : spawn

telusuri : trace, follow, research, investigate, unravel

tema : motif, theme

teman : bedfellow, counterpart, comrade, buddy, pal, mate

teman akrab : chum

teman duduk : seatmate

teman karib : intimate

teman sejawat : colleage, associate

teman sekelas : classmate

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teman sekerja : coworker

teman sekolah : schoolmate

teman senegeri : compatriot

temaram : lihat: aram

tembaga : copper

tembak datar bujur : enfilade

tembak menembak : shooting

tembakan : gunfire, shooting

tembakan serentak : salvo, broadside

tembakau : barrage, tobacco

tembikar : earthenware

tembok di laut : breakwater

tembok pemisah : bulkhead

tembolong burung : gizzard

tembus cahaya : translucent, transparent

tembusan : carboncopy

tempa : metal handiwork

tempaan : something made

tempat : site, place, location, holder, berth, space

tempat abu : ashbin, ashcan

tempat alat dalam mobil : dash board

tempat barang : catchall

tempat berada : where abouts

tempat berhenti : stopping place

tempat beristirahat : resort

tempat berjudi : card room

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tempat duduk : seat

tempat duduk tanpa sandaran : stool

tempat garam : saltcellar

tempat kelahiran : birthplace

tempat kencing : urinal

tempat latihan : range

tempat lilin : candelabrum, candleholder

tempat mandi : bath

tempat mandi kecil bagi bayi : bathinetee

tempat mangkal taksi : cab-stand

tempat meludah : cuspidor

tempat memanggang : spit

tempat memasak bir : brewery

tempat membuat batu bata : brickyard

tempat membuat bir : brewery

tempat menyembunyikan : cache

tempat menyimpan : depository

tempat menyimpan makanan : larder

tempat pembakaran mayat : crematorium

tempat pembuangan sampah : dump

tempat pemeliharaan lebah : apiary

tempat pengasingan diri : retreat

tempat penyembelihan ternak : abattor

tempat pertunjukan tari : cabaret

tempat selir raja : harem

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tempat singgah : haven

tempat teduh : lee

tempat tidur : bed

tempat tidur bayi : crib

tempat tinggal : habitat, dwelling, domicile, abode, residence

tempat yang menguntungkan : vantage

tempat yang sering dikunjungi : haunt

tempayak : grub

tempayan : urn, crock

tempe : moulded soya bean

tempel : adhere, patch

tempel ban : inner tube patching service

tempelak : blame, reproach

tempelan : poster, sticker, attached to someone or something

tempeleng : slapping on the face or ears

tempelengan : a slap administered

temperamen : temperament

tempo : beat

tempo hari : the other day

tempurung : piece of coconut shell

tempurung kepala : cranium

tempurung lutut : knee cap, patella

temu : wild ginger, come together

temuan : finding, something found

temulawak : kind of wild ginger

tenaga : energy, vigour, power

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tenaga kerja : labour

tenaga manusia : manpower

tenaga otot : brawn

tenaga putaran : torque

tenang : staid, serene, placid, peaceful, pacific, calm

tenang : quiet, still, composed

tenar : noise, well known, popular

tenda : awning, tent

tendangan : kick, backlash

tendensi : drift

tengah-tengah : midst

tengah hari : midday, noon

tengah malam : midnight

tengah mingguan : midweekly

tenggang : considerate, thoughtful

tenggang rasa : restrain one's feelings

tenggara : southeast

tenggat : deadline

tenggelam : sank

tenggelam lagi secara perlahan : resettle

tenggorokan : throat

tengik : putrid

tengkorak : skeleton, skull, brainpan, cephalic

tengkuk : nape

tengkulak : jobber

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tengok : peep

tenis : tennis

tentang : about

tentang apa : whereof

tentang arti kata : semantic

tentang asal mula : genetic

tentang bunga : florai

tentang cekoslowakia : czechoslovak

tentang cita-cita : idealistic

tentang gigi : dental

tentang iklim : climatic

tentang ilmu perkebunan : horticultural

tentang isi perut : enteric

tentang kata kerja : verbal

tentang kebodohan : idiotically

tentang kerangka : skeletal

tentang keturunan raja : dynastic

tentang listrik : electro

tentang otak : cerebral

tentang panca indra : sensory

tentang pendidikan : educational

tentang perkawinan : consugal

tentang punggung : dorsal

tentang sel : cellular

tentang silsilah : genealogical

tentang tengkorak : cranial

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tentang tulang rusuk : costal

tentang tumbuh-tumbuhan : flora

tentang warga negara : civic

tentangan : defiance

tentara : army, military, soldier

tentara payung : parachutist

tentu saja : surely

teori : theory

teoritis : theoretical

tepat : accurate, right, apposite, opportune

tepat : appropriate, apropos, aptly, correct, convenient

tepat : effective, sharp, exact, exactly, precise, prompt

tepat jitu : effectual

tepat pada waktunya : punctual

tepat waktunya : timely

tepi : brim, brink, edge

tepi dok : dockside

tepi laut : waterfront

tepian : bank

tepian sungai : bank

tepuk tangan sorak : acclaim

tepukan : pat

tepukan tangan : applause

tepung : flour, meal

tepung ketela : tapioca

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tepung sari : pollen

terabadikan : perpetuated, immortalized

terabaikan : slighted, ignored

teracung : pointed outward

teradat : already customary

teraduh-aduh : repeatedly moaning

teragak : long for

terakhir : lastest, last, ultimate, endmost, ultimate, final

terali : trellis

teralpa : be forgotten, be ignored

terama-amat : awful, very

teramat : shockingly

teramat sangat : ultra

terambung-ambung : floating about, bobbing up and down

terampil : able, dexterous, deft

terampunkan : forgiven, forgivable

terancam : threatened, in danger

terang : bright, unmistakeable, distinct, light, obvious

terang-terangan : frankly, undisguised

terang benderang : ablaze

terang bulan : moonlit

terangan-angan : thought, intended

terangguk-angguk : uncontrollable nod, toss and pitch

teranggul-anggul : pitch

terangin : perceptible, notice-able

terangin-angin : spread

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terangkat : able to be picked up

terangkup-angkup : opened and closed continuously

teranja-anja : lihat: anja-anja

terantuk : accidentally bump into

teranyam : plaited

terapit : hemmed in, wedged in, surrounded

terapung : floating about, drifting about, afloat, adrift

terarah : aimed, directed, guided

terasak : be crammed, be crowded, shifted, orged

terasing : secluded, exotic, alienated

terasingkan : alienated, estranged

teratai : lotus

teratas : uppermost, highest

teratasi : can be overcome

teratur : in order, regulated nicely, regular arranged

terauskan : be worn out, be worn down

terayun : swung

terayun-ayun : sway, reel

terbabar : be driven off course. carried away. go by mistake

terbabit : involved, implicated

terbaca : be read

terbada-bada : beyond words

terbadai : be stretched out

terbagi : divisible, divided, split up

terbahak : roar with laughter, burst of laughter

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terbahas : be discussed

terbaik : best, pick, gem, optimum

terbaiki : reparable

terbakar : on fire, burned down, aflame, ablaze, afire

terbalas : requited, responded to

terbalik : rolled back, capsize, reverse, keel

terbalik-balik : rolled back

terbambang : extend, be displayed

terbandar : irrigared

terbang : airborne, fly

terbang luncur : glide

terbangai : lihat: bangai

terbangun : awaken, become aware, be constructed

terbantah : denied, challenged

terbantahkan : subject to complaint

terbantai : butchered

terbantu : helped, assisted

terbantut : stunted, stopped up, futile

terbanyak : the greatest number, more, majority

terbanyak : most

terbaret : scratched

terbaring : lie

terbaru : newest

terbasmi : eliminated

terbata-bata : in bursts

terbatas : limited

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terbatuk-batuk : have a coughing spell, sputtering

terbau : smelled, known

terbawa : brought, involved, because of

terbawa-bawa : carried over

terbawah : lowest

terbayang : be visible, be imagined

terbayang-bayang : appear

terbayangkan : unimaginable

terbayar : paid

terbayarkan : paid for

terbebas : be freed

terbedakan : distinguishable

terbekuk : caught

terbelah : split

terbelakang : last, latest, retarded, backward, under-developed

terbelalak : wide open, surprised

terbelenggu : in fetters, repressed

terbeli : affordable, bought

terbelingkang : sprawled

terbelit : involved, twisted

terbelokkan : distorted, shifted, turned

terbenam : disappear, be buried, knee-deep

terbendung : dammed up, held back

terbengang : lihat: bengang

terbengkalai : uncompleted, undone, neglected

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terbengong-bengong : completly dazed

terbentang : outstretched, be spread out, extend outward

terbentuk : formed, shaped

terbentur : lihat: kebentur

terberita : reportedly

terberitahu : reportedly

terbersit : unexpectedly or involuntarily gush forth

terbesar : bulk, major, biggest, largest, hugest

terbeset : occupied

terbiasa : habitual, have become accustomed

terbikin : made from

terbilang : be calculated, be regarded as

terbirit-birit : helter skelter, suffer

terbitan : imprint, issue, edition

terbitnya : emergence

terbius : drugged, intoxicated, exhilarated

terbongkar : disclosed, bared

terbuai : in a state of oblivion because of bliss

terbuang : expelled, in vain

terbuang-buang : neglected

terbuat : made

terbuat dari emas : golden

terbubuhi : get placed into

terbudur : lihat: budur

terbujuk : talked into, tricked into

terbujur : stretched out

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terbuka : opened, in the open, available, fair, open

terbuka lebar : outspread

terbuka sebelah atas : open face

terbukti : proved, evident

terbungkam : silenced, be gagged

terbungkuk-bungkuk : bent

terbuntang : lihat: berbuntang

terbuntu : clogged up

terburai : hang out in strands, spill out in streams

terburu-buru : hurried, dashing, scurry, hasty

tercabik : be torn, get ripped

tercabik-cabik : shredded

tercabuli : get raped

tercabut : yanked out, forcibly removed

tercacat : flawed, defective

tercagak : implanted, sticking out, supported on a stand

tercair : released

tercakar : get clawed

tercakup : rounded up, caught up in, covered

tercangah : lihat: cangah

tercantum : included, added to, inserted, attached

tercapak : humiliated, ignorated, left alone

tercaplok : swallowed, annesed

tercatat : note down, registered, recorded

tercebur : fallen, plunged, entered

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tercecah : touch slightly, brush against

tercecer : scattered about, lost, get lost from

tercedera : hurt, damaged

tercekik : strangled, gag

tercela : blamable, reprehensible, despicable

tercela : disabled, deformed, disgraceful, shamefully bad

tercelak : lihat: celak

terceletuk : interrupted

tercelup : gotten immersed

tercemar : contaminated, befouled, besmitched, polluted

tercempung : drowned

tercengang : agape, wondering, flabbergasted, taken aback

tercengang : astonished, amazed, dumb founded, stupefied

tercengang-cengang : lihat: tercengang

tercengkam : be gripped

tercenung : stunned into silent pondering

tercepit : sandwiched between

tercerabut : uprooted, rootless

tercerai : dispersed

tercerna : digestible, dissolved, absorbed

tercetak : published, maintentionally

tercetus : enkindled, sparked, said unexpectedly

tercilap-cilap : flicker

tercinta : beloved, darling

tercipta : created, produced

tercium : kissed, learned

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tercoblongi : have gotten a small hole in it

tercogok : standing straight

tercoreng : streaked

tercukupi : fulfilled

tercurah : poured down, focused

tercurahkan : lihat: tercurah

terdaftar : registered, enrolled

terdaging : sliced into the flesh

terdahulu : first, earlier

terdakwa : defendant, the accused

terdamaikan : reconcilable

terdampar : aground, gone aground, cast ashore, dumped off at

terdapat : be found, exist

terdedah : wide open, uncovered

terdekat : proximate

terdekati : approachable

terdengar : heard

terdepan : foremost, front, in the lead

terderitakan : bearable

terdesak : forced, pressed, pushed, urged

terdiam : fall silent, quietest

terdidik : educated

terdiri : suddenly stand up, consist, consist of, endwise

terdiri dari : consist of

terdiri dari dua bagian : bipartite

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terdiri dari kristal : crystalline

terdongak : lihat: dongak

terdorong : pushed, shoved

terduduk : sedimented

terduga : presumed, assured

teregol-egol : jerkily, in jerks

terejawantah : manifested

terekam : recorded

terelakkan : avoided, voidable

terempang : blocked, barred

terempas : tossed, flung, hurled

terenak : more pleasant

terencana : planned

terendah : bottommost

terendam : soaked, be submerged in water

terengah : excited, nervous, grasping for breath

terengah-engah : panting, puffing, in a hurry, pant, winded, wheez

terenggang : ajar

terentak : be thrown down

terfitnah : defamed

tergabung : fused, united, joined together

tergadai : pawned

tergagau-gagau : walk gropingly

tergaji : salaried

tergalang : supported, blocked, hindered

tergamak : incalculable, invaluable, undaunted

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tergambar : pictured, depicted

tergambarkan : decribable

terganggu : disturbed, hampered

terganjak : immovable, stationary, unffinching

terganjal : tight, firmly wedged

terganjar : rewarded, be blessed with

terganjat : get a cramp

terganteng : coupled, hooked together

tergantikan : replaceable

tergantung : suspended, be hanging on, dependent

terganyang : devoured, smashed, eliminated

tergaris : be sratched into

tergegas : hurry up

tergegas-gegas : hurry up

tergegau : lihat: gegau

tergelak-gelak : chuckle

tergelanting : be hanging from

tergelar : spread out

tergelebar : flap

tergelek : run over, crushed, knocked down

tergeletak : sprawled, laid out

tergeliat : twisted

tergelicik : skid, slip

tergelincir : slip, skid, lose, make a slip

tergelincuh : stumble

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tergelintang : sprawled

tergelohok : lihat: gelohok

tergelojak : lihat: gelojak

tergelosor : slip down

tergelung : curled up, coiled up, knotted

tergemap : lihat: gemap

tergembok : padlocked

tergencat : halted, stopped, oppressed

tergencet : pressed, squeezed

tergendak : obstructed

tergendeng : placed at an angle

tergenggam : grasped, clasped

tergenggang : be ajar

tergerai : be loose

tergerak : moved

tergerakkan : moveable

tergeronggang : get a hole in it

tergerupis : trip and fall, stumble

tergerus : scraped, rubbed down

tergesa-gesa : bustle, worry, cursorily, haste, hie, hurry

tergeser : shifted, moved, removed

tergetar : trembled

tergigit : bitten

tergila-gila : doting, crazy for, delirious

tergilas : be run over, crushed, pulverished

tergiling : milled

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tergiur : aroused, tempted, ecstatic, rapt

tergoda : tempted, seduced

tergolek : rolled over, sprawled

tergoler : thrown down, lie down collapsed

tergolong : classified, belong to, belong

tergoncang : shaken

tergoncang-goncang : move rapidly

tergoncangkan : shakable

tergondol : attained, stolen

tergopoh : hurry, hustily, hurriedly

tergopoh-gopoh : jumpy, lihat: tergopoh

tergores : be scratched

tergoyang : shaken, rocked, swayed

tergoyang-goyang : shake repeatedly

tergugah : awakened, aroused

tergugat : accused, criticised

tergulat : entangled

terguling : rolled, overthrown

tergulung : rolled, wound, reeled, defeated

tergulut : lihat: gulut

tergulut-gulut : lihat: gulut

tergusur : be removed by comdemnation

terhadap : toward

terhambat : obstructed, impeded, hampered

terhampar : unfold

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terharu : affected, compassion

terhasut : agitated, provocated

terhenti-henti : haltingly

terhentinya pertumbuhan : atrophy

terheran-heran : stupefied

terhingga : finite

terhormat : dear, honorable, respected, esteemed, honored

terhunjam : stuck, inserted

terhuyung : dotty

terhuyung-huyung : totter

teriak : outcry

teriakan : bawling, yell, cry, hoot, screaming

terigu : flour, wheat

terik : extreme, intense, fried spiced beef

terima : acceptance, accept

terima-kasih : thank you

terima kasih : thank

terimbas : induced

teringat : recollect, remember

terinjak-injak : trampled upon, ignored, disregarded

teripang : sea cucumber, sea slug

teristimewa : especially, particularly

terjadi : beenacted, take place, ensue, happen, occur

terjaga : wake

terjajah : colonized

terjajaki : probed, sounded out

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terjajar : placed in rows

terjal : abrupt, steepy, sheer

terjambret : snatched

terjamin : proven, secure

terjangan : lunge

terjangkau : affordable, achievable, reached, achieved

terjebak : be trapped

terjeblos : see: kejeblos

terjemahan : translation

terjemahan yang salah : mistranslation

terjepit : impacted, confined

terjerat : ensnared

terjerumus : fallen into

terjilat : be licked

terjual habis : sellout

terjun : fall, jump down

terjungkal : keel, overthrown

terkaan : guess

terkabar : spread, reported

terkait : hooked, related, connected, competent

terkalang : supported, wedged

terkandung : to be contained

terkatung-katung : drift, float, be uncertain, hover

terkebelakang : be left behind, neglected

terkecuali : baring, except, save

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terkecundang : lihat: kecundang

terkejut : shock

terkelupas : peeled off

terkemuka : notable, ranking, noted for, prominent

terkena serangan jantung : heart-attack

terkenal : fame, renowned, famous, illustrious, outstanding

terkenal jahat : notorious

terkenal karena nama buruk : notorious

terkendali : controlled, steered

terkepung : beleagured

terkepung oleh es : ice bound

terkerumuk : get crumpled, wrinkled

terkesan : impressed, imprinted

terkesima : unnerved

terketuk : be knocked, be moved, be touched

terkini : the most updated

terkontrol : controlled

terkoyak : get torn, ripped

terkuak : lihat: terbuka, terungkap

terkuasai : controllable

terkuasakan : can be delegated

terkubur : be buried

terkunci : locked

terkungkung : be enslaved

terkuras : depleted

terkurung : pent up

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terkurung oleh daratan : land locked

terkutuk : accursed

terlahir : be born

terlalaikan : neglected

terlalu : too, very, extremely, so, exceedingly

terlalu aktif : overactive

terlalu banyak : beyond number, one too many

terlalu banyak pekerjaan : overwork

terlalu berani bertindak : overshoot oneshelf

terlalu cepat : untimely

terlalu membebani : overburden

terlalu mengandalkan buku : bookish

terlalu menyolok : gaudy

terlalu penuh : brimful

terlalu percaya : over confident

terlalu percaya diri : overconfident

terlambat : belated, overdue, late

terlampau : lihat: terlalu

terlanjur : rash, overshoot, too late, too far

terlantar : derelict, unattended

terlarut : dissolved

terlatih : case harden, trained

terlecah : get a bad name, get stuck in the mud

terlelang : auctioned off accidentally

terlena : fall asleep

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terlengar : unconscious, in a faint (from a blow)

terlentang : supine

terlepas : regardless

terlepas dari sambungan : dislocation

terletak diluar : extrinsic

terlipat : skilted

terlolos : unexpectedly release from something

terluang : spare, free, spare, vacant, uncovered

terluka : bruise

terlupakan : forgotten

termakan : eaten or swallowed accidentally, influenced by

termaktub : written down

termangap : agape

termanggut-manggut : inadvertently nod one's head

termangu : confused, dazed, taken aback, speechless

termangu-mangu : confused, dazed, taken aback, speechless

termashur : famed, illustrious, famous

termasuk : comprise, included, counted, belonging to

termasyhur : famed, illustrious, famous

termenung : muse, be lost in thought

termos : thermos

termudah : the easiest

termulia : exalted, most respected, most honorable

termurah : cheapest

ternak : cattle, livestock

ternganga : agape, open-mouthed

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terngiang : whine complainingly, buzz, buzzing

terngiang-ngiang : see: terngiang

terniaga : traded, sold

terniat : intended, meant, get an idea, conceive a plan

ternilai : be estimated, given a value

ternoda : stained

ternyata : apparently, it appear, it turned out

terobos : break through, cut a line or queue

terobosan : breakthrough

terombang ambing : vacillate

terompah : kind of rough wooden or leather clog

terompah kayu : sabot

terompet : bugle, trumpet, horn

teropong : binoculars, telescope

terowongan : tunnel

terpaan : onrush

terpadu : integrated, solid, fused

terpajang : displayed

terpaksa : perforce

terpaku : sticked, clung, fixed in enchantment

terpal : canvas

terpana : stupefied

terpanasi : heated

terpancang : embeded, rooted (planted) in the ground

terpancar : radiated, broadcasted, emmited

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terpancing : provoked

terpandai : ace

terpandang : visible, spot, catch sight of, esteemed

terpatah-patah : halting

terpecahkan : ill-fated

terpedaya : deceived, taken in

terpelajar : educated, learned, intellectual, erudite, learner

terpeleset : slip

terpelihara : reserved, conserved, protected, cultivated

terpencil : desolate, solitary, remote, reclusive

terpendam : hidden, buried, held in the heart

terpengaruh : influenced

terpentin : turpentine

terpenting : above all, principal

terpepet : cornered, trapped

terperangah : be agape with surprise

terperangkap : trapped

terperanjat : aghast

terpercaya : reliable, trustworthy, believable

terperosok : fallen into

terpesona : spellbound

terpetik : be picked up

terpijak : be stepped on

terpikirkan : happen to be thought about

terpikirkan dahulu : afore thought

terpilih : chosen, picked

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terpojok : be forced into a corner

terpotong-potong : disjointed

terpuaskan : satisfied, fulfilled, met, satiated

terpuji : admirable, laudable, honorable, exalted

terpukau : stunned, mesmerized

terpulang : be left up to someone else

terpulau : isolated

terpulaukan : isolated

terpulihkan : can be restored

terpuruk : be hidden, buried, sank

terputus : discontinuous

terputus-putus : disjointed

terrembes : penetrated

terrorisme : terrorism

tersadar : come to realize, come to consciousness

tersaingi : get competition from, can be competed with

tersaji : served

tersalurkan : find an outlet, channelled

tersambar : be seized, be struck

tersandung : stumble

tersangka : accused

tersayang : dear, deary, beloved

tersayat : be sliced into, slashed, deeply wounded

tersebar : afloat, diffuse, spread

tersebar luas : wide spread

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terseberang : accessible, crossed

terseberangi : manage to be crossed

terseberangkan : can be brought across

tersebut di atas : above mentioned, afore said, afore mentioned

tersedak : choke

tersedia : available, on hand

tersedot : absorbed

tersedu-sedu : sob

terselamatkan : saved

terselewengkan : diverted, deflected

terselubung : hidden, latent, concealed, unseen

tersembunyi : hidden, underground, privy, latent, reclusive

tersendat : choked up, clogged up, stagnating

tersendat-sendat : choked off again and again

tersendiri : apart, alone, individual, separate, special

tersengal-sengal : wheeze, being difficult (of breathing)

tersengaukan : nasalized

tersentak : startled, surprised

tersentuh : be moved, be touched

tersenyum : grin, smile

terseok : unsteady because top heavy, bewildered, confused

terseok-seok : drag one's feet

terserah kepada kebijaksanaan : discretionary

terserang : attacked

terseret : dragged along, involved (in unsavory affaiy)

tersesat : astray, misguided

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tersiar : afloat, abroad

tersilang : crossed

tersilap : done by mistake

tersimbah : drenched, spattered

tersimpul : knotted

tersinggung : offended

tersingkap : exposed, revealed

tersingkir : prevented, safeguarded, gotten rid of, eliminated

tersingkirkan : be shoved aside by something

tersisih : isolated, set apart, ignored

tersisihkan : eliminated

tersohor : celebrity

tersumbat : stopped up, gagged, clogged up

tersungkur : fall headfirst

tertabung : put into savings

tertampung : accomodated

tertanggung : endured, borne

tertangkap : be caught, seized, arrested

tertara : equal, matched

tertarik : affinity

tertawa : laugh

tertawa genit : giggle

tertawa kecil : chuckle

tertawa terbahak bahak : chortle, guffaw

tertawaan : ridicule, mockery, laughingstock

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tertawan : captive

tertegun : stop suddenly, astonished

tertegun : startled to the point standing still a moment

tertekan : suppressed, oppressed

tertelungkup : flat on one's face

tertempa : forged

tertempakan : malleable

tertempel : stuck, attached

tertendang : be set aside, kicked, thrown

tertentu : definite, certain

tertera : printed, officially stamped

tertidur : doze off

tertindas : oppressed, suppressed, downtrodden

tertinggal : left behind

tertinggi : paramount, supreme

tertipu : tricked, cheated

tertohok : stabbed

tertua : eldest

tertuduh : accused

tertuju : aimed at, directed to

tertulis : written

tertumpah : spilled, shed

tertumpu : concentrated on

tertumpuk : piled up, hoarded

tertutup : closed, sealed, stoped

teruit : be bent

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terukir : graven

terulur : stretched out, protruding, projecting

terunggul : superlative

terungkap : revealed, expressed, pronounced

terurai : dishevelled

terus : along, through, keep at, terrace

terus-menerus : keep going on, continually

terus-terang : fortright, frank, pointblank, bluntly

terus-terusan : on and on, keep going on, continually

terus bekerja : to keep at at one's work

terus menerus : continual, unceasing, on and on, perpetual

terusan : canal, waterway, canalize

terutama : principally, mainly, particularly, especially

terutama sekali : above all

terwarisi : inherited

terwujud : materialize

teseruduk : rammed into

tetabuhan : percussion, musical instrument

tetangga : neighbor, neighbour

tetap : adamant, remain, consistent, constant

tetap : permanent, inveterate, keep

tetap hidup : linger

tetap melakukan : persist

tetapi : but, however

tetek-bengek : trifles

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tetes : drip, drop

tetes hujan : raindrop

tetesan embun : dew drop

tetumbuhan : trees

tiada : neither, nothing

tiada akhir : endless

tiada arti : nil, meaningless

tiada banding : matchless

tiada bandingnya : unequaled, incomparable

tiada harapan : hopeless

tiada hubungan : impertinent, extraneous

tiada tara : unrivaled, unmatched, unequaled

tiada taranya : incomparable, unmatched, unequaled

tiang : baluster, beam, shaft, columm, distaff, pillar

tiang gantungan : gallows

tiang kapal : mast

tiang pancang : picket

tiang penyangga : cantilever

tiap : each, either

tiap 10 tahun : decennial

tiap bulan : monthly

tiap hari : daily

tiap orang : everyone

tiarap : prone, face downward (to lie)

tiba : arrive, come

tiba-tiba : abrupt, suddenly, fortuitous

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tidak : no, not

tidak ada apa-apa : nothing

tidak berarti : unmeaning, meaningless, nothing

tidak berat sebelah : objective

tidak bergerak : immovable

tidak berharga : worthless

tidak bertanggung jawab : irresponsible

tidak biasa : abnormal

tidak bijaksana : ill-advised, indiscreet, unwise

tidak cocok : discreprant, inapt, dissonant

tidak cukup : inadequate

tidak dapat dilewati, dilalui : impassable

tidak dapat diterima akal : illogical

tidak dimanapun juga : nowhere

tidak diragukan : incontestable

tidak disebutkan : unsaid

tidak efisien : inefficient

tidak giat : inert

tidak hadir : absent, default

tidak hormat : dishonorable

tidak jelas : cryptic, vague, inarticulate

tidak jujur : dishonest

tidak kedengaran : inaudible

tidak konsekwen : inconsistent

tidak kotor : unsoiled

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tidak lazim : immoderate

tidak lengkap : incomplete

tidak logis : irrational

tidak mampu : incapable

tidak masuk akal : absurd

tidak memasukkan : withhold

tidak memberi : withhold

tidak memihak : dispassionate

tidak memperdulikan : heedless

tidak memperhatikan : inconsiderate

tidak mempunyai : haven't

tidak memuaskan : pithful

tidak mengesahkan : nullify

tidak menguntungkan : disadvantageous

tidak menurut : disobey

tidak menyatakan pendapat : noncommittal

tidak menyenangkan : inconvenient

tidak menyerang : nonaggression

tidak menyukai : abhor

tidak mudah : uneasy

tidak murni : impure

tidak pantas : inapropriate

tidak pasti : uncertain

tidak patuh : insubordinate

tidak patut : improper

tidak pernah : never

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tidak pernah gagal : unfailling

tidak praktis : cumbersome

tidak puas : dissatisfied, discontented

tidak rapi : dishevelled

tidak rukun : incompatible

tidak sadarkan diri : unware

tidak sah : illegal

tidak sama : different, dissimilar

tidak sama sekali : not at all, none

tidak sempurna : defective, imperfect

tidak senang : discontented, miserable

tidak senonoh : improper, obscene

tidak setia : disloyal

tidak sopan : immoral

tidak sportif : unsporting

tidak sudi : disinclined

tidak suka : dislike, indisposed

tidak teliti : inaccurate

tidak tembus cahaya : opaque

tidak tembus pandang : opaque

tidak tepat : imprecise, inexact, inapropriate

tidak terbaca : illegible

tidak transparan : opaque

tidak tulus : disingenueous

tidak tunduk : disobedient

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tidak wajar : immoderate

tidur : asleep, sleep, dormant

tidur di musin dingin : hibernate

tidur sebentar : nap

tidur sembarang : bunk

tidur siang : take a nap

tidur yang berlebihan : oversleep

tiga : three

tiga belas : thirteen

tiga bulan : quarter

tiga koma delapan empat liter : gallon

tiga puluh : thirty

tikaman : stab, thrust

tikar : mat (plaited)

tikungan : curve, twist

tikus : mouse, rat

tikus besar : rat

tilang : ticket

tilik : glance at something, visit someone

timah hitam : lead

timang : buckle

timba : bailer

timbal-balik : reciprocal

timbalan : correlate

timbang : weighing

timbang-menimbang : repeatedly weigh, weigh each other's feelings

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timbang-rasa : sympathy, consideration of other's feelings

timbang-terima : hand over, transfer

timbangan : rather than

timbangan : pair of scales, weights, opinion, criticism

timbul : arise, emerge

timbul lagi : buoy

timbulnya : emergence, incidence

timbulnya bintang-bintang : emersion

timbunan : accumulation, hoard, heap

timbunan pupuk : dung hill

timpang : limp

timpuk : throw at

timpukan : a throw

timpus : tapering

timung : traditional herbal bath of Kalimantan

timur : east, orient

timur laut : northeast

tinambah : addend

tindak : act, action

tindak-tanduk : behavior, conduct

tindak balas : reaction

tindak demi tindak : step by step

tindak lanjut : follow-up

tindak pelaksanaan : executive action

tindak pidana : criminal act

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tindakan : action, duplicate, step, measure

tindakan balasan : countermeasure, reprisal

tindakan melihat : seeing

tindakan pencegahan : precaution

tindakan pertama : debut

tindih : overlapping

tindik : pierce

tinggal : abide, stay

tinggal bersama : cohabit

tinggal kulit pembalut tulang : emaciat

tinggi : tall, aloft, lofty, high, height

tingkah : caprice, vagary, freak

tingkah laku : deportment

tingkah laku yang aneh : vagary

tingkat : extent, rate, level

tingkat atas : upstairs

tingkat tertinggi : culmination

tingkat yang sama : par

tingkatan : grade

tinja : faeces, excretion, dung

tinjauan : critique, review

tinju : fist, boxing

tinta : ink

tiongkok : china

tipis : marginal, thin, sheer

tipu : deceit, fallancy

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tipu muslihat : gimmick, guile, trick

tipuan : mock, deceit, deceitful, swindle, sham

tirai : curtain

tiram : abalone, oyster

tiruan : replica, model, reproduction

tiruan : artificiality, synthetic, copy, fake, imitation

tiruan yang mengejek : parody

titah : decree

titik : cusp, point, dot, drip, period

titik api : focus

titik berat : accent, emphasis

titik dua : colon

titik koma : semicolon

titik terendah : nadir

titik waktu : juncture

titipan : entrusted goods, deposit

titir : alarm signal beaten out on drum, gong, etc.

titiran : propeller, kind of mill

titit : penis

tiupan : breath, puff

tobat : penitence, atone, atonement

tohok : harpoon or javelin with rope attached

toko : shop, store

toko buku : bookshop, bookstore

toko penjual bahan makanan : glocery

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toko roti : bakery

toko serba ada : supermarket

tokoh : bigwig, personage

tokoh terkemuka : magnate

tolak : reject, refuse

tolol : balmy, silly, idiotic

tolong : rescue

tomat : tomato

tombak : dissatisfied, javelin, spear, pike

tombak ikan : gaff

tombol : knob, swicth

tombol jari : key

tonase : tonnage

tong : tub

tong penyimpan minuman keras : cask

tong susu : churn

tonggak : heap

tonggeret : katydid

tongkang : scow

tongkat : stick, paddle, cane, wand, goad, staff, truncheon

tongkat aba-aba pemimpin musik : baton

tongkat bilyard : cue

tongkat kebesaran : mace

tongkat ketiak : crutch, crank

tongkat polisi : billy

tongkeng : rump

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tongkol jagung : corncab

tonjokan : hit with the fist

tontonan : spectacle

topan : cyclone, typhoon, tempest, gale

topeng : mask

topi : hat, topee

topi bayi : bonnet

topi manis : liqueur

topi perempuan : bonnet

torehan : incision

torehan pada kayu : nick

total : total

totok : genuine, original, native

tradisi : tradition

tradisional : traditional

tragis : tragic

trak : grille

traktor : tractor

tranfusi : transfusion

transaksi : transaction

transmigrasi : restrainment

trem : tram

trem listrik : trolley

trenggiling : ant-eater

trenyuh : moved to pity

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tresno : feel love

tribune : grandstand

tritunggal : trinity

tromol : canister

tropis : tropical

trotoar : sidewalk

truk : truck

tua : old, decrepit

tua renta : decrepit

tuan : lord, mister, gentleman

tuan-tuan : messrs

tuan rumah : master, host

tuan tanah : country-squire, land lord

tuan yang terhormat : esquire

tubrukan : crash, impact, collision

tubuh : corpus, body

tuding : index finger

tudingan : accusation, something which is pointed at

tuduhan : calumny, arraignment, impeachment, accusation

tudung : cover, veil

tugas : mission, chore, duty, task, assignment

tugu : obelisk, monument

tugu peringatan : cenotaph

tuhan : god, lord, deity

tujuan : objective, direction, destination, tenor, aim

tukang : artificer, craftsman, skilled laborer

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tukang arloji : watchmaker

tukang batu : mason, artisan

tukang bertaruh : better

tukang besi : artisan

tukang cat : house decorator

tukang cukur : barber

tukang emas : goldsmith

tukang es : iceman

tukang gas : gas fitter

tukang gertak : bully

tukang jagal : cutter

tukang kaca : glazier

tukang kayu : carpenter, artisan

tukang kebun : gardener

tukang kuda : groom

tukang kunci : locksmith

tukang las : welder

tukang lemari : cabinetmaker

tukang loak : rag-and-bone man, ragman, junkman, junkmen

tukang loper koran : paper boy

tukang memintal tali : cord maker

tukang menggugurkan kandungan : abortionist

tukang merayu : philanderer

tukang obat : quack

tukang pembuat cap : diesinker

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tukang pembuat pedati : cartwright

tukang pijat : masseur

tukang potong : cutter

tukang pukul : bouncer

tukang ramal : dowser

tukang rem : brakeman

tukang rombeng : badger

tukang roti : baker

tukang sampah : dustman

tukang semir sepatu : bootblack

tukang sepatu : cobbler

tukang sihir : witch, wizard, magician

tukang sihir wanita : witch

tukang sulap : consurer, magician

tukang tiru : copy cat

tukar menukar : swap

tukar menukar barang : barter

tulang : bone

tulang belakang : vertebra, backbone

tulang dada : breastbone

tulang kering : shin

tulang punggung : chine, back-bone, backbone

tulang rawan : gristle, cartilage

tulang rusuk : rib

tulang selangka : clavicle

tulang selangkang : collarbone

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tularan : contagion, someone or something that is infected

tulen : original, genuine

tuli : deaf

tuli pada sebelah telinga : deaf of an ear

tulis : write

tulisan : transcription, discourse, writing

tulisan-tulisan paku : cuneiform

tulisan bersifat mencela : diatribe

tulisan braille : braille

tulisan buruk : scarwl

tulisan indah : calligraph

tulisan miring : cursive

tulisan pada nisan : epitaph

tulisan tangan : long hand, hand-writing, handwriting

tulus : devout, candid

tulus hati : sincere, disinterested, wholehearted, aboveboard

tulus jujur : downright

tumbal : protective agent

tumbang : topple

tumbuh : grow, bud

tumbuh-tumbuhan : plant, asparagus

tumbuh-tumbuhan berduri : brier

tumbuh dengan subur : thrive

tumbuh lebih cepat : overgrow, outgrow

tumbuhan : plant

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tumbuhan yang tetap hijau : perennial

tumbukan : impact, subduction

tumit : heel

tumor : tumor

tumpah : spilled

tumpahan : something spilled, concentration

tumpang-tindih : overlapping

tumpangsari : intercropping

tumpu : footing, foothold, support, springboard

tumpuan : support, pillar, prop, focus, center

tumpuk : heap, pile, stack

tumpukan : pile, agglomeration, bank, stack, heap, mound

tumpul : blunt, dull, stupid, obtuse (of angles)

tumpur : ruined, destroyed, broke, peniless

tunaaksara : illiterate

tunabusana : naked, without clothing

tunadiri : without personality

tunai : cash

tunak : steady

tunakarya : unemployed

tunakawaca : barely dressed

tunakuasa : powerlessness

tunalaras : unsociable

tunanetra : blind

tunangan : fiance

tunarungu : deaf

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tunas : bud, shoot

tunasusila : immoral

tunawicara : mute

tunawisma : homeless, vagrant

tunduk : subject, compliant

tunduk kepada : defer to

tunggakan : arrears

tunggakan sewa rumah : back rent

tunggal : sole, singular

tunggang-langgang : flip-flap

tunggangan : mount, riding animal, carriage, vehicle

tunggul : stump

tungku perapian : furnace

tunjangan : subsidy, support, aid, allowance, alimony

tunjangan untuk hari tua : annuity

tunjuk : index finger, show something

tunjukan : indication

tunjung : lotus tree

tuntas : complete, total, thorough

tuntunan : guidance, see: petunjuk, pedoman

tuntutan : claim, assertion, demand

tuntutan balasan : counterclaim

tuntutan terakhir : ultimatum

tupai : squirrel

turbin : turbine

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turis : tourist

turun : descend, go down, dismount, down, drop

turun dari pesawat : deplane

turun tahta : abdicate

turun temurun : hereditary

turunan : derivative, descendant, copy, transcript

turunan inggris : anglosaxon

turunnya nilai : depriciation

turut : keep, follow

turut menandatangani : cosignatory

tusuk sanggul : bodkin

tusukan : jab, puncture, prick

tuts : key

tutup : bundlebung, cover, close

tutup kepala : headgear, hood

tutup tong : barrelhead

tutur : speech, talk

tutur-kata : words, phrases, sayings

tuturan : story, narrative, discourse, information

uang : brass, money, pocket book

uang bantuan : allowance

uang honor : honorarium

uang jajan : pocket money

uang kas : till-money

uang kembali : change

uang kertas : greenback, banknote

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uang kontan : cash

uang kuliah : tuition

uang minum : baksheesh

uang palsu : bad coin

uang panjar : earnest

uang persen : baksheesh

uang rokok : baksheesh

uang saku : pin money, pocket money

uang sogok : graft

uap : vapour, steam

uap lembab : moisture

uban : gray hair

ubi : batata, bulb

ubin : tile

ubin batu : pavement

ubun-ubun : crown (of head), fontanel, sinciput

ubur-ubur : jelly fish

ucapan : enunciation, utterance, remark

ucapan populer : slang

ucapan selamat : congratulation

ucapan syukur melalui doa : benediction

udang : lobster, shrimp

udara : aero, air

udara dingin : chill, low

udara murni : ozone

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udara yang mengelilingi bumi : aerospace, atmosphere

udel : navel

ujar : ejaculation

uji : test

ujian : examination, test, ordeal

ujian penghabisan : leaving examination

ujub : arrogant, boastful, proud

ujung : edge, tip, end, point

ujung-ujungnya : finally, at last, at the end of

ujung jari kaki : tiptoe

ujung panah : arrowhead

ujung pena : nib

ujung penghabisan : terminus

ujung pisau : knifepoint

ujung tali sepatu dari logam : aglet

ukir : carve, engrave

ukir-mengukir : carve repeatedly

ukiran : basrelief

ukuran : size, calibre, dimension, gauge, measure, norm

ukuran bedil : calibre

ukuran keliling : girth

ukuran mata : optometry

ukuran senjata api : calibre

ukuran standard : criterion

ukuran sudut : azimuth

ukuran takaran 36 l : bushel

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ukuran tanah (4072 m2) : acre

ukuran tanah 80 yar persegi : acre

ulah : behavior, act, manner, way

ulama : mufti

ulangan : quiz, repeat, encore

ular : snake, serpent

ular berbisa : viper, adder, asp, rattler

ular kobra : cobra

ular sanca : phyton

ulasan : comment

ulat : catterpilar, worm, maggot

ulat bulu : woolly-bear

ulayat : region, zone, canton

ulet : steadfast, perseverant

ulu-ulu : official responsible for irrigation

ulung : superior

ulur : bondsman

ulur-uluran : engraving

uluran : assistance, contribution

uluran : part of rope which has been payed out, slackening

umat islam seluruh dunia : panislam

umat manusia : mankind

umat manusia : humanity

umbi rambat : yam

umpan : decoy, bait

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umpat : traducement

umpatan : shit, detraction

umum : common, public, generalgeneric, prevalent

umur : old, age

umur belasan : tenage

undang-undang : canon, edict, act

undang-undang dasar : constitution

undangan : invitation

undi : lot

undian : lottery

unek-unek : discontent, complain

unggas : poultry, fowl

unggul : superior

unggulan : someone or something considered superior

ungkapan : phrase, expression

ungkapan atau curahan hati : effusion

ungkapan dari bahasa ingrris : anglicism

ungkapan pelembut : euphemism

ungu : violet

unik : unique

universal : universal

universitas : university, college

unjuk : show something, inform, demonstrate

unjuk-rasa : demonstration

unjukrasa : demonstration, protest

unsur : factor, element, particle

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unta : camel

untai sajak : couplet

untuk : for, to

untuk selanjutnya : henceforth

untung : lucky, fortunate, profit, fortune, luck

untung-untungan : bull, chancy

untungnya : fortunately

untut : elephantiasis

unyai : softly, gently

upacara : ceremony, ceremonial, rite

upacara misa : mass

upacara penerimaan ijasah : graduation

upacara pengukuhan : inaugural

upah : wage, pay

upah borongan : piece rate

upam : polish, burnish

upaman : something polished or burnished

upaya : means, expedient, efforts

upeti : tribute

uraian : paraphrase, description

uraian alasan : argument

urat : vein, muscle

urat-urat lutut : hamstring

urat daging : tendon

urat darah halus : vein

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urat nadi : aorta, jugular vein

urgen : urgent

uring-uringan : grumpy

urug : bury

urun-rembug : participate in decision making

urunan : contribution, contribute

urung-urung : culvert

urus : care, nurse

urus-urus : purgative, laxative

urusan : affair

urusan usaha dagang : business

urut-urutan : medley

urutan : ordinal, tread, arrangement

usaha : effort, venture, endeavour

usaha penjagaan : safeguard

usang : effete, worn out, out of date

usapan : sweep, chuck

usia : age

usil : annoying

usilan : annoyance, bothering

uskup : bishop

uskup tertinggi : primate

uskup utama : archbishop

ustad : lord, master, schoolmaster, teacher

ustadah : term of address for female Islamic teacher

ustadz : term of address for Islamic teacher, lord, master

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ustadzah : lihat: ustadah

ustaz : lihat: ustadz, ustad

ustazah : lihat: ustadah

usul : proposal, motion

usul perbaikan : amendment

usus : gut, bowel

usus besar : bowels, colon

usus buntu : appendix

usut : trace

utama : major, prime, primary, predominant

utara : north

utuh : whole, intact

utusan : delegate, mission, deputation, envoi, messenger

uzur : feeble, weak, sickly

vaksin : vaccine

vakum : vacuum

valensi : valence

vanili : vanilla

variasi : variation

vaselin : vaseline

velbed : cot

ventilasi : ventilation

versi : version

veto : veto

vihara : vihara

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visuil : visual

vokal : vowel

w.c : toilet

wabah : epidemic

wacana : word, expression, discourse

wadah : bowl, basin

waduk air : reservoir

wafat : die, death, pass away, fade away

wah : gosh, why, well, oh, say

wahai : ah, alas

wahana : mode, vehicle

wahyu : apocalypse, revelation, vision

wajah : face, countenance

wajan : pan, casserole, wok

wajar : natural, real, genuine, proper, without deceit

wajib : must, obligatory, duty, obligation

wajib pajak : assessable

wakaf : religious alms

wakil : representative, deputy, alternate, vice, agent

waktu : time

waktu itu : then

waktu jeda : interval

waktu lalu : elapse

waktu luang : spare time, leisure

waktu malam : afterdark

waktu sekarang : now, indicative

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waktu tidur : bedtime

walaupun : although, despite, albeit

walet : swallow

walhasil : consequently

wali : trustee, executor

wali gereja : prelate

walikota : burgomaster

walikota : mayor

wamil : militia

wangi : odorous, fragrant

wangi-wangian : perfume

wangsit : divine inspiration

wanita : woman, women, lady

wanita genit : coquette

waralaba : franchise

waras : healthy, recovered

warga : denizen

warga : member, class

warga negara : citizen

waris : heir

warisan : heir

warisan : inheritance, legacy, bequest

warna : tint, colour, tinge, hue

warna coklat : tan, brown

warna hijau : green

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warna kuning sawo : amber

warna lembayung : violet

warna metalik : chrome

warna putih : white

warna ungu : purple

wartawan : reporter, journalist, corespondent

wartawan : presser

warung : stall, shop, booth

was-was : see: waswas

wasiat : last will, testament

wasilah : see: perantaraan

wasit : referee, arbitrator, umpire, arbiter

waskita : clairvoyant, psychic

waspada : qui, watchful, wide awake, vigilant, attentive

wastafel : washbasin, bathroom sink

waswas : anxious, uneasy to the point of being suspicious

watak : temper, disposition, character, nature

wawancara : interview

wawasan : insight, perception, cooncept

wayang : puppet

wayang golek : wooden puppet

wayang kulit : leather puppet

wayang orang : human puppet

wedang jahe : ginger-pop

wejangan : instruction, advise

weker : alarm

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wesel : money order, draft

weselbor : swicthboard

wewenang : have the authority to, have the power to

wibawa : authority, power

wilayah : zone, canton

wiski : whisky, scotch

wiski soda : highball

wisuda : graduation

wol halus : cashmere

wong : people, human

wortel : carrot

wudhu : ablution, ritual washing

wujud : being, existence, entity

ya : yes

ya tuhan : o god

yahudi : jew, jewish

yahya : john

yaitu : that is, i.e., namely, viz

yakin : assured

yakis : baboon

yakni : that is, viz

yang : that, which

yang berwajib : the authorities

yang berwenang : the authorities

yang mana : which

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yang penting : cardinal

yar : yard

yatim : fatherless, orphan

yayasan : foundation, institution, establishment

yodium : iodine

yoga : meditation

yogia : proper, fitting

yogya : proper, fitting

yunani : Greek, Greece

zabur : psalmody

zahid : ascetic

zaitun : olive

zakar : penis

zakat : obligatory alms, charity

zaman : age, era

zaman kuno : antiquity

zamrud : emerald

zamzam : water from Mecca's sacred well

zat : substance

zat asam : oxygen

zat asam garam : hydrochloric

zat cair : fluid

zat keju : casein

zat lemas : nitrogen

zat padat : solid

zat perangsang nafsu birahi : aphrodisiac

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zat warna : pigment

zat yang dapat membakar kulit : caustic

zat yang mengecilkan : astringent

zepplin : airship

zikir : lihat: dzikir

zina : adulterate, unchastity, adultery, fornication

zinah : adultery, fornication, adulterate, unchastity

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September 2000

©Germain Garand pour la mise en HTML et en RocketEditiontm

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