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Elementally, speaking…Fire. Hot. Brazen. Passionate.

Fire animates all of life, bringing vital life force to the From the Mouths of
cold of winter or dark of night. Fire likes to spread out and take Venus in Leo Babes:
up space by generously offering its heat, light and warmth to
“To me, the whole process of
the tribe of humanity. Fire brings light to the darkness, by being a brush stroke in
boldly burning off the unknown and bringing light and warmth. someone else's painting is a
Fire is theatrical. Like a showgirl or a circus clown fire gestures, little difficult.”
see what I can do?! fire loves to be watched. Fire is not
“A lot of people are afraid to
humble, speaking in exclamations, confidently taking up space: say what they want. That's
"Look at me!" "Notice me!" as it dances, leaps, licks, and plays. why they don't get what they
Fire can be glorious and proud and yet fire is primal. After all, want.”
fire-watching was likely the first original movie night; cavemen
and cave women all huddled around the fire pit with bellies “I'm tough, ambitious, and I
know exactly what I want. If
full, watching fire making figures on the cave wall. The first that makes me a bitch, okay.”
lovers probably also found out that under the warm romantic
glow, they look better by virtue of proximity to fire. Fire both “Listen, everyone is entitled to
flatters and warms, just as Venus in Leo born do for those my opinion.”
around them.
“I am my own experiment. I
am my own work of art.”
Your Secret Desire:
“I have the same goal I've had
To bring aliveness, joy, spontaneity and a spirit of ever since I was a girl. I want
creative celebration to the planetary party! You have to rule the world.”
something original to offer, be it affection & appreciation or an
“Better to live one year as a
art form, it’s no secret that everyone you meet falls
tiger, than a hundred as a
immediately, wildly, affectionately and expressly in love with sheep.”
YOU (or at least really, really deep like).
“Poor is the man whose
pleasures depend on the
Your Love Charms: permission of another.” -
• Your signature style: which no other can replicate, but Madonna
everyone tries to emulate. Work it. Coco said, “A girl should

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