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First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2010, Copyright © 2010 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved.

No part of this material may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of
dedicated publications are normally given in italics.

From Coruscant to Naboo, this horoscope is for you

Copyright © 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


Divorce existed before 2007 JJ43 hit President Obama's 7th house, as presented in detail
within our recent dedicated series of publications. The natal horoscope in itself has
nothing to do with divorcei, since every direction triggers it. Among a couple of hundreds
of directions, 360 are considered basic; the most reliable among them being the
secondary angular direction. Directions and dwarf planets in the 7th house are like
malware: hard to detect and fend off, even and particularly by a 32nd degree Mason.


Search for the following publications or study topic.

a) 2007 JJ43
b) Lamia

c) 1992 QB1
d) Venus square Neptune

e) Dwarf Planets in the 7th House

f) Marriage Magick
g) Marriage Rendering Tools

Besides the classic Venus square Neptune direction, we had examples dating 1992,
namely 1992 QB1 on the 7th house cusp. This very position happened on 9-11, along with
a precise zero altitude by Eris in Cetus. The Osama-like new-yorker Moon in Orion has
witnessed a classic divorce horoscope on 9-11.


Lamia is the nemesis of the 7th house cusp when signifying Down syndrome along with
fatal divorce, as mutation is punished among humans. Pluto with Lamia announced the
jihad just years ago, as coupled with Varuna and Jupiter in Gemini, the twin towers. But
astrologers never knew where Jupiter stood: days before 9-11 they gave us “peace and
prosperity for the nation with the entrance of Jupiter in Cancer”. Let us hope they don't
treat you or your marriage likewise. Is there any?

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1981 - 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from
The Sun * is in Virgo for Halloween
It is in Libra on Nov 23rd
Sai Baba's birthday
Do as people do: follow your own star *

Be the transit you want in the world now!

Bad transits are the matter of the past.
Change your horoscope for the best!
Materialize whatever you wish for in minutes
with the Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
i Or life in general: all is dictated by the directions.

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