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wi th th ei r h eads up th ei r

We s te r n C a na d a T ur fg r as s A s s o c i at io n. This cowardly and in-

ept trade association has boasted that it has NO POSITION
its members are facing disaster, despair, and destitution.

This attitude of denial is UNACCEPTABLE. A failure to act

NOW will be lethal and final for B r i t is h C o l um b i a, and will have
a resounding impact across C a n ad a. Future generations will
ask the question ─ « What the hell was wrong with you ? »

On Se p te m b e r 2 0 t h 2 0 0 1 , in an address to a joint
session of Congress following the 9/11 attacks, U . S.
President G e o r g e W. B us h made the following in-
spirational statement. ▬

< < Either you are with us, or you are with
the terrorists. >>

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