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(ittached to this letter is section 11.6(a) 0 tre Plan, which governs your righ to a iaere committee's decision, You may appea tc the Plan's Retire Board by fing rooster nf aquest for review with the Retirement Bard at this othe care 60 days of your Trpaibt of this letter. You should also submit writte commante documents and any'ciher information thet YOu believe shows you aually io the 1968 Credited Season. "’he Retirement Board willtake into account al avaliaty iRformation was available or presented to the mmitiee.’ Please note that il the : lew, you may then bring a civil action under section 502(a) of the Employee Retiremin| Ineog Security Act of 1974, as incerely, ‘S4rah unt Plan Ditector SEG:GLG:cit ~ cc: Michele Yaras-Davis Valerie Gross Enclosure leryland 21202.20a0 10-288-006% July 22, 2005 Gordon A. Wrinht Re: Credited Season Request Dear Mr. Wright: Plan section 1.10 provides, in r elevant par, { 12! “Credited Season" means a Plen Year in which a Player “() is an Active Player on it 3 late cf tresce more Games 1970, is i () after April 1, 1970, is injured in the coursercre, Ip! of his employment and by recs sr of such injury receives payment = number of Gameewhich ae peceaso the number sf Samesin such Plan vee foe 2 he otherwise has credit, totals three or more ar (¢) sfi31 reporting to at least one oft :1 pocoeason training camp or official practice sessior sring such Plan Year, (1) dies (3) becomes totally and permanently disableg NGBr Sevtion 8. (a) or Section 5.1(b), ov {4} incurs a dlsabilty that qualifies for'a beneit mers scion 6.1." met Be may, recall you previously requested ih 19518 Credited Season, and tre Retirement Board denied that request atits January 17, 2002 and. July 18, 2002 meetings The July 18, 2002 denial was a final denial, and you v'8'2 adv sed of the decision by lett; ated July 28, 2002 (copy enclosed). In suspo4 ct ! current request, you subnitice Feproal records from 1967, 1969, and 2002, sre 0: Papel article dated November 31), 1967. It appears that these documents relate to the sarie paws toe you made on app Frocoraeere inured while you were unde: vantisel fe me 1968 season, tet Ais July 13, 2008 meeting, the Retirement Bc ard reviewed your arguments, your Nit fSCord, end the other evidence in yours” Th» Retirament Board found that t Gecitional material you have submitted Hoes St She ge its tinalysis of your claim. .a, forgnbed in the July 29, 2002 letter, your NFL reget cates that you signed a contre [or the 1968 season, but you were waived oh uly 2«, ° 968, before the regular seas, Gegan. Accordingly, the Retirement Board dereroac, that you were not an Active Playa: Haine date of three or more Games inthe 1968 sees he Ratirement Board also found mat there is no evidence that you received poysaay cilulvalen: to your salary for three >: more Games, and that you did gr gngcome totally and p a nancnitly disabled soc Section RU) oF Section 5.1(b) or incur a disablity tony uals for‘a benefit under Section 6 1 Accordingly, the Fretrement Board determined that oun donot quay sere Crediteci GRGOM Ava Anil (200) 461-602" Bia@groom com October 10, #108 Gordan A. Wright Dear Mr. Wright: We are counsel to the Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NF . “layer Retirement Plan ("Plan"). Wis respond to your recent correspondence with the Plan O} ic requ:sting a Credited Season fer 1968 As you know, you have requested a Credited Se scn for 1968 twice before. The Retirement Board first considered your request in 2002. tits Jemvary 17, 2002 meeting, the Retirement Board determined that you do not meet the 1:q tiements for the 1968 Credited Season and denied your request. You appealed that dec sivm, anc had the opportunity to preset any and all evidence or argument in support of your apr ra. At its July 18, 2002 meeting, the Retirement Board again concluded that you do not meet th requirements for the 1968 Cred tcc ‘Season and denied your appeal. ‘You reapplied for the 1968 Credited Season in 2.10.i, and submitted additional medica: records and a newspaper article in support of your applivat on. The Retirement Board again considered your eligibility for the 1968 Credited Season cimoluded that you still do not mect die requirements for that Credited Season, and denied your: squest. Although you hed the opportunity to request an appeal, you did not appeal that denial. 4 copy of the Plan's July 2?, 2005 letter explaining its denial is attached. In sum, the Retirement Board has considered you ¢ 2equest for the 1968 Credited Season on three occasions, and has repeatedly concluded that yc u:lo not mcet the requirements for ht Credited Season. The Retirement Board's most recent dij ion on the matter, in 2005, is tow a final decision and is not subject to further review. Sin zty, ~Alv. CAnillo Enclosure cc: Cynthia Timpson Gnoow Taw GRour, CHAR E1150 ‘TOL Benneyvania Ave, NW. * Washingt, [).C. 20006-5814 sen nopmertaven srrnseoroow warn ccrowx2°2-657-0620° Bin 202.659.4503 prom

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