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Zain has RM3 001. Which of the following can he buy?

 A television and a washing machine.
 A radio and 2 washing machines.
 A radio and 2 televisions.
 A television and 2 radios.

 11 RM100 notes + 15 RM50 notes + 3 RM10 notes + 6 RM1 notes =

 RM1 886
 RM1 786
 RM1 386
 RM1 156

 Which of the following gives the sum of RM6 000?

  RM1 000 + RM1 450 + RM2 550
 RM1 680 + RM3 000 + RM2 320
 RM2 000 + RM2 190 + RM1 810
 RM3 000 + RM2 060 + RM1 040

 RM10 159.40 ÿ RM1 812.95 =

 RM8 346.45
 RM8 346.55
 RM9 346.45
 RM9 346.55

 Which of the following is  correct?

 14 ¢ RM38.45 = RM538.30
 9 ¢ RM77.10 = RM633.90
 100 ¢ RM0.97 = RM97.00
 20 ¢ RM83 = RM1 660
v RM12 000 = 60 RM100 notes + 80 RM50 notes + RM5 notes
What is the missing number in the box?

 RM10 000 ± RM573 ± RM2 608.10 =

 RM6 818.90
 RM6 828.10
 RM6 919.90
 RM6 975.10

 Divide RM69 052.25 by 25.

 RM3 411.01
 RM3 025
 RM2 826.90
 RM2 762.09

 7 ¢ RM8 471.20 =
 RM62 174.30
 RM59 298.40
 RM57 807.20
 RM56 143.50

 0.8 ¢ RM42 345 =

 RM3 387.20
 RM3 387.60
 RM33 872
 RM33 876

 RM2 435.10 D 6 ¢ 4 =
 RM1 623.40
 RM1 634.10

 RM35 200 + RM9 540.10 + RM420.80 =

 RM45 060.90
 RM45 160.90
  RM46 160.90
 RM86 820.10
 Azmi shared a profit of RM40 900 equally with his 4 business partners. Find
Azmi¶s share of the profit. 
 RM1 225
 RM8 108
 RM8 180
 RM10 225

 The cost of a diamond necklace is RM12 430. To make a profit of RM6 850, what
is the selling price of the necklace?
 RM5 580
 RM6 680
 RM18 280
 RM19 280

 The incomplete bill shows the items bought by Anita .

  ! "#$ % # "#$ 

1 kg Rice
2 bottles Drink RM0.85 RM1.70
3 tins Sardine RM1.80 RM5.40

Anita paid with a RM10 note and received RM0.50 change. How much was
a kilogram of rice?
 RM1.20  RM2.40
 RM1.45  RM2.90

v The price of a video camera is RM3 475. A diamond necklace costs 7 times as
much as the video camera. Find the price of the diamond necklace.
  RM496  RM21 325
 RM498  RM24 325

 Jamal paid RM34 246.80 to buy 42 handphones. What was the cost of
30 handphones?
  RM20 462  RM24 662
 RM24 462  RM24 862

 Mr Ramli has a savings of RM47 574 in a bank. He withdraws RM15 789 to pay
for his house. How much savings does he have left?
  RM31 785  RM41 668
 RM38 589  RM45 996
 The profit from the sale of a car is RM4 500. If the car costs RM68 956, what is
the selling price of the car?
 RM51 325  RM73 456
 RM64 456  RM74 654

 The table shows the prices of three items.

 ! "#$ 
Piano RM11 358
Sofa RM6 500
Computer RM3 642

If Angela has RM15 000, what can she buy with it?
 Piano only
 Sofa only
 Piano and computer only
 Piano and sofa only


 Write µfifty-one thousand eight hundred ringgit and twenty-five sen¶ in


 Write RM60 075 in words.

 80 RM100 notes + 40 RM50 notes + 10 RM10 notes

+ 50 RM5 notes =

 RM6 214.30 + RM39 507.80 =

 RM100 000ÿRM38 140 =

v Solve 30 ¢ RM576.80.

 Divide RM42 866.80 by 8.

 RM42 000 D 3 ¢ 7 =

 Mr Tan has RM20 000. He buys a set of furniture for RM12 500 and a computer
for RM4 600. What is the balance of his money?

 The total price of 2 identical pianos is RM29 000. What is the total price of 5 such

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