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By mauriziostefani
Created 15/07/2008 - 21:33

BLOG Electronics Firmware Other

Historically the basic group which I was working started with Altera technology and so there is a
branch “love” towards this society although Xilinx (the competitor), even advance as presentation
of programmable components on field, has similar technology if not better (the two companies
are chasing each other with the last component). It is also true that the Altera development
system is free and this pushes to their easily.
For that I will use Altera design sw for this examples.

Today we can not suggest MaxPlus (the old Altera development system) because it is no more
supported and it is abandoned because due to the missing compatibility with the new
components, it is used for old project only.
We download the Quartus 7.x version, available now the v8, ( [1] having a fast
Internet connection), then we require a license (it’s free, and will expire 3 months later, it’s
connected to the MAC address of the network board ) and we install everything.
It is advisable to make a directory in Quartus area to contain all the licenses that we're going to
After installing everything I would test some program to make sure that we have successfully
installed the program, perhaps using some small example available on the site or network
( [2]).

Our first program

Although this is not a course and I am not a teacher, it’s necessary to use a vocabulary of
common terms and the simplest is to comment a small program. I would have chosen an
up-down counter.
In first lines there are some comments, in VHDL “—“ is used as start of comment, the comment
lasts until the end of the line (the VHD source code is attached)
-- General Counter
then we have the libraries declaration, VHDL is a strong typed language it means that each
variable assumes a “type” and than will be available only operations allowed by that type. The
arithmetics libraries will be more used and they will have to be declared and enabled to be used,
normally I add the lpm Altera library also for the Altera macros.
LIBRARY ieee, lpm, altera_mf;
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
USE lpm.lpm_components.ALL;

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USE altera_mf.altera_mf_components.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
Now we have to declare the entity, this is the most high level of our project and in practice is the
I/O project.
ENTITY counter IS
res : in std_logic;
clock : in std_logic;
data_in : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
data_out : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
ctr : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)
END counter ;
I think we can do without comment the pins names of our HW.
The architecture follows entity - this part of the program is the body of the program itself and
contains all the used variables, shared by the various modules that compose the architecture
ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF counter IS
SIGNAL ctr_i : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal data_out_i : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
As soon as we define the architecture declaration we can take in consideration the real body.
There are no fixed rules, it depends on the project and previous experience. I try to divide the
project in several sections, usually a section is a file, in a section there are one or more
processes. Every process has two parts: combinatorial logic and sequential logic.
But this is not mandatory, and everyone is free to organize the project, the best advice I can give
is subdivide everything as much as possible.
If the design is divided into more files or more projects we can can compile and simulate each
separately and then we can easily form a final project.Given the simplicity of the project, the
architecture will be based on a single process.

The program is compiled and we can procede with the simulation (there are no rules; just follow
the advices). Because we divided our program in many files, is possible to simulate them one at
a time and this allows us an easier tweak; you have to consider that all files of each section will
have the same root, i.e. if the project is called "p" it is:
- a P.vhd that will be the source file;
- a P.wwf that will be the stimula files (we don’t take into consideration the stimula through
commands because they are more difficult to use)'
- a series of files produced by the compiler named
Let’s return to the simulation file, usually I insert in first place the reset and then the clock (if
necessary more than one). Other signals follow making sure to put first the input and then the
corresponding output. Help yourselves with appropriate separators between the various areas of
To insert a signal is better to select the visibility on all nodes and then select which we are
searching for, you will pay the penalty of having very long names but all signals are shown.
In some cases it happens that the signal is not visible to the simulator, what usually happens is
that for an error the compilator remove the signal because it does not produce any output;
nomally is easy to understand why the signal has been removed (the signal is declared but not
used, or whatever the value is that can' take the logic does not change..); in some more difficult
cases all you have to do is to hook the signal to a external test pin and study why the compilator
removed it.

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In our simulation I used:

- the reset;
- the clock;
- the signal mode (composed of 3 bit), respectively for hold,count-up,count-down and load;
- the input signal composed of 12 bit;
- the output signal composed of 12 bit.
In attached you’ll find the entire Quartus project to test.

Note 1: McGraw Hill - VHDL Programming by Example 4th Ed.pdf, Vhdl Reference Manual.pdf

Attachment Size
vhdl [4] 347.85 KB


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