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J axplain the concept of financial leverage.
J Discuss the alternative measures of financial
J Understand the risk and return implications of
financial leverage.
J Analyse the combined effect of financial and
operating leverage.
J Highlight the difference between operating
risk and financial risk.

By Akash saxena
J ^he term capital structure is used to represent
the proportionate relationship between debt
and equity.
J ^he various means of financing represent the
financial structure of an enterprise. ^he left-
hand side of the balance sheet (liabilities plus
equity) represents the financial structure of a
company. ^raditionally, short-term borrowings
are excluded from the list of methods of
financing the firm¶s capital expenditure.

By Akash saxena
J How should the investment project be financed?
J Does the way in which the investment projects are
financed matter?
J How does financing affect the shareholders¶ risk,
return and value?
J Does there exist an optimum financing mix in terms
of the maximum value to the firm¶s shareholders?
J Can the optimum financing mix be determined in
practice for a company?
J What factors in practice should a company consider
in designing its financing policy?

By Akash saxena
J ^he use of the fixed-charges sources of funds, such
as debt and preference capital along with the owners¶
equity in the capital structure, is described as
J ^he financial leverage employed by a company is
intended to earn more return on the fixed-charge
funds than their costs. ^he surplus (or deficit) will
increase (or decrease) the return on the owners¶
equity. ^he rate of return on the owners¶ equity is
levered above or below the rate of return on total

By Akash saxena
J ½ 
J ½ 

J ^he first two measures of financial leverage can be
expressed either in terms of book values or market
values. ^hese two measures are also known as
measures of   
J ^he third measure of financial leverage, commonly
known as 
 ^he reciprocal of interest
coverage is a measure of the firm¶s   

By Akash saxena
|  | 




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By Akash saxena
J ^he primary motive of a company in using financial
leverage is to magnify the shareholders¶ return under
favourable economic conditions. ^he role of financial
leverage in magnifying the return of the shareholders¶
is based on the assumptions that the fixed-charges
funds (such as the loan from financial institutions and
banks or debentures) can be obtained at a cost lower
than the firm¶s rate of return on net assets (RONA or
J a , ROa and ROI are the important figures for
analysing the impact of financial leverage.

By Akash saxena
a &


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J Ôor calculating ROa either the book value or

the market value equity may be used.
By Akash saxena
a   a 
J ^he firm is considering Ô  

two alternative financial



J Π) either to raise the entire
.a *" #$"$$$ #$"$$$
funds by issuing 50,000 a 
ordinary shares at Rs 10 #¦  " / $ 01"2$$
per share, or
0.  *"  a 3 #$"$$$ 4#"2$$
J ( ) to raise Rs 250,000 by /
issuing 25,000 ordinary ¦  *" a   / 5$"$$$ "#2$
shares at Rs 10 per share 2. *"  a 3 5$"$$$ "#2$
/ 3 
and borrow Rs 250,000 at
5." 6 5$"$$$ 14"12$
15 per cent rate of /
interest. 1./! , " 2$"$$$ #2"$$$

J ^he tax rate is 50 per 4¦ a  a 3 / 3   .#$ .52

cent. 7¦ &
a a 3 / 3  
#.$8 5.28

By Akash saxena
a &





By Akash saxena
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By Akash saxena


affects a firm¶s operating
profit (aBI^).
J ^he 
 † '( 


(DOL) is defined as the
percentage change in  '( '( 
the earnings before  
interest and taxes
relative to a given
percentage change in

By Akash saxena

 affects a firm¶s operating
profit (aBI^), while    
profit after tax or the earnings per share.
J ^ 
          

By Akash saxena

J ^he 
 (DCL) is
given by the following equation:
† '(  † ' † '

†  † '(  † 
J another way of expressing the degree of
combined leverage is as follows:
è  ü è  ü ü è  ü
è   ü ü è   ü ü ü / è   ü ü ü /

By Akash saxena
J ^he variability of aBI^ and a  distinguish between
two types of risk²
 and   
 can be defined as the variability of
aBI^ (or return on total assets). ^he environment²
internal and external²in which a firm operates
determines the variability of aBI^
J ^he variability of aBI^ has two components:
J variability of sales
J variability of expenses
J ^he variability of a  caused by the use of financial
leverage is called   

By Akash saxena

J We can use two measures of risk:
J tandard deviation and
J Coefficient of variation.
- # a  a  ü  a   #   a # ü  a   # #    a  r ü  a   # r


 r ü  a   #

 a  a     a  #  #    a  r r a
 r r

By Akash saxena

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