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100 Most Popular Halloween Costumes (2010) and some Halloween Advice

This list courtesy of Costumzee.

The numbers to the right is a costume's ranking "this week" and then "last week.
It horrifies me to think of the possibility of encountering The Situation from J
ersey Shore on the street everywhere. Even for one night. I hope they provide co
mplimentary barf bags with that costume.
And it's no surprise that guys' favorite costumes are all about their ability to
be 1) Transvestite for a Night (and probably suck someone's dick and then blame
it on the costume and the beer) or 2) Any character they think women fantasize
about getting banged by.
I'm sure more men than women (and not all of them gay) will go as Lady Gaga and
more women (not all of them lesbians) will go as Justin Bieber.
I'm totally impressed that The Nightmare Before Christmas is still ranked that h
Shows you what a great movie that really was!
OMFG Rainbow Brite's still pretty high. I LOVE Joel McHale's Rainbow Brite!
Who the hell goes as an Eskimo? That's racist and so not funny. (Okay, unless yo
u bring a seal or you have your wife play the old woman who is no longer of any
use who you are setting adrift on an ice floe). I mean if you're going to show b
ad taste, please show REALLY bad fucking taste. Or bring a doll for infanticide.
I know they don't do that anymore by the way. So nobody needs to correct me on
that, thanks!
Going as Chucky is so not going to get you laid. You will get laughs but people
will give you a wide berth.
The women are sensibly picking "fuck me" costumes. It's fun to be Whore for a Ni
With guys, it's not that big a change.
"Adult Barbie." Good luck pulling that one off. I read somewhere that if Barbie
were a real woman (with the dimensions the doll has) she would have to be nine f
eet tall. No bull. That's SCIENCE, people!
A lot of these costumes (MAD HATTER, JERSEY SHORE, LEPRECHAUN, 80s) etc. are a g
ood cover if you are going to be doing coke. Other party goers will just think y
ou're acting.
The ones that seem too tired to do this year on the list are: (hate to say it) H
ello Kitty, Moulin Rouge (who the fuck will even recognize your costume!), Micke
y and Minnie (give it up already), Cheerleader and White Go-Go boots (it's okay
to be a whore but do you have to be a hackneyed whore?) A bunch of others on thi
s list tired too. Too many to mention actually. Little Bo Peep? Yawn. Gypsy guy?
Sexy as a staph infection. Pirate? I think Brad is gay...try him. Any costume f
rom the older Batman movies dates you as not au courant. Old. And no one wants t
o get laid by a Batman who has to go piss every forty minutes. (There's really n
o way to turn Christian Bale's Batman meltdown into a good costume idea. I wish
there were, but there is not.)
Of course, it's not just the costume. It's whether the person can pull it off. S
o much of this is physique and personality. Duh.
Halloween is a great bacchanal. It probably should really happen around the time
the old Roman Saturnalia was celebrated (late December) rather than October. Be
cause we would all be deeper into winter and hating it. And that would mean we w
ould be hornier too probably. So the sexy release of Halloween would be more app
reciated then. But of course getting laid that close to Christmas doesn't allow
for much "forgiveness" time if the lay occurred with a party guest who happened
not to be your wife, hubby or siggie other. Or if an orgy occurred (also very li
kely at or after Halloween parties) the memory might be too fresh and weird to b
e bumping into Christmas. Best leave Halloween indiscretions in October then. Al
ways respect the emotional blood drying period. So I renounce my idea.
Going as a German?! That's so funny. The next time I meet a German guy or gal, I
'm going to say "Did you realize you're such a freak that you're a Halloween cos
And "Mexican" is also on here. They're just hilarious. Those Mexicans. Why not J
apanese? Norwegian? Canadian (with your head split like on South Park). Racists
love them a good Halloween, yes they do.
Do they go as an "American" over there? All you need to do is carry around a ste
ering wheel with a cell phone glued to your ear. No, I mean like literally glued
there. So when you take your hand away, the cell phone fucking stays there. And
maybe have a ketchup-upped Cabbage Patch doll hanging from a rope over your bac
k for your pedestrian victim because you couldn't stop talking on your goddamn p
hone about last night's Jersey Shore long enough to notice that humans are now l
argely terrestrial and no longer arboreal creatures.
Oh, and I am so proud that RENO 911 made the list. Love that show to death. I sa
w those costumes when I was in the Spirit Halloween store around here the other
day. That's a great store. I STILL want one of those creepy children automatons.
They are so fucking awesome. It would probably give me nightmares. It's probabl
y bad luck to bring one of those things in the house. Superstitious much?
Penis is on the list, but I'm sure many will personalize that to Brett Favre's p
enis. It would be cool to go as the actual cell phone and have the picture of th
e penis on your "screen" on your front. Sesame Street characters. Everyone loves
a drunk and nasty Oscar in his own garbage can. Especially if he or she can do
the voice. Sesame Streets are oldies but goodies. Their innocence is good decept
ive cover to move in close in and work your intended up to "doing the damn thing
." I think the fact that neither Sesame Street nor Simpsons characters are on th
is list tells you that Costumzee doesn't have those for sale. Because those are
Other costumes not on the list that people will probably go as: Duh. Any televis
ion character from any show you can think of. Any celebrity. (P.S. Michael Jacks
on is in bad taste this year still. Even Dead MJ. Because he was already dead in
"Thriller," otherwise it might be funny in that sick way of yours.) Food from t
he fridge or fast food or candy. Everyone wants candy. That's why they sang that
song. This will often work if you can pull it off with a convincing costume. Go
od ideas here would be Fries, Taco (oh and the Taco Bell Chihuhua is good for ge
tting laid), Cheez Whiz, Gummy Bear, Gummy Anything. You get the idea.
If you go as Angelina Jolie make yourself into a baby tree. Have babies stapled
all over your costume.
WEIRDIES BUT GOODIES: That Cat Shrine Cat with Its Paw Raised like Stokely Carmi
chael, Mary Bale the Cat Assassin of YouTube (you need trashcan and kitten), a D
ime Bag of Pot, a Cocaine Mirror (ah, the Eighties!), a Puffin, Birth Control, T
he Abortion Pill.
If you are an office nerd, the following costumes from the list below might get
you laid (because they will be funny on you): Ladybug. Hello Kitty (okay, you're
the exception for this). Giraffe, Dinosaur. Anything that will play up your mis
sed cuteness. Women (and gay men if you are so oriented) are drawn to a shy guy
who is stepping up his game a little with hope in his starved little heart. Espe
cially if these women are piss-themselves drunk. And don't worry. They will be.
DO NOT go as Jersey Shore or anything buff. No Gladiator for you. The disparity
between you and this costume will only lead to pathos and will only cause you to
be universally shunned. Don't get too drunk as a drunk nerd may start to remini
sce about high school. And then any hope of getting laid is over. No woman wants
to end up sitting on a bed after a Halloween party listening to a Strindberg pl
ay. But do the above and moistness might happen. Do not go as anything female as
this will just convince people that you're so quiet in the office because you'r
e gay, not because you're shy. You will get the WRONG attention all night. The o
ffice closet cases will be grabbing your ass every chance they get. Do not go as
a dwarf, gnome, troll, leprechaun or anything like that. Nothing LOTR. Duh. Tha
t instantly marks you as needing anal attention STAT. Plus, if you do, that will
be your new office nickname. For LIFE, buddy. It's bad enough without being cal
led Frodo or Merry by every guy standing at the urinal next to you on the Monday
after the party. You walk a fine line. Never forget that. Pray that nobody at y
our party goes as a NERD, because otherwise this could turn out poorly. Very poo
rly indeed. Someone playing your everyday existence up as a costume, I mean.
Deer should be on my list for "tired by now," but I can't put it there. Somethin
g about it is so sexy. I mean if you are a stag. And have the antlers. Plus it j
ust looks so great to see a guy in antlers drinking a spiked punch. It does. Shu
t up. Deer are sexy beasts.
Mother Nature. Duh. Mother Nature is the Original M.I.L.F.! Pin-up girl, go-go b
oots, Lady Gaga. Sorry to say but it's true. Okay, Lady Gaga will have such a th
ick accretion of gay men around her body at the party that no straight man while
be able to penetrate it to get to penetrate her. That is, provided all the gay
guys aren't going as Lady Gaga. Which is probably the case. So she'll probably s
till get laid. She will get laid by a straight man who always wondered what it w
ould be like to "get with a man." Any of the various Jersey Shore trampage. All
the Guidettes (even those with fake booties) will get some action for sure. But
be careful with the liquor or it could very easily turn into a gang bang. Guidos
Among the guys, Mad Hatter should have a good chance of getting some in-betweena
ge. Jersey shore guys will almost get laid but end up throwing up and passing ou
t just like the real version. And the girls will just leave a nasty note they wo
n't be able to read in the morning anyway, being illiterate and all. If you take
my idea and go as Brent Favre's cell phone with penis on it, you will get laid.
I promise. A lot of crossdressing costume guys will get laid because women figu
re the guy's gonna be freaky in bed. So that's a plus.
WEIRDEST COSTUMES ON THIS LIST: Well I already mentioned the racist and prejudic
ed ones. Fanta is also weird. Why not Shasta? I'm wondering if that is a typo fo
r Fantasy something or other.
In any case, HAPPY HALLOWEEN and remember to Rink Desponsibly!

seven deadly sins 1 1 -

couples 2 2 -
pin up girl 3 3 -
nightmare before christmas 4 9
nerd 5 5 -
chucky 6 4
lady gaga 7 8
jersey shore 8 6
queen of hearts 9 7
mad hatter 10 12
poison ivy 11 11 -
eskimo 12 14
peacock 13 10
rainbow bright 14 17
adult barbie 15 16
alice in wonderland 16 22
medusa 17 15
snooki 18 18 -
penis 19 26
strawberry shortcake 20 13
ariel 21 19
pocahontas 22 23
seven dwarfs 23 20
moulin rouge 24 21
gypsy 25 24
hello kitty 26 25
panda 27 27 -
minnie mouse 28 39
circus 29 28
catwoman 30 49
teletubbies 31 35
predator 32 34
cruella deville 33 30
fruit of the loom 34 42
funny 35 69
cowgirl 36 54
mexican 37 29
gothic rag doll 38 40
greek goddess 39 31
little red riding hood 40 47
tinkerbell 41 33
saw 42 62
corpse bride 43 63
addams family 44 46
gladiator 45 43
leprechaun 46 51
geisha 47 44
justin bieber 48 36
german 49 37
burger king 50 59
reno 911 51 65
giraffe 52 48
little bo peep 53 50
madonna 54 41
saloon girl 55 32
flight attendant 56 60
80s 57 84
mother nature 58 53
zombie cheerleader 59 77
extreme nerd girl 60 52
bride of frankenstein 61 58
adult tinkerbell 62 70
gnome 63 86
football player 64 61
joker 65 66
fanta 66 64
deer 67 80
dinosaur 68 38
bumble bee 69 57
goldilocks 70 67
oktoberfest 71 45
rag doll 72 71
dallas cowboy cheerleader 73 82
sweeney todd 74 75
voodoo 75 68
flapper 76 78
masquerade ball 77 85
dragon ball z 78 56
goddess athena 79 -
ringmaster 80 74
harley quinn 81 73
candy corn 82 76
unicorn 83 89
marie antoinette 84 55
barbie 85 96
super mario 86 79
cupid 87 -
monsters inc 88 91
candy land 89 98
jasmine 90 90 -
troll 91 99
adult mermaid 92 83
superwoman 93 87
mickey mouse 94 97
pink ladies jacket 95 -
pikachu 96 95
ladybug 97 88
butterfly 98 94
white go go boots 99 -
cheerleader 100 100

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