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Descriptive Writing Unit Extra Credit

Bring in an example of descriptive writing you’ve read. It
must be from a novel or poem and must be at least 2 pages
long (poems must be long enough to fulfill the 20 word
requirement). Underline the sensory language in the
passage. You must have at least 20 words or sentences
underlined to receive full credit.
Worth 20

Descriptive Writing Unit Extra Credit

Make a list of thesaurus-rich adjectives for each letter of
the alphabet and include a one-word definition.

A: agrestic- country
B: bedlamite- insane
C: congenial- friendly
And so on until the letter Z: zealous

Your adjectives must be at least 6 letters long. Make sure

the words you choose are adjectives, not nouns or verbs. In
a thesaurus, the word listing will say what part of speech
the word is. Make sure the word you want says “adjective”
next to it. Please type or neatly hand-print your list.
Worth 26 points

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