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Língua Estrangeira: Inglês de Continuação

Name: ______________________________________________________no. _____ Class: _____

1- O Present Continuous forma-se com o Present Simple do verbo to be, que se conjuga no
Present Simple, mais a forma –ing (gerúndio) do verbo prinicipal.
a) Se um verbo termina em consoante + –e, eliminamos o -e e juntamos -ing (hope 
hoping / live  living; take  taking);
b) Se o verbo termina em –ie, mudamos –ie para –ying ( die  dying / lie  lying);
c) Se um verbo termina numa vogal + consoante, dobramos a consoante (get 
getting / jog  jogging / run  running / swim  swimming);
d) Mas, não dobramos a consoante quando se trata de um y ou w ( borrow 
borrowing / buy  buying / draw  drawing / stay  staying) ou quando a última
sílaba não é acentuada (listen  listening / visit  visiting / wonder 
2- A negativa do Present Continuous forma-se com o verbo to be, que se conjuga no Present
Simple, mais a partícula negativa not, mais a forma –ing do verbo principal.
3- A interrogativa do Present Continuous forma-se com o verbo to be, que se conjuga no
Present Simple, mais o sujeito, mais a forma –ing do verbo principal.
Forma Completa Forma Contraída
Completa Contraída
I am eating I’m eating I am not eating I’m not eating Am I eating?
You are eating You’re eating You are not eating You aren’t eating Are you eating?
He He He He he
She is eating She ‘s eating She is not eating She isn’t eating Is she eating?
It It It It it
We are eating We’re eating We are not eating We aren’t eating Are you eating?
You are eating You’re eating You are not eating You aren’t eating Are you eating?
They are eating They’re eating They are not eating They aren’t eating Are they eating?
4- O Present Continuous usa-se para falar:
a) De coisas que estão a acontecer no momento em que falamos:
ex.: The bus is coming.
b) De coisas quês estão a acontecer agora, no presente, mas não no momento exacto em
que falamos:
ex.: I am learning Spanish.
Língua Estrangeira: Inglês de Continuação

c) Para descrever gravuras ou fotografias:

ex.: Look! In this photo John is playing football.
d) De mudanças e tendências:
Ex.: The earth’s climate is getting warmer.
5- Normalmente, utilizamos o Present Continuous com algumas expressões de tempo: now,
at the moment, nowadays, these days, …

A- Write the following sentences using the Present Continuous and then rewrite the
sentence into the negative and interrogative forms:
1- get better / hospitals.
a) Affirmative- ______________________________________________________
b) Negative- _________________________________________________________
c) Interrogative- _____________________________________________________
d) Negative / interrogative- _____________________________________________
2- study / at the moment / English / you.
a) Affirmative- ______________________________________________________
b) Negative- _________________________________________________________
c) Interrogative- _____________________________________________________
d) Negative / interrogative- _____________________________________________
3- ask / I / too many questions.
a) Affirmative- ______________________________________________________
b) Negative- _________________________________________________________
c) Interrogative- _____________________________________________________
d) Negative / interrogative- _____________________________________________
4- In Perth / rain / it.
a) Affirmative- ______________________________________________________
b) Negative- _________________________________________________________
c) Interrogative- _____________________________________________________
d) Negative / interrogative- _____________________________________________
Língua Estrangeira: Inglês de Continuação


Língua Estrangeira: Inglês de Continuação

Língua Estrangeira: Inglês de Continuação

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