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CALLING ALL PaRRW?S! No. 9b Pealn101.2. "I will walk within my House with a perfect heart". We are facing a housing shortage, but more then that, WORSE than that, we have a HOMS SHORTAGE. Jesus said unto him - 'Go home’. (Mark 15.19) Jesus transforms houses into homes! Those who live only in houses often go out into godless living, and eventually into eternity - Condemned, lost! But those who live in homes where Christ is aecepted, honored and served, go out into the blessednoss of the Heavenly home - the Father's house of many mansions. Parents, ve have a trenendous responsibility - naking a Godly home for our children. So much depends upon us living a consistent Christien 1ife before then. Youngsters are creatures of example and tend to follow in our footeteps. Are you putting God firet fn everything? Such an attitude gives the Zanily direction. De you place prine importance upon attending God's house regularly? Do you express joy in the blessings received ~ or do you some- tines oriticise in front of then? Are you lovingly, but fimly, in control of the femily? To oxercise no family discipline is to make a rod for one's own back. A little child 4 the ams can be heavy, but, Oh Brother, Sister, the burden of @ teen-ager on the heart can be so very much heavier! Soneone has said, "Parental authority has not disappeared, but has only changed hands. The children have taken it over!" Little child takes long years to develop into adulthood (in cont— Test to the animal Kington). God hes a plan in thie - to provide fine to mould the infant and youthful mind and heart into obedience and Ohristiike character. There io a great work to be done, and the long years aseigned to it are none too many when estimated in the light of eternal results. These are days when the devil bide high for the souls of our kiddies. They have tomptations today we older ones never dreaned of when we were their age.They need God! You need God! We all do! Have you set up a family altar? Ie yours a house ~ or a hone? The value of a family alter io trenendous. It provides great possibilities of winning the children for Christ. It develope the sense of dependence upon the Lord for spiritual and material needs. It helps right those misunderstandings and frictions that sometimes distur the members of a fanily. Here are a few points regarding fenily worship that may prove helpful. 1. The Tord Jesus should be’ the central thene in our prayers, reading, and aspirations. We should aim at every member decoming 80 attached to the Lord Jesus, that none can live without Him. 2. The devotional period should be joyous - not a burden. Tt should be neither too long or too short. 3. Keep it fresh ~ vary the program. Sonetimes you might have a testinony; 2 discussion; e chorus or the verse of an old hymn; Uncertainty as to wio is going to lead a hymn, or the reading, ete. ,can help. Tae unexpected does help create and maintain interest. 3. As well as the Word of God, you could ust a”Daily Light" at ‘times - or have some good devotional reading. The above suggestions are but suggestions ~ means to an end; and the end? "That I might know Hin". God bless you.

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