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The Internationalist Academic Federation of the Continental Collective

Patterns of Humanity’s Civilized Conduct

Omar Alansari-Kreger

After absorbing lengthy dispositions that dwell on humanity’s negative qualities,

representations of statistical analysis are employed to capitalize on the rather detrimental and
immoral aspects of humanity in what is initially a representation of absolute truth in which the
vast majority of the human race is not even aware. A single example that directly pertains to
this affair comes in the literal form of societal ignorance that is withheld by the average
proponent of a respective society. There is a rather simple understatement capitalizing on the
bliss of ignorance. In this respect, what we are unaware of does not have the direct tendency to
hurt us considering the state of mind in which we immediately retain.

A great historical example of this affair emerges in the interwar years of the Weimar
Republic in Germany briefly before the empowerment of the National Socialist Nazi Regime. A
defeated Germany approached the booming nineteen twenties as a nation that was humiliated
before the entirety of the international community which was then forced to repay billions of
war reparations to the victorious Allied forces in the immediate aftermath of the First World
War. The social, political, and economic decay of German infrastructure continued to increase
as the Weimar Republic approached the era of the Great Depression. After the stock market
crash of nineteen twenty-nine, labor markets were near deceased, economic inflation soared,
and the attainment of everyday resources was scarce. In countries such as the nineteen thirties
Germany, the state of its infrastructural integrity was already in a state of complete deprivation
and the aftereffects of these realities made the national situation even worse.

The arrival of these new economic and social hardships introduced poverty as a relative
norm to society. It was a common sight to see German families in local corner markets doing
their everyday shopping with wheel barrels of paper currency. Inasmuch, the situation did not
rapidly improve as the Weimar politicians had promised. Furthermore, the empowered
government, which was originally a provisional force, established by the Allies, accepted World
War One defeatism. This was a common standard that was rejected by the social mainstream of
Weimar Germany. One may ask: what does this situational affair introduce into the
conventional mode of the societal fold? The widespread detriment of this reality introduces a
vulnerable citizenry that is naturally in the pursuit of some sort of salvation. A common
perception can simply inquire into this relative factor which questions if a sovereign society is
faced with such a relatively depressed social environment within its respective society. Then,

must the proportional majority of the observed nation suffer under these hardships for an
indefinite period of time?

Initially, it was the outstanding aftereffects of this historical reality that served as a
precursor for the rise of the National Socialist Nazi Party. The political scene within Weimar
Germany was just as inhospitable as the rest of its society. The two main denominations
between revolutionary politics were divided between the communists and national socialists.
The average German citizen was not invested into the pursuit of political agendas. Nonetheless,
each political orientation (faction) promised the Germany citizenry a sense of salvation and the
arrival of better days. These political movements and the institutions in which they represent
necessitate the support of the general populaces in what is essentially an effort to introduce
the changes and promises made to the people. Is this to suggest that a political faction/party
retains a hidden agenda that is the kept secret from the public mainstream? Absolutely, this is a
continual occurrence that has been self perpetuating itself since the dawn of the most
primitively ancient civilization.

The main point here is to emphasize is that when entire societies and their respective
populaces are faced with periods of crisis, mass confusion, and social vulnerability; the average
proponent of the national citizenry seeks some form of salvation and hope from society’s most
deplorable aspectual qualities. In reiteration to a previous point in respects to the implications
of Weimar Germany, the average German citizen was not invested into the embittered arena of
politics between the outstanding leftist and rightist spectrums of this time frame. The main
incentive withheld by the citizenry sought the return of a conventional way of life that was not
at the literal mercy of the previous war’s victors. The National Socialist Nazi Party did not
necessarily achieve its seat of power through a democratically elected process, rather members
of the Brown Shirts (later to be directed into the formation of the SS) stormed into the German
Reichstag and formed a line around the speaker’s chamber in what was actually an effort to
manipulate the democratic process in their absolute favor. The Night of the Long Knives goes
on even further to demonstrate the tactics that the Nazis used to persecute those who did not
champion the underlying beliefs of National Socialism.

At the end of the day, the average German did not realize that sympathizing and
supporting the Nazi Party would inevitably lead to the outbreak of a Second World War. The
public mainstream was not aware of the true intentions championed by Nazi Party once their
figureheads secured the base of institutional power. Initially, the Nazis manipulated German
public opinion to sympathize with their actions simply because they maintained a vision that
was preoccupied with securing the best interests of the fatherland. With each major revision,
the government would carefully disclose the nature of these developments in accordance with
the method in which they were actually incepted into the social mainstream. This in itself

represents the prevalence of blind faith which is just as disastrous as the hardships of poverty
and cases of outright societal neglect which derive from their empowered governments. The
degree of blind faith that is invested into “visionary” movements and establishments
demonstrates the inevitable “unintended consequences” which emerge in the situational
aftermath of such an affair.

Did the consciousness Western European civilization capitulate with the infrastructural
destruction of Europe in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War? What would be a
fair assessment that evaluates the standing of Germany in the immediate present? Did the rest
of its society crumble, deteriorate, and recess upon its own foundation as a result of what was
originally thought to be the unimaginable consequences addressing the “worst case scenario?”
Germany arose to be an instrumental contributor to the west’s post war economic
development, a leader in the international automobile manufacturing sector, and a pioneer in
electronic technology. If the people had absolutely no incentive to re-establish the sovereign
foundations of their societies, would the international mainstream witness the degree of
German reconstruction replicated in the immediate present? In short, diversified perspectives
came together to uphold the common good of society.

Violence is unfortunately an instrumental component that is relatively consistent with

the most generic form of human nature. Hardships are endured, atrocities are perpetrated,
wars take the lives of countless innocents, but what does this fundamentally indicate about the
future of human civilization? Any laymen point of view appreciates and understands that
progress is merely a standard to measure civilization’s development, not to be treated as a
literal degree of reality that upholds the infrastructural fabric of a given civilization. It is through
incentives that capitalize on “progressive” development which seek common ground through
compromise to ideally initiate a standard of modern development. Regardless of any nihilist,
pessimist, or narcissistic disposition, the vast majority of metropolitan areas throughout the
developing world retain an example of modern infrastructural development (I.E. electricity,
running water, sewage systems).

Surely, this exists as some form of humanity’s accumulative societal progression. In the
example of colonialism, infrastructural contributions were made to every imperial subject of
the respective empire in question. This refers to the establishment of school systems, plumbing
systems, and national electric grids. Does this represent a humanitarian sign of good will? Not
even in the slightest. In the actuality of this affair, the vision of colonialism sought to develop
the imperial subjects, commonly designated as the “third world,” for the sake of achieving a
more dominating degree of colonial rule over the respective colony. This in itself is an indicator
of securing an individual bottom line or incentive. Every literal aspect of human conduction

revolves around an input and output method which ensures the survivability of a given
civilization. This includes forces of social compromise, revision, and outright revolution.

The oppressive manipulating government must give its people a degree of appeasement
in order to reaffirm its control over society. This pacifies extreme hostile sentiments that are
directed against the government in an effort to prolong the overhaul of its respective society.
Therefore, every known civilization that has been established on the face of this planet has
endured a rising, climaxing, and declining period. This represents the circle of civilized life.
Through this process, violence erupts in an effort to re-establish society’s best interests which
have virtually been unchanged since the dawn of human civilization. If we were to capitalize on
the inherent detrimental extremes of society throughout humanity’s reign on our planetary
surface, then why aren’t we all still living as cave men beating each other with mallets for what
is commonly designated as the pillage of the loot? It is simply not realistic to envision the actual
replication of society that is free of violence. This is a virtual impossibility.

Regardless of our degree of civilized progress, there will always be some sort of pain,
suffering, and outright pillage in which a race of people are being victimized. The aftereffects of
mutually assured destruction will not eradicate this reality once we are given a “clean” slate to
reestablish the foundation of human civilization. In the end, despite the inherent evil of a
particular civilization or ideology, we all inhibit the same planet and there virtually is no real
incentive to annihilate its entirety. A mutual effort initially attempts to prevent the worst case
scenario in respects to the annihilation of mankind. In reiteration to a secondary point, this
refers to serving the common good through a differential ideological overtone. We have
prevented ourselves from eradicating our human existences off the face of the planet up until
the immediate present. Furthermore, this is then stimulated by an underwritten resolve
preventing our worst nightmares. Is this a complete solution in its totality? Not necessarily;
however, if we are all going to dwell on our negativist qualities, than we can be assured there
will be no future for humanity in any way, shape, or form.

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