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age 2 But the privilege also brings responsibility. The Christian ie called to witness for God in a world that is hostile to Ohrist. “Noah walked with Goa" in an age when the world was just ripening for judgment. It was in Noah's day that "God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the ‘thoughts of his heart was only evil continually". He was a preacher of righteousness (2 Pet.2.5) and warned men to flee from the wrath to come. We will be no less faithful IP WE WAIK WITH GOD. No one who walks with God can be indifferent to the dying souls of men. Every opportunity to win men end women for Christ will be taken: To then, to be idle would be treasor Those who walk with God, scatter blessings where ever they go. (Spb 4.1-3). Like Jesus they are gentle, winsome, attractive and aignitica. And finally, those who walk with God live vigorous, victorious lives! ‘They live triumphantly! They love righteousness and hate iniquity! ‘They walk along the highway of holiness. Their lives are permeated with the fragrance and sweetness of the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley! ‘THB GReaTs9? STORY BVER OLDE In little more than 100 pages and in 89 chapters the inspired writers of the Gospele have given to the world the most important message ever written for mankind. Al1 the reports we have of the Saviour's life on earth, all the accounts of what He did, all the recome of the words He eptke, are contained in those POUR GOSPELS. Wnat a blessing! For with all’the influences at work, all the forces and voices to distract, how we need His drection and help! Here is a simple, little plan that I use, that makes Jesus go real ia every day living, that keeps His words so fresh in our minds, and provides us with guidance and help in temptation, eorrew, fatigue and suffering. Leal it — The Gospel — ContinualiResding Plan. In addition to any other reading plan I have at my daily dev°tions, ‘Tread ONE CHAPTER OP THE GOSPELS AVERY DAY ~ until I have read through the four Gospels ~ and then read then through again, and again — and keep on! It takes three months to go tnrough each ‘time. (Others may care to real say 3 chapters - going through in one month). This keeps the Lord Jesus ever before my mind. Heading about Hin daily giveo a freshness to the Thinking. ry it! As you read, VISUALISE. Walk, as it were, with the Saviox; lieten to Bis words; watch His miracles; «enter into the wonders, Joys, sorrows. As you dc, retain a sense of Hie nearness. He is with’ you. Talk to Him about the things you are reading. Praise and thank Him. Ask Him questions on the things you do not under- stand. You will be surprised at the way they will be revealed 0 you. ‘YOU _ARE GOING T0 HAVE A WONDERFUL Day TODAY! Bapect a good day! "This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will %e glad and rejoice in it" - Psalm 118.24, This is the best day I ever had. All the othere are either past, or not mine yet! This day is MINS! I olaim more of God today - and’He shall have more of me! will put nothing bat GOOD into this day! Nothing evil, critical or unkind. Only pure, loving, happy thoughts and attitudes. I am going to keep im tune with God, practice His presence, and praise Him. I will face the dey with Joy, enthusissn and courage.

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