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Chapter 2 :The Cell as a Unit of Life

Objective Questions

1. The smallest living organism is made up of

Organisma hidup yang paling kecil terdiri daripada

A one cell.
satu sel

B two cells.
dua sel

C three cells.
tiga sel

D many cells.
banyak sel
2. Which of the following structures are found only in plants?
Struktur yang manakah yang hanya boleh dijumpai di dalam sel tumbuhan?

I Chloroplast

II Cell membrane
Membran sel

III Vacuole

A I and II only
I dan II sahaja

B I and III only

I dan III sahaja

C II and III only

II dan III sahaja

D I, II and III
I, II dan III

Panitia Sains SM Sains Kuala Selangor
3. The following diagram shows a plant cell.
Gambar di bawah menunjukkan sel tumbuhan.

Which structure is not correctly matched with its function?

Struktur yang manakah yang tidak dipadankan dengan fungsinya yang tepat.?

A P Controls cell activity

P mengawal aktiviti sel

B Q Protects the cell

Q Melindungi sel

C R Gives the cell a fixed shape

R memberi bentuk tetap kepada sel

D S Contains chlorophyll
S mengandungi klorofil

4. Which of the following is a multicellular organism?

Antara berikut yang manakah merupakan organisma multisel?

Panitia Sains SM Sains Kuala Selangor
5. The following diagram shows two microorganisms, P and Q.
Gambar rajah menunjukkan dua jenis mikroorganisma, P dan Q.

Which of the following is true of P and Q?

Antara berikut yang manakah benar mengenai P dan Q?

A Both P and Q can move.

Kedua-dua Pdan Q boleh bergerak.

B Only P can move.

Hanya P boleh bergerak.

C Only Q can move.

Hanya P boleh bergerak.

D Both P and Q cannot move.

Kedua-dua P dan Q tidak boleh bergerak.

Panitia Sains SM Sains Kuala Selangor
6. The following diagram shows an organism.
Gambar rajah menunjukkan sejenis organisma.

Which of the following are among the characteristics of the organism?

Antara berikut yang manakah merupakan ciri organisma tersebut?

I It is multicellular.
Ia adalah multisel.

II It is aquatic.
Ia adalah hidupan akuatik

III It cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Ia tidak boleh dilihat dengan mata kasar.

A I and II only
I dan II sahaja

B I and III only

I dan III sahaja

C II and III only

II dan III sahaja

D I, II and III
I, II dan III

Panitia Sains SM Sains Kuala Selangor
7. The human body has a definite shape.
Badan manusia mempunyai bentuk yang tetap.

What system is responsible for maintaining the shape of the human body?
Sistem manakah yang bertanggungjawab mengekalkan bentuk tersebut?

A The muscular system

Sistem otot

B The nervous system

Sistem saraf

C The respiratory system

Sistem pernafasan

D The skeletal system

Sistem pernafasan

8. Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis to occur.

Klorofil diperlukan dalam proses fotosintesis.

Which of the following organisms has chlorophyll in it?

Antara berikut organisma yang manakah mengandungi klorofil?

A Amoeba

B Mucor

C Spirogyra

D Yeast

Panitia Sains SM Sains Kuala Selangor
9. Same type of cells performing the same function make up
Sekumpulan sel yang sama jenis dan mempunyai fungsi yang sama dipanggil sebagai

A A tissue.

B An organ.

C A system.

D An organism.

10. Which of the following is not part of the respiratory system?

Antara berikut yang manakah bukan sebahagian daripada sistem respirasi?

A Lungs

B Diaphragm

C Trachea

D Liver

Panitia Sains SM Sains Kuala Selangor
Structured Questions
Soalan Struktur

1. Diagram 1 shows two microorganisms, A and B, seen under the microscope.

Gambar 1 menunjukkan dua jenis mikroorganisma, A dan B dilihat di bawah

(a) State whether they are unicellular or multicellular organisms.

Nyatakan samada ia adalah organisma unisel atau multisel.

A - ________________________
B - ________________________

(b) (i) Name the organisms above

Namakan organisma di atas

A - ________________________
B - ________________________

Panitia Sains SM Sains Kuala Selangor
2.Every living organism is made up of an organisation of cells. This organisation of cells can be
represented in the form of a ladder of hierarchy.
Setiap organisma hidup terbentuk daripada organisasi sel. Organisasi sel ini boleh diwakilkan
dalam tangga hierarki.

(a) Complete the ladder of hierarchy given in Diagram 2 to show the organisation of
cells among organisms.
Lengkapkan tangga hierarki dalam gambar rajah 2 untuk menunjukkan
organisasi sel.

Lengkapkan tangga hierarki dalam Gambarajah 2 yang menunjukkan organisasi sel

dalam organisma.

b) Name the three parts of the excretory (urinary) system in the human body.
Namakan tiga bahagian yang terlibat dalam sistem perkumuhan (urinari) di dalam tubuh

i) ______________________
ii) ______________________
iii) ____________________

Panitia Sains SM Sains Kuala Selangor
3. a)Draw and label an animals cell and a plant cell
Lukis dan label sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan

b) State the differences between animal cells and plant cell

Nyatakan perbezaan di antara sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan

Animal cell / Sel haiwan Plant cell / Sel tumbuhan

Panitia Sains SM Sains Kuala Selangor
4 The diagram shows pictures of four different organisms R, S, T and U.
Gambar menunjukkan empat jenis organisma yang berlainan R, S, T dan U

(a)Based on your observations, state one characteristic of the organisms R, S, T and U.

Berdasarkan pemerhatian nyatakan satu ciri untuk organisma R,S, T dan U.

R : _____________________________________

S : _____________________________________

T : _____________________________________

U : _____________________________________

Panitia Sains SM Sains Kuala Selangor
b)Classify organisms R, S, T and U into two groups based on common characteristics.
Name the organisms belonging to each group.
Kelaskan organisma R, S, T dan U ke dalam dua kumpulan berdasarkan ciri am
Namakan organisma dalam setiap kumpulan tersebut.

R, S, T and U
R, S, T dan U

Group 1 Group 2
Kumpulan 1 Kumpulan 2

ciri am

Name of

Panitia Sains SM Sains Kuala Selangor

1. A
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. D


1a) A – Multi cell

B – Unisel

b) A- Hydra
B- Amoeba

2 a) i) tissue
ii) organ
iii) system
iv) organism

b) i) kidney
ii) ureter
iii) urinary bladder

Panitia Sains SM Sains Kuala Selangor
3 a)

(a) Animal cell (b) Plant cell


b) Has a regular shape. Has an irregular shape.
Has a cell wall. Has no cell wall.
Has chloroplasts. Has no chloroplasts.
Has a large vacuole. Has no vacuole.
R: It has a flagellum / nucleus / cell membrane
S: It has a regular shape / has nucleus / has cell wall
T: It has cilia / has nucleus / has cell membrane
U: It has no fixed shape / has no nucleus / has cell membrane

Any one characteristic is acceptable.

R, S, T and U

Group 1 Group 2

Common Have only one Have more

characteristics cell than one cell

(unicellular) (multicellular)

Name of
Paramecium Spirogyra
Panitia Sains SM Sains Kuala Selangor

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