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Data Structures and


Jose Rizal University, Mandaluyong City, Philippines


• Data Structures and Algorithms in JAVA

Goodrich and Tamassia (2004) John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
• Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis
in C Mark Allan Weiss. (1993) Benjamin
Cummings Publishing Company,
Inc./Jemma, Inc., Philippines

Questions you need to
consider in this topic

• What are data structures and

• What good will it do me to know about
• When does it make sense to apply what
I learn about data structures and

Data Type: the beginning
• A data type is a well-defined collection or
category of data with a well-defined set of
operations on it. (i.e., integers, float,
• A data type consists of
1. a domain (= a set of values)
2. a set of operations.
Why are data types important in programming?
Can we consider data types as basic representation of
data inside the computer?
What are data structures?

• Data structures are ways in which data is arranged in your

computer's memory (or stored on disk).
• It is a general method of storing and accessing data that
optimizes or organizes one or more aspects of data
• Data structures are used to implement Abstract Data
Types, which are mathematical models with a collection of
operations defined on the model. They specify the type of
data stored, what its operations do but not how it is done.

If we already have data types to represent data, why do we
need data structures?
What is the difference between ADTs and data types?
Database: An Example
• Let’s define a database as a collection of
interrelated data.
• A database as defined above will be composed
of records. Records are the basic unit that
provide a format for storing information.
• A record in turn, is usually divided into several
fields. A field holds a particular kind of data.
How do records and fields in a database depict the
relationship between data types and data structures?
What possible advantage does the structure of a database
provide to the users of a program.
• Any method of solving a certain kind of
• A precise method usable by a computer
for the solution of a problem.
• A finite set of instructions which, if
followed accomplishes a particular task.
How can we determine if a particular
algorithm is efficient or not? 7
A note on algorithm

Often the algorithms being used to manipulate

the data structures will stem from the design
of the data structures themselves. For
example, if we create a data structure
designed to represent a list, we will need
algorithms to manage a collection of such
objects (i.e. the list).
Which is more important, the design of the data
structure or the algorithm?
Foundation of Algorithms

Can a particular task be accomplished by

a computing device?
What is the minimum number of
operations for any algorithm to perform
a certain function?

Analysis of algorithms

Know the behavior of the algorithm. This

includes the pattern and performance profile
of an algorithm that can be measured in
terms of its execution time and the amount of
space consumed.
Why is there a need to analyze an algorithm if it
is already capable of solving the problem at
Properties of Algorithm
• Input - the domain of the algorithm which could be
zero or more quantities
• Output - the set of one or more resulting quantities
which is also called the range of the algorithm
• Finiteness - means an algorithm must terminate after
a finite number of steps; traceability
• Definiteness - ensured if every step of an algorithm is
precisely defined and unambiguous.
• Effectiveness - ensured if all the operations in the
algorithm are sufficiently basic that they can, in
principle, be done exactly and in finite time by a
person using paper and pen
Does it mean that when all properties are present in
an algorithm, it is already the best algorithm? 11
Merging Data Structures
and Algorithms
There are many types of data structures
and algorithms used to create abstract
data types. Here are a few of the more
common examples used in computer
• Stack
• Queue
• Linked List

• Stack => A stack is a container for items which can be pushed
onto it, or removed from the top of it. Navigation through the
stack is not normally allowed, and access is limited to one unit
(or node) at a time.

• Queue => A queue is similar to a stack in that items can be

added or removed from it. A LIFO queue (last-in-first-out)
models the same behaviour as a stack, while a FIFO queue
(fist-in-first-out) allows items to be added at one end, and
removed from the other.

• Linked List =>A linked list represents a queue of items in

which individual nodes can be removed, added at arbitrary
points, and the whole list freely navigated. Each node is linked
to the next and/or previous node.
Can algorithms designed for a certain DS work for another DS?
Program development life
cycle (revisited)
1. Requirements
Information given (input) and the results to be produced (output) must
be explicitly specified, i.e., understand the problem
2. Design
Write an algorithm that will solve the problem according to the
3. Analysis
Trying to come up with another algorithm and compare it with the
previous one.
4. Refinement and Coding
A representation is chosen and a complete version of the program is
5. Verification
Consists of 3 aspects: program proving, testing and debugging
Is it possible to develop a program without passing through some of the
stages of the life cycle?

Example 1

Problem: Accept N inputs and get their sum.

Input: Set of N integers
Output: Sum of N integers
Set a temporary variable to 0.
For each value entered, add the value to the
temporary variable.

Example 1 (cont.)

Refinement and Coding:

tempsum = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
tempsum = tempsum + x;
Example 2

Problem: Sort a set of n>=1 integers in non-

descending order
Input: Set of N integers (N>=1)
Output: Sorted set of N integers
Find the smallest and place it on the first position
of the list.
For the integers which remain to be unsorted,
find the smallest and place it next in the sorted

Example 2 (cont.)
Refinement and coding:
Representation: 1-dimensional array

void sort(int A[ ])
int temp, i, k, smallest;
for (i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
smallest = i;
for (k=i+1; k<=n; k++)
if A[smallest]>A[k]
smallest = k;
temp = A[i];
A[i] = A[smallest];
A[smallest] = temp;

How to analyze programs
2 Phases:
1. Priori estimates
Obtain a function which bounds the algorithm’s
complexity time.
The amount of time a single execution will take or the
number of times a statement is executed

It is impossible to know the exact amount of time to execute any
command unless the following are known:
a. the machine we are executing
b. machine instruction set
c. time required by each machine instruction
d. translation of the compiler from source to machine language

How to analyze programs
2. Posteriori estimates
Something to do with memory spaces
Which is better? Arrays or Linked list?

Time Complexity (Big-Oh)
Complexity of Algorithms
• Several algorithms could be created to solve a single
problem. These algorithms may vary in the way they
get, process and output data. Hence, they could have
significant difference in terms of performance and
space utilization
• Algorithm efficiency is measured in two criteria:
space utilization and time efficiency.
– Space utilization is the amount of memory required to store
the data
– Time efficiency is the amount of time required to process the
What makes an algorithm if you sacrifice either of the
Time Complexity (Big-Oh)

• Execution time is the amount of time spent in

executing instructions of a given algorithm. It is
dependent on the particular computer (hardware)
being used.
• To express the execution time we use the notation:
T(n), where T is the function and n is the size of
the input
• Factors that affect the execution time:
1. input size
2. instruction type
3. machine speed
4. quality of source code of the algorithm implementation
5. quality of the machine code generated from the source code
by the compiler
Time Complexity (Big-Oh)

The Big-Oh Notation

• Although T(n) gives the actual amount of time in the
execution of an algorithm, it is easier to classify
complexities of algorithm using a more general
notation, the Big-Oh (or simply O) notation.
• This notation is used to describe the time or space
complexity of an algorithm. It gives an approximate
measure of the computing time of an algorithm for
large number of input.
• Asymptotic notations mean n → ∞
If A(n) = Amnm + …+ A1n1 + A0 is a polynomial of
degree m, then A(n) = O(nm).

Time Complexity (Big-Oh)

• The following are examples of

computing times in algorithm analysis:

Time Complexity (Big-Oh)

constant; most instructions are executed
once or at most only a few times.
O(log n)
program slightly slower as N grows; normally
in programs that solve a big problem by
transforming it into a small problem, cutting
the size by some constant factor.
linear; proportional to the size of N

Time Complexity (Big-Oh)

O(n log n)
occurs in algorithms that solve a problem by breaking
it up into smaller subproblems, solve them
independently and then combining the solution.
quadratic; can be seen in algorithms that process all
pairs of data items
cubic; algorithms that process triples of data items
exponential; brute-force solution

Time Complexity (Big-Oh)
• To make the difference clearer, let's compare based on the
execution time where n=100000 and time unit = 1 msec:


Given 2 algorithms performing the same task on

N inputs:

P1 P2
10n n2/2
O(n) O(n2)

which is faster and efficient?

Operation Count

RULE 1: Declaration with no initialization

Declarations with no initialization have no operation count (i.e.
RULE 2: Delimiters (such as { and })
Delimiters have no operation count (i.e. 0).
RULE 3: Function heading
Function heading such as main() has no operation count (i.e. 0).
RULE 4: Operators
Each operator (whether arithmetic, logical, relational) has a
running time of 1 (for simplicity only, though it may not hold in
RULE 5: Expressions
The operation count of an expression depends on the number of
operators (arithmetic, logical, relational) there are.
Operation Count(cont.)
RULE 6: Assignment Statement
The operation count of an assignment statement is 1 plus the number of
operators in the expression. Arithmetic operators (such as ++, --, +=, -=, *=, /=,
%=) have an operation count of 2.
RULE 7: Function Call
Each function call has an operation count of 1. For, the
operation count is 1 regardless of how many variables are involved. For
System.out.println(), the operation count is 1 plus the operation counts of the
parameters involved. For arbitrary function, the operation count is 1 plus the
operation counts of the parameters.
RULE 8: if or if-else Statement
Given an if-else statement of the form:
The overall operation count of the if-else statement is the operation count of the
condition plus the maximum of the operation counts of <S1> and <S2>. The
keyword else does not consume any operation count.

Operation Count(cont.)
RULE 9: for Statement
Given a for statement of the form:
for (<initialization>; <condition>; <change of state>)
The total operation count of the for statement is the operation count of the
<initialization> + operation count of the <condition> * (number of iterations + 1) +
operation count of <change of state> * (number of iterations) + operation count
of <S> * (number of iterations).
RULE 10: while Statement
Given the while statement of the form
The total operation count is the operation count of the <condition> * (number of
iterations + 1) + operation count of <S> * (number of iterations).

Operation Count(cont.)
RULE 11: do-while Statement
Given the do-while statement of the form
} while (<condition>);
The total operation count is the operation count of the <S> *
(number of iterations) + operation count of the <condition> *
(number of iteration).
RULE 12: Nested Loops
Analyze these inside out. The total operation count of a
statement inside a group of nested loops is the operation count
of the statement multiplied by the product of all the loops.

1. k= 100; 4. while (i<n)
for (i=1; i<=k; i++) {
x= x+1; k = k +1;
n= 200; i = i + 1;
2. for (k=1; k<=n+1; k++) }
System.out.println(k); 5. for (i=1; i<=c; i++)
System.out.println(n-k); for (j=c; j>=1; j--)
} System.out.println(i +” “+j);
3. while (i<=1) 6. ctr = 1;
{ while (ctr <= m-2)
k=k+1; {
I= I+1; for (k=1; k<=n; k++)
} System.out.println(ctr +” “+ k);
ctr = ctr+1;

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