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National Day

Assalaam alaikum and Good evening,

Every year we celebrate our national day on the 01st of Rabeeul awwal(third month
of the Hijri calendar). It is indeed a historic day for the Maldives. It is the day
Mohamed Thakurufaan the great or Bodu thakurufaanu succeeded in chasing out
the Portuguese.

Why do we celebrate National day?

The fight and eventual victory of Mohamed Thakurufaan is a lesson for every
Maldivian. It is a stark reminder to us all that we have a duty and a responsibility to
this nation. We must all be willing to defend this nation and our Islamic faith. We
must celebrate our heroes and appreciate their sacrifices.

What lessons must we get from the struggle of Mohamed Thakurufaanu against the

History tells us that our heroes spent most of their time out in the sea, in a small
boat called Kalhuohfummi. Can you imagine life at sea in a small boat? It can be
rough, it can tough and it can be miserable. They would have suffered pain and
hardship, hunger and thirst but they never gave up. They returned night after night
to the islands patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity. There are many lessons
in this for us. It shows us that with courage, determination and foresight, a small
poorly equipped group can defeat an army. It shows that patience indeed pays off.

These are the lessons we must learn on this day. How does this help us in this world

It’s a different world today, and the realities are different. Today our worst fear is
not an invading army. Neither is it a colonial power. The greatest threat to our
nationalism today is the ideological colonization. This colonization does not happen
at gunpoint or with the threat of a bomb. It comes camouflaged in other packages.
It comes in movies, it comes in stories and cartoon shows. It comes in all colours,
shapes and sizes. If we are not careful, we will get hit and before we know it, it will
destroy us. It is already evident within us.

My dear friends, national day is a special occasion for any nation and I want you all
to remember what I have just shared with you.

May Allah bless us with peace and prosperity. Amen

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