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1 00 deadlly trout and salmon fries in

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F~ rst ad i tio n fa r the United State SJ its te rritorie san d de p ends n c j·es ~ and Canada published in 2003 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc.


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IN 0 pa rt of t his bo ok may' be reproduced ~ nan y 'form r by photostat. m ~ croffl rn, xe f'og ra phv, Of any ot h er rn sa n 5, 0 r i n co rpo fated ~ rrto any i nforrnati on n~t rieva I svste m ~ ~J,s ctro n ie IOf m ec hs n'i ca l, with o ut the writte n p errni ss i10 n of th e copvri g ht own en"

lnternetional Standard Book No .. 0= 764c'l =5550=4

Library' of Conqress Catal.r;)g Card No. 20021109917


Con O~ ived desiqn ed, (3 nd produced by au a,I1D' P III b~1 ishln g 1311 c

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London IN/' 98J~

lE,d ito r Pa u Is R 8'ga n

S:e iii i 0 If art ad ito,1f Pie n ny Co bb Dlesi 9 III e r Pe n ny' Dawes

Text ed ilollrs C la iI re Wa ite r A~ i O~ T yl,~ r Photog ra p h,e r Pete r Ga th erco I e

I U I s~rat:o r C h r'i stop h er Jory

lnd ex:'er' Pam e I OJ Eli is

Art: dire £::10 r M 0 i ra C I ~ nch P'IlI bill is;he r P'i e rs S pe n Cia

Manutactured by LJniv,ers,a~ G'raphics" Siin'9apore Printed by M~das Pr~nt:iin'g Ltd, China


Basic Techniques 10

Materials 26

Cha[pter three

Chslpter' 'four

Chaprte,lr I'ive

Dry Fnes

Nymphs and Bugs

Wet F~ie5

'S: tr'ie'~ a m le:_li"ls"

, . - , . .' u


Fish Identifler










There is something almost mlal'gical about catching a fish on an artificial f~y. Casti n g to a tlFOU t th at ha s been spotted feed Ii ngl j' se'le'i ng th Ie fly d rift ge nt Ily into its path, then watchinq It being sipped down as if lit were a real insect, produces a mixture of anticipation and excitement that never d u Ills. The on I'y thing that could possibly make the thr~11 even better ls if you had created

the fly yourself,

Although ,lit is poss i bile to buy any n u m b er of effective fll~llPattei rns, the ability to tie flies adds another dimension to an already absorblnq pastime.

It has a practical side. to OJ 'mlaking sure that the' fly box remains plentifully supplied at a.!~ tlrnes. Most lrnportantly, thouqh, it gh/e-s the fly-fisher the opportunity to take part in the development of f'~y-fishing itself. Mlany of the be s t, 'f·ly'· oat tern S In use +"0: I ·d", .::ild were c reated t...1~1 practka I ~ ng' ilers ':w' "h·· ·0:-'·· h- '.:JJd-1 ''::j n

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Ii deal to create a fly that would be more effective than any pattern they already knew. Patterns I~ke the Muddler Minnow',~ the Adams, and the R,oyal 'Wulff are now ,ali part of established f~y=fiish~ng lore" 'but at one'

The f3bility to

tie flies ensue» that tbe fly box is alwa rs pJen tifuHy .supp/led.

time they were new and revolutionary, created by anqlers with a specific problem to so lve. Wi'th the abllity to tle flies, and with iit the understanding of what goes into a fly successfu l, any angler has the, opportun ity to ta ke his. place in f~y,- fishi ng 's conti n ui ~g development. Catchi nq fish an artiticial flies has a long ane distinquished history. It 'is said that the

a ncient Greeks were the, f~ rst to catch trout on ,aI fly some 2.,000 years aqo, from the river Aestr ae U s, Wh at theY' created! by wrappi'ng red wooll and brown cock hackles around a hook has much ~n common 'with some f!y·,':

, '

patterns still in use today. Over the millennia, thle range of

flies has been expanded and improved so that present-day f~y-,fishers



have a vast number of patterns

at their disposal, tired to imitate anythi nrgJ from a midqe to a ba itfish,

What makes illy-fishing so popular is the sheer number of


species that ca n be cauqht. Along

with the accepted glame=fish spe(~e's-such ,alS trout and salmon ,=-grayfinrg~ char, and even a variety of sa twater fish can aU be taken

on an artitidal fly. Because of this diversity of species and water types, the n um ber of fly patterns in use today is almost impossible to count Where once there were just two


types of fl~es-t hose that floated

and those that sank,-today there are a variety of fly dassifkati ons, divided into Hve' main glroups that describe. iin genera~ terms, what each individual fly' is desiqned to imitate and how' it ·s to be' fished. D1ry f~lies'l as the name SU9gests, are intended to bs fished on the water's surface, and are often tied to imitate the adult stage' of one of the many aquatic insect spedes. Many are tied with

special water-resistant materials or treated with a chemical

flotant to help prevent them from absorbinq water.

N'ymph~5 and bUlgS feature imitations of the various larvae and pupae of aquatk insects plus a number of c ustaceans. Because, thesre particular invertebrates live underwater, their imitations are tiled to sink rather than

float and often incorporate some form of weight in their dressing. 7

Dry~flY' fisbing for Cutthroat trout on the' Snake' River s t JfJckson Hole.

W'et fllies, are' more impressionistic

in their construction than many other fly types, using mostly natural furs

01 n d flea tlh ers to s u 9gest a pa rt i cui a r in sect rather than bein'9 iintended as a close copy. Halirwiings and Strealm,ers make UPI the fourth and fifth qroups, Both a(tuailly fulfill a very similar purpose, and are either tlhed merely to stimulate the fish's inquisitiveness or to lrnltate one of the various species of baitfish. What separates them iis the material 'from 'which

Artificial trout and stjJmon flies come in an incredible range O'f sizee, colom, and forms.

they are rnade. Hairwinqs, not surprisi ng iy!, have a wingl

'fashioned from hair" such as bucktajl or squirrel tail, while, a streamer's 'wing is comprised of some form of feather, such as cock hackles or marabou.

Even though m,anY' flies look very di'ffe'rent from one another, most employ similar techniques in their construction, These techniques ar,e the ouildinq blocks of the craft and must be learned before tyers can create fUes of their own,

The Fty~tyjng Bible takes the tyer th roug h a U of the major flly type's ~n use today'. By showtng how to (reate 100 of the most effective f~y patterns ~n clear step-by-step photoqraphy, the, foillowling paqes w'n~ gh/e the reader a thorough 9 roundi ng in alii the techniq ues, enrompessinq basic to adva need f~y-tying. Using patterns r,ang~ng from the simplest w~nged dry fly through wet fOes and streamers, r.liglht up to true-to~Ufe stanefly nymph and baitfish ~mit,altionsl this book offers a practical way to master the n~~evant methods needed to f ~ the fly box with proven Iish-catchinc patterns.

If YOdU have not considered tyinqyour own fillies; assuming perhaps that rt is an art to wh~ch you could never aspire, then think again. For whille' there are ertistk elements to f~y-ty~ngj "t is, In reality, a (raft that anyone can

8 learn. All you need is patience, practice. and the right instruction.

,3, BOOM

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How to use t IS·OO.


This book is divided into five sections: dry f!ies~, nymphs and bugs" wet f 'jest streamers, and hairwinqs. Each finished flly is photographed and annotated to show' the, materials 'iit is tyed! with-this (an be, used as. an "inqredients li.sf~ before you start. The step-by-step photoqrsphs and written instrurtions take you tbrouch the, process in clear detail from beginning to end, ,and additional information tells you whkh 'fish species can be caught with each fly_

Fiis,hl spec I es:

You! III find the SPlEiCI8S of 'fish that can be caught w~1h 8:8Ch il,V listed here

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rh~ s i nt roductij on to the fly i In c II u dies ij ntorrnaf 0. n on its i ~d ivi d ~ a I feetu res ~ h j nts and tiJps for ty.'ing the

patte rn a ndl is u gig ests d color and 81'Z18 variations

Stl\; p-Ib, -s.lep phOlt:O,g rap hs:

Ste p- bv-step

_ color photoqrsphs 'Ii II ustrate the

ty~ ng of the f~y

at every sta QIB

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'Wr:inellil i nstrn c:t'ilo fillS':

CIIBar~. expert instruction

g u id es you throug h each sta gI8-"frolm f x i n 91 th e hook in ·the visa, to erasting oft ·th e tyi ng thread

Degree 01: Idifliculty:

R.atl9 don a sea Is of one: to 'five, w·~ th on e b i3:~ ng 'the sim pie st thss e 'jic ons d i sp I ay fh 8! de Qlre e of

d iff jic [j ~tv i n~[JJ~'~J'ed ln

ty~ ng eac h fly

Fi fillh;:h Bid I-Iy::

A ph otog ra ph of the finished 'fl,y is annotated to show tn e m ate ri a Is used for eac:h IP a rt of th e parte m

h b t basi h h ..

T iere are a number or oasrc techniques common to t e rnaronty

of flly p atterns, primer j:ly the method s use d for sta rt iing and

fi n ish ing a f'~y,,, Casti ng a f~y can be touoh an the, materla lis secured around the hook" and rnany 9ame fish are equipped with enough teeth to do a fl~Y' a great Ideal of damagl'e when they actually take. For this reason, it ii's important to know

how to start a fly off properly and, more importantly, how to finish .It so that it stays In one pliece. There is little point in gaiing to all the trouble of creating en elaborate and beautifu Ily tied flY' for it to unravel after onlly a few

A tine bro'wn "trout ~whi(;h took al deN3p'·

f-h d' h -b -- t

,fs._e: ,nymp I" r:lJJU

to be re turned.


casts. Therefore, the stronger and rno -e secure it ca I!.-.,- made 'In ·th· .r '.~': , : .: .... In ue. :.- _ r. e

first instance, the better.

Unless otherwise stated, always begiln a fly with tight close turns of tyinlg thread to. build a solid base' onto which the various materials can be, secured, Then. when all the materials have been added and your creation is sittinq proudly in t.he vise,

complete it with a strong" secure whip finish, That way your

fly is sure to catch you plenty of fish before it needs discardinq, [I n the followi ng seq uences, a lar'ge hook and th ~( , th read have been used to help illustrate the techniques,

It is es sen ue I tbe: your finisf1ed fly not only looks beaotifu~, but is elso s trong ,and robust.

y Fix~nlgl the hook in the vise

The hook must be helld 'firmly and securely before you beqin tying. ~n the past, tyers used their fingers to hold the hook, but today it is recoqnizeo that using a spec~ally desiqned vise ~s by far the best method of achieving the necessary stability .

. ,.... )' Adlj ust til e vi s e so 'tthat the gap b etvveen

lhl8J jaws is. s 1 i 911tliV glrellte:~ tha n ttl e th icknass of the hooiL

21 S'lip the hoo.k. bend ~nto the jaws, holdinq the _ I hook Sit] thst he. shalrnk is: pe f,ec.t~v horizontal.


3 Tig ~ne,~ ' ,~,a"ws eroun d ~h~ no ok. If '~ou CI re IU sing a VI se WI th a IIB'vBr -acno n push the,

lever down firmly"

4 Che'c~: that fhe h 00 k is hie I d fi rm I'y by

li'gthtly depresslngl it If it can still be m~ved II p an d d@wn s~ ig'lhtly, 'rhl8'r.i the] aws rsq ui rs '~urtlh er 'Ill ghten~ ng _

• Attachinq the 'ty'iing thread

W'hen t~l~ng most flies, the tying thread not only binds the

m et eria 1(" ont ·0':"" t h Ie·' h o ....... ,'k '['I*' a' '115 .. '0' fo rrn : s ac solid Ib,~s'IQ fo r-' +11-..0-'''5' j:!I

, ,0 '<;;: ',' H..J! V ,'.' , I., ,v l I!.., . '. : .,., '. '.1 oJ!" Iii a,,!E : .. ' IU ~ '.' "'i;:

materials, Smooth metal hooks don't offer a. lot: of grip", so to. stop the dressinq from s~~ding a~ong the shank, close thread turns are first applied, The thread ~s usually run on just behind the eyej then wound in (Jose tu rns alonq the hook shank. The' thread itself is normally fed from lts spool using a purpose-deslqned bobbi n holder ..

"T'U-..e +oh r~~ dl (010'- ~,t'" ' - - ~I

I ~ I u Cod!' . .', J b USU.a,11 Y

chosen to' match the main bo dy of t he fly" Howeve-r" lit is sornet i rnes chosen t.O (.0 nt rast and stand out if it is belnq used to tie OJ bright head or thorax.

1·- 2·····


I he co/rur of' the tying thlfJ'ad is usuaJly dosen

to m,atch the body tJ" the fly.

'1 ~mth the.:' hook. in ·t~e' vi.s~" h[]~d thetyingl thread on t~ s ftu side ©f ttl e no ok. 'with

the looss end above the shank ,and U19 bobbin holds r De ~ow_

3 Wh.i ~ e. sti II h~!d in ~ tth~ loess ,e n d [If ID8 t~ ffi'ad upriqht and ught beglln to wind this bobbin holder end of thB thread down the shank"

5 ,A fts:r five ow 8 ix turns (jf thread have be en

I made" tile loose end (Jf th[€ threed wm bel secure. Put ttl e be bb i n hlol dar down and ttl m the waste end nf the thn~ad-


2 Holdiin~1 the loose. en:d 'tight .bring the bo,bbin I no ~d Sf lin frontt of a nd a beva the sh an k '[0 term a V-shepe.

4 As the threa d is W[)I.] nd down the s han k~ ut wi ~ I begli 11 to cover the cose rend, [I ecki ng it ~n place.

[6··· .. ' Contt!r1Uie. w~nd~~g the' thre~d dow~ the, shank. .. _ .' 'flee dll ng I t from Its SpO 01 W'I th 'the bobb 11f]

holder. Close turns wi'lll Ierm the required bass"



.. W'_ Jp finlsh

Once the flly is complete, it is, important that the thread ~s cast off properly. The whip finish is a secure method for 'finfishi'ngl off a fly," It involves forminq a series O'f slippinq loops that ars pulled tiight over the Iloose lend of the thread. lockinq it in place, On very small tlles, a thr1ee-turn whip finish is usually adequate,

but on larger patterns, especiatly where thick thr'eads-abovle 610L-are used I' five tu ms gi ve a more se cu re f i!n ish,

lit is possible to produce a whiip finish with the' finqers alone, but many tyers use a specially desiq ned too II cslled ,a whip= finish tool (see page ,25),. The ty~ng thread is positioned over the, tool's hook and the' loop is then wound perfectl1y around the f~y hook.

A whip-finish oo~ has been used in the' followiinlg sequence and, to help cllarify the technique, no materials have been added to the hook. ,A thick, more visible thread has, aliso been used, It ~s useful to nolle that in normal circumstances. the head of the fly would have a~ready been 'formed at this staqe,

\ '"

A titm whip finish ensues tha t thel flV

. I· d d

. - - ..

IS secute» tie enc

able to be reused.


'1" With .'the', '1tyiinrgl th, ~~d P OS,~ Ifti on~~ ~ u~'t ~ehi nd , the eye" feed a shorn: lenqth ur the thread off

ihe bobbin" Hold the' thlread tight and place the' front hook of the wt1 i p-f n I'S~1 1001 over it.

3 R~t~in'ing tension Or! the thre.~d at,a, I~~ times, fill p th e to 0 ove'~ so ttl art both ~t and the 100 Sf! end of '~11 e thread a ~18 abovE' the ho.ok 'to fo rm ani upright figure tour.

5 0 nee the requ i red number of tu ~8 has be~n m 81dB, '~hB loop must bs drawl/l '[ I ght. Ca refu IIV nip the thread off the rear arm. retaining tension with 'the 'front no ok, Pu II i 119 the bebbl n end crf 'the thread el ns as the I cop,


2 Fee:d more thread fr~m the~ slp?~1 and IJ\~SS it _' ,91rOUri d the back O'f the wtllp~'f IIllI sh to 01 s arm _ LrOI]p the th read a ro u nd "In e a 11m a no c'arr; fit back in a lime parallel to the hook shanK to 'form an

i nvertad f 9 uris; four _

4 Rotate ths wh~p-'ff~~s.h tool. !he 'first cmJpie: of I turns a re 'the~ most irn portaln, as these hold

'~l e loose en d of th e tyin 9 thread aga illl S'~ the hook. F iw . II rns are no rma I ~y me de r bu t o ne o r two more are peffecUy acceptable,

16"'·'.·. (:o~tiY1llJe pum~gl the bobbin end nf tns fhread ,'_. urm ~ the ~o op ~ s a I mo at closed en d the too I ~ s

hook is tight ag1ciinst the' hook s.haln1k_ [Remove the hook and ~u II the tlh read 'tilQlht The loose Isnd can now be rem oved.


.. F'o,rming' the head Tihe' base, for a head is added before the, whip fin~slh" and s create d by addi n g repeated turns of tyi ng th read to bu ild a neat, sllightly tapered profile. Once the whip finish has been ~~

made" coats of lacquer are added to the turns of thread, both to protect them and to form a shiny, aesthetkally ple',as~ng finlsh t.o the f'ly",

'Various colors of lacquer (an be used, dependlng on A neat. he,adis'

iomed os in,'g :r,ing the req u :i~ red effect. 0, n a f.ew A.t~,a n tic sa. i m 0 n patte r n s

:thre'ad and', red lacquer is used, but the more usual colors are black or

(lear. Clear is the mast commonly used lacquer because it

allows the color of the, tying thread to shine, th rouglh and

can be added to, any pattern without the risk of dscolorinq

the' materials closest to the, head.

Lacquer is normally applied to the, head in one to three coats.

The more coats used, the, shinier the effect, Whille this ls fine for larqer flies and streamers, for small flies and nymphs it iis inapproprlate. Between each coat, the fly can be remov,ed from the vise and left to dry on ,d, rack, or iEJ piece of foam, ~n this waYr a number of heads can be completed at one time'. The, t'YJ}e of lacquer used depenos on th,e finish required: a thin. dear lacquer is perfect for smaller f iI,es while a more viscous product, wh lich

d ri es very hard" vso r ks. bettie ron ~ a rg e r patte r n So.


1 Comp I et® . the d ~e ss Ing to r th~ 'fly. ~dd in g Il1he b DdV. hadd ~j WI ngl. etc. Use. the tylll1ltQI til read to cover thl8 mots of "the wing and build up a nest. smooth sl igtMly ta pe red profi lie.. Ca st off' the '~hn:~ad with a wh ~p f n~ sh_

3 Use the point of a dubbing neecle to apply blaclk ~ai(:~uer 'to '~he' head. Ma ke sure that the' colored Iacquer does not bleed lnto ItJhe s,unound~ ng materi a I s _ A II ow tn dry.

5 Be~ore 'die hfJa~ dries. run a shortllEHIlgth of l1Iyi on rna nof la ment thro.ugh the eve;, Ihis ensues that the eve remains unbllocked and mea ns that thie 'fly can be tie,d on 8HS i Iy when waterside.


2- 1 aka a drop I[Jf clear Is(::q ule on the t~ p of a, dubbIngl nrBed~e and apply it caref\ulily to. the head. AJIWEYS: appl~y lacQluer fill small drops-j't VOll use teo m m;h it wi I ~ 1m n Alii ow the 'I acqu er t~ soek weU into the thrlead mrns, then leave ~t to dry.

4 Once agl8 in" UJS B tlh B po iot of a dtJ bb~ng ne ed I e to add clear lacquer 'to make 'the. third coat makin 9 StU re that 'the' I aequ er ls s:pread eV91111 y

over the hea d_

.. D'ubbiinlg

Dubbing is the applicatlon of 'fur to the tyi:n'QI thread and a technique used on. a hUlgle number of f~y patterns ~n all of the major groups a, The yarn that dubbing creates is. then 'wound over the hook shank to form the bodY' or thorax of the f~y·. 'What governs the thickness of the finished body is the amount of fur added ln the first: place, lnterestinqly, appllying the fur very thinly, such as when tying very small nymphs and spider patterns, is the, most difficult method. The temptation ,j's to apply too much 'fur cre,at'i'nlg' a body' that ~s thicker than necessary,

The finer the fur, the easier 1:1 is to grip 'Onto the ty,in'Q thread, IGetting coarse furs to stick can be a problem, but there are two ways to help alleviate this, The first Is to epply a th~n coat of beeswax to the t.yling thread before offering the' fur up to it The wax ads as an adhe-sive, though the application should always be sparing as too much can cause the dubbinq fibers to (1100 g '" The second is to make sure that. the direction of the oubbinc fiber i:s we',I~ mixed 50 that: the fibers mesh together and are less likely to fa 11.11 in line with the thread. lif the fur you are uslnq does appear unidlrectional, rubbing OJ pinch of it: 'iin the palm of your hand should r1emedy the problem.

The, furs and d~bb~ng blends used range' from natural furs, such as seal, rabbit, and muskrat, to man-made products like Antron and polypropylene. The amount of fur used depends on the type of pattern and; to some extent, the' personal style of the tyer. Until you have enouqh experience, it is advisable to. apply the' fur iin smaller amounts than is necessary, lit is allw,ays. easier to add more than to remove any excess,


1:·" Wit)" he 'tying thread pnsitioned to he m8'ar of ~he hook, and w~th ;any taiil 31]d rubbing] materials allln~~aJdy added, appl.y a thin C'03't of beeswax to ttl e fh read,

3 ~tfle,r ·tthl8 fur up to the tyln~ t~r~ad and spreraJd , It thHlly along a short l!engUI.. M,a~e sure the spre,ad IS even and that there are no thick spots.

5 con,t!nue twist~ng. creat~_ng as YO:I!J do. so the re qlJ ~rad varn, 1 ry tlQ ,SIChl B1jj'le aJ s II ght ta pe r to tih 8 rea r Qf th e yarn r the end nesrast the h oolkl so that the. fflnis:hedl body wll~ increase in thickness towa rd the, front end,

2 T;ike a s m 8]111 pinch of fur, in th is ca se,kra'~1 e nough to cover the 'ti p of ons f ngrer. Tease it out s ~ i ghtly.

4 Beg in to ·tr\Ni st '[hie fu r between, fl ~g er and

. til umbo As- you d o so, the 'fur wi ~ I begli nl to compac . .L, et me same time gnipp~ng onto 'the thread. Alway.s tw~st in the same dlreetlen, otherwise '11he' fuw willi not adhere t10 '~he thread.

6- Wi nd the dub bi ng ii 11 close turns so that il

• I cuvlers the he ek sha 11k .. If 'tlh e pattern ha s a wi n g, stop wi€i'111 heck from th e eye to ral~ low space for the other materials 'to. be added.


~. WiinglnrQI loop

When tyii19 in a 'wing~:nlgl material, whether feather or hair, it s

i rn po rta nt that th e f n is h ed 'w;i n gl s its stria i g Iht. a In d d ~ rectly a rTI to p of the hook shank, to ensure that the f~Y' swims straight when it is pulled through the water. However, there is a tendency for the wlnrgl to twist around the hook r131S it Is being tied in caused by the draggiing action of 'windii'nrg the thread, Although OJ problem wah all w'iingling materials feather 'w'ing slips are the most prone to twistinq out of position, and they (an also split ..

'The' wiinging loop :~s the technique used to alleviate thls problem .. A loose turn of thread i.s. 'wound over the wii'nrgl'.s base, then carried around in ths normal W·;'2.:y until it. is diriectly below the hook shank. Only at this point is it pulled tJrgiht onto the' wiing .. The direction of :pulll on the thread is straiqht down, so

the twisting action that windinq the thread produces is. removed ..

A winging loop is US8,eJ' to tie :r.he wing firm./)" in en up,right posnlon.


I" •• _.,

1 Posi ~~n the tY~~lgl bread at 'the eye .cs.nd co:Uect _ the \lvmg materials. Here. two matching S 11I1 ps of rna ~ lo[rd p d mary are prepared 'I n thi s e~ample thle body' and hatCk~e! ~1 ave belen 0 m itted to he ~p illustrate the method dearly-

3 Drop the sljp,~ so that _they sit on top of

_ UH~ hook _ Ra I SJ9 th e tvl n9 thread eb 0\1''8' the

wing slips so 'U1E1lt ilt forms a straight ~hle! In front of them

5 Stm ho'ld~ng tha wijng S "j"p in place, pu~~ the _ thread tight In a straight downward motion. This viliJI compress the w'fing[ fibers dire,ctly onto

he top of "U'l e no ok, He movIe. ttl e 'flingers and e '~he wing position.


2M eks sure the 31 ips ere (rf eq UI8 II width and] place them ·togethe,r,j' duU sides in, so that the tips ara level. Holld '[he- SI~plS over 'the top. of lhe

sh an k SOl "that the bu tts are over the eye G nd the

ti ps pro ject just pas . ths no ok bend.

4 KSlep il~gl thl~ tvi 11 9 thread I o ose, d rop it. bel~i nd the WI ng sl ~ps.. [) 0 not pu II, U~e 1'1 ght at '~hris po ~nt bu t pos ilion it dl rec.'lly beneath 'II, e no ok shenk and wing ..

6 Add tVlJO m ore wing ing loops to m akJe SIJ re 'that the w'i'ngl d[]el~mrt tvlJ'ist thenfix the w~ fIlg i [11 p ~a ce 'wIth no rma I" ti ght thread wra ps,


Collar hackles are used to suggest legs ()'f win:gs~ and to help the fly ttoet and give it mo vemem.

Collar hackIe'S

ste usually tied with esott-tioeted cock hackle for nymphs (rigllt) and we. t tiies (above): .

... Fo, a col a~ hackle

A collar hackle ls used on many types of flies .. IEverl where other styles of hackie are emp~oyed-such as a throat hackie the base is often still a collar hackle, Therefore, it. j:s, important to have a basile grounding ~n this. technique.

When tyil ng any' t.y pe of' wou nd hac k~,e~. ch ODSli 1119 the correct feather for tlhe job ~s crucial. For dry fU,es" this usuaily rneans a stift-fibered cock hackle, while 'for wet flies and other subsurface patterns a softer-fibered cock orr hen hackle j·s required, For Bach of the fillies featured in the' book that include a collar hackle, the correct feather is specified"


I ,:.'

'1':-' ~h, th~ h~l~ kl B. m a k,lin~gl su ~e th~t the fiber

lenqth I,~ rlgh~ for the hook, This Willi V,8ry

de pen d1j ng on th 8 patte rn " but for m est dry f~ij as it j s erou nd ens-an d-a-ha if to tvrJi ce the w~dtt1 of the h oek glape.

3 Rl8:move 'the 'fibers from a. ,short"IBflg~h of the _ stern Tea r oft a rliY b ro ken or 0'1111 ef\tV1 56

da mag ed ii bers.

5 Us i ng the ~a fie st.u~ of h~rCklre ,stem. catch the hac1kle In posmon w~th two Of three

tu m s of tyinlg th read, T a ke h 0,1 ~ o'f th B ha ck~'3: tip w'ith hackle p~"ielrs.r clamping 'tthem fijmmly butt 913 ndy onto the ti p,


2 If VIJ~ find it difficult t,~" judge the fi?elr i,sngthr I bendlngr the hackle wl~i cause the fibers to naira so "that they can be seen more easHy agaillst the hook, MakJ8 sure that all the fibers rnmf the main leng'~hr are perfec "

4 With ~d,s-s ors, re,m OV1e m nst [If tttls ba re stem Ito le,8rVl9 BJ short stu b-

6 Wind on the hackl19 in dOSl'8,Jy Dutte,d turns

I toward 'thE! ~YB" ID 0 not ~ et th E'J ttl m s everla p as th is wi Ilfl cau se "the~ f hers to twi st out o:f position. To c,omplete. seCUIiB the tip with thread and remove thiS: excess hackle tip Wlj' h scissors.

As with most. crafts" fl'y,-ty~ng requires a range' of tools des~9ned to make the practitioner's lite OJ II little easier. They iFan'Qle from fundamentals, such as a vise and scissors, to optional tools, indudinq the, hair stacker and dubbinq

1M, ,~, /I"stl Q r 'w,:' h Ii ~ ~ 'Ii+ ·1 t: no t i m , ee :"Irat 'I'J'ide' to' 0' ,', b t ~'~ n e" ve nl ,to:' 0-' II' 11"1 ste d he' re' t h eu W' ,~~ I

I!..V'Y, ",,'Ii;;: •• ' ~,' ~~~ IJ. :JI III, i II""'" '-, 'Y::, ,':': "'" all I -:'ii:-. J: ",I ,.;) __ '_ I, II, 'j. , 1_", 1 ,~'~~L


Wh ii ~Ie: ii t is PIQISS i b~ e to hol d the h ook with

f d . d' .~ I

'I " . -', -, .:.", -_. ",: '1' "_ ,"", _. I' I I:':"~ ---

YIO uri ngrers,r, ,a p u rposa ' es Ig ne, '!J liS e WI"

allo'w you to hold BV\Bfll small hooks firmly

an dI 318 eu ne:lly. The vast rna] 0 liity of experil!3n~)s d fly .. tyers wo !ill II dn"l1 dream of n ot us i ng 101['118. F h{-,tyftrllgl vises 18 re sva i I ebl e iin a ran'g e IOf deslqn s, burt' they sho u I d ,8 IIII havl8 OJ simple, st.urcfry action that wIll hold a v,8ir~etY' off' h ooks "fJ ii rmll.y in the jaw'S so that they do not m 0 \1'19 " The preferred action of :mlall1Y tyers is a I eve r device that :r s pressed down one 8' th a vi sa lcrws have ble13 i1 adjusted to S u i'll th e

size li"'I;# th ~ hook The ~I:'~ -W'(!o t LL. e-: rn - (>e~ ~it.rlDi!!:' ~.f.. ull. _lll!;ii Uyll\,_ _ ~]~ !.;I! _!l,! _1Ji ~V~~

should be' hard-tempered In order to 'withstand rna ny ysa rs of W)8'8lr.

IllIIJ1 bbin,g :N:ele,dlle'

This silmpille: tooi has a number of uses,

'I ni' I ~ I' ~ "1IIFrlIIQ': "tiEl '=I if' ~ i1"'I f1 .n U ~ d ~ 'I bib, '·1 n"g ma'tlE:ilr'"1 a I e

ILo lUIiLII III ',' ,C;; !:.iII,:) 11111 til V It. _ !j,lI, _ _ ,,:c,!.;i' ,__ .;;Ii"

dhlid~ng w'~ng slips, and ''fi"Jnee.i'ng ~jfappledl

h aJe kl e fi bets. 'lIt ~ s a lsn u sed to aplP 1'1 la eq tJ er to ,tlh e heed ol a f I'y.


S,c:i Is'ors,

Anothe r must-have too I. ,A,II th at is ne qu ired fro-m a pa'f r of

f~y=,tv~'ng scissors i~ that they halfls sh srp bll ad as that are srna III eno u gh to wOlnk clio sa ~y arc und the hDO k. 'Whli le ~t is po ss ~ bll e to gist ,13,WB Y' 'wi1th ,9. S i [1,9 lie pa i r, many

BX1P erie need 'tyl8:rs h alV'IS: 'two. Th e

'f~ rst pa i r is the wo rkho rse, use dI to cut thro ugh to ugh materia ls, is [.J ch as feemer staks. hair, and tinsels.

Th e s 13:CO n d is ke pit a harp for the mo fa dB:1 ~ eats ta sks i such as trl mm i ng hac k'i e

'Hb ern, and us ua I' Ily ha s sm aJ I ~Ier~, fi n e r po i nts 1than the first: plair.

Hlalc:k lie IP'I i em Hackle pliers are available in ,[31 variety' lOifJ fo rms, from si m pi e s pru n g= meta i types to th OSIS! 'with a ~ ang'" swiv\El!~ ed ha nd I e. The latter a re ea s ie r to U3:e~ but the most ii:m portent qua I ~"fry of

a my ha ckle pi i ers is tb at they have s mooth, p ree r s e .I aws that glri pi 1hB hack 1119:j 0 r ,8 ny

oth er materla I~, f rm I V w ~th 0 ut e uttl ng. TOI "~h i s end. some models of hackle pliers have jaws covered 'with siticone rubber.

8,ob,b'irn ",older It ~,s possible tOI tie 81 fly bV removing ra lenglth of tty,ng lh read fro m its S P~Q I; however, there are a number of advantages 'to be gained by us~ngl a special IV desi'gned bobbin holder. The foremost 15 that ~t al~DWS the thread to

be fed from the spool whi~e it IS wo~nd around the hook, redudng wasteto the barre: m~nimum. Also, the wei'ght of the bobbin holder", combined with the pressure 'that the arms exert on the spool, means ~hat ~t can be rslaa sed to han g' beneath ths hook whi~ e still m'~a~ning tension on the thread. The

re su Itt is th art the thrsa d is p reve nted fro m unravel iilmg' without resortinq 'to adding a half hitch after every ty ~ n QIIP rOCr8 diu ra

Whip-'finl~s,h T'IlJJIO~

A perfectly rgood 'wnlijp finish canbs executed wflth finqers alone: h.JWBViBL some tvers find this spec.iiali'Y desiqned tool a [gn~at: help,

1M ode I s va ry,. but most wn i p .. f n ~sh to 0'1 s h av.e astra i glht han drl e w ith 8 h 00 k at ,one end

a III d. lower dow n, a spru ITl,g-w'i Ins' arm lh e

tyii ng th read is pas iti one d over the too l's hook end arm ami the ~esult~ng Iloop wound

,8 ro u nd the f~y hoc k

1 Or (I 1 S

'Dufbbi;ng' wilsIeI'

Whsn creating a dubbingl ~oap,. it lis

imp orta nt to retain tern si om on the thre a d

100 p "~O keep the 'fu r I'n pos it~ 0 n. Ha ckl 9 pi i erg

rf"'~n h.IO UI!!2'oA 'buf the 'LoU III IJIG' . _ ici![r;;;,i·lrJt _. [ ~. ' t:o

dubbilng twister is far more eff c lent, W'ithr sprung[metal arms and a hs'arvy c:"rcu!811r bodYi iit keeps

the thread ta ut and can be easi ~y SIPU n ~ twi s :i n 91 'th e' 'th read and dubb~ngl into a rope.

Hla ir' Stalclker

When using hark to create wInrgs~ r8chi1erviing the

GO rrect d en si tv ca n be ,a pro b I em. Ofts n 1he natura I position of the hal r on the

ski n mean s 'that tm e

. prepared wIng will taper

too. m uch However, the hair earn be stacked so that the tips. become level. The hair stacker is a rnetsl Of plastic tube into 'wh~clh the. bunch of ha Ir is placed. ups first 8y.tapPlngl the stacker on a hard su rtece the ha i rs ea ~ II to 'uhe barto m c reati ng a level end to the wfngl.,


M · I'

aterla ,S

Wh erea s th e' tool s al re the, h a rdwa re of the 'flI'y- ty~ ng craft the, mate ria I s are' what actually create the fly. You will find them ~n a rnlnd-boqqlinq range of colors and forms, from natural materials, such as hair, feather, and wool, to synthetics, lndudlnq nylon, polypropylene, and Antron, to name but a few. As modern. fly-tyers become more ~nven.t~veJ the [list continues to gJrow' .. In fact, iit is now so large and comprehensive that j't would be impossible to list everything available without ded~(at~ng a whole book to the subject. For this reason, only a few of the most popular and w~dell,y used products are listed here. Even these Elfie enough to tie hundreds of effective flies: and, from this startinq point, you can build up your stock, over time, to €'nCOlmpass all the, patterns that you intend to tie.


T" h d i d thevari

: :,-. , . ",'1' - -. -, '" . - ,._," ".- [,: .: .. J- ',.-.- •

ylng t rea is use to secure t e various

components ur a "fIV to the hook h is available in a range of colors and

d ia m ete rs ~ with b~ ac k 6/0 be ~ ng the most cornm on 1'1 used. Hner threads, such as SIO a nd so n1IS O'F tb e

s u psrf ne tyPIS'SJ' are u sed fa r Sima 1'1 fl~es of size 'l6 and be~ovV'. Th 8' he av fer 3/0 d i a mete r is used to r ~ ;t\lrrg e b u ektai I sand strea m errs! wh ere ,8 stron 9 'till read ~ s req u i red to ho I,d I'a rg e bunehes of h a ~ rand feaihe r In

p I aca Tyhllg th read wa S 0 ri gill n a, I' I 'if mad e

'fro m s i I k~ but today rna n~ m sde materia Is, sue h as nyi on and Kevl er, a re u sed because they OJ re strong, "~h i ~ ~ and ~ Dng I asti ng.


-- ,

.... _.


T~ ns 8:11 S are u sed "~O Ig ~'vle a 'fly a d 8g ree (li'f! sparkle, either as a body or a rib. They are mad e 'fino m either m eta I I) r p I asf e. The meta I

type was on ee prone to tarnishi'ngl, but: 'modern forms have a Goat of val m i sh that hel ps the m nata ~ n th eIr spa rkl e

for longer" Pllastlc tinsels, such a s My~a r~, neve r ta rnlsh ~ but

lh BY a re less m bust tha n til 8! metal types- Me;ta~ tinsels are

available in gold, silver, and copper, while i n pl asf CJ, pea rl an d ho I og ria p h ~ C Isffec:ts are 1Il1l1tw wi de ~~, U~I;' 8- --'d"

~ ~v .. ~. ~ .. 1fJ. J ~ r


UkH tyingl thread, floss was: once orlly ava i I alib I e hn natu ra I si I k To day,- however.

ietv of d

a va rlll~ty n ma n -m a, e

prod u cts are a ~s 0 used. The GCi~Or rangl~ is la rqe, a ~thio ugh black red,

V~llow-' and 'O}II~.f~'

. !;j;_ . ~ 'DIll II - .- -.11 ~Ir;::;

are the most popular. S~ngle-p~'¥

fl ass can be wo u nd stra i gJht 'fro m

the spool! while the two=plly Iloss must be d iv Ide d into its com p one nit sira n dis. before being wound.


Yarns, such as

th ose ma de from pn ~ypra Dyll'El ne or Antron ~ can be found ~n a wids rang e of co I ors. Mia st can be used like

floss" wound along the hook shank to create thick burt smooth bod'jes. They' ars aliso used as wing posts for pa rach ute fl i as 10 r as, 1a i ls o n W,8:'t flies, streamers" and bucktails,


.: u.'· . ~i

SmaU beads are commonly used in a wide rangi8 of nymph patterns and lor a ",B'W strea m e rs, M eta I baa ds

are available in a ra ng'EJ of eo I 0 rs, iincluding glo~d! silver, copper, and black, plus some fluorescent colors, such as Ora1l1Q'6 and cha rtre u sa. They are us U a II Iy fixed at th e hook eVle'~ pro'Viiding weight particular~'y

1I:h 8 tu ng ste n hea ds-=a nd r in th e ca sa off

thlB m o re co I ortu [I types ~ 81 bi t of S pia rik i €!.

The I ~ ghter 9 ~ ass a n dip I a sic b eecs are USI8 d either to create the eV"9S on irnitarions of

la rge nymphs or 0 add extra flash 10 the fly_

. Dubbiiilllg firs Dubbing furs are used 1'111 a ~arlge rurnber of pa terns across the range of flly groups.

Wh ere one Ei: natu ra I '1 u rs such ,as seal r nlare. rabbi' . a no m u sk rat p rO"l~d ed th e

ma . n so u rce, to da If ma n -ma de prod ucts such as polypropy[lene and AntnonJ are widely used. Plan dyed colors ems used alone or

bll e n ded with othe r ty p es of fu r or ir'i de see nt stra nds to prod UCiB so me wand erfu ~ effects"

Winlg DuU s

Wing QuHls, such as; thosa from '~he mallard duck or starlinp are used pri m a ri ~'Y a s wet - Of d ry- fly wi ngs. es pee ia II V on patterns ~ m itart:i n gl small mlayflli'es or m idqes. INorrna~,lv used in the plain, natura I 9 f,ay form ~ threv ea n aiso be 'found in white or

a ~ange of dyed colors,

[M illrlH bo IiIJ

Th i s soft. f r uffy m alt!8 ri a I one e~ ca me fro m

th e m era bo u stu rk. but today its so u res is the whir e domestic turke:y. Being white it

is ea s;~ I y dyed ~ wh'i c h rna kBS it extre me IV vsrsat i IIt8. That, a nd the fa ct that ~"~ is; sa sy to use and has ;8 superb action in the water, has made marabou the mas poptdar wiing~ng

m ate ri a I for a vast ranqe of modern suea mer pattern s.


" .


GET J ~ N G S' A R lED


Th e feafhers from the naek an d ba ek of

do mesti e PfJU Itry provi die ,a n i mpo rta m source of fl'y-tyiing materials. Known as hack I es. t11~ B'y a re u sed to sugg est the legs

of an fn sect or si m p~y to ad d co lor and moveme nrt The- feathe rs from both cock aloe hen. bivd ave used. Those from the hen are softer land

m (we water e bsorbent, ma ki ng the m Ids'[3L11 for

s u bs u rtace pattern s~

sue h as wet °f'lli 8S a ~ d nymphs. P~i meIquality' hackies from the cock

b i rei h ave st~ffer ~

~ ass water-

ahs o rib ent f be rs. 'w,h ~'c h is 'why they are, most often UlSIE~ d for ty~ ng dry tl ies,

ii Ge netic" hac:k I e s.

wh ieh h alVIS' bee n

pu rpose-h red to produce

rJln ratxt.remIEJ;ly hi Qlh· qua I ity feather.

8J Fe VB ry I o ng a nd thIn, w·~th th e f bers dose "together .. This makes them pertect for tyi ng eVf~ n very' s ma II dry n i es" lO'we~r-g fade C oc k h ec k~ es aJre ofts n'il u sed for h ate ki es on strsa ms rs an d Ib u ekta i I s or as stream sr

wi nqs, Ha ck! es C OImi8' in a 'widB ra nqe of natu ra II and dyed GO ~o rs.


Va ri ous types of ha i r ana' used i n f~V'- ty:~nlg'., the. most: popular application being as a w~ng on

2 ;8 e ~ th er h 8 Irvl/;i'ng 0 r d ry-ny' patterns, llh 81 most

wi de:ly used type of ha i r ~.s th at of "~he 'w~ iteta i i ad eee r. .~ nown as b uckta i II J' it ii s a strong j [:0,13 rSB ha i r j'

q u ita stra i9ht in the fi ber, rna k i'ng it id sa I to r 81 who I e ra ngre of med i urn to 118 rge. parte rn s, Be,inQ white, it can also be: re,adil~y dy,e:d to prov i d 8: a wide ra n QIB of DO~ nrs, Othe r !yp es of naiJr used particularly for wing~ng inel ude squirrel tail and. ealf tail. :bath of' whi'ch ere finer 'the n bu ekta ~ II ,8 nd better SUi ite d fo r us e on sma II er d ry- fly patte rns. E I! k and de 8:r body hair is also used for winging dry flies or J' whe n sIP [_J nand d ~ P pad, to form the buoyant Mud diller head, W11~ en u sed s;t.~ lion the skin, rabbit and mink fur produce 'the!

c I a ssi e Zonkl8f sDJ I e O"fJ ty~ ng U SIS d to crsats s orne h~g h II 'if effe ct ~ve ha itfis h ~ m itati on s,

['Ileac oc:1lc HIE! rill

Pe aCID ck h ed is a IQ1reat mate rl a ~ for m aki flI9 °flly bod ~ es ~ es pecia II y nYlm phs. d rv 'fl i'8:S~ end we'! fl i es, The 1 rid esc snt f be WSj• thong h dark" give a bea utifu I s parkl e

-- hil ~ ~ ~-d-- -" - - -h -k- off t-

'w_,_.I_e prQiUClng a C_JJln_v e 8C'

'that im itatas the prof I e of anvthlifillgl from ,8 cased caddis larva to a b eetl e" PI8:0IC(] ck

h erls ana no rma Illy u sed as

8 b 0 dil'tj' 0 f' '-111k.. ora 'M" m ate r"1 a I

f 'i : : J .: I . J II :. OA . ir] . ~. I: JI

altho ugh stra n ds 8 re ,8 II so

i'nell ud ed in th ral wi n 9 o'f 80lm1S, strea mer patte rns, The f I UEl: can a I so be rem oved and the quill used to form

seg me nted f I'y bod i as.

F1e·atlh er ,Fi be r

Valrious tvJU3 s of ieathe r f~ber alne' used far the bodies IOf broth nymphs and dry f I 'iie s. Th aug h tu rkey j both plain and i's

p opu ~,a r. the most w'id el V

UlSI8:d feather fiber is taken

'fro m tnle ta i I lO[f th e m,e II e ri nu-

n ec ked phea sa rnt. Th iis chesm ut feather ~s used for the classic Pheas,snt Ta~1 Nvmlplh~ a~ong wl~h a rang e of oth er pattern S,~ iinc.~ ud i ng tn e T eerny Nymp h s eri es, N[ow th at phea sant tai[1 scan be bleached before being dyed. the' versatility of th 8' mate ri 8.1 has been ~ nc reased a nd

a whole ranqe of natural and bright colors Is now av,a~ lable,

Cull[ .. d e'- C:iJlliI ard

The soft, downy feather known as cul-decanard {CDC]I has been used m fly-tyjng for over 1 ()O yearsr yet it 'is on~y in recem years that its pOIP ~ ~ arity has s prea d a rou n dI th e world" Today. Imany tyl8fS have come to

rea I i ze how eftec iva th~ s materia I j S r

as pee ira III V for tv'j n g d ry. "~ I[ i 8 s" What rna kes eul-de-cansrd so special is that. the fs!atners are located around the preen glland of a duck. As such, thev are imlPregna,t,ed with

o i II s that rep B:~ wate r but

reta ina softj delicate texture.

This makes them ideal

for wingingl small mayfly and terrestria I


i m itati ons, in the ~ i natura I fo rm CDC 'ieathe rs are 8,i1!h81 9 r,dY, wh ite~, 0 ~ pa I e brown, but they can be dyed and alrl8 now available j 1 [a wide ranqe Df colors.


While materials such as hackles, dubbing, snd yarn form the flesh and I imhs ot the flYI tile' hook provides the Dons's on 'wh['ich evelythi'in9 else hangs. Hooks are avai~able in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. thei use dep1endilfig on the 'type ot "fJly b.eingl tied, M ost ho oks nlev[e a si ng I e bend [a nd po i nt, burt sorn e trout a nd sa 11m on

hooks are manufactured as doubles Dr trebles w'ith two 10 r 'ttl rae points. For W'ISt flias and nymphs, a heaw-

'wi red rno die ~ w'~th OJ she rt sh.8Jn~ is used to help the fly sinkr while for dry flies ~ilghter wIns' is used to keep w[el~ght to a minimom. for b3rgl8:r patterns. such as stream ers i ha i liN i n giS, sorn e nymphs rand d r( fll"18Stf lorngshanked hooks are used. This type of hook has a much onqer shank. so while the gape of' a see B lonqshank wi[11 be the same as that of a siza 8 wet-'fly hODk., the shank may be twice the ~ength.

[M ost tro ut he oks have a oro nze f n LSl hi but those produced for tyiJrugl sslrnon and stas'head f ies ere black, The eye of the hook is. also different-i;ns~e,adl of being

e rS!8JtIEJ dl by be nd ~ n gl th e. wi re to th e s h an k, t'he.v are formed as a tapered loop closed. by winding 0[1 close turns of tY'ingl thread", Salmon hooks are also produced with

18 n M. ptu rnsd eVEl



Dry flies are desiqned to float on the water's surface. T() achieve this, many are tied usln'gl materials that are either buoyant or that: repel water. IMan=made products, such as po~ypr()p'Yllene~ rayon, a nd Ant ron I are pa rt ~(.lJ I a r f avo rites beca usc th ey a re ext rem e ~Y' light while rnicrecellulsr foam ls il1(re,als~n'9I'Y used because it is so buoyant that it w~~1 keep any fly floating indefinitely.

In size and shape, dry f~ies vary Igre'at~Y'.' They encompass. any pattern that imitates an insect that either hatches on or falls onto the surface of a lake or river, IBehlg aquatic, the adults of insect groups such as the mayfUes~ stonctlics. caddis ffes. and midges, greatly influence the size and shape of m,an~t dry flies, However, there is another g ro u p. the' tie rrestr ~a I S f that ,iis even rno re' va ri a b lie in form. In fly=, fishinq, the term terrestriel is used to descri be any i nve rte brate ttl at is not aquatic in either immature or adult forms. Thii's can include anythinq from the smallest beetle or spider riqht LIP to chunky insects, such as glras:shoppers and crickets,

Although mlany effective dry fH,es sti~11 harve a traditiortal feel to them, modern materials and treatments have heaviily 'inflluencf1d the group. With the advent of h~,glhly efficient modern spray and gel fl ota nts ~ fl i es ca n be treate dl so t h a t t h f/!y float e'v1e n withe U1t. a hack I e ~ re Iyi ng si m ply on teased-o ut body rnateria Is 0 r a utstretched w'in 95 to keep t hem trappe d in 'the su rface f lm. The result is that slimmer, more, lifelike patterns C2Jln be created=flies th at wi II fool 51e lect ive trout, even in c ~Iea r,ca I,ml water,


Brown trout

Arctijc char

G rayll illng

Ra.Inbow trout




F Fly

This is a .sirnpie but de'adl'Y Htt~,e fly that works iin a wide, range of hatches. It can be tied in a varii,ety of body colors to suggest anything from a small mayfly to a caddis f~y~ or even a stonefly.

A small, black version ~:s particularly eff,ect~ve when there are little, dark -co lio red te rrestri a ls on tlh e' water. Th e key to th e pa tern IS success is a wling of natural gray cui-de-canard. whkh mimics the wingl of the insect. Also its fibers, which are' loaded with natural oil keep the fly floating 'without the need for a hackie'. The simplicity of this flly' [makes irt ,easy to tile ln even the smallest Sizes, right down to CD size 28 hook.

~ __ ~~'------i"!:r----~~ W ~In 0:

N atu ra I Qlray cu 11- d 8-IGaJna rd

r:----~~ Th re!ad': [l~ ive

"00'(1(:: ~=~S·le 1 (J=28 fine wIre,


Oll·ve pheasant tail fibers

Hi.( "~he~ hOOlk i[1] the vuse! and run tlu~ tying

'_ thread a long "~he shank from '~Ile eve to a point up posite the barb. Catch '~11 '~calJ ~ ClII~\1B pheasa nt ta i I' fibers with 'three f rm turns, of thread,

3 LeaVE: 'the I acq~ er '10 dry u rrtti! s II~ ghtly talc'~y,

, I Wi nd th'B fe,ather fbers .a~ ong ti1 e ho ok shant

ke epilng ttl 8 nun seven"

5 Take f!:wO small I c:llJll~d e-1ca na rrl "['eath ers an d I P I ace them 'tog'ether so mat the:ir tips a re lev\el. Catch ttlh em ~ n as (I wing with 'th[rele f rm thread wraps behind thle @ye-


" '." ,I AOilow ~he waslbe lends of tfrls feather fibers to

, , ~ ie al ongl "the sha nk (lInd cov,€r thlem with 'tthrsi3Id to create an Iwen be se f[aw th e bo dy,. Ap plV' a drop of dear laequer,

4 ~~~~~n~:c~:~~~n~QI~~:!i:~~~::~~~~~:ve~

just behInd the HY'B and trim off the excess 'wIth scissors.

6 Pos irtiOril In6 w~ ril~ low ovs r ths bo dy. 'then trl m _ Qlft this lexcess 'f,sathler '~ljiith scissors, Sle~ure w'~t~l 'flUirthier "~iglht ttl rn ad wn:tps b~fom castrnQI off thB thread wllth a whi p f~n ish.


, '

,- ,

Bmwn I trout

Rainbow trout



" .::'

I@@ [~~



Elk Hair Emerqer

This simple, hackleless fly 'is t~ed spedfkallv 'Tor 'fishing on lakes and reservoirs. lit is desiqned to irnltate a hatching chironornid mtd'ge,i' an insect that makes up a larqe part of 'the stillwater trout's diet, Be'cause there isn't a hackle', the Elk Hlair Emlerge" relies on its elk-hair wing and teased-out fur body to keep ~t floatinq, The body is applled by gently dubbingl a small amount of fur onto the t~iingl thread to form a thin, fluffy rope. Once ap plied, the, point of a needle or a small piece of vekro is

used to rag the fur out sliqhtly, m,aJdng ilt moretranstucent

and increasing its surface area. The Elk Halr Emerger is tied iln a

range of colors includinq fllery brown, oranqe, claret, land black.



___ -=~--- Willllg::

Ellk iair

Bodiy: ~""""""" __ ~----;:':~=!j, F i:18 ry b rOWnli sea I fur



'\ '''== Riib:'

Hae DV,8 I gDld tinsel

IH[I ok:: _----lI Size 1.2-14

1 Wi'[tI the hoo fixsd in the V'iSEli: run the" 'Lyrngl thread 0 n at the By\B end calrry It down th Ie sha nk to a point 0 pposite th B ba rib. Cs'och in

2 iinch ss ~ 5.c:m). of 'flin B; ova t go lid ti ns el.

3 ~~:e~l~i~~~h~ !~~:. ~: f.e~~ ~~t~n: apply

,s'mple 'finger=and·,thumb t\N~st ,and w~nd the rl(3'StJ I'~j ng rOD e. allongl ttl e. sh ant

, i Sscu re and flemove 'the 'I nose '~i ns 811 end. Take , ,.. a small! bunch o'fJ elk hair, remove: any b~Qiken fiibers • end make sure that the tllPS are ~EH/,el. Catch it ~ n p I aca with tti ght ,~Jh mead tu rns 30 'that: th e t~ps pro ject Just past the ho ok bend.


2 U si I1g close!ly wau nd turns of ~ty:i nQ th rea d,! secure the. wa,ste en d rrf '~he tins 81 to the' shank. Ihis prOCedlJf>e ensures ,an even base to which he. bodry cain then be applied.

4 S~op ~he' body ,a short di"stanoe from the eve"

I _ pi rnch ing away any exces s fUlr. T a ks Ih o~ d of

the gold tinse I .and win d f~ve or six t~g ht, even Iy spaced w ms 01;J.1e,r the body.

6 Seeu re with further turns, of thread, The n using slf!ghtly locser turns at the base'. Pos~tilon the w'i'ng o sH at 45 degrees to the s~lank. Cast uH tlhe ·thrlead wlith a w~'ip finish and 'Jim the' hair at: the eVe to 'Is,ave,a short stub.

Brown trout

IRai'nbow' trout


". " .

. .




Red Tag

This is a very tr adi tio nsl '~ittllf~ fly r most famous as awi nter pattern for Igra'Y~ing,. However, it is actually laJ very good general pattern,

e qually useful on rivers a nd 1101 kes, ,All th ouqh most often used as

a dry fly~ it can also be' tied to be, fished wet, the, only difference being th at a softer= fiber ha ckl e is used. An ot herwise sornbe rhued fly I what .rea I~~t sets il off is the b r~9ht tag of red wool that giv,es the pattern its name. Tyiing a 'wool tail ~s not difficult; the main thing to watch out for 'liS that the 'wool doesn't lead to an exce5s:iive,~y bulky body, Because the body of the, Red 'Talg is a, chunky one of peacock herl, this isn't really Ian issue, Still, it pays to use' t he' 'waste' end of the w'Oo,~ t t ~'edl t he ~ e nqth of th e' hook to fo rrn an eve nun d e r body"


Paacoc ~ he rl



Red wool

~+F--i-~= H,tu:kh~::

Red -b Flown cock ha ekl Eli

llL------, Ilhread::

B I aek (J r brown

Hook: " __ ___. Size " 0=1: 6

'1"'[- ~ith 'the~_ ~~o_k fixed ~~ ~ilh€ ~rSle~, lrun,on [h~ tyll ng thrsad and lcatly it down the shan kin

teuc h ing turns. Take a sno rt ~e ngth of red wool end catch i1t ill'] at EI poi nt oppos'i te the baro,

3' T rim the tali I s ho ri:, rna ki Iflg a si ng lie, c lea n cot


I with a pair of scissors, Catch 'in thn~e strands

of peacock herl at: the base of the tail.

-", S ecu re he he rl s ~ If] pi acs a short d ista nCle ,:, from the eye and relrrmve !the excess,


2' ", Cover tlh B waste lend or the WQiO I wi'lh c:llo se ~ itJu ms ef tttl read, return 1 ng Ule' tluea d to th e be:Old. This willI form an levf!ln base for the body,

T ease cut the 'wool f be rs w'ith til e t~p of a need le.

4 Galny the tyin 9 thread IU p to the eyle. Takle

. hol d @f the paaco ck herls ,aJJ1ld twi st them

gent'ly,. Wind them a~ung the shank tn form a

chu nky body. Fo r added strength,. these herl scan be WOIU nd ONfJ r a i,CMY'er of 'wet va m ish.

6 Select a n~d·brown ~JQcl~ Ihackle '~lt~ ,al_'~iberle!fI1g'lh 0 ne-a nd-a-ha 1'1' u mes ttl at of "~he' h 00 k [ga pe. Catch it in attne eye' (1 no wi nd on tbree turns. Secure the end and trim the el()ce,ss, then cast off.


B~own trout

A~c1ic char


Rainborw rout



- I ~ d M id

PO······I y··· .r :W·:··· t. ·:ln··· .'. Ie::· .... I.:'·, g' .. le······

.•• _ ••. :_ .• .'. • • •... .:. 't •.•. I

. .

- . . .' ..

This little dry f~y ~s effecnve and simple to tie. Tied in black it makes a gre'at imitation of a whole host of small dark flies. from the black gnat and hawthorn flly to tiny black midges-ali you do is alter the size of the hook. The Polyw'inl9led IMidge consists of a body of dubbed fur, a 'wing of polypropylene and a collar hackle to help it ffoat. Dubbinq is, a bask process for applying a fur body, and entails twtstln9 the teased-out fur alon'g the thread between finger and thumb .. Waxing the thread can help the fur adhere to itt- and the 'fur IS always twisted in. the same' direction to 'form a th in, f~Ulffy rope .. ,

W'~ ,'·In,g:

WL..· "I" . d

I'II~te SII eornze

p o I vpro pry'l en e y,a rn

;"0£1;,;: ............... __ ~~ B la ek Antron

~~~~~ Hackle::

Bialek cock hackle

114+-~-, Thr,e!8I1d:' Black


Size 14~24.

',::'1- Hav~ng fixed the hook. in the 'lisle. wind 'the tyli n9 tn read down '~11 e sh an k frem the, 8:VE tn

th eben d, Take a p ~nch ot b I ac~ Antron. tease ~t out" a rid a ppl if I Close!lv but even Iry to the thread.

3 Take a ~ ength of white p o~vprop''!I~e ns 'Y;81rn end catch ~t iln (It the eye wIth thrles tlight thread wra ps,

5 Prepa re ~thle hack,l e ,b~ re:moving any soft or broken flosrs 'from Iits ba se, LIS8V8 a sh Orlt lel1gtJl1 of bare stem and catch this in, with thmad, at the wing base,

2 BSThvelell finge rand th.umb:, ge~~t~v twi'st the _ Antrnn 0 nto til e th read until a thil n rope has. been 'Formed. W' nd 'thi s ro e alongl t -1 E! no ok shan k, stop pi ng ~ ust short of the eyre.,

4 Sl8curiB the yarn with further thread wr~ps:

a rid remove the excess with sc i SSCl rs. Sela ct a b~ac,k cock hack~e with 'fjoer I'sngth almost twice 'II, at of' the hook glallP e-

6 ~'a ke h oll~ UI th~e. hack I e tip wHh a p ~Ii r of.

_ hackle pliers. WI nd 0 n two tu ms of hat: k I e and secure hie tIP w~'~h thread. Removle the excess haeda with scissers and cast off the thraad

Brown trout

~ Rainbow trout

,Atlantic salmon

Sea trout

4,10 ...... ·

I '. "


The lSi -Vi siii b le is ti ed entin2dy from h ackles=-nc other mate rials other than tying ,th read a re used, The tail ~s a cock hackle point and the lent ire I ength of the hook is. cov'e red in dose t urns of hackle, Two different colors are always used, the darker at the rea r fa ~Iowed by a dist inct collar of white cock hack ~e ji ust :behiii no the e:ye~ Th is com b inatlon prod uces th e distinct bi-v ~s ibl e effect, 'Hen? liit is tied in black and white, though OJ brown and white varlatton can also be tied. B,eing very bushy ii't is. normallv fished as a dry fly on fast broken water 'where the dense hac kJI'8S keep it ri d'~ ngl h ~:gJ h on th el SiLJ rfa ce. It a lso m a kss a very' good tOPIdropper fl:V when fishinq a lake in a b~g' »ssv«.


~~;--..t;.---~---, B,odv: 81,ac k cock ha ekles


B,I'ack cock ha ekle poi nt

r---=== 'ThrEuld.::


IHIIOk~,, _=__~

Size 6;....16

·I~~- Coll'ar lfia'c;kl'e: 'Whi'['~e cock ha ekl e

1_' IFix 'U1 e no ok 1 n the, 'vise and !1U!l the !Vi rig thread on at the! eye. Wind UU3' 'thread in close furns, 8topp'iingl at a IPo'i"l opposite, 'the! [barb. Here., catch iln a black cock ha ckle rp~iiint as UU~ ta mi.

3 IHSlv'lingl selected 'the' ri~ht sl~B rof ~ac,rkl~;

, rem OVIB (JifIY soft or broken f hers 'from Its bas B

and catch it in just in front crf the tail, Grasp '"the hackle tlp W~dl a pa~r of hack~B pliers and wirud ~t

u p me shan k in tn Ule=hi 119 turns.

5 Select a pUln~ whitre cock ha(;;rkJe wHh fibews slliglhtly. longer 'than those! of the' black. haekles. Prepl8Jre th is BIfid catch it in just in 'front of 'the~

b I ac.k, hacklres" Wind en close turns up to the eye"


2 IN~:Q. seleet anotner black. cock hack~€ wIth 'fiber Ilength a,ppro-;(nmately twice that of 'the hook gaper. To jiudge this conectly'~ bend the hackle stem sll ghtlly. Th is wi ~II 'II are the hackle fibers and ~dow the.'lir Ilertgth to be seen more sa-sHy-

4 Once 'the' h ac'k! e hs s be en 'wo und i IU IIV

S Be LUre th e 1008 e tiip w'ith hi m s of ' h read and remove the Hlcess. Add further hack~8.s in the same way, unt~1 thrae-quarters of the hook shank has been cove redl.

6 Sec. -ure the h~ckllB tip w!l~h turn~ of thrailld _ I beforo. nmnOVlirilQllhe excess. Blilid a smell. neat head and ca st off the 'tnliead.


Brown trout

Arctiic char


AIQ'inbow trout


Griffith's Gnat


Fi ne peaeoc k herl

~~_~~' Hac'k'lle!:


9 rizzle eo ck hackle

Atthouqh called a gnat, this lis actually a gTe'at ali-purpose dry fl1yJ.' effective either on rivers or lakes, lit works best. i'n smaller sizes where it suggests alii SOir1S of small creatures 'trapped in the

I surface fiil m. It a lisa me kes a very good representation of sma II chironomid rnidqes in a matinq ball. The Grlffith's Gnat lis bed using only two materials: peacock herlfor the body and a gr~.zz~e cock hackle that IS wound .along its length. lnterestinqly, to keep w,eight to a minimum, there 'is! no rilb and the hackle is cauqht in at thle tail and wound up toward the head, rather than thie reverse, his hackle should also be ve-y short, with fiber I,ength little more than the gl,ape of the hook.


"...___~ T.hre,adl:



S ii ZIS 112--,22 fine wire

1 Willi the .hook fl>::€_d in the vlSi~', rUJ .. n fhe 'ty'i;nIQJ thread down 'hie shank from the eye to opposite the barb" Select a marked gr'iu~e cock halCklle. prefl9iab1y one 'from a IQsrnetic saddllB~ patch.

3 S8~8Ct orne olr MOl peacock her~s. Choose as s lim a h Brl as ness flb~e to keep 'rhl9 f nl shed body 'ttl iln. Cateh the her~s in at the sa mB poi rut as 'the hac~.1 e. Win d the tv 1 ng 'thre.a d over the~ herl

i ps, stoPPling ju st short of th e ey1e.

Take ho~d of the hHCklB with a pair of hal(:lde " pHer,s end beg in win d~ ng it tewa I'd the leye. En su re that each turn of hack.1 e 'j seve n IV spa cad and that none of the fibers are trapped


2- Stlmke the· ha ckle f bers bac'k ag'Qli nsf. '~he

Igrai n io I e18'V-1E!! a short section of th e np. T rl m this t~p and catch the haJn~kie in (It a point OPlPos~'te 'the' barb"

4 hold 0" the herls end witho~t twist~ng" . wind hem up to the Bve .. Secure the loose lends [rf til e. he.rl s wli'~h th read a 111 d remove th e 9x!c.e ss w'ith scissors.

: Cany 'the hacklle rrilgh'l to '~hle I~yl~'r. then secure

.. ' I tha wastl€ lend wM1h thrlead and remov.e with

scissors. Cast off 'thlBJ hra'ard.,


AI Troth developed this superb ifmii:tation of an adult caddis fly. Rather than ilmlitat~ng la particular species. i't uses the typical roof'wing profile to mimic la whole Ilfalnge of medium to small brown caddis flies. The wing is made from a small bunch of elk hock hair that has been bleached to a lig'nt tan. Elk hock is reasonably touqh, but. still retains some of the buoyancy found in ordi na ry elk hair. As when ty~ng any ha~NVingr (are' must be taken to make the, hair secure, Once the body and hackle are in place, the'

Glrayll~Jngl hair is, presented to. the' hook. so that the' tips project just past the bend. Four tight turns of thread w;i1U lock the hair in place, wit - two or three ,sliilghtlly looser ones used to position the 'wing low ove r th e' body. ,A the threa d is ca st off, the excess h ai' r can be

Brown trout


Ra~nbow trout


Elk Hair Caddis

Willig: ~- -~=!\ Ellk hock





Ilark ha re ~ s fu r

.:r::-~~ Thread:

~~~~ Brown

R[][b:: __ ~ ~~

~ ne glo Id 'wi re

Hoo'k:: __ ~_ Size 12:-14

Furn ace cock saddle hackle

·1··· - Oncs the hook 'is 'fixed in the· vise~ FlUfi tlle

th read d own the shank to a point 0 pposite the b~rb~ UIS i ngl t j ght. toue hi ng turns. Take 2 inches (5cm) of fine, IQolid w·lire ,and catch in place so the waste EN10 II ies the II en 9th off the sh.alnt

3 ~Blect a fu ~n 81C e = s 8lddl~e. hack.lle. Prepar'8 It by. rerrTfHJvlng any breken 'fl hers from lhe base to I eaVB a sh crt stu b of ba ·8 stem.

5 Ones the ha ckl e has reached 'the lend of the'

I body, takle hCJ.l~ of the Qold wire. and w~lfld 'it 'in even IV spa ce d 1bu mrs up to. the: eve, This wi M ho I d lhe: hacklls turns in place;


2 T,aklB a p~neh cd dark hare's fur and apply it to the tyin g '~hread. Du b. it with'finge!r and '1~l1umb to term a thi n ya m. Wi 110 'the yarn to enver the fu II II~ng h of the· hook.

4 Catch th e hackh3 :i n at th e eye ~v ·~h.e secti~ n I of bars stem Gentlv hold the np with a par of hack~e' pliielrs and begiin to wind the hackl19 in evenly spaced turns.

6 Seeu re the! wife Wij·~h, ~h. read a,n d !'8m~v._e 'the _ excess. A~s 0 remove the ha ckle t~ P with scissors, Sscure a bunch of e.11~ hock hair behind the H~8 as a ~riing. Irim 'dhe elk halmr mn front ofruhe eve to ~eave al short stub, and cast off the thread

BrOlwn trout

Arctie char


R:sl iln bow trout


... ~. ...:'

'. -'. I 1"- .



Ad •• J ,a·~.· •.. - r. m·--~·· 5--"-'

_ _ ' .. ,_.. . . l.·

AI:though now over 8,lg'hty years old, the Adams is still a v@ry modern Ilooking 'f~y. The, combination of qrizzle ano brown

hac kles wi'th a. med i1um~gra:y body has prod uced a great qeneral dry flly pattern that catches fish around the world ln a wide, ranqe of water types, This makes the Adams one of the [most popular trout flles in use today. This pattern US€-s hackle point wings alonq with two hackles 'wound tooether. Hackle point wings have the advantage that they ,cue, quick and easy to tie', and they don't rely on having to match up two slips of fralig lie' feather.

-== __ Willllg::

G rizzl e hac kl e pol nts

.Body:: ~_.....,

GraN muskrat or rabbit

~== Tilllreadl:

BI'a·,~k-.-_ _ c:~


Brown and gr~lzle hackle fibers


Size 10-20

B ~OWFl an d 9 ri n ~'8 cock hackles wound 'together

'1/·' 'WitJ1 the' hook fi,x:~d in ~he visa run the tying

thread a short distance down the Sh,91Ilk_

Se I Bet 1t\NO 9 rizzle hack.lls poi nts an d remove the base fibers so the tips are 'U1e same Ilel1tgr~h as d19 hook.

3 fart ihe hackle points, us'i'ng] 'the tiip of a needle if neCfl!Ssary,. Pulill tlie barn sterns ihrou gh the 9 alp and sec UIrt8: win~ three d a~ ong] th e sha nk. Th is ensures thlB ti ps Ire mai n apart

5 Offer a pinch of' gray muskrat or rabbi

un de rfur up to ttl B mreed. DLJ h it on to form a. s I ~ m m pe a nd w~ nd up to me base of' the wi 119S to form the body.


2 P'I ace the. fJ'Ia ~k!e'8 togeft~ er S~ that the tiip. s are Ileve'l_ Catch th e hackle I n place by the ba re sectlens of stem, a short distance from d18 eye.

4 R~mOV8 any eXr)BSS haC"kle s,tem, thell run the . tymg thread drrwn thel shank. Take a 'feV11 fibers of brown an d 'grizlle hale kll e and catch th em in p~8JCH.

6 T~k9 ~() cock hac~les, 0.[1113' brown. mile griz,zlle, _ 'W r~h f hers of eqjua I I engrth. Preps reo them. IHaving a short I,eng'lh of bare' stem. and catch In [bah ind itJh fa wi ng. Win d on feu r turns u p to the eye. 8ec:[Jre with thlrea d and mimi ove itlh e ex,cess _

The Light Cahill is a dassk U,S., pattern and", though over 100 ye·,aFs old, is 5t~,~1 a h~'ghly efficient fish catcher. lilt imitates a whole range of pal e-co lored mlalyfl'i'es~ the [most stri king part of th e fly beinq its speckled lemon winqs, These 'wings are "wormed from fibers of lemon wood-duck flank. feather, which are tii',ed in as a sing .• , •.. le bunch and then diivided to form a V~shap_ ed p rofile, When GijJulh mat

tyiing' this .styl!e of fly, the w~:ng is norrnally applied befone~ any

other material, Tlhiis allows the waste lends to be laid ~along the,

Grayling shank and then trimmed to a fine taper, The result 'i:5 that bulk

Brown trout

L- iii '-h .', C- hill 19 rt Cahil

'Willngl: ~- ---- __ ~ ......... ~

Tufts of lemon 'wood-duck flan k

laIU:' C ream hack ~18' feathers

11 Qlht gl i'1f1rg-sr or cream cock ha ekl e

1L.-~~ 'ThfJfl'.Dld::



Cream seal fur

'1': Fix til e hook i 11 th a vi S E!; end ru n 'U, e tyi ng

threa dash orr Ii ista nCH down th e sh anlk 'from me eye. lea' off a pinch of fibers from a lemon wood-duck feat], er, Ma ki ng S ure fhe tips are I ~8JI. catch 'it 'j 11 P I ace.

3 IE~ra,t_uwll~,.~f,'~~.rBad ~i~l,bri~g'~he 'W1lng,s into

I all upngh, POSII[U)Il. Trim off the butts to a

1a pe. rand ta ke the' ty~ng ttl re ad d own to the, bend. Catch in a few cream hs ckl19 fi hers,

5 Prepare a cream. cock hackle with tiber lenqth one eo nd-a-ha If tl me's th 8 gape, of the hook. Catch it i'll at 'U119 wIng base-

i r e a t


2 For tbis sty~e'.o'f 'wingl- t~e fibers ~_r€ ti~d in SOl _ I 'that, '~h ey proJI8,ct over the' elya. USUl g fig un~of;-eig~lt thread wraps, diivide the wing into two

Ie quail bunchles.

4 Hla,ving ~.rEat:ed a smomh, taJD~red underbody I usm 9 tv IITlg tnrea d~ dub 0 nap meh of cream sea I fur, Fa nn a 'Uti n rope a nd wi'nd ~tt om to create a slim tapered body. Stop the b'odV at 'the point wtJ ere It!hs wing beg fils .

. , I Take hold of the hacda tip 'with hack.~e pliers ".~. and win d om '[nree' m rns heh i n d the w'j og_ Ma-'s another two 'turns in front of the wing. SelculFe the hackle and remove 't!he excess. Cast otf.

Brown trout

A~c1tlic char

C unh roet

, ¥ '

Rainbow trout


'~~,' ~Q

'ee IQ~



Royal Wulff

Fii rst t ~,ed by th e' late Lee Wu Iff I the Royal Wu lff is one of a seri es of dry flies that have a trademark v-shaped hair w·~n,gl,. The result is a fly that is robust and easy to tie, A bunch of burktail or calftail hair is tilled In so that it projects 'Over the, eye'; it ils then divided into two winqs by using f~'gLlr,e-of-e'ight turns of thread .. Wi'th its strikinq coloretlon, the' Roya'i Wulff is not an imitative pattern but rather it ~s useo t.o t.rii'ggller the trout's inquisitiveness. It is an effeft~ve' f I'l eve n on h a rd- fis hed wate rs where tro ut become

very selective. Other flies ~n the W'u~ff series include the Gray W'tJllff and the Whit,s Wulff, and the' technique lis now 'widely

used to create a variety of medium t~) large mayfly imitations ..

Body: " -;..

Peale ock fl sri and red floss

, , Wil'U_" :


White ca If tai[~

.. F-==== Tlhread:



Brown b u ekta i ,I

1I.~~=l::-+-=¥=====' Hackle:

Brown cock



Size 4.-18

1',' Run the trying Ihrea~ on at 'the! eye, builld~ng ell short section of close thre~d turns. Secure a bu nth of white CEIJ If ta i I so th at th e U D,S pro,~ ect over tl1 e eve. IR emOV8 the wa ste e.n ds .. then div~ de thie bunch wij'h fij,glJre·of~eight. thread wraps.

3 Secure th~ waste,'B:nds ,~f,thle hair wilth (]p~n turns of thread. Then, at the base of '~he' ta II catch in two f bers of p eaceek he rl, Wi rid the:m

in close turns so that he'y cover one-~hird of the di sta n ce bstwee n the t8J~ I an d the wi rig.

5 Add a second section of pea coek h sri

_ be'twe EJJn tile red floss and th e wi ng" Se I set

a brown cock hackle with fbers approxlimats'ly. twi C B as Ion 9 as U!e' h 00 k ga pe. Catch it in by its ha ss to the resr of 'the w~n g.


2- Wi nd '~he '~h rea d down th 8 sh an k in touching urns. s.topping at a point opposite the hook barb. Catch in a nffW fiblfUS of brown buekta i I a s the tai I a Irl owi ng th e waste ends .0 lie along the shank ..

4 Secure: the! IloOSI8i e~ds_of the petu~ockl~8rl

I ~ and remove them. A.'t the base 0 '~h e 'f~rst

body section catch lin 2 inchs s f5~ m l elf red ·fl oss slldw:ind ~t along '.be hook to form a section

sl ig hrtly 110 nglew than th e one of peacock herl.

6 Gripp i I1g the hac~ I e tip wirth p I ~ ers, wi n d on

I thres CJ r four hllill tu m s to ereate a d enss

Dol ~a r. Make ,OJ fu nher t\N[) ha ekle tu ms in front:

of '~hle ·w~ rig, SIB ell ri ng the i p an d rlBmClvi ng the excess. IS ui Id a neat head a nd cast off the! UB rea d",



Ra~nbow trout

At~antic salmon

Coho salmon

~:~ ~

1 ,,"

" "




'U m p Y" '

. .. . \'. '.

'.'" , - J '.', , •. ,.,'

'With fits buoyant back and wii.n,g and dense hackle. the Humpy is a true hiqh-float pattern designed for fishing fast broken water. Althouqh not tied as an imitation of any specific insect, ~t works as a 900d copy of many of the darker mlayfi~,es found on 'fastflow'ing streams, Hurnpies are tied in a range, of body' colors.

lin each variation, the back and w'i'n,g are t~ed 'from natural deer hair-the' butts of the hair beinq useo for the back while the tips, a re fa rri e d to rvva rd oVle r t h €, eye to form the wii n 19'. Th e t ri elk. is to judge' the, length of hair needed to, create the back and [leave enouoh length ~n the, tips so the' w~ng isn't too short.

W'" II:Og=

Deer hair t~ps tied f~111


N atu ra I deer ha i r


M(Ji[JS'8: rna 1119



ru I de rbn d"v::

A m be r Antron

iI-===, IH'ack,le:

Brown and gri,Lzle

hack I e wo u nd tog ethe r

','1 Fi'x the: h OCl k il~ the v~ se ~ rid run o~ the ltyi ng

thread. stoPPing at a pomt oppesrte the oa b.

1 aka a few 'f~bers of moose mane and, ensuring that the tifl'~ (3rl13 Is'vel, catch tnem in at the bend" Tid m i8rway the WEI S t18' end s.

3- Blef(]r~ fi'~~ng. ~J~e. h~ir p~OJler~y iin pl~ce,fJ use I th e tYI n 9 thread to p UI~ I n ~ oossl y o~e r th e

eye to judge if the wing lenrgrth is correct h should be about the same lenqth as the body- Arellease the deer hair.

5 PUll I the. dleer ha iir rnJ.1er th~ 'top O'~; the b ady a nd secure In place a short. distance from the eye, Remove any hai rs that brea k 0 r come. ~ oose


2 Cut off a ~ arge bunch 0 deer h a~ r and remove _ any broken fibers. Mak,Si sure that alii the tlps a re I avail I a no catch the bunch in SOl hie waste ends ~'i e a 110 rlg the shan k.

4 Sr8.CU re .th€~ deer ha i r~ coveri 11. 9 th,e wa s~e

, ends with threadl '~hen app.y a pinch nf

amber Antlrorn l,oosl8fly to he' thread at '~11 e tai , Dub lI'tt onto the 'thread to create a chunky roper ,aJndi wind it over thB wastE' lends of th'B deer hair,

6 Catch 'in either one long grI2lls hackle! or a

I grlizzle and a brown hackle, and wynd behind

'~h e wi r1g 'to form a den 813 C [)~ lar. SeclJ re the '~i ~ w~tJh thread alnd memove] then te,alst o'flf.

Brown trout

R,ainbaw trout

~:".,.: .

. " .,' ..




Hiqhland Dun

This Australian pattern is d,es:i"glned to imitate the' lar9Ie,~, dark mayflly species found on that continent, It has a viery traditional fe'el to ~t and uses slips of hen pheasant secondary feather for the w'~ng pilus a simple collar O'f dark brown cock hackle, The, technique far tY~rTIg this style of w'~ngl iis employed in other traditional dry-fly patterns and involv,ss tak.'i:n9 sllps from opposinq 'wing feathers of birds such as, tne starling or mallard. In this instance" thie slips are mottled hen pheasant placed toqether so the 'Outer dull sloes face one another. This allows the natura II curves of the feathers to keep tihe· slips apart ~n what is kn own as a s prit=w'ing style.

Wing: -- __ ~ ~

Hen pheasant w~ng sl ips

B,od',~ --------==-i, Dark brown dulbb'ing fur

Da rk b rOiwn IC'ii'1i'C' . k 111''.1 ck 110

.' ,u··· 101" c:

Ri:b::' ~~~==___"

Fine oval gold! tinsel

Tali~I:", __ .....II D ar k brown coc k ha ckl 81 f bers

",l'=~_ T'rea,d'::



Siza 1101=-1 Z

1 Fix th e hook 111 the vi~,e a~d !i~ 11 '~he, tv~ ng th read down the shan k 'fro m the 1rnj1e to

Ci ppos It[9 fha barb, Catch in 01 few fi DB rs of da rk brown eo ck hac kl B. and .2 inch es (5cm) of 'fill B. ova t [gl) I d tin se I.

3 Wi n don to u r turns, of the 9 011 d tnss II and secure, Select two sllips of' hen pheasent 'feathsIFS, ita ken 'fro m oPD os i ng win g5.- Place them together! dull-sides in, so mat their tips are level and til e ff.!'arthe rs curve away from sa ch oih er.

5 Secure the wingls with tight thread turns , I b efore tri m m ing o'ff '~he ~Na ste ends- Use turns of thread sroun d the wij ng base to br'ing the' wi ng s u pri'g h t


2 W~ nd close "turns of ever the wa ste ends of ·ths' hackle fmbers and tinsel ito provide a n even b as'B fa r the body _ Du h on a pi IlC hi of d ark brown 'fur and wiind it <on to form 8 81 im body-

4 Catch in the h en pheasa nt win gs wii'~h a [ wi [19.'j rngl 110. op j ust in front of the. body.

,,' r- '" Prepare a dark brown cock hackle' w~th fflbers

r '., 'mice 'the 1 en gtn o'~ til e hook ga,pEL Gatch it ~ n at the wi'ngl base, and makJe three terns beh~nd

a no two. turns, 11m 'front of the win gl- Secure and remove the WElS;[[B end before casting off.

thorax and smoky blue' w~ngs, This particular pattern is a thoraxtle version", so that rather than belnq wound in a tight collar, the

Cunhroat hackle ~s spread in open turns over 'the ~,englth of the thorax, This '9ives ,E]j more natural footprint on the water, whiclh is improved even further by rli~ppiJngl away the, hackle fibers projectinq beneath the hook. The' body is constructed from a man-made fur such as Arrtron or ,po,llypropylene' spun into a dubbinq loop on fine, 8/0 thread,

Brown trout





Blue-winqed Olive

Vario us species of mayfly throuq h out the wor ~d h ave the n arne Blue-winqed O~iv,e applied to them. They ranoe in size from med ii u m to small j' but a ~ I have th e' same olive-colored body and

Wing: ,, ~~~_.

1 u rkey fll at d'yl8 d gray

B,oll',: ------=-t Mlred~'um olive dubbing fur


G r.e-y' cock hac kll e f be rs

Gra.y cock hackle

,,---_. Thread; Ol:live

~~~ Thl!nalx.:

M' d" II"

e .. lum 0 Ive

d b 11-.·:'1 no "~U r

I_,U :,IUI .~ II


s ize 14-2.0

'1/',' Ru n th 8 tyi ng thr?ad from '~he ~V8 to '~h~ b~ Ild.

_ Dub on a small pinch of o~rve fur and wmd on

a 'few tums to form a 'iny ball. Catch i'n a few fibers: of gray cock hackle, winding the thread so that 'hey push ,against the dubbing ball'l and splav out

3- Place 'thiE~ two a rms of a rdJUbD I ng '[wli ster Ion 'Ill e th Fe 8Jd. Wind the ~ oose e fld of ~h e tlh read back onto the hook 'to 'form .a loop.

5, Cut B slip of feather from a tur~e'~. fllat that

.: has n dyed gray., Fo I d the S,IIIP In ha If and catch it in as awIng just in front of the' body. This wi 11g s h cu ld slope back over th B bodV·


2 Wind he: mread a short way back up the shank befcus ap~llyi rig a ncth er sma III pi nch

of medurn olive fur to it.. Make sure that the fur IS even ~y spirea d allon'g tl1 e [hlr,ead a nd 'that It tapers at. the 'front

4 ~P~~~~:;:~:ih:,i~,~:~~~~U~~,!h~~O sides

ibetw'sen. a,nd creatill1g a th~n. ightly spun rope. Wi'nd th r s rope mJo4h irds of the, wa vallo ng the hook to fa rm the b adv.

6 Catch lin ~ gmy coc~ h~~,k~8, in 'fi~ont ~., t~le _ body. Dub on a fhcrax of medium olpue~ fur and use itto bring 'the wing to a more upright posi'tkm. Wi nd on ope n '~U m s of ttl e hack,~e. secu rlillg and remov~ Illg 'tthe'tt~ p art the 'eyle~. Galst o'wr.

Tiled in a variety of sizes and shades to olive, the CD'IC Dun is

a wonderfully effe(t~vle imitation of a whole' range of small to medium mayfly' species. The Igray rul-de-canard w~ng provides just the r~ght color and translucency tiO suggest those of the freshly ernerqed mayf~Y' dun, produdnq a pattern that can be tiled

C' 'utt~ t on with confidence when fishing,' either rivers or lakes. The key , ' ,llli 08

when ty~ng small dry fifes is to keep the effect a.s slim and sparse

es possible. Here, this is achiev,ed by using a split-thread dubbinq Gray., I ~nlg:' technique for t.he body rather than a dubbing oop .. It allows a

tightly spun body 0 be formed wh~lle keeping bulk to a mlnlmum.

Brown trout

A,a'inbow trout


", ,


e~1 ~~I

Wing: .......-_~~ __ ~~_~~----, N oltUl ra ~ g ray cu l-de-cana rd

Ir-""""~-- Hale kll1e:

Blue-gray cock. hackle

Body allildl Tho,rax,:

Olive dub b~ ng fu r

- ............. _


B I ue~g ray co ek ha ckJ ef b ers

u, =, Thread;


!I.....-_~" HOlllk::

Size 112~21] fine wire

1 R ~~ ~the tv i I1g 111 r~la d a 110 n~ the s hank. tl~ lt18 bend _ Du bon a plinth ©f Olive' 'filLIr and wUld Dill a fBW urns to form a t~ ny ba~ I. Catch in 81 ta ~ I of fo u r bllue-1Qm'v cock hackle fibers. wil1d'ing 'the' 'thread so mat they push agai'n,st the hall of 'fur and spllay out.

3 K.m~ping th e 'VNO pa rts of ltJ'h a strand ,s pa rt, position a small pinch of ol,~ve' fur between them. Aim n apply the' fur tJ,inly and e~enly ..

5 With ~he to dV cfw,erin g 1tYIo- th ~rds of the hook shrank, take a pinch of" natural gtay cu l-de-cana rd 8 nd catch i'~ in so that it slop es ba ck. 8.1 i Q ht~y ove r the b odV,

2 Take., 'th19 thread ove.r the waste ends of thl8 heclde fibers, ;~han split '~hB thread with U~le

'[~ p err Bl nSIBd Is. Div~ d~ ng the lhrea dill ttl is man n er sllows a verv 'fi'rM3l dubbed body to be formed.

Sp in thle bobbi n no Id er, llh Ie Ertf,ec tis s~ m i ~a r .. to usnng ,8 dubbing Mister. spinning the 'tnrsaild ,alndi to r togeoth er to c reate a tight yalrll.

Wii nd the' sp U n fu r a long the s han k tiD form a sl~m bodV-

6- Ca'rch ~n a blue-grav cock haekle a short

I distance bBhiind the wing. [Jub on a therax of olive fUlr .and wind the hClckle' ira open turns OVler 'it SI8:CUffl" hie hackle tip at 'the eye and remove it then ca sr on.

When trout are repeatedly rising with a gentl"9 ,sipp~ng action, this is certainly the pattern to try. Tied pa rach ute stylet this version of the ever-popular Hare's Ear Is abso~utely deadly when 'fish are f,eled~ng on insects trapped in the, surface. The thing that sets pa rach ute files [apart Is the' way the, hackle, is tied. instead of being wound around the hook" the hackle IS applied around a w~ng post which sits upright at 90 degrees to the hook shank, This post (an be constructed from al VEJlr:i'ety of materials, such as

GrayHng foam or polypropylene yarn. Here a bunch of calf hair is used with close turns of tying thread wound around ~ts base to increase rii'gidity and provide, a solid base for the hackle.

Brown trout

C unh roat

Aai'nbow tro~t

Pa· .... r: a':-: C~- h u .. te .•.. I H ,a······· -r· e •. · •..... "5':[ E a:' r

.>. ,.... I I . .... .... _

'Wliillg: '---~===-a. I

White cslftsil \ I

Bod',: ,,- ---~~_\_____, Hats's fur


Hare's guard hairs

H iJN:: kllle::

G rizzl e C DIck hackle!


u - - [11 ... - "11]10,,:

Size 14-201


lF~ne gohj

wue Brown

'1·· Fix tile hoolt ln the v.'lis.e ... Run' he! 'f~~ng tl,re81d em at U1 e eve and ca~' I ' 13 S h~ rt d rsta [I c 8

down the shank- Remove a sma!11 bunch oJ calf 'ttait make sllJre ths t~ps are level and catch it in place.

3 T ri m ~h 8 waste end of the h aii rand ca ~ry thB I th read down tlQ ,SI po ~nt opposi 13' the barb. Catch in [81 fHW f i be rs of here' s guard h13 ~r sind

2 1 nebes {5cm ~ of 'f~ na, gold win;! ..

5- Grasp the tlp of the hacklle' wirth a pair of hackle pliers. Wind thres turns. around the base. of the wing post. Catch in the hackle t~D with thread and [remove 'the: excess





2- ~ n thi s sty'l e of wi Ilg ithe ha irr is f rst tl ed in

ti ps ovsr th e eve. S ec.urrre H irn plat: e w~th t~g ht 'Ill read wrap S, I ~ ftti ng the ha 1 r uprilg ht by w~ nd i ng thread around its base-

,: I Dub on a body. of hare's fur up. to the wing and

I _ rib ~t with wraps of wire" Select a grizzlle cock

hacds will1 'fibers as long as the body. RIEU'TlOV€

8 ny broke n fibers from 'the base to I eave (3 S:[lU b of bare stem. Catch the hackle! iln a' the w:ing base.

,- Stroke-' he: hack~e fibJers hack away from 'the ',1 and dub on ~ small p~flrCh of hare's fur. W~nd th·is on in front of ihe wing~ c~urv'ing 'it rilgltn to the eve - Cast O'ft h 8~jh fe'81d_


l- DRY Fl~ES

Hans van Klink,en devised this novel-lookinc fly that takes the parachute, nackle technique to another level, The profile i:s

ii ntended to re'p resent that of an ernergi n 9 ca ddis fly 'with the body of the pupa sittinq under the surface while the hackle' and win g rna ke su re that the fly floats, The' flY' ~s tied on a cu rv,ed,

Grarv~ ing d d . h Ik h h · h k b . h II" • f~ t b

ca .- IS- oo - t at __ as its sian '- ent wrtn puers to g~\ a nat oase

for the thorax and wi'ng .. Body color Imlay be varied 'from tan and olive to black, and the wi ng ra n be tied from materials such as

Brown trout

Rainbow trout

@'e Q~

I~~ ~~



KI iiil kh 5--1 Iii

In arnmer opecra

cui-de-canard or polypropylene,

~~ __ ~ __ Hackle:

Blue-qrav C ock h ale kll e

Wilillg:: '~"""""""'----~~~_l~ Gray cut-de-canard

Bod',: ~~_---,. Tan dubbing fur

~~~~~,llhre[ad'~ Black


II-_~~_ Thorax; Peac oek hie rl

,.....-=== IHl1iJok:

Size 12-2:2 curved caddis h 00 k be ot s I ~ gmtlly hal l.fway a long' the shank

Fb~ the honk i n the vise an d us's f~1i e-nose pi ~e rs 'W bend d OWfl 'the 'front s ecti CUll ol th e sh an k by a 'few d eg rees.

3 T 8Jke til 8 ~tJ read back toward the, eVe and

, catch in 'four gway cu l-de-c8Ilila rd p~ umes that

have, been plcH:;ed bJ!geth er Sa) that th e 1 r ti ps a re ~fJVE}I" W~fl d '~tJ e th read a.round tJh e be se of: the feathe rs te bri ng them u.prilQlht

5 Pn3:Doffi~ a bIUle,-grav Icock"_ halc~~e" ~ealv.i'lil~ 0, _ short II8:n~th of ba re stem" end catc h it lin 0'[. the bas's of th e wi n g" LI s rngl hack I € pliers r rna ke 'thr€lle or teu r tuns of the lila ckle jtJ st ,olbroVE '~~le terns of peacock herl


" , ' Ru~ on the tJ1reald Just short or the eve~ and r:sny r t drJwn th e sha nk and a round th e he ok bend Dub a p~nclil of 'tan 'fur 0 nto the tbrsad. Wi nd thl8~ dubbed th rElaid ere U'llld 'the sha nk to 'form a sl im body, s~opping at the new Ib end mad e. ~n step 1 '.

4, ~::: ~o:~~:~~~~I~~::~~:~'~~I~~~:~1

to rorm a rope, Wi'nd the tJ'ope up to iha wirlg base, Do not re movie 'til e ends at th is po ~nt,

6 Secu re the 11,[3,C kle po lint with Un rea d an d ffi'nnJove t'h e exce ss. Stroke til e fibers back and wi nd the rema ill1 i ng peacock ro pe 'to the eye,

Secu re the loose end 8 nd remove the exees s

beto rH strnki ng the hac k~ a i nto positi on. Ca st 'Off

The crane fly, or daddy longle'gs, is a serniaquatk insect that can be found throughout the, summer and fan" though it is during

Brown the cooler months toward the lend of the year that It is most


prolific. 'The larvae live either in bankside soll or in the, damp

margins of either rivers or ~,akesj where they feed on the roots of veqetation. 'Though the adults vary ,~n size and color, they all have' the characteristically thin, tapered body and lonq, ganglling

Rainbow trout

Sea trout

leel ~ ~



Daddy Longlegs

~egs. These '1le'gs are a major recoqnitlon point for the trout and for any imitation to be successful they must be included. various materials have belen used to imitate these ,~egls,~ rangling from horsehair to nylon rnonofilernent. Here, cock pheasant tail fibers h ave, bee n used J each kn otted twice to suggest the, jo~ n ts.

Winlg:: ====------:1 Grizzle haekla points

II""""""""""~ Thire-ald::


Hoo,k: =~~ __ ....... ~~~~~$;~ Si'Z'8' 8-1 D lonqshank


'Tan dubbing fur

Leg:s:~ ~~~~-----J Coc k ph easa Ilt te I ~ fi bers


Tan dubb~ngl fur

Fix tlh e ho ok in the vise and ru n the ty~ ng tinea d 'fro m the~ I~ye' tc C! ppos its ttl B ba rb, OffHr IJ p B p~ rlch of tan d ubb~ ng '~ur to the! tinea d.

3 T Elks a si ~g'IIE:~ stra nd of cock '~~B~,s,alnt. ta i I a.ndl , ' rna ke a ,SI m pie overha nd knot In It [] raw til 1:5 kn ot ti ght to create a kin k that mi m ~cs the] 01 m ~n the insect's Il8g.

5 Sp~ it the~ six 1E!:gs into MO g rn ups: of three, Calc h th e grou ps 1 n [lin both s ides uf the bo dy so that tl1~y trail back past U1B hook bend. Trim

th e waste ends,

~' ..... ,I Dub the fur onto the thread with a simple ,~ 'fin ge r -end-th urnb tw~ st. Create a thi n m pe and 'w:i nd it iin touch i;[ilQI tJU fin S to cover two-ih lirds, of the sh an k

I Add a second knot 1:1 8lh ort d ista nc B back 'hom

I the "fJi rst to ,suglge'st MO j e ints, Aepe,art 'th i s

D recess to create s:ix le'gs;-

6 ,Add wings, IOf grrzlh~ hackJe' pnints p~us a tho rax of the same ta nJ dubb i ng 'fur UJsHd 'for the b Ildy _ fini,sn off w~th a col ~a r ~., fu mace ICOI[;k: hackle' a rid cast ~ff_

aa~nibDW trout

'Brown trout


M i(.fOCE!,11 u lar faa m is a wonde rfu I mater ia i for creating beetl e imitations, 1lle buoyancy of the' foam means that the beetle willi 'float right :in the surface film 'without the ne,edl for OJ hackle or an added flloatant~ The foam Is available in sheets of V,eUilOUIS thicknesses, the [most usefu ~ for this size, of f[ly being !4 inch (3'mm)., Colors also vary, ye[I:low' being the' base for this Gum Beetle, which is a favorite Australian pattern. B~ackJ however,

'is the most commonly used collar because iit imitates any of the small black beetles found throughout the world. The width of the, strip used depends on the slze lof the hook-for a size 1 Of %ii:nch (110,mm) w'iU provide the correct profile and buoyancy.

Back:' "~ ~~~_~~~____'I C losed-ee II foa m ICO I cued an kidesc:ent grneen



HO'Ok':, Size 1 0=--12

H lei

._- -:-.', 'II

, liU: ,', e,.

B,rown co ek hac kl e


Vellll(Jiw Antron

:1··· Fix the hook iill the' vise a nd run the 'ty'i ng

ltih read from ttl e eve to the hen d,. LJ s i fig a, sharp blade, cut a seenon of 'yellow foam 1 inch ~2.5'Cm) ~ong and" Inlch U amm). wide.

3 With th~,:thmi3d bac~ cr~ the b~end~J dub on a body of VIEd low Anttrlon to cover th e

wa ste 'faa m.

5 Ga~t o.ff the' tying 'th read wi~,h l~ wh iip 'finish Hnd trim the h sad to a rou nd shape.


2 Gatch In the toa m so the waste end COV6rs three-quartsrs 0.1' d11e shalllK ,and fix w'ith turns of '~h[read" Oem"tt wind 'the thread turns too class mJi8f the loam because '~~"i's willli compress it and reduce b ullvancy.

4 Wiind on a 'few turns of brown CilC~ halckle' to

, Slig g{H~t 'the beetl B~'S, I sg s, th en p IJI ~ the 'foam over the body ,and secure ~' w~1t1111 thre'ad slfghtlV back from '[!he eYie. Remember no : to stretch 'the foem too much baeeuse lh i s also reduces bu ova ncy.

6 Co lor IDs fo am wli'~h g reen a nd om ngl8

I m arkHu pens to copy the co I ors o'J: the. rea II bsene. Firlalllv~ give the back a coat of clear

VB mn ish to protect it

Ra~nbow trout

Coho salmon



II ...



The Stimulator is a larqe. high-float flly with a ~O'w=w'ing profile that mimics a varj'rety of caddis and stonefly species. With a tail and wilngl of buoyant elk hsir, it can be fished dead-drift or skated without swamping ... even iin fast, broken water. Positionlnq can be a problem when -yi'ngJ 'in elk because i;t is harlow and easily compressed, so tiqht turns of thread will cause it to flare. Tight turns are therefore only used to 'f~x the' haiir in place. Once this has. been achieved, looser turns. are used around the win'9llbas,e to position it low over the body. Layinrg the first turn of the dubbed thorax over the wi'ngl will aliso help achieve this prof i'l e'.


'Ye II ow Anrron Of H eretron

'W~'ng: =~~-.. N atura II 8,IIk hair



Thorax: hare k'll,e::

Grizzle cock hackle

,,---_ T'h rea d::


il"L..ffii-1r""_"'__- Tho ra )C':

Amber Antron

HOlrk: ~ _ _____Jr

S I'Z8' 4-'16 3X


BodV bac:kle:

Furnace seddle hackle

",," Frx the' h 00 k in the vl sa a nil wind re d tyin g

I tbresd down ihe h~Qi~, 8111 an k in to u eh iln g turns.

A- 'the bend. ea tch 'j nab u neh (D'fJ n atura I ell k "8 i r that h 81S been prepa re d ~y. re.mro\ii"g a ny bas e fl uf a nd broke n 'fi bers,

3 Dub on a body IOf yellow Antrolll and wind three-q uertsrs of the way a Iiong the hook. Teka hold 0' the haclkllB wi h a pair of hackIe pliers and wi'l1Id it OVHr the body in B'veniy spaced turns. S eC:U1re th e waste end a nd remove tha! excess.

5 Rem(Jll6 allY flJ«:8SS ~air with, s.cissllrs; then.

E-H ttl e front of ~he wing, catch I n a gnzL~e' cock hackle, Du b em a pinch of am ber Antron and wj nd em 'thlE!: result~ng v'am to form the thorax.


2 Ssc,ure the ~ai"r_,in ~I,al~~w~'~h fou,r"·ti:ghiL,'tur~s,~ I U S9 th e waste ends to form sn even base fnr

ttle body, covering 'them with thread. Hetu rn U~B thread 'to. the bend. Take a furnace saddlle harc.k~er. stroke' hie fibers" beck end catch in by its tip.

4 Take a second, Ilarger bunch of elk hair. Prepare i'l in 'he same. W,aJY as before and fix in positionto the front of the' body, Use 'lirQln thread wraps to lock ill placer then tVi/O or three loo tu m s to pnsiti on it

6 Fr~allv, "~Ebkr8," .ho~d of, the backle tip "wHJh ha.C~le,~' _ D I ~ ers and WI nd on til re e. fu II tu ms. Secun81 the

." h h d .,..!l 'lI-. -

tip WI' II u rea, W~i3 ps a n~ remove til is exces s.

Bui~d a small head aJnd cast oft the thread wIth a whip 'f~nlsh.

!Brawn trout

\' I.

Rainbow 1iQU1


Dave's Happier

This brilliant imitation of a gralsshopper was developed by

top American flly=tyer Dave, Whiitllock;r 'who is responsible for a number of other extremely effective patterns, It is ,ClI complicated pattern to tie, but wel,1 'worth the effort, as it :iis dBad~Y' during hiqh summer 'when trout are f,e1eding on the natural hoppers. The w'j ng ~s fashio ned from a 'f,o~ ded strip of tu rkey w~ ng' qui ~I. To make sure, that iit retains its shape over many casts and fish,

s pray the ba ck of th e qui II wa h ,i91 fi xat ~\N;~ s uc h as F,e,atih 8r W,e I d to strenqthen it, The, hopper's M'O long jumping lelgs are imitated by t.)d ng kn Ot5 in str ips 0'1' qolden ph easa nt tail feathe r. These knots put a bend in the, feather and 'Qlive, the impression of a lielg joint. The head iis constructed Mluddler-styll!e from spun and clipped deer hair" but cut to tihe, b~unt head shape of the grasshopper .

'Le!gs::: ~===;,

Go I d,en ph eas ain't

ta i II featill er

..--- " Wliing=

lacq ue red tu~k:8iy w'i"ng Quill

r====~~- H'lMld::

Natu ria, I 9 ~ay deer hair

lilll rea dl:



""'--_~~ Hac'kle::

Brown sa did I e hack 1118'


IIilI ., ul".

Si:ZB 4-122)(


11.....- - y.

Yellow poll'yprnpY~€lne~ yarn

1 SS{;:UJre ttl e no ok ln the vise and I'l~ ~ '~he ,tyj ng th re ad 'from the eY-iB to the bend. Catch I n a tuft of dyed red bUlcktalH and a loop uw yellow po[IVlP ro pyl[e ne ¥8Irn. Ai I f;W the' wa.ste ends. of bO'~11 '10 [I ie allo[]91 the shank.

3 Sto p the va rn three'-q uerters of til e W,8V a long


·the' she n k, Secure the IO(Jls6!' end and remcsa

with scissors. W~nd tlhe halc:kh3! In B,venly.spaced it:u mrs down 'tile e ntlire I Emgth of the bodV-

5 Ta ke tW(J bUl1Iche's_ nf gil] I den phea~an[ ~,a~ I

i fsath er _ Make a s.llm~ le ovemn and knot In ea eh

a I1d trlm '~he t~ps SOl they an: ·the ssms I en gtn" Car~ch mem In 0 n both sides off the b odV to m i m'i c th[B hopper" s j IJmping legs.


2 ,At ttl e ba,se olf the tal~ I,. catch in a broWf11

s a~dlre hackllB by. its '~i p alongl with 4, :j nchas (1 Oem ~ of Va'~[1 ow 'Va In. em/ler ·the: WE ste ends of tbe previo1us: materia lis. wilth thread r. then win d en th e v'a m in elose turns: to form til e body-

4 SecUire ,the leose hackllB end aln?[ [rem~oV1e. ., Spray' th e back of a mottled turkey' WI rug ~ UII ~ I wlj~h a 'fllexiblle fi;{<Jtirvre ,and allow to dp;. A[smove a s.~Ip three· '~imes. 'the: 'wildth o'f tile irr~ended w~ng. RoU the sHp and fix in place on top of the body"

6 Tn m oft: the waste 8r1 s of the [I eg s hefo re

1 ~ddling [81 head of' natural hsir spun and trim m ed ~ n ths stands rd [Mu dd ~e r tee h n i qIU e. Cast off and trim 'uhs' front end of 'thel head square 'to glive 'the- s arne' proflr~ e as the re:clll h OJ] per,


Brown trout



Rainbow trout



Balloon 'Caddis

- -

Austrian anqler Roman Mosier devised this wonderful imitation

of a caddis fly pupa at the very point of transposinq into the adult, IFtather than use, a hackle to keep the 'f~'Y floatrnq. Roman went for a more modern approach with dosed-cell foam, The foam provides the required buoyancy, but also miimics pe,rtectly the' bulqe in the thorax as the' adult caddis fly pulls itself 'from the, pupal shuck. When us~ng foam! the key is never to pull it too tight. Stretchli'ng wll' reduce the material's natura II buoyancy and lmight weill mean that it 'won It keep the f~y atloat. The lBaHoon Caddis can be tied in a range' of body colors, indudlnq amber and pale .green. Effe'div1e hook sizes r,an9'e from an 8 to a ~16~


Brown 18!~k hair

J,h 0IfI8,X:

Yellow closodce ~ l fna m


1 a ,~l_.::,; ~_

Size 8-16


01 ive Antron or rise Dl]b



1 fiX the hook iln the' v-i sa and n n the m/i !1{l thrr8!ad in tOlUchi·nQI turns ito a pesitien opposite. thle barb .. Offer up a ~arga p~nc:h of o~ive Irls8' Dub to the 'thread _ Apply i't so tha itt fo rms a 1,00 se yarn,

3 With ~he body i n p~ ~c e:~I;dd ti ght thr~ad ·~lD rn s

, to form (3 base ~or the, WlniQl.IR8ffiuv€ a pmdl

of br"lwrn e~k hair, making sure that me 'Ups. a rei reasenab I y I eve I.

5 POSlt~Orl thE! ha~r lo~ over the hook with ~oo_se I turns ma de at the 'W I rig bas e. N BKt cut a Ull n stri p of Ve 1 ~ ow foam an d catch it 1 n p I ace at th e eye- Wind the thread over the was s end o'f 'tile foa m bri rnQli n g it to U1 e base of the 'w'i ng-

2- IMake one turn of ihe yarn at the bend to

I lock the· fibers. Co ntin us 't\1Vi sti n 9 to to rm a

strong, thkk va n;, Ulen OOVfJ'r tw'o-th~rds of the sh an k with it.

. I Hold '~he. hair en op of '~he' hook and fix in

_ place w·th three or four t~ght thread wr,Sips, J;hii s wi III rn 8l~8. th e ha lir 'f I are out Secure 'iN 1 Uu 'further .j gtlt turns and trim ofr the wa ste ha i r at the front

6- PIU III the 'foam ba,ck over the wi ngl to form a pro no u nc ed thorax and S®CUH:9 wi' hi til rea d;, Trim off '~he rB;xces,s ,and cast off.

'7.3 .. :1

I: ',' "

BltTI1Wn rout

A ret lic chair


Hainbow tl~out


Spar Ie Dun

No-hackle flies are' designed for fishinq smooth gUdes and other types, of 'water 'where, trout are suspicious of denser, hackled patterns. The Sparkle Dun is a variation on the orig~na~ Campara Dun, with a tail of clear Antron replacing he natural, gray' deer hair, The aim is to imitate ,aJ small mayflly emerging from its nymphall shuck, and the clear, sparklinq tai,11 does this superbly, The fly Is made, to float by' using deer hair flared around the top of the hook in ,a semicircle. The hollow deer hair provide's both buoyancy and the prof Be of art up-winqed mayf~y., The Sparkle Dun (am be tied in a wi,de range 'of sizes to "mi' ate' the various mayfly species.

....-:f~-- Wi g::

Deer ha ir tips

r----~ Thrle··d::



Olive dubbing fur

B,ol',= O~ive dubb~ng fur



,Antra n ya rn


'1:""" Ff x 'In e 'h 00 kin 'ttl e 'V 1 S~!. Ru n the. ty 1 rig thread

on at the r8l1£1: and wiindl,[)n rc'~Q se tUnlS' to a thi rd or: the way down th e sh snk, to 'form a so II~ d ba se for ttl ewing. Take a pvnrch of deer hal f and hold it so that the ti ps are I eve II.

3- I ,~e.cure the ~1 ng In pi~rce, with'f1~ rthre1utig ht thread wra ps ,- USia scrs so rs te mm away. the halr butts to 'form 8J sHght taper,

5' Take a pnch o:t; olh~~' dub,'fu~ B.nd applry 'it ~oosel'Y to the thread. Dub J :. 'twIISt.InQ 'the fur o nto th e ttl read b etwee. nJ 'ill ng er a,nd thu mh, to 'fJorm 81 thi n varn. Wind the y-a un Uip to '~he wi n~,


", (]lffs r the ha ir up to the ho ok so 'the tilPs

~, project over the eyle. beaning in mind that the wing shOru~d be sliight~v shorter than the- hoo~',s length. Wiind on two loose turns.

4 OrnJl~r uhe' butts of 'the: deer ha ir with [!

tu ms of thlma d carry. i ng 'it d own te the bend" At th'j s poi nt, ~atch ~ n a few f ben: of drBar Antron as thrB 'fa ~II.

6 Dlllb a second, smaller pi~ch af fur onto the

_ thr,eadL Push the deer hair back, so thai! It 'formS!. a semicircle, and wind the fur 'in 'front to 'fix iin place.


'lhis pattern was originallly known as th,e G&H Sedgef after its inventors, John Gloddard [and C~iff Henry . .lit uses deer hair clipped into the roof-winqed profile of an adult (addis fly" The result ~s not onlly a very natural shape, but a so the buoyancy of the deer hair means that the fly floats like a cork, even when beinq skated Cutihroat over the surface, 'The deer hair ls applied ~n exactly the same 'way as it would be for a Mluddle·r Head, the only differr,ence being that ~t runs the entire ~'en9th of the! hook shank. When apply~ng deer hair [always use a good stronq tying thread, This allows pl19nty of pressure to be applied, so that the haJr win 'flare properly around the hook.

Brown trout

R[ainbow trout salmon



" ','

. "

" ... ' .-.



Goddard Caddis

'Wing:: _=---- _ _, Gray deer hair

spun and c~ipped

te shape

A- n en'Ill!!!:li 10'·

____ . UlI~11i

Hale kl e stal ks

~~=" lll11reiad':


~~_____,;..,..~ [N[a ck I e:

Br'LI'"'Iwn I"'·~C II •. v ,.' I"",IU.~



Si'Z8 8-'14 2X I ong.s:ha n k


GrH8:n dubbin9 fur

'1-: v.'{i'~~h ti1e. hook 'fixe_d hl the vise, run the tying

tn rea d down the S hen k from the eye to the bend. Ta ks' a pi n ch of gray deer h cu~ fI. Ho I d 1 t p,anlil'B'1 to the hook shank and w:ind 'two loose, th rea d turns over it

3 Once t,h® deer hai~ Ih~s. f~rm~d! an e~~n I~lrtf am u nd the h 00 k, fix It, I n po sm on WIUI ,[llg ht

threHd turns, both through and in front offhe hair" ConNnue add~ng further sma I bunches, of: deer hair un H '[he hook shank is covered, then cast off.

5 When a satijsfactory prof~le has. been achieved. fun the tyIng thread back on at the b end a nd fix 8J bo dlV of du bbed 9 men fu r

U nJdsu the w'i rig.

2- Pull '~h9.thrl~ad '~·Igh't, ~s this h~pp~ns: ~l1e soft I deer hair will flafle around the hook shank. If neeessev. ease 'it around wii'~h the fingers,.

4 With ~ pa~r of sclssers he-gin to trim 'rhe! hair ~nto a cadd~ s f~y pref 18, cutting the ha i r much shorter bene'ath me hook shank than above it.

6- Next, add two hackle stalks as; 'tl~e antennae. 8[1 d a bro.wn C()ck. c olla r ha ekle. Cast aN' the tYI ilIgl 'ttl read.



IBrown trout


Ra~lnbow [rout


",' /

,-, ' fIiiik

~, ,~,.

" ~


T- ,- r IC' k's

u" •• ".-,:~", •.. , •• , S


D'e'v~se,d by Guy TUIr( k, ,th~ s unorthodox f'ly has the distinct ian of winni ng the p s Jackson Ho Ie, one 1F!ly' co rnpetit ion It combines a number of clements, such as Its ~ow ca,lif-ta~1 wing and Muddler head, along with rubber leqs, to produce a larqe, d ry f~'y that ri ses b ig" S€,~ ediv,e trout, even on hard-fished waters, Because it has plenty of' built-in action, it ca.n be fished! in a whol e rna n ner of way.s.~, fro m Idead drift to Mitch ed or skated

I,t is tied in a range, of body' colors from, hare's fur to red, qreen and tan, a"eing buoyant, it: can also be fished with a simalill. weighted nymph tied to a dropper off the bend,

Wi,lllg: "_==~ _

Wh~te ealt tal I heir

Bodl,: ~~~~_____;;..,~~....,

Hare's fur


Amherst pheasant tippet


SIze 4-Ll2


'Wh~te rub ber strands

'H,i b: ,,~.....I Fine gold





,"[ O~ce 't~~· ho~k ls f~xe.:d in the ~11,~e; run the

, , 'tyl fig thlread 'from JUst s ho.lrt or the. eye to'

op pasite the barh Gatlch In a 'few strands of Amherst pheasa rift 11 ppe.t and 2, 1 nehes ~ 5[:m I off

f" (Id'

rna go' 'wne.

3- Tease (Out anY' fluff or broke n flb ers 'from a ~ bunch of whltl6 ca~'~ ta~[1 hair and catch it In

SiS, a w~ng. Thi S wll ng sho lJid I lie' low owe r '~11 e be dy r. w~t111 its ti~Jls IleV8~1 'VlIdrh U1,0819 of the 'tail.

5 ! ake 'four w~ 1 tie r u bb er stJrand, s. a no catch ,two I nJ on b oth sides off u~ e dee:f -ha I r head, Ih liS prud uces a wo ndertu ~ actiJoln on the' water that

rna kes th e fl'V so leffBctive.

2- l8JkH a goodiplJl1ch of h~rle.'s 'f~r and _rub i:~ in the' pa 11m of th e ha nd to mix the fjher d lirectl 0 ns, Du b ttl e ~u' th~ddy 'On o the thread ,and wi n d it ·t\l\ro.-·~hi rds o'fJ the way a long the sna n k.. Wind 'the Qlold wire over ms body III even~v spaced turns.

4 ~~t ,8 bunch of d::er ~air 'fr~m the Sk~lll~'atch it. In so 'that ~he tipS lie baJck over ihe w'ng. Using '[~g ht thrse d tu m S r spin 'lhe h1:ii r a round 'til e shant, so tl1 at tbe ti ps form 81 FlU' •

6 Splin a seeono bunch of deer ha"ir betvvesil th~ strands .. p.~1 us a noth er bBMS8 n ttl e front strands and 'the eye. Cast off the thread with a VI/hip fjnish behue ca[rle-fully trimming thie hair to 10 rm a Mudd I er head

j I


water, especially if pretreated with a siliconized floatant To keep Cutthroat the tail end of the fly from sinkinq, a few' 'fibers of cock halckl,e are used. These are kept in a s,pllayed position by add~ng a tiny ball of dubbinq, Hackleless patterns of this type are normally

tied on small, IIghtwei',ght hooks ranging from a size 14 down

to a 2-4 or smaller, depending on the species beinq imitated,

Brown trout

Ra~lnbow trout


" .

D1R'y flLlES

Polywinged Spinner

tnstead of having a hackle, the' Polywinqed Spinner relies on outstretched winqs to keep it afloat. The profile mimics that adopted ,by a female mayflly 1'Y~ng spent, having laid her leg'g'S. Polypropylene yarn is used because 'it is very Hight and repels

I,hor,ax: ~~-... Brown Antron

Tail; _~----, Blue dun cock hackle' fi:bers

[Hook: ~~~~ Size 14-24


Brown Antron .


Wh ite or gray po Iypro pyl enre

pil us two sna nd s of fine pearl lurex

Thread; Brown

1 Wi th ~h e no ok '~ixed ~n the' vi se r rum the ty i fig mreed in touchIng 'rums down the shalnlk to a point opposite 'the bam. Dub on a tiny ameunt of brown ,Antron a nd wi rod on a s m alii b al~ I.

3- [Dub oln a ~arger pincih of brOlwn ,Antn:m. Wind

, it over thie shank, stopping short of the eyer to

'form a very s Wi m bodV.

5 Take 8J strand of fine" pear~ lurex and catch iJt i:n 810 'U11 at ~t lies ,ali ong th e I ~Nlgttl of the pol-ypropv1ene yarn w~ng,s- Secure w"th further tu rn s off th rsa d


. -: Gartch 'i n fou r f biers of blu e diu n co ck h ack I s as ,- a tall, Wil1d the thread SIQ the fibers are forced dOWf1 on the dubbi"ngl ball. This willi cause. ttl em tn splay. out

,4:" ~ Take' a ~ength o'f.w.hiite or glrl~.y polypropv:I,ene

, ~ y,cllrf1 .and secure rt 111 'front or' the body with

filgu re-o '-s'j ght thread wra ps soh au it I ies at Iri'girt. ang €l's to the hook, shank.

6 1 rim the w'i 1~IQ1S so '~1 at each is ,[t1 e. sa me

I IBngth a s the body. Fin a~ Iy j dub on a ,thi rd pi'nch of Antron and w'ind around tihe w~ng base, Casu off"

Dave Shipman ofl9inated this [II damp, 'I dry fly [desii'9ned to sit right in the surface film, The pattern is ti'led to imitate a hat(hing miidge~, and the white Antron breathers at either end of the body keep it floating. ln order to increase surface area .. the. body can be roughed up a little with a piece of vekro before' at flotant is

Rainbow ap P" lied. A,lthoug'. h reallv a stillwater pattern, when tied on small

trout J

hooks; from a size 18 down" it works well in running water,

particularly on calm gndes [and g~assy pools. The Shipman's

B uzzer is tied in a ran[Qle of colors, with black, 0111 iVle i' and oranqe being the most popular. A thin rib of pearl Lurex is usually incorporated to .5U9gest the sparklinq 9alse's trapped under the skin of the hatchlj:ngl rnidqe pupa.




Shipman's Buzzer


Wh ite Antron

Fi ne pea rl tu rex

Bod'V; ~="'"""""""""....., o ~ i vie Ar~tfOll'TI



[- oo"lll,~.

I, [ , .1\..~----lI

Size 12~ 1:S:

Th re '!.iii d-"

!I.-~~- ': '!Q![~_.,


Thorax,: anve Antro:n

-1: W'itt~h the hook fixed i n the vise, m n ~h e tvi rlg

thread from the [eye' to OppOSl'trE!: the barb.

Win d "[ back '~o the eye a nd catch ~ Ifl a ~ emgth IQf wh its. Antron so th at th e ends pro I Bet {JiVE r both ends of the hook.

3 Catch in 2 inches, (5cm) of fine pearl Lur'9X. _ Dub a pineh nf olive AnnJn [evenly onto 'the tyil1 g th read a nd 'wi nd ~t alon9 th e hgj ok. tows rd '1119 eye.

5 S Be u re iha lens e end of lurex with tv' n~

_ '~hre8 d ~nd re m (we, Take a SI8 cond, sma I ~e r p hch of o I ~V8 Antro n dub it onto 'tile thread ~ and wi nd VI on to fonn the' thorax .. ,

2 Camry the '~hmad ~OrW.n to the .be~dJ' making close tu rns lJ\fe.u the Anltro n. Pu~ I lin 91 ttl e Antmn ti'ght at ~his point wW help reduce bu~lk.

4 Stop wlndil1g the dubbing a sh®rt_distarm:;e r back from -~h e 'fro nt tun of wh its Antran.

T a ks hoi d cf th e lu rex and win d it in ep en.! even ~y spaced turns over the body.

6 C. ClS.t,lJff Wlttl t~he ". sual ~hip finish. Trim the breathers art enher e mil If nscessa wy I b B!fOfS rO[Jghi rlQ 1!I P '111 e [JOdly w'j th Ve I em.


. '.

Brown trout

R,a~nbow trout


This is a classic Eme'r9'er pattern in the same style' as the Klinkhammer Special, However, the' Shuttlecock is tied without a hackle; rellying on its w~ng of gray cul-ce-canard feather to keep it tloatinq, The' wing projects so far forward that the body a(tuai,~y sinks beneath the surface and mimics that of a chironornid rnidoe pupa on the \n2ry point of transposinq into the adult Because :it is Imiitating a re'I:,at~ivelly small insect, the,

S h uttle coc k ism ost effecti ve tied 0 n hooks from size 14 down to an 18, and for river use this can be as low as ,al 24. Body color varies from black, olive, and fiery brown to red and oranqe,

Wilg::' ~ .....,

Natura I gray rCu l-de-ca na rd feath er

/ /

'T.h ont:x: __ ----,; o rs ng'13' Anfro 11

,B ody,:: ~=====:I IB I a,ck rab bii t. fur


F~ n e P El'talrl Lurex




Size 14-2.4

". IFix tile. hoo~ i.n the visa ~rnd.nun ths tying.

th rea d on 8'[ the eve. Wlln d ~t down the shan k in 'louch~ng bJ ns, c~rrying it sUghtly around the bend. Ca teh in .2 i MlC h as (5cm) of 'fJi nl9 i pearli lu felt.

3 'W,"j I1d th, e p e~alrl. ~uwe.,'X a long '1h[~ body in close, [ _ eveln IV spa ced tUirns.

5 S~118C! a[,~omh~r two ,[:anard fea'~he[rs

, I of a s~mll,ar S12e. and color .. and place ali three

tog ethe r so that the ~r tips a r18. ~eve I .. Catch fhem

in at ~h a eve so 'that the tj ps project to rwa rd,

over the eve.


2 Tak~ a ~~al,~ pinch of black lFa~b'it '~Ui~ and

I dub ~t thmlly' onto the hread With a simple f~ng[sr-af1dathumb tWISt.. Wi'ndthl8 fur along threeGlua rters of the hook sha 11k. to 'form a sl ~m b Oldy.

4 ~8cur~ the lur-e~wi',th, thr~'ad ~nd,remo, "VEl "", the Wa.StI6 end. Select a ne ural gray CU~-dH-'

ea ne rei fsather. 1 dBaJi Iy, th181 'feafhie.r shou I d have pile nrtv of sett f be rs.

6 Secure the feathers with trght tthwead

I b f . h . .

wra ps . s· ore re m UVlil91 'I. e waste end s

with sc~ ssers. Wind on a tho rax crf dubbe d orangle Antnm and cast off with a whiip fjnish.


Browll trout

Arctic char



Rainlbo'w trout


,-_ I '_', -_

'. . . . ", '~'.

-,/,- .',->




('0"'('" E

_ /1, merger

C ul-de-cana rd is a wonderful rna terial fo r tyi n g both d ry flies

and emeroers. The feather (orne'S from around the [preen qland of a duck, and its fibers contain many tiny filaments imprsqnated with the natural oil' of the duck" 'This means that: cui-de-canard floats superb Iy f as do the, f[1 ies tied with it. The, CDC Emle rqer imitates a small mayfly nymph at t.h,e vlery point of transition

into t.he winqed adult. Its looped back sits r!ght in the surface film producinq a lifelike imitation of this most vulnerable stage

~n the insect's Iliff~.

B - ,ady::

o I ive du b b~'ng-s. had e to StU it thEl' spe C i es be i ng i mf tated

'Tl1Ilo rax ~:ov,e!r~

N,a.-ttlU ria I ell'll -d 8:-C,8 na rd formed as loop

,;===--_ Threa d::



- - ~ _I!

o ~ Ii"V18' dIU bb i'n g'

'T'-"!"I~, ,iU~II::

N,t:rtu ria, I 9 raly e u l-de ··C8 n ard


S ~2:El' 14-201 fine wi re

'1- fix the. _I~ook in ~he ~'~sle- _RUln the. tryIngl thre[~d

Q 11 at her eve' a nd WI nd ~t down th a shank ~n

close turns to [a point I)PPOS~lil~ the barb. Take a pinch of ~lIray c. ul-d a-cane rd f bars an d catch it in as ' hie tail,

3 Ch 00S6 two cu I-ds!·canard pi um!SiS of 18QiU a I

_ size and of the' sam!€: sha de o'f gn~v, Put 'them together so that their tips ere IBve,1 and secure just in front of the' body with a few turns of 'thread.

5 'W~th th e tY~f1rg th read .I ust beh i rlld th e eve,

, 'take a 1fl9 ed I e a I1d [100. P 'til e cu l-dH~canard

plumes around It, K1eeping tension on the loop. s ecue me butts w~th th rea d at t!h e eye_


2 T SoISI@; lout r8l pj neh of 01 ive Antnm d ubbi I1g 'fur

, and [app~y it th i flly to th e tying thn~adl_ Twist It into a slim rope and 'w~lld it MIO-thirds of die way 'to the eye.

4 1 aka ~ S:8ICO nd p~nrc. h of 0 li~E' ~l1tron and

I alpply It tal the 'ly~ng '~hrl~ad. Wind the 'Tun up

to! the ffY18: 'In '~orm a dl s'tti net t~ orax,

6' r ~' Wii'~h tlls loop ad ba ck 'forrmedl, rermOV'19 thlB

I: .. excess p lumes with sc i ssors. Fina Uy. b uri ~d a small!, neat hsad with the thread before 'castirng off w~th a wh~ p 'fiin ish


Brown trout



Ra'inbavv trout

el~ ~I~

!, .. I.~:.:

".. ,"

• I.:_ :.'


" :I

- ._ '/


Detached Body Mayfly

When tyInlQI imitations of large iinseds; such as, the daddy lo .. ·n-: g" leqs a_; nd 5"""0" "-me- " o· "f- tll ... ~ -b""lg' g~r e-p" '~C'- '111'ei(:' ,0:'" -f- m .. · .. ayf 'Iy: the

'. _- ". ._.;)l ,I :,'-- ,- _ ~ ~!I;;- '-:: _.!i;; .~'\;:'. _ '.,,;;JJ '. --' _ [ _0.- ._.~, _r.le'

temptation is to use, a lonq-shanked hook to achieve the correct size. Th is tactic works we,~'~ ii n most insta nces: h oW'eve r, whe n fish are provinq selective, or 'when a pattern needs to be dressed sparsely, the welqht and stiffness of the large hook can be, a problem, The answer lies in a detached body, in which ease, rather than being dressed along the, hook, the, body extends over the bend .. This allows a smaller hook to be, used, which also reduces w'ieight and helps the flly to float a. various materials may be used to fo rm a detach eft body, from foam to dele r hair. Hie re the latter Is used to create the Detached Bod~t ,Mayfly.

..-_ Will,HI:

01 j'VEl~ deer



OI~vB delsr hair

TaU: .. ------" Moo.s:e mane

r,hre;ad: _==" Olive


Sizs 'lO-12

IHlifJ ekl e:

Dyed olive cock he ck lie

', ... - :ix a ff~esewin~ needle, pllint-[l~,. in the vise

Jaws, Run the t¥ln g ~hn;~ad along lit m 0 pen terns for about 1 X 'inche's 1[3cml., At the tai~ 18,00. catch ~n a 'few moose mane havrs", a'llowlng the butts '110 ~ie the needle-

3 fiJI/lithe '~JlreEld liglht so inS' hai~fI:alr,es a~mund the nreedlle. StrokJe the deer heir d,own the 1,81lglh of ~he neadls and wind the thread OV81F i . USB ,8 pattern of '1lght glFOUpS of three. 'foBowed by an ope 11 tJU m to me rehr 1101 d the h ~ij f i n pi ace,

5 Whil~ the 'fixa hre IS dryi~g. p~ace tha h.o,ok In the Vlsel and run on the thread at the! mid-

po int Ta ke a bu nen of deer hsi r and catch in ttl e tips. Uslng thread turns around the base {If the heir, bring ~he wling 'into an ulpdght position


~'I Take' a pinch of ollhle deer hair. rr~m off'thl8 _" _' 'thin; hard tips" making sure that thel rsmaijnlng hairs aria lmdamagfJd and Bill the ssma Ilength_ Catch the hair in at '~he~ same pnint as the' tali 1 so that the th in e nds ~ i e a I,(] ng the n esd le.

4 Continoe the process to '~orm a body approxjma'ttely Yf-inch ~1.5n:::mJI Il00ng .. Cast: off itJ118 threed wirth a wh [p 'fi ni sh and app I'V fl ex,l b liB fixative to ms na ilr.

6 li~ke tlllB thlfl~~~ to thsbend. then slide .. the

op elll ends of the d etach ed body ,ali ~1I91 lh e shrank and secure with groups. of U1mead turns along "~he' body. if r'i m o'tf '~he exees s ha ~r beters add iln 9 an 01 iv,s coc~, hackl e iin thl8; parachute styl e.

Brown trout


Rainbow trout

@@I ~~I



c·······1 t ,.1 - .. '., c···-· .-. d di .

I U .W.I ng .. _·:.. . .all .. : .. :._ .. IS


Caddis flies make up a high [proportion of the trout's diet in both rivers and natural lakes, A warm summer's eveninq is the best. time to find fiish takinq the freshiy emerged adults as they skitter across the water's surface, and is also the most e'ffedhfle time to use a well-tied imitation, An adult caddis 'fly imitation needs to be retrieved to imitate the action of the natural, so it

is important to tie it: with buoyant materials that 'won"t easily become waterloqqed .. The Cutwing Caddis fulfills this criterion by havinq a body and thorax made from dubbed deer hair, the natural buoyancy of which helps iit to float, The lifelike profile of this fly carnies from the w~ng~ created by 'Qlluiing a hackle' feather to a sheet of fine nylon m e..s h., When dry, tbe feather may be cut to the typi ca I caddis fly shape i'

Wling:: __ ~=;. H a ckle fe ath er and fine nyln: mesh

,H:ackle: ~~ Deer nalj:r




B,O,Il,: o HVEl! de-Sir hair

l1h Dr'8X: _---==-'1 Deer ha~r

dyed brown

1 D~c:e the hook 'j's 'Fixed iin "the' vise: I"1UIl '~he .

tyl ng thread rom the eye to [8 pOint oppnslte fhe barb, lear rather than cut ;81 pinch of oli:v,8 deer halr from t~le skin ,cmd ap.p~v it to the tyi"lllg thread.

3 Co:ver 't\iVo-thirds of the hook with the[ dubbed deer hair, ailmIrng 'to 'form ,~ r8~lativ.e~v 'fClJt body.

5 P ress the wi ng so that ~t "to d s a I@ing its eemre I rib. the. n catch it in posit.1 en at the eve so that It Wln:lpS armJnd 'the sides of the body.

2 Using 'tile standard fingsf,·and-thumb twist dub U1H d8sr ha~r onto the. tyhlg '~hread, Ir'fJ this. proves difficul' ~ a,pplv [al stick,y wax, to tlhe

th re:8Jd f rst. Start to win d '~he du bbed "8 i r 8J~ ong the shalllk,

4 Sa I act a pre-pre pa red ~ing tlh.Clt has. bee n cut _ I to the sha pe of' a ca dd rs fhl Wi ng .. Th res e .a re forlmed by IghJ~nQ a h~ck~E! feamer 'to at fi'nl8i nylon mesh betore cU'~t~ng to 'InlEt. reqlLl i red sha pe,

6- Tear a pinch of dyed brown deer haj'r and place. it in a dubbingl loop. Spin tile loop betore winding the [hair on as a combined 'thorax a n~ hackl19, I wist a few f bers to ghfe- u~ a impre.ssiion or leg ]oints. Cast off" the thread,


Where dry flies imitate' all those creatures to be found on the, water's surface, nymphs arid huqs provide the subsu rface equivalent Patterns that faU within this category inciluide those that either suggest or directly imitate the nymphs and larvae of all the main aquatic fly IgrolUps~ including rnayllies, stoneflies. caddis flies, and mlldrges, plus the smaller species of freshwater crustaceans. However, many nymph patterns are tied simply to provide an impression of somethinq alive and edible. tnterestinqly, this latter group includes many of the, most successful of aU nymphs, patterns such las the Hare's Ear Nymph~ the Pheasant Tail Nymph, and the Fox Squirrell Nymlph~

The vast majority of the trout's prey is found arnonq the weeds and stones on river bottoms. For th is reason, rnany nymphs and bugs are weiilghted so that they sink quickly 10 the fish's feeding level. To accomplish this sink rate, additional weight fan be added to a heavy-wire hook by' using materials such as lead wire, Ilread foil, or meta beads. Metal beads come

ina ra n'g e of colo rs. i ncl u d'j:nlg go~ d j' si lver, and copper, and are usually fiixed at the eye or bend t so th ely are' visible and add some

sparkle, Converselly~ the more somber-colored lead wire and foil is normally applied directly to the hook so that it remains hidden under the f~y'M5 body materials .. By concealing th1e weiqht under the dressinq, imitations of creatures, such as caddis larvae and .sCUdSI,~ can be tied with plenty of weight while stilll Iookinq lifelike enough to fool the fish.

Tii sh sped es. in a II water tYPf~S an d cond ition s,. The key to its Brown

success is the mottled brown hues of the hare's fur that. can


suqqsst all manner of small aquatic insect larvae or crustaceans.

~t can also be t~'ed in a whole range of sizes from a blq, heavy size ,8 lonqshank right down to a ,2,2-t:ru~Y' a most versatile pattern, When usiing hare's furl' the effect can be varied



Ra~nbow ~ rout

Sea trout

ee ~~


Hare's Ear Nymph

depending on the amount of underfur and guard hairs used. The more gu,t:]Jrd ba irs, the roug her and spikier the finished filly. Te,2JJS~ngl out the hair once' the' fly has been tied will enhance, the texture, This can be done 'with elther the tip of a needle or, better still ~~ a piece of Velcro.


Ii]! ul "


Hare's fur


Hare's g~alrd hairs:


Size 8=2.2




F~ne go~d ti'nsel

W . Ii..e'. glut::

lead 'wire

," ,'. Secure 'lhe' hook in the vise, Wand on fOlJr

. turns ef lead wire behind the lev e and cover tlh em wlth tyin 9 thread. Catch ~ n a 'faw fib BiS of ha re' s fu r as a ta i I 2: ~nchr8ls ~ 5c'm]' of f ne, go,ld tinsel.

3 Take ~l~ld ?T the gol,~ tin~se.1 ~nd wii~d it .OV€'u _ the fur nil the oppnsrta direction. This will prevent lt bedding in Secure the loose end of thle ti n sel with h read a nd remove the exces s.

5 Dub. o n ~ seeon d, sma II ~Ir, p~ IlC:h, [D'~ hal~ed s fur; a ga ~n wirth a b lend of stiffer gus ro hen rs ,sind

S ofter u nderfur, Wi rid ilt OV8-r the lea d wi re tn form the' ibore x.

2- Cov.:n the Vilasta ends 0 '~he hair and insel

I with threald before dubb'ing 011 a body O'~: hare's fur. llh is sh ()u I d he a mix of g ua r'd ·',8 i rs a rid S ofter underfur _ W'j rid the hare; S 'fur ri gilt up to the turns of lead wire,

4 !a~e ,~sli.p ofg~av' feather 'fib~r and catch lit 1111 bV Its ttl PI wh ere the bo dy ends.

6 Pu I ~ th,l e g fa-V 'fea,-thle~ 'fi ben; ~velr_ th ~ ,top, crf ttm

_ ttl om x and SI8CIU r€! at the eys. Hem ova ttl e

excess 'fea'lh er, "then bllii Id a neat 11 eed _ Cast oft L


Brawn trout




Rainbow trout



. . "', . '.


", ', ..... ',

Flashback Pheasant Ta"1 Nymph

This pattern ~s a variation of the classic Pheasant Tai~ Nymph. Its body" tail, and rib are the same' as the, oriiQlinat but the 'thorax of this pattern includes a fe'w strands 0.1' pearl Iurex la~d aver the pea cock herl, Pearl Lurex g·ves a wonderful flash ,and s .• iarkle to any fly,-, and in the case of the Flash back Pheasant Tail Nymph only a small amount of the materiel 'is used to keep the effect as subtle as possible. The, aim is 'to suggest the' sparkle caused by gas,es trapped within the skln of a mature nymph as ~t rises to the surface to transform 'into the winged dun. This pattern is hi'glhly effective on both rivers and lakes, e,spec~,aUy dudngr a hatch of small= to medium-sized dark-mayflies.

___ ~Rib:

Fine copper wire


C 0(: k phea sa nt tar~ fibers

J,aill:: __ ....... Cock


tall fibers

I~~_ 'Th,OIIl"I'X Cover: iPealrrl Lu rex

HOlik: _~~ __ SIze 12~20

~=T- :read::



PI8,a.coek herl


1····· Filx the' h 00 k and I1J n tl1 e tyi ng thread dmNin the shan k to 181 po in't QPPOSitH thiS! barb. Catch in 'four or five ma 1,13 phsa sa nt ta III f be rs, a III owi ng th e tips 'TIO pro] ect ps st the ben d, At the S'81ms point catch in .2 inches ~5cm} of fine, copper wlre-

3 SelCLI re the 1001513' 8 nds of the phe'Blsa ntt ta ~ I filb ers wi h three d tu m s. Next ta ke h 011 d of the copper wire and wind ][ OV8[r t e pheasaot tai~ ~ n open r 8VBn Iy spaced tu ms, Thl s rib prote cts the del ieate fsathe r fib ers.

5 ~t the ... s~me poin~ = '~J~e ~earl Lurre~x,,_lc81c:h In two snand s 0.1 pea co. ck h erl by ttl m u

tips. 1 wist the fibers together gern~y and wind them over the close turns. of copper wOre to form the thorax.

Wind the thread two-thirds of the 'way back, .... ~ up the sha nk Tlh en, hold i[n g the b utts of the

phea sa nt tal ~ 'fi bers r wi nd the m 0\113 r the hook so that '~t1 ey cover two-th'j rds of its 'I en qth,

4 Usin g the ~ (Jose end of th e. eo pper wi re,

[ build a thorax base' with dose turns betore

S Be u rilnrg .and re m oVln 91 ' h e excess wire and pheasant tail, Just in ront of th[9 body. catch

111 two sna nd s of pea rl lu rex-

16. .•. SIBC[U re th e ~o os e lend s caf th e pea,cock h sri at

.' '. the H\lE' a nd remove the exe sss, H na I ~y. draw '~he pea rl lu rEX over 'the' bac k of the th orax ami secure at the eve. JRIe.move. the excess lu rex, brUli ld a [neat head, and cast off ihe '~hreBd_

Brown trout

Rainbow trout

Coho salmon



I 1..1:1111.


~ .

. : .....


Teeny Nymph

De,veloped by top American f~y fisher jlilml Teeny, the Teeny is a simple but deadly pattern. It is tied ~n a w~dle range of sizes and colors and i$ effective for most species of game' fish. The, body materla II 'irs com prlsed of cock pheasa nt tail fibers, either plain brown or dY'ed a ranrg,e of colors, such as, black" purple, pink ... orange, and o[l~vle. The 'Teeny Nymph is quick and easy to tie so is, a great pattern for filsniln'QI rocky ,ground where flies are ,all too r1eadily snagged and lost. Without fearinq the' loss of arr expensive f~Y'j the anqler [an confidently work even the toughest fish-holdinq areas, where the bi9llger fish Ue ..


Cock ph eas snt tal i: I f~ be rs


Brown orto match body co I or

..,.._-- Mlackle:

Cock pheasant ta~1 tib ers the sam e cia ~ Dr as the body


S'i ze 2~ 12 h eavyweig ht wet ·f·lly hOIDk

",:" With the hook fixe~ in _the~ vi~~:_ruml t~e, ~ll1g

til re ad I) n at the' leye' a lid carry lit dijwn lhe

she rrlk a rid sl ightl y a round th e be nd. Ta ke 1 0 O~ m ore co ek phsa sa nt tat iI,1 f be rs a nd cttitch '~he rn r n by the,if butts.

3- M ~k"e su re that the fil~ers .1 ie n~t ,f) ~d are' nat I tw~s;te d then SI8 cu re 'thiS' ,II ps with t~g ht

~hrlead wraps.,

5 Take Ell seeen d bru m: h of phsa sant ta ~ I 'f i be rs, th r S o Fm s Wi ghtl If I [)[1 ge r t~ an the: f rst, Catch 'it in just in front of fhe rear body section. Apply a Further drop of I aequ Sf 'to the thread us ed 'to catch in the fibelrs.,


2 Wiind the thr~f8J~ h~nway do_wn ith~ sha~k and , alpplyal drop of clear laeouer. le'avle untlll tadtY'" Wi'llldl the pheasent toil 'fibers alm1g '~11e hook SIO that the:y' also cover half USB shank length"

4 Fold th e ti ps of 'tth~ f hers Bifid ben aaih [ the hook so that they. form a hackle, Secure them ln place w~"dh 'turns of tying] thread,

16. ',,- W"i I1d '~hl~l f be rs u, I P to thl~ BYe! a nd secure with

,,' thraa d. Fo I d bIB elk ;a rid ben eaih the hook as

wlith the p revi eus bunch m form a noth er h ae k~ e,. Cas t off the U~ rea d,


Brown trout


A [~ III


- - -

Red Fox Squirrel Nymph

Dave Wh~tiock developed this fine g,enreral nymph pattern, It uses the various colors and textures of hair on the red fox squirrel for almost every part of its construction, It is a robust and easy-to-tie pattern, the onliy possible problem (arming from dubbing] the stiff guard hairs used for the thorax. To solve this. once the hairs have been removed from the, skin they should be, rubbed around in the palm of the hand to mix the direction in which they ~ie,. This helps pro duce 3' rn ore ho m lo·:·g·:'I~no,':·uIS·'· d: ubbinq w", ... he: re'" the 5",0' ·ft'··e' ,II'"

' .... , .. , .. ,Y' ,,'L ",' "I!I;;;,.", ""',' " .,' ':. , .'11

. -

underfur holds the spiky guard hairs 'in. place'. Also, using plenty

of wax on the tyi ng th read wil I he:! p th e hai r to stick"


Fine oval Q[old ·tilnse~



Red fox squirre back hairs, plus a I ength of pie a r I,



Bed 'TOx sq ~ i rrsl belly fur

.-. -._



Tail::, ,~~ Red fox squirrel back hairs


'W'u'ight: lead wire


SIt,lS 2-18 2X-3X I ~ongshank

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