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 The central image of this digi-pak shows the artist Mariah Carey posing three times across the cover. The poses in which Mariah
Carey presents on the digi-pak can evidently show her personality as well as tie in with the title of the album 'memoirs of an
imperfect angel', connoting the fact that she doesn’t see herself as perfect, and in fact views herself in a somewhat more ordinary
light than of what surrounds her name.
 The outfit worn by Mariah on the digi-pak can again connote the title of the album, as she is presented wearing white, commonly
and stereotypically associated with purity and a colour known for being worn by an '... angel'. On the inside of the digi-pak Mariah
Carey is seen wearing black, a colour opposite to the pure nature of the white outfit on the cover of the digi-pak. This can in fact
suggest an immediate contrast between the two images of Mariah, connotating a certain 'Imperfection' in her persona.
 Mariah Carey (name of the artist) seems to on this digi-pak cover be in a larger font size than that of the album name. This can
ultimately be due to the fact that Mariah Carey is a well established artist and her name has become a logo to her music's success
almost, as her name is written in the same font on all of her albums. Audiences will recognize the font Mariah Carey is written in
and associate this album with the success proclaimed by her previous albums and singles, further encouraging them to purchase
the album.
 The font that the album title is written in is visually similar to a persons handwriting, which ultimately can connote to the fact that
Mariah Carey wrote all the songs on the album and has signed it as being officially her own work. The title is then followed by the
image of a butterfly, which has become a very well known image/logo surrounding Mariah Carey. This image of the butterfly can
also help audiences associate this album with the nature and success of Mariah Carey a whole (taking into account her other
projects, e.g; movies she has acted in) as well as her past albums.

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