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Apply algebraic techniques to manipulate expressions and solve equations

commonly found in Engineering

Perform numerical evaluation of expressions
Carry out simplification of algebraic expressions (including brackets,
fractions, indices, exponential and logarithmic

Correctly solve equations (to include simultaneous linear equations with

two variables and quadratic equations)
Algebraic Fractions
Equivalent Fractions
Lowest Common Denominator
Addition/Subtraction of Fractions with unequal denominators
Rules for indices
Raise a power to a power

Indices: Simplification involving Brackets

Remember: when there are terms being multiplied inside brackets with a power out
sidebrackets then all of the terms must be taken to that power when the brackets
are removed

Scientific Notation (Standard Form)

Numerical Evaluation of Expressions

Scientific calculators are programmed to use BEDMAS rules when dealing with
calculations involving mixed operations( Le. multiplication, division, addition

Evaluation of Formulae
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
The Exponential Function eX
Evaluation Of Formulae Involving Logs and Exponentials

Change of Subject of Formulae

Analyse trigonometric functions and their graphs

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