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in depth

the new

By Brian Grow, Keith Epstein, and Chi-Chu Tschang
Illustrations by Jonathon Rosen

How safe are our secrets? More and more

trained pros are breaking into America’s
most sensitive computer networks

The e-mail message addressed to a Booz Allen Hamilton execu-

tive was mundane—a list sent over by the Pentagon of weaponry
on order by India. But the missive turned out to be a brilliant
fake. Lurking beneath the description of aircraft, engines,
and radar equipment was an insidious piece of computer code
known as “Poison Ivy” designed to suck sensitive and classified
data out of the $4 billion consulting firm’s computer network.
It turns out the Pentagon hadn’t sent the e-mail at all—the ma-
licious code was launched from network servers in a nondescript
building on the banks of China’s Yangtze River. Whoever authored
the e-mail knew enough about the sender and recipient to craft a
message that was unlikely to arouse suspicion. Had the Booz Allen
Robert Llewellyn/Jupiter Images

executive clicked on the attachment, the full force of the virus would
have been unleashed and his every keystroke reported back to a mys-
terious master at the Internet address
The U.S. government, and its sprawl of defense contractors, have
been the target of an unprecedented rash of similar cyberattacks
over the last two years. “It’s espionage on a massive scale,” says Paul
B. Kurtz, a former high-ranking national security official. Govern-
ment agencies reported 12,986 cybersecurity incidents to the U.S.


Homeland Security Dept. last fiscal year,
triple the number from two years earlier.
Incursions on the military’s networks were
up 55% last year, says Lieutenant General
Charles E. Croom, head of the Pentagon’s
Joint Task Force for Global Network Op-
erations. Private firms like Booz Allen are
just as vulnerable—and pose just as much
security risk. “They have our information
on their networks. They’re building our
weapon systems. You wouldn’t want that in
enemy hands,” Croom says. Cyberattackers
“are not denying, disrupting, or destroy-
ing operations—yet. But that doesn’t mean
they don’t have the capability.”

shutting down ports

When the deluge began in 2006, officials
scurried to come up with software “patch-
es,” “wraps,” and other bits of triage. The
effort got serious last summer when top
military brass quietly summoned the chief
executives or their representatives from
the 20 largest U.S. defense contracts to
the Pentagon for a “threat briefing.” Since
then, BusinessWeek has learned, the U.S.
government has launched a classified op-
eration called Byzantine Foothold to detect,
track, and disarm intrusions on the government’s most criti- the U.S. government on the overhaul of its computer security
cal networks. And President George W. Bush on Jan. 8 quietly strategy. “Now they’re saying, ‘Oh, s--t.’”
signed an order to overhaul U.S. cyberdefenses, establishing Adding to Washington’s anxiety, U.S. intelligence offi-
12 distinct goals, according to people briefed on its contents. cials say many of the new attackers are trained profession-
One goal in particular illustrates the urgency and scope of als backed by foreign governments. “The new breed of threat
the problem: By June all government agencies must cut the that has evolved is nation-state-sponsored stuff,” says Amit
number of tiny communication channels, or ports, through Yoran, a former director of Homeland Security’s National
which their networks connect to the Internet from more than Cyber Security Div. Adds one of the nation’s most senior mil-
4,000 to fewer than 100. On Apr. 9, Homeland Security Dept. itary officers: “We’ve got to figure out how to get at it before
Secretary Michael Chertoff called the President’s order a cy- our regrets exceed our ability to react.”

bersecurity “Manhattan Project.” First, he said, the U.S. must The military and intelligence communities have fingered the
“get our own house in order.”
But many security experts worry the
Internet has become too unwieldy to be
tamed. New viruses appear every day, each AN EVOLVING THREAT Major attacks on the U.S. government and
defense industry over the years
seemingly more sophisticated than the pre-
vious one. The Defense Dept., whose Ad-
vanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Solar Sunrise Moonlight Maze
developed the Internet in the 1960s, is be- February, 1998. Air Force and Navy March, 1998, through 1999. At-
ginning to think it created a monster. “You computers are hit by malicious code tackers use scripts to gain access
don’t need an Army, a Navy, an Air Force that sniffed out a hole in Sun Micro- to Web sites at the Defense Dept.,
systems’ Solaris operating system, NASA, the Energy Dept., and weap-
to beat the U.S.,” says General William T. patched its own entry point—then ons labs across the country. Large
Lord, commander of the Air Force Cyber did nothing. Some attacks are packets of unclassified data are
Command, a unit formed in October, 2006, routed through the United Arab stolen. “At times, the end point [for
to upgrade Air Force computer defenses. Emirates while the U.S. is preparing the data] was inside Russia,” says a
“You can be a peer force for the price of the for military action in Iraq. Turns out source familiar with the investiga-
the attacks were launched by two tion. The sponsor of the attack has
PC on my desk.” Military officials have long teenagers in Cloverdale, Calif., and never been identified. The Russian
believed that “it’s cheaper, and we kill stuff an Israeli accomplice who called government denied any involve-
faster, when we use the Internet to enable himself the “Analyzer.” ment.
high-tech warfare,” says a top adviser to
Data: BusinessWeek


in depth

na’s military policy is “defensive in nature.
China would never do anything to harm
sovereignty or security of other countries.”
He added that “China also falls victim to
hacking” and urged the U.S. to “present
compelling evidence for its accusation.”
Some computer security specialists
doubt that China’s government is involved
in cyberattacks on U.S. defense targets.
Peter Sommer, an information systems se-
curity specialist at the London School of
Economics who helps companies secure
networks, says: “I suspect if it’s an offi-
cial part of the Chinese government, you
wouldn’t be spotting it.” Indeed, because
the Internet allows digital spies and thieves
to mask their identities, conceal their phys-
ical locations, and bounce malicious code to
and fro, it’s frequently impossible to pin-
point specific attackers. Network security
professionals call this digital masquerade
ball “the attribution problem.”
In written responses to questions from
BusinessWeek, officials in the office of
National Intelligence Director J. Michael
McConnell, a leading proponent of boost-
ing the government’s cybersecurity ef-
forts, would not comment “on specific
People’s Republic of China as the U.S.’s biggest cybermenace. code-word programs” such as Byzantine Foothold, nor on
“In the past year, numerous computer networks around the “specific intrusions or possible victims.” But the department
world, including those owned by the U.S. government, were adds that “computer intrusions have been successful against
subject to intrusions that appear to have originated within a wide range of government and corporate networks across
the PRC,” reads the Pentagon’s annual report to Congress on the critical infrastructure and defense industrial base.” The
Chinese military power, released on Mar. 3. The preamble of White House declined to address the contents of the Cyber
Bush’s Cyber Initiative focuses attention on China as well. Initiative, citing its classified nature.
“Those are groundless accusations and unwarranted alle-
gations,” says Wang Baodong, a spokesman for the Chinese A Credible Message
embassy in Washington. Qin Gang, a spokesman for China’s The Booz Allen e-mail, obtained by BusinessWeek and traced
Foreign Ministry, told reporters in Beijing on Mar. 4 that Chi- back to China, paints a vivid picture of the alarming new ca-
pabilities of America’s cyberenemies. On
Sept. 5, 2007, at 08:22:21 Eastern time, an
e-mail message appeared to be sent to John
F. “Jack” Mulhern, vice-president for in-
ternational military assistance programs at
Booz Allen. In the high-tech world of weap-
Titan Rain Byzantine Foothold ons sales, Mulhern’s specialty, the e-mail
2003. Hackers believed to be in 2007. A new form of attack, using looked authentic enough. “Integrate U.S.,
China access classified data stored sophisticated technology, deluges Russian, and Indian weapons and avion-
on computer networks of defense outfits from the State Dept. to Boe- ics,” the e-mail noted, describing the Indian
contractor Lockheed Martin, San- ing. Military cybersecurity specialists
dia National Labs, and NASA. The find the “resources of a nation-state
government’s expectations for its fighter
intrusions are identified by Sean behind it” and call the type of attack jets. “Source code given to India for indig-
Carpenter, a cyber security analyst an “advanced persistent threat.” The enous computer upgrade capability.” Such
at Sandia Labs. After he reports the breaches are detailed in a classified lingo could easily be understood by Mul-
breaches to the U.S. Army and FBI, document known as an Intelligence hern. The 62-year-old former U.S. Naval
Sandia fires him. Carpenter later Community Assessment. The
sues Sandia for wrongful termina- source of many of the attacks, say officer and 33-year veteran of Booz Allen’s
tion. In February, 2007, a jury awards U.S. military and government of- military and defense consulting business is
him $4.7 million. ficials, is China. an expert in helping to sell U.S. weapons to
foreign governments.


The e-mail was more convinc- browsers while users surf the Web.
ing because of its apparent sender: Then it phones home to its “mas-
Stephen J. Moree, a civilian who ter” at an Internet address cur-
works for a group that reports to rently registered under the name
the office of Air Force Secretary Mi-
chael W. Wynne. Among its duties, The digital trail to cyber-
Moree’s unit evaluates the security, followed by
of selling U.S. military aircraft to analysts at BusinessWeek’s request,
other countries. There would be leads to one of China’s largest free
little reason to suspect anything domain-name-registration and
seriously amiss in Moree passing e-mail services. Called,
along the highly technical docu- it is registered to a company called
ment with “India MRCA Request for Proposal” in the subject Bentium in the city of Changzhou, a technology industry
line. The Indian government had just released the request hub outside Shanghai. A range of security experts say that
a week earlier, on Aug. 28. And the language in the e-mail hosts computers and servers that act as the com-
tracked the request. Making the message appear more cred- mand and control centers for more than 10,000 pieces of ma-
ible still: It referred to upcoming Air Force communiqués and licious code launched at government and corporate networks
a “Teaming Meeting” to discuss the deal. in recent years. Many of those PCs are in China; the rest could
be anywhere.
an e-mail’s journey The founder of, a 37-year-old technology entre-
But the missive from Steve Moree to Jack Mulhern was a preneur named Peng Yong, says his company merely allows
fake, Booz Allen later discovered. An analysis of the e-mail’s users to register domain names. “As for what our users do, we
path and attachment, conducted for BusinessWeek by three cannot completely control it,” says Peng. The bottom line: If
cybersecurity specialists, shows it was sent by an unknown Poison Ivy infected Jack Mulhern’s computer at Booz Allen,
attacker, bounced through an Internet address in South any secrets inside could be seen in China. And if it spread to
Korea, was relayed through a Yahoo! server in New York, and other computers, as malware often does, the infection opens
finally made its way toward Mulhern’s Booz Allen in-box. windows on potentially sensitive information there, too.
The analysis also shows that the code—known as “malware,” It’s not clear whether Mulhern received the e-mail, but the
for malicious software—tracks keystrokes on the computers address was accurate. Informed by BusinessWeek on Mar. 20
of people who open it. A separate program disables security of the fake message, Booz Allen spokesman George Farrar says
measures such as password protection on Microsoft Access the company launched a search to find it. As of Apr. 8, says
database files, a program frequently used by large organi- Farrar, the company had not discovered the e-mail or Poison
zations such as the U.S. defense industry to manage large Ivy in Booz Allen’s networks, but the investigation is ongo-
batches of data. ing. Farrar says Booz Allen computer security executives are
While hardly the most sophisticated technique employed examining the computers of Mulhern and an assistant who
by electronic thieves these days, “if you have any kind of sen- received his e-mail. “We take this very seriously,” says Farrar.
sitive documents on Access databases, this [virus] is getting (Mulhern, who retired in March, did not respond to e-mailed
in there and getting them out,” says a senior executive at a requests for comment and declined a request, through Booz
leading cybersecurity firm that conducted an analysis of the Allen, for an interview.)
e-mail. (The person requested anonymity because his firm Air Force officials referred requests for comment to U.S.
provides security consulting to U.S. military departments, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates’ office. In an e-mailed
response to BusinessWeek, Gates’ office
acknowledges being the target of cyber-
“Poison ivy” is part of a new type of digital attacks from “a variety of state and non-
state-sponsored organizations to gain
intruder rendering traditional defenses like unauthorized access to, or otherwise
degrade, [Defense Dept.] information
firewalls virtually useless systems.” But the Pentagon declined to
discuss the attempted Booz Allen break-
in. The Air Force, meanwhile, declined
defense contractors, and financial institutions.) Commer- to make Stephen Moree available for comment.
cial computer security firms have dubbed the malicious code The e-mail, however, seemed to cause a stir inside the Air
“Poison Ivy.” Force, correspondence reviewed by BusinessWeek shows.
But the malware attached to the fake Air Force e-mail has On Sept. 4, James Mulvenon also received the message with
a more devious—and worrisome—capability. Known as a re- Moree and Mulhern’s names on it. Security experts believe
mote administration tool, or RAT, it gives the attacker con- Mulvenon’s e-mail address was secretly included in the
trol over the “host” PC, capturing screen shots and perusing “blind copy” line of a version of the message. Mulvenon is
files. It lurks in the background of Microsoft Internet Explorer director of the Center for Intelligence Analysis & Research,


in depth

a unit of Defense Group, a leading consultant to U.S. defense of at least eight agencies—including the departments of De-
and intelligence agencies on China’s military and cyber strat- fense, State, Energy, Commerce, Health & Human Services,
egy. He maintains an Excel spreadsheet of suspect e-mails, Agriculture, and Treasury—and also defense contractors
malicious code, and hacker groups and passes them along Boeing, Lockheed Martin, General Electric, Raytheon, and
to the authorities. Suspicious of the note when he received General Dynamics, say current and former government se-
it, Mulvenon replied to Moree the next day. Was the e-mail curity experts.
“India spam?” Mulvenon asked. Laura Keehner, a spokeswoman for the Homeland Se-
“I apologize—this e-mail was sent in error—please curity Dept., which coordinates protection of government
delete,” Moree responded a few
hours later.
“No worries,” typed Mulve-
non. “I have been getting a lot of A BRILLIANT FAKE The bogus e-mail aimed at Booz Allen Hamilton
trojaned Access databases from
China lately and just wanted to
make sure.”
“Interesting—our network folks
are looking into some kind of ma-
licious intent behind this e-mail
snafu,” wrote Moree. Neither the
Air Force nor the Defense Dept.
would confirm with BusinessWeek
whether an investigation was con-
ducted. A Pentagon spokesman This morning (28 Aug) we received the 211 page India Multi-Role Combat Aircraft
(MRCA) Request for Proposal (RFP). The major RFP points are:
says its procedure is to refer attacks
to law enforcement or counterin- - 126 aircraft (86 single seat/40 dual); 18 built by OEM, 108 co-produced in India
- 1 or 2 engines; 14k-30k kg (30.9k-66.1k lb) max weight
telligence agencies. He would not - Active AESA radar capable of targeting 5 m2 at 130km (80.8 miles)
disclose which, if any, is investi- - 24 month fixed price validity of offer; option for 63 aircraft good for 3 years (fixed
gating the Air Force e-mail. price)
- 50% Offset requirement
- Aircraft delivery to begin 36 months from contract, co-production begins 48
digital intruders
months from contract
By itself, the bid to steal digital se- - Tech transfer is broken into 5 categories, 60% is the highest percentage
crets from Booz Allen might not - Performance Based Logistics (Life Cycle costs) are addressed, but India may/
be deeply troubling. But Poison may not use as a final determiner
Ivy is part of a new type of digi- - Integrate US, Russian, and Indian weapons and avionics
- Source code given to India for indigenous computer upgrade capability
tal intruder rendering traditional IAW the Teaming Directive I’ve attached a copy of the complete RFP; however, we
defenses—firewalls and updated will provide a more detailed summary after our Teaming Meeting. We’ll include this
antivirus software—virtually use- development in the SAF/IA Update and Friday’s CSAF Update slide.
less. Sophisticated hackers, say vr
Pentagon officials, are develop- Steve
ing new ways to creep into com- Stephen J. Moree
puter networks sometimes before Northeast Asia Branch Chief
those vulnerabilities are known. SAF/IA Pacific Division
“The offense has a big advantage
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission is “For Official Use
over the defense right now,” says Only” and may contain information protected from disclosure under the Freedom
Colonel Ward E. Heinke, director of Information Act, 5 USC 552. Do not release outside of DoD channels without
of the Air Force Network Opera- prior authorization from the sender.
tions Center at Barksdale Air Force
Base. Only 10 of the top 35 antivi-
rus software programs identified
Poison Ivy when it was first tested
on behalf of BusinessWeek in February. Malware-sniffing computers, declined to comment on specific intrusions. In
software from several top security firms found “no virus” in written responses to questions from BusinessWeek, Keehner
the India fighter-jet RFP, the analysis showed. says: “We are aware of and have defended against malicious
Over the past two years thousands of highly customized cyberactivity directed at the U.S. Government over the past
e-mails akin to Stephen Moree’s have landed in the laptops few years. We take these threats seriously and continue to
and PCs of U.S. government employees and defense contract- remain concerned that this activity is growing more sophis-
ing executives. According to sources familiar with the matter, ticated, more targeted, and more prevalent.” Spokesmen for
the attacks targeted sensitive information on the networks Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and



General Electric declined to comment. Several cited policies that a classified document called an intelligence community
of not discussing security-related matters. assessment, or ICA, details the Byzantine intrusions and as-
The rash of computer infections is the subject of Byzan- signs each a unique Byzantine-related name. The ICA has
tine Foothold, the classified operation designed to root out circulated in recent months among selected officials at U.S.
the perpetrators and protect systems in the future, accord- intelligence agencies, the Pentagon, and cybersecurity con-
ing to three people familiar with the matter. In some cases, sultants acting as outside reviewers. Until December the
the government’s own cybersecurity experts are engaged in ICA’s contents had not even been shared with congressional
“hack-backs”—following the malicious code to peer into the intelligence committees.
hackers’ own computer systems. BusinessWeek has learned Now, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman John D.

ANATOMY OF A SPEAR-PHISH The three stages of a successful spear-phishing attack

Net Reconnaissance Constructing the “Spear-Phish” Harvesting the Data

Attackers scour the Web–study- Attackers build an e-mail with a Web When the victim opens the attach-
ing public documents, chat rooms, link or attachment on a subject likely to ment or clicks on the Web link,
Mark Lennihan/AP Photo

and blogs–to build digital dossiers trick the victim into clicking on it. Com- malicious code hidden inside combs
about the jobs, responsibilities, and mon spear-phish topics include news document files, steals passwords,
personal networks of targets. events, earnings results, and Word and and sends the data to a “command
PowerPoint documents containing real and control” server, often in a foreign
info. The e-mail address is made to country, which collects the data for
look like it comes from a logical sender. study.


in depth

Rockefeller (D-W. Va.) is said to be discreetly informing fel-
BUSINESSWEEK TV For more on this story, including an interview
low senators of the Byzantine operation, in part to win their with writer Brian Grow, watch BusinessWeek
support for needed appropriations, many of which are part of TV. To see video clips or find your local station and airtime by Zip Code go
classified “black” budgets kept off official government books. to
Rockefeller declined to comment. In January a Senate Intelli-
gence Committee staffer urged his boss, Missouri Republican BUSINESSWEEK.COM View a video describing the high-stakes
cyberwar waged against the U.S., government
Christopher “Kit” Bond, the committee’s vice-chairman, to documents warning of cyber attacks against public and private institu-
supplement closed-door testimony and classified documents tions, and starting on Apr. 14, our series on cyberespionage.
with a viewing of the movie Die Hard 4 on a flight the sena-
tor made to New Zealand. In the film, cyberterrorists breach
FBI networks, purloin financial data, and bring car traffic to a tion—proved so nettlesome that the White House shut off
halt in Washington. Hollywood, says Bond, doesn’t exagger- aides’ access to the Web site for more than six months, says a
ate as much as people might think. “I can’t discuss classified cybersecurity specialist familiar with the incident. The De-
matters,” he cautions. “But the movie illustrates the potential fense Dept. shut the door for even longer. Computer security
impact of a cyberconflict. Except for a few things, let me just investigators, one of whom spoke with BusinessWeek, identi-
tell you: It’s credible.” fied the culprit: a few lines of Java script buried in AEI’s home
page,, that activated as soon as someone visited
go phish the site. The script secretly redirected the user’s computer to
The technique used in the attacks, known as “phishing,” is a another server that attempted to load malware. The malware,
method of stealing information by posing as a trustworthy in turn, sent information from the visitor’s hard drive to a
entity in an online communication. The term started in the server in China. But the security specialist says cybersleuths
mid-1990s when hackers began “fishing” for information couldn’t get rid of the intruder. After each deletion, the fur-
(and tweaked the spelling). The e-mail attacks in the gov- tive code would reappear. AEI says that except for a brief ac-
ernment agency and defense contractor intrusions, called cidental recurrence caused by its own network personnel in
“spear-phish” because they target specific individuals, August, 2007, the devious Java script did not return and was
are the Web version of laser-guided missiles. Spear-phish not difficult to eradicate.
creators gather information about people’s jobs and social The government has yet to disclose the breaches related to
networks, often from publicly available information and data Byzantine Foothold. BusinessWeek has learned that intruders
stolen from other infected computers, and then trick them managed to wend their way into the State Dept.’s highly sensi-
into opening an e-mail. tive Bureau of Intelligence & Research—an important chan-
Spear-phish tap into a cyberespionage tactic that Internet nel between the work of intelligence agencies and the rest of
security experts call “net reconnaissance.” In the spear-phish the government. The intrusion posed a risk to CIA operatives
attack on Booz Allen, attackers had a wealth of information in embassies around the globe, say several network security
about Stephen J. Moree: his full name, title (Northeast Asia specialists familiar with the effort to cope with what became
Branch Chief), job responsibilities, and
e-mail address. Net reconnaissance can
be surprisingly simple, often starting the breach of a highly sensitive state dept.
with a Google search. (A lookup of the
Air Force’s Pentagon e-mail address, for bureau posed a risk to cia operatives in
instance, generated 8,680 hits for cur-
rent or former Air Force personnel and embassies around the globe
departments on Apr. 8.) The informa-
tion is woven into a fake e-mail, along
with a link to an infected Web site, or an attached document. regarded as an internal crisis. Teams worked around-the-
All attackers have to do is hit their send button. Once the clock in search of malware, they say, calling the White House
e-mail is opened, intruders are automatically ushered inside regularly with updates.
the walled perimeter of computer networks—and malicious The attack began in May, 2006, when an unwitting em-
code such as Poison Ivy can take over. ployee in the State Dept.’s East Asia Pacific region clicked
By mid-2007 analysts at the National Security Agency on an attachment in a seemingly authentic e-mail. Mali-
began to discern a pattern: personalized e-mails with cor- cious code embedded in the Word document, a congressional
rupted attachments such as PowerPoint presentations, Word speech, opened a Trojan “back door” for the code’s creators
documents, and Access database files had been turning up on to peer inside the State Dept.’s innermost networks. Soon,
computers connected to the networks of numerous agencies cybersecurity engineers began spotting more intrusions in
and defense contractors. State Dept. computers across the globe. The malware took
A previously undisclosed breach in the autumn of 2005 advantage of previously unknown vulnerabilities in the Mi-
at the American Enterprise Institute—a conservative think crosoft operating system. Unable to develop a patch quickly
tank whose former officials and corporate executive board enough, engineers watched helplessly as streams of State
members are closely connected to the Bush Administra- Dept. data slipped through the back door and into the Inter-


net ether. Although they were unable to fix the vulnerability, djari: “We have to look at this as equivalent to the launch of
specialists came up with a temporary fix to block further in- a Chinese Sputnik.”
fections. They also yanked connections from the Internet. Hints of the perils perceived within America’s corridors
One member of the emergency team summoned to the of power have been slipping out in recent months. In Feb. 27
scene recalls that each time cybersecurity professionals testimony before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee,
thought they had eliminated the source of a “beacon” report- National Intelligence Director McConnell echoed the view
ing back to its master, another popped up. He compared the that the threat comes from China. He told Congress he wor-
effort to the arcade game Whack-A-Mole. The State Dept. ries less about another country capturing information than
now says it has eradicated the infection, but only after sani- altering it. “If someone has the ability to enter information in
tizing scores of infected computers and servers and changing systems, they can destroy data. And the destroyed data could
passwords. Microsoft’s own patch, meanwhile, was not de- be something like money supply, electric power distribution,
ployed until August, 2006, three months after the infection. transportation sequencing, and that sort of thing.” His con-
Microsoft declined to comment on the episode. clusion: “The federal government is not well-protected and
There is little doubt among senior U.S. officials about the private sector is not well-protected.”
Worries about China-
sponsored Internet attacks
spread last year to Ger-
THE GOVERNMENT’S RESPONSE Key elements of the top-secret
“Cyber Initiative,” signed Jan. 8 many, France, and Britain.
British domestic intelli-
gence agency MI5 had seen
Cut Connections Counterintelligence Leap-Ahead enough evidence of intru-
Aims to cut the number of Tools Technologies sion and theft of corporate
portals between govern- Launches a program to Aims to invent “killer apps” secrets by Chinese hackers
ment networks and the develop the technology for to win the cyber arms race. by November, 2007, that
Internet from more than cyberforensic analysis.
4,000 to fewer than 100. Critical the agency’s director gen-
Education Infrastructure eral, Jonathan Evans, sent
passive intrusion an unusual letter of warn-
Creates training programs Protection
to develop technical skills Calls for a plan to work with ing to 300 corporations,
Requires a plan to identify to improve cybersecurity. the private sector, which accounting firms, and law
when unauthorized enti-
ties have gained access to Fusing owns and operates most of firms—along with a list of
the Internet.
computer networks. Operations network security special-
active intrusion Combines the computer Revisit ists to help block computer
command posts known Project solarium intrusions. Some recipi-
as “network operations Like the Eisenhower ents of the MI5 letter hired
Requires a program to centers” of an unknown project to deter nuclear Peter Yapp, a leading secu-
trace cyberintrusions back number of agencies. war, aims to prevent a
to their source, both coun- rity consultant with Lon-
tries and people. Cyber R&D cyberwar.
don-based Control Risks.
Launches a plan to improve federal “People treat this like it’s
develop offensive and de- acquisitions
Strategy fensive cybercapabilities, just another hacker story,
including those developed Starts program to ensure and it is almost unbeliev-
Requires a plan to deter government IT products
and prevent future com- by contractors. able,” says Yapp. “There’s
and services are secure.
puter network breaches. a James Bond element to
it. Too many people think,
Data: BusinessWeek
‘It’s not going to happen to
me.’ But it has.”
where the trail of the recent wave of attacks leads. “The Byz- Identifying the thieves slipping their malware through
antine series tracks back to China,” says Air Force Colonel the digital gates can be a tricky task. But a range of attacks
Heinke. More than a dozen U.S. military, cybersecurity, and in the past two years on U.S. and foreign government enti-
intelligence officials interviewed by BusinessWeek say China ties, U.S. defense contractors, and corporate networks have
is the biggest emerging adversary—and not just clubs of been traced to Internet addresses registered through Chi-
rogue or enterprising hackers who happen to be Chinese. O. nese domain services such as, run by Peng Yong.
Sami Saydjari, a former National Security Agency executive In early March, BusinessWeek interviewed Peng in an apart-
and now president of computer security firm Cyber Defense ment on the 14th floor of the gray-tiled residential building
Agency, says the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, one of that houses the five-person office for in Changzhou.
the world’s largest military forces, with an annual budget of Peng says he started in 2001 with $14,000 of his own
$57 billion, has “tens of thousands” of trainees launching cy- money so the growing ranks of China’s Internet surfers could
berattacks on U.S. computer networks. Those figures could register Web sites and distribute information. “We felt that
not be independently confirmed by BusinessWeek. Says Say- this business would be very popular, especially as broadband,


in depth

fiber-optic cables, [data transmis- from Homeland Security’s U.S.
sion technology] ADSL, these ways CERT obtained by BusinessWeek,
of getting on the Internet took off,” titled “Cyber Incidents Suspected
says Peng (whose MandarinCK of Impacting Private Sector Net-
was translated by BusinessWeek), works,” the federal cyberwatchdog
who wears half-rimmed glasses warned U.S. corporate information
and drives a black Lexus IS300 technology staff to update security
bought last year. software to block Internet traffic
His has indeed be- from a dozen Web addresses after
come a hit. Peng says the service spear-phishing attacks. “The level
has registered more than 1 million of sophistication and scope of these
domain names, charging $14 per cybersecurity incidents indicate
year for “top-level” names ending in .com, .org, or .net. But they are coordinated and targeted at private-sector systems,”
cybersecurity experts and the Homeland Security Dept.’s says the report. Among the sites named: Peng’s, as
U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT) say that well as,, and Homeland Secu- is a hit with another group: hackers. That’s because rity and U.S. CERT declined to discuss the report. and five sister sites controlled by Peng are dynam- Peng says he has no idea hackers are using his service to
ic DNS providers. Like an Internet phone book, dynamic send and control malicious code. “Are there a lot?” he says
DNS assigns names for the digits that mark a computer’s when asked why so many hackers use He says his
location on the Web. For example, is the registrar business is not responsible for cyberattacks on U.S. comput-
for the name at Internet address ers. “It’s like we have paved a road and what sort of car [users], the China-based computer that was contacted drive on it is their own business,” says Peng, who adds that he
by the malicious code in the Booz Allen attack, according to spends most of his time these days developing Internet te-
analyses reviewed by BusinessWeek. “Hackers started using lephony for his new software firm, Bitcomm Software Tech
sites like so that the malware phones home to the Co. Peng says he was not aware that several of his Web sites
specific name. The reason? It is relatively difficult to have and Internet addresses registered through them were named
[Internet addresses] taken down in China,” says Maarten van in the U.S. CERT report. On Apr. 7, he said he planned to shut
Hoorenbeeck, a Belgium-based cybersleuth for the SANS the sites down and contact the U.S. agency. Asked by Busi-
Internet Storm Center. nessWeek to check his database for the person who registered
Peng’s and sister sites have become a source of the computer at the domain name,
concern to the U.S. government and private firms. Cyberse- Peng says it is registered to Gansu Railway Communications,
curity firm Team Cymru sent a confidential report, reviewed a regional telecom subsidiary of China’s Railways Ministry.
by BusinessWeek, to clients on Mar. 7 that illustrates how He declined to provide the name of the registrant, citing a has enabled many recent attacks. In early March, confidentiality agreement. “You can go through the police to
the report says, Team Cymru received “a spoofed e-mail mes- find out the user information,” says Peng.
sage from a U.S. military entity, and the PowerPoint attach- U.S. cybersecurity experts say it’s doubtful the Chinese
ment had a malware widget embedded
in it.” The e-mail was a spear-phish.
The computer that controlled the ma- britain’s mI5 intelligence agency sent a
licious code in the PowerPoint? Cyber-—the same China- warning in 2007 to 300 companies about thefts
registered computer in the attack
on Booz Allen. Although the cyber-
syndrome Internet address may not be
of corporate secrets by chinese hackers
located in China, the top five comput-
ers communicating directly with it were—and four were reg- government would allow the high volume of attacks on U.S.
istered with ChinaNet, a large state-owned Internet service entities from China-based computers if it didn’t want them
provider, according to the report. to happen. “China has one of the best-controlled Internets in
the world. Anything that happens on their Internet requires
target: private sector permission,” says Cyber Defense Group’s O. Sami Saydjari. A
A person familiar with Team Cymru’s research says the Chinese government spokesman says TK about
company has 10,710 distinct malware samples hosted by But Peng says there is little he can do if hackers exploit his Other groups that have reported attacks from com- goodwill—and there has been little incentive from the Chi-
puters hosted by include activist group Students nese government to get tough. “Normally, we take care of
for a Free Tibet, the European Parliament, and U.S. Bancorp, these problems by shutting them down,” says Peng. “Because
according to security reports. Team Cymru declined to com- our laws do not have an extremely clear method to handle this
ment. The U.S. government has pinpointed Peng’s services problem, sometimes we are helpless to stop their services.”
as a problem, too. In a Nov. 28, 2007, confidential report And so, it seems, is the U.S. government. ^


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