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Table of Contents

주최국 Chair Country

대한민국 Republic of Korea 4

G20 회원국 G20 Member States

아르헨티나 Argentina 6
호주 Australia 8
브라질 Brazil 10
캐나다 Canada 12
중국 China 14
프랑스 France 16
독일 Germany 18
인도 India 20
인도네시아 Indonesia 22
이탈리아 Italy 24
일본 Japan 26
멕시코 Mexico 28
러시아 Russia 30
사우디 아라비아 Saudi Arabia 32
남아프리카공화국 South Africa 34
터키 Turkey 36
영국 United Kingdom 38
미국 United States 40
유럽연합 European Union(EU) 42

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초청국 The Invited States

에티오피아 Ethiopia 46
말라위 Malawi 48
싱가포르 Singapore 50
스페인 Spain 52
베트남 Vietnam 54

국제기구 International Organizations

금융안정위원회 Financial Stability Board (FSB) 56
국제노동기구 International Labour Organization (ILO) 58
국제통화기금 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 60
경제협력개발기구 Organization for Economic Cooperation 62
and Development (OECD)
국제연합 United Nations (UN) 64
세계은행 World Bank (WB) 66
국제무역기구 World Trade Organization (WTO) 68


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이명박 대통령

주요 약력
2008 제17대 대통령 취임
2007 한나라당 제17대 대통령 후보
2002 - 2006 서울특별시장 (32대, 민선3기)
전국시도지사협의회 회장
2001 - 2007 해외한인무역협회 고문
1999 - 2002 아태 환경 NGO 한국본부 총재
1996 - 1998 제15대 국회의원
1994 - 2002 동아시아연구원 이사장
1992 - 1995 제14대 국회의원
1984 세계수영연맹 집행위원
1984 - 1992 아시아수영연맹 회장
1983 - 1990 동남아 경제협력 건설분과 위원장
1982 - 1992 대한올림픽위원회 (KOC) 상임위원
대한상공회의소 부회장
1977 - 1992 현대건설 대표이사 사장 및 회장
(현대 계열 9개사 대표이사 사장 및 회장 겸임)
1965 현대건설 입사 (공채)

학력 사항
2009 미국 조지워싱턴 대학교 명예박사
2008 러시아 상트페테르부르크 대학교 명예박사
1965 고려대학교 경영학과 졸업
1960 동지상업고등학교 (야간) 졸업
1957 포항중학교 졸업
1954 포항 영흥초등학교 졸업

2007 어머니 (일본어, 중국어 번역 출판)
2007 이명박의 흔들리지 않는 약속
2007 온몸으로 부딪쳐라 (중국어 번역 출판)
2005 청계천은 미래로 흐른다 (일본어, 중국어 번역 출판)
2002 절망이라지만 나는 희망이 보인다
1995  신화는 없다 (영어, 일본어, 중국어, 러시아어 등 총 6개 국어 번역 출판)

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1941.12.19 출생
- 부인 김윤옥 여사, 3녀 1남

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Chair Country

Republic of Korea
Lee Myung-bak, President

Lee Myung-bak was a business executive, a member of the National Assembly and Mayor of Seoul before
being elected the 17th President of the Republic of Korea.

He was born on December 19, 1941 to a family from Pohang, a port city in southeastern Korea. President
Lee graduated from Korea University with a major in business management. During his university days, he
was jailed for leading a student democracy movement.

President Lee joined Hyundai Construction in 1965 and twelve years later became its youngest-ever CEO.
During his time at Hyundai, he was involved in the construction of Korea’s first highway, the building of
Seoul’s first modern apartment buildings and the production of Korea’s first automobile which all became
the foundation for the subsequent launching of Hyundai Motors, Hyundai Heavy Industry and Hyundai

After a successful career as a business executive, President Lee retired from Hyundai in 1992 and entered
politics. He was elected as a member of the National Assembly for two consecutive terms and entered the
Seoul mayoral race. He was elected Mayor of Seoul in 2002 and served until 2006.

While Mayor of Seoul, Lee restored Cheonggyecheon, a 6.5 km stream in the center of Seoul that was
hidden under concrete for many decades. The restoration has been hailed as a model for big-city ecological
restoration and was recognized with a prestigious award during the 2005 Venice Biennale. TIME magazine
named President Lee as one of their Heroes of the Environment in 2007.

After becoming President, he has laid out a new vision called “Low Carbon Green Growth” which seeks
to preserve the environment and achieve sustainable development. It is Korea’s answer to today’s global
challenge. To this end, the Republic of Korea became the first country to pass the “Basic Law on Green
Growth” and established the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) that will spearhead the global effort to
present realistic solutions to a greener, sustainable future.

When President Lee was elected on December 19th 2007, he set a record in modern Korean political history
by winning in all categories – region, age group and income level. The difference in the number of votes
with the runner-up was 5.28 million, the largest margin in modern Korean electoral history.

He is married to First Lady Kim Yoon-ok. They have three daughters and one son and six grandchildren.

The day he was elected president - December 19th - also happens to be his birthday as well as his wedding
anniversary, making this day a “triple crown.”


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G20 회원국

크리스티나 페르난데즈 데 키르츼네르 대통령

주요 약력
2007.10  아르헨티나 대통령 당선 (아르헨티나의 두 번째 여성 대통령이나
민선대통령으로는 첫 여성 대통령)
대통령 취임 전 부에노스 아이레스 (Buenos Aires) 와
산타크루즈 (Santa Cruz) 주 상원의원으로 활동
2001 상원의원 재선
1997 하원의원 당선
1995 상원의원 첫 당선

학력 사항
- 라 플라타 대학 (National University of La Plata) 법학 전공

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1953.2.19 부에노스 아이레스 주 라 플라타 시에서 출생
- 전 대통령인 남편 네스토르 카를로스 키르츠네르 (Nestor Kirchner)와 결혼,
자녀 2명

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G20 Member States

Argentine Republic
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, President

Argentina’s Cristina Fernández de Kirchner became President of Argentina on
December 10, 2007 after winning the general election in October. She replaced her
husband, Nestor Kirchner, who was President from May 2003 to December 2007. She
is Argentina’s second female president, but the first to be elected.

Prior to her current position, she was a senator for Buenos Aires province and Santa
Cruz province. She was first elected to the Senate in 1995, and in 1997 to the Chamber
of Representatives. In 2001 she won a seat in the Senate again.

Born on February 19, 1953, in La Plata, Buenos Aires, she graduated as a Lawyer from
the National University of La Plata. She and her husband were married in March 1975,
and have two children.


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G20 회원국

줄리아 길라드 총리

주요 약력
2010.9.14 연방 총리로 재 추대
2010.6.24 연방 총리 취임
2007 연방 부총리 겸 교육, 고용, 노동관계 및 사회통합부 장관
2006.12.4 호주 노동당 부대표로 선출되어 고용, 노동관계 및
사회통합 야당 예비 장관
2003 - 2006 보건부 야당 예비 장관
2003 국민화해 및 원주민 관계 업무 담당
2001 인구 및 이민부 야당 예비 장관
1998 - 2001 고용, 교육, 업무환경 상임위원회 소속 하원의원 활동
1998 노동당 공천으로 연방하원의회 입성
1996 - 1998 빅토리아주 (Victoria) 야당대표 존 브룸비의 참모장 활동
1987 - 1995 멜번 법률자문회사 슬레이터 앤드 고든
(Slater and Gordon)입사 후 변호사로 활동 (고용법 부문 주로
담당, 부당해고와 노동관계 관련 소송업무 담당)

학력 사항
1986 멜번 대학교 (Melbourne University) 인문학, 법학 학사 취득
1983 호주전국총학생회 (AUS) 부회장 선출, 회장 선출
1982 애들레이드 대학교 (University of Adelaide) 인문학, 법학 전공

출생 정보
- 1966 호주로 이민 후 애들레이드 (Adelaide )에서 성장
- 1961 영국 웨일즈 (Wales) 주 배리 (Barry) 출생

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G20 Member States

Julia Gillard, Prime Minister

The Honourable Julia Gillard MP was sworn in as the 27th Prime Minister of Australia
on 24 June 2010 and re-sworn in as Prime Minister on 14 September 2010 following
the 2010 Federal Election.

Ms Gillard was born in Barry, Wales in 1961, the daughter of a nurse and aged care
worker. Her family migrated to Australia in 1966 and she grew up in Adelaide.

Ms Gillard was educated at Mitcham Demonstration School and Unley High School in
South Australia.

Ms Gillard started her arts and law degree at the University of Adelaide. In 1983 she
was elected National Education Vice-President of the Australian Union of Students
(AUS) and moved to Melbourne to complete her degree at Melbourne University. Later
that year, she was elected President of the AUS.

After graduating Ms Gillard began work as a solicitor in Melbourne with the law
firm Slater and Gordon and became a Partner in 1990. Ms Gillard's work at the firm
focused on employment law where she represented employees who had battled unfair
dismissals and workplace disputes.

From 1996 to 1998 she served as Chief-of-Staff to the then Opposition Leader of the
State of Victoria, John Brumby.

Julia Gillard first contested the Federal seat of Lalor for the Australian Labor Party in
1998 and was elected that year.

From 1998 to 2001 Ms Gillard served on the House of Representatives Standing

Committee on Employment, Education and Workplace Relations. In 2001 Ms Gillard
was appointed Shadow Minister for Population and Immigration and subsequently took
on responsibilities for Reconciliation and Indigenous Affairs in 2003.

From 2003 to 2006 Ms Gillard served as Shadow Minister for Health. On 4 December
2006 Ms Gillard was appointed Deputy Leader of the Australian Labor Party and served
as Shadow Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations and Social Inclusion.

Following the Australian Labor Party's victory at the 2007 Federal Election, Ms Gillard
was sworn in as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Education, Employment and
Workplace Relations and Social Inclusion.


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G20 회원국

루이스 이나씨우 룰라 다 실바 대통령

주요 약력
2007 재임 성공, 2기 정부 출범
2002 4번째 입후보하여 당선
1989/1994/1998 대통령 선거에 입후보 낙선
1986 상파울루주 (São Paulo) 하원의원 당선
1983 전국단위 노조연합체인 중앙유일노조
(CUT : Central Única dos Trabalhadores) 창설 참여
1980 노조에서 성장하여 독재 정부하에서‘노동자당’(PT) 창설
1979 군사정부 개입에 의해 위원장 직위 박탈
1978 동 위원장 재선
1975 동 금속노조위원장
1972 상파울루 썽베르나르두 두 깜뿌 디아데마
(São Bernardo do Campo and Diadema) 금속노조위 제1비서
1959 나사못 공장 근무

출생 정보
1945.10.27 브라질 페르남부쿠주 (State of Pernambuco) 출생

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G20 Member States

Federative Republic of Brazil

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President

On 29th October, 2006 Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was re-elected President of the Republic with approximately 58 million votes (60.83%
of valid votes) in election second round over Brazilian Social Democratic Party candidate, Geraldo Alckmin.

Lula has worked as councilor of the Citizenship Institute since 1992. This non-governmental organization, which was created
after the experience of the Parallel Government, addresses its activities towards study, research, debate, publications and
especially the formulation of national public policy proposals, as well as towards organizing campaigns to mobilize civil society
around the goal of conquering full citizenship to all Brazilians.

On 27 October, 2002 at age 57 and with approximately 53 million votes, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was elected President of the
Federative Republic of Brazil.

In the last week of June 2002, the National PT Convention approved a broad political alliance (PT, PL, PCdoB, PCB and PMN)
based on a government program intended to redeem the essential social debts that the country owes to the great majority of
the Brazilian people. Senator José Alencar of the PL of state of Minas Gerais ran for the vice-presidency.

The Workers Party launched Lula to dispute the Presidency of the Republic in 1989, after a period of 29 years without direct
elections. He lost the elections in their second round, for a small difference, but two years later he led a national movement
against corruption that culminated in the impeachment of President Fernando Collor de Mello. In 1994 and 1998, Lula once
again ran for President of the Republic and was defeated by Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

By 1982, PT had been expanded to almost all national territory. Lula led the process of organizing the party and, in that year, ran for
the Government of the state of São Paulo. In August 83, he participated in the foundation of CUT – Central Única dos Trabalhadores, a
federation of Trade Unions. In 84, he was one of the main leaders participating in the campaign for direct elections for the Presidency
of the Republic. In 86, he was elected the country’s most voted federal deputy to participate in the Constituent Assembly.

By that time, Brazil was undergoing a slow and gradual political opening process led by the military force that was still in power. Together with
other Union members, intellectuals, politicians and representatives of social movements, including rural and religious leaders, Lula founded the
Workers Party (PT) on 10 February 1980. In that same year a new metallurgical strike led to the Federal Government’s intervention in the Union
and to the imprisonment of Lula and other Union leaders based on the National Security Law. He served 31 days in prison.

From that moment on Lula, gave new direction to the Brazilian Union movement. In 78 Lula was reelected president of the Union
and, after 10 years without any union strike, the country saw the first shutdowns. In March 79, 170 thousand metallurgical workers
stopped the ABC. Police repression to the strike movement, coupled to the quasi inexistence of politicians willing to represent the
interests of working class at the National Congress, made Lula think for the first time about creating a Workers Party.

In 1969 the Metallurgist’s Trade Union in São Bernardo do Campo and Diadema held an election to its Board, and Lula was elected
an alternate member. In the following election, in 1972, Lula was elected First Secretary. In 1975 he was elected Head of the Trade
Union, with 92% of the votes, representing around 100,000 workers.

The crisis after the military coup in 1964 made Lula to go from factory to factory looking for a job. In January 1966, he started
working at Villares Industries, one of the main metallurgical industries in the country, in São Bernardo do Campo, within the
metropolitan area of São Paulo known as ABC. It was there that Lula first had contact with the Union movement through his
brother, José Ferreira da Silva, known as Frei Chico.

When he turned 14, he found a job at Armazéns Gerais Columbia [Columbia Warehouse], where he was officially registered as
worker for the first time. Later, Lula transferred to Fábrica dos Parafusos Marte [Marte Screw Factory] where he managed to
enroll at the National Industry Service – SENAI, and complete a three-year course to become a mechanic and lathe operator.

Lula learned to read and write at the state-owned school Grupo Escolar Marcílio Dias. In 1956, his family moved to a single room behind a bar in
the neighborhood of Ipiranga, São Paulo. At age 12, Lula found his first job in a dry cleaner. After that he worked as a shoeshine and office boy.

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was born on 27 October 1945, in the small town of Garanhuns, in the inner state of Pernambuco. Married
to Marisa Letícia since 1974, they have five children. Lula is the seventh of eight children of Aristides Inácio da Silva and Eurídice
Ferreira de Mello. In December 1952 Lula’s family emigrated to the coast of São Paulo, traveling for 13 days in a truck known as “pau
de arara”. The family took up residence in Vicente de Carvalho, a poor neighborhood of the city of Guarujá.

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G20 회원국

스티븐 하퍼 총리

주요 약력
2006.2.6 22번째 캐나다 총리로 임명
2004 보수당 당수로 선출
2002 제1 야당 당수로 선출
1993 연방 하원의원 당선
1978 알버타 (Alberta)로 이주하여 석유회사에 근무

학력 사항
1991 캘거리 대학교 (University of Calgary) 경제학 석사학위 취득
1985 캘거리 대학교 (University of Calgary) 경제학 학사학위 취득

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1959.4.30 온타리오주 토론토 (Toronto, Ontario) 출생
- 부인 로린 하퍼 (Laureen Harper) 여사, 1남 1녀

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G20 Member States

Stephen Harper, Prime Minister

Stephen Harper was sworn in as Canada’s 22nd Prime Minister on February 6, 2006.

Mr. Harper was first elected to the House of Commons in 1993 as the Reform Party of
Canada Member of Parliament for Calgary West. He stepped down in 1997 to become
Vice President (later President) of the National Citizens Coalition, a non-partisan
Canadian organization that advocates for individual freedoms and accountable
government. In 2002, Mr. Harper won the leadership of the Canadian Alliance,
became Leader of the Official Opposition and returned to the House as MP for Calgary

In 2003, the members of the Canadian Alliance and Progressive Conservative Party
of Canada voted to unite as the new Conservative Party of Canada, and selected Mr.
Harper as their first leader.

Under his leadership, the Conservatives gained 25 seats in the 2004 federal election,
largely as a result of a major breakthrough in Canada’s most populous province,
Ontario. Two years later, Canadians gave Mr. Harper and his party a mandate to form a
Conservative government for the first time in 13 years.

In 2008, the Harper-led Conservatives were returned to office with a larger seat count
and a mandate to guide Canada through the volatile economic conditions presaging
the worst global recession in half a century.

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G20 회원국

후진타오 주석

주요 약력
현재 중화인민공화국 국가주석
중국공산당 중앙위원회 총서기
2008.3 - 현재 중화인민공화국 국가주석 재임
2007.10 중국공산당 중앙위원회 총서기 재임
2003.3 중화인민공화국 국가주석 취임
2002.11 중국공산당 중앙위원회 총서기 취임
1992 - 2002 중앙정치국상무위원회 위원, 중앙서기처 서기,
중화인민공화국 국가부주석, 중앙당교 (中央黨校) 총장 역임
1988 - 1992 티벳자치구 공산당위원회 서기
1985 - 1988 구이저우성 (貴州省) 공산당위원회 서기
1982 - 1985 공청단 중앙서기처 서기, 중화전국청년연합회 (전국천련) 주석
공청단 중앙서기처 제일서기 (第一書記) 역임
1974 - 1982 간수성 (甘肅省) 건설위원회 부처장, 부주임 (부위원장),
공산주의청년단 (공청단) 간수성 위원회 서기 역임
1968 - 1974 수력발전부 류쟈샤 (劉家峽) 기술국, 제4기술국 813분국 근무
1965 - 1968 칭화대학 수리공정학부에서 과학연구활동 종사

학력 사항
- 칭화대학 수리공정학부 (중추발전전공) 학사

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1942.12 안후이성 (安徽省) 지시 (績溪) 출생, 한족.
- 부인 류용칭 (劉永淸) 여사, 1남 1녀

*본 자료는 주한중국 대사관에서 제공한 영문 프로필에 근거하여 작성된 비공식 번역본입니다.

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G20 Member States

People’s Republic of China

Hu Jintao, President

Hu Jintao, ethnic Han, native of Jixi, Anhui Province, born in December 1942.
General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC)
and President of the People's Republic of China.
Graduated from the Water Conservancy Engineering Department of Tsinghua
University, majoring in the study of key fluvial power stations. With a university
education. Engineer

1965-1968 Participated in R&D at the Water Conservancy Engineering Department of

Tsinghua University
1968-1974 Worked with the Liujia Gorge Engineering Bureau, Ministry of Water
Conservancy and No. 813 Sub-Bureau, Fourth Engineering Bureau,
Ministry of Water Conservancy
1974-1982 Deputy Director and Vice Chairman of the Gansu Provincial Construction
Committee and Secretary of the Gansu Provincial Committee of the
Communist Youth League of China (CYLC)
1982-1985 Member of the Secretariat of the CYLC Central Committee , Chairman of
the All-China Youth Federation and First secretary of the Secretariat of
the CYLC Central Committee
1985-1988 Secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee
1988-1992 Secretary of the Party Committee of Tibet Autonomous Region
1992-2002 Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC
Central Committee, member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central
Committee, Vice President of the People's Republic of China, President of
the Party School of the CPC Central Committee

Elected General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee in November 2002.

Elected President of the People's Republic of China in March 2003.
Re-elected General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee in October 2007.
Re-elected President of the People's Republic of China in March 2008.
Married to Liu Yongqing with a son and a daughter.

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G20 회원국

니콜라 사르코지 대통령

주요 약력
2007.5.14 대중운동연합당 (UMP) 당 대표직 사퇴
2007.5.6 대통령 선거 2차 투표 53.06% 획득, 당선
2007.4.22 대통령 선거 1차 투표 1위 (31.18%)
2007.3 내무국토정비부 장관직 사퇴
2007.1.14 대중운동연합당 (UMP) 대통령후보
2005 - 2007 내무국토정비부장관
2004.11.28 대중운동연합당 (UMP) 당대표 당선
2004 오-드-센 지역의회 의장 당선
2004-2005 재정경제산업부 국가장관 (부총리급)
2002-2004 내무안전지방자치부 장관
2000 공화국연합당 (RPR) 오-드-센 지역대표 당선
1999 유럽의회 공화당-민자당 (RPR-DL) 연합선거위원장
1999.4 - 1999.10 공화국연합당 (RPR) 당 대표 권한 대행
1998 공화국연합당 (RPR) 사무총장
1997 공화국연합당 (RPR) 과도체제 조정관 및 대변인
1993 공화국연합당 (RPR) 정책위원
1992-1993 공화국연합당 연합단체담당 부사무총장
1989 유럽의회선거 연합공천 공동위원장
1989 공화국연합당 (RPR) 청소년교육활동담당 중앙대표
1988 공화국연합당 (RPR) 청소년교육담당 중앙대표
1993 - 1995 정부대변인
1994 - 1995 예산공보부 장관
1993 - 1995 예산부 장관
1988 - 2002 오-드-센 하원의원
1986 - 1988 오-드-센 (Hauts-de-Seine) 지역의회 문화교육담당 부의장
1983 - 2002 뇌이-쉬르-센 시장
1977 뇌이-쉬르-센 (Neuilly-sur-Seine) 시의원

학력 사항
1981 변호사자격증 취득
정치학 DEA 학위 취득 (논문주제: 1969년 4월 27일 개헌에 대하여)
1979 - 1981 파리정치학교 졸업
1978 법학 석사 (민법 전공)

2007 다함께 (“Ensemble” Ed. XO)
2006 증언 (“Témoignage” Ed. XO)
2004 공화국, 종교, 희망 (“La République, les Religions, l'Espérance” Ed. Cerf)
2001 자유 (“Libre” Ed. XO/Robert Laffont)
1995 대담집 ; 열정의 끝, 중용 (“Au bout de la passion, l'équilibre –
Entretien avec Michel Denisot” Ed. Albin Michel)
1994 정치 수도자, 조르쥬 망델
(“Georges Mandel, Le Moine de la Politique” Ed. Grasset)

출생 정보
1955.1.28 프랑스 파리 출생

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G20 Member States

The French Republic

Nicolas Sarkozy, President

President Nicolas Sarkozy became president of France on May 6, 2007, taking over from Jacques Chirac,
who had held the position since 1995. Formerly a lawyer at the Paris bar, President Sarkozy became
member of Neuilly-sur-Seine Municipal Council in 1977 and then Mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1983, a
position he held until 2002.

From 1986 to 1988, he was Vice-Chairman of Hauts-de-Seine General Council, responsible for education
and culture, after, he was National Assembly Representative for Hauts-de-Seine from 1988 to 2002. Elected
Chairman of the Rassemblement pour la République (RPR) for Departmental committee of Hauts-de-Seine
on May 2000, he was elected a new Chairman of Hauts-de-Seine General Council on April 1st 2004.

President Sarkozy served as a Minister for the Budget (1993-1995), Minister for Communication (1994-
1995) and Government Spokesman (1993-1995). He was also National Secretary of the RPR, responsible for
Youth and Training (1988), and for Activities, Youth and Training (1989) and Co-director of the union list for
the European elections (1989). From 1992 to 1993, President Sarkozy was RPR Deputy General Secretary,
responsible for local branches and member of the RPR’s political bureau in 1993. Appointed coordinator
and spokesman of the transition team (10 July 1997), he became RPR General Secretary (6 February 1998).
He was Acting RPR chairman from April 1999 to October 1999 and then Head of the Rassemblement pour
la République-Démocratie Libérale (RPR-DL) list for the June 1999 European elections.

From 2002 till 2004, he was appointed Minister of the Interior, Internal Security and Local Freedom. In 2004,
he was designated as Minister d’Etat, Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry.

Chairman of Hauts-de-Seine General Council in 2004, President Sarkozy was elected Chairman of the
Union pour un Mouvement Populaire (UMP), France’s major right-wing party, from 2004 to 2007. During his
time in parliament he has held a number of cabinet portfolios including Minister of the Interior and Town
and Country Planning (May 2005 - March 2007).

He was born in Paris on January 28, 1955. In 1978, he received his master’s degree in private law. He is
married to Carla Bruni and has three children from his two previous marriages.

- Georges Mandel, Le Moine de la Politique - Editions Grasset -- 1994
- Au bout de la passion, l'équilibre - Entretien avec Michel Denisot - Editions Albin Michel -- 1995
- Libre - Editions XO / Robert Laffont -- Janvier 2001
- La République, les Religions, l'Espérance - Cerf --2004
- Témoignage - Editions XO -- 2006
- Ensemble - Editions XO -- 2007

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G20 회원국

앙겔라 메르켈 총리

주요 약력
2009.10 독일연방공화국 총리 재당선
2005.11.22 독일연방공화국 최초의 여성 총리 당선
2002.9 - 2005.11 독일연방하원 기민/기사 연합 원내대표로 활약
2000.4 독일 기민당 총재로 활약 시작
1993.5 - 2000.5 기민당 메클렌부르크-포어포메른주당
(Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania CDU) 의장으로 활약
1991.12 - 1998.11.7 독일 기민당 부총재로 활약 후 기민당 사무총장에 선출
1994 - 1998 환경자연보호핵안전부 장관으로 활약
1991 - 1994 여성청소년부 장관으로 활약
1990.12 슈트랄준트·노르트포어포메른·뤼겐
(North Western Pomerania and Rügen) 선거구
(제 15 선거구) 직선의원으로 연방하원에서 활약 시작
1990.8 기민당 입당
1990.3.18 독일민주공화국 (DDR) 인민의회 최초의 자유
총선에 의해 집권한 데 메지에르 정부의 부대변인으로 활약
1990.2 '민주개벽 (Democratic Awakening)' 대변인으로 임명
1989 '민주개벽 (Democratic Awakening)' 가입

학력 사항
1986 '간단한 탄화수소의 반응속도 상수 계산'에 관한
논문으로 박사학위 취득
1973 - 1978 라이프치히대학교 (Leipzig University) 에서 물리학 전공, 그 후
베를린 과학아카데미 물리화학연구소 양자화학분야 연구원으로 활약

출생 정보
- 1954.7.17 독일 함부르크 출생, 유년시절 대부분을 브란덴부르크주 (Brandenburg)
템플린 (Templin) 에서 보냄

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G20 Member States

Federal Republic of Germany

Dr. Angela Merkel, Chancellor

Dr. Angela Merkel (CDU) was elected as the first ever female Chancellor of the Federal
Republic of Germany on 22 November 2005.

She was born on 17 July 1954 in Hamburg, and spent most of her childhood in Templin,
Brandenburg. After studying physics at Leipzig University (1973-1978), she moved to
Berlin where her field of research at the Central Institute of Physical Chemistry at the
Academy of Sciences was quantum chemistry. She was awarded a doctorate in 1986
for her thesis on calculating the velocity constants for simple hydrocarbon reactions.

At the end of 1989 she joined "Demokratischer Aufbruch" (Democratic Awakening) and
became their press spokeswoman in February 1990. Following the first free elections
to the People's Chamber of the then GDR on 18 March 1990 she was appointed Deputy
Government Spokeswoman of the de Maizière Government.

She has been a member of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) since
August 1990, and since December 1990 has been a member of the German Bundestag,
directly elected by the voters of Stralsund, North Western Pomerania and Rügen
(constituency 15). From 1991 to 1994 she served as Federal Minister for Women
and Youth, subsequently becoming Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature
Conservation and Nuclear Safety, a position she held until 1998.

From December 1991 until her election as national CDU General Secretary on 7
November 1998, she held the post of Deputy Chairwoman of the national CDU party.
From May 1993 to May 2000 she was additionally Chairwoman of the Mecklenburg-
Western Pomerania CDU. She has been the Chairwoman of the national CDU since
April 2000. She also served as Chairwoman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in
the German Bundestag from September 2002 until her first election as Chancellor in
November 2005 and second election in October 2009.

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G20 회원국

만모한 싱 총리

주요 약력
2004.5 - 現 인도 총리
1998.3 - 2004.5 야당대표
2001.6 상원의원 재선 (6년 임기)
1996.8 - 1997.12 국회 상임위원회 통상위원회 회장
1991.6 - 1996.5 인도 재무부장관
1995.6 상원의원 재선 (6년 임기)
1991.9 상원의원 재선
1991.3 - 1991.6 대학조성금위원회 회장
1990.12 - 1991.3 총리실 경제보좌관
1987.8 - 1990.11 남부위원회 사무총장 및 위원장
1985.1 - 1987.7 기획위원회 회장
1982.9 - 1985.1 인도중앙은행 총재
1980.4 - 1982.9 기획위원회 서기관
1976.11 - 1980.4 재무부 서기관
원자력위원회 재무팀
우주위원회 재무팀
1972 - 1976 재무부 수석경제보좌관
1971 - 1972 외무부 경제보좌관
1969 - 1971 델리대학교 (Delhi University) 국제무역과 교수
1966 - 1969 유엔무역개발협의회 무역부 재무팀장
1966 경제부 근무
1963 - 1965 인도 펀잡대학교 경제학과 교수
1959 - 1963 인도 펀잡대학교 경제학과 조교수
1957 - 1959 인도 펀잡대학교 경제학과 강사

학력 사항
1962 영국 옥스포드 너필드 대학교 (Nuffield College at Oxford University) 박사
1957 영국 캠브리지 대학교 (University of Cambridge) 경제학 우등졸업
1954 인도 펀잡대학교 경제학 석사 수석졸업
1952 인도 펀잡대학교 경제학 학사
1948 인도 펀잡대학교 (Punjab University) 입학

1964 인도의 수출 동향과 자립성장 전망

( India’
s Export Trends and Prospects for Self-Sustained Growth”)
[Clarendon Press, Oxford University]
경제저널에 다수의 논문 발표

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1932.9.26 인도 펀잡 (Punjab) 출생
- 부인 구르샤란 카우르 (Gursharan Kaur) 여사, 3녀

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G20 Member States

Republic of India
Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister

India’s fourteenth Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh is rightly acclaimed as a thinker and a scholar. He is well
regarded for his diligence and his academic approach to work, as well as his accessibility and his unassuming

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was born on September 26, 1932, in a village in the Punjab province of
undivided India. Dr. Singh completed his Matriculation examinations from the Punjab University in 1948. His
academic career took him from Punjab to the University of Cambridge, UK, where he earned a First Class
Honours degree in Economics in 1957. Dr. Singh followed this with a D. Phil in Economics from Nuffield College at
Oxford University in 1962. His book, “India's Export Trends and Prospects for Self-Sustained Growth” [Clarendon
Press, Oxford, 1964] was an early critique of India's inward-oriented trade policy.

Dr. Singh’s academic credentials were burnished by the years he spent on the faculty of Punjab University and the
prestigious Delhi School of Economics. He had a brief stint at the UNCTAD Secretariat as well, during these years.
This presaged a subsequent appointment as Secretary General of the South Commission in Geneva between 1987
and 1990.

In 1971, Dr. Singh joined the Government of India as Economic Advisor in the Commerce Ministry. This was
soon followed by his appointment as Chief Economic Advisor in the Ministry of Finance in 1972. Among the
many Governmental positions that Dr. Singh has occupied are Secretary in the Ministry of Finance; Deputy
Chairman of the Planning Commission; Governor of the Reserve Bank of India; Advisor of the Prime Minister; and
Chairman of the University Grants Commission. In what was to become the turning point in the economic history
of independent India, Dr. Singh spent five years between 1991 and 1996 as India’s Finance Minister. His role in
ushering in a comprehensive policy of economic reforms is now recognized worldwide. In the popular view of
those years in India, that period is inextricably associated with the persona of Dr. Singh.

Among the many awards and honours conferred upon Dr. Singh in his public career, the most prominent are India’s
second highest civilian honour, the Padma Vibhushan (1987); the Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Award of the
Indian Science Congress (1995); the Asia Money Award for Finance Minister of the Year (1993 and 1994); the Euro
Money Award for Finance Minister of the Year (1993), the Adam Smith Prize of the University of Cambridge (1956);
and the Wright's Prize for Distinguished Performance at St. John's College in Cambridge (1955). Dr. Singh has also
been honoured by a number of other associations including the Japanese Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Dr. Singh is a
recipient of honorary degrees from many universities including the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.

Dr. Singh has represented India at many international conferences and in several international organizations. He
has led Indian Delegations to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Cyprus (1993) and to the World
Conference on Human Rights in Vienna in 1993.

In his political career, Dr. Singh has been a Member of India’s Upper House of Parliament (the Rajya Sabha) since 1991,
where he was Leader of the Opposition between 1998 and 2004. Dr. Manmohan Singh was sworn in as Prime Minister
on 22nd May after the 2004 general elections and took the oath of office for a second term on 22nd May 2009.

Dr. Singh and his wife Mrs. Gursharan Kaur have three daughters.

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G20 회원국

수실로 밤방 유도요노 대통령

주요 약력
2009 인도네시아 대통령 재당선
2004 인도네시아 대통령 당선 (최초 민선 대통령)
2000 - 2004 정치·안보 조정장관 역임
1999 - 2000 에너지광물자원부 장관 역임

학력 사항
2004 보고르 농업 대학 (Bogor Institute of Agriculture) 박사
1991 세인트 루이스 웹스터 대학 (Webster University) 석사
1973 인도네시아 육군사관학교 졸업

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1949.9.9 빠찌딴 (Pacitan) 출생
- 부인 크리스티아니 헤라와티 (Kristiani Herrawati) 여사, 2남

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G20 Member States

Republic of Indonesia
Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Indonesia’s Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is the first directly-elected President of
the Republic of Indonesia. He is currently serving as the 6th President and has been
re-elected to a second term in 2009.

He served as Minister of Mining and Energy from 1999 to 2000. He also served as
Coordinating Minister for Political, Social, and Security Affairs under President
Abdurrahman Wahid from 2000 to 2001 and under President Megawati Soekarnoputri
from 2001 to 2004.

He was born in Pacitan on 9 September 1949. He entered the Military Academy and
graduated in 1973 at the top of his class. He received master’s degree from Webster
University in St. Louis, Missouri in 1991. He also earned a doctorate degree in
Agricultural Economics from Bogor Institute of Agriculture in 2004. In 2005, he was
given a Honoris Causa doctorate in Law from Webster University, and a Honoris Causa
doctorate in Political Science from Thammasat University, Thailand.

Also he is an intellectual and prolific writer, an eloquent speaker, a poet and a song
writer. He and his wife, the First Lady Kristiani Herrawati, have two sons.

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G20 회원국

실비오 베를루스코니 총리

주요 약력
2008.5.8 세 번째로 이탈리아 총리에 선출
2006.5.17 로마노 프로디 (Romano Prodi)가 이끄는 중도좌파 연정에
정권을 물려주었다가 2008년 다시 총리 역할로 돌아옴
2001.5.13 포르차 이탈리아 (Forza Italia)당의 지도자로서,
또한‘자유진영 (House of Liberty)’으로 알려진
중도우파 연정의 대표로서 총선에서 승리
1994 총선에 승리하여 7년간 총리직 역임,
이후 7년 동안 야당 지도자를 지냄
1960년대 건설회사 창립, 그 후 텔레비전, 광고, 금융서비스, 출판 등으로
사업 영역을 넓힘

학력 사항
1961 밀라노 대학교 (University of Milan)에서 법학 전공

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G20 Member States

Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was re-elected Prime Minister of Italy for the third
time on May 8, 2008.

Prime Minister Berlusconi studied law at the University of Milan. In the 1960s, he
founded a firm of building contractors. His later business ventures included television,
advertising, financial services and publishing.

In 1994, Mr. Berlusconi won national elections and served as Prime Minister for seven
months. He was the opposition leader for the next seven years. As leader of the Forza
Italia party, and head of the centre-right coalition known as the House of Liberties, he
won the May 13, 2001 general election.

On May 17, 2006, he was succeeded by a centre-left coalition, led by Romano Prodi, but
returned to the role of Prime Minister in 2008.

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G20 회원국

칸 나오토 총리

주요 약력
2010.6 일본국 내각총리대신 취임
2010.1 부총리, 재무대신(財務大臣), 내각부특명담당대신 (경제재정정책) 취임
2009.9 부총리, 국가전략담당대신, 내각부특명담당대신
(경제재정정책, 과학기술정책) 취임
2009.8 중의원의원 총선 당선
2008.12 중의원 예산위원회 필두이사(筆頭理事)
2006.4 민주당 대표대행(代表代行) 취임
2002.12 민주당 대표 취임
2000.9 민주당 간사장(幹事長) 취임
1999.9 민주당 정책조사회장(政策調査會長) 취임
1998.4 민주당 대표 취임
1996.1 후생대신(厚生大臣) 취임
1993.8 중의원 외무위원회 위원장 취임
1980.6 중의원의원 총선 첫 당선
1971 변리사시험 합격

학력 사항
1970.3 동경공업대학 이학부(理學部) 응용물리학과 졸업

출생 및 가족 관계
1946.10 일본 야마구치현 우베시 (Ube City) 출생

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G20 Member States

Kan Naoto, Prime Minister

Japan’s Naoto Kan became prime minister of Japan in June 2010, replacing Yukio
Hatoyama, who had held the position since September 2009. Kan was first elected to
the House of Representatives in 1980. He served as minister of health and welfare,
minister of state for science and technology, deputy prime minister and minister of
finance during his time in politics. Kan was born in Ube City, Yamaguichi Prefecture
on October 10, 1946. He graduated from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1970 and
opened a patent office in 1974. Kan is married and has two children.

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G20 회원국

펠리뻬 데 헤수스 깔데론 이노호사 대통령

주요 약력
2006.12.1 대통령 취임 (임기 6년)
2003.9 - 2004.6 에너지부 장관
2003 멕시코 개발은행 (Banobras) 총재
1996 - 1999 국민행동당 총재
1991 - 1994 하원의원

학력 사항
- 미국 하버드대학 케네디스쿨 (John F. Kennedy School at Harvard University)
행정학 석사
- 멕시코 공대 (ITAM) 경제학 석사

가족 관계
- 부인 마르가리따 사발라 고메스 델 깜뽀 (Margarita Zavala Gómez del Campo) 여사,
2남 1녀

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G20 Member States

United States of Mexico

Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa, President

In September 2003, he was appointed Secretary of Energy by then President Vicente Fox. As the head of Mexico’s
energy sector, he promoted the modernization of state-owned companies as president of the Board of Directors of
PEMEX, the Federal Commission of Electricity (CFE) and the electricity company Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LyFC).

In 2005, he was elected as the PAN’s presidential candidate, and, on July 2, 2006, he obtained the majority of the votes in
one of Mexico’s closest elections. On December 1, he was sworn in as President of Mexico for the 2006-2012 term.

In the international arena, he was Vicepresident of the Christian Democrat Organization of America (CDOA). He was
member of the “World Leaders of the Future” of the World Economic Forum from 1997 to 2000.

During his professional career, President Felipe Calderón worked in the areas of civil and labor law, at the firms
of Goodrich, Riquelme and Partners and at Multibanco Comermex, respectively. Moreover, he has written as an
editorialist for Mexico’s main newspapers. In March 2003, in the public sector, President Felipe Calderón was
appointed General Director of the National Bank of Public Works and Services (BANOBRAS) a banking institution in
charge of granting financing to states and city councils, as well as promoting investment in infrastructure projects.

Because of his legislative leadership and performance, President Felipe Calderón was awarded the “NAFTA
Congressional Leadership Award” from the México-US Chamber of Commerce and the “CANACINTRA Eagle Award
for Legislative Merit” award from the National Chamber of the Manufacturing Industry.

In 2000, he was Federal Deputy in the 58th Legislature and was appointed Coordinator of the PAN’s Parliamentary Group
(2000-2003), where he submitted various law proposals for the consecutive election of deputies, the Law of Responsibilities
of the Civil Servant and the rules and regulations to apply the Law of Access to Information in the Chamber of Deputies.
In 2002, he was president of the Board of Political Coordination, where he promoted transparency in the use of funds
in the Chamber of Deputies

Within the PAN, President Felipe Calderón was Secretary of Studies (1987), National Youth Secretary (1991) and
Secretary General (1993). From 1994 to 1995, he was the PAN representative to the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE),
and in 1995 was candidate for governor of the state of Michoacán.

He was elected president of the PAN’s National Executive Committee during the three year period from 1996-
1999. During his tenure, the PAN achieved significant electoral triumphs and was witness to several important
agreements, such as the Electoral Reform, which paved the way for the IFE’s autonomy. During his legislative
career, President Calderón was Representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District (1988-1991) and
Federal Deputy in the 55th Legislature (1991-1994).

President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa was born on August 18, 1962, in Morelia, Michoacán. He is the youngest of five
brothers, and the son of Carmen Hinojosa de Calderón and the late Luis Calderon Vega, founder, leader and historian of
the National Action Party (PAN). He is married to Margarita Zavala Gómez del Campo, with whom he has three children.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from the Escuela Libre de Derecho, a master’s in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico
Autónomo de México (ITAM) and a master’s in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School at Harvard University.

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G20 회원국

드미트리 메드베데프 대통령

주요 약력
2008.5.7 러시아 대통령 취임
2007.12.17 러시아 최대 정당 United Russia 및
푸틴 (Vladmir Putin) 이 대통령 후보자로 공식 승인
2005 - 2008 러시아 부총리
2005 이전 정치 입문 전 법률 전문가 및 변호사로 활동

학력 사항
1990 레닌그라드 대학원 민법 박사학위 취득
1987 레닌그라드 대학 (Leningrad State University) 법학 학사

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1965.9.14 출생
- 부인 스베틀라나 (Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedeva) 여사, 1남

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G20 Member States

Russian Federation
Dmitry Medvedev, President

Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev became president of Russia on May 7, 2008, after winning
the presidential election in March, replacing Vladmir Putin, whose term in office had

Before entering politics, Medvedev worked as a legal expert and lawyer. He was
officially endorsed as a presidential candidate on December 17, 2007, by Russia’s
largest political party, United Russia, as well as by Putin.

Medvedev served as deputy prime minister from 2005 to 2008.

He was born in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) on September 14, 1965. He earned
a degree in law in 1987 and a doctorate in private law in 1990 from Leningrad State
University. He is married to Svetlana Medvedeva and they have one child.

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G20 회원국

사우디 아라비아
사우드 알 파이잘 왕자 (국왕대리 참석)

주요 약력
1975.10.13 사우디 국왕령에 의해 외무부 장관 임명
(이슬람력 1395.10.8)
1971.6.15 석유 광물 부 차관 임명 (이슬람력 1391.4.21)
1970.2.22 페트로민 (PETROMIN) 사 기획부서 부 책임자 역임
(이슬람력 1390.1.14)
1966 페트로민 석유 광물 공사로 이직, 석유 광물부와 페트로민 사
간의 관계 조율을 담당하는 석유 관계 책임자 역임
(이슬람력 1386.2..26)
사우디 석유 광물부 경제자문관, 고위조정위원회 위원 역임

그 외 약력
- 고등언론위원회 부위원장
- 고등석유위원회 위원
- 국영 야생 생물 보호 발전 기구 이사
- 외무장관으로서 레바논 아랍위원회, 아랍연대위원회, 아랍 7자 위원회,
예루살렘위원회, 3개국 외무부 내 레바논 관련 아랍 3자 위원회 등
다수의 아랍 이슬람 위원회 위원

학력 사항
1964 미국 뉴저지 프린스턴 대학교 (Princeton University) 경제학 학사

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1940 따이프 (Taif) 출생 (이슬람력 1358)
- 3남 3녀

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G20 Member States

Saudi Arabia
His Royal Highness Prince Saud Al-Faisal,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
His Royal Highness (H.R.H.) Prince Saud Al-Faisal was appointed as Minister of
Foreign Affairs by a royal decree on October 13, 1975 (October 8, 1395H).

He was born in 1940 (1358H) in Taif, Saudi Arabia. He has graduated from Princeton
University in New Jersey, the United States in 1964 (1394H) with the Bachelor’s degree
in Economics. He joined the Ministry of Petroleum as an economic consultant and a
member of the High Coordination Committee. In 1966 (1396H), he was transferred
as the Head of the Petroleum Relations at PETROMIN (General Organization for
Petroleum and Mineral Resources) with a mandate to monitor relations between the
Ministry and PETROMIN. On February 22, 1970 (January 14, 1390H), he was appointed
as Deputy Head of PETROMIN for Planning Affairs. On June 15, 1971 (April 21, 1391H),
he was appointed as Deputy Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources.

In addition, he has previously worked in various executive positions such as Vice

President of Higher Information Council, Member of High Council of Petroleum,
and Managing Director at the National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and
Development (NCWCD).

Currently, as a Minister of Foreign Affairs, he is a member of many committees for

Arab and Islamic Affairs such as the Lebanon Arab Committee, Arabian Solidarity
Committee, the 7-Member Arab Committee, the Jerusalem Committee and the
Tripartite Committee for Lebanon. He is married and has three sons and three

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G20 회원국

제이콥 게드레이레키사 주마 대통령

주요 약력
2009.5 남아프리카공화국 대통령 취임
2007.12 - 현재 아프리카민족회의 (African National Congress: ANC) 총재
1999.06 - 2005.06 남아프리카 공화국 부통령
1997.12 아프리카민족회의 부총재
1996 콰줄루나탈주 (KwaZulu-Natal) ANC지부 의장 재선
1994 아프리카민족회의 의장 및 콰줄루나탈주 ANC지부
Chairperson 의장
1977 아프리카민족회의 집행위원회 활동 시작
1958 아프리카민족회의 가입

출생 정보
1942.4.12 콰줄루나탈주 인칸들라 (Inkandla) 출생

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G20 Member States

Republic of South Africa

Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma, President

South Africa’s President H.E. Mr. Jacob Zuma became president of South Africa on
May 9, 2009, succeeding Mr. Petrus Kgalema Motlanthe, who had held the position
since September 2008. Mr. Zuma joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1958
and started serving in the National Executive committee of the ANC in 1977. In 1994,
Mr. Zuma was elected National Chairperson of the ANC and Chairperson of the ANC
in KwaZulu-Natal. He was re-elected to the latter position in 1996 and became deputy
president of the ANC in December 1997. Mr. Zuma was appointed executive deputy
president of South Africa in 1999. He held that position until 2005 and was elected as
the president of the ANC at the end of 2007. He was born on April 12, 1942, in Inkandla,
KwaZulu-Natal Province.

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G20 회원국

레젭 타입 에르도안 총리

주요 약력
2007 터키 국무총리 재당선
2003 터키 국무총리 당선
2001.8 정의개발당 (Justice and Development Party) 창당 및 대표로 선출
1994 이스탄불 (İstanbul) 시장 당선
1985 복지당 (Welfare Party) 이스탄불 지부 대표 역임
1981 이스탄불 마르마라 대학 (Marmara University)에서 학사학위 취득
1969 - 1980 축구 선수로 활동
1970초 민족구원당 (National Salvation Party) 이스탄불 청년 단체 회장 역임

가족 관계
- 부인 에미네 에르도안 (Emine Erdoğan) 여사, 자녀 4명

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G20 Member States

Republic of Turkey
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister

Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan became prime minister of Turkey in March 2003.
Following the general elections in July 2007 his second term as Prime Minister, began.
In August 2001, he founded and was subsequently elected Chairman of the Justice and
Development Party (AK Parti).

Since he was elected Mayor of Metropolitan Istanbul in 1994, he showed his political
abilities through the years. In 1985, he served Chairman of the Istanbul Branch of the
Welfare Party.

He entered politics at a very young age. During high school in the early 1970’s, he was
elected Chairman of the National Salvation Party İstanbul Youth Organization.

Between 1969-1980 he played professional soccer. He received a Bachelor of Arts

degree in management from the Marmara University, İstanbul in 1981. He and his wife
Mrs. Emine Erdoğan have 4 children.

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G20 회원국

데이비드 카메론 총리

주요 약력
2010.5 영국 총리 취임
2005.5 - 2005.12 예비 내각 교육기술부 장관
2005.12 영국 보수당 당수
2005 정책조정위원회 위원장
2004 지역정부 예산 담당 대변인
2003 영국 하원 야당 부총재
2001 - 2003 영국 하원 내무조정위원회
2001 위트니 지역 선거구 당선, 정치계 입문
1994 - 2001 칼튼 커뮤니케이션 (Carlton Communications) 임원 (7년)
1992 - 1993 재무장관 및 내무장관 특별 자문관
1988 - 1993 영국 보수당 정책연구원

학력 사항
1988 영국 옥스포드대학교 (Oxford University) 철학·정치·경제학
전공, 최우등 졸업
1984 영국 이튼컬리지 졸업 (Eton College)

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1966.10.9 영국 런던 출생
- 런던 및 옥스퍼드셔 서부지역 (London and West Oxfordshire) 에서 부인 사만다
(Samantha), 3자녀와 거주

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G20 Member States

United Kingdom
David Cameron, Prime Minister

David Cameron became Prime Minister in May 2010 after a General Election in which
the Conservative Party won almost 100 additional seats. He leads a Conservative /
Liberal Democrat Coalition Government inspired by the values of freedom, fairness
and responsibility. This was the first time in over a half a century that two British
parties had come together to put forward a programme for partnership government.

In his first few months as Britain’s Prime Minister, David Cameron has led a
government that has set out bold action to deal with Britain’s deficit; established
a radical programme of school, health and welfare reform; and set out a vision of
building the Big Society by giving individuals, families and communities more power
and control over their lives.

Prior to becoming Prime Minister, David Cameron was elected Leader of the
Conservative Party in December 2005 on a mandate to change and modernise his
Party. As a Member of Parliament, David Cameron held a number of positions on
the Opposition Front Bench prior to becoming Party Leader. After the 2005 General
Election, he was appointed Shadow Secretary of State for Education and Skills. He had
previously held the positions of Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Commons (2003),
Front Bench Spokesman for Local Government Finance (2004), and Head of Policy Co-
ordination in the run-up to the General Election of May 2005. He was also a member of
the influential House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee between 2001 and

Before he became an MP, David Cameron worked in business and government. He

was educated at Eton College and Oxford University, studying Philosophy, Politics
and Economics and gaining a first class honours degree. After graduating he worked
for the Conservative Party Research Department and then as a Special Adviser in
government, first to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and then to the Home Secretary.
Afterwards, he spent seven years at Carlton Communications, one of the UK’s leading
media companies, and served on the management board.

David, his wife Samantha, and their three young children, Nancy, Elwen, and Florence,
live in London and West Oxfordshire, where he has been MP for Witney since 2001.
Very sadly their much loved eldest child, Ivan, six, who suffered from cerebral palsy
and severe epilepsy, died in February 2009.

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G20 회원국

버락 오바마 대통령

주요 약력
2009 노벨 평화상 수상
2008 미국 44대 대통령 당선
1996 일리노이주 (Illinois) 상원의원 당선

학력 사항
1991 하버드 로스쿨 법학박사 (J.D.) 학위 취득
1983 콜롬비아대 (Columbia University) 졸업

2006 담대한 희망 “
( The Audacity of Hope”)
1995 내 아버지로부터의 꿈 “
( Dreams from My Father”)

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1961.8.4 하와이 호놀룰루 출생
- 부인 미셸 (Michelle Lavaughn Robinson Obama) 여사, 2녀

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G20 Member States

United States of America

Barack H. Obama, President

Barack H. Obama is the 44th President of the United States.

His story is the American story — values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing
in a strong family, hard work and education as the means of getting ahead, and the
conviction that a life so blessed should be lived in service to others.

With a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas, President Obama was born in
Hawaii on August 4, 1961. He was raised with help from his grandfather, who served in
Patton's army, and his grandmother, who worked her way up from the secretarial pool
to middle management at a bank.

After working his way through college with the help of scholarships and student loans,
President Obama moved to Chicago, where he worked with a group of churches to
help rebuild communities devastated by the closure of local steel plants.

He went on to attend law school, where he became the first African—American

president of the Harvard Law Review. Upon graduation, he returned to Chicago to help
lead a voter registration drive, teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago,
and remain active in his community.

President Obama's years of public service are based around his unwavering belief in
the ability to unite people around a politics of purpose. In the Illinois State Senate, he
passed the first major ethics reform in 25 years, cut taxes for working families, and
expanded health care for children and their parents. As a United States Senator, he
reached across the aisle to pass groundbreaking lobbying reform, lock up the world's
most dangerous weapons, and bring transparency to government by putting federal
spending online.

He was elected the 44th President of the United States on November 4, 2008, and
sworn in on January 20, 2009. He and his wife, Michelle, are the proud parents of two
daughters, Malia, 12, and Sasha, 9.

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G20 회원국

헤르만 반 롬푸이
유럽연합 정상회의 상임의장
주요 약력
헤르만 반 롬푸이는 2009년 11월 유럽 이사회 의장에 선출되었으며 2010년 1월
1일 공식 취임했다. 유럽 이사회 초대 상임의장이다.

반 롬푸이 상임의장은 2009년 선출 당시 벨기에 총리로 재직 중이었으며 그 이

전에는 하원 의장을 지냈다. 그 외에도 재무장관 (1988), 부총리 겸 예산담당 장관
(1993 - 1999) 등 벨기에 정부에서 여러 요직을 담당했다. 2004년에는 국무장관
을 지냈다.

1975년 정계입문에 앞서 벨기에 중앙은행에서 경제학자로 근무했다. 당과 의회에

서 다양한 직책을 맡았으며 상원 (1988 - 1995)과 하원 (1995 - 2009)에서 모두
의원을 지냈다.

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G20 Member States

European Union
President of the European Council
Mr. Herman Van Rompuy was elected President of the European Council in November
2009 and officially took office on 1 January 2010. He is the first full-time president of
the European Council.

Mr. Van Rompuy was Prime Minister of Belgium in 2009. Prior to this he served as
President (Speaker) of the Chamber of Representatives. The President has held
a number of portfolios in the Belgian Government including Secretary of State for
Finance (1988), Vice Prime Minister and Minister for Budget (1993 - 1999). He was
Minister of State (2004).

Mr. Van Rompuy worked as an economist in Belgium’s central bank before entering
federal politics in 1975. He has held a variety of positions within his party and in
parliament, where he served in both the Senate (1988-1995) and the Chamber of
Representatives (since 1995 - 2009).

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G20 회원국

주제 마누엘 뒤라오 바로수
유럽위원회 집행위원장
주요 약력
주제 마누엘 뒤라오 바로수 집행위원장은 2004년 11월 유럽위원회 집행위원장으
로 선출되었다. 이후 2009년 9월 유럽의회에서 5년 임기로 재선되었다.

바로수 집행위원장은 1995년부터 1999년 포르투갈 루시아다 대학 (Lusíada

University) 국제관계학부 학장, 1996년부터 1998년까지 미국 조지타운 대학
(Georgetown University) 초빙 교수를 지냈다.

바로소 집행위원장은 1985년 포르투갈 의회에 처음으로 당선되었다. 이후 여러

행정부에서 연이어 내무부 장관, 외무협력부 장관, 외무부 장관을 역임했다.

1999년 사회민주당 (Social Democratic Party, PSD) 총재로 선출되어 야당 지도자

가 되었으며 이후 2002년 사회민주당 지도자로 연합정부를 결성했고 2004년 총
리로 선출되었다.

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G20 Member States

European Union
President of the European Commission
José Manuel Durão Barroso took office as President of the European Commission
in November 2004. He was re-elected for another five-year term by the European
Parliament in September 2009.

Mr. Barroso served as head of the International Relations Department of Lusíada

University in Portugal from 1995 to 1999, and was a visiting professor at Georgetown
University in the United States from 1996 to 1998.

Mr. Barroso was first elected to the Portuguese Parliament in 1985. He served as
State Secretary for Home Affairs, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation,
and Minister for Foreign Affairs in successive governments. In 1999, he was elected
President of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and became the Leader of the
Opposition. Mr. Barroso led the PSD to a coalition government in 2002 and served as
Prime Minister until 2004.

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멜레스 제나위 총리

주요 약력
1995 - 현재 네 차례 (1995, 2000, 2005, 2010) 연이어 수상으로 선출됨
1995.6 - 1996.6 아프리카단결기구 (OAU) 의장
1991 - 1995 에티오피아 과도정부 대통령 및 의회 의장
1989 - 현재 티그라이 국민해방전선 (TPLF) 및 에티오피아 인민 민주 혁명
전선 (EPRDF) 의장
1983 티그라이 국민해방전선 (TPLF) 상임위원회 위원으로 선출
1979 티그라이 국민해방전선 (TPLF) 리더십위원회 위원으로 선출
1974 티그라이 국민해방전선 (TPLF) 가입

그 외 약력
- Global Coalition for Africa의 공동의장
- 수단과 소말리아 분쟁해결을 위한 정부간개발기구 (IGAD) 및 브룬디 사태의
해결책을 모색하는 아프리카 이니셔티브 (African initiatives) 에 활발히 참여
- 영국 전 수상 토니 블레어가 설립한 Commission for Africa 의장
- 아프리카 개발을 위한 새로운 파트너쉽 (NEPAD) 의장
- 기후변화에 관한 아프리카 국가수반 위원회 (CAHOSCC) 의장
- UN 기후변화 대응 상임 고문
- 세계평화상시상위원회, 세계평화상 수상
- Global Coalition for Africa, Good Governance Award 수상
- 노르웨이 Yara 재단, 녹색혁명 Yara 상 수상 (2005)
- TABOR 100, The prestigious Crystal Eagle International Leadership Award 수상 (2005)

학력 사항
- 한남대학교 정치학 명예박사
- 동경 코쿠시칸 대학교 명예박사
- 2004 네덜란드 에라스무스 대학교 (Erasmus University) 경제학 석사학위
- 1995 영국 Open University 경영학 석사학위
- 아디스 아바바 의과대학 입학
- 아디스아바바 General Wingate 고등학교 졸업
- 아디스아바바 (Addis Ababa) Queen Sheba 중학교 졸업

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1955.5.8 에티오피아 북부 아드와 (Adwa) 출생
- 자녀 3명

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The Invited States

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister

Meles Zenawi was born on 8th May 1955 in Adwa in Northern Ethiopia. He received elementary education
at Queen Sheba Junior Secondary School and joined General Wingate High School in Addis Ababa and
completed with great distinction in 1972. He then joined the Medical Faculty of Addis Ababa University
where he studied for two years.

He interrupted his studies in 1974 to join the Tigrai Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF). He was elected to the
Leadership Committee of the TPLF in 1979 and to its Executive Committee in 1983. He is chairman of both
the TPLF and the Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) since 1989. EPRDF is a
political alliance of the four main political organizations in the country.

Upon the defeat of the military junta, Meles Zenawi became President of the Transitional Government of
Ethiopia and Chairman of the Council of Representative (the legislative body of the transitional government)
from 1991-1995. He was elected Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in 1995 and
re-elected for a second, third and fourth term in 2000, 2005 and 2010, respectively.

Meles Zenawi has served as Chairman of the OAU from June 1995 till June 1996. He is also serving as Co-
chairman of the Global Coalition for Africa. He has also been actively involved in IGAD's efforts to end the
conflicts in Sudan and Somalia, and African initiatives to seek a solution to the crisis in Burundi. He is also a
Commissioner of the Commission for Africa established by the Former Prime Minister of UK Mr. Tony Blair.

Furthermore, Meles Zenawi is serving as Chairperson of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government
Implementation Committee (HSGIC). He has been elected to chair the Conference of African Heads of State and
Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC) which is a single negotiating team empowered to represent Africa
in the international climate change negotiations. The United Nations Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki Moon has
also nominated Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown of the United Kingdom
(now replaced by Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg of Norway) to head a High Level Advisory Group in order to
mobilize funds promised to developing countries during the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.

Meles Zenawi acquired a First Class M.A. in Business Administration from the Open University of the UK in
1995 and a MSc. in Economics from the Erasmus University of the Netherlands in 2004.

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has received awards and recognitions, among others:

- World Peace Prize - Top Honor Prize by the World Peace Prize Awarding Council
- Honorary Doctorate of Political Science from Hannan University, South Korea
- Honorary Doctorate from Kokushikan University, Tokyo
- Good Governance Award of the Global Coalition for Africa
- 2005 Yara Prize for Green Revolution from Yara foundation, Norway
- The prestigious Crystal Eagle International Leadership Award, 2005 by an African-American Association of
Entrepreneurs and Business Advocates (TABOR 100).

He is married and is a father of three.

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빙구 와 무타리카 대통령

주요 약력
- 말라위 대통령, 아프리카 연합기구 (AU) 의장
- 여당인 민주진보당 (Democratic Progressive Party) 총재
- 남동부아프리카공동시장 (COMESA) 사무총장 역임
- 국제연합 (UN) 아프리카 무역개발 재정분야 책임자 역임
- 말라위 준비은행 부총재 역임
- 경제전략개발 장관 역임
- 말라위 및 잠비아 정부 공무원으로 공직 생활 시작
- 비영리 교육단체인 BINETH TRUST 창립자
- 은퇴자 및 고령자 복지를 위한 Bingu Silvergrey 재단 창립자이자 (現)회장
- 남말라위 대학교 (University of Southern Malawi) 창립자이자 (現)총장
- 2010.4 화동사범대학 (East China Normal) 대학교 경제학 교수

학력 사항
- 미국 퍼시픽 웨스턴 대학교 (Pacific Western University) 개발경제학 박사
- 인도 델리 대학교 (University of Delhi) 상과대학 학사 및 동 대학원 경제학 석사

수상 경력
2009.10.29 남아프리카 트러스트 (Southern Africa Trust),
Drivers of Change Award 수상
2009.9.4 아프리카 민주화 재단 (Foundation for Democracy in Africa),
Medal of Glory 수상
2009.7.6 말라위 시민명예훈장단체 (Malawi Civilian Honours and Decorations)
The Most Excellent Grand Commander 수상
2008 음주주 대학교 (Mzuzu University) 명예 법학박사
2008 식량농업자원제도네트워크 (FANRPN),
International Award for Food Security 수상
2008 식량농업기구 (FAO), Agricola Medal 수상
2008 양성평등과 여성권익향상에 대한 기여,
Danish Government Award 수상
2008 루이즈 블루인 재단 (Louise Blouin Foundation), Honor for
Exceptional Creative Achievement
2005 영국 스트래스 클라이드 대학교 (University of Strathclyde) 명예 철학박사

- The African Dream - Developing New Global Partnerships (출간예정)
- The African Dream - From Poverty to Prosperity (출간예정)
- Towards Multinational Economic Cooperation in Africa (Praeger 1972)
- One Africa One Destiny (SAPES 1994)
- 기타 국제무역, 개발자금, 아프리카 지역경제통합 등에 관한 수많은 논문 기고

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The Invited States

Republic of Malawi
Bingu Wa Mutharika, President

Professor Bingu wa Mutharika, President of the Republic of Malawi and Chairperson of
the African Union, is a distinguished International Economist and Diplomat. He holds
a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree in Development Economics from Pacific Western
University in Los Angeles California (USA); Masters Degree in Economics and Bachelor
of Commerce Degree from The University of Delhi, India.

He has high level management experience having served as Administrative Officer

in the Governments of Malawi and Zambia; Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of
Malawi; and Minister of Economic Planning and Development. He also worked in the
World Bank and in the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa as Director for
Trade and Development Finance; and as Secretary General of the Common Market for
Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).

Professor Mutharika is the President of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party in

Malawi; Founder and Chairman of the BINETH TRUST - a non-profit organization
promoting education; Founder and Chairman of the Bingu Silvergrey Foundation for
the Elderly – an organization promoting welfare of the elderly and retired persons;
Founder and President of the University of Southern Malawi.

He has received the following awards: Professor of Economics by East China Normal
University, April, 2010; Drivers of Change Award by the Southern Africa Trust, 29th
October 2009; 2009 Medal of Glory Award by the Foundation for Democracy in Africa,
Miami, Florida, 4th September, 2009; Top Most Award of Malawi Order of National
Achievement – “The Most Excellent Grand Commander” conferred by the Malawi
Civilian Honours and Decorations, 6th July, 2009; Doctor of Laws (Ph.D) Degree (Honoris
Causa), Mzuzu University, 2008; International Award for Food Security by Food and
Agriculture Natural Resources and Policy Network (FANRPN) (2008); Agricola Medal
by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), 2008; Danish Government Award of
recognition for outstanding performances in promoting gender equality and women
empowerment (2008); Louise Blouin Foundation Honor for Exceptional Creative
Achievement (2008); and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree (Honoris Causa),
University of Strathclyde, Scotland 2005.

Professor Mutharika has published the following books: The African Dream – From
Poverty to Prosperity (forthcoming); Towards Multinational Economic Cooperation
in Africa (Praeger 1972); One Africa One Destiny (SAPES 1994); The African Dream
– Developing New Global Partnerships (forthcoming); and over a dozen papers on
international trade, development finance and African regional economic integration.

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리센룽 총리

주요 약력
2004.8 싱가포르 3대 총리로 취임
2003.8 고촉통 총리, 차기 총리로 지명
2001.11 재무장관 겸직
1998.1 중앙은행격인 싱가포르통화국 (Monetary Authority of Singapore: MAS) 총재
1990 부총리 임명
1986 싱가포르 무역공업부장 임명
1986 국민행동당 (People's Action Party: PAP) 중앙집행위원 피선
1984 싱가포르 공군준장 예편, 12월 국회의원 당선

학력 사항
1974 영국 케임브리지대 (University of Cambridge) 졸업
1979 미국 하버드대 (Harvard University) 케네디 스쿨 최고경영자과정 이수

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1952 싱가포르 출생
- 3남 1녀

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The Invited States

Republic of Singapore
Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister

Lee Hsien Loong was sworn in as Singapore’s third Prime Minister on 12 August 2004.

Mr. Lee was first elected Member of Parliament (MP) in 1984 as a candidate of the People's Action Party (PAP) in
Teck Ghee Constituency and has been re-elected in five consecutive elections, most recently in 2006 as an MP for
the Ang Mo Kio Group Representation Constituency. He was elected to the Central Executive Committee of the
PAP in 1986, and became its Secretary-General in 2004.

Mr. Lee was appointed Minister of State in the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and the Ministry of Defence in
1984. He was confirmed as full Minister for Trade and Industry in 1987, and was concurrently Second Minister for
Defence. In 1985, Mr. Lee chaired the Economic Committee, which recommended changes to long established
government policies to reduce business costs and revive the economy during a severe recession, as well as
policies to foster longer term growth, including drastic reduction of corporate and personal taxes and the
introduction of a consumption tax.

In 1990, Mr. Lee was appointed Deputy Prime Minister with responsibilities for economic and civil service matters.
He also concurrently served as Chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) from 1998 until 2004, and
Minister for Finance from 2001 until 2007.

At the MAS, Mr. Lee initiated reforms to liberalize the financial sector and to shift the emphasis from one-size-
fits-all regulation towards a lighter supervisory touch, relying more on disclosure and caveat emptor.

As Minister for Finance, he chaired the Economic Review Committee which in 2003 proposed strategies to further
restructure and upgrade the economy. These included tax changes to make Singa¬pore more competitive and a
major restructuring of the Central Provident Fund system.

As Prime Minister, Mr. Lee has launched policies to build a competitive economy and an inclusive society. He
has introduced new programs to upgrade the education system, invest in R&D and infrastructure, and transform
the city and living environment. Mr. Lee chairs the Research, Innovation and Enterprise Council (RIEC), an
international panel to oversee Singa¬pore’s major effort in promoting R&D.

Mr. Lee’s Govern¬ment is also strengthening Singa¬pore’s social safety nets. Significant measures include the
Workfare Incentive Scheme, which is a negative income tax to encourage and reward older, low-income workers,
and Community Care (ComCare), an endowment fund to support a wide range of welfare and social programs
targeted at the poor.

By tackling long-term issues such as the ageing population and the pressures of globalization, Mr. Lee seeks to
gear up Singa¬pore to seize the abundant opportunities in a vibrant Asia.

Before entering politics, Mr. Lee was a Brigadier-General in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF). He attended the
US Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and held various staff and command
posts, including the Director of the Joint Operations and Plans Directorate, and Chief of Staff of the General Staff.

Mr. Lee was born on 10 February 1952 and completed his schooling in Singapore. He studied at the University of
Cambridge, graduating with a Degree in Mathematics and a Diploma in Computer Science. He also obtained a
Masters in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

First married to Wong Ming Yang in 1978, Mr. Lee was widowed in 1982. He remarried Ho Ching in 1985. He has
one daughter and three sons.

Mr. Lee enjoys reading, walking, listening to classical music and tinkering with computers.

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호세 루이스 로드리게스 사파테로 총리

주요 약력
2008.4 재선에 성공
2004 국무총리 당선
2000 사회노동당 당수
1988 - 2000 레온 사회노동당 지구당 위원장
1979 - 현재 스페인 사회노동당 (PSOE) 당원

학력 사항
- 레옹 대학교 (University of Leon) 법학 학사 취득

출생 및 가족 관계
-1960.8.4 스페인 바야돌리드 (Valladolid) 출생
-부인 손솔레스 에스피노자 (Sonsoles Espinosa) 여사, 2녀

_BLUE-대통령_최종.indd 52 2010-11-06 오후 4:16:22

The Invited States

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero,
President of the Government
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, a member of the Spanish Socialists' Party (PSOE) from
1979, was elected as President of the Government in 17th of April 2004, and his second
mandate as President started the 12th of April 2008. He served as Secretary General of
the Socialist Federation of Leon between 1988 and 2000. He was elected as Deputy in
the National Parliament of the Spanish Socialists' Party for Leon in 1986, 1989, 1993,
1996 and 2000. Born in Valladolid on August 4, 1960. He received Bachelor's degree in
Law at the University of Leon. Married to Sonsoles Espinosa and has two daughters.

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응웬 떤 중 총리

주요 약력
2006.7 - 현재 베트남 공산당 정치국 위원
베트남 사회주의공화국 총리
1997.9 - 2006.6 베트남 사회주의공화국 수석 부총리
국가금융통화정책위원회 의장
1998 - 1999 베트남 중앙은행 총재 및 중앙은행 당무위원회 위원장
1996.6 - 1997.8 베트남 공산당 정치국 상임위 위원
공산당 중앙위원회 경제부 부장 (당 재무업무 총괄)
1995.1 - 1996.5 공안부 차관, 중앙 공안 당 위원회 위원
1981.10 - 1994.12 호치민 정치아카데미 졸업
낀장 (Kien Giang) 성 (省) 당위원회 위원 및 조직인사부 부 부장
동 성 (省) 당 상임위원회 위원, 하 티엔 (Ha Tien) 군 당 비서
동 성 (省) 당 위원회 상임 부 위원장
동 성 (省) 당 위원회 부 위원장,
동 성 (省) 인민위원회 위원장
동 성 (省) 인민회의 위원
동 성 (省) 당 위원회 위원장
동 성 (省) 당 군사위원회 위원장
제 9 군구 당 위원회 위원
1961.11 - 1981.9 베트남 인민군 입대, 보병대대 및 연대 사령관 복무 (소령)

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The Invited States

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Nguyen Tan Dung, Prime Minister

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung joined the Vietnamese People’s Army in Nov 1961 as
a Major, Commander of Infantry Battalion and Regiment. He served until Sep. 1981.

He studied at Ho Chi Minh Political Academy from Oct 1981. After the academy,
he became a Member of Kien Giang Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Head of
Organization and Personnel Division of Kien Giang Provincial Party Committee. Also he
was a Member of Kien Giang Party Committee’s Standing Board, Party Secretary of Ha
Tien District and Standing Deputy Secretary of Kien Giang Party Committee.

At the same time, he was Deputy Secretary of Kien Giang Party Committee and
Chairman of Kien Giang People’s Committee, he became a member of Kien Giang
People’s Council. Served as Secretary of Kien Giang Party Committee, Secretary of
Kien Giang Military Party Committee, Member of the Party Committee of the Military
Zone 9 until Dec 1994.

He became the Vice-Minister of Public Security; Member of the Central Public Security
Party Commission from Jan 1995 to May 1996.

In June 1996, he was a member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist
Party of Vietnam; Chairman of the Party’s Central Committee for Economic Affairs and
in charge of the Party’s financial affairs. He served until Aug 1997.

He became a Member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam; Deputy

Secretary of the Government’s Party Affairs Committee; Permanent Deputy Prime
Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Sep 1997. He was also the Chairman
of the National Financial-Monetary Policy Council; from 1998 to 1999: Governor of
the State Bank of Vietnam and Secretary of the State Bank of Vietnam’s Party Affairs
Committee. Since June 2006, he has been a Member of the Politburo; Prime Minister
of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

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마리오 드라기 의장

주요 약력
2009 - 現 금융안정위원회 (FSB) 의장
2006 - 現 유럽 중앙은행 (ECB) 이사회 이사
2006 - 現 국제결제은행 (BIS) 이사회 이사
2006 - 2009 금융안정포럼 (FSF) 의장
2002 - 2005 골드만삭스 (Goldman Sachs International) 부회장
1991 - 2001 이탈리아 재무부 국장 등 역임
1984 - 1990 세계은행 (World Bank) 이사
1981 - 1991 플로렌스 대학교 (University of Florence) 경제학 교수

학력 사항
- 매사추세츠공과대학교 (MIT) 경제학 박사
- La Sapienze 로마 대학교 (La Sapienze University of Rome) 졸업

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1947 출생

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International Organizations

Financial Stability Board

Mario Draghi, Chairman

Mario Draghi was appointed Governor of The Bank of Italy on the 29th December
2005. In this capacity, he is a member of the Governing and General Councils of the
European Central Bank and a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank for
International Settlements. He is also governor for Italy on the Boards of Governors
of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Asian
Development Bank. In April 2006 he was elected Chairman of the Financial Stability
Forum, which became Financial Stability Board in spring 2009.

He graduated from the University of Rome, received his Ph.D. in economics from
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and subsequently served as professor of
economics at the University of Florence from 1981 to 1991.

Prior to taking the helm of the Bank of Italy, he was vice chairman and managing
director of Goldman Sachs International and a member of the firm-wide management
committee (2002-2005). He was director general of the Italian Treasury (1991-2001),
chairman of the European Economic and Financial Committee, a member of the G7
Deputies, and chairman of OECD Working Party 3. He was appointed chairman of the
Italian Committee for Privatisations in 1993, and, from 1984 to 1990, was an executive
director of the World Bank.

During his time at the Treasury, he chaired the committee that revised Italian
corporate and financial legislation and drafted the law that governs Italian financial
markets. He is also a former board member of several banks and corporations (Eni,
IRI, BNL and IMI).

He is on the Board of Trustees of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study and the
Brookings Institution. He has been an IOP Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government
at Harvard University. He has also authored and edited several publications on
macroeconomic and financial issues.

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후안 소마비아 사무총장

주요 약력
1998.3.23 - 現 국제노동기구 (ILO) 사무총장 (3선 연임)
1998 - 1999 유엔 경제사회이사회 의장
1996.4 - 1997.10 유엔 안보리 의장
1996 - 1997 칠레 유엔 안보리 담당 대표
1993 - 1994 유엔 경제사회이사회 (UN ECOSOC) 의장
1993 - 1995 코펜하겐 사회개발정상회의 준비위원장
1990 - 1999 주유엔 칠레대표부 대사
1993 - 1994 유엔 경제사회이사회 (UN ECOSOC) 의장
1970 - 1973 칠레 안데스그룹 (Board of the Andean Development
Corporation) 담당 대사
1968 - 1970 칠레 외교장관 다자문제 담당 보좌관

학력 사항
1962 프랑스 파리대학교 (University of Paris) 법·경제 대학원
1958 - 1962 칠레 카톨릭대학교 (Catholic University of Chile) 법대

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1941.4.21 출생
- 부인 Adriana Santa Cruz 여사, 자녀 2명

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International Organizations

International Labour Organization

Juan Somavia, Director-General

Juan Somavia was elected to serve as the ninth Director-General of the ILO by the Governing Body on 23 March 1998. His five-
year term of office began on 4 March 1999, when he became the first representative from the Southern hemisphere to head the
Organization. In March 2003, Mr. Somavia was re-elected for a second five-year term, and for a third term on 18 November 2008.

An attorney by profession, Mr. Somavia has had a long and distinguished career in civil and international affairs. His wide experience
in all areas of public life - as a diplomat and academic - and his involvement in social development, business and civil organizations
have all helped shape his vision of the need to secure decent work for women and men throughout the world. The following is a list of
the many positions he held in the United Nations and other inter-governmental organizations before joining the ILO.

Since taking office in 1999, Mr. Somavia has taken up the challenge that the rapidly changing economy presents to the ILO. In 1999, he
submitted his Decent Work Agenda to the International Labour Conference, which was subsequently endorsed by the Governing Body
and the Conference. The Organization adopted "Decent Work" as the contemporary expression of its historical mandate.

At his initiative, the ILO created in 2002 the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization. Composed of Heads of State,
employers' and workers' representatives, policy-makers and academics and social actors from all walks of life, it was the first official
body to take a systematic look at the social impact of globalization. Its operative recommendations include a call for Decent Work as a
means of achieving a fair globalization that creates opportunities for all.

In June 2008, the International Labour Conference adopted the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization. It recasts the
ILO's mission to meet the challenges of globalization in the twenty-first century through the Decent Work Agenda.

Mr. Somavia began his career as an academic. From 1967 to 1968, he was lecturer on economic and social issues for GATT's trade
policy courses in Geneva. In 1971, he was appointed Professor of International Economic and Social Affairs in the Department of
Political Sciences at the Catholic University of Chile, where he highlighted the ILO and its tripartite structure as a case study in
international cooperation. Between 1976 and 1990, he was Founder, Executive Director and President of the Latin American Institute
of Transnational Studies (ILET), during which time he undertook a number of studies on trade union and social movements in
Mexico City and Santiago. From 1996 to 1999, Mr. Somavia was Chairman of the Board of the United Nations Research for Social
Development (UNRISD). Throughout his career, he has written and lectured widely on trade issues and labour and human rights and
holds numerous citations and awards for his work in the areas of peace, human rights and social development.

Mr. Somavia has always shown a strong interest in development cooperation and economic and social affairs. During the late 1960s,
while working in GATT, he promoted the participation of developing countries in the Kennedy Round. From 1970 to 1973, Mr. Somavia
served as Member and Chairman of the Board of the Andean Development Corporation in Caracas and worked intensively in favour of
regional integration. He was also a Member of the Executive Committee of the International Foundation for Development Alternatives
in Nyon, Switzerland from 1977 to 1995 and has been on the Advisory Committee of Development Dialogue (published by the Dag
Hammarskjöld Foundation) for more than 25 years.

Mr. Somavia's multifaceted career has been driven by a strong concern for social justice, peace, and human rights. He also
participated actively in the restoration of democracy in Chile. Not only was he President of the International Commission of the
Democratic Coalition in Chile but also founder and Secretary-General of the South American Peace Commission (1986-90). His
pursuit of these ideals has earned him several citations and awards, among them the Leonides Proaño Peace Prize from the Latin
American Human Rights Association, the International Golden Dove of Peace awarded in July 2005 by the Italian NGO Archivio
Disarmo, and the Silver Rose Award from SOLIDAR for his vision of decent work and for defending the rights and freedoms of
workers. Most recently he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the MDG Awards Committee, for his work towards the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and promoting social development.

Mr. Somavia has been involved in business, financial and civil society organizations for many years. As Executive Secretary of the
Chilean-Argentinian Chamber of Commerce he strengthened ties between the business communities in both countries. From 1976
to 1982, Mr. Somavia was Coordinator of the Third World Forum, a network of African, Asian, Latin American and Caribbean social
actors. He was also a member of the Board and Vice President for Latin America of the Third World News Agency, Interpress Service
(1976-82) based in Rome. Together with Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Nobel Prize winner, Mr. Somavia represented Latin America as a
Member of the MacBride Commission on International Communications (1980-82). Finally, he has served as Chairman of the United
Nations Committee of Parliamentarians for Global Action.

Born on 21 April 1941, Mr. Somavia's early schooling took place in Chile, the Netherlands, Belgium, the United States and Ecuador. In
1958, he returned to his country to read law at the Catholic University of Chile. After graduating in 1962, he continued higher studies in
economic development at the School of Law and Economics at the University of Paris.

Mr. Somavia was awarded a Doctorate Honoris Causa by Connecticut College in 1996, by the Universidad Católica del Perú in 1999,
and by the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne in May 2003. He was also awarded the Laurea Honoris Causa in political sciences
by the University of Turin in November 2001.

Mr. Somavia is married to Adriana Santa Cruz and they have two children and three grand-daughters.
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도미니크 스트라우스 칸 총재

주요 약력
2007.11 - 現 국제통화기금 (IMF) 총재 (2012.11월 임기 만료)
2001 - 2007 佛 국회의원 3선 연임
2000 - 2001 파리정치대학 (University of Paris) 경제학 교수
(Stanford 방문교수) 및OECD 사무총장 고문
1997 - 1999 佛 재정·경제·산업부 장관
1993 - 1997 DSK 컨설턴트 (DSK Consultants) 로펌 설립, 변호사 활동
1991 - 1993 佛 산업·국제통상부 장관 (우루과이라운드 협상 참여)
1988 - 1991 佛 국회 재정위원회 (Finance Commission) 의장
1981 - 1986 佛 경제기획원(Economic Planning Agency) 부이사관
1978 - 1981 파리대학 경제학 교수

학력 사항
- 파리정치대학 (University of Paris) 경제학 박사
- 법학, 경제학, 정치학, 통계학 학위

출생 정보
- 1949.4.25 프랑스 출생

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International Organizations

International Monetary Fund

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director

Dominique Strauss-Kahn assumed office as the tenth Managing Director of the
International Monetary Fund on November 1, 2007. Upon being selected by the IMF's
Board of Executive Directors, Mr. Strauss-Kahn indicated that he will press ahead with
reform of the 186-member country institution that helps oversee the global economy.

Prior to taking up his position at the IMF, Mr. Strauss-Kahn was a member of the
French National Assembly and Professor of Economics at the Institut d'Etudes
Politiques de Paris. From 2001 to 2007, he was reelected three times to the National
Assembly, and in 2006, he ran for the Socialist Party's nomination for the French
presidential election. In 2000 and 2001, he taught economics at the Institut d'Etudes
Politiques de Paris and was named visiting professor at Stanford University. He was
also a personal advisor to the Secretary General of the OECD.

Earlier, Mr. Strauss-Kahn served as Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry of

France from June 1997 to November 1999. In this capacity, he managed the launch
of the Euro. He also represented France on the Board of Governors of a number of
international financial institutions, including the IMF.

Between 1993 and 1997, he was in the private sector as a corporate lawyer. From 1991
to 1993, Mr. Strauss-Kahn served as Minister of Industry and International Trade,
during which time he participated in the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations.

Mr. Strauss-Kahn began his career as assistant professor, then professor of

economics at the University of Paris where he was tenured in 1978. He was then
appointed Deputy Commissioner of the Economic Planning Agency (1981-1986). He
was elected Deputy (Member of Parliament) to the National Assembly (1986), where he
chaired the Finance Commission from 1988 to 1991.

Mr. Strauss-Kahn holds a PhD in economics from the University of Paris. He also
graduated in law, in business administration, in political studies, and in statistics. As
an academic, his research fields include household saving behavior, public finance,
and social policy.

A French national, Mr. Strauss-Kahn was born in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, on April

25, 1949 and spent his early years in Morocco.

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호세 앙헬 구리아 사무총장

주요 약력
2006.6 - 現 OECD사무총장
1998 - 2000 멕시코 재무장관
1994 - 1998 멕시코 외무장관
1993 - 1994 멕시코 국가개발은행 총재
1992 - 1993 멕시코 수출입은행 (Bancomext) 총재

- 국제개발센터 (Center for Global Development), 수자원재원조성 국제 태스크포스

(TF on Financing Water for All), 국제혁신센터 자문위 (Int’l Advisory Board of
Governors of the Centre for Int'l Governance Innovation) 등 다수 비이익단체 활동

학력 사항
1978 미국 남가주대학교 (University of Southern California) 석사 (국제관계)
1975 미국 하버드대학교 (Harvard University) 수학
1974 영국 리즈대학교 (University of Leeds) 석사 (경제개발 및 공공금융 분야)
1972 멕시코 국립자치대학 (UNAM) 졸업 (경제학)

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1950.5.8 출생
- 부인 룰루 퀸타나 (Dr. Lulu Quintana) 여사, 자녀3명

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International Organizations

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Jose Angel Gurria, Secretary-General

Born on May 8th, 1950, in Tampico, Mexico, Angel Gurría came to the OECD following a
distinguished career in public service, including two ministerial posts.

As Mexico’s Minister of Foreign Affairs from December 1994 to January 1998, he

made dialogue and consensus-building one of the hallmarks of his approach to global
issues. From January 1998 to December 2000, he was Mexico’s Minister of Finance
and Public Credit. For the first time in a generation, he steered Mexico’s economy
through a change of Administration without a recurrence of the financial crises that
had previously dogged such changes.

As OECD Secretary-General, since June 2006, he has reinforced the OECD's role as a
‘hub' for global dialogue and debate on economic policy issues while pursuing internal
modernization and reform. Under his leadership, OECD has expanded its membership
to include Chile, Estonia, Israel and Slovenia and opened accession talks with Russia.
It has also strengthened links with other major emerging economies, including Brazil,
China, India, Indonesia and South Africa, with a view to possible membership. The
OECD is now an active participant in both the G-8 and the G-20 Summit processes.

Mr. Gurría has participated in various international not-for-profit bodies, including the
Population Council, based in New York, and the Center for Global Development based
in Washington. He chaired the International Task Force on Financing Water for All and
continues to be deeply involved in water issues. He is a member of the International
Advisory Board of Governors of the Centre for International Governance Innovation,
based in Canada, and was the first recipient of the Globalist of the Year Award of the
Canadian International Council to honour his efforts as a global citizen to promote
trans-nationalism, inclusiveness, and a global consciousness.

Mr. Gurría holds a B.A. degree in Economics from UNAM (Mexico), and a M.A. degree
in Economics from Leeds University (United Kingdom). He speaks: Spanish, French,
English, Portuguese, Italian and some German.

He is married to Dr. Lulu Quintana, a distinguished ophthalmologist, and they have

three adult children.

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반기문 사무총장

주요 약력
2007 現 제8대 유엔사무총장
2004 외교통상부 장관
2003 대통령 외교보좌관
2001 제56차 유엔총회의장 비서실장
2000 외교통상부 차관
1998 주오스트리아 대사
1996 대통령 외교안보수석비서관
1995 외교정책실장
1970 외무부 입부

학력 사항
1985 미국 하버드대학교 케네디스쿨 (Harvard University,
Kennedy School of Government) 행정학 석사
1970 서울대학교 외교학과

2008 Grand Officer of the National Order from (코트디브와르)
2008 Grand Cross of the National Order (부르키나 파소)
2006 청조근정훈장
2006 Gran Cruz del Sol (페루)
2005 Van Fleet Award (코리아 소사이어티)
2002 Grand Cross of Rio Blanco (브라질)
2001 Grand Decoration of Honor (오스트리아)
1986 홍조근정훈장
1975 녹조근정훈장

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1944.6.13 출생
- 부인 유순택 여사, 1남 2녀

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International Organizations

United Nations
Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General

On 1 January 2007, Ban Ki-moon of the Republic of Korea became the eighth Secretary-General of the
United Nations, bringing to his post 37 years of service both in Government and on the global stage.

At the time of his election as Secretary-General, Mr. Ban was his country's Minister of Foreign Affairs and
Trade. His long tenure with the Ministry included postings in New Delhi, Washington D.C. and Vienna, and
responsibility for a variety of portfolios, including Foreign Policy Adviser to the President, Chief National
Security Adviser to the President, Deputy Minister for Policy Planning and Director-General of American
Affairs. Throughout this service, his guiding vision was that of a peaceful Korean peninsula, playing an
expanding role for peace and prosperity in the region and the wider world.

Mr. Ban has long-standing ties with the United Nations, dating back to 1975, when he worked for the
Foreign Ministry's United Nations Division. That work expanded over the years, with assignments as First
Secretary at the Republic of Korea's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, Director of the
United Nations Division at the Ministry's headquarters in Seoul and Ambassador to Vienna, during which
time, in 1999, he served as Chairman of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test
Ban Treaty Organization. In 2001-2002, as Chef de Cabinet during the Republic of Korea's presidency of
the General Assembly, he facilitated the prompt adoption of the first resolution of the session, condemning
the terrorist attacks of 11 September, and undertook a number of initiatives aimed at strengthening the
Assembly's functioning, thereby helping to turn a session that started out in crisis and confusion into one in
which a number of important reforms were adopted.

Mr. Ban has also been actively involved in issues relating to inter-Korean relations. In 1992, as Special
Adviser to the Foreign Minister, he served as Vice-Chair of the South-North Joint Nuclear Control
Commission following the adoption of the historic Joint Declaration on the Denuclearization of the Korean
Peninsula. In September 2005, as Foreign Minister, he played a leading role in bringing about another
landmark agreement aimed at promoting peace and stability on the Korean peninsula with the adoption at
the six-party talks of the Joint Statement on resolving the North Korean nuclear issue.

Mr. Ban received a bachelor's degree in international relations from Seoul National University in 1970.
In 1985, he earned a master's degree in public administration from the Kennedy School of Government
at Harvard University. In July 2008, Mr. Ban received an honorary Doctoral Degree from Seoul National

Mr. Ban has received numerous national and international prizes, medals and honours. In 1975, 1986 and
again in 2006, he was awarded the Republic of Korea's Highest Order of Service Merit for service to his
country. In April 2008, he was awarded the dignity of the “Grand-Croix de L'Ordre National” (Grand Cross
of the National Order) in Burkina Faso, and in the same month received the “Grand Officier de L'Ordre
National” (Grand Officer of the National Order) from the Government of Côte d'Ivoire.

Mr. Ban was born on 13 June 1944. He and his wife, Madam Yoo (Ban) Soon-taek, whom he met in high
school in 1962, have one son and two daughters. In addition to Korean, Mr. Ban speaks English and French.

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로버트 브루스 졸릭 총재

주요 약력
2007.7.1 - 現 제11대 세계은행 (World Bank) 총재
2006 - 2007 골드만삭스 (Goldman Sachs International) 부회장
2005 - 2006 미국 국무부 차관
2001 - 2005 미국 무역대표부 대표
1993 - 1997 페니 메이 (Fannie Mae) 부사장
1992 백악관 비서실 차장
1985 - 1988 미국 재무부 근무

학력 사항
1981 하버드대학교 로스쿨 (Harvard Law School) 법학 박사 (J.D.)
1981 하버드대학교 케네디스쿨 (Harvard University, Kennedy School)
공공정책학 석사
1975 스와스모어대학교 (Swarthmore College) 문학사

출생 정보
1953 미국 일리노이주 (Illinois) 출생

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International Organizations

World Bank
Robert Bruce Zoellick, President

On July 1, 2007, Robert B. Zoellick became the 11th President of the World Bank Group, which works with 187 member

Prior to joining the Bank, Mr. Zoellick served as Vice Chairman, International of the Goldman Sachs Group, Managing
Director, and Chairman of Goldman Sachs' Board of International Advisors from 2006-07.

In 2005-06, Mr. Zoellick served as the Deputy Secretary of the U.S. State Department. He was the Department's Chief
Operating Officer and policy alternate for the Secretary of State, in addition to having lead policy responsibility in a
number of areas.

From 2001 to January 2005, Mr. Zoellick served in the U.S. cabinet as the 13th U.S. Trade Representative. He forged
an activist approach to free trade at the global, regional, and bilateral levels, while securing support for open markets
with the U.S. Congress and a broad coalition of domestic constituencies. He worked with Ministers from nearly 150
economies to launch the Doha Development Agenda in the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 and then to complete
the framework accord for opening markets in 2004. Zoellick was instrumental in completing the accession of China and
Chinese Taipei to the WTO. He also completed or substantially advanced the accessions to the WTO of Cambodia, Saudi
Arabia, Viet Nam, Russia, and others.

Zoellick enacted or completed FTAs with Jordan, Chile, Singapore, Morocco, Bahrain, five countries of Central America
and the Dominican Republic, and Australia, quintupling the number of countries with which the U.S. has FTAs. He also
launched FTAs later completed with Peru, Colombia, and Panama, and enacted a Basic Trade Agreement with Viet
Nam. Zoellick worked closely with the U.S. Congress to pass Trade Promotion Authority, as well as preferential trade
arrangements with Africa, the Andean countries, Caribbean states, and all developing economies.

From 1993 to 1997, Mr. Zoellick served as an Executive Vice President of Fannie Mae, the large housing finance
corporation, where he supervised the affordable housing business, as well as offices dealing with legal, regulatory,
government and industry relations, and international services.

From 1985 to 1993, Mr. Zoellick served with Secretary James A. Baker, III at the Treasury Department (from Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Policy to Counselor to the Secretary); State Department (Undersecretary
of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs as well as Counselor of the Department with Undersecretary rank); and
briefly Deputy Chief of Staff at the White House and Assistant to the President. Zoellick was the lead U.S. official in the
"Two-plus-Four" process of German unification in 1989-90. He was the "Sherpa" to the President for the preparation of
the Economic Summits in 1991-92.

Mr. Zoellick graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Swarthmore College in 1975. He earned a J.D. magna cum laude from the
Harvard Law School and a MPP from the Kennedy School of Government in 1981. He lived in Hong Kong on a fellowship
in 1980.

Zoellick received a number of awards, including: the Knight Commanders Cross from Germany for his work on
unification; the Alexander Hamilton and Distinguished Service Awards, the highest honors of the Departments of
Treasury and State, respectively; the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service; and a Doctorate of
Humane Letters from St. Joseph’s College in Rensselaer, Indiana.

Mr. Zoellick has also served on many non-profit boards, among them the Council on Foreign Relations, the European
Institute, the American Council on Germany, the American Institute of Contemporary German Studies, the German
Marshall Fund of the U.S., the National Bureau of Asian Research, the Overseas Development Council, and the Advisory
Councils of the World Wildlife Fund and the Institute of International Economics.

Mr. Zoellick grew up in Naperville, Illinois.

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파스칼 라미 사무총장

주요 약력
2005.9 - 現 WTO 4, 5대 사무총장
2004.1 - “우리의 유럽(Notre Europe)”연합 회장
파리 정치연구소 부교수
유럽 사회당수 고문
1999 - 2004 유럽집행위 무역담당집행위원
1999 크레딧 리요네 (Credit Lyonnais) 은행 최고경영자 (CEO)
1994 - 1999 크레딧 리요네 (Credit Lyonnais) 은행 근무
1985 - 1994 유럽집행위원장 비서실장
1983 - 1984 프랑스 총리실 국장
1982 - 1983 프랑스 경제·재정장관실 고문 및 국장
1975 프랑스 재무부 근무 시작

학력 사항
- 법학석사
- 경영학석사 (MBA)
- 문학사
- HEC 경제학 (Ecoles des Hautes Etudes Commercials, 상경계 그랑제꼴),
파리정치학교 (IEP; Institut d’Etudes Politiques), 국립행정대학교
(ENA; Ecole Nationale d'Administration) 수학

2004 민주적 세계 “
( La démocratie monde: pour une autre gouvernance globale”)
2002 우리가 원하는 유럽 “
( The Europe we wan”) 공저

출생 및 가족 관계
- 1947.4.8 프랑스 출생
- 부인 Genevieve Luchaire 여사, 2남 1녀

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International Organizations

World Trade Organization

Pascal Lamy, Director-General

Mr. Pascal Lamy is Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) since
September 2005.

Mr. Lamy holds degrees from the Paris based Ecole des Hautes Études Commerciales
(HEC), from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP) and from the Ecole Nationale
d’Administration (ENA). He began his career in the French civil service at the
Inspection Générale des finances and at the Treasury. He then became an advisor
to the Finance Minister Jacques Delors, and subsequently to Prime Minister Pierre

In Brussels from 1985 to 1994, Pascal Lamy was Chief of staff for the President of the
European Commission, Jacques Delors, and his representative as Sherpa in the G7.

In November 1994, he joined the team in charge of rescuing Credit Lyonnais, and later
became CEO of the bank until its privatization in 1999.

Between 1999 and 2004, Pascal Lamy was Commissioner for Trade at the European
Commission under Romano Prodi.

After his tenure in Brussels, Pascal Lamy spent a short sabbatical period as President
of “Notre Europe”, a think tank working on European integration, as associate
Professor at the l’Institut d’études politiques in Paris and as advisor to Poul Nyrup
Rasmussen (President of the European Socialist Party).

- Towards World Democracy (Policy Network) (La démocratie monde: pour une autre
gouvernance globale (Seuil, 2004))
- L'Europe en première ligne avec Erik Orsenna (Seuil, 2002) (in French)
- The Europe we want with Jean Pisani-Ferry (Policy Network) (L'Europe de nos
volontés (Plon, 2002))
- Monde-Europe (Dunod, 1993) (in French)

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