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1. PresidentWilson's basicapproachto foreign relations was that he wanted to spread

the gospel of American democracyto enlighten the unfortunate and ignorant.
2. The idealisticpresident who set out to raise the moral tone of American foreign poliry
was Woodrow Wilson.
3. Wilson becamedeeply involved in Mexican politics in responseto the reactionary
general Victoriano Huerta who led the 1913 coup and had his former chief murdered.
4. When the Mexican tyrant Huerta abdicated, and Venustiano Carranza,whop favored a
more representative government, came to power in 1914 he soon faced a revolt led
by Francisco"Pancho" Villa. Wilson respondedto this by supporting Mlla.
5. In 1915, United Statestroops commanded by GeneralJohn J. Pershinginvaded Mexico
to capture PanchoVilla.
6. The Great War was precipitated by the assassinationof the Archduke Franz
Ferdinand,heir to the Austro - Hungarianthrone, by a serbian nationalist.
7. At the outbreak of the Great War in 1914,the Allied Powers included Great Britain.
France,and Russia.
8. Accordingto your text, many Americansfavored neutrality during the Great War
becauseAmericanstraditionally feared entanglement in Europeanaffairs.
9. American attitudes towards the two sides in the Great War were most influenced by
conflicts over freedom of the seas.
1O.What was the effect of the Great War on the American economy from 1914 to 1916?
Trade with the Allies almost quadrupled to $3.2 billion a year, while that of the
Central Powers almost disappeared.
11. Wilson's policy of holding the Germansto "strict accountability'' for any American
lossesresulting from any violations of freedom of the seaswas strongly opposed by
Secretaryof State Bryan.
12. Many Americanswere shockedand outraged when the British liner the Lusitaniawas
torpedoed and almost 1ZO0people died.
13. fn wooing the progressivesin the election of tgt6, Wilson reversed lrimself and put
into effect almost every important plank of the t9t2 Progressiveplatforrn.
14. In the presidential election of t916, the leading issuewas American policy toward the
warring povlrers.
15. fn February,tgt7, the U.S.learned of the Zimmermann Telegram in which Germany
offered A military alliancewith Mexico if the U.S.entered the war on the Allied side.
16. lf the U.5. had not entered the Great War, it is likely that the Central Powerswould
have won in 1918.

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