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The Java Shapefile Converter transforms an ESRI Shapefile into an Oracle database table
for use with Oracle Spatial and Locator. The Shapefile Converter uses the Oracle Spatial
Java-based Shapefile Adapter and SampleShapefileToJGeomFeature classes to load a
Shapefile directly into a database table, with the Oracle-equivalent .dbf data types for the
attribute columns and the SDO_GEOMETRY data type for the geometry column. The
Shapefile Adapter can also be used to create your own applications and interfaces that
transform Shapefiles to SDO_GEOMETRY or JGeometry data types (see the Oracle
Spatial Java API for more information). To simply load a Shapefile into the database, use
the SampleShapefileToJGeomFeature class as illustrated below.

The requirements for using the Shapefile Converter or Shapefile Adapter are:
• An Oracle10g or later database with Locator or Oracle Spatial
• A user/password account for the database
• The Oracle utilities and JDBC libraries (JARs):ojdbc14.jar or ojdbc5.jar, sdoutl.jar,
and sdoapi.jar
• Sun JDK version 1.4.2_04 or higher: JDK 1.5 is required for Oracle 11g
• ESRI Shapefile(s) (.shp, .shx, and .dbf files) to be converted

> java -cp [ORACLE_HOME]/jdbc/lib/ojdbc5.jar:./sdoutl.jar:./sdoapi.jar
oracle.spatial.util.SampleShapefileToJGeomFeature -h db_host -p db_port -s db_sid -u
db_username -d db_password -t db_table -f shapefile_name [-i table_id_column_name][-
r srid][-g db_geometry_column][-x max_x,min_x][-y max_y,min_y][-o tolerance]

Explanation of usage parameters:

• -h: Host machine with existing Oracle database
• -p: Host machine's port (e.g. 1521)
• -s: Host machine's SID
• -u: Database user
• -d: Database user's password
• -t: Table name for the converted Shapefile
• -f: File name of an input Shapefile (without extension)
• -i: Column name for unique numeric ID; if required
• -r: Valid Oracle SRID for coordinate system; use 0 if unknown
• -g: Preferred SDO_GEOMETRY column name
• -x: Bounds for the X dimension; use -180,180 if unknown
• -y: Bounds for the Y dimension; use -90,90 if unknown
• -o: Load tolerance fields (x and y) in metadata, if not specified, tolerance fields
are 0.05
• -a: Append Shapefile data to an existing table
• -n: Start ID for column specified in -i parameter
• -c: Commit interval. Default, commits every 1000 conversions and at the end
• -v: Println interval. Default, displays every 10 conversions

Linux Example:
> setenv clpath
> java -cp $clpath oracle.spatial.util.SampleShapefileToJGeomFeature -h gis01 -p 1521 -
s orcl -u scott -d tiger -t states -f states -r 8307 -g geom

Windows Example:
> java -classpath
ACLE_HOME%\md\jlib\sdoapi.jar oracle.spatial.util.SampleShapefileToJGeomFeature -
h gis01 -p 1521 -s orcl -u scott -d tiger -t states -f states -r 8307 -g geom

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