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Lannon Lantern



NO PLACE TO HIDE hits your house it won't matter.
Flying objects will smash open or
closed windows and send flying
glass your way. Third myth: Mo-
bile homes attract tornados -
WRONG! I lived in Oklahoma in
"Tornado Alley" and can disprove
this one. I actually painted a bulls-
eye on the roof of my single-wide pet flying down Main Street? This
mobile home (so I could see it "flying machine" didn't have a
when I flew overhead from my black box, but it could have had a
nearby airbase). I know a tornado locator chip and the batteries
could see it too. It did not attract usually last about 6 months. So if

R emember the line from the

TV show Cops? What you
gonna do when they come for
any of the 50+ tornados that came
through the area in the 4 years I
you see someone with a small
hand-held unit walking around
lived there. In the aftermath of a town pointing it in different direc-
you? Well, we're not talking tornado, mobile homes get all the tions, you know what they are
about cops. We're talking about publicity because of their con- looking for. Let's see who can find
severe storms, even tornados. struction and susceptibility to it first and return it to its rightful
The best place - a hundred miles damage. If you live in a mobile parking spot.
away. Second best - under-
ground. What if you don't have
home, the best thing to do is to TAKE ME OUT...

find shelter elsewhere before a
those options? Go inside a closet ooking for some spontane-
severe storm or tornado ap-
or room with inside walls away ous evening entertainment?
proaches - and don't forget your
from any windows. Get in a bath- Consider an event with no cover
pets. And Dorothy, we're not in
tub covered by blankets or a charges, no high-priced tickets,
Kansas anymore!
comforter and this will provide and a roof that stays open all the
some protection. The only bath- time. A hot dog, a 16-ounce
tubs I have seen make it to the plastic bottle of beer, a bag of
outside have been in the TV ads peanuts, a kid's soda and a box
for certain drugs. And there a few of Cracker Jack will cost you
myths about tornados worth $19.25 at Miller Park this sea-
clearing up. First myth: It is safer son. But this is not Miller Park.
driving or getting under a high- You don't have to drive half way
way overpass - WRONG! Winds across the city for this venue
are concentrated under an over- and parking is a snap. This is
pass or bridge. This just increases THE MISSING MAT? Joecks Memorial Park! Right in
the chances of getting hit by fly-
ing objects in the strong winds.
Second myth:, Leave the win-
I t looks like we have a magic car-
pet in Lannon. In this case it
flew off, actually, from the Post
the heart of Lannon on Lannon
Road. This venue is the Lannon
Area Junior Baseball Squirts
dows open in a strong storm or Office in Lannon several months League! Every Wednesday eve-
tornado - WRONG! If a tornado ago. Has anyone seen a blue car- Please see page 2...
ing heavy grocery bags. Volun-
teering your time for such pro-
grams as Meals On Wheels
Jul 8– 1:30 Rep. Sensenbrenner
and the food pantries is a
great way of providing assis- Jul 12- 6:30 PM Finance/Personnel
tance. You can be a good Jul 12- 7:00 PM Village Board
neighbor by being considerate. Jul 19 - 6:00 PM Municipal Court
Turning down loud stereos,
Jul 29- 7:00 PM Plan Commission
encouraging dogs to limit their
ning you can cheer for the local barking and even limiting the VILLAGE EVENTS
teams. No million dollar salaries yelling and screaming of play- July 25—6th Annual Cars on Main.
and bonuses here - but it could be ing children are some ways to
the start for a promising career in be considerate of your
the sport for many a young player. neighbors. Letting your trees
You won't see Bernie Brewer slid- and bushes grow wild into a
ing into a tub of beer here, but you neighbor's yard is not consid-
will see a bunch of kids playing erate and could lead to
their hearts out. So - take me out stronger issues. Of course, let-
to the ball game! The current ting your pets use other's
games schedule is posted on the yards for their bathrooms and Visit these Lannon
Village of Lannon web site at not picking up after them is businesses today... definitely not considerate.
VillageNews.aspx. Good deed are not only for the Check out the monthly
cooking classes with
GOOD NEIGHBORS? scouts. Checking on an elderly
world-class chef Scott
neighbor who lives alone,
Mattfeld and crew. The
holding a door open for some-
schedule is at our web
one carrying packages, and site “”
even watching out to prevent
accidents are considered good
deeds. Want to be a good
neighbor? Just offer assis-
tance, be more considerate
and do a good deed once in a
while. Remember the Golden
Rule? It will go a long way to
W hat makes a good neighbor?
Let's start with assistance,
consideration, and good deeds,
making you a good neighbor.
Bike and motorcycle fatalities
just to name a few. You can pro-
vide assistance by helping a are on the increase. Be alert
neighbor cut their grass, move and watch for these vehicles
yard items and even help in carry- on the road and shoulders.
The Lannon LanternTM is an unofficial publication for the residents of Lannon, Wisconsin. It is
edited and published by Howard Hadley. To subscribe to this periodic newsletter, send your NOTE: Copies of the Lannon
Lantern are distributed to local
email address to Your email address will not be used for any businesses, and on a limited
other purpose without your express consent. All of the views and opinions expressed in this basis, to some household paper
newsletter are solely the responsibility of it’s editor. -boxes in the Village of Lannon.

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