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November 16, 2010 No. 43

The U.S. Generalized System

of Preferences
Helping the Poor, But at What Price?
by Sallie James

Executive Summary
The preferential market access given by ostensible beneficiaries and to U.S. con-
the United States to most developing sumers.
countries through the Generalized System Trade preferences distort markets and
of Preferences yields real benefits for the discourage unilateral and multilateral trade
covered countries and for U.S. consumers liberalization: when beneficiary countries
and firms importing the goods. Americans concentrate their efforts in preserving their
save hundreds of millions of dollars a year preferential access rather than becoming
from duty-free imports, and many poor competitive, it undermines efforts for mul-
people abroad have benefited from prefer- tilateral trade liberalization and keeps them
ential access to a rich market. beholden to artificial arrangements and the
Against these benefits, Congress must whims of rich-country politicians.
consider the significant costs of unilateral The United States should not abandon
preference programs—to the preference its efforts to bring down global trade barriers
recipients themselves, to excluded devel- through multilateral trade talks. In the mean-
oping countries, and to the world trading time, however, unilateral reform is within
system in general—when the program reach. The expiration of the GSP at the end
expires at the end of this year. of 2010 provides a timely opportunity for the
Product exclusions, import limits that United States to correct the most egregious
are triggered just when an exporter be- of the GSP’s limitations and to move toward
comes successful, outdated eligibility cri- opening the U.S. market on a permanent and
teria, and complex administrative and nondiscriminatory basis. That is surely the
customs requirements all serve to limit best way to encourage a more open, free, and
the usefulness of the program to the prosperous global economy.

Daniel T. Griswold is associate director of the Cato Institute’s Center for Trade Policy
Sallie James is a policy analyst with the Cato Institute’s Center for Trade Policy
More than Introduction market access programs—whether by granting
temporary the privileged exporters’ goods lower tariff
Since the mid-1970s, the U.S. government rates, larger quotas, or a mixture of both—is to
programs, what has maintained programs to benefit certain de- give an incentive to the home countries’ firms
poor countries veloping countries and aid their development and consumers to buy goods from the benefi-
through preferential access to the U.S. market. ciary countries. If an importer must pay a 10
need most is a American companies can import products from percent tariff on a good from country A, but no
stable commercial beneficiary countries (i.e., those eligible for the import taxes on the same good from country B,
environment special treatment afforded by the programs) at a then they will, other things being equal, pur-
lower than normal or zero rate of import duty. chase from country B.
that encourages Making goods from beneficiary countries cheap- Preferential access to a market may be grant-
investment. er to import than those from non-eligible coun- ed as a result of a bilateral (or regional) trade
tries creates an incentive to buy from those coun- deal between certain countries on a reciprocal
tries covered by the program. basis, or on a non-reciprocal or unilateral basis
The largest of these unilateral trade preference in an effort to foster the preference recipient’s
programs, the Generalized System of Preferences, economic development. In programs motivated
and a preference program benefiting countries in by development concerns, like the GSP, select-
the Andean region (in the hope of steering those ed products originating in developing countries
countries away from narcotics production and are granted reduced or zero tariff rates com-
trafficking) called the Andean Trade Preference pared to the rate that generally applies. Often,
and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA) expire on the least developed countries receive even fur-
December 31, 2010, so Congress must pass legis- ther enhanced preferential treatment, for exam-
lation to renew them before the end of the ple by receiving preferential access for a wider
legislative year. In advance of the deadline for coverage of products or even deeper tariff cuts.
renewal, and after several years of tentative and These unilateral preference programs, and in
ultimately unsuccessful efforts to reform the pro- particular the United States’ GSP, are the main
grams, lawmakers and interest groups are intensi- focus of this paper.
fying their advocacy efforts. Although the contribution of free trade to
The GSP has provided some benefits to some economic growth and development has long
people: most obviously the eligible industries in been acknowledged—and has, more recently,
beneficiary countries but, also importantly, con- been explicitly recognized in Goal 8 of the UN’s
sumers of those products in the United States. Millennium Development Goals, which calls
Those benefits should not be overlooked. for an “an open, rule-based, predictable, non-
More than temporary programs, however, discriminatory trading and financial system”1—
what poor countries need most is a stable com- the idea of rich countries granting preferential
mercial environment that encourages invest- market access to poorer countries’ exporters is
ment. To the extent that preference recipients relatively new. The United Nations Conference
jealously guard their special access and resist on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) first
global efforts to liberalize trade on a nondis- formally recognized these schemes in 1968, by
criminatory basis, unilateral preference pro- passing the so-called Resolution 21, which stat-
grams can be counterproductive to achieving a ed that
more liberal global trade regime and a more sta-
ble and permanent path to economic growth. . . . the objectives of the generalized,
non-reciprocal, non-discriminatory
system of preferences in favor of the
The Aims and Limitations of developing countries, including special
Trade Preferences measures in favor of the least advanced
among the developing countries,
Put simply, the rationale for preferential should be:

(a) to increase their export earnings; Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
(b) to promote their industrialization; Rights (TRIPS) embody the principle of most-
and favored-nation (MFN) treatment, which re-
(c) to accelerate their rates of econom- quires that WTO members treat imports from
ic growth.2 all other WTO members equally, for example
by applying equal tariffs. Market access condi-
It is important to note that it is not only the tions granted to one member must be extended
richest countries that offer preferential market to all other members.
access to poorer countries. Of the 13 develop- Giving preferential treatment to certain
ment-based preferential programs currently reg- countries, including on development grounds,
istered with UNCTAD, 4 of them—those from obviously violates that principle. The WTO
Belarus, Estonia, Bulgaria, and Russia—are therefore allows its members to deviate from
from non-OECD (Organisation for Economic MFN treatment in favor of developing countries
Co-operation and Development, a group of through a loophole known as the “enabling
high-income countries) members (the other 9 clause.”6 Formally titled the agreement on
programs are those of Australia, Canada, the “Differential and More Favorable Treatment,
European Union, Japan, New Zealand, Nor- Reciprocity and Fuller Participation of Develop-
way, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United ing Countries,” the enabling clause was adopted Unilateral
States).3 The so-called Group of 77 developing as part of the Tokyo Round of multilateral trade preference
countries also has an agreement among them- negotiations in 1979 and was originally intended programs can be
selves, called the Global System of Trade Pref- to last for 10 years. Paragraph 2(a) of the agree-
erences, to provide each other with preferential ment, however, provided a legal basis for exten- counterproductive
access for a limited number of goods.4 sion beyond the initial 10-year period and it has to achieving a more
Many countries, including developing coun- in fact served to make the enabling clause per-
tries, provide duty-free and quota-free access to manent as part of the GATT 1994, which estab-
liberal global trade
goods from the very poorest countries. Part of lished the WTO. Other preferential trade deals regime and a
the mandate of the current World Trade Or- that violate the MFN principle, for example more stable and
ganization round of trade talks, formally called those establishing a free-trade agreement or cus-
the Doha Development Agenda, is to extend toms union on a reciprocal basis, are allowed permanent path to
duty-free and quota-free access to the 33 WTO under the conditions imposed by Article XXIV economic growth.
members that the UN has designated “Least of the GATT.
Developed Countries” (there are 49 LDCs in In an attempt to promote better integration
total). LDCs are those that (a) have an average of developing countries into the world trading
annual per-capita income under $750; (b) have system, the enabling clause also allowed devel-
lower levels of human development based on oping countries to enter into preferential agree-
factors relating to health, nutrition, and educa- ments with each other under conditions less
tion; and (c) are “economically vulnerable” stringent than those laid out in Article XXIV.
because of factors such as their small size, sus- For example, paragraph 2(c) of the enabling
ceptibility to natural disasters, and the volatility clause permits preferential arrangements among
and/or instability of their export markets or developing countries that do not cover “substan-
production base.5 tially all trade.”
Most of the countries providing preferential The exemption from MFN provided by the
market access to developing countries are also enabling clause also gave all countries granting
members of the WTO, which holds as a found- these preferences significant leeway as to how
ing principle the concept of nondiscrimination. they designed such schemes, specifying only
To this end, Article I of the General Agreement that they should be “generalized, non-discrim-
on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), Article II of the inatory and non-reciprocal” with respect to the
General Agreement on Trade in Services beneficiary countries. In other words, the gen-
(GATS), and Article IV of the Agreement on eralized system of preferences must be just

Most of the that: general in nature, and not just targeted to Income of $12,166 per year.8 In practice, and as
top sources of a few chosen countries. Table 1 shows, most of the top sources of GSP
The degree to which preference-granting imports are relatively fast-growing and among
GSP imports are countries abide by the principles of a generalized the “richer” developing countries, with the excep-
relatively fast- system of preferences as originally envisaged by tion of Angola and Equatorial Guinea, promi-
the UNCTAD declaration—especially with nent because as LDC beneficiaries they get
growing and respect to conditionality and nonreciprocity—is duty-free access for their oil exports.
among the a point of contention.7 Certainly the United In addition to specifying a maximum per
“richer” States GSP program has some questionable capita annual income level, a few other condi-
gaps and limitations in that regard. tions apply. Like many other rich countries’
developing development-based preference programs, the
countries. U.S. GSP excludes some countries for geopoliti-
The United States’ cal reasons. The United States currently ex-
Generalized System cludes China and Vietnam, for example, on the
basis of their communist regimes, and other
of Preferences countries such as Libya and Iran are ineligible
The United States currently provides GSP because of their links to terrorist groups. Coun-
preferences for 131 countries and territories. To tries that have seized property of Americans
be eligible for the program, countries must meet without compensation, or those that fail to take
a number of criteria. Most obviously, they must steps to eliminate child labor, are likewise ineligi-
be developing countries. The United States ex- ble. Certain other geographical preference pro-
cludes those countries defined as “high income” grams, such as the African Growth and Oppor-
using the World Bank’s benchmark, which is tunity Act (AGOA), attach further conditions to
currently set at an average Gross National their more generous market access offerings.

Table 1
Top Ten Sources of GSP Imports, 2009 (US$ millions)

Beneficiary Duty-Free U.S. Total U.S. imports Share of U.S. imports

country imports under GSP from beneficiary using GSP (%)

Angola 4,142.4 9,305.8 44.5
Thailand 2,886.2 18,964.5 15.2
India 2,848.0 21,227.6 13.4
Brazil 1,977.8 19,612.0 10.1
Equatorial Guinea 1,676.9 2,391.5 70.1
Indonesia 1,454.7 12,916.8 11.3
South Africa 742.3 5,876.7 12.6
Philippines 733.6 6,793.0 10.8
Turkey 644.4 3,648.8 17.7
Argentina 505.9 3,820.6 13.2

Top ten beneficiaries 17,612.3 104,557.2 16.8

All beneficiaries 20,259.0 241,495.9 8.4

Source: U.S. International Trade Commission.

Denotes Least Developing Country, eligible for duty-free treatment on oil.

Zimbabwe, for example, lost its AGOA prefer- as part of the 35 percent value-added require-
ences because of its human rights violations, ment if they are “substantially transformed” into
although it still receives preferences under the new and different inputs in the beneficiary
GSP.9 country. (The usual standard for determining
Almost 3,500 articles are eligible for duty- whether a product has been substantially trans-
free treatment under the GSP (with a further formed is to establish that it entered the country
1,400 or so articles eligible for duty-free treat- under one chapter of the Harmonized System
ment if the exporter is an LDC beneficiary).10 of product classifications and exited the country
That represents about one third of the total under a different chapter). Countries that join
number of products—sometimes called “tariff the GSP as part of a regional association are
lines”—imported into the United States. The considered as one country for rules-of-origin
articles include mainly manufactured and purposes, so that articles can enter the United
semi-manufactured goods, and a limited num- States duty free if the combined value-added
ber of agricultural goods (at least up to a certain contribution of the two (or more) association
quota) and fisheries goods that are not other- members is more than 35 percent of the total
wise duty-free. product value.
To receive GSP treatment, a product must The U.S. government limits the amount of
meet the so-called “rules of origin” require- imports for which a developing country bene- Competitive need
ments that determine the product is indeed ficiary can receive GSP treatment (there are no limits literally
“made in country X.” That is to prevent non- limits if the beneficiary is an LDC). A benefi- punish beneficiaries
GSP countries from transshipping their ciary is considered to be sufficiently competi-
exports through GSP beneficiary countries in tive in a given product, and therefore ineligible for their exporting
order to evade the MFN tariffs that would oth- to receive GSP treatment on that product, if success.
erwise apply. Rules of origin are defined by the the annual imports from that country account-
WTO as “laws, regulations and administrative ed for 50 percent or more of the total U.S.
procedures which determine a product’s coun- imports of that product; or if they exceed a cer-
try of origin.” In the current era of complex— tain statutory value ($140 million in 2010, in-
often global—supply chains, determining ex- creasing by $5 million annually). Those limits
actly where a product “comes from” is not sim- are called competitive need limits (CNLs), and
ple. Indeed, one can make a good argument they literally punish beneficiaries for their
that origin is increasingly meaningless.11 The exporting success.
origin of a product is, however, commercially The president has the authority to grant a
and legally significant, as it determines the tar- waiver for a product that would otherwise be
iff—or lack thereof. subject to a CNL, if he is determined that the
The WTO currently sets no rules dictating waiver is in the “national economic interest of
how its members must structure rules-of-ori- the United States.”13 A de minimus waiver
gin when they offer unilateral preferential pro- may be granted when a beneficiary country
grams like the GSP, so countries have consid- otherwise breaches the 50 percent rule, but
erable discretion. To qualify for the American total U.S. imports of a product are sufficiently
GSP and receive duty-free treatment, a quali- small ($20 million for 2010, increasing by
fying product must be the “growth, product, or $500,000 every calendar year). Waivers are also
manufacture of a [beneficiary country], and the often granted in response to a petition from an
sum of the cost or value of materials produced interested party, although in that case the pres-
in the [beneficiary country] plus the direct ident is required to consider the extent to
costs of processing must equal at least 35 per- which the beneficiary provides access to its
cent of the appraised value of the article at the market for U.S. goods, and the protection they
time of entry into the United States.”12 provide to U.S. intellectual property. It is also
There is some flexibility in applying that possible to secure waivers for imports of prod-
rule. GSP countries can include imported inputs ucts no longer made in the United States.

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative 2009, but Congress could not agree on ele-
conducts a review of the GSP program every ments of reform. At the last minute, Congress
year, recommending changes in response to passed simple extensions and President Obama
petitions submitted by foreign firms and gov- signed into law a bill extending them until
ernments, or U.S. firms that benefit from the December 2010. With the expiration of the
program. The president has the authority to latest extension imminent, it is worthwhile to
conduct reviews outside of the annual review consider the benefits of the GSP, as well as its
process, too, if he feels it is necessary. limitations and costs.
In the most recent annual review, President
Obama issued a proclamation to withdraw Real Benefits for Poor Countries and U.S.
GSP benefits from some countries (e.g., duty- Consumers
free treatment for imports of shrimp products That preference programs provide some
and certain passenger tires from Thailand, and benefits for some industries in the recipient
gold necklaces from India); to extend preferen- countries is undeniable. By securing a U.S. gov-
tial treatment on, for instance, carnations from ernment-created competitive “edge,” those firms
Colombia and silver jewelry from Thailand, will be able to out-compete their nonpreferred
and by adding certain frozen vegetables to the competitors. Some advocates also point to the
list of GSP-eligible goods; and to continue side effects of GSP preferences: that, by linking
applying GSP treatment to more than 100 preferential access to the large and lucrative U.S.
products from 19 GSP countries because im- market, the GSP encourages beneficiaries to
ports of those goods exceed the usual CNLs by protect workers’ rights and respect the intellec-
a small (de minimus) amount. tual property rights of Americans.15
Legislators occasionally attempt to make The benefits of the GSP to eligible coun-
changes too. This year, although the president tries can be seen by observing the import data.
denied the petition to remove certain sleeping Figure 1 is adapted from a chart by the Coa-
bags from the list of GSP-eligible products, lition for GSP and shows total U.S. imports and
Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL) has since intro- GSP imports from 1992 to 2009, with the GSP
duced the Save U.S. Manufacturing and Jobs renewal dates marked by the vertical lines. At
Act (H.R. 5940) to remove them from the list first glance, it would appear that the increase in
by legislative means, on the grounds that sleep- GSP imports starting in the early 2000s reflects
ing bags should be considered textile goods (not a broader trend of rising imports generally, sug-
included in GSP). Representative Aderholt’s gesting that the program is not especially valu-
congressional district is, coincidentally, home to able. But a closer look reveals that, in fact, total
a sleeping bag manufacturing company called imports were also rising in the late 1990s and
Exxel Outdoors Inc.14 early 2000s, when imports under the GSP were
In addition to these relatively minor, routine stagnant or even falling. The stark increase in
annual changes and product-level adjustments GSP imports began just after Congress re-
By reducing the to the GSP, some advocacy groups and trade newed the program for a period of five years in
prices of imported specialists have suggested broader reforms. late 2001. Clearly importers and their suppliers
These include revising the eligibility criteria (for abroad will take advantage of the program
goods, the GSP example, by insisting on more stringent labor, when they can have some certainty that it will
puts money in environmental, and/or intellectual property rules continue.
in beneficiary countries); increasing the benefits In 2009, the GSP provided duty-free access
the hands of available to LDCs; and changing the competi- for over $20 billion worth of imports (with a fur-
American tive need limits. ther $42 billion entering under other develop-
consumers, The political calculations around extending ment-type preference programs such as AGOA
and reforming these programs are not straight- and the program for Haiti). These imports in-
increasing their forward. Indeed, the GSP, the ATPDEA, and cluded jewelry, chemicals, vehicle parts, and raw
purchasing power. the AGOA initially expired in December materials.

Figure 1
U.S. Imports under GSP vs. Total U.S. Imports (US$ billions)
U.S. Imports under GSP

Total U.S. Imports


Sources: Coalition for GSP; U.S. International Trade Commission Dataweb.

Note: Vertical lines mark GSP renewal dates.

Democratic trade analyst and advocate of iff (total tariff revenue divided by the value of
preference programs Edward Gresser points imports) of 2.2 percent. Almost 50 percent of
out that those imports bring important bene- manufactured products, and just over one third
fits for poor people abroad. In Thailand, for of agricultural products, are imported duty-free
example, silver jewelry makers employ tens of on an MFN basis.18 But there are significant
thousands of people countrywide, including in tariff peaks in the schedule, and a range of other
poor rural areas, to sell to the U.S. market duty- trade barriers like antidumping orders that keep
free.16 import prices higher than they would be in a free
Although it is self-evident that providing market. The average tariff on imported footwear
duty-free treatment on some goods will benefit and leather products is, according to the U.S.
the covered industries in developing countries, International Trade Commission, 10 percent,19
let’s not forget the significant benefits for with some types of shoes attracting a tariff of 48
Americans. By reducing the prices of imported percent.20 Americans paid a (trade-weighted)
goods, the GSP puts money in the hands of average 11.4 percent tariff on apparel imports in
American consumers, increasing their purchas- 2007. That average obscures even higher taxes
ing power. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce for individual products, such as the 28.6 percent
estimates that three-quarters of U.S. imports women paid for imported woven man-made
under the GSP program are raw materials, fiber pants.21 In theory, tariff peaks should rep-
components, and other inputs used by U.S. resent valuable opportunities for exporters and
firms, which help them stay competitive.17 importers to trade those products duty-free
The United States has a generally open trade under the GSP program, but as we will shortly
policy, with a simple average tariff (i.e., the sum see there are important gaps in the program
of all tariffs divided by the number of tariff lines) that prevent those opportunities from being
of 3.5 percent and a trade-weighted average tar- realized.

Table 2
Top 20 Duty-Saving GSP Imports, 2009

Value of
Value Share of total duties saved
(US$ millions) GSP imports (%) (US$ millions)

Petroleum and oils 6,481.5 32.0 9.1

Pearls, stones, and jewelry metals 1,268.4 6.3 71.4
Electrical machinery and equipment 1,220.5 6.0 37.5
Machinery and mechanical appliances 1,063.8 5.3 32.2
Plastics and plastic articles 880.6 4.4 43.2
Rubber and rubber articles 872.3 4.3 38.9
Vehicles and vehicle parts 677.3 3.3 17.2
Organic chemicals 630.6 3.1 30.9
Iron or steel articles 548.8 2.7 21.4
Aluminum and aluminum articles 499.5 2.5 19.5
Wood and wood articles 432.2 2.1 21.6
Optical, photographic, and similar instruments 382.2 1.9 12.9
Sugar 378.9 1.9 14.4
Prepared vegetables, fruits, or nuts 376.4 1.9 26.1
Iron and steel raw materials 311.2 1.5 8.4
Inorganic chemicals and precious metals 283.4 1.4 11.1
Miscellaneous edibles 258.7 1.3 15.7
Stone, plaster, and cement articles 252.4 1.3 12.9
Copper and copper articles 184.3 0.9 3.8
Animal or vegetable fats and oils 179.5 0.9 9.0

Total, 20 main products 17,182.7 84.8 457.3

Total, all GSP products 20,259.0 100.0 584.4
Despite its
significant Source: U.S. International Trade Commission Dataweb and Census Bureau.

limitations, the
Despite its significant limitations, the GSP a total of more than $584 million in 2009
GSP saved saved Americans hundreds of millions of dol- thanks to the GSP.
Americans lars last year by allowing them to import prod- These savings—and billions more besides
ucts duty-free. Table 2 shows the top 20 duty- —would naturally obtain from unilateral liber-
hundreds of saving opportunities afforded by the GSP last alization in the United States, too, of course, so
millions of dollars year. From jewelry parts ($71.4 million) to the savings in Table 2 can be thought of as
last year by allowing vehicles and vehicle parts ($17.2 million), rub- largely stemming from trade diversion (dis-
ber products ($38.9 million), and the $3.8 mil- cussed below). In the context of the protection-
them to import lion saved on copper and copper products, ist status quo, though, the GSP clearly yields
products duty-free. American consumers and manufacturers saved benefits.

Ironically, the largest product class of GSP sheet on the GSP is entitled “GSP Creates Just like
imports saved Americans very little. Almost a American Jobs and Keeps U.S. Companies bilateral or regional
third of the imports entering under the GSP in Competitive” and touts the many benefits of
2009 were oils and petroleum products from lower import barriers. Those include lower preferential trade
LDCs who, unlike the relatively more devel- prices on consumer goods, particularly for deals, unilateral
oped “developing country beneficiaries,” are eli- American families on a budget, and cost savings
gible for duty-free treatment on those energy for U.S. companies—especially small businesses
products. But petroleum and related products and manufacturing firms—looking for cheaper programs are
are subject to very small, fixed-dollar-amount- inputs.24 (If only the U.S. Trade Representative inherently
per-unit (“specific”) duties in any case. So while would strike that import-friendly tone all the
they are far and away the largest single product time.) discriminatory.
grouping to be imported under the GSP, the During congressional testimony earlier this
total savings represented by importing them year, the Coalition for GSP made an important
duty-free is relatively small: Americans saved point regarding the success of the GSP and
only $9.2 million in duties from GSP oil other preference programs:
imports in 2009.22
The additional application of CNL waivers Preference programs succeed in their
can provide an extra source of savings on—or primary goal—promoting growth in
even access to—otherwise difficult-to-source developing countries through trade—
goods, especially in the important case of natur- only if U.S. companies find them attrac-
al resources. For example, a South Carolina– tive to incorporate into their sourcing
based manufacturer testified earlier this year that and investment/production plans. U.S.
a CNL waiver enabled his company to continue companies will do so only if the benefits
importing lithium, a valuable and relatively rare of the preference programs contribute
mineral, from Argentina. Natural resources are positively to their “bottom lines,” if the
not always evenly distributed around the programs can be relied upon, and if the
world—nearly all U.S. imports of lithium are rules and regulations associated with
sourced from either Chile or Argentina—and so claiming program benefits are not so
when it looked as though the 50-percent-of- complicated as to be more trouble than
U.S.-imports threshold might be breached and the benefits are worth.25
tariffs would start to apply, a CNL waiver kicked
in, helping the manufacturer to stay competi- The devil of this well-intentioned program is,
tive.23 apparently, in the details.
The Coalition for GSP, a Washington-based
advocacy group, takes the enlightened position The Limitations and Costs of the GSP
that the benefits to U.S. consumers—particular- That there are real benefits to be gained
ly U.S. businesses using GSP-covered products from having preferred access to a rich-country
as inputs—are a key benefit of the program. market is obvious and nontrivial. But the sig-
While touting the development benefits of trade nificant costs of these programs—to the pref-
preferences, the Coalition has the explicit goal of erence recipients themselves, to excluded
reminding lawmakers that Americans gain from developing countries, and to the world trading
the lower prices and increased choice that come system in general—are not always immediate-
from lower trade barriers. That sets them apart ly apparent.
from many of the other groups advocating for Just like bilateral or regional preferential
extending the GSP. trade deals, unilateral preference programs are
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, inherently discriminatory: by taxing imports
to its credit, also draws attention to the benefits from some countries at a different rate than
to American producers and consumers from the those from others, they skew incentives to buy
GSP program. Indeed, the first item on its fact from certain chosen countries. Indeed, that is

Table 3
U.S. Imports by Treatment, 2009

Program Total (US$ billions) Share (%)

General (MFN) 1,247.0 80.5

FTAs 240.0 15.5

NAFTA 219.6 14.1
Other FTA partners 20.6 1.3

Preferences 62.0 3.9

GSP 20.2 1.3
Caribbean programs (CBI/CBTPA) 2.2 0.1
Andean programs (ATPA/ATPDEA) 9.7 0.6
AGOA 28.1 1.8
Mid-East program (QIZ) 1.4 0

Total 1,549.0 100

Source: International Trade Commission Dataweb.

the point of the programs. That creates bene- words, enter on an MFN basis (80 percent) or as
fits for the consumers and producers of the a result of a reciprocal preferential trade agree-
covered goods, but leaves outsiders—some of ment (e.g., the North American Free Trade
whom may be as poor if not poorer than the Agreement, or NAFTA). The GSP, at least as it
programs’ beneficiaries—out in the cold. currently functions, is not a significant source of
International trade theory has long recog- imports.
nized that, in addition to potentially harming a The program is not even a significant
poorer outsider, so-called trade diversion source of imports from GSP beneficiaries: only
harms the domestic economy if it imports from 8.4 percent of U.S. imports sourced from GSP-
a less-efficient but lower-taxed trade partner at eligible countries enter under the GSP27 with
the expense of a more-efficient, but higher- the remaining entering the United States pay-
taxed trade partner. When a country applies ing MFN rates (which are admittedly some-
the same tariff to all trade partners it will times zero), or under other preference pro-
always import from the most efficient produc- grams such as AGOA. Taking into account all
er. Ed Gresser rightly points out that the neg- preference programs, and the fact that many
ative unintended effects of trade diversion are MFN tariffs are zero, that leaves just fewer
difficult to predict and observe.26 than 38 percent of imports from GSP benefi-
Empirically, the trade figures suggest that the ciaries still subject to tariffs.28
The GSP, at least success of the program has been mixed at best. The fact that trade entering under the GSP
as it currently Although the GSP beneficiary countries make is relatively minor—as a share of total U.S.
functions, is not a up more than half of America’s trade partners by imports, and as a share of U.S.-bound exports
number, imports under the GSP account for less of GSP beneficiaries—is not necessarily a sign
significant source than 1.5 percent of total U.S. imports by value, that the beneficiaries are commercially or logis-
of imports. as shown in Table 3. Most U.S. imports, in other tically unworthy of the program. The relatively

poor showing of GSP beneficiary countries in States at the MFN rate. As discussed above, Even when the
the import figures can be explained largely by punishing truly competitive exporters by remov- program structure
the way the program is structured and, related- ing their preferences just when they become
ly, by the type of products beneficiary countries competitive is damaging to U.S. consumers and is not stacked
produce and export. distorts the economies of the erstwhile benefi- against them, the
First and most significantly, the GSP ciaries by encouraging the shifting of resources
excludes whole swaths of products, mainly sim- away from their most competitive sectors.
ple manufactured goods. About two-thirds of In addition to the total “graduation” of a requirements place
U.S. tariff lines are ineligible for GSP treatment. country out of the GSP when its gross nation- heavy burdens on
Many of the ineligible products are labor-inten- al income reaches the critical level, as discussed
sive textile and less labor-intensive but nonethe- earlier, the president has the discretion and importers of GSP
less important agricultural goods in which rela- authority to graduate a country if they are suf- products.
tively labor-abundant developing countries have ficiently competitive across a range of exports.
a comparative advantage. Unfortunately, politi- The four Asian tigers—Hong Kong, South
cally powerful U.S. producers ensure that these Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore—were graduat-
exclusions persist, thereby robbing the program ed by this method in 1989, even though they
of much of its potential value. Even in the wake had not technically reached the “high-income”
of the recent devastating floods in Pakistan, U.S. threshold.33 One may reasonably ask whether
textile groups were urging the administration the program in some senses provides a disin-
not to expand preference programs to Pakistan centive to development at the margin.
by cutting textile tariffs.29 The U.S. sugar lobby Second, as the Trade Partnership, a Wash-
has been tremendously successful—if that’s the ington-based think tank, points out, many GSP
correct word—in seeing off threats to the high beneficiaries are also eligible for duty-free treat-
sugar tariffs that keep the U.S. market protected ment under other preference programs (such as
from competition. the Caribbean Basin Initiative) that cover many
There is some hope for exporters and U.S. of the same products as the GSP but have
consumers of textiles and apparel: although the longer authorization periods and are therefore
GSP is prohibited by law from giving treat- more reliable programs under which U.S.
ment to most textiles, the AGOA and Haiti importers can source products.34 Products that
programs have closed some of those gaps by are eligible for GSP treatment therefore enter
including some textile and apparel products. the United States under, and show up in the
But those imports are subject to caps, and are import figures for, those other programs.
subject to complicated rules of origin and U.S.- Third, even when the program structure is
input requirements that inhibit the usefulness not stacked against them, the administrative
of the program and add to importers’ costs.30 requirements place heavy burdens on importers
Other significant product exclusions in the of GSP products. The rules of origin for the
GSP, many of which are subject to relatively U.S. GSP, while relatively simple compared to
high MFN tariffs, include home linens, watch- some other rich-country development-based
es, footwear, handbags, luggage, tableware and schemes, still add significantly to trading costs
flat goods, glass, work gloves, and other leather and are in some respects a nontariff barrier to
clothing goods. Other products determined to trade. Recent studies have shown that restric-
be “import-sensitive,” such as steel, glass, and tive and cumbersome rules of origin are in
electronics, are also ineligible.31 some cases (especially in the European Union)
Some products, although eligible for GSP so high that importers prefer to pay MFN tar-
rates in general, are ineligible if they come from iffs just to avoid the compliance costs.35
certain countries. Beef from Argentina or dried When the program is temporary, and bene-
lentils from India, for example, are not eligible fits can be withdrawn at any time and for
for GSP preferences because they are so com- almost any reason as long as the “general”
petitive.32 Those imports enter the United nature of the program is maintained, adminis-

trative and cost burdens imposed by the pro- in imports of tires from Thailand, the CNL was
gram become especially important. Temporary breached and Thailand lost its GSP access for its
programs simply won’t encourage long-term tires, which now face the MFN rate of 4 per-
investment in the beneficiary countries because cent.
the policy environment is not stable. As we saw Fifth, and this applies to any trade liberal-
in Figure 1, when firms and importers can be ization or negotiation program, the GSP repre-
surer of the policy environment, use of the pro- sents needless government intervention. Every
gram expands. new unilateral preference program brings with
In testimony a few years ago, the Coalition it a new bureaucracy to implement the pro-
for GSP acknowledged the costs imposed by gram, monitor and report on it, and deal with
rules-of-origin requirements, and how they ongoing concerns. This leads to more regula-
relate to long-term business decisions: tion and more complexity. For example, the
requirement for annual reviews is a time- and
It is not uncommon for U.S. importers resource-consuming activity for the U.S. gov-
to conclude that the paperwork in- ernment and for U.S. and foreign beneficiaries.
volved in ensuring that a product com- It is not immediately obvious that these costs,
plies with the preference program’s combined with the unseen costs of trade diver-
Every rules of origin represents a “cost”—and sion noted above, are outweighed by the bene-
new unilateral a risk if U.S. Customs finds the evi- fits of the program.
preference program dence insufficient—that is not worth Sixth, there is a risk that the existence of
the effort. When the whole cost pack- preference programs sends a misleading and
brings with it a new age is evaluated—purchasing from a ultimately damaging signal to developing
bureaucracy. This preference country with duty savings countries about the source of gains from trade.
but risk associated with demonstrating The programs are a good public relations exer-
leads to more that the rules of origin have been met, cise for the rich countries who employ them,
regulation and versus purchasing from a non-prefer- even as the programs are, as we have seen,
more complexity. ence country that offers less risk, high- structured in a way to pose minimal threat to
er cost (from duties) but better quality powerful special interests at home.37 The ben-
or delivery certainty—the latter sup- efits from these PR moves may be eroding in
plied often wins the order.36 the face of growing global awareness of the dis-
tortions caused by rich country barriers and
The cost-benefit calculation for any given im- subsidies, but the programs essentially send the
porter will no doubt be very different when the message that opening domestic markets to
MFN tariffs are high, and therefore the benefit competition is a generous “concession,” rather
from duty-free imports relatively large, com- than a favor to our own consumers and nation-
pared to a situation when the duty is only a very al interest.
small percentage of the product’s total cost. But Worse, the programs perpetuate the not
in the new era of global supply chains and tight entirely accurate idea that high tariffs are an evil
margins, those costs are increasingly pertinent. imposition of the rich world upon the poor. To
Fourth, eligible countries are still vulnerable be sure, there are significant and damaging dis-
to traps set by other U.S. trade barriers. A recent tortions in the world trading system as a result
example is passenger tires from Thailand. When of rich countries’ barriers and subsidies, and
the U.S. International Trade Commission ruled those distortions are long overdue for serious
in September 2009 that Chinese passenger tires reform. But these are often relatively small com-
were harming the interests of U.S. tire produc- pared to the barriers to trade imposed by poor
ers, President Obama imposed tariffs of 35 per- countries against each other. In reality, many of
cent on Chinese tires. U.S. tire importers started the highest tariffs on developing country exports
sourcing their tires from other countries, includ- are applied by other developing countries in a
ing Thailand, instead. As a result of the increase case of beggar-thy-poor-neighbor.

Table 4
Applied Import Tariffs on Developing Country Exports of Selected Tropical Products,a
2006 (%)

Product Developed countries Developing countries

Coffee, roasted 1.14 22.56

Black tea (packages <3kg) 0.45 19.72
Cocoa beans, raw or roasted 0.00 5.13
Raw sugar, cane 17.76 25.04
Raw sugar, beet 45.67 24.78
Palm oil, crude 2.40 15.09
Natural rubber 0.00 4.05
Cotton yarn 1.10 8.16
Cotton fabric 1.51 13.47
Jute and other textile-based fibers 0.00 6.08
Logs, tropical hardwoods 0.00 5.43
Brazil nuts 0.27 18.97
Soya beans 0.75 20.66
Bananas 10.33 30.45
Pineapples 4.15 23.71

Source: MacMap (2006), table adapted from Sushil Mohan, “Reforming Agricultural Trade among Developing
Countries,” World Trade Review 6, no. 3, Table 6, p. 406.
Includes ad valorem equivalent of specific tariffs, and preferences where relevant. Tariffs are weighted average.

Table 4 compares rich- and poor-world aver- suggest, for example, that countries remaining
age tariffs on a range of tropical products. Only in the GSP have less-liberal trade policies than
in the case of some forms of sugar were devel- those dropped from the program. Moreover, Preference
oped country tariffs higher than those in devel- the greater the export dependence on U.S. programs and
oping countries. Cato policy analyst Marian GSP preferences, the greater the resistance to special and
Tupy noted a similar trend in manufactured trade liberalization.39 Because the political
goods trade, too, and found the average tariff economy of international trade policy is such differential
rates in developing countries are more than that countries often find it easier to liberalize treatment
three times higher than developed countries’ when they do so in concert with others, the
average tariffs. Developing countries also initiate GSP could be seen as part of the Gordian Knot
provisions in
more antidumping actions than do developed in which trade negotiators find themselves. multilateral trade
countries.38 Preference programs and special and Concerns over losing privileged access to negotiations enable
differential treatment provisions in multilateral developed-country markets as general tariff
trade negotiations enable developing country rates come down lead to the somewhat perverse developing country
trade regimes to escape much-needed scrutiny situation of some poor countries being opposed to trade regimes to
and reform. permanent trade liberalization through multilat-
Finally, the broader, more systemic costs eral means. If a country lowers its general MFN
escape much-
imposed on the open global economy should rate of a GSP product from say, 10 percent to 2 needed scrutiny
be kept in mind. There is some evidence to percent, then the benefits of getting duty-free and reform.

Preference access to that country erode (that’s why this countries is to ensure the conditions in those
programs effect is called “preference erosion.”) Prominent countries are optimal for rewarding hard work
trade economist Jagdish Bhagwati calls prefer- and ingenuity, and to enable them to be global-
can encourage ences a “wasting asset” from the beneficiaries’ ly competitive. A recent example is instructive.
countries to point of view.40 Pop singer Bono and his wife started a clothing
Preference erosion pits developing countries line (Edun) to revitalize the clothing industry in
produce according against each other in multilateral negotiations, sub-Saharan Africa. But problems with quality
to the artificial because the same reductions in MFN tariffs that have meant that now about 70 percent of the
signal of prefer- erode beneficiaries’ preference margins may help clothing line is sourced from China. According
their perhaps equally poor brethren in an “out- to a recent Wall Street Journal article, the brand’s
ences, rather than side” country. Developing country groups have owners are realizing that, ultimately, for a prod-
what a free market provided an unfortunate but instructive example uct to compete in the global economy, it needs
in the Doha round: there was significant overlap to meet the demands of the market:
would dictate. between the list of tropical products for which
eight Latin American countries sought especial- Edun . . . launched to great fanfare but
ly rapid and significant liberalization during the quickly ran into problems with sourc-
Doha round talks, and the list of items the ing and delivery. Shipments from
African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States Africa arrived late, and retailers com-
(ACP) wanted shielded from multilateral tariff plained about the clothes’ design and
liberalization because of concerns about prefer- fit, leading to poor sales. Last year, the
ence erosion.41 collection was carried at just 67 stores
Preference programs can encourage countries globally, down from hundreds in 2006.
to produce according to the artificial signal of The “sustainability of the product does-
preferences, rather than what a free market n’t have any value unless the fashion is
would dictate. Certain developing countries were correct,” says Ron Frasch, president and
worried about losing tariff preferences for chief merchant at Saks, which dropped
bananas during the long-running trade dispute the line several seasons ago.43
between Ecuador, which wanted to see lower tar-
iffs on its banana exports, and the EU, under All the preferential access in the world will not
pressure to maintain high MFN tariffs on make products competitive as long as the qual-
bananas in order to preserve the preference mar- ity is not what consumers demand, or the sup-
gins of their former colonies and overseas territo- ply is not reliable. And those sorts of problems
ries in the ACP. The ACP countries argued that can be fixed only at the country level.
bananas were so important to their economies GSP advocate Ed Gresser sums it up well:
that to see those preferences eroded by multilat-
eral liberalization would cause economic devas- Trade policy itself has limits. The best-
tation, and even political instability.42 designed trade policy—preference,
Aside from the irony of countries arguing FTA, multilateral agreement or other
against improved market access opportunities, option—will fail as a development tool
it is worth noting that the ACP countries were without peace and political stability,
more concerned about maintaining their mar- universal education, an effective rule of
ket share in a product in which they were at a law, and functioning internal markets
competitive disadvantage compared to their and safety nets. Here aid can often
Latin American competitors than in diversify- help, but responsibility lies ultimately
ing into other products and services. The EU with the governments of developing
preferences were, in that sense, proving a disin- countries [themselves].44
centive to innovate and diversify.
Ultimately, the long-term solution for the Cato scholar Marian Tupy, writing in the con-
development of markets for items from poor text of sub-Saharan African development, like-

wise points to the crucial role of developing nent, nondiscriminatory basis.46 Moreover, its
countries’ governments: status as a global leader in trade talks gives it a
chance to use its considerable international
Blaming African poverty on forces diplomatic power for good. Encouraging other
beyond the control of Africa’s political big traders, including fast-growing developing
elites takes the spotlight away from countries, to follow the U.S. lead by opening
decades of failed economic policies, their own markets would enhance global growth
wholesale looting of Africa’s wealth, and development and improve the United
and loss of countless lives to political States’ standing in the world.
repression and ethnic conflicts. . . . In At a minimum, the United States should be
order to escape poverty, [sub-Saharan more active in the Doha round of multilateral
African] countries must begin by lib- trade talks if unilateral liberalization is political-
eralizing their trade with one another ly too difficult. An often overlooked but poten-
and with the rest of the world . . . tially valuable part of the Doha round is the
regardless of what the developed negotiations to improve so-called trade facilita-
world does . . . [but] the benefits of tion, which aims at lifting administrative bur-
trade liberalization will be severely dens imposed when goods cross national bor-
restricted unless trade opening is ders. Liberalization in this area could go a long The federal
accompanied by far-reaching econom- way to lifting some of the logistical hurdles to government could
ic and political changes on the African freer trade, many of which are particularly acute give benefits to
continent.45 in developing countries. Countries should and
can do a lot to remove many of these burdens U.S. firms and
Although countless studies have shown the unilaterally, of course, but once again a multilat- citizens and to
importance of free trade and open markets in eral context may help to overcome domestic
promoting prosperity, unilateral preference political resistance to reform.47
some of the world’s
programs offered by rich countries to the poor Given the slow pace of the Doha round, poorest people by
are clearly insufficient for development. That and the urgent need for reforms to the GSP as eliminating tariffs
may at first blush seem discouraging, but the it stands now, Congress can take several steps
positive corollary is that creating the conditions in the meantime to improve the ability of poor on goods of special
for economic development is largely within the countries to develop through increased trade interest to poor
power of developing countries themselves, with the United States. To the extent that
should they choose to seize the opportunity. poorer countries of the world should be grant-
ed special privileges on the basis of their devel-
opment status, solutions exist to minimize the
Recommendations and costs associated with unilateral preferences.
Conclusion If the optimal solution of total unilateral
trade liberalization is not feasible, and if the
It is clear that the GSP is in need of reform. Doha round does not bear fruit, that does not
Product exclusions; anti-competitive limits on preclude more limited reforms that are less
imports that are triggered just when an exporter politically contentious and that don’t require the
becomes successful; outdated eligibility criteria; cooperation of other countries. First, the federal
and complex administrative and customs re- government could give benefits to U.S. firms
quirements all serve to limit the usefulness of the and citizens, to some of the world’s poorest peo-
program to the ostensible beneficiaries and to ple, and to its own international reputation by
U.S. consumers. immediately treating, on a most-favored-nation
Ideally, the United States, as the world’s basis, goods of special interest to poor countries
largest economy and a global proponent of open and low-income consumers. The U.S. tariff code
markets and globalization, should open its mar- is especially regressive in this regard, because tar-
kets to all goods from all countries on a perma- iffs are highest on lower-end goods made by

poor people abroad and consumed by lower- should not, for example, extend to allowing
income Americans.48 In addition, the U.S. developing countries to increase barriers to im-
should grant 100 percent duty-free, quota-free ports that reflect normal market growth.
(DFQF) access to all least developed countries, Third, U.S. farm policy—and that of sever-
immediately. The United States grants DFQF al other large rich economies such as the EU
access presently for only 97 percent of tariff and Japan—has been rightly accused of unfair-
lines. The fact that the remaining 3 percent of ly distorting global agricultural markets.
products are mainly textiles and agriculture, two Developing countries are in some senses cor-
areas where developing countries are relatively rect to feel they cannot compete with the rich
competitive, is telling. AGOA provides some world’s producers or, more accurately, their
access for textiles, but opening up the U.S. tex- ready access to their governments’ treasuries.
tile and apparel market to the more competitive The experience of Brazil’s emergence as an
firms from Asia is, apparently, a bridge too far agricultural powerhouse provides something of
for the U.S. textile lobby and, it must be said, a counterweight to the assertion that develop-
some African LDCs benefiting from AGOA ing countries are forever at a disadvantage, but
preferences. the rich world’s subsidies to its farmers are a
The United States is not alone in limiting its significant barrier to free trade, as well as a fis-
DFQF program. The declaration at the Hong cal affront to their taxpayers.
Kong meeting of WTO trade ministers to pro- Cotton is a common example of how devel-
vide DFQF access “on a lasting basis” to all LDC oped country farm subsidies harm the interests
members upon implementation of the Doha of some of the world’s poorest farmers, and for
round agreements had a get-out clause: “Mem- good reason. A 2007 study for Oxfam America
bers facing difficulties at this time to provide by University of California economists esti-
market access as set out above shall provide duty- mated that the elimination of U.S. cotton sub-
free and quota-free market access for at least 97 sidies would increase the world price of cotton
per cent of products originating from LDCs, by between 6 and 14 percent, increasing the
defined at the tariff-line level, by 2008 or no later household income of poor West African
than the start of the implementation period.”49 cotton-producers by 2.3 to 5.7 percent, or an
That declaration reflects consensus of the mem- extra $46 to $114 per household per year.51
bership as a whole, including some poor coun- Despite multiple clear rulings from the WTO
tries trying to protect their privileged access or that its cotton subsidies were against the rules,
otherwise concerned about increased competi- not to mention injurious to the interests of
tion.50 Regardless of which countries or lobby other cotton exporters, the United States has so
groups are behind the push for thinly veiled tar- far chosen to settle the dispute by paying
The WTO must be geted exclusions and a failure to commit to bind- Brazilian cotton farmers almost $150 million
ing the increased access (as opposed to the vaguer annually. Complying with a WTO ruling by,
vigilant against so- promise to provide it “on a lasting basis”), these essentially, paying a bribe is a shameful blight
called “safeguards”: carve-outs give ammunition to those who con- on the record of a founding member of the
they should not, for tend the world trading system has inherent pro- WTO ostensibly committed to the rule of law
tectionist biases against truly free trade. and an open global economy. Ending cotton
example, extend to Second, and recognizing that “special and subsidies, and those going to other farm prod-
allowing developing differential treatment” for developing countries ucts, is an immediate and significant step the
may unfortunately be with us for a while, U.S. United States can and should take, to the ben-
countries to trade negotiators should endeavor to limit any efit of its taxpayers and poor people abroad.
increase barriers to such treatment in the Doha negotiations (and The long-term solution to development
imports that reflect subsequent trade rounds) to longer phase-in through trade is to open American markets to
periods for tariff cuts or, perhaps for LDCs at goods from around the world on a permanent,
normal market least, delayed implementation. The WTO must unilateral basis. By opening up to trade in a
growth. be vigilant against so-called “safeguards”: they nondiscriminatory manner, the need for dedi-

cated bureaucracies and complex laws is 9. Testimony of Edward Gresser, Democratic
Leadership Council, to the Senate Committee on
reduced. And by making the openness perma- “Finance Hearing on U.S. Preference Programs:
nent, exporting firms abroad can be assured Options for Reform,” March 9, 2010.
that their access to the U.S. market, while not
10. Office of the United States Trade Representa-
guaranteed given the dynamism of the global tive, U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
economy, would at least be on a level playing Guidebook, January 2010,
field with other nations. Those changes would bfm_send/1597.
give American firms and consumers undistort-
11. Daniel J. Ikenson, “Made on Earth: How Global
ed, permanent, and transparent access to the Economic Integration Renders Trade Policy Ob-
most efficient supplier, access that would not solete,” Cato Institute Trade Policy Analysis no. 42,
depend on the changing whims of Congress. December 2, 2009.
12. Office of the United States Trade Representa-
tive, U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
Notes Guidebook, p. 13.
The author wishes to thank Meg Patrick, Doug 13. U.S. Trade Act of 1974 (19 USC 2463[d]),
Petersen, and Garrett Reim for their valuable
assistance in preparing this paper. ment/preference-programs/generalized-system-
1. United Nations Millennium Development Goals,
Target 8.A, 14. Press release from the office of Congressman
global.shtml. Robert B. Aderholt, “Aderholt Authors Bill to Pro-
tect Textile Jobs in North Alabama,” July 30, 2010,
2. United Nations Conference on Trade and De-
velopment website, “About GSP,” http://www.unc id=20&sectiontree=6,20&itemid=1040.
g=1. 15. Testimony of Jeffrey S. Vogt, American Federa-
tion of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organi-
3. Ibid. zations, before the U.S. Senate Finance Committee
4. The list of preferences can be found at the hearing on “U.S. Preference Programs: Options for
Global System of Trade Preferences (GSTP) web- Reform,” March 9, 2010.
site at 16. Testimony of Edward Gresser, p. 6.
____6206.aspx. The GSTP does not strictly meet
the conditions for violating GATT Article I, dis- 17. Letter from R. Bruce Josten of the U.S. Chamber
cussed below, but was granted a waiver by the of Commerce to the Members of the United States
enabling clause (also discussed below). Congress supporting renewal of the Generalized
System of Preferences (GSP) and the Andean Trade
5. The UN Office of the High Representative for Preference Act (ATPA) for Colombia and Peru,
the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked De- September 27, 2010,
veloping Countries, and Small Island Developing issues/letters/2010/letter-supporting-renewal-gen
States, “The Criteria for the Identification of the eralized-system-preferences-gsp-and-andean-
LDCs,” trade-pr.
18. World Trade Organization, “World Tariff Pro-
6. Nonmembers, such as Russia, obviously require files 2009,”
no such permission from the WTO to run their booksp_e/tariff_profiles09_e.pdf.
preference schemes as they see fit.
19. U.S. International Trade Commission, “The
7. Lorand Bartels, “The Appellate Body Report in Economic Effects of Significant U.S. Import
European Communities–Conditions for the Restraints: Sixth Update 2009,” Investigation no.
Granting of Tariff Preferences to Developing 332−325, August 2009, Table 1.1.
Countries, WT/DS246/AB/R and its Implications
for Conditionality in GSP Programs,” http:// 20. “Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States,” 2010 rev. 2,
8. World Bank, Country Classifications, http:// 21. U.S. International Trade Commission, “The
tions. Economic Effects of Significant U.S. Import

Restraints” p. 45. Richard Newfarmer, ed., Trade, Doha, and Develop-
ment: A Window into the Issues (Washington: World
22. The Trade Partnership, The U.S. Generalized Bank, 2005), pp. 213–21; Paul Brenton, and Takako
System of Preferences Program: An Update, prepared Ikezuki, “The Value of Trade Preferences for Africa,”
for the Coalition for GSP, March 2010, www. in Richard Newfarmer, pp. 223–29; Paul Brenton, and Miriam Manchin, “Making EU Trade Agree-
ate.pdf. ments Work: The Role of Rules of Origin,” The
World Economy 26, no. 5 (2003): 755–69; Productiv-
23. Testimony of Eric Norris, FMC Corporation, ity Commission, Rules of Origin under the Australia-
before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agree-
Hearing on U.S. Preference Programs: Options for ment, Productivity Commission, Canberra, Australia,
Reform, March 9, 2010. 2004.
24. Office of the United States Trade Representa- 36. Laura Baughman, Written Statement of the
tive, “GSP: Critical to the United States and De- Coalition for GSP to the United States Senate
veloping Countries,” Fact Sheet, December 2009, Committee on Finance Regarding “U.S. Trade Preferences, How Well Do They Work?” June 12,
sheets/2009/december/gsp-critical-united-states- 2008,
and-developing-countries. GSPCoalitionCommentsFinanceJune12.pdf.
25. Written statement of the Coalition for GSP to 37. The high tariffs on textiles and agricultural
the United States Senate Committee on Finance goods in rich countries is not wholly a result of
hearing on “U.S. Preference Programs: Options deliberately targeted protectionism: agriculture
for Reform,” March 9, 2010, www.tradepartner was not part of the GATT/WTO architecture until 1995 and, as Jagdish Bhagwati points out, develop-
0.pdf, downloaded June 25, 2010, p. 2. ing countries were largely exempt from the tariff
26. Testimony of Edward Gresser, p. 8. cuts precipitated by previous multilateral trade
negotiations, so richer countries concentrated their
27. The Trade Partnership. liberalization efforts in areas of export interest to
themselves (machinery, chemicals, and industrial
28. International Trade Commission Dataweb products other than textiles and clothing). Jagdish
using data from the U.S. Department of Com- Bhagwati, “Trading for Development: Poor Coun-
merce and the U.S. International Trade Commis- tries Caveat Emptor,”
sion. ~jb38/papers/pdf/Economist_June_10_Revised_
Final.pdf, p. 5.
29. Letter from textile and cotton producers to
United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk and 38. Marian L. Tupy, “Trade Liberalization and Pov-
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, September 1, erty Reduction in sub-Saharan Africa,” Cato Insti-
2010, tute Policy Analysis no. 557, December 6, 2005.
39. Caglar Ozden and Eric Reinhardt, “The
30. U.S. International Trade Commission, “The Perversity of Preferences: GSP and Developing
Economic Effects of Significant U.S. Import Country Trade Policies, 1976–2000,” Journal of
Restraints: Sixth Update 2009,” p. 46. Development Economics 78 (2005): 1–21.

31. Office of the United States Trade Representa- 40. Bhagwati, p. 10

tive, U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
Guidebook. 41. “AG: Members Trying to Bridge Gaps on Trop-
ical Products, Preference Erosion,” Bridges Weekly
32. GSP products from all beneficiary countries Trade News Digest 10, no. 18 (May 2006), http:
(including least-developed beneficiaries), http:// //
in-2009-HTS.pdf. 42. “ACP Countries under Pressure to Reach
Banana Deal at WTO talks,” African Agriculture
33. Office of the United States Trade Representa- Blog, July 29, 2008, http://www.africanagriculture
tive, U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
Guidebook. to-reach.html.

34. The Trade Partnership. 43. Rachel Dodes, “Out of Africa, Into Asia,” Wall
Street Journal, September 10, 2010, http://online.
35. Bernard Hoekman, “More Favorable Treat-
ment of Developing Countries: Ways Forward,” in 75478310504593870.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_MID

DLENexttoWhatsNewsTop. php?pub_id=9468.
44. Testimony of Edward Gresser, p. 14. 48. Daniel Griswold, Mad About Trade (Washington:
Cato Institute, 2009) chap. 9; Edward Gresser, Free-
45. Tupy. dom from Want: American Liberalism and the Global
Economy (Brooklyn, NY: Soft Skull Press, 2007).
46. The focus of discussion here on goods trade is
not an indication that services trade liberalization 49. World Trade Organization, “Hong Kong
is unimportant, or that developing countries— Ministerial Declaration,” annex F, para. 36(a)(ii),
new as they are to services trade—could not take December 22, 2005, WT/MIN(05)/DEC, http://
advantage of trade preferences in service indus-
tries. In principle, it should be possible to give _e/final_annex_e.htm#annexf.
developing country service providers preferential
access to the U.S. market. But the nature of ser- 50. “U.S.: Textile groups urge WTO
vices trade barriers—they are more about domestic to review DFQF initiative,” October 2, 2008, http:
regulations and less about border taxes—means //
reducing them would involve many different regu- wto-to-review-dfqf-initiative_id102128.aspx;
latory agencies in a more complex process than for Centre for Trade and Development, “LDCs Are
goods trade liberalization. Moreover, it would like- Disappointed, Not Despondent: Debapriya Bhat-
ly involve a liberalization of immigration policy tacharya,” February 2006,
that unfortunately does not appear to have signif- focus_17.asp.
icant political support. These special features of
services trade liberalization are not excuses for 51. Julian M. Alston, Daniel A. Sumner, and Hen-
inaction, of course. rich Brunke, “Impacts of Reductions in U.S.
Cotton Subsides on West African Cotton Produc-
47. Daniel J. Ikenson, “While Doha Sleeps: Secur- ers,” Oxfam America Research Report, June 21,
ing Economic Growth through Trade Facilita- 2007,
tion,” Cato Institute Trade Policy Analysis no. 37, /impacts-of-reductions-in-us-cotton-subsidies-on-
June 17, 2008, west-african-cotton-producers.

James Bacchus
Greenberg Traurig LLP
T he mission of the Cato Institute’s Center for Trade Policy Studies is to increase public
understanding of the benefits of free trade and the costs of protectionism. The center
publishes briefing papers, policy analyses, and books and hosts frequent policy forums and
Jagdish Bhagwati
Columbia University conferences on the full range of trade policy issues.
Scholars at the Cato trade policy center recognize that open markets mean wider choices
Donald J. Boudreaux and lower prices for businesses and consumers, as well as more vigorous competition that
George Mason University encourages greater productivity and innovation. Those benefits are available to any country
that adopts free-trade policies; they are not contingent upon “fair trade” or a “level playing
Douglas A. Irwin field” in other countries. Moreover, the case for free trade goes beyond economic efficiency.
Dartmouth College The freedom to trade is a basic human liberty, and its exercise across political borders unites
people in peaceful cooperation and mutual prosperity.
José Piñera The center is part of the Cato Institute, an independent policy research organization in
International Center for Washington, D.C. The Cato Institute pursues a broad-based research program rooted in the
Pension Reform traditional American principles of individual liberty and limited government.

Russell Roberts For more information on the Center for Trade Policy Studies,
George Mason University visit

Razeen Sally
London School of Other Trade Studies from the Cato Institute
“A Free Trade Agreement with South Korea Would Promote Both Prosperity and Security”
George P. Shultz by Doug Bandow, Trade Briefing Paper no. 31 (October 20, 2010)
Hoover Institution
“The Miscellaneous Tariff Bill: A Blueprint for Future Trade Expansion” by Daniel Griswold,
Clayton Yeutter Trade Briefing Paper no. 30 (September 9, 2010)
Former U.S. Trade
“Manufacturing Discord: Growing Tensions Threaten the U.S.-China Economic
Relationship” by Daniel J. Ikenson, Trade Briefing Paper no. 29 (May 4, 2010)

“Made on Earth: How Global Economic Integration Renders Trade Policy Obsolete” by
Daniel Ikenson, Trade Policy Analysis no. 42 (December 2, 2009)

“A Harsh Climate for Trade: How Climate Change Proposals Threaten Global Commerce”
by Sallie James, Trade Policy Analysis no. 41 (September 9, 2009)

“Restriction or Legalization? Measuring the Economic Benefits of Immigration Reform” by

Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer, Trade Policy Analysis no. 40 (August 13, 2009)

Nothing in Trade Policy Analysis should be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of the
Center for Trade Policy Studies or the Cato Institute or as an attempt to aid or hinder the pas-
sage of any bill before Congress. Contact the Cato Institute for reprint permission. Additional
copies of Trade Policy Analysis studies are $6 each ($3 for five or more). To order, contact the
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