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The title of the magazine has been placed in the top left hand corner of the left page,

however it has been changed slightly because it’s

been rotated vertically when it’s usually horizontal. The date the magazine was issued is also vertically placed next to the title. Just
next to this is what looks like a picture of a section from a map which has been coloured in black and has a red star placed randomly on
it, this image goes with the title underneath that says ‘rock city’, this title is in a black bold font to match the image and just in front of
this part of the title is the word ‘discover’ which is also in black but it’s a lot less bold and the font is different as it is in italics.
Underneath this section is a small paragraph in relation to this title, the paragraph starts with a large ‘N’ which is the first letter of the
first word in the paragraph, the letter is the biggest and boldest font across the whole double page spread, the paragraph is written
with a black font. Underneath this paragraph is a box with a reasonably thick black outline, this box is titled ‘local heroes’ which is in
the same font as ‘rock city’ although slightly smaller. This box contains a small article but has no lead paragraph as it goes straight into
the article in a regular small black font, some words within this article have been set to bold which shows they are probably names of
artists or references, and there are also some words highlighted in yellow which could also mean the same. At the bottom of this box
is an image that has been designed on a computer programme, the picture contains lots of drawings of different things in different
bright colours which is the first time within the double page spread that bright colours have appeared, other than the red in the logo.
At the top of the right half of the left page is a small black picture of a bottle which goes with the title underneath it saying ‘bars and
clubs’, this is in the same black and bold font as the previous titles, under the title is a picture of a band playing live, the picture is
reasonably dark and gives the impression that they are a rock band, there is a caption in a white font in the bottom corner of this

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