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After morning session I said, ³I am growing older´
You jerked up from bed, your eyes fixed on my face
Broke in ceaseless giggles, then whispered you,
³Twice last night once in morning, you growing bolder
Still the thrilling sensation of your loving foreplay
I feel like gentle spring breeze through open window
Flows over my bare body teasing and tickling
Making me more passionate, restart with speed slow
Now I am all in fire radiating heat enough burning
You now cool me down with your love and churning
I know you can replay the wild morning session
Growing older or younger, time to test your passion´

I really hate metaphors, but what alternative there

To describe you charming beauty, have to pick up a few
I know there inadequacy, language masters know not more
Metaphors are so helpless, describing you they don¶t dare

Your deep sea eyes rose petal lips smooth skin¶s glaze
Blushing tulip cheeks, full bloomed pink lotus breasts
Oceans mighty rage in your heart, clouds play in hair
Nightingales¶ songs play music in your sweet voice
Steps are dancing spring flowing from mountain top
Every morning every night I discover a new you
The slow opening of rose petals sparkling morning dew

My thoughts like gentle spring morning breeze

Rattling torrential shower drowning down pour
Cleaning of the mind as wiping off dust from leaves
Love the gentleness of spring in you, hate metaphor

No choice, to describe you all metaphors charge in

Yet all words fail to describe your lovesome mien

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