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Dear Elena. Today I´ve found some unvaluable books of MusicTherapy and Medecine.

It seems
that kind of a SIGNAL was produced by a disscordant sound, for ex. a shout. Many pregnant
moms don´t care herself nor the newborn during the pregnant´s period of time. Newborns only
tolerate noises lowder 1.000 MHa and preceive up till 24 decibels´sounds. Sorrowly if one of the
parents shouts and quarrell, or the mother carries the nwborn to anywhere lowder noises could
enter inside the womb by penetrating mother´s tissue membranes producing the alteration of
newborn chromosomes (Dr. Gabriel F. Federico et al). Certain chromosomes could´ve mutated
causing Autism. Circa 1957 scientists knew and probed that mainly the neuroblasts (embrionary
nervous cells) were the uttermost radiosensible to Radium attacks, accrding to Nuclear Medicine
´s Studies. Perhaps this SIGNAL is a kind of electro- magnetic´s nature, very different compared
with Radium´s Waves. Both Radium and ElectroMagnetics Waves excites Molecule´s natural
vibrations and this altered molecules alters their correct order in the GEN. Once ceasing the bad
Signal´s influx the GEN has now a different structure compared with the original that it had. Well.
The "bad Signal" has a dissonant tone and it came form the outside -intrauterine´s environment
(we have to talke during the first embryo´s phase. Generally caused by shouts and mother´s fear.
But it might be other kind of out-side noises´founts. We better study and make Tables. So, we
have two elements to find out: 1) The kind of bad signal (studying noises) 2) The melody or
sounds that could reverse by waking up "slept chromosomes" that were be able to restore autist´s
brain hemispheres connection. Looking forward... so long. Prof. Carlos Garay del Moral

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