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Become confident in yourself and more open

to women
Relationship lasted only few months but it changed everything for me. I am so used to being on
my own. My first girlfriend opened me up to being more confident in myself, and more open to

That relationship opened a part of me I had closed off and I am now, not just on the lookout, but
actively seeking and making opportunities for a new relationship.

Show that you care about women whom you're dating

In order to gain healthy and lasting relationships you should become women's friend first. If you
show that you care about them, and not having sex with them, it makes a big difference.

So if you are kind and sincere to women, it will separate you from the rest of the men. That is
how many lasting relationships started off. Partners were friends, and then out of the blue, a
woman would call you to see what was going on. And things should start from there.

How most relationships started - Partners were friends first

Things can't be rushed but don't give up and when you do find someone you will be happy to let
them into your life.

Think of it this way, you have to plant the seeds first. Then let the seeds grow into plants, and
then you can cultivate them.

Start relationship by being their friends with women first.

Bottom line: You can usually never rush into the relationship you want. You have to start
off by planting the seeds. So start that by being their friend. Don't be a clingy friend, just
be there for them.

Sometimes women will fall for you, sometimes they won't. It would probably be 1 out of every
50 women you make friends with that will want anything to do with you. But trust me, its WELL
worth it. For more tips about how to plant the romance seeds, refer to e-books in series “
Relationships: Puzzles and Answers ” :

Get an inside look at what you will learn:

 Show that you care about women whom you're dating.

 How most relationships started - Partners were friends first.
 Start relationship by being their friends with women first.
Dating Advice For Men: What Is Appealing
For A Woman In A Relationship?
I love a woman unconditionally, but I am not attracted to her and I yearn to be in the arms of
someone else. She tells me that she would never talk to me again if I left her, and I believe her,
she doesn't lie about things like that. I couldn't live with myself if she couldn't still be a positive
part of my life.

So I have chosen to stay with her. I try very hard to feel for her the way that I should, but I
cannot. And lately I have been very close with her best friend. If it isn't love, it is definitely a
strong attraction. I feel like I am being torn apart.

How do women act when in love?

There are numerous paths that you can choose to take. However I would make every effort not to
get romantically involved with your girlfriend's best friend. You have the bigger issue of your
existing relationship to deal with and what you want to do with the rest of your life.

You can decide whom to spend it with later on. There are plenty of fish in the sea should you
decide to go down "that path" later on.

How to tell if a woman wants you to approach her?

Firstly you have to sort out your relationship with your girlfriend. Would it benefit her if she
were to be with you even though you no longer love her that way?

If the answer is yes and you decide to stay then seek some help to make this relationship work.
Things between you and your partner don't have to be the way they are now and it may just
require some work on your relationship.

How to pursue a woman?

Bottom line: I suggest you try to keep your emotions for her best friend and think
practically one problem at a time. If you do want to get together later on that is fine but do it
after you have sorted out your issue with your partner.

To learn more about how to tell if a woman is interested, refer to e-books in the series “
Relationships: Puzzles and Answers ” :

Get an inside look at what you will learn:

 How do women act when in love?

 How to tell if a woman wants you to approach her?
 How to pursue a woman?

Do you feel awkward and shy to make

yourself out with women?
I had this approaching problem. I think my biggest headache is how I can handle and make thing
better when I am in front of my friends.

Especially when my friends are couples, I just feel kind of awkward and shy to make myself out,
and I am worried that my friends might give me despise. Sometimes it seems like I am stuck
somewhere, and the girl will not like me.

I assume you mean the kind of fluff talk that you get into when you first get to know someone.
And once you've known a girl for a while, initial fluff talk is generally stuff like "so what did you
do at the weekend?"

How to convey your positive energy to a woman?

Don't over-analyze what to say when you pass her by, just say 'hey, how's it going' but make sure
you are in an upbeat fun sort of mood, and you will convey your positive energy to her.

girls are generally attracted to fun, confident, positive, upbeat people.

Basic principles of male female attraction

You, need to understand some basic principles of male - female attraction. The "nice guy" is the
shy, unconfident, approval seeking, sexually inhibited man who women only ever like as a friend
and NEVER a lover.

The jerk is the man who has no problem meeting women and getting sexual with them, but since
he is an attentive he can't keep a woman. So he will generally only ever attract low self-esteem,
messed up women.

Self-confident men are assertive, fun positive men

Bottom line: Finally there are self-confident men. These types of men are those that are
confident on the inside, happy within themselves.

Other hints: well you'll discover yourself as the story continues in e-books.

They radiate with joy and assertiveness, they got their life together and are assertive, fun,
positive men. For more tips about principles of male - female attraction, refer to e-books in series
“ Relationships: Puzzles and Answers ” :
Get an inside look at what you will learn:

 How to convey your positive energy to a woman?

 Learn basic principles of male - female attraction?
 Learn to act as self-confident, assertive, and positive man.

How to be confident, talkative and flirty

around girls?
I saw a girl that I felt that I was really into and soon she started to grow on me.

She does at times look to be interested and I am sure she is single. How do I make a connection
with her and show her who I really am being somewhat shy and reserved.

Verbalize your interest in a woman

What you need is to be confident, talkative and flirty around women. Ask her open-ended
questions and let her tell you about herself.

Then she will "pick up" on your interest towards her without you actually saying it. That's how
the whole game of seduction works, and if you break that delicate bubble by verbalizing your
interest in her, you're dead.

Pick the opportunity to arrange a meet up with a girl

So assuming she's picked up on your interest, you then need to exchange phone numbers and
arrange a meeting up.

It is usually never a good idea to date a girl from work, because if you break up then you will
have to see each other every day and I'm sure you can imagine how awkward that would be!

Tips to become sociable and talkative with girls

Bottom line: You need to develop some more confidence in yourself, and that starts from
within. Other hints: well you'll discover yourself as the story continues in e-books.

Develop a natural inner confidence that exudes outward to the rest of the world. This will help
you especially in attracting women. You also need to develop your own inner confidence. For
more tips about how to be sociable and talkative with girls, refer to e-books in series “
Relationships: Puzzles and Answers ” :

Get an inside look at what you will learn:

 How to verbalize your interest in a woman?

 How to pick the opportunity to arrange a meet up with a girl?
 Tips to become sociable and talkative with girls

Good flirting is paying attention to someone

in a friendly interested way
There is a woman at work that I am extremely attracted to. We touched hands and I felt this
instant electricity zing through my body which I have never ever felt for anyone else in my life. I
just don't know if I should continue taking it slow and try to get to know her or just forget about
it and move on.

My mind is just so fixated on her that I just don't know what to do. I just feel there could be
something there but that thought is also in the back of my mind to not get involved with someone
you work with.

How to encourage a woman to decide to court you?

You have to act in order to get the things or person that you want. This early period is going to
be quite challenging for you in that if she does decide to court you.

If she decide or reciprocates your feelings for her that you need to be very careful not to become
too entranced or overexcited about her behavior towards you.

Take things slowly and to get to know her better

Once this happens you might get into a state of euphoria whereby you start imagining marrying
her without actually knowing who she is and what she is really like.

I know that it will be hard for you to keep a clear and level head should romance blossom
between the both of you but try your best to take things slowly and to get to know her some

Do your best to make a woman involved

Bottom line: More caution and taking things slowly will benefit you immensely under these
circumstances. Stay being intimate with a woman, until you are certain that she is the type
of person that you want to be with.

If you are sure she is a woman who can fulfill your needs, do your best to make her involved. For
more tips about meeting a woman through a brief contact, refer to e-books in series “
Relationships: Puzzles and Answers ” :

Get an inside look at what you will learn:

 How to encourage a woman to decide to court you?
 Take things slowly and to get to know her better.
 Do your best to make a woman involved.

Become friends gradually: tips to getting

really close to woman
There is a girl who I got attracted to although she's got a boyfriend. I get advice telling me to
take it slow, become friends gradually, get really close with her.

But then there's advice saying the opposite, saying how that thing will lead you to a dead end.
Well with respect to becoming anything more than friends.

Becoming a friend with a woman first - romantic partner later

There could be any number of reasons why a woman would be more open to her ex boyfriend
and his family then to you.

Perhaps her family knows their family quite well, or maybe since they are her boyfriend's friends
that they do not pose any threat to her. By threat I mean push her emotional buttons.

Create a bit of excitement in a growing relationship

Before you came along they had the whole group thing figured out on who was going with who,
who was friends with who etc. When you came along you threw there whole group dynamics
into a spin.

Instead of just being a new passive group member you created a bit of excitement - commotion
by showing a keen interest in her. This sparked a whole series of events that led to you and her
being very responsive and alert to each other's presence.

Progress from initial attraction to infatuation stage in a relationship

Bottom line: In the laws of relationships that would have been the initial attraction stage.
However due to the fact that she had a boyfriend and couldn't really act on her emotions
had she wanted to! She therefore backed off and allowed things to cool off between the
both of you.

You should set your sights on someone who is not already involved with someone else. The
respectful thing to do when you find out someone you like is involved with someone already is
to leave them alone. For more tips about progressing from initial attraction to infatuation, refer to
e-books in series “ Relationships: Puzzles and Answers ” :

Get an inside look at what you will learn:

 How to become a friend with a woman first - romantic partner later?
 How to create a bit of excitement in a growing relationship?
 How to progress from initial attraction to infatuation stage in a relationship?

Accidentally made girlfriend break up with

her old boyfriend
I really like a girl but I accidentally made her break up with her old boyfriend but she still has
some connections with me. How should I approach her now?

Take off burden of being accused of your girlfriend's breakup

If she's a grown and mature person she'd inevitably had to take decision, and not blame their new
love partner for her previous relationship failure,

So it's say it had to be her decision and you'll never have a burden of being accused of her
breakup. The problems with this people tend to play games with their partners.

When relationship ceases - what pushed them over the edge?

It is difficult to know what you did that made you think that you accidentally caused this girl to
drop her boyfriend.

There might have already been existing issues between them and you were just the final catalyst
to have pushed them over the edge, so blaming yourself in this instance might not be warranted.
Don't beat yourself over the head with it.

Try to approach girlfriend but still take things slowly

Bottom line: If the relationship was short and not really serious you could try to approach
her but still take things slowly. Depending on how much you know her what she likes and
dislikes you could try to send her a gift or something later on or just go up and talk to her
and see if you can show her what a good guy you are.

Since you already know her you shouldn't have a problem going up and having a bit of a chat to
her. Just put forward your best foot and go for it! For more tips about how you can show woman
what a good guy you are, refer to e-books in series “ Relationships: Puzzles and Answers ” :

Get an inside look at what you will learn:

 When relationship ceases - what pushed them over the edge?

 How to take off burden of being accused of your girlfriend's breakup?
 How to try to approach girlfriend but still take things slowly
Advice on Pick Up Lines for Guys to Attract
You know several men get it gentle when it gets along to how to pick up older women women.
They don't seem to need to do anything, but women heap to them. What is their mystery? When
men marvel how to attract women, and do the pick up lines used by women with women actually

These are the hardly a guys who have master the artistry of just something women like about a
pick up man. An practiced man should tell you surface with quiet pick up lines to get women but
in reality there is no magic line to say to a women especially the ones you hear now and days.

Learn to tricks to pick up women

Now feeling a little closer and you will find that fascinating men have something in common.
They are entirely in love with life, and following their interests and passions. Additionally, they
are easy to be drawn near.

Think Back the seven measures you need to take to pick up women at gym any woman:

Pursue your passion. Guys who know to master pick up women when now there was a time
when they were good like you typical guys expecting for responds.

Be intelligible and easy to get along. The one fundamental thing that you must always keep
in mind is to treat rejection as your motivating alternatively of the end of the route. This is
the coldest mistake guys ordinarily make when taking with rejection.

How to women like about a pick up man

The worst problem with picking up a girl, is gaining the sureness to come on her. How can you
bait up with a girl, if you don't to the lowest degree try.

Go to where girls are likely to talk to you, and women will be picking you up in no time,
assured. The best approach is to go in with confidence about who you are.

You have to keep in mind that there is nothing more appealing to a woman then a man
who is dependable and dependable about himself. By trying to make up things to impress
her you are actually hurting your chances because she will see right through your lies.

Learn to pick up women

Some sharp guy’s success by living a life which is full of heat. Also, make yourself ready to
hand. The third step in the rule is to go where the adult females are.
Be where there are lots of women, and it is smart for you to be peaching to them. Models
of these places are - gyms, churches and similar.

So draw close a woman with a neighborly attitude and assurance, let her recognize you’re
just being social and looking to see some opposite people.

Even men who are enchanting have troubles drawing girls. To cut through this problem
you really just need to remind yourself, "If she's rude or not interested in me, oh well, I won't
ever find her again", and then propel on to the following girl.

Giving a couple drinks can also help you develop the assurance.

A man needs to really be easy with who he is and what he has to put up a if he wants to be
prosperous in the dating game.

Pick up women at clubs with self confidence

Self confidence is an asset that men must hold or they are unfortunate to betray each and every
time they attempt to pick up a woman.

Most men incorrectly accept that in arrange to pick up women, that women expect a
man to act in a certain way, or the treat them with original care or attentiveness.

The best way to deal with it is to live with it and proceed on plain and easy don't make it harder
than it is.

Be self-confident, be yourself, and look past rejection. Call Back to do this and you will be on
your way on operating the artistic of speaking to women.

Learn how to pick up women in bars

detest guys that move too fast, and will in all likelihood brag you off, making you look
worse than ever. Alternatively, you want to reach her feel cozy, and try on to get her
expressing joy.

One Time you have blabbed for a few seconds and gotten to know her a little bit, then you can
commence flirt and let her experience that you're interested in being more than just
acquaintanceship's. If she flirts back, it means you're doing something good.

Girl always fights and seems nervous and

A girl is always shy around me. I go to talk to her; she doesn't look me in the eyes. Yet she's
always fighting, and she seems nervous or uncomfortable.
I mean I'm a laid back guy in person and I'm easy going...but the girl acts so weird around me
that it actually makes me feel awkward. Anyway, our friendship is online based; now its slowed
down and leveled off. As I could figure out she has boyfriend at the moment.

Dating a girl who has a boyfriend

From what you have described in your post it does not appear that she is interested in anything
more than friendship with you at this particular point in time. Particular since she has boyfriend
at the moment.

A common mistake that guys make when girls talk about “ there so called problems with there
boyfriends ” is that we automatically assume that it is a cry for help and therefore try to offer our
assistance in this matter.

Decipher how girl is feeling about her boyfriend

More often then not this is not required. The girls are just venting out there frustrations and
seeking a willing participant to listen to them. They can make is sound worse than it really is.

So a point for you to note for the next time that a girl rages about her boyfriend, you can be
certain that it is not a true indication of how they are feeling about there boyfriends.

Progressing from friendship into relationship

Bottom line: Unless you see them actually split up then do not assume anything from what
has been said. From the sounds of things your friendship with her is average at best.

She is probably a caring person like you have said but the way that she has treated you some
times leaves one wondering whether it really is worth it. For more tips about coping with
nervous or uncomfortable stage in a relationship, refer to e-books in series “ Relationships:
Puzzles and Answers ” :

Get an inside look at what you will learn:

 Should you be dating a girl who's not over her ex-boyfriend?

 Decipher how girl is feeling about her ex-boyfriend?
 How to progress from friendship into relationship?

How do you express my romantic interest to a

I've been fairly good friends with a girl I used to work with a while ago, but it was just that...
friends, until a couple weeks ago when we started talking. Things seemed awkward and I could
no longer think of anything to say really.
It seems like she is feeling the same way, now each day it seems to be getting progressively more
awkward. I'm not exactly sure what she's thinking but it seems as though she's feeling the same
sense of awkwardness. Is this a natural phase in a relationship, or have I done something to make
it weird or offend her?

Silence among couple is reflective of intimacy

Instead of thinking that your silence is reflective of something negative perhaps you could start
thinking about it as a sign that you are so well attuned to each others presence that nothing much
needs to be said.

Taking into consideration that we are social creatures, I think that you are missing out on a whole
lot of good things by hesitating to interact openly with this girl.

Lack of conversation might be cute too

Whatever happens, try to relax around her and do not let the lack of conversation get the better of
you. The more you think about it the more you could freak out. It will happen eventually, just
give it some time.

It does not take much to say : I really like you and care about you a lot. These few words
combined with your focus on her happiness are more potent than any amount of words that you
can talk to her about.

Let a girl know how much you still like her

Bottom line: Whenever you are unsure about things between the both of you because of an
absence of words make sure that you let her know how much you still like her and care for

If you cannot think of anything else to say to her, at least emphasize this. Learn to focus on
words combined with your relaxation around girls, refer to e-books in series “ Relationships:
Puzzles and Answers ” :

Get an inside look at what you will learn:

 Silence among couple is reflective of intimacy.

 Let a girl know how much you still like her
 Why silence among couple is reflective of intimacy too?

Advices on Mastering Pick Up Lines for Men

to Seduce Women
You know numerous men get it gentle when it gets to how to pick up older women women. They
don't look to necessitate to do anything, but women peck to them. What is their confidential?
When men wonder how to attract women, and do the pick up lines used by women with women
actually work?

These are the hardly a men who have master the art of pick up women insight. An practiced man
should tell you come up with smooth pick up lines to get women but in reality there is no magic
line to say to a women especially the ones you hear now and days.

Learn to tricks to pick up women

Now search a little closer and you will learn that appealing men have something in common.
They are totally in love with life, and following their interests and passions. Additionally, they
are easy to be drawn near.

Remember the seven measures you need to take to pick up women when any woman:

Follow your passion. Guys who know to master pick up women at bars now there was a
time when they were good like you popular men expecting for answers.

Be approachable and easy to get along. The one fundamental thing that you must always
keep in mind is to handle rejection as your motive instead of the end of the route. This is the
widest slip guys ordinarily make when trading with rejection.

How to pick up married women

The coldest problem with picking up a woman, is reaching the self-assurance to come on her.
How can you bait up with a girl, if you don't to the lowest degree try.

Go to where women are in all probability to talk to you, and women will be picking you
up in no time, guaranteed. The best approach is to go in with self-confidence about who you

You have to save in mind that there is nothing more attracting to a woman then a man
who is dependable and true about himself. By trying to make up things to impress her you
are actually hurting your chances because she will see right through your lies.

Quick tips to pick up women

Some spectacular guy’s success by living a life which is full of heat. Also, make yourself
ready to hand. The third step in the expression is to go where the women are.

Be where there are lots of women, and it is natural for you to be speaking to them. Models
of these places are - gyms, church buildings and similar.
So border on a woman with a affable attitude and self-confidence, let her get it on you’re just
being unthreatening and looking to match some different people.

Straight men who are attractive have troubles drawing women. To get over this problem
you actually just to remind yourself, "If she's young or not involved in me, oh well, I won't
ever find her again", and then proceed on to the impending girl.

Giving a couple swallows can also help you acquire the confidence.

A man wants to truly be easy with who he is and what he has to offer a girls if he desires
to be flourishing in the dating game.

How to pick up women at the gym with self confidence

Self self-assurance is an asset that men must have or they are sure to neglect for each one and
every time they try on to pick up a woman.

Most men falsely take that in order to pick up women, that women require a man to play
in a certain way, or the treat them with direct care or regard.

The best way to deal with it is to assume it and move on plain and simple don't make it worse
than it is.

Be overconfident, be yourself, and looking past rejection. Remember to do this and you will be
on your way on operating the art of babbling to women.

Learn how to throw pick up line for women

detest guys that run too fast, and will believably setback you off, establishing you sense
worse than ever. Or Else, you want to make her feel comfortable, and attempt to get her

Once you have blabbed for a few minutes and gotten to know her a little bit, then you can start
flirt and let her recognize that you're curious in being more than just friends. If she toys back, it
means you're doing something good.

Do you feel strong need for commitment and

I've been with a few women in my life and all of them have been disappointments. I'm in a
relationship right now, and I'm doomed for unhappiness with this woman.

The last woman I had relationship with, told me from the start that she didn't like to "limit"
herself to just one relationship. She doesn't seem to be affected by whether I'm with her or not. I
too feel this strong need for commitment and love, but I'm not going to get it from her.

Pressure can mold a personality and make people seem different

Women, are just like every other people. You were kind of making judgment on the girls and I
would just like to point out two quick things.

People may act differently according to social atmosphere. People do things to fit in. Peer
pressure can mold a personality big time and can make people seem different than they actually

Most people love talking about their partners

People don't always say what they mean, and are not always about who they really are. To me
that's part of the fun dating, and even making friends with girls, is finding out what they are
really like, and learning more about them in different situations and different moods.

Most people love talking about their partners so if you can coach it out of them during the
conversation then it will make your job easier in regards to making yourself happy in

How you deal with flaws and insecurity

People can be a drag sometimes, but that is also relative to your perspective. If you're expecting
someone perfect to come along and make your life exponentially better, it's probably not going
to happen.

Girls are just like every other group of people in the sense that they have flaws too. You have
flaws and insecurity, and I'm sure you say and do things that are not always 100% what your
thinking in your head of saying or doing..

Accept other people as they are and try to look for the good in them

Bottom line: Who knows it just maybe fun, more so than you expected, and you may find
someone you REALLY like and it maybe the last person you expected to really like.

Accept and brush off flaws, and you may just find a lot more people affinitive than you thought.
If you don't dig you never know what you might find. For more tips about hoe to deal with flaws
and insecurity, refer to e-books in series “ Relationships: Puzzles and Answers ” :

Get an inside look at what you will learn:

 Pressure can mold a personality and make people seem different .

 How you deal with flaws and insecurity?
 How to accept other people as they are and try to look for the good in them?

Getting involved with a recently divorced

I am interested in this woman and I am having a hard time picking up signs that she is interested.
I noticed that she speaks to my daughter a lot and they laugh together and at first we would speak
to each other but all of a sudden we stopped.

The last time we uttered words to each other was at dinner. We where invited by mutual friends
and she asked me about my daughter. I don't think we will ever get together romantically.
Mainly because I am afraid to open up for rejection and I believe she is too because he has
recently got a divorce.

Need help on signs of interest.

If a woman was into you she would make it known

From what you have described it doesn't appear that this woman is very much interested. If she
did she would have made her intentions known by now.

I don't think that you can mistake her disinterest as fearing rejection or just been recently
divorced. Trust me if a woman was into you she would make it known or at least give you more
clarity in her signals to you.

A woman who is ignoring you is not interested

I think that you have read the signs correctly with her. She doesn't initiate any conversation with
you and when she does she keeps it abrupt and minimal. Do not look for signs from this woman
that she is interested. A woman who is ignoring you is not interested.

Considering that she speaks to your daughter, it appears that she has formed some sort of bond
with her. To make it a point to ignore you, to cut in and speak to everyone but you is outward

Involving with a recently divorced woman - should you take all the bitterness?

Bottom line: On top of everything she's recently divorced, probably more bitter toward
men than a ton of lemons. If she's rude to you now and barely knows you, what type of partner
do you think you'll get? RUN from this situation.

If you have to look very hard for signs of interest, that means they are not there. So what, there
are more fish in the sea. For more tips on signs of interest, refer to e-books in the series “
Relationships: Puzzles and Answers ” :

Get an inside look at what you will learn:

 If a woman was into you she would make it known.

 A woman who is ignoring you is not interested.
 Involving with a recently divorced woman - should you take all the bitterness?
How do you make a connection with a
I saw a girl that I felt that I was really into but saw her with her boyfriend. Soon she started to
grow on me.

I try talking to her but she acts shy and disinterested; and at other times she is happy to see me
especially when I greet her by name. A few weeks ago I built up the courage to ask her out. I was
afraid to ask her out in front of other people.

Best advice I can give you is to be sociable and talkative with everyone. It will depend on how
confident you are as a person, but if you can talk to everyone, then you will be seen as a guy of
value and it won't be surprising if a girl likes you.

Display a sense of fun lightheartedness and humor

Also, when being talkative and sociable, remember to display a sense of fun, lightheartedness
and humor about yourself.

People will then want to be around you and you will give off a positive vibe. Avoid being really
quiet and complaining all the time like many people do. I mean, do you honestly like being
round someone who is negative?

What if you're not sure whether a girl likes you?

If you haven't got a lot of experience in the dating game and if you're not sure whether a girl
likes you, the key is this - ASSUME she likes you and act accordingly.

Basically, if you assume she likes you, and then your attitude and body language will be far more
attractive than if you are constantly thinking "does she like me?" all the time.

Send a message to a girl non-verbally

Bottom line: If you are talkative and sociable, then you also want to flirt with the girl
occasionally, so you can send a message to her making your interest obvious to non-
verbally. Other hints: well you'll discover yourself as the story continues in e-books.

If you just go up to a girl and say "will you go out with me", that is a complete recipe for

For more tips about adjusting your attitude and body language to attract girls, refer to e-books in
series “ Relationships: Puzzles and Answers ” :

Get an inside look at what you will learn:

 How to display a sense of fun lightheartedness and humor?
 What if you're not sure whether a girl likes you?
 How to send a message to a girl non-verbally?

Any woman that I'm interested in seems to

not be interested in me
I'm having a really hard time finding someone and I'm just completely confused. I'm a nice guy,
I'm friendly and I care about people and what not, do girls not want a nice guy?

Any girl that I'm interested in seems to not be interested in me. I like who I am, I really don't
want to change myself but if I can't find someone?

Your happiness should come first

The most important thing that you need to know is that your happiness should come first. You
shouldn't have to change for anybody, no matter how interested you are in them, if they can't
appreciate the kind of person you are, forget them, they're not worth it.

What you have to ask yourself is: Can I be happy with this person?

Will they make me happy?

Do they appreciate me for who I am?

And if the answer for any of these questions is no, then it's best not to start a relationship,
because if you do, then in the end both of you will get hurt.

Widen your social circle and you'll meet the right person

It may seem helpless right now, but when you least expect it, life will reward you. Perhaps it
might just be the crowd you mixed with? Try to widen your social circle and eventually you'll
meet the right woman. Don't ever try to change yourself for anyone.

You must feel good about yourself. If you feel like doing something, ask yourself whether you
are doing it for someone else or for yourself. Do you feel comfortable being who you are right

Feel comfortable and relaxed being yourself

If you feel comfortable with these aspects, then you should stick with it. You must feel
comfortable and relaxed being yourself.
This will allow others to feel comfortable around you and get to know you for who you are.
What if some woman starts to like you when you're pretending to be something else, you'd end
up going back to yourself.

Can't seem to find the right woman

Bottom line: For the situation where you can't seem to find the right woman or the ones
who do like you aren't interested in, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just don't go out
looking for love. It'll come to you. Other hints: well you'll discover yourself as the story
continues in e-books.

One day it'll hit you, and out of the blue you won't even know what happened. Therefore, be
yourself! For more tips about finding the right woman, refer to e-books in series “
Relationships: Puzzles and Answers ” :

Get an inside look at what you will learn:

 Your happiness should come first

 Widen your social circle and you'll meet the right person.
 Guidelines to feel comfortable and relaxed being yourself

Quick Tips to Coming Up with Pick Up Lines

for Seducing Girls
You know many men get it gentle when it comes up to pick up married women women. They
don't appear to necessitate to do anything, but women flock to them. What is their hidden? When
men wonder how to attract women, and do the where to pick up older women with women
actually work?

These are the hardly a men who have master the artistic creation of women like about a pick up
man. An experienced man should tell you move up with quiet pick up lines to get women but in
reality there is no magic line to say to a women.

Learn to pick up lines for women to use on men

Now face a little closer and you will hear that fascinating men have something in common. They
are completely in love with life, and pursuing their interests and passions. Additionally, they are
easy to be drawn close.

Recall the seven measures you need to take to pick up women at bars any woman:

Quest For your passion. Guys who know to master pick up women over now there was a
time when they were only like you popular guys waiting for responds.
Be intelligible and easy to get along. The one central thing that you must always keep in
mind is to handle rejection as your motivation rather of the end of the route. This is the
heaviest mistake guys usually make when trading with rejection.

How to pick up women in new

The biggest problem with picking up a girl, is gathering the confidence to approach her. How can
you hook up with a girl, if you don't to the lowest degree try.

Go to where girls are probably to talk to you, and women will be picking you up in no
time, assured. The best advance is to go in with assurance about who you are.

You have to save in mind that there is nothing more attractive to a woman then a man
who is trustworthy and true about himself. By trying to make up things to impress her you
are actually hurting your chances because she will see right through your lies.

Guide to pick up women

Some bold guy’s success by surviving a life which is full of love. Also, make yourself
accessible. The third step in the pattern is to go where the adult females are.

Be where there are lots of women, and it is normal for you to be tattling to them.
Illustrations of these places are - gyms, church services and similar.

So border on a woman with a intimate attitude and assurance, let her get it on you’re just
being social and looking to fulfill some different people.

Straight men who are enchanting have troubles appealing to women. To get over this
problem you really just to remind yourself, "If she's rough or not engaged in me, oh well, I
won't ever find her again", and then move on to the imminent girl.

Taking a couple swallows can also help you acquire the assurance.

A man needs to really be cozy with who he is and what he has to put up a girl if he wishes
to be prospering in the dating game.

with self confidence

Self confidence is an asset that men are essential own or they are doomed to fail each and every
time they try on to pick up a woman.

Most men falsely assume that in place to pick up women, that women anticipate a man to
act in a certain way, or the treat them with capital care or attentiveness.

The best way to deal with it is to accept it and act on plain and elementary don't make it worse
than it is.
Be assured, be yourself, and anticipate past rejection. Call Back to do this and you will be on
your way on dominating the art of peaching to women.

Learn how to pick up women at gym

Girls detest men that hit too fast, and will in all probability blow you off, working you feel
worse than ever. Or Else, you want to hold her feel comfortable, and try on to get her
expressing joy.

At One Time you have blabbed for a few minutes and gotten to know her a little bit, then you
can set about flirt and let her experience that you're interested in being more than just friendship.
If she teases back, it means you're doing something adequate.

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