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A 52-Week,Randomized,Open-Label,Parallel-Group Comparison of the

Tolerability and Effects of Pitavastatin and Atorvastatin on High Density

Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels and Glucose Metabolism in Japanese
Patients with Elevated Levels of Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
and Glucose Intolerence
Jun Sasaki, MD,PhD ; Yoshihiko Ikeda,MD, Phd ; Tadanobu Kuribayashi, MD,Phd ; Keizou Kajiwara,
MD, Phd; Sadatoshi Biro, MD, Phd; Kyosuke Yamamoto, MD, PhD ; Masato Ageta, MD, PhD ;
Syosou Kobori, MD, PhD; Tetsonuri Saikawa, MD, PhD; Takatoshi Otonari, MD,PhD; and Suminori
Kono, MD,PhD

1.Type of statistical techniques shown in this article:

In the statistical analysis part of this journal stated that the mean difference in percent
change and 95% Confidence interval were calculated.Table I and II confirm that
statement,it shows us the calculation of the mean, standard deviation (SD),95%
confidence interval (CI), and p value as shown below.
Descriptive Analysis:
We know that a study will have a significantly meaning if the p value is lower than level
of significance( in this case a is 0.05).But,if we look up in measurement of TG level in
this table above,the p value is 0.269 which is greater than 0.05. It means this TG level
test has no statistically significant meaning. On the other hand,the p value of HDL-C
level is 0.031which is lower than a(0.05). So we can say that there is significantly
different between Pitavastatin and Atorvastatin in terms of HDL-C Level.
2.The hypothesis testing In this publication given to the reader is independent t test.
They compare two sample,each treated with Pitavastatin and another one with
The formal hypothesis statement :
a. Ho :
There is no difference between Pitavastatin and Atorvastatin in percent change of
HDL-C Level.

Ha :
There is no difference between Pitavastatin and Atorvastatin in percent change of
HDL-C Level.

From the table above,we know that p value is 0.031.This value is lower than
significance level (a=0.05).So we may conclude that Pitavastatin group has
significantly difference with Atorvastatin group which is match with Ha. Here,we
reject Ho(null hypothesis) and accept Ha(Alternative hypothesis).

b. Ho :
There is no difference between Pitavastatin and Atorvastatin in percent change of
TG level
Ha :
There is a difference between Pitavastatin and Atorvastatin in percent change of
TG level.

From the table above,we know that p value is 0.269.This value is greater than
significance level (a=0.05).So we may conclude that Pitavastatin group has no
significantly difference with Atorvastatin group which is match with Ho. Here,we
accept Ho(null hypothesis) and reject Ha(Alternative hypothesis).

c.Ho :
There is no difference between Pitavastatin and Atorvastatin in percent change of
LDL-C Level.

Ha :
There is a difference between Pitavastatin and Atorvastatin in percent change of
LDL-C Level.

From the table above,we know that p value is 0.002.This value is lower than
significance level (a=0.05).So we may conclude that Pitavastatin group has a
significantly difference with Atorvastatin group which is match with Ha. Here,we
reject Ho(null hypothesis) and accept Ha(Alternative hypothesis).

Name : Debora Olivia Gunawan

NIM : 08/273731/KU/12958
Group :7

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