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Congregated Memories

Triple congregation of secular pronunciation,

Through memory cortex of disabled mortal ethics...
Enchant a battle with the dying of who is gifted
It is a previous beam kid, who jumps through hoop of divorced propaganda
That breaks up his morals
It attacks his inner happiness with confusion of who he is
Wanting to die, between a knife fight and a bullet into his temple
He breathes until September, not realizing he is fighting himself
He is blaming you for pushing him into loneliness
Drugs take control of him, as they lead him into other dimensions
That he has never seen before
But other entities are wanting to feed upon his energy
So, they attack his heart without disgrace
He bares a vicious pain upon his skin, as if it was a tattoo stamp
Without a recall of how he got it or what the meaning of it is
Memories of screams and violent attacks between you two
Broke down his happy home, and killed his respect for the opposite sex
He sits in his room, listening to dark rhymes of someone who understands him
Then he starts repeating the rhymes he hears in front of his mirror
Hoping that someone could hear him
He hopes help is close by
But no one hears him, as he still hears you fighting
He looks at the clock
Its 3A.M. in the morning, isn’t that when darkness forces
Themselves into this 3rd dimension?
You opened the gate to something mystic
From your point of view
But in his eyes, it’s all the same
Raping his pure mental mind with dark whippings of soldiers without limbs
The breaking of his heart breaks one by one
It is as if syllables are broken apart using white chalk, upon the green board in a classroom
While the professor spews his comparable diagrams of differences between Christianity and
His heart bleeds for some answers
But if it’s not you, who brings his understanding to a new level
Then he will look elsewhere to gain the next step in his evolution…

Leon Basin

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