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Contents— Overview SECTION 1 BEGINNINGS Section I covers C and assembly, for the 8051 family. It will help to have some previous experience programming. To keep the examples simple, this section uses only parallel ports. Chapter 1 introduces the 8051 microcontroller and sets it in the context of other micros. Chapter 2 describes computer architecture in general and that of the 8051 family specifically. It describes kinds of memory and explains how in- formation travels over a bus, The way the central processing unit (CPU) does math and logical operations is described here. Chapter 3 goes through af! the machine instructions of the 8051 fam- ily. While brief examples are given, the following chapters are the place to learn programming. Chapter 4 introduces assembly language and C. The different kinds of variables and the different types of memory space in the 8051 are described. The chapter covers the logical and arithmetic operations that are important to embedded applications. The precedence of operators is shown in a table. Chapter 5 covers the branching and looping constructs, which are es- sential to any structured programming approach. The idea of structured pro- gramming is explained as well as the ditference between a loop test at the start or end of a loop. vi Contents—-Overviow Chapter 6 gets ito arrays, pointers, and based variables, which are fundancntal to functions (and usually come at the end of a programming course). This chapter also goes into structures, SECTION If FUNCTIONS, MODULES, AND DEVELOPMENT Chapter 7 covers functions and subroutines—the pieces that contribute to modular, understandable programs. This chapter also goes into passing val- ves tw and trum routines. ‘Chapter 8 goes into scope of variables, using multiple files in develop- ing sofware and the mixing of Tanyuages. The modular approach is: no Jonger just a technique for switching to ussembly when a high-level tan- guage becumes tov slow—it is the key 10 well-organized. easily maintained programs, Chapter 9 introduces the “integrated development environment” and software tools from Keil that come with the book. jt shows the development process und then how to sel up the environment so you can type in progeams and have then compiled (or assembled) (0 the final form, There is muteriad ‘on the two monitor programs thet come with the available development boards as well SECTION Sl MULTITASKING TE you ane going to write efficient embedded applications code. you must ure forth on new way of thiaking in which your controller does iwultipte she same time,” This should be the heart of any real-time contcol projects. Chapter 10 imenduces the task and related terms of mubitasking. Chapter 11 introduces the Ger sind inrervupe hardware of the 8051 funily that are the Key to real-time interrupts and most multitasking, Chapter 12 develops a form of multitasking sysiem—the scheduler, I shows how the real-time interrupt makes programming of wuftic Kights sat other cyclic controlfers quite straightforward. Chapter 13 categorizes and describes real-time operating, systems as commnunication between tasks on the same contruler, In addition to the sim- plest methous using flugs aud shared variables, this chapler describes signal- ing, message passing and resource management in the Various multitasking operating systems. Contents—Overview Chapter 14 goes through a specific example showing the plan hardware choives, and the software development. It shows how timers and interrupts allow a sort of mullitasking. SECTION IV APPENDICES AL gives both numeric and alphabetic-order lists of assembly language structions for the 8051. This ix useful if you are hund-disussembling. chine code, A2 covers developiacnt ander DOS as well as deseribing some of the batch files for developing sofware for use with « monitor. AS gives language-switching hints—8085 to 8051 assembly ay well as ANSE-standard C tw C with 8051 extensions, ‘Ad describes hank switching as well us covering the design and use a the two featured development bourds. AS fists all the known vendors of 805 -refated products with current addresses und phone numbers.

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