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In limba engleza sunt doua categorii de verbe:

-verbe regulate -verbe neregulate

Verbele regulate:

Cele mai multe verbe in limba engleza sunt regulate. Ele se conjuga astfel:

Indicativ prezent

I call I do not call

You call You do not call
He calls He does not call
She calls She does not call

We call We do not call

You call You do not call
They call They do not ask

Forma interogativa: Forma interogativ-negativa:

Do I call ? Don't I call ?

Do you call ? Don't you call ?
Does he call ? Doesn't he call ?
Does she call ? Doesn't she call ?

Do we call ? Don't we call ?

Do you call ? Don't you call ?
Do they call ? Don't they call ?

- - - La indiativ prezent, numai prsoana a treia (III-a) singular, verbele primesc un "-s",

celelalte ramanand neschimbate.

- - - Pentru verbele terminate in "ch", "sh", "ss", "x" - la persoana III-a singular va fi


- - - Verbele terminate in "y" precedate de o consoana, schimba pe "y" in "i" si primesc

terminatia "-es".

- - - Verbele terminate in "o" primesc terminatia "-es"

Toate verbele din limba engleza (cu exceptia celor doua verbe auxiliare: HAVE = a
avea si

BE = a fi) se conjuga la formele simple interogative si negative cu ajutorul auxiliarului


Past tense :

La Imperfect si Perfect Simplu verbele neregulate primesc terminatia "-ed".

I called
You called
He called
she called

We called
You called
They called

Forma negativa:

I did not call

You did not call
He did not call
She did not call

We did not call

You did not call
They did not call

Forma interogativa: Forma interogatv-negativa:

Did I call ? Didn't I call ?

Did you call ? Didn't you call ?
Did she call ? Didn't she call ?
Did he call ? Didn't he call ?

Did we call ? Didn't we call ?

Did you call ? Didn't you call ?
Did they call ? Didn't they call ?

Future Tense:

Viitorul in limba engleza se formeaza cu ajutorul verbelor auxiliare SHALL/WILL urmate de

- auxiliarul SHALL - pentru persoana I singular si plural
- auxiliarul Will - pentru restul persoanelor

I shall call
You will call
He will call
She will call

We shall call
You will call
They will call

Forma negativa :
I shall not (shan't) call
You will not call
He will not call

We shall not call

You will not call
They will not call

Forma interogativa :

Shall I call ?
Will you call ?
Will he call ?
Will she call ?

Shall we call ?
will you call ?
Will they call ?

Mai-mult-ca-perfect(past perfect):

M.m.c.p se formeaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar HAVE la trecur (adica HAD) +participiu

trecut al verbului.

I had called
You had called
He had called
She had called

We had called
You had called
They had called

Conditionalul prezent
Se formeaza cu verbele auxiliarele SHOULD/WOULD + infinitivul verbului.

I should call
You would call

Conditionalul trecut :

Se formeaza din conditionalul prezent al verbului HAVE + participiu trecut al verbului

I should have called

you would have called
He would have called
She would have called

We should have called

You would have called
They would have called

Participiu prezent:
Se formeaza adaugand "-ing" la infinitivul verbului.

to call = a striga, a suna -> calling = strigand

Participiu trecut :

Se formeaza adaugand "-ed" la infinitivul verbului

call -> called

Nr. Tense Form Used to express Romana

S + V1
1.actiuni obisnuite repetabile
Do/Does + S +
Present Tense 2.adevaruri general valabile
1. V1 Prezent
Simple 3.repros, constatari
S + Do/does + loc de viitpr- pentru actiuni planificate oficial
not + V1
1.actiuni care se petrec in momentul
vorbirii(now, at present, at the moment)
Present Tense S + To be + V- 2.actiuni temporare(today, this week, this
2. Prezent
Continous ing mounth)
3.repros accentuat aproape de prezent.
4.actiuni oficiale planificate neoficial
1.actiune termiata in moment trecut neprecizat
S + have/has + (lately, just, always, offe, ever, never)
Present Perfect V3 2.actiune terminata in perioada de timp Perfect
Simple Have/has + S + neterminata (today, this week) compus
V3 3.actiune terminata care are legatura cu
actiune inceputa in trecut care se continua si in
S + have/has +
prezent sau al carui rezultat se vede acum in
Present Perfect been + v-ing
4. prezent prezent
Continous Have/has + been
For + perioada de timp
+ S + V-ing
Since + inceputul de timp
S + V2
Past tense Did + S + V1 Actiunitrecute terminate in momentul perfect
simple S + did + not + precizat(ago, last, yesterday, in 1990) compus
actiune trecuta in progres:
Past tense S + was/were +
6. while + timp continuu imperfect
continous V-ing
when + timp simple
Past perfect exprima o actiune trecuta terminata inaintea altei
7. S + had + V3 m.m.c.p.
simple actiuni trecute
Past perfect S + had + been actiune trecutain progres, inceputa inaintea altei
8. imperfect
continous + V-ing actiuni trecute

In limba engleza este foarte important sa stim conjugarea celor doua verbe auxiliare :HAVE
si BE.

TO HAVE = a avea

Indicativ prezent :

I have
you have
He has
She has

We have
You have
They have

Imperfectul si perfect simplu:

I had
you had
He had
She had

We had
You had
They had


I had had
you had had
He had had
She had had

We had had
You had had
They had had


I shall have
You will have
He will have
She will have

We shall have
You will have
They will have

Conditional prezent :

I should have
You would have
He would have
She would have

We would have
You would have
They would have
Conditional trecut :

I should have had

You would have had
He would have had
She would have had

We would have had

You would have had
They would have had

Participiu prezent: having

Participiu trecut : had

TO BE = a fi

Indicativ prezent :

I am
You are
He is
She is

We are
You are
They are


I was
You were
He was
She was

We were
You were
They were


I had been
You had been
He had been
She had been

We had been
You had been
They had been

I shall be
You will be
He will be
She will be
They shall be
You will be
Yhey will be

Conditional prezent:

I should be
We would be

Conditionalul trecut :

I should have been

He would have been

Participiu prezent : being

Participiu trecut : been

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