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Memento (2000)
Director: Christopher Nolan
The film starts with the titles rolling on a black screen with blue writing, it
then shows a picture of the crime scene and goes backwards of what
happened when he took the photo. Then we find out that the man who
took the picture was the one that killed the person in the photo. It
then make the audience want more and find out why he killed the man
and why he took a photo.
Editing: In the title scene they fade the text in an out, then they over lay
the text once the film starts. Throughout the beginning sequence it is
all reversed, which could connote that it happened in the passed.
Then from where it fades to white and the end of the scene it
connotes that it is a flash back, therefore showing it is in the passed.
Sound: They use orchestra music this connotes the intensity of the film,
this carries on throughout the opening sequence, and then it stop
once the man gets the gun in his hand. Then the sound of gun being
thrown, the shooting and the man screaming which is all done in
reverse what sound more eary.
Mise-en-scene: It looks like it is set in an empty room with a white cover
over the window this connotes that the killer is trying to hide that fact
that he just committed a murder. The props they use is a photograph,
a camera, glasses, bullet and a gun.
Camera: The first shot is an extreme close up on the mans hand holding
the photo of the crime scene. This connotes that a murder has
happened and someone is documenting what has happened. Then it
shows close up shots on the mans face with blood on it, this could
connote that he may have been close to the murder to get the blood
on his face. The there was a close up of the camera, this connotes
that he was the one that took the photo therefore he may be a police
officer or someone that documents murders. The it has close-ups of a
bullet, glasses, the back of the victim’s head with blood splatters on
the floor. Then there is a low angled mid-shot of the man with a gun in
his hand, this then connotes that he may have committed the murder.
Then it is a high angled mid shot of the victim being shot.

Butterfly Effect (2004)

Director: Eric Bress and J. Mackye Gruber
Its starts off filming inside an office, and you can see someone walking about on side that
then kicks opens the door. Then he blocks the door and then he hides under a desk and
starts writing into a note pad what was on the desk. It then sounds like he is writing a
suicide note and you can start hearing people looking for him and get him out of the
room. Then the paper he is writing on turns into butterflies and a brain appears with the
Editing: First there is a black background with white text that denotes a theory about
butterflies. Then it fades into the opening scene. There us a few title that come up
whilst the opening sequence Is playing. After the character kicks down the door there
is a lot of fast pace editing to connote that what he needs to do needs to be done
quickly. The paper the man was writing on turns in to butterflies and fades out to
flutters of butterflies wing then into a brain and the name of the film fades in.
Sound: The is a sound that is heard at the very beginning and it sound like a swarm of bee’s
or fluttering wings, this then relates back to the title of the film ‘the butterfly effect’.
There is then a low drumming sound and then a high pitch sound comes in, which
sounds like it is done by an orchestra. The music then keeps going from a low sound to
a high pitch noise the connotes the on edge feeling you get through out thriller films.
The there is a big bang after the high pitch sound to connote he is kicking down the
door, the bang also throws the audience off. Then the is loud drumming whilst the high
pitch noise is still playing, to show the fast pace and still keep the tension.
Mise-en-scene: At first you can see someone walking outside, of what seems to be an office.
There is dark lighting this connotes that the room is empty and that it might be night
time. The actor is walking slowly around the office and then kicks down the door, this
shocks the audience, from where they don’t expect the character to kick down the
Camera: The camera pans from right to left around the office and you can see someone out
side the window walking around. Then once the character closes the door it tracks him
whilst he runs around the room moving furniture. It then goes to a close up of his face
whilst he is writing on the note pad. It then tracks some one out side the window how
is holding a torch, this connotes that people are looking for the man in the room. Then it
goes shot reverse shot from the man writing and the person at the window, this
connotes that there is an intensity from where he is not supposed to be there. Then it
does an extreme close of the writing on the pad.

Gothika (2003)
Director: Mathieu Kassovitz
It starts with the title scenes fading in and out in a light blue colour on a black background. It
then has a voice over of a lady the it fades into a clip of her. The lady is talking about a
sexual experience with who she explains as being the devil, then we find out she is
talking to someone. We then find out the lady killed her step father because he used to
sexually abuse her. This connotes that the lady she is talking to may be a therapist and is
listening to her story to find out why she killed her step father. This makes the audience
find out where they are and if she really did have a sexual experience with the devil.
Editing: The title scene has light blue text which is in capital letters on a black background.
The text zooms out to see the writing then it fades out, this connotes that the film may
be mysterious and ghostly. Then once the title of the film come up you start to hear a
voice over before you see the person.
Sound: It has a deep sound to the music and it sound like a stringed orchestra, this adds
tension in the title scene before the audience meets any of the characters. Then once the
titles are starting to finish a voice over of a woman is heard which echo’s a little bit and
she is slightly whispering. This connotes how mysterious and bitter the women is,
because she has no regret about killing her step father.
Mise-en-scene: It has a dark light, which connotes that where they are there is that much
light, weather it is natural or electrical. There is caging all around the two actors, this
connotes that they must be trapped in where they are having the conversation. The
therapist seems to be dresses very smartly, this connotes that she is doing well for
herself. Whereas the other woman is wearing a dirty baggy jumper, this connotes that she
doesn’t take care of her looks and may be very distressed.
Camera: It starts with a close-up of the woman’s face who is talking, then once we know that
there is someone else with her it starts doing shot reverse shot, this connotes that they
are having a conversation and they are looking at each other face on. They then use a left
to right pan from the back of the therapists heat to a flat mid shot of the two women
sitting at the table. Then it goes over the therapists shoulder and do a left to right pan
whilst having a close-up. It then goes to back and we go over the women’s shoulder
having a mid shot of the therapist, yet again panning left to right. This connotes that they
are surrounded and the camera just keeps circling them. Then it goes over the therapists
shoulder with a close-up of the woman’s face, then it goes to the therapist and it pans
down to her pen, this connotes that she is writing down the woman's progress and how
she is reacting.
Seven (1995)
Director: David Fincher
It starts with a man in his house getting ready to go some where with his things neatly set out.
It then goes to a woman laying dead on the floor, and we then see the man again walking
down a corridor. He then starts looking at a fridge and we find out that he is talking to
someone. We then find out they are at a crime scene because a woman has been
murdered. We then get introduced to detective Milles and find the man at the beginning is
called detective Summerset. Then the body is removed from the house in a white bag on a
stretcher and it is raining outside. The two detective then start walking and detective
Summerset asks why Miller transferred to where he works. This leaves the audience
wonder what is so bad about where Detective Summerset works and who killed the lady.
Editing: Mostly covert editing is used, which is not that noticeable for the audience and makes
it look more realistic. There is no titles in the opening sequence which makes It different
from most thriller films.
Sound: There is Diegetic sound of police sirens and car horns as the background noise, which
connotes he might live in the suburbs. Whilst the man is getting ready the only sound that
is heard is from out side, then once it get to the clip of the dead woman you hear a voice
over of a man telling us what happened, this connotes a background story on what people
heard. Once at they are where the crime took place the audience can hear police radios,
which sets the scene that they are at a crime scene.
Mise-en-scene: It is set in a house and has dark light, this connotes the dark mysteriousness of
detective Summerset. Then it is set in another house with yet again dark lighting. Then it
goes outside where it is brighter than in side both houses, which connotes that the two
character are out of a crime scene. Then the rain connotes a miserable mood so which is
portrayed in detective Summersets voice.
Camera: It starts with a flat mid shot of detective Summerset in his house getting ready it then
goes to a close up shot of the detective doing up his tie and it pans up to his face,
empathising the seriousness on his face. Then it goes to a birds eye view of his stuff neatly
spaced on a table, which connotes he is looking down on them and is very organised and
he picks them up one by one. It then goes back to a close up of his face reflected in the
mirror whilst he was putting his stuff in his shirt pocket. It then goes to a slightly low
angle shot on his coat on the bed, which connotes him bending down to get his coat. It
then tracks him in a mid shot from chest to knees turning off a lamp. The it pans up of a
woman laying dead on the floor from a high angle. The camera then track detective
Summerset down the corridor, which connotes that he is looking for clues on what
happened. Then it does shot revere shot whilst detective Milles and Detective Summerset
are talking. Then it goes to an outside scene where the camera track both of the character
whilst they walk across the road and talk, which connotes that they man be going some
where else.

Director: George Cukor
It starts with a title scene with a gas lamp on the wall in the background of the
titles. It then goes to the streets and you see a man lighting the street
lights. Then it goes to people reading a news paper and it goes to the
headline. Then it goes to people who are crowded around outside someone’s
house and two people emerge not speaking to the people who are outside
their house. A man then goes and turns the gas lamps off in the house whilst
a little girl is left in a horse and carriage on her own.
Editing: The title scene has capital letter whilst overlaid on top of a clip of a
gas lamp on hanging on the wall. This connotes that the film may have
something to do light the lamp in the background. The text also fades in and
out, showing the ghostly and mysteriousness of the film. Once the titles
have finished it fades to black the fades back into the opening sequence.
Sound: it starts with an orchestra playing nice music with a lady singing, the
there is a shocking change in the music and the lady stops singing and it
gets really intense. It then starts to die down and get softer again and then
it fades out. It then has the sound of the horses hover and a high pitch
sound of a string instrument.
Mise-en-scene: It is set in the streets at night with dark lighting from where the
gas lamps aren't very bright. It Is also set in the corridor of the house when
the man turns the gas lamp off inside. Everyone is also dressed up warmly,
this connotes that it must have been cold.
Camera: It starts with an establishing shot of the street, this sets the scene. It
then goes to a high angles establishing shot, showing the horse and cart
and the man lighting the gas lamps. Then it goes a midshot from behind of a
man and woman reading a news paper, then it goes a close up of the main
headline, which informs us about an unsolved murder. It then does a flat
shot of the front of a house with the horse and people outside.

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