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Presentation Transcript

Introduction to OTCEI :
Introduction to OTCEI Created By – Kayyum Shaikh

What is OTCEI? :
What is OTCEI? The Over The Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI) incorporated under the provision of the
Companies Act 1956, is a public limited company. Created By – Kayyum Shaikh

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What are the Functions? It allows listing of small and medium sized companies. The minimum issued share
capital required of a company that wants to be listed on OTCEI is Rs. 3 million and the maximum Rs. 250
million. Created By – Kayyum Shaikh

But, cannot be listed: :

But, cannot be listed: Companies engaged in: Investment, Leasing, Finance, Hire Purchase, Amusement
Parks etc. Created By – Kayyum Shaikh

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Promoters of OTCEI Created By – Kayyum Shaikh It is jointly promoted by, ICICI, UTI, SBI Capital Markets
Ltd., Canbank Financial Services Ltd., GIC and LIC. With and authorized capital of Rs. 10 crore and a paid-
up capital of Rs. 5 crore

Benefits of OTCEI :
Benefits of OTCEI it helps companies raise finance from the capital market in a cost effective manner and
provides a convenient and effective avenue of capital market investment for investors at large. OTCEI’s wide
computerized net work will be spread all over India and will make investment mainframe computer of
OTCEI. Listing on OTCEI is advantageous to companies because of the high liquidity of these securities,
which is a result of compulsory market making, improved access and speed of transactions resulting from
the extensive network of electronically interlinked counters. Created By – Kayyum Shaikh

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Created By – Kayyum Shaikh Thank You

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